How to get 30k followers on instagram

30 tips to Instagram growth and success for 30k followers - Blog

I recently hit 30,000 followers on Instagram after years of working on the platform. I love creating content for Instagram and working out new ways to grow and succeed, so here are 30 tips to help you grow your followers and engagement.

I’ve written various tips and tricks about what I’ve learnt on Instagram, but now I’m highlighting 30 things… let’s see how this goes!

  1. Enjoy what you’re creating, if you don’t enjoy it it will seem a chore and that will show when you post.
  2. I’ve always preached engagement, and we will get to that, but recently I’ve found the real key to growth is regular posting. Posting more often has caused me to have a huge spike in growth.
  3. It helps to set up your account as a creator account, this gives you some really useful insights on your content.
  4. Use your insights to see what works well and what doesn’t.
  5. Use Instagram Reels to create a different medium of content for your followers.
  6. Use a consistent filter to create a visual theme for your photos that ties everything together.
  7. Make sure your bio is littered with key words and offers an overview of what people can expect from your account.
  8. Follow accounts you love!
  9. You don’t have to have a niche, but by picking one it will certainly help you target your account towards certain audeinces.
  10. Put time into the platform, Instagram wants you to spen time on it and it will reward you for doing so.
  11. Engage regularly with other accounts by commenting and liking on their photos.
  12. Make Instagram friends, this honestly makes me love the platform so much more, but it also gives you a group of people to ask about Instagram things.
  13. Use your captions to write engaging stories for your audience to get involved in.
  14. Save images you like to go back to for future inspiration.
  15. Post to your Instagram Stories daily, use them as a backdoor to your account.
  16. Try out different hashtags, you never know when one might hit the sweet spot.
  17. If you’re noticing a lull in growth, take a look at your most popular posts using your insights and try to create something similar for a quick boost.
  18. Mix up your photos regularly to see what could be popular.
  19. Use questions in your captions to encourage engagmenet.
  20. When you post a new photo go to the photo you posted a day before and tap the heart on each comment, this will put you at the top of the users.who interacted’s notifications tab and they may come and check out your latets post.
  21. Try posting at different times of day to see what works best.
  22. Include some part of you (ideally your face) in your profile photo, this is stastically proven to perform better.
  23. Share your latest posts to your story to remind people you’ve shared new content.
  24. Stay topical, be aware of current events to use in your content if applicable.
  25. Try tagging locations in your posts if your sharing content from a popular spot, this will help you increase your reach.
  26. Create the content you enjoy seeing yourself.
  27. Include a mix of popular and niche content, for example in the case of Bookstagram post a mix of popular books and also niche smaller books
  28. Learn to love yourself because some of the best content on your stories involves your face!
  29. Keep pushing through the negative times in the algorithm, it’ll always turn around but you need to be there to see it.
  30. And finally, go into your Instagram account knowing it will take time. This isn’t a quick thing and doesn’t happen over night. I’ve said it that you need to put time into the platform but you also need to be patient and not expect instant growth.

I did it! I some how pulled 30 tips out of my brain. I hope you find these useful going forward when it comes to growing on Instagram!

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How to Get 30,000 Followers on Instagram without Spending a Fortune – Splento Blog

Want to get more followers on Instagram? There is a great number of simple tricks and hacks, that can help you stand out from the Instagram crowd and make you more popular on this meteorically fast growing social network. They are easy to use and very helpful in practice.  Here are some of them.

  1. Connection to Facebook

One of the easiest and quickest way to start your whole Instagram experience is to initially connect it to your Facebook account. It will automatically search for all of your existing Facebook friends, who are already using Instagram, allowing you to follow them and, thus, letting them know that you joined Instagram community. It won’t get you thousands of followers (unless you have thousands of Facebook friends), but it is a good bonus and quick boost to your followers list.

  1. High quality photos

No doubt, that the KEY to your Instagram success starts with quality of your photos, which will get you those likes, comments and, obviously, new followers. As Instagram can be justifiably considered the most visual-focused social network in the internet, it is highly important to keep the quality of your images on the top level.  In order to make your photos more attractive and eye-catching, you should take into account such aspects as good lightning and using professional cameras and lenses. The first tip is arguably easy to follow as the day light with the combination of camera settings is available to everyone and will help your photos to look amazing. The second option requires special (and sometimes very expensive!) equipment, which can become a little bit problematic, especially for newbies. That is why Splento is here for you to help.

Splento  is a new startup that launched in London last year, but has already become the leading platform for hiring professional photographers. Its model is focused on quick, professional, affordable photography — like other services that a customer needs fast, but without spending a fortune. Splento’s list of accredited photographers will give you a wide choice of those who may perfectly fit with your needs and thus help you to achieve exceptional results. High quality photos will enable you to be in front of other pages, boosting your popularity and getting attention of your prospective customers. This, in turn, may attract the attention of other Instagram pages, who will do a shoutout of your page (using your photo and tagging you in the comments section).

  1. Like photos on other people’s profiles

To be become noticeable, you have to make other users aware of your existence, which can be easily achieved through attracting their attention with one tool: LIKING THEIR POSTS. This little action will make them go and check your profile, which may later on make them your follower (if it turns out that you are of any interest to them). When others like your photo, they boost your popularity and, thus, make your account appear on the explore page. Keep that in mind!

  1. Follow other people

If you want to grow your followers, you need to follow others. Following is a quick and easy way to get other people follow you back. Always start with following your competitors that are closest to your account. Following others make sure that they have an active account and engage actively with various followers. If their followers engage with them as well, then it’s the right account, and you can learn a lot from the profile owner.

  1. Hashtags

Hash-tagging is a very powerful tool to set and control all the discussions around your page or your posts. The more hashtags you use, the more Instagram followers and engagement you’ll get.

Charlotte Parham, Senior Account Manager from Exposure Communications, says “Hashtags not only highlight the key features of an image to the Instagram community and increase the chance of your photo being discovered by other users, but using the correct hashtag can help you identify your audience on a commercial level. For Exposure Communications, where we are more often than not talking to the event industry, the most identifiable hashtag for the events audience is #eventprofs and there are similar well-known hashtags used for other industries. Doing your research about which hashtags are commonplace and appropriate in your industry could make a huge difference to the amount of followers you have and significantly increase your visibility on the platform.”

See also how hashtags can help you get people share your event on social media.

  1. Exchange shoutouts

As it was previously mentioned, some users may do you a favour and exchange a so-called ‘shoutout’ – a very popular type of co-promotion. So, basically, you are advertising them, and they are doing the same for you. If you found an Instagram account with similar content, or you suppose that yours has any relevance to theirs, you can simply reach them via email, or simply send them a direct message and ask for a shoutout, which can bring evident advantages for both of you.

  1. Run contests

Another way to speed up the process of getting more followers without much work is launching a contest. The idea behind it is pretty simple: to compete for the prize you put there, followers may simply have to like and tag some specific number of their friends in the comments under your photo. Or they can repost any of your photos with the nice comment promoting your account, which will create awareness about your Instagram page within their circle of users. It is a very simple and simultaneously a very productive way of achieving your goal.

To sum up

In conclusion, it is important to remind everyone, who is considering becoming an Instagram superstar, that, first of all, you still have to keep the best in you and just be yourself. In attempt to reach popularity one may lose their individuality or, even worse – become dependent on all these likes, comments and numbers, which have no real connection to real you. At the end of the day, it’s not just a visual platform that allows you to show off your creativity, but a social network in the first place. And by social it suggests socialising with others and having fun.

These tricks might seem extremely easy, but if you try to bring them to life on a regular basis – you will see a tremendous effect!

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How to get followers in 2022 on Instagram: from 0 to 10,000

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As practice shows, the first 10,000 subscribers are the hardest to get. The reason is simple: people are reluctant to subscribe to little-known pages. But nothing is impossible. We have collected 14 tips for you to help you grow your profile from scratch within a year.

#1 Join mutual PR groups / Liketme

How can a little-known page quickly gain followers? Join mutual PR groups, this tactic is best for promoting new accounts.

It works like this. A group of participants is recruited, after which everyone sends a link to their post. All members of the group like and comment on each other's posts, thereby increasing the reach. When there are a lot of likes and comments under your post, it arouses the interest of other people: they want to see what is there.

Sounds nice. But. There are many groups for mutual PR and on various topics, for example, about travel, fashion, etc. To attract your target audience, join such groups on the topic of your page. And to keep the attention of new subscribers, you should also subscribe to them.

This is a short-term strategy for developing a page from scratch that will not increase sales, but will increase brand trust and awareness.

#2 Repost someone else's content

To promote his store, Nicole Martins Ferreira, an SMM specialist, started using the Repost for Instagram app to repost other people's content.

One of these reposts got 52,862 views, 1,264 comments and 9,147 likes. It was a big hit, Nicole didn't even have 10,000 subscribers at the time. But remember, according to Instagram policy, you need to request permission to repost from the author of publications. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting banned.

Why reposts of other people's content, and not publications of your own? Newbies don't have such good content, and reposting - what could be easier?

What content to repost? Use hashtags to find the most popular posts, share the ones that got you the most engagement. This is the simplest and most effective strategy for beginners.

#3 Ask followers to share photos

It's much easier to promote your Instagram page if you have a product or service that your customers share on their profile. If you post content with your customers, it will increase your social security and credibility.

If you haven't had any clients yet, you can contact an influencer (blogger) that suits your niche and order a review of your product. It is better to choose bloggers who have about 5,000 subscribers. Such accounts have a much lower cost of advertising and a more engaged audience.

You can also offer cooperation. For each completed sale through a referral link, you pay a commission to the blogger.

If you already have clients, you can ask them to tag you in their story or feed in exchange for a gift or a discount. Once you have enough clients, you don't have to ask anymore, they will tag you for free.

#4 Create a consistent style and stick to it

Yes, sounds like " blah blah blah " . Let's figure it out.

Often people subscribe not because of the published content, but because of the anticipation and the ability to predict what your next post will be.

Let's say you run a corgi page and post cute pictures and videos of him every day. Users who come across your content may notice that you always have cute corgi photos. They will subscribe and start following your page, waiting for new cute corgi posts.

Sticking to a single style or theme is more than a branding game. We are talking about the psychophysiological component of emotions: the expectations that your existing and potential subscribers create. They want and expect to see more content of the same type or style every day.

By sticking to a consistent style, you build confidence and trust in your brand, which in turn helps increase your following.

#5 Use hashtags

Many social media experts recommend using 5 to 11 hashtags. Don't be afraid to ignore such advice!

Start experimenting with hashtags and eventually you'll figure out which ones are right for your brand.

Why not use 30 hashtags? You can add all these hashtags to the first comment under the post, which few people will see.

Is your goal to increase coverage? Then this is the easiest way. With hashtags, your posts will rank higher for keywords, which increases your reach.

If you want to reach your target audience, then you should avoid generic hashtags like #love or #life, use niche hashtags.

#6 Use location tags

Increase your reach with « Location Tags » , it indicates the city or place where the video or image was taken.

If your business is in a specific city, you can use these geotags to make it easier for people to find and follow your Instagram account.

Locations have their own feed, stories and hashtags - use this sticker and your content will be automatically added there.

#7 Start blogging

Do you have a blog? Start running it on Hashtap or Yandex.Zen.

You can add links to your YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook accounts to your blog post. The more people who read your blog, the more likely they are to go to your social media pages and follow.

This is more of a long term strategy and you may not have a blog. But the faster you start it and add links to your social networks, the more likely you are to gain subscribers.

#8 Follow competitors' followers

To promote your account, you need to find people who follow your competitors' pages.

Do you know your competitors? Find them! Then study their profile, content and who comments on their posts, highlight your target audience. Start chatting with them.

It's best to choose smaller competitors to start with, as larger ones may have good loyalty programs that you may not be able to afford at the moment.

#9 Work with bloggers

Why bloggers? Every blogger has his loyal followers. By running ads with a blogger, you are guaranteed to get new subscribers and, most likely, sales.

But when choosing a blogger, carefully study his profile, exclude cheating subscribers. Sign an agreement so that the blogger cannot use bots. Due to the rapid influx of fake followers, you can get your account banned. You do not want this?

#10 Giveaways

Giveaways are another effective way to promote your account.

If the draw is published on the site, you can make a subscription to your social networks a mandatory condition for participation. This is how you unlock your account.

If you don't have many subscribers, you can post about the draw in free groups and blogs. You can also negotiate with bloggers - you send them a product, they review it for free and talk about the draw. Many agree to such conditions. Result? Hundreds of new subscribers in all social networks.

If you don't have your own audience yet, this is a great way to attract new subscribers. And to attract the target audience, you need to choose a blog from your niche.

Is your goal to promote your account? Then this strategy is for you if increasing sales is not.

#11 Collaboration with other brands

While you are at the start of your page promotion, collaboration with other brands is a quick way to build a target subscriber base. You just repost and tag each other's profile.

You don't have to do anything but repost. New subscribers will write to you first.

#12 Instagram Tips/Guide

Instagram Tips is a new way to share educational content in the form of tips and hacks. In the IG guide, you can add: a title, description, video or image, as well as use already published posts in the feed.

There are 3 guide formats available:

  • Places - collections of interesting places, objects, etc. in your city or some other city.
  • Products - collections of products that you sell on your Instagram.
  • Posts - your existing posts on the same topic, collected in one place, to which you can add titles and comments.

If you have interesting and useful tips, they will be shared with them. This will increase your engagement and reach, and with them the number of subscribers.

#13 Use Instagram analytics

« Embedded » Instagram analytics gives incomplete information about your followers.

Connect third-party analytics services to get more data. Many of these services are free.

Best free analytics services for Instagram:

  1. Sprout Social
  2. DataFan
  3. Popsters
  4. Live Dune

All these services collect highly informative statistics on subscribers and your content. To figure out your target audience, analyze metrics such as engagement rate, number of new followers, unsubscribers, and inactive accounts. Use this data to better understand your audience.

A very loose translation and adaptation of an article from the Oberlo blog.



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Lesson 7-8 – How to get followers on Instagram – Shcherbakov SMM Agency Kyiv


Free course for self-promotion on Instagram from scratch

NO way (taram param-pam). Directed by Robert Weirde.

So there is no legal way to "bypass" the Instagram algorithm. Write a script, find a hole in the hashtags, join a mutual like group, or something else. Reality - 10-30 thousand subscribers, to which you will go for several years. There are exceptions. Approximately 1% of cases.

Consider both options for promoting Instagram.


Quick ways to get followers on Instagram

You can get a million subscribers if:

You are already a star outside of Instagram (on TV, in the music industry, in other social networks, have a popular website / blog / mailing list). For example, Alena Venum and her 5.5 million subscribers on Youtube, some of whom willingly subscribed to Instagram. The latest wave of millionaires came from TikTok. One example is Jana Doga. More than 10 million users have subscribed to her pranks and "social" videos. You can transfer traffic from the site, Pinterest, Telegram, Twitter and other channels simply by leaving a link to Instagram.

You can also do something crazy (run onto the field in a swimsuit during the Super Bowl or jump from the 25th floor of a cruise ship) and get your million. But consider if you need it.

Use gray promotion methods:

Cheat - purchase of subscribers on the exchange. There should be a reference here to Gogol's Dead Souls. Yes, you will have followers, but what's the point? You will work, write sincere texts, shoot Stories, but the activity in your account will remain at zero. Although, it can also be bought.

Giveaway is a competition for multiple sponsors where users must subscribe to them in order to participate. It is logical that the goal of subscribers is to receive a gift, and not to learn more about you. After the end of the contest, new followers will leave, so abruptly that the Instagram algorithm will think that something is wrong with your profile.

Mass following - mass subscription to the target audience in order to attract their attention. The more time passes from the creation of a social network, the worse this method works. You should not expect the user to subscribe in response, rather, you should expect a block from Instagram for suspicious actions.

Mutual liking is an activity format, most often organized in comments, when users go into each other's accounts and like. It’s good if the user is really interested in you and stays, but usually, apart from the number of likes, this does not bring any positive effect. Moreover, if you exceed the limit on actions, Instagram may think that you are a bot. Then ban.

Bulk tagging accounts in Stories and posts. You need to mark only those people who are really related to the publication. Then they will notice you and subscribe. If you tag people you don't know, they may report you as spam.

You can take the risk of using prohibited methods in one case: when the process of making purchase decisions is taken outside of Instagram. That is, you come to negotiations offline, there is a live person in front of you who makes a decision, and he wants to look at your Instagram. He sees that there are subscribers there and that they are somehow active. This is enough for him to consider you a serious player. This situation is becoming rarer and will soon disappear altogether. People are getting smarter. So forget about gray methods and everything that is against the rules of Instagram.

Free ways to get followers on Instagram

Participation in comments. Get involved in conversations under other people's posts, tell stories, suggest your own topics, that is, attract the attention of users. Important! Write comments to the place. No need to develop the topic of cooking under a post about legal services. About jokes, the same advice - do not go too far.

Viral (viral) content. These are publications that you want to save, repost, comment on and remember on occasion. More often than not, checklists and video trends become viral. Go to the profiles of your subscribers and see what they repost, maybe you will find a topic that is easy to adapt to your content plan. It is difficult to predict what will become viral, but this is a chance to reach a new audience.

User Content. Post customer content so that subscribers see it and also want to mention your product in their post. Among the audience of your subscribers' profiles, there will surely be a target audience, someone will follow the mention and subscribe.

Live broadcasts with guests. People love to watch live broadcasts - that's a fact. Therefore, it would be a great idea to invite active users and influencers whose accounts include your audience. In this way, you can reach new potential subscribers.

Geolocation. Relevant for local businesses that work with a specific area. With the help of popular geopoints nearby, you can intercept people who walk there. For example, you tell how to get to you - put the address of the landmark that was mentioned in the description of the post (shopping center, attraction, city institution).

Thematic hashtags. Your publication may well get into the “top”, and if not the “top”, then the “recent”, and users interested in the topic will see it. Just don't use generic hashtags like "ads", better narrow it down to a specific direction, "targeted ads".

Free methods of attracting subscribers are very slow (or spontaneous, in the case of viral content) but do not ask for money. Therefore, it is foolish not to use them. At the very least, they will give you the peace of mind that you used every feature you could to promote the post.

Effective ways to increase the number of followers on Instagram

There are not so many official and effective ways to increase the number of interested followers on Instagram:

Collaboration with accounts with a similar audience. Make a list of indirect audiences who will be interested in your profile (for example, a beauty salon can partner with cosmetics, jewelry, lingerie stores). Choose profiles with a small audience, prepare a letter explaining the usefulness of your partnership, attach screenshots of account statistics, ask your future partner for the same ones. And when the contact is established, prepare a joint project. For example, mutually promote each other in Stories or hold a competition with a common prize, or prepare a social collaboration. The theme of the project should resonate with users of both accounts.

If you are building a personal brand and want to make money selling ads in the future, think several years ahead. Advertisers are already distinguishing cheats, giveaways and other gray methods from real work. Therefore, if you recruit an audience in a white way, there will be more and more potential advertisers.

Features of accounts with a large number of Instagram followers

No technically complex, thoughtful, unique content will help you gain a million subscribers. Look at the accounts of famous personalities, for example, Dr. Komarovsky. The feed is not framed, there is not even a general idea, Highlights, which consist of one Stories, but 9.2 million followers and high engagement. Because he is famous and people want to listen to him. Plastic surgeon Yuriy Altunyan (right ribbon) is also moving towards this, while 2 million

If you want to get more subscribers than the average number in your field, do content counter-positioning. That is, very different from everyone else. For example, the OB/GYN feed, with over 2 million followers, consists mostly of professional story photos. While others focus on the working side, she does not lose her “femininity”. Another example is Stephen Bartlett, the founder of the world-renowned marketing agency Social Chain. He doesn't post photos from travels and business meetings like other entrepreneurs, instead he maintains a text feed of his tweets. Well, what, they go well with the audience of both social networks.

When an interesting person is behind the maintenance of an account, this is noticeable by the content. Even if you add insanity, it looks organic, because it connects the entire profile. Look at the Stories of the fitness trainer on the right. Here she responds to haters on comments like “you don’t know how to age with dignity.” Elena is under 60, but in the account she does not hesitate to show her body and acts as a “sexologist” in her texts, which noticeably distinguishes her from other “sports” experts. But the left screen is a trash example. This is also a millionaire blogger, but notice how the photo pushes away the essence of the text. This profile is no different from the typical model.

Below is the list of accounts with the most followers on Instagram in January 2021: 3 brands and 17 celebrities. Which brings us back to the thesis in the introduction: brands don't need a lot of followers, simply because not all of those millions are their target audience. And that's why the Instagram account has 383 million followers.


Do not set a goal for the number of subscribers. Set a goal for what you need these followers for - sales, gifts from local brands, getting contact information, and so on. Most likely it will turn out that you don’t need a million, and that it’s better to think about the quality of the content than about the number of subscribers.

Homework: write in the comments what goal you are actually pursuing when working on your account (sales, leads, advertising sales, something else). In the second paragraph, add your thoughts on how this goal correlates with the number of subscribers.

Next, go to the ninth lesson of the free Instagram promotion course - Targeted advertising.


How to hide followers on Instagram?

Switch from a public profile to a private one:

  1. In the account settings, select the "Privacy" item.
  2. Drag the slider in the "Closed account" item.

Done! Your account is closed from prying eyes. Just remember that in a closed profile, your posts, Stories, messages will be open only to page subscribers, which does not help promotion in any way.

Are there services for checking the quality of the audience?

In the Livedune and Trendhero services you will find reports on checking your account for bots, commercial profiles, audiences with suspicious interests, etc. That is, everyone who at least a little does not fit into the framework of a “live user”.

Learn more