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Get the Username of an Inactive Instagram Account


Instagram is one of the most populated social platforms in the world. It has more than a billion users. So getting a username that has not been taken before could be rather difficult. However, most people find the solution by adding characters to the username they want if it is taken. If you do not want to do that, let’s see how to get the username of an inactive Instagram account.

You are creating an account, and you have a perfect Instagram username idea. But when you enter the name, you see that it has been taken.

Your username can contain letters, numbers, and periods. You can add up to 30 characters. However, if you don’t want to add random characters and make the name look unprofessional, you wonder what you can do.

Many users that have the same problem want to contact Instagram about this issue. Especially when they see an inactive account takes the username they want. Now that is not fair, we know, but let’s look at how we can solve this problem.

There are several ways to get the username of an inactive Instagram account. Not directly, but it might be effective. 

Instagram Help Center

The first thing you can do is get the legitimate help of Instagram from the Instagram Help Center. To get an inactive Instagram account, fill out a form called ‘Report an Impersonation Account on Instagram.’ 

There are four different situations for you to choose from according to your problem. You can choose ‘Someone created an account pretending to be a friend or me.’ Then Instagram will ask you for your ID information. After you provide the information and click on ‘Send,’ Instagram will contact you in 24 hours.

Keep in mind that you are reporting an account by doing this. So the info you give Instagram should be 100% correct to justify yourself. 

Trademark or Copyright Username

Many Instagram users had their usernames by getting a trademark for their names. If you can get a trademark for your username, you can report using the same usernames with your copyright. 

If you create content and posts about the username of the inactive Instagram account, it can be closed by Instagram, and you will be able to get that username.

Purchase the Inactive Instagram Account

If you cannot get that username with the tactics above, you can try to purchase the inactive account. If the account is not used, the owner would be happy to sell it. However, getting into contact with an inactive user might be difficult. After all, they are ‘inactive.’ 


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Look at the Profile Information of the account, and you might see the e-mail address or the phone number of the owner. If they are not answering your DMs, try sending an e-mail stating that you want to buy their account. 

Waiting for Deactivation

Instagram tries to keep a clean platform. They try to get rid of accounts that are created by bots or fake accounts. If an account gets inactive for a long time, Instagram might deactivate it. However, the username does not get deactivated, but you can contact Instagram to apply for the username.


Although there is no direct way to claim username of someone’s inactive Instagram account, there are several ways to handle obtaining it. From Instagram Help Centre to purchasing usernames, you can request to get the name you want but it is not going to be easy.  

To learn more about Instagram, please read our articles about it. You might be interested in finding a nice username for yourself or removing an Instagram account.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find my old Instagram username?

Go to your Profile page and tap on the three-lined button on the upper right. Then tap on ‘Settings’ and go to the ‘Account’ section. Look for the ‘Former Usernames,’ and you can find them there.

Why is Instagram deleting accounts?

Instagram can delete or disable accounts for many reasons. They delete inactive, fake and bot accounts. In July 2019, Instagram changed its policy about disabling accounts and will notify you before deleting your account if your account is violating their terms and conditions.

What is an Inactive account on Instagram?

Instagram determines if an account is inactive or not by checking the date of its creation and account activities such as liking, sharing, and commenting.

Why is Instagram not recognizing my username?

There are several reasons for Instagram to not recognize your username, such as typing your username wrong, getting your account blocked or deleted, etc.

What is your Instagram URL?

Your Instagram URL is the combination of the Instagram website URL + your username. For example,

How To Get an Inactive Instagram Username

Instagram usernames are the first impression of someone visiting your profile. You can get creative with them, but sometimes usernames are taken by inactive or ‘ghost’ accounts. These users have mostly abandoned their accounts or are controlled by bots. So what should you do to get an inactive username on Instagram?

It’s possible to get hold of an inactive username, and this article will discuss the multiple ways to do so.

Table of Contents

  1. Methods of Obtaining an Inactive Instagram Username
    • Method #1: Buy the Username
    • Method #2: Message the Owner
    • Method #3: Try Your Luck
    • Method #4: Take the Legal Route
    • Method #5: Try Something Similar
  2. Endnote

Methods of Obtaining an Inactive Instagram Username

These solutions can vary from making legal moves to finding alternatives to similar usernames. Whatever method you adopt, the bottom line is that it is not impossible to get your hands on an inactive Instagram username. Let’s have a look at these methods.

Method #1: Buy the Username

It might be shocking for you, but popular-sounding usernames are actually for sale sometimes! Some users have made a commercial income by generating and selling creative usernames. If that is the case for the Instagram username you’re interested in, you can strike off a deal with the account owner.

However, since this buying and selling is mainly off the record, you should be very careful while dealing with the account owners. On several occasions, Instagram has banned hundreds of stolen accounts with barren activity. In these cases, the owners of these accounts have even been revealed as hackers, so you should be very careful.

Method #2: Message the Owner

If you are lucky, the Instagram username you are interested in most of the time does not belong to a ghost owner. In these cases, you can direct message the owner of the account and exchange usernames or strike a deal.

The limitation of this method is that they might not see your message until after some time if they even get a notification for it. But in these cases, you can look for alternative information, such as their email or any other contact information they might have mentioned in their Instagram bio.

Suppose someone has not included any such information. In that case, you can check for any links to their websites, blogs, or other Instagram accounts.

Obviously, all these methods are suitable for different situations where you might be trying to obtain an inactive Instagram username. So if this method does not apply to your case, let’s look at another approach.

Method #3: Try Your Luck

This method just might be your lucky charm!

Instagram often deletes accounts that have been inactive for a long time. This is not a quick decision on Instagram’s end, but it does happen. These “purges” often occur when Instagram receives many reports or discussions around inactive accounts.

They can also occur randomly, so you should always keep an eye out for the Instagram username you want to take.

Method #4: Take the Legal Route

If you are a patented company or a brand about to launch, you can get a trademark or copyright of the name. You can search online for the methods of getting a patent online.

After receiving the rights to a specific username, you can report the ghost account and get a username for your account. Big businesses already do this, and it’s a successful method of obtaining your desired username.

You can even run a legal violation report against an account that doesn’t give up the username you want. You might have a bigger problem if the account belongs to an active user. Still, if your company is based on a grander scale, you can afford to run an expensive copyright case.

However, the limitation is that you have to be in a position to request a patent. If you’re not, then the following method is undoubtedly for you!

Method #5: Try Something Similar

You can always choose a similar name!

Add an extra syllable, a unique character, or words like ‘official‘ to be in the same ballpark as your desired Instagram username. This works in most cases for all kinds of accounts because you have higher chances of establishing your account versus an inactive one with a similar name instead of the original one.

Since Instagram usernames can be up to thirty characters and contain alphabets, periods, underscores, and numbers, there is much room for creativity.


There are multiple ways to get an inactive Instagram username. If you a large-scale brand, you can opt for legal solutions, and Instagram itself can assist you with the process.

However, suppose you’re a private account or a blog and don’t want to get into the complexities of copyrights or trademarks. In that case, you can change your characters or add something personal like your name, location, or branch of yourself to the username to make it unique.

How to get an inactive Instagram account

Marketplace for Instagram usernames

If you're setting up an Instagram account and thinking about the perfect username that reflects your personality or mission, you may realize that the username is taken by an inactive account. For companies and influencers trying to launch an Instagram presence, having the right username is valuable.

Want to learn how to sell effectively on Instagram? You can get more followers and more activity on your Instagram, and this book shows you how,

If you track your performance, be sure to read our article explaining what makes for a reasonable level of participation on Instagram,

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Inactive an account is an account that has been abandoned or has not been used for a long time. If the account has the username you so desperately need, there's no direct way to get it. But there are a few things you can do. nine0005

Buying an Instagram username

There are many secondary markets where good name owners can sell them for amounts ranging from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

For the most part, the people who make money selling names are those who set up their accounts in the early days and were able to choose the names other users would eventually want.

Sometimes a name becomes valuable because a movie, show, or album comes out, and all of a sudden BigBangTheory goes from being a great account for a physics student to a highly sought-after property. If an account becomes "inactive", you can retrieve the username. nine0005

If you have such a trademark or copyright, you can file a copyright/trademark infringement report and try to claim the name as your own.

If the account is active and frequently used, you may have difficulty with this method.

Obtaining a new trademark is a complex and expensive process, but obtaining copyright is quite simple. Every time you create something original, you have a hidden copyright; You can file a formal copyright registration to cement your legal claim, but a claim is created by the act of creating a work, not by the act of filing a claim. nine0005

Choose a similar username

While it may seem obvious, choosing a similar username is the easiest way to set up an Instagram account. Adding an underscore or a number is simple and effective.

Instagram usernames can be up to 30 characters long and can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. This gives you some flexibility in creating a name that is close to your dream name. You may need to use a little imagination, but everything else should be fairly simple. nine0005

If you are running a business, add the city or location to your name. You can do the same for last names or other given names. This can help keep your brand alive and add a quick local ID that can work in your favor. You can also add a business type to the name.

Big Brand Workarounds

If you're a big business or more established brand, adding "official" or "real" to the end of your Instagram account name might also work. Artists with common names often do this so you can too. nine0005

However, you must be careful when emulating well-known brands. If you create an account for Microsoft Software, this is a legitimate account name - but if you reach a level of success and visibility where Microsoft sees your account, they will shut you down immediately using the same trademarks and copyright protections that I described above. You cannot infringe on other people's protected intellectual property, just as they cannot infringe on yours.

If you're having trouble getting a username, but there are no accounts with that username, be aware that some accounts are configured as private. If so; the username will be unavailable and you won't be able to search for the account.

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Today we will explain to you how to easily claim or report an inactive Instagram username . If we want to report an inactive Instagram user, given that Instagram does not allow you to open a new account, the solution is not provided directly by the app. However, there are other strategic methods by which we can get the user we want.

The important thing is that you don't have to worry because here we will tell you how to claim an inactive user on Instagram. We will go through the various options we have while we wait for this user to be deleted by Instagram by way of claiming that we have our company name . All this gives us many alternatives to achieve our goal.

Wait for inactive users to clear

You can wait for instagram to remove inactive users . It usually does this from time to time, taking into account whether this user has recently had photos on their account, whether they have a large number of followers, whether they have interacted with other accounts via a private message or likes, etc. All this in order to encourage users to be present on the social network, she says in her inactive user policy. nine0005

Accounts are usually deleted after 1-2 years of inactivity. If you want faster results, please contact Instagram Help Center . in some cases this can make the process easier.

This information can also be used when managing your account, don't spend too much time inactive or Instagram will start cleaning you up with accounts it deletes due to inactivity. It's best to avoid this by checking your Instagram account, it's less likely to happen, in addition to having more control over your user. nine0005

Buy owner login

Just because an account has few followers and no content does not mean that its owner is inactive . Many people go through Instagram without the need to have a specific active account, they only look at a few accounts that follow them, or have the goal of spying on someone. If you write to them to buy their account, they may accept and make a good purchase agreement.

There are times when owners can set an additional price if they see your great interest in a user they have, for this you can apply a method that will make it easier to purchase inactive users on any social network .

You create an account with the user you want on various social networks, this will make the user less valuable, and in case the other party wants to use the user, we will make sure that other networks are covered. This is a strategy that can be applied to such situations. nine0005

Claim that you have your company name

This option may be useful if you have a registered trademark. Instagram tends to remove users if content infringes copyright. If yes, then you can get username i nstagram inactive .

In many cases this will be successful: from an active account with interactions, earnings to Instagram and posts, it will be more difficult to get a username. In the same way we leave you here Instagram Help Center where you can fill out form to get your account.

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