How to get a hashtag trending on instagram

4 Ways to Get Your Post Featured

Getting featured in the trending Instagram hashtags is a big deal. Like getting featured on the Explore Page, it can results in a huge network effect that essentially makes your post go viral on Instagram!

But how do you actually get featured in the trending Instagram hashtags? And what factors does Instagram care about when selecting which posts to feature? Fear not, in the following guide, we explain everything you need to know about trending Instagram hashtags and how to get featured as a “top post.” Let’s go:

What are Trending Instagram Hashtags?

If you’ve ever searched for a hashtag on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed the grid of nine “top posts” that appear at the top of the results page. According to Instagram, top posts appear on trending hashtags “to show you some of the most popular posts that were tagged with that hashtag.” Underneath the top posts, posts are arranged chronologically and are constantly being updated, so getting into the top posts can mean huge exposure for your brand!

Like the Explore Page, top posts are chosen algorithmically based on several factors. While the Explore Page is essentially an aggregation of posts that Instagram thinks you’ll like based on your behavior, when you browse a hashtag on Instagram, every Instagram user sees the exact same top posts!

It doesn’t matter if you’re in Maui or Madagascar, if you get into the top posts for an Instagram hashtag, anyone who searches for that hashtag will be able to see your post. So the opportunity to go viral is pretty huge!

What Makes a “Top Post” on Instagram?

The algorithm behind Instagram’s top posts takes a few things into consideration, including: how much engagement your post receives (likes and comments), the popularity of the hashtag, and how quickly your post receives its engagement.

1. Engagement

While no one knows exactly how the Instagram algorithm works, we do know that Instagram favors posts that get a lot of engagement, meaning that if your post receives a ton of likes and comments, it’s more likely to feature in the top posts of a trending hashtag.  

Check out the search results for the hashtag #stayandwander. Most, if not all, of the top posts have over 3,000 likes and 40 comments! The same is true for #throughthepines, which is significantly less popular.

Even #sweetdreamsdlf, which has just 65,600 posts (compared to the 2.3 million posts on #stayandwander), generates top posts in the range of 500 to 3,500 likes.

2. Hashtag Popularity

Here’s an experiment: Open Instagram on your desktop or mobile device and search for a popular hashtag (like #thehappynow). Look through the top posts until you find one that used other hashtags as well. Click on one of those hashtags and then look through the top posts on the hashtag’s page. Did the original post also make it into the top posts for that hashtag? Try again with a different hashtag. Same result?

What this shows is that if you use multiple hashtags in your posts, you can trend for some of them, all of them, or none of them—and all of this depends on how popular the hashtag is. Super-popular hashtags can be very competitive, so unless you can generate thousands of likes in just a couple of hours, your chances of getting into the top posts are pretty slim.

Also keep in mind that the larger the hashtag, the more quickly the top posts are refreshed. For a large hashtag like #finditliveit, it’s unlikely that you would stay in a trending spot for more than 24 hours. But for smaller hashtags, like #pinkobsessed, you may be able to remain trending for a day or two (or more)!

The takeaway: Use a mix of popular hashtags and less popular hashtags to increase your chances of being featured in the top posts!

3. Engagement “Growth Rate”

At the end of the day, top posts are all about what’s trending—not what’s most popular. So even though the amount of engagement you get is really important, it’s slightly less important than how quickly you get that engagement, or, in other words, the “growth rate” of your engagement.

For example, a post that gets 500 likes in 2 hours has a better chance of ranking in the top posts than a post that gets 5,000 likes over 24 hours.

This isn’t a perfect science—there are a ton of other factors to consider. But the bottom line is: If you want to get into the top posts for a hashtag, speed is of the essence. It doesn’t matter if your account has 5,000 or 50,000 followers, so long as your post’s engagement growth rate is higher than everyone else’s.

This is actually kind of a blessing in disguise. Why, you ask? Because for most accounts, it’s a lot easier to get 500 likes quickly than it is to get 5,000 slowly. If all Instagram cared about was the amount of likes a post gets, then only the biggest accounts with the most followers would have a chance of making it into the top posts for a hashtag. The growth rate component levels the playing field and gives an opportunity to smaller accounts to get featured in the top posts.

How to Get Featured in the Trending Instagram Hashtags?

1. Pick the right hashtags

The first step is picking the right hashtags to trend for. If you’re an account with 10,000 or less followers, you’re much more likely to get into the top posts for a smaller, highly-targeted hashtag like #fashiongoals than you are for a massive hashtag like #instafashion.

Remember that the relevance of your hashtag is much more important than how popular it is. Rather than just adding random hashtags (#sunset, #girl, #cali) to your photos, find what hashtags are killing it in your niche! This way, you can connect with other creatives in your industry and develop personal relationships.

2. Generate a ton of engagement

Once you’ve picked the right hashtag, you need to focus on getting as much engagement on your post as quickly as possible. And one of the best ways to do this is to schedule your Instagram posts for when your audience is most active on Instagram.

If you post when your audience is most active on Instagram, you’re more likely to drive engagement on that post. That engagement will translate into Instagram bumping your post higher up on users’ feeds, which, in turn, will result in even more engagement on your post. It’s a cyclical process: higher engagement leads to more visibility, which leads to higher engagement, which leads to more visibility… and it all starts with when you post on Instagram.

If you want to boost your chances of generating a ton of quick engagement on your posts, find out what your best times to post are, and then use a free tool like Later to schedule your Instagram posts in advance! 

start scheduling instagram posts

3. Use 3-5 “big” hashtags on your post

If you want a shot at getting into the trending Instagram hashtags, you also want to include 3-5 “big” hashtags that are less targeted but generate a lot of likes and comments. Some examples are #instagood, #photooftheday, and #vscocam. These “big” hashtags should still be relevant to you, but they should have a ton of posts and a high amount of engagement (lots of people searching for them).

For example, if you’re a fashion brand, you could use some big hashtags like #stylediaries, #whatiwore, and #lovethislook, and then some more niche hashtags that are relevant to your specific post.

4. Create a call-to-action (CTA) in your caption

It’s hard to say what the Instagram algorithm favors more: likes or comments. But in any case, generating a ton of comments on your posts is important if you want to get featured in the trending Instagram hashtags. That’s why we can’t stress enough the importance of including a call-to-action in your Instagram captions. It’s great way to inspire your followers to engage with your account in the comments section and spend more time viewing your post—which could also be a factor that Instagram takes into consideration when selecting the top posts for a hashtag!

To create a call-to-action on Instagram, you just need to ask your followers to do something after reading your caption! You can ask them a question about what they’re up to this weekend, or what they think of a new product, and tell them to leave their answer in the comments.

Getting featured in Instagram’s top posts is a great way to get your brand noticed by new viewers—and it’s a lot easier than it seems! You just need to focus on executing your Instagram hashtag strategy while boosting your engagement by posting great content when your followers are most active!

Ready to jump-start your Instagram engagement? Later makes it easy for you to plan, manage, and schedule your Instagram posts!

start scheduling instagram posts

6 Easy Ways To Find Trending Hashtags On Instagram Today


Hashtags are a popular trend on social media platforms, especially Instagram. Hashtags create a niche-specific collection of categorized Instagram posts that can easily be searched and even followed by Instagram users. In addition, they are a tool that assists marketers to better understand their consumers interests. Hashtags are an important component to improving rankings and visibility for brand content on social platforms all while gaining a specific audience of followers.

In this article, we will cover the benefits of hashtag use on Instagram, the most effective way to find trending hashtags on Instagram, and how to have hashtags trend on Instagram.


Karina Gandola

Published on


If you are a Twitter or Instagram user, you definitely are aware of the popularity of using a hashtag. As a business, however, you may not be as familiar with what benefits a hashtag can provide for your brand. Hashtags are truly an integral part of digital marketing. Here’s why:

  1. Branding and Visibility

Fundamentally, the biggest benefit to using hashtags on Instagram are branding and visibility. Hashtags are an opportunity for your business to expand an audience and increase brand awareness. This can occur in two ways. First, when a user searches your brand they will see hashtags you are using. And second, when they search a specific hashtag, they’ll see your branded posts in the relevant results. This optimizes the brand awareness and the visibility of content.

  1. Competitor Research

Instagram hashtags are a benefit when it comes to checking out the competition and determining your own brand strategy. A business can use hashtags to gather research on competitor accounts, posts, and hashtag use. This information can then be used to gauge audience interest and what is working with your consumers. Competitor hashtag research will also help your business stay on top of the constantly changing hashtag trends on Instagram.

  1. Promotion

Hashtags are a huge benefit when it comes to promotion of a campaign. It’s the Instagram version of word-of-mouth. A business can post about a promotion with a hashtag, followers pick up on it using the same hashtag and it can spread like wildfire as more and more users use the hashtag. Hashtags create visibility among your target audience and connect you with followers.

  1. Embed Hashtags On Your Website

A lesser known benefit of Instagram hashtags, but one that should be mentioned for businesses, is by embedding them on your website. A business can embed Instagram hashtag feeds directly into their website, collecting and generating additional content from followers and customers about your brand. The feeds are engaging and grab website traffic’s attention quickly. This can lead to longer visitor time on the website and increased engagement and customer retention. It will also add unique content to your site that builds trust with the user.


Trending hashtags on Instagram are constantly changing. It can be challenging to stay on top of the hashtags that are most relevant and effective for your brand. Here’s an in-depth list of 6 effective ways to find trending hashtags on Instagram.

  1. Research Hashtag Trends Using Instagram

The most effective way to find Instagram hashtags that are trending is by using the app. Write down a list of niche phrases and words that describe your brand. Using these keywords, start researching on Instagram. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap on the search icon (bottom of the screen)
  2. Type in the key phrase from your niche list in the search area and then tap Tags
  3. If the photos on this list are similar to what you are posting, it’s probably a good match.
  4. Check out the “Related” section of hashtags that are located directly above the photos and write them down. You can also use these terms to see if they are a match for your brand and how many posts are using that particular hashtag.
  5. Another way to use Instagram is to scan the posts of successful influencers in your niche and write down what hashtags they are using. 
  1. Find Trending Hashtags Your Community Already Uses

To make Instagram hashtags effective, you want to pick the ones that fit with your niche. The more relevant your hashtags are to a specific audience, the more traction the posts will receive. 

  1. Take a look at the posts that are already happening in your community. What hashtags are being used with the content?
  2. If there’s a trending pattern, take advantage of it.
  3. Check out what the competitors are posting. What’s working for their content? Use the same hashtags that are already creating visibility.
  1. Review Instagram’s Explore Page

Instagram’s Explore page provides posts and reels that are driven by the content you are interested in. The Explore page uses an algorithm based on your interaction with the app and selects content that is relevant. Everybody’s Explore page is different.

A user can manually search for hashtags on the Explore page. These hashtags are note-worthy since content that makes it to an Explore page is usually aligned with trending Instagram hashtags. Write down the hashtags that you see numerous times and use them in your own content.

  1. Use A Social Listening Tool

This type of tool is a great way to find trending Instagram hashtags. A social listening tool essentially takes note of keywords that are used all over the web. Depending on the tool or tools you choose, you can quickly come up with a list of hashtags that are trending. Here are a few popular ones currently.

  1. Task Ant– You simply enter a keyword in their search engine and it shows you all of their hashtags associated with it. It will also give you an in-depth analysis of each hashtag so you can determine if it is a good fit for your niche.
  2. RiteTag– This tool is a comprehensive tool that suggests trending and popular hashtags based on the content you post. It will use the image and caption of the post to put together a list of hashtags. An added bonus is it is simple to use!
  3. Tagstagram- This tool will allow you to find and copy trending Instagram hashtags based on either a keyword or a specific category. Although some hashtags are more generic with this tool, it is a quick process without a ton of research.
  1. Use a Hashtag Suggestion Tool

There are two ways that you can use a hashtag suggestion tool. 

The first is the autocomplete feature in Instagram. Using the Instagram search engine, begin typing a keyword. The search engine will show you similar hashtags and other popular hashtags. These hashtags are from the accounts that you are following. Just make sure when you are using autocomplete that you are not choosing hashtags with millions of posts, your post could be lost in the crowd.

The second is by downloading a suggestion app. There are options, but one that I have found useful is Later. The app will make suggestions for hashtags based on the content of your post and for ones commonly used in your industry. You simply type a hashtag into the search bar and hit “Suggest”. The app will sort the generated hashtags by relevance for you! Again, be cognizant of how many posts are in the hashtag category to ensure your content isn’t swallowed up.

  1. Use Instagram’s Tag Search Tool

As discussed in the above numbered item, post volume matters when it comes to finding the best hashtags. To keep your post from being lost among the masses, check the hashtag volume using the tag search tool.

To do this, access Instagram’s tag search tool on the Explore page. Review the hashtags that are similar and would fit with your niche. If the hashtag has hundreds of thousands or even millions of posts in the category already, opt for another hashtag that works with fewer posts. On the flipside, you would not want to use a hashtag that only has a couple hundred posts because no one is searching for it. Using the tag search tool is a great way to discover new niche hashtags that you are not aware of. 


Having a trending post on Instagram is not as easy as it may seem. Instagram has an algorithm that takes into consideration several factors before it catapults your post to the top of everyone’s page. The algorithm reviews things like number of comments and likes, how popular the hashtag is, and how fast your post receives audience engagement. 

Trying for a trending hashtag on Instagram? Try these quick tips to optimize your results!

  • Pick the correct hashtag for your post. The hashtag should be relevant to the content that you are posting. Make sure that you are connecting the hashtag with your specific niche. You will want to choose a smaller hashtag versus a longer hashtag because they tend to have more staying power.
  • Make a call to action. Get your audience involved with re-posting the hashtag by asking for a comment using the hashtag. You can even have followers respond to a question you pose on the post by using the hashtag.
  • Tag an Influencer in your niche. You can create momentum for a hashtag by bringing in reinforcements in the way of influencers. Create a post that ties in an influencer or two and tag them in the post. Hopefully, they will take note and boost your trend by using the hashtag or sharing it.
  • Add the hashtags before publishing the post. Instagram will not position or review the algorithm for your post in the same way if you add or remove hashtags after it has been published. To optimize your hashtag positioning within Instagram, make sure the hashtags are present before posting.


Hashtags are used across a variety of social media platforms and have become a strategic part of digital marketing. It is important to remember that hashtags can help your business with visibility and branding. Whether you are looking to grow your audience or launch a new product, hashtags have a place in your social campaign. There are a number of ways to effectively use hashtags to attract people to your brand and raise consumer’s level of engagement. 

In this article, we took a closer look at the benefits of hashtags on Instagram, ways to find trending hashtags on Instagram, and how to get a hashtag trending on Instagram. If you want to be visible on Instagram, hashtags are a surefire way to make it happen.

how to get to the TOP + Wow-chips

The classic idea of ​​website promotion looks like this: “This is when you drive in the phrase “buy Syzran wallpaper” and my website is at the very top.”

Experienced specialists understand that now the conversation has turned to SEO promotion. And you won’t believe it, but Instagram also has a kind of SEO, using which you can attract subscribers to your account. And that's... Instagram hashtags.

What is it and why

If you are an active user of Instagram, you have seen a large list of blue words written through the bars (written as #) at the end of user posts.

Clicking on any of them will take you to a page dedicated to this word with a list of publications in which it is mentioned. Those are the hashtags.

By the way, I highly recommend our article. There we told everything in detail what we needed and how we appeared.

What is a hashtag and what does a business need it for

But let's get back specifically to how hashtags work on Instagram. So let's go.


In short, hashtags on Instagram are a special thematic tag that groups the content of different users into one group. That is, in fact - keywords, thanks to which you can find publications on Instagram that suit you.

Important. Next, you will learn a super-method for selecting the most popular hashtags on Instagram, but first we will learn the basics so that logical relationships form in our heads.

Why do we need

The correct use of hashtags will help attract people who are interested in this topic to your page, that is, in fact, your future customers. All that remains is to sell them your product / service correctly. But this is a topic for another article.

1. Rules for adding hashtags

It seems that you don't need a lot of mind to write hashtags on Instagram. You take the words that fit the meaning and write in a row. But if you want to get the maximum, then you should still know the basic rules of how to put hashtags on Instagram correctly.

  1. Write hashtags in Cyrillic and Latin. But remember, when using English words, you begin to compete with the whole world, and not just in Russia;
  2. A hashtag does not necessarily represent a word. It can also be a phrase. For example, the phrase “favorite Instagram” can be written as #favoriteinstagram or #favorite_instagram. From this follows the third rule...
  3. Spaces or special characters cannot be used. Hashtags can only be separated by an underscore (_). And in rare cases, using numbers and emoji;
  4. Write a series of hashtags separated by spaces. This looks more aesthetically pleasing and is perceived by Instagram not as spam;
  5. The maximum number of hashtags in one post is 30. If you write a lot of hashtags, the trick will fail and Instagram will either cut them or simply post posts without text at all.

Chip. Where to put them? You can write hashtags in Instagram comments, more precisely, in the first comment, and not just in the post.

They will also be ranked. The quantity is the same - no more than 30 pieces. Below I will tell you how you can use it for your own purposes.

2. Types of hashtags

Remember I wrote that hashtags are keywords? The most interesting thing is that they, like keywords in contextual advertising and SEO, are distributed by frequency.

True, Instagram does not allow you to view the frequency of a particular hashtag. But it is possible to see how many publications are issued by hashtag separately. This is how they are divided:

  1. High-frequency - from 100 thousand publications;
  2. Medium frequency - from 10 to 100 thousand publications;
  3. Low-frequency - from 500 to 10 thousand publications;
  4. Rare - up to 500 publications.

To make it more clear: here is an example of a high-frequency, that is, a very popular (read hackneyed) hashtag:

High-frequency hashtags
3. Types of hashtags

And to complete the lecture part, I’ll also tell you that hashtags are divided not only into types according to the frequency of their mention, but also into the types of their use:

  1. Spam hashtags (for example, followme ) . Used to collect likes or followers. They give little effect. Use them sparingly and carefully;
  2. Geo-hashtags. Hashtags mentioning the city/region/country. If you have a local business, be sure to use them;
  3. Content hashtags. They are relevant to the content of the post. Mandatory to use, as they will bring targeted visitors;
  4. Trendy. Used to increase account activity. However, you need to use trends close to the business;
  5. Branded. Required hashtags by which your buyers can recognize your posts. In fact, this is your signature on Instagram;
  6. Rubricators. Used to navigate within your account. And also for promotions, contests, sweepstakes and more.

Important. Do not use ready-made lists of the best hashtags. They tacitly refer to the type of “Spam hashtags”, since there are almost no living or adequate people according to them.

Which hashtags to choose

Ideally, your key task, if we are talking about the right approach to doing business on Instagram, is to assemble the semantic core of your future business profile along with the content plan for Instagram. Optimally, it should be 100-150 hashtags, close to what you do and what you will advertise on Instagram.

As an advertisement

And right away. If you want to collect only popular hashtags in the hope of always being on top, then I can upset you. This will not give the desired effect, since either bots or people who themselves want to sell something “scam” them.

Therefore, when forming the semantic core, be smarter and collect an equal number of high-frequency, mid-frequency and other types of hashtags.

This will increase your chances of attracting customers, not fake pages.


How to find hashtags? This can be done in three popular ways (bypassing spam lists of the best hashtags): manually, by “withdrawing” them from competitors, using special programs and services. I still recommend using a service where everything is already thought out and there is analytics - Instatag.

Its charm is that the hashtags are sorted by directions and there are even special classifiers like “hashtags for likes”. All you need is to go to the service and select the hashtags that you need.


Do not forget to carefully study our article. There we have collected the best services to promote your Instagram account!

Instagram promotion services: the best to be in the top


Instagram is one of the few social networks in which hashtags play a significant role.

And that's why experienced marketers, advertisers, and people of related professions are so actively using them and teaching how to do hashtags on Instagram correctly.

But either they themselves do not fully understand Instagram algorithms, or people do not attach any importance to this, when using hashtags they make a lot of mistakes. Which negatively affect the promotion of their pages:

  1. Many hashtags. Often, business accounts post a lot of hashtags in the hope that it will drive traffic. But unfortunately, the more hashtags, the more you turn the system against yourself, signaling that you are a spammer;
  2. Lots of popular hashtags. Another error. It is better to post hashtags like #stretch ceilings_vologda than just #stretch ceilings. The number of likes will be less, but there will be more customers;
  3. The same hashtags. This is a strong signal to Instagram that you are a spammer. The punishment can be very severe. In each post, change your hashtags, and release some without them at all;
  4. Closed page. Very often people try to write hashtags on a closed page. This is a completely useless exercise, since hashtags on closed pages are not ranked by Instagram.

By the way, there can be 2 types of punishment for incorrect use of hashtags: complete deletion of the account (the worst) and “shadow ban”, this is when you see your publication, but the subscribers do not.

Shadow ban: signs + how to get out

In general, punishment is an extremely rare phenomenon, but I was obliged to warn.

Different approaches

If we are talking about the classic hashtag scheme that most users use, then it's just to write a list of all the words that come to mind and are more or less relevant to the posted publication.

This certainly has an effect, and little by little traffic will be attracted. But there are smarter approaches to put them more efficiently that I recommend using.

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1. Improved version

Beforehand, you prepare hashtags for each post in the amount of no more than 20. The ideal number is about 10. And at the end of the post, highlight them in a separate block from the text. Readers will perceive this more loyally for the perception of the main text.

Improved version

2. Native version

In the text of the post itself, you need to place several hashtags (preferably 2-4), scattering them along the entire length.

The remaining 7-10 hashtags, you post in the first comment. This is how we kill 2 birds with one stone: it all looks beautiful and users go inside the post to look at the comment.

Native variant

3. Bomb variant

The main task of hashtags is to attract traffic to the site and help the publication to reach the TOP or up the user feeds.

Therefore, you can use the following trick, which is called the “like bomb”. In the post itself, you publish 30 hashtags, in the first comment 30 more.

At the start, this will give a small but increase in likes. In addition, do not forget that you need to “give impetus”, that is, boost likes and comments with the help of special services, for example, TmSmm,

Two moments. After a couple of days, don't forget to remove most of these hashtags, leaving only low frequency ones. Otherwise, Instagram will impose restrictions on you as a spammer. The second point - do not repeat such a thing often. Otherwise... you know the punishment.

Bomb version

Briefly about the main thing

That's all. To be honest, I gave away almost everything I knew.

Hashtags are a good way to attract customers, if used correctly, and not mindlessly stamped, attracting people who work through mass liking.

All that is required of you now is to apply all the knowledge gained in your Instagram account. And then, do not stop and constantly work on updating them, because today you are doing well, and tomorrow your competitor is also doing well, and the overall effect is not the same.

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The most popular hashtags on Instagram: everything you need to know

There are many theories about popular hashtags on Instagram: how they work, increase reach and help promote your account. We’ll tell you how everything really works and how to work with hashtags, select tags for a post and analyze effectiveness.

What are Instagram hashtags

A hashtag is a word preceded by a # symbol that acts as a link within a social network. Users use hashtags to mark posts related to a particular topic. Sometimes personal hashtags are created to separate the posts in the account into different categories.

On Instagram, you can put up to 30 hashtags under one post. All subsequent words simply will not work as hashtags, but will look like plain text.

Hashtags can be placed not in the body of the post, but in the comments. The main thing is that this comment is left by the owner of the account.

It does not matter how much time has passed between the publication of the post and the addition of hashtags. But if the hashtags are added much later, the post will not reach the top for them: this is greatly affected by the speed of gaining likes, and for old posts it is low.

There are also hashtags in stories. They work on the same principle as hashtags in an account: when clicking on a tag, the user goes to the feed with other publications where the same hashtag is used.

Why Instagram hashtags are needed

Hashtags solve several problems: from contest mechanics to account promotion.

  1. Sort photos by subject

Initially, hashtags were invented to determine the topic of publications: it is really convenient to find all posts about food in one click. And now Instagram hashtags work that way, especially on people's personal accounts.

  1. Create rubrics

Bloggers or brands write about different topics. So that posts in one account do not mix, they use personal hashtags with a category designation, for example: #mashaest, #mashasport, #mashatravels original).

  1. Help run a contest, giveaway, sfs

Without hashtags, most contest mechanics would be impossible. By hashtags, the organizers find participants and determine the winner.

  1. Group UGC content

Brands find publications with UGC thanks to hashtags. Users post reviews, photos from establishments, shots of products on their personal pages, but at the same time indicate the brand hashtag. With the help of the hashtag, the company finds this content and can react to the publication or use the author's post on their page.

  1. Attract new people to the account

Users find new accounts through hashtags and like or follow the account.

  1. Help find clients

In some areas, unspoken rules have been formed for publishing hashtags, through which you can find the accounts of people or companies of interest to you.

For example, nail salons and private masters indicate the hashtag #manicure NAME OF THE CITY (district, metro station). Customers know about this and search for a service in the right place using hashtags.

What is a shadowban

This is a myth. For several months, the topic of the shadowban has been very relevant for marketers. According to the theory, Instagram bans for some tags, and the account does not appear in the search results for them.

Instagram support denied this information. Representatives of the social network explained that the algorithms for generating hashtag results are very complex and not all posts, in principle, can get into this feed. Therefore, sometimes (rarely) the post is not shown by the hashtag, but the point is not at all in the shadow ban.

However, there is a blacklist of hashtags: they are associated with prohibited topics (violence, swearing, sexual content). They are prohibited from being used.

How to get to the top by hashtags

Being in the top 9 posts for a popular hashtag on Instagram can bring additional likes, reach, and sometimes followers.

Hashtags are conventionally divided into:

High-frequency - more than 100,000 publications.

Medium frequency - more than 50,000 publications.

Low frequency - up to 50,000 publications.

Depending on the size of your account, choose the appropriate type of hashtags. Hundreds of factors affect reaching the top by hashtag, but the main one is the speed of a set of reactions under the post.

  1. Select the tag you want to rank for.
  2. Look at the current top: how many likes are on the posts and when they were published.
  3. If your account usually gets fewer likes in the same amount of time, choose a less popular hashtag.
  4. Set a time to post when your audience is active (via Instagram stats or more advanced with, details below).
  5. Post with a hashtag.

An easy way to get to the top of a popular hashtag on Instagram: Stories with this tag are also displayed in the hashtag results. In them, the competition is lower than in the tape. Try to get into the collection of stories.

Most popular hashtags on Instagram

Users search for the most popular hashtags on the social network. There are millions of posts with these hashtags. They have a common theme, for example:

#love #instagood #me #tbt #cute #follow #followme #photooftheday #happy #beautiful #selfie #picoftheday #like4like #instagramanet #instatag #smile #friends #fun #fashion #summer #instadaily #igers #instalike #swag # amazing #tflers #follow4follow #likeforlike #bestoftheday #l4l

As you can see, most of the hashtags on Instagram are aimed at mutual activity. Once upon a time, users could honestly reply with a subscription to users who posted the #follow4follow hashtag. But now you will only collect mass followers and mass likers. These hashtags are not suitable for popularity.

It is impossible to reach the top for such hashtags, and you will quickly fail in the general feed. They only give autolikes from users who are set to post with popular hashtags.

Why do you need it? What will the most popular hashtags on Instagram give you? You may get more likes. But this is activity from irrelevant accounts, most often commercial or bots.

There is a way to get to the top of thematic hashtags , thanks to the use of popular hashtags without cheating.

  1. Post with 30 popular hashtags.
  1. After 5-10 minutes, delete these hashtags and put thematic, low-frequency ones that will remain in the post forever.

This scheme does not look like an example of competent promotion, whether to apply it is up to you.

How to find popular hashtags on Instagram

Services for selecting hashtags

Popular tags are published on different resources - there are a lot of them in Google search results. You can find collections in apps like MyTager.

Instagram recommendations when searching

Start typing a hashtag in the Instagram search bar and the social network will suggest similar options.

Does account promotion through hashtags work?

The scheme to get likes only for the correct words in the signature looks attractive, but this method is outdated. Some users believe that popular hashtags on Instagram will help them promote their account, but in practice it turns out that they receive only a few dozen likes (and this is not a bad result) from irrelevant accounts.

Whether popular hashtags are suitable for you to promote your Instagram account, you can only find out by experience - test the effectiveness of different hashtags.

Users do not search for information on thematic hashtags, new accounts are found in the “Recommendations” section. Getting there is a separate challenge. The list of recommended publications is individual for each user. It is affected by what the user likes, comments and saves.

How to find thematic quality hashtags

Use no more than 5-10 hashtags per post. Choose hashtags that are relevant to your account. To find them, refer to the accounts of competitors. See what hashtags your audience is using.

Come up with hashtags yourself - define the keywords for your account. Keep in mind that Instagram doesn't differentiate between word declensions, so nouns must be in the nominative case.

Do not use overly long phrases, because spaces do not work in hashtags and it looks sloppy.

How to put hashtags on Instagram

Just like in the real world, Instagram has its own unspoken rules of communication. In order not to look stupid, stick to the rules for posting hashtags.

  1. A hashtag is a word, not a phrase.

#Don't #write #sentences from #hashtags. This looks messy.

  1. Do not use other people's personal hashtags.

Make sure that if you are not just not the hundredth #waving, but also not the second, so as not to confuse your subscribers and the subscribers of the hashtag author who took it first.

  1. Remember that hashtags are read too.

And #super #cute #sexy #girl will confuse your friends and colleagues.

How to analyze hashtags with Popsters

Popsters analyzes posts with hashtags from any Instagram account. Using hashtag analytics, you can find out which hashtags have the most influence on the activity and reach of publications. See your statistics, statistics of your competitors or any accounts you are interested in.

To start the analysis, find the account using the search bar. Select the date range you need and click the "Upload" button.

On the left is a section with graphs.

The following indicators are of particular interest here:


The graph shows the number of posts with a certain hashtag for the given period. This indicator counts the number of hashtags used in publications, finds the most popular hashtags in the Instagram account.


The graph shows the average ERpost for posts where hashtags are used. This graph will help you evaluate the effectiveness of contests or categories.

Relative activity by hashtags

The ratio of average activity in publications with certain hashtags to regular publications.

Search by hashtags with criteria

To find posts of a certain type that contain a hashtag, select "Search by hashtags" in the search bar. Enter the hashtag you are interested in and a set of parameters: "+has:audio", "+has:video", "+has:photo", "+likes:100".

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