How to get a taken name on instagram

How To Claim an Inactive Instagram Username Account

The Market for Instagram Usernames

If you’re setting up an Instagram account and have thought of the perfect username that reflects your individuality or mission, you may realize that an inactive account has the username. Having the correct username for companies and influencers trying to jumpstart an Instagram presence is valuable.

An inactive account is one that a user abandoned or hasn’t used for an extended period. If the profile has the username you so desperately need, there’s no direct way to obtain it, but there are several things you can do.

Can You Get an Inactive Instagram Username?

Claiming an Instagram username can be tricky. Even when another user quits logging into their account, there are some rules and workarounds involved with claiming an inactive account’s username. Instagram users don’t have the option to fill out a form and claim a username; it just isn’t that simple.

Fortunately, Instagram does purge inactive accounts. But, you may not have the time to wait. We’ve included all of your options for obtaining an Instagram username in this article.

Buying an Instagram Username

There are numerous secondary markets where holders of good usernames can sell them for sums ranging from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

For the most part, the people making money selling names are those who staked out their accounts in the early days and had the foresight to pick usernames that other people or businesses will eventually want.

Sometimes, a name becomes valuable because a movie, show, or album comes out. Suddenly, ‘BigBangTheory’ goes from being an excellent account for a physics student to being a highly sought-after property. If the profile becomes “inactive,” you may be able to get the username.

If you choose to purchase an Instagram username, do beware: It’s important to buy a username from a reputable source. In 2021, Instagram banned hundreds of accounts for stolen usernames. Hackers confiscated usernames from innocent account owners and sold them to unsuspecting users.

Finding Their Contact Information

Just because the account is inactive doesn’t mean that the owner isn’t around. It may be that they would be delighted to sell you their old profile. However, getting in touch with them may be the tricky part.

Of course, you can send a Direct Message on the Instagram platform itself. Though, if the person isn’t active on Instagram, there’s a good chance that they won’t see your DM for quite some time if they even see it at all.

You can check the account’s bio to try and get information about it. There are a few things to look for here.

Some people put a contact e-mail address in their bio or even their personal website’s URL. If that’s the case, your quest is probably already successful.

Other people are more privacy-minded and don’t put that kind of direct contact information there. However, they may include links or references to their other social media accounts, such as their Facebook pages or LinkedIn bio. If you have this person’s name, you can always search through different social media sites and message them.

If you have no idea how much to offer, you might look up similar accounts at Instagram account market sites like InstaSale and see the pricing of profiles with similarities.

Will Instagram Delete Inactive Accounts?

Yes, they will delete inactive accounts, although the time it takes for them varies depending on the website’s needs.

For example, purges usually happen at random, or at least they seem random. Often these purges occur at the end of the year.

Wait for an Instagram Purge

If the account you want is genuinely inactive and doesn’t have much or any content on it, there is an excellent chance that it will eventually get purged from the Instagram database. It’s no guarantee, but the inactive account you want may get dropped, and the username will become available again.

Instagram does not announce the schedule for its purges, so you won’t get a heads up to alert you to start trying to grab any usernames on your list. The best way to detect a purge is to follow one of the perennially popular Instagram accounts with a relatively stable follower list and check their follower count daily.

If they have thousands of followers, then at least some of those followers are undoubtedly spam accounts or bots, and a purge will cut their follower list by some non-trivial quantity of users. If your monitored account goes from 9,341 followers to 9,102 followers overnight (and there’s not some apparent scandalous post driving the loss), the odds are good that Instagram did a purge, and some usernames are now up for grabs.

Trademark or Copyright the Name

You can go through the process of getting a patent online. Once the patent gets obtained, you can report the inactive account to Instagram. Although this may take time and an additional expense, this is an option for you.

Many users have reported success by asking Instagram to transfer an account. When you hold a trademark on a name, you can argue that your customers’ existing accounts are confusing. Copyright infringement can be an effective way to obtain your Instagram username.

If you hold such a trademark or copyright, you can file a copyright/trademark violation report and attempt to claim the name as your own.

If the account is active and frequently used, you may have difficulty succeeding with this method.

Getting a new trademark is complicated and expensive, but getting copyright protection is reasonably straightforward. Any time you create anything original, you have implicit copyright; you can file an official copyright registration to cement your legal claim, but the claim is made by referencing the work, not by the act of filing the claim. In other words, you must use the name consistently and prove the damages it could incorporate if someone else uses it.

Of course, you can also report a copyright issue directly to Instagram. Head over to this link on the Instagram website and file a report.

Choose a Similar Name

Although this may seem obvious, choosing a similar username is the simplest way to set up your Instagram account. Adding an underscore or a number is simple and effective.

Instagram usernames can be up to 30 characters long and contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. This specification gives you quite a bit of flexibility in creating a close name to the one you so desire. You may need to use a little imagination, but the rest should be straightforward enough.

Add a city or location to your name if you run a business. You can do the same for surnames or others. This move can help maintain your brand and add a quick local identifier that may work in your favor. You can also add the type of business to the name.

Workarounds For Larger Brands

If you’re a more significant business or a more established brand, adding ‘official’ or ‘real’ at the end of your Instagram account can work too. Artists with common names often do this, so you can too.

You do need to be careful about emulating established brands, however. Suppose you create an account for Microsoft Software. In that case, it’s a legal account name, but if you reach a level of success and visibility where Microsoft sees your account, they will shut you down promptly using the same trademark and copyright tools I described above. You can’t infringe on other people’s protected intellectual property just as much as they can’t intrude on yours.

If you’re having trouble obtaining a username but there are no accounts with it, remember that some get set to private. If this is the case, the username is unavailable, and you cannot search for the account.

Created Account But Can’t log in

Several users have reported that they’ve created a new Instagram account with the perfect username and received the “Sorry, Something Went Wrong” error message. Clicking the ‘Try Again’ option or trying to log in doesn’t work. Unfortunately, the username got taken, and you can’t log in. So what are you to do if this has happened?

  • You can contact Instagram Support, which may or may not be helpful. If you have screenshots of the error message or username, that would be great.
  • Try using a different application or web browser to log into your new Instagram account. This could be a simple glitch with the application.
  • Log in with Facebook and see if your new account shows. Assuming you used similar login credentials, the new account may appear.
  • Wait for a few hours, then try to log back into your Instagram account.

The above situation can be incredibly frustrating when you’ve created the perfect Instagram username and can’t access the account. Trying the tips we’ve outlined may help you regain access.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve included the answers to more of your frequently asked questions in this section.

Does Instagram delete inactive users?

Yes, but after some time. Although we don’t know the exact process, Instagram states that it’s essential to log into your account to avoid a purge. The company does not give time frames for when a profile gets purged.

What can I do if I need help with my Instagram account or username?

Instagram does have a help site that you can visit to get assistance or answers for various things. If you can’t access your account or if someone is accessing it unlawfully, check out the Instagram Help Center.

How long does it take for a username to become available after someone deletes their account?

Instagram has not given us the official word on this. Still, many users have reported they could take the name as soon as the original owner deleted their account. Keep in mind; that the owner needs to permanently delete their account. If you’re trying to buy a username from another user, be sure you’ve obtained the username before sending payment.

Can I request an inactive username?

Unfortunately, Instagram doesn’t exactly give us the green light on requesting usernames. Here is what the company has to say on the subject:

If a username you want is being used by an account that seems inactive, you can choose an available version of the username. You can add periods, numbers, underscores, or abbreviations to help you come up with a username that’s not already in use.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t try, at least. It won’t hurt to contact Instagram and request a username you think is inactive.

What happens to a user name after Instagram bans the original account?

Perhaps you’ve tried a username that does not appear in your search results, and yet, you cannot claim it. You may have tried different variations of the coveted username, and still, you are left wanting.

If the original creator of the username you’re looking for violated Instagram’s T&Cs, Instagram could remove the entire account, including the username, to prevent future use. Although Instagram won’t notify you that the username doesn’t exist anymore, you can try the Help feature to check.

How To Get a Taken Instagram Username

We are living in the 21st century, which is also referred to as the digital age. Social media presence in this digital age is essential for professional survival and personal growth. But when creating a digital presence, due to many users, the usernames we want to take are already taken by other individuals. The same is the case with Instagram. It has become nearly impossible to take your preferred username on Instagram.

This article will let you know how to successfully get a taken Instagram username using the methods mentioned above without getting into trouble.

Table of Contents

  1. Method #1: Buy the Username
  2. Method #2: Contact the Person Holding the Username
  3. Method #3: Copyright the Name
  4. Method #4: Wait for Instagram Purge
  5. Method #5: Add an Extra Word to the Username
  6. Conclusion

Method #1: Buy the Username

One of the most effective ways of acquiring a taken Instagram username is by buying that username in secondary markets. Several secondary markets are available on the internet where the holder of common and most valuable usernames sell the accounts. The price of those usernames varies from hundreds of dollars to thousands depending upon the username you are looking for.

You can check out these markets whether the username you are looking for is available in these markets or not. If you can find the username you are looking for, it is better not to leave it for a suitable amount of money. Trust me; your username is worth the money you are paying. While buying the username, looking for a reputable and trustworthy source is essential to avoid being banned or your account being deactivated.

Method #2: Contact the Person Holding the Username

If you have found an account with the username you were looking for, try contacting them. You can contact them by directly texting them through DM to let them know you want to buy their username. You will get the username if both of you agree to do the transaction for an agreed amount.

Suppose the account is inactive for several days and you don’t get any reply, you can still find some contact information outside the Instagram in their bio, like their Facebook ID, Contact Number, Email Address, or anything else. Reach out to them and buy their username for the amount they ask you to pay.

If the person you are trying to contact doesn’t reply to you on Instagram and has no contact information in their bio. You can always search for their name on other social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or elsewhere. Look for things that match their Instagram accounts, such as their DP or username.

Method #3: Copyright the Name

Suppose the above methods didn’t work for you. There is always an option of getting a patent of the name you want to acquire as a username on Instagram. Getting a patent may take time, but as you get the patent, you can report to Instagram the username used by your patent name. The Instagram team will take some time to complete this process.

This process may take a week or even months to complete. But there are many cases in which the users have successfully acquired their required username through this method.

After successfully getting the patent on your name or your brand’s name, you can easily report against the username copyright on Instagram Help Center. You can fill out the copyright report form and submit it by signing a declaration. The Instagram team will look into this matter and get to you in a few days via email. After a successful examination, the team will grant you the username you were looking for if everything goes as expected.

Method #4: Wait for Instagram Purge

If nothing from the methods mentioned above worked for you, there is still a chance for you to get the username of your choice. But this method only works if the username you are looking for is an inactive account. The recent activities of the account can observe.

Instagram Purge is designed to delete all the accounts that have been inactive for a long time. If the account you are looking for is inactive for a long time, it will get deleted eventually, and you will have the username of your choice.

Method #5: Add an Extra Word to the Username

If you have tried all methods mentioned above but still haven’t got what you wanted, there is only one option left: add a word to the username to have it. It might sound stupid, but it is your only available option. You can add some words that sound natural and can make your account the original one.

Several words like “official” and “real” can be added to your username. Such usernames with “real” and “official” are usually used by people with commonly used names. You can use this method to have the username of your choice with an extra word of Real or Official.


Having an Instagram username that is already taken is not an easy task. It will take a lot of time and money if needed. But in most cases, the people get convinced to provide you with the username that you are looking for without any involvement of a third party if they are paid nicely.

Try out above mentioned methods the way they are described, one after another. Hopefully, you will get the username you were looking for.

How to get an inactive Instagram account

Marketplace for Instagram usernames

If you're setting up an Instagram account and thinking about the perfect username that reflects your personality or mission, you may realize that the username is taken by an inactive account. For companies and influencers trying to launch an Instagram presence, having the right username is valuable.

Want to learn how to sell effectively on Instagram? You can get more followers and more activity on your Instagram, and this book shows you how,

If you track your performance, be sure to read our article explaining what makes for a reasonable level of participation on Instagram,

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Inactive an account is an account that has been abandoned or has not been used for a long time. If the account has the username you so desperately need, there's no direct way to get it. But there are a few things you can do. nine0005

Buying an Instagram username

There are many secondary markets where good name owners can sell them for amounts ranging from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

For the most part, the people who make money selling names are those who set up their accounts in the early days and were able to choose the names other users would eventually want.

Sometimes a name becomes valuable because a movie, show, or album comes out, and all of a sudden BigBangTheory goes from being a great account for a physics student to a highly sought-after property. If an account becomes "inactive", you can retrieve the username. nine0005

If you have such a trademark or copyright, you can file a copyright/trademark infringement report and try to claim the name as your own.

If the account is active and frequently used, you may have difficulty with this method.

Obtaining a new trademark is a complex and expensive process, but obtaining copyright is quite simple. Every time you create something original, you have a hidden copyright; You can file a formal copyright registration to cement your legal claim, but a claim is created by the act of creating a work, not by the act of filing a claim. nine0005

Choose a similar username

While it may seem obvious, choosing a similar username is the easiest way to set up an Instagram account. Adding an underscore or a number is simple and effective.

Instagram usernames can be up to 30 characters long and can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores. This gives you some flexibility in creating a name that is close to your dream name. You may need to use a little imagination, but everything else should be fairly simple. nine0005

If you are running a business, add the city or location to your name. You can do the same for last names or other given names. This can help keep your brand alive and add a quick local ID that can work in your favor. You can also add a business type to the name.

Big Brand Workarounds

If you're a big business or more established brand, adding "official" or "real" to the end of your Instagram account name might also work. Artists with common names often do this so you can too. nine0005

However, you must be careful when emulating well-known brands. If you create an account for Microsoft Software, this is a legitimate account name - but if you reach a level of success and visibility where Microsoft sees your account, they will shut you down immediately using the same trademarks and copyright protections that I described above. You cannot infringe on other people's protected intellectual property, just as they cannot infringe on yours.

If you're having trouble getting a username, but there are no accounts with that username, be aware that some accounts are configured as private. If so; the username will be unavailable and you won't be able to search for the account.

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How to claim an inactive Instagram username

100% meets your desires and needs, but then you realize that it is already being used. nine0005

This is not strange, because the number of accounts in any social network is only growing every day, and unique and good-sounding usernames are already taken. Of course, you can use any username, but you must understand that a good and concise username can be one of the keys to success, so it should not be neglected.

So, you have found that the username you need is already taken. If it is already being used by another active user, then there is almost no chance of getting it, especially if this user is popular. Of course, you can try to buy a username, but the price is likely to be too high and you simply cannot afford to pay such a price. nine0005

However, there is another option: an account with this nickname was once created, but is no longer used. In this case, your chances are greatly increased, and there are several ways that can help you get your desired Instagram username.

In this article, I provide a variety of ways to get the username you want, from the easiest (and cheapest) to ideas that can help you if you really need this username not just for nothing or for aesthetic reasons, but first queue for business. nine0005

Create a name that sounds similar

This is actually the easiest way to get your desired Instagram username.

Of course, this is not the best way, because then you will not get the exact username you want, but consider whether you need it.

I'm not talking about using Instagram recommendations and entering numbers or additional letters after the desired username. I'm talking about more refined things.

For example, you have a brand that sells something and you want it to be featured on Instagram, but you don't have the resources or desire to spend the money and time to get your brand name specifically. nine0005

In this case, you can add the word "official" to the end of your username, or if your brand name is two words, you can simply add an underscore or period between them.

Of course, it does not look so aesthetically pleasing, but then you will not waste time on unnecessary actions and will be able to immediately start promoting your account.

There are many ways you can change your username while still keeping it recognizable. From the word "official" to dots, to an underscore in the middle of a username, front or back. nine0005

This may seem too simple, but I am a supporter of the idea that one should not spend resources where they can be saved. And in this case, this is one of the best ways to do it.

Please wait while Instagram deletes inactive account

Instagram deletes inactive accounts. This means that you can just sit back and wait, and perhaps (but there is no guarantee) your name will become free and you can use it for your needs.

Honestly, I don't like this method. If only because Instagram does not have a clear schedule for when inactive users will be deleted. Moreover, according to the information I could find, they are only deleted when Instagram decides to clean up its database. nine0005

Therefore, we can say that this is a random event, and in this case it all depends on your luck. Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will be the first to register such a username. Therefore, even if you wait, there is no guarantee that you will be rewarded for it.

In my opinion, this makes this approach not very successful. At a minimum, you will have to spend a lot of time every day keeping track of whether your account has been deleted. Therefore, I do not recommend this method, although, of course, it is up to you. nine0005

Register a trademark

This method is much more complicated than the previous two, so it will only work for you if you really want to get this Instagram username for real business needs, and not just want to get a pretty username.

And so you need to register a trademark or patent. Then, when you receive confirmation that the word or combination belongs to you or your business, you can contact Instagram support and ask that you transfer rights to the username of an inactive account. nine0005

Many businesses go this route and succeed, but you should also check a few things as it can cause a lot of problems.

First of all, you need to make sure that such a trademark is not registered in another jurisdiction. Otherwise, you'll just get a counterclaim from the trademark owner, making your case much more difficult.

Secondly, remember that this is a rather long and expensive process, so double check if you really need it, as the resources spent may not be worth it. nine0005

If you decide to go this route, here is the Instagram form you should use to get a response.

Just buy an inactive Instagram account

This is the easiest way if you need the exact username.

And now, your account name is busy, but inactive. In such a case, it might just be a way for the account holder to make some money. There are even businesses where people track trends and sign up for accounts that might be in demand. nine0005

To get started, just write a private message, there is a chance that the owner will read your message and sell you an account.

But what if the owner doesn't read private messages? In this case, you can use other ways to contact him.

For example, Instagram has the ability to make your contact information public, such as your email or phone number. In this case, write an email or send a message to a phone number or messenger (for example, Viber or Whatsapp) with your offer. nine0005

If the e-mail and phone number are hidden, there is still a chance to contact the account owner. In this case, do the following:

  • Use the Instagram Email finder to find the email that was used to create the account ).
  • Check bio for contact information

How to maximize your chances of buying an Instagram account

It's easy. Here are a few tricks.

First of all, never start by saying that this particular account name is very important to you, as you will immediately increase the price of the Instagram account.

Secondly, if a similar account name is not registered in other social networks, then register it. This way the owner won't be able to use it anywhere other than Instagram, this will help to get a lower price for Instagram. nine0005

Third, describe a specific offer with a specific price. This will be the anchor price and the owner is more likely to trade based on it. However, don't try to drop the price too low, be reasonable and evaluate how much you are realistically willing to pay for this Instagram account.

Consider if this is the username you need

In truth, adding an underscore or a period won't hurt your business. So there is no point in trying to get exactly that account name, so be smart. Sometimes it's better to just change the name a bit, but save the effort and put it in a more productive direction. nine0005

The truth is that the username doesn't matter too much. You can be successful even if you don't get what you want, so if you're not going to get it, there's no point in getting hung up on it.

What to do if you can't log into the created account

This usually happens in several cases, and the most common reason is that the account was frozen by Instagram but not deleted.

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