How to get 2000 likes on instagram

How to Get Free Instagram Likes in 2023

How do you get more likes on your posts?

Well, first off: don’t buy Instagram likes. (Trust us.)

True ‘gram love don’t cost a thing. It just takes time and care to create high quality posts that are worthy of real Instagram likes from real people.

Ultimately, the goal on Instagram is to show your best side by sharing content that people value. It takes work, but if you’re ready to up your game, we have a ton of tips to get you started.

If you’re short on time, this video summarizes the top 7 tips on this list:

Users can now hide like counts on Instagram. Do they still matter?

How to get more likes on Instagram: 16 smart ways to get free Instagram likes

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

The answer is yes, of course. If you’re on Instagram, likes matter as much as ever.

In case you missed it: in mid-2019, Instagram started experimenting with not showing the number of likes a post has received (a.k.a. ‘like counts’) in the feeds of certain regions.

According to Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, the move was part of the company’s efforts to protect the mental health of the platform’s community. The idea was to make the whole experience healthier and less competitive for users. Instagram explained: “We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get.”

The move had mixed success: some people liked being free of the pressure to keep up with the competition, while others felt they’d been left in the dark about what was popular.

Instagram’s solution was to announce in May 2021 that it would now give people the option to hide public like counts — either hiding counts on all posts, or just on your own feed so others can’t see.

But whether we can see Instagram likes or not, the Instagram algorithm continues to work like it always has, according to the platform. So whether they’re visible to the world or not, here are the best ways to get people to tap that heart button.

How to get more likes on Instagram: 16 smart ways to get free Instagram likes

1. Use the right hashtags

Hashtags are a big key to expanding your Instagram audience. Use a hashtag, and your post (or Story!) will appear on the page for that hashtag.

People can also choose to follow hashtags, which means you could be showing up in a total stranger’s news feed. Surprise!

Illustrator Joe Taylor tagged this post with the likes of #illustration and #characterdesign to appear in those topic searches. 1,800-plus likes later, it’s looking like that was a great idea.

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A post shared by Joe Taylor (@joe.tay.lor)

Whether you’re using product or service hashtags, seasonal hashtags, acronym hashtags or location hashtags, the consensus is that keeping it under 11 hashtags is best practice.

2. Tag relevant users

Whether you’re tagging a collaborator, a new acquaintance or your childhood hero, the goal is to highlight how much you value them, and share that value with your audience.

And if it just so happens that their audience is likely to see your value in the process? Well, so be it.

Cool Ruggings — an account devoted to documenting cool rugs from around the world, of course — clearly tagged the designers of these hip, Brazillian-made camping chairs. It was a chance to share the love, but with the added bonus of a little bit of potential attention from those Instagram users and their own fan bases.

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A post shared by ~ Cool Ruggings ~ (@coolruggings)

3. Write compelling captions

Whether you’re better off writing a novel that maxes out Instagram’s 2,200 character limit, or keeping things mysterious and punchy with a one-liner depends on your brand voice and message. But long or short, captions are a vital ingredient in a post’s success.

Great Instagram captions add context and personality, and compel your followers to take action. Don’t rush this part! Take a gander at these 264 examples of engaging Instagram captions and soak up some inspiration before you start typing.

Here, fibre artist H. H. Hooks shares the inspiration behind her latest work. (Yes, it’s another rug. We’re sorry, we’re in a mood right now!) It gives context to her cocktail image, and sparks conversation and engagement at the same time.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Hanna Eidson (@h.h.hooks)

4. Tag your location

More than just a humblebrag about your excellent taste in breweries or coworking spaces, geotagging your location is a way for more people to find and like your photos.

It’s even more helpful if you’re a brand with a brick and mortar location, as you build up a sense of community with your regulars and… potential regulars. (Just remember to make sure your physical coordinates are correct so that you appear on the map. )

The Keefer Bar made sure to tag its location in this post about its new fun outdoor mini-putt — who knows what lucky golfing boozer will stumble across it?

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A post shared by The Keefer Bar (@thekeeferbar)

5. Get on the Explore page

Behind that little magnifying glass icon, the Explore page is a cornucopia of beautiful, entertaining content personalized for you by Instagram. Brands that show up there get a lot of eyeballs.

But how do brands get featured on the Instagram Explore tab in the first place? In short, you need a great engagement rate and an active community — and it doesn’t hurt to embrace whatever new feature Instagram is currently boosting in the algorithm. (Have you noticed that Reels are everywhere? That’s no coincidence!)

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

Dig a little deeper into our tips for getting onto the Explore tab here. (And just an FYI: we know this is a list of free ways to get likes, but Instagram started offering Explore tab ads in July 2019.)

6. Post at the right time

Instagram doesn’t show posts chronologically, but its algorithm does favor “recency.” This means that if you want to get in front of eyeballs, it’s important for you to know when your audience is actually looking at the app.

Which is… uh… when, exactly?

Well, every brand has its own sweet spot, based on its unique audience, so your own analytics will give you some guidance.

But we did a little number crunching and ran a few experiments to find the overall best time to post to Instagram, and it seems that in general, 11 a.m. on a Wednesday is a pretty good time to aim for. Start there, and tweak as you learn what’s working for your specific followers!

7. Run a like-to-win contest

Contests can take a little planning… or a lot. But a like-to-win contest is one of the simplest ways to rack up engagement in a given time period.

The key is to make sure your prize is desirable to your audience, but also specific enough that you’re attracting real fans, not opportunists (i.e., don’t give away cash, iPhones or trips to Ibiza).

Daring diners could win a brunch experience dangling above London’s O2 stadium with this contest from Design My Night.

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A post shared by DesignMyNight (@designmynight)

We have more ideas for Instagram contests here, along with step-by-step instructions on how to pull one off efficiently and successfully.

8. Post good photos

Lest we forget that photography was an art before it was a marketing tool, we all have to own up to the fact that sometimes our taste exceeds our skill.

On Instagram, there’s no room for “good enough” shots. Time to level up.

Instead of posting just a construction shot of an ongoing project, Sturgess Architecture set up a carefully posed group photo in front of the eye-catching exterior that takes advantage of the natural light.

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A post shared by Sturgess Architecture (@sturgessarchitecture)

Whether that means taking a photography course to develop your eye, or devoting some budget to upgrading your equipment, figure out what the pros do differently than the hobbyists.

To get you started, here are some tips and tools for editing photos for Instagram like a pro.

9. Engage outside your feed

In its ongoing attempt to give the people what they want, the algorithm prioritizes Instagram posts from accounts that it thinks are “close.” How does it measure closeness? By monitoring how much accounts interact with each other.

So, if you want to expand your reach, and therefore your chances of getting likes, don’t be a wallflower: go forth and interact. Get generous with the likes and comments.

10. Post user-generated content

Sharing content from your followers is a sure-fire way to generate engagement. It’s a thrill for the user to be featured by a brand they like, for starters, but it also acts as social proof, confirming for your other followers that it’s more than okay to be a super fan.

It also showcases your authenticity and connection to the community. So go ahead: smash that share button!

TV show At Home with Amy Sedaris does a “Fan Art Friday” each week, posting drawings (or, in some cases, stop-motion animations with Barbie) from its audience.

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A post shared by At Home With Amy Sedaris (@athomewithamysedaris)

11. Post behind-the-scenes content

Get a little vulnerable and show the less-than-glossy finished product — you’ll be rewarded.

People love seeing how something gets made, taking a glimpse behind the scenes of a photoshoot, and learning about the real struggles behind the glamor shots elsewhere in your feed.

In the lead-up to a sample sale, design brand Ilana Kohn shared a charming impromptu video of an employee roller skating through the warehouse. If that’s not enough to get you to click that heart button and then buy a drapey linen jumpsuit, we don’t know what is.

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A post shared by Ilana Kohn (@ilanakohn)

12. Ask people for their opinions

“Ask a question in the caption” is common advice for bumping up engagement for a reason: it’s a direct call-to-action for followers to add a comment.

And if they’re already engaging, the likelihood that they’ll throw a like your way in the process grows. TLDR: It never hurts to ask!

Skincare brand Summer Fridays embodies its chill vibe by pairing dreamy clouds with a big question that prompted both likes and comments.

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A post shared by Summer Fridays (@summerfridays)

13. Host a takeover

If you’re comfortable handing over the keys to your account to a collaborator, Instagram takeovers are a great way to lure a new audience over to your page.

Of course, the brand or influencer taking over for you should be aligned with your values — you want any fans who migrate over to your page to like what they see and stick around.

Multi-platform artist community Panimation is a great example: they invite a rotating cast of illustrators and animators to hop onto their account to share their work with its audience of 65,000-plus.

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A post shared by Panimation (

14. Watch what works for your competitors

If you do have your Instagram set to see likes, you may be able to get a glimpse at what’s working (or flopping) for your competitors again. Keep your eyes peeled… or better yet, do a competitive analysis.

Make social listening part of your social media marketing strategy to gauge sentiment and identify trends across the industry. You don’t want to be left behind, or miss an opportunity to pick up where your competition may have dropped the ball.

15. Ask people to tag their friends

Doing this all the time gets a little old… but the initiation to “tag a friend” paired with the right post can result in a flurry of activity.

The key is to give them a good reason to tag a pal, whether that’s a funny punchline or a giveaway.

16. Embrace the memes

There’s a reason Instagram is full of memes and aggregation accounts: people can’t help but like and share funny gifs, poignant sayings or goofy gags.

Though some can certainly skew juvenile, there are tasteful ways for brands to jump on the meme bandwagon in a strategic, successful way — just keep the jokes appropriate for your voice, content and audience, and don’t overdo it. A little sprinkle of meme goes a long way!

Vancouver-based dog rescue Fur Bae mixes in photos of their foster and up-for-adoption pups in with cheeky, text-based “real talk” meme format. Almost as cute as the dogs themselves, really.

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A post shared by Fur Bae Rescue (@furbaerescue)

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10 Ways To Get 2000 Followers On Instagram In A Month

Fun fact, over 40% of the people on the internet are active Instagram users. As of October 2019, India had the second-highest number of Instagram users numbering to 73 million active accounts. Every major brand or business is on Instagram today, promoting their products and services to millions of users every day, as each one of them is a potential paying customer. Instagram generates over 50 times more engagement with users compared to Facebook and Twitter. And the more you engage with people, the more your chances are of converting them into paying customers of your service/product.

But building a good base of genuine followers on Instagram can look like a daunting task. It does take a lot of work initially, but if you’re consistent and driven, it’ll be a piece of cake.

Here, we’re gonna tell you how to garner a decent followers’ base in a short period with these 10 steps.

1) Curated Content!

Instagram is like a digital glossy magazine that people love to browse through. The first impression that you leave on a viewer is extremely important. If you post beautiful looking pictures, catchy and relatable content regularly, not only will your existing followers engage more with it, it will start showing up on the search feeds of other users with similar interests too. It is advised that content has to be planned instead of posting them on the fly. Pick an eye-pleasing colour shade for your creatives, use only high definition pictures, and preferably with faces, as studies have shown that people engage more with your post when it has pictures of people and minimal text.

2) Hashtag Game Strong.

Hashtags play an important role in improving your visibility and reach on Instagram. Hashtags are topics tagged with a # which creates a searchable link and help you start a conversation or enter an existing one and engage with the people involved in it. The more people see your posts on their search feeds, the higher your chance of getting them to follow you. Instagram allows 30 hashtags per post, and you must pick the right ones for your posts. The first couple of them always has to be related to your brand/business names, so that identity of yours is eventually cemented with each post. You can use various free tools online like Inflact to generate hashtags for your posts based on the picture, keywords and URLs.

3) Connect and follow.

One of the best ways to get people’s attention to your business is to get into their notifications. Yes, over 55% of people check their notifications immediately when their phone/laptop chimes. And the way you can draw their attention to your brand is by following them and engaging with their posts. It’s simple, say you are a restaurant serving Mexican food, a simple search with #MexicanFoodLovers will throw up hundreds of posts of people who talk about it. Now all you’ve got to do is check out posts and profiles that have a decent engagement and following and follow them, like a few of their posts, drop a genuine comment. There’s a fair chance they’ll take note of you and follow you back.

4) Engage with followers

It is important that your followers feel like they matter to you. Not just by posting things that they like or can relate to, but by also engaging with them on a personal level on the public platform. Replying to comments, messages and shares is the best way to engage with your followers in the public view, as it not only gives you a loyal follower to the brand but inspires others who’re seeing this conversation to follow you too. Give witty replies to comments while plugging your brand with its hashtag, respond to queries in a short period, and share a couple of good reviews or appreciation posts on your feed by tagging the user. It improves your standing as a brand that’s loyal to its people.

5) Posting regularly.

Consistency is the key when it comes to being an active business/brand on social media. As we mentioned earlier, plan out your activity on social media in advance. It will not only help you post good content but also maintain a healthy engagement with your followers. If an account goes inactive for, say 10 days, it is very difficult to get back on the feeds of your followers. But when you post regularly, with the right hashtags, your posts keep showing up frequently on the search feeds of people with similar interests, thus pushing them to follow you.

6) Videos work the best.

Various studies on social media usage and engagement have shown that more than static posts, and pictures, videos get better engagement and people always prefer watching something play out on their screens rather than they read something on the posts. But we’d suggest keep it as real as possible. Because as we mentioned earlier if your content has too much graphics or text, there are more chances of it getting ignored. It’d be great if your clips are shot by professionals, but even amateur, mobile phone camera shots also garner a good response. Once you get a good followers base, going Live can also be a good option.

7) Posting at the right time.

Your posts could get maximum engagement when it gets posted at a time when maximum followers are online. And as your engagement improves, your posts get relayed to more on followers on a local and global scale, with higher chances of your brand getting more new followers. On your profile, you can study the analytics of your account, where they show during which hours were your Instagram followers mostly active. This will help you schedule your posts accordingly. This step might not guarantee you a barrage of followers immediately, but it helps you immensely in the long run.

8) Paid Promotions.

Instagram has an option to promote your post or page to a lot of people online, for a price. For brands that are new in the market and have a budget for marketing, they must earmark a share for promoting themselves on social media too. When you boost or promote any of your posts on Instagram, it lets you select your audience based on various demographic parameters like age, gender, income, interests, etc. and your goals for the promotions, as in reach, likes, followers and engagement. Once your promotion request is approved, the said post gets boosted and displayed on the timelines of non-followers who fall under the demography parameters you have chosen.

9) Tagging brands/influencers.

Yes, you read that right. Several accounts, brands and people on the ‘Gram command a massive following that sometimes runs into millions. They can make or break a business and basis of their influence. And getting positive engagement from them means you stand a sure shot chance of getting a small, but a considerable chunk of their followers too. If you’re a brand that sells readymade garments for young women. Post pictures of a person wearing clothes from your store and tag those brands. If you’re a cafe that serves excellent tea cakes, tag food bloggers and bakers. A like, a comment or a share from them means you’re reaching out to masses that follow them too.

10) Get active on Stories.

More than posts, stories grab maximum views on Instagram with both followers and non-followers. Stories have a lot of interesting add-ons like boomerangs, music, funky fonts, polls, AMAs, etc. that inspire people to engage with you. Stories can be the best engagement tools of all on Instagram and it can help you not only retain your followers but add many more too. Brands should share more stories than posts. Not all of them have to be pictures, mix and match. One day it can only boomerang, the next day can be only polls, one of the days can me Ask Me Anything or a chain of short clips about your business. Good stories get shared widely.

If you follow these 10 steps regularly, we can assure you that you will stack up a good number of followers within a month. But make sure that you do not break the cycle. Because then it becomes an uphill climb all over again.

TOP 16 ways to get likes on Instagram: fast, free, a lot

Likes on Instagram are one of the main goals of any account, from a simple user to an online store. But why? Likes are an indicator of coolness, success, if you like. Companies that promote their products and services need likes to earn money, win an audience and brand loyalty. For bloggers, a large number of likes helps in promotion and popularity, as well as in attracting potential advertisers. nine0003

Therefore, without preludes - I have collected for you the most popular ways to get likes on Instagram with and without services.

how to get likes through services

Another way to get likes is cheating. But, we do not approve of this method, because apart from a beautiful figure you will not get anything. And besides, this beautiful figure will resolve within a week. As a result, all the cheated subscribers will either run away or simply lie dead weight, bringing absolutely nothing to your account. nine0003

In the first table, we have collected the TOP of proven services that you can safely use.

Service Free version Cost
TmSMM Yes from 0.19 ₽/like
Likemania No from 0.14 ₽/like
TapLike No from 0.5 ₽/like
LikeInsta No from 0. 40 ₽/like
PrSkill No from 44 ₽/1000 likes

In the second table you will find exchanges that will help you not only get likes on comments and posts, but also earn money on them.

Service Free version Cost (per like)
Socpublic No from 0.2 ₽
Unu No from 1 ₽
TaskPay No Non-fixed
VKserfing Yes from 0.1 ₽

Buy a small number of actions. It is better to spread the process over several days. This will protect you from blocking and suspicion from subscribers. nine0003

Important. Using wrapping, you do not see the real picture of which post is entered and which is not. You just create the illusion that everything is super in your account. Therefore, do not abuse, but look for real problems and solutions.

how to get likes yourself

Likes cheat services are an easy method, but not the only one. There are other ways to get likes on Instagram without cheating. But they are more likely to help attract an audience to your profile and at the same time increase the number of followers on Instagram. The rest already depends on how you manage it: the quality of the content, expertise, design, etc. nine0003

1. Quality content

Content quality is the first thing you should worry about if you want to collect hundreds or even thousands of likes. It is not only about a beautiful picture, but also about the text. It should be informative, without water and, of course, it should attract the eye and desire to read everything to the end. If you lack writing skills, then you can hire a copywriter whose job is to write quality posts.

As for the visual, the opinions of Instagram experts differ on this matter: some believe that the photo and text in one post should be inextricably linked, others argue that the main thing is that the photo does not stand out from the overall picture of the profile. In any case, the photo should be aesthetic, eye-catching, but not pretentious. nine0003

2. Keywords and hashtags

Another way to attract an audience and, accordingly, likes, is to use keywords and hashtags. But first things first.

Keywords are the very words by which potential subscribers can find you. For a clothing store, these are "dresses", "shoes", "suits". For a flower shop, this could be words like "bouquets", "flowers", etc.

Previously, it was enough to clearly define the topic of the blog, write who you are and what you do, what the blog is about, and so on. However, it is not suitable for beginner bloggers. You need to come up with a capacious description that will make your account unique and evoke emotions. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters. nine0003 On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right is an ideal profile header

As for hashtags, their use will help increase coverage, “fly in” recommendations and, of course, attract new subscribers. Of course, this will work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post.

Do not overuse high-frequency tags: your post will be lost among thousands of others. It is advisable to use low-frequency tags, under which there are at least 10 thousand tags and mid-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

Thematic hashtags

3. Geotags

Geotag all your posts. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be placed by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. The person will see the mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe. nine0003

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of the city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, this is a great way to gain targeted followers on Instagram for free.

An example of a geotag in a publication

4. Publication time

The question is quite broad. However, we can say that the timing for publishing content directly depends on your audience. What are we talking about? To determine the best time to post posts, you must form a portrait of your target audience: gender and age, geolocation, what she is interested in, and so on. nine0003

For example, you own an online cosmetics store. Your target audience is mostly girls from 18 to 24 years old, students. It is logical that they will not be active in the morning, which means that there is simply no point in publishing content at 9 or 10 am: the coverage will be minimal.

Based on your target audience, the optimal time for publishing posts can be considered the period from 17:00 to 22:00, since at this time the audience will be most active. If your audience is quite wide - mothers on maternity leave, students, teenagers, etc., then the only way to find the right time is to experiment. Post at 12:00 one day, post at 17:00 the next day, and so on. Then track the activity in the profile statistics and choose the best time to post. nine0003

Instagram statistics: how to see + 52 metrics

5. Posting in different formats

So that your subscribers do not get bored, dilute your feed with different post formats. You will see that the activity on your publications will increase.

- Carousel

Why is it necessary to do it now? Yes, just to keep the user on the page longer and show Instagram, they say, look at what good content I have, they spend a lot of time on it. nine0003

The Instagram carousel allows you to break the boundaries of the standard social network image format and, as it were, expand the screen. Thus, you can upload panoramic photos and they will not look cropped.

An example of a seamless carousel on Instagram
- Video

And in general, the approach to video content. Agree, they noticed behind themselves: they stumbled upon a video - even in an unfamiliar account - and froze. Why? Because it's beautiful, cool, cool transitions, bright shots, etc. So if you really care about how to get more likes - invest in this business: hire a specialist and do not spare money. Or read about how to edit video on Instagram. nine0003

- Reels

Facebook on Instagram has its Tik Tok analogue - Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will find an audience and draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations.

Reels section on Instagram



Targeted advertising is a useful tool that allows you to target an audience that may be interested in your product or profile. We will not talk about targeted advertising in detail here, we have already written articles about this. nine0003

I can only say that in order to get a bunch of likes, you can promote your photos, and select transitions to the profile as the target action. So users will like your other posts.

Targeted advertising: 5 types + description (instruction)

When setting up a target on Facebook, do not forget to clearly indicate the terms of the advertising campaign and limit the budget. Otherwise, FB will drive you into debt, constantly writing off funds for advertising. nine0003

Note. If you will set up different targeted advertising, I recommend doing this through the service Getuniq . The passage of moderation is easier, and there is also a bonus when replenishing the budget. But about this shhhh

7. Advertising with bloggers

Native advertising format is now popular, when a blogger does not directly talk about you, but reposts any of your publications or leaves something like a post-review, where he mentions your profile . Blogger subscribers rely on his authority and go to the specified account. And they like it, of course. nine0003

Life hack. If you want a guaranteed result, then discuss the terms of cooperation and submission with the blogger in advance. But before launching an ad, be sure to request the blogger’s up-to-date statistics and check him for cheats, for example, in LiveDune.

8. Repost posts in stories (and old ones too)

A very useful way to collect more likes is to repost posts. This will work effectively: some subscribers may simply not notice your new post due to Instagram algorithms, so it is useful to duplicate the post in stories. nine0003

Reposting old posts will not hurt either: it will help to collect additional likes from your new subscribers and increase the coverage of publications.

9. Cross-posting

If you want your brand to be on several platforms at once, but there is no time to create original content, then cross-posting will come to your aid. To make it clearer, cross-posting is the automatic or semi-automatic placement of one message on several sites and services.

Example of cross-posting in social networks

How else can you get likes?

Ways to get likes are not limited to a standard set of points, so below I have selected for you methods that are no less effective than those that we have already listed.

1. Hype, trends

Follow the news and build your posts based on them, express your position. If you react quickly, you can collect the asset in your account.

Kings of Hype Oksana Samoilova and Djigan

Life hack. No need to “build happiness on someone else’s misfortune”: be constructive and don’t hype on tragedies. Ask subscribers to express their opinion with likes and comments. nine0003

2. Audience Engagement

The good old "like like a brother" or "repost please" has not gone away and still remains one of the easiest ways to raise an asset. In the end, there is nothing wrong with asking your audience for help in case your asset sank. Just in case, I leave for you an on-duty phrase that works with a bang: "Support me with a like if ...." ;)

3. Bloggers commenting

about publications in order to respond quickly and have time to check in during the active time of the post. Read it and write your opinion on the topic. nine0003

Life hack: Use subtle humor in the comments, it always works well for the audience. In addition to the post itself, comment on the opinions of other users to draw more attention to yourself.

4. Mailing in Direct

To purposefully attract the attention of your audience to the post, you can use sending messages in Direct. The content of the messages can be different: ask people to like or describe your offer. Newsletter can be done both manually and with the help of services. We wrote about all this in detail in the article. nine0003

Direct mailing: 30 services + 4 steps how to make

Direct mailing

Just don't get too carried away with such mailings. Firstly, quickly discourage users from yourself, and secondly, for non-compliance with the limits, you run the risk of flying into a ban. Per day from one account it is permissible to send 70 letters to subscribers and 50 letters to users who are not subscribed to you.

Interesting. You can optimize communication with customers on Instagram using MyBotan. The chatbot will automatically send a welcome message, talk about promotions and reply to messages. And also, save data about the client and his applications. Agree this will facilitate the work in the social network? Click and test 3 days for free -> MyBotan

5. Contest

Try running a contest among your subscribers. Play a gift, and indicate likes as conditions for participation. By doing this, you will well increase the involvement among your subscribers and will be able to attract new ones.

Contests on Instagram: how to run + secrets of engagement

Life hack. The time of the competition should be such that everyone has time to participate, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal 5-7 days. nine0003

6. Giveaway and Liketime

Giveaways are an activity when bloggers/shops gather, donate gifts to participants and raffle them among the most active. Budget and duration vary. To get the coveted likes, become a sponsor of the giveaway.

Life hack: Choose giveaways that guarantee no more than 25% of your current audience. This will save the engagement rate. That is, if you have, for example, 10 thousand subscribers, then the maximum give for you is with a guarantee of 2500 people coming. The organizers of quality giveaways can be found on Telegram. nine0003

Liketimes are often held by bloggers, and usually the conditions are as follows: like a certain number of publications, comment on the publication, go to the page of the one who commented before you and be active there.

Life hack: Participate only in those activities that take place at the moment. For example, the lighttime started an hour ago, the correspondence in the comments is active. You can participate. If a post with a like time was posted two days or a few hours ago, the chances of getting your likes in response will be less. nine0003

7. Activity chats

Activity chats - communities where people who want to get likes and other activity get together. You like - and you like in response. You can find them on Instagram itself, but it’s more convenient to do it through Telegram, there are many similar chats. Read more about activity chats in our article.

By the way, if you didn't know, you can still see who likes whom on Instagram

Instagram activity chats: how to find + FAQ

Life hack: Join chats with about 20-50 members. This increases the likelihood that people completing tasks will not be repeated, and you will receive likes from different users. And one more thing: do not join 20 chats at once. You simply will not have time to be active everywhere. Better choose a couple with simple rules without instant blocking.

Briefly about the main thing

In summary, we can say that the number of likes directly affects the life of your Instagram account. The more likes - the more popular your account, which means that the chance of being noticed by advertisers increases. The same applies to those who do business on the site - a lot of likes means trust and loyalty to the brand. nine0003

Accordingly, no matter what way you choose to collect likes, first of all pay attention to the content that you publish. Yes, the services will increase your likes, help you bring your publication to the TOP, and other ways will attract subscribers. But this will all have a temporary effect if you do not pay attention to the quality of your posts.

And here we come to the rescue again, read our articles, promote your profile and collect your cherished likes.

Get 1000 followers on Instagram: 16 ways

14 methods to get 1000 followers in IG (free + paid)

The first thousand followers is a significant number for any blogger, and not only on Instagram. This is an indicator that the content has passed quality control and the process has moved off the ground. For commercial accounts, rising exposure helps increase sales, which is why many brands maintain their Instagram pages.

Before you start gaining subscribers, make sure your profile is complete and you have a content plan. It is important that you post regularly and explore your niche creatively - there will be no chance to make a first impression a second time. With this in mind, let's analyze from simple to complex what tools will help to collect the first thousand followers on Instagram and increase their number further. nine0003

Account design: 25 beautiful profilesHow to manage Instagram (50 chips) from a marketerHow to come up with a nickname on Instagram: 35 ideas for a business account and a personal blog on the internal functionality of the social network. Some tools work on the principle of "tagging": you set a description, hashtags, geotags, etc., and the social network independently generates recommendations for users. nine0003

Other methods work for content diversity. Instagram allows you to create posts in various formats so that every blogger can reach their audience. This is what you will use to increase your reach and increase the likelihood that you will be noticed on Instagram.

1. Hashtags and keywords

They will help you get good coverage, get recommended and attract new followers to your Instagram account. But this will only work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post. And do not abuse high-frequency tags: firstly, your post will be lost in the general stream, and secondly, there is a risk of being shadowbanned. nine0003

Use low-frequency tags - under which less than 10 thousand publications are placed, and medium-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

For convenience, type a few dozen target hashtags and combine them under posts, but it's better to repeat them less often. The optimal number of tags under the post is up to ten.

And one more tip, which is not related to promotion, but will be useful for setting up an Instagram account. When you write all the hashtags, create a system of your own unique tags that no one uses. They will be needed for easy navigation through different sections of your posts. nine0003 Hashtags for publication

An important point that you should pay attention to when promoting on Instagram is the profile header. It is the profile header that is your "face", the first impression of the account. The role of the header is to give a concise answer about what is happening in the profile, to inspire confidence.

Strong text and use of keywords in the header convey positioning and brand benefits, influence the growth of subscriptions and sales. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters. nine0003 On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right is an ideal profile header.

2. Geotags

Geotag your publications. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be placed by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. The person will see the mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe. nine0003

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of their city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, it is a great way to get targeted followers on Instagram for free.


Life hack. Do you want to save time when working in social networks? To do this, you need SMMplanner, which will automatically publish a post or story with tagged users, geometers and hashtags. You can also set up automatic deletion of posts and comments. Click and test for free -> SMMplanner

3. Participation in challenges

Today you won't surprise anyone with Instagram marathons and challenges, but, nevertheless, in order to attract new subscribers, this method will come in handy. A challenge is a challenge that the account owner throws to his friends, the audience after performing certain actions. The main thing in challenges is not only to do something and show your coolness, but to encourage the audience to repeat after you, accept a challenge or throw a similar one to your friends, close circle, etc. nine0003

If the content responds to a large number of people, then they will repost it to their stories, comment, tag you. At first, you can resort to a little trick and arrange a discussion and reposting on a certain topic between you and your friends in order to attract the attention of the audience.

Challenge "10 year challenge"

4. Mutual PR

On Instagram, PR (mutual PR) is another of the coolest ways to gain an audience. It can be used by both novice bloggers and business accounts. nine0003

You need to carefully choose partners for mutual PR. They should have a target audience as close as possible to yours, approximately the same number of subscribers - and, of course, the conditions for cooperation should be suitable.

For example, a photographer and a make-up artist can promote each other's pages, since they have approximately the same target audience. In addition, this is an ideal tandem for further cooperation.

Mutual PR on Instagram - stories

5. Joint content (co-authorship)

Not so long ago, Instagram introduced a new user collaboration feature - joint publications and Reels. In addition, today brands, influencers and celebrities are more willing to cooperate than to compete. Now users can invite other people as authors of publications. Co-authorship in the IG will help increase the reach and engagement due to the fact that the post will be seen by a combined audience of all authors.

For collaboration, you can choose a partner not only from your niche. For example, a company selling building materials can cooperate with a furniture factory, and a beauty brand with beauty can cooperate with a blogger. nine0003 Co-authorship in IG

To find a suitable author or brand for a joint post, it is enough to check the match on the following parameters:

  • Your products/services do not compete with each other;
  • You have a similar target audience;
  • Goods/services complement each other;
  • Human factor: it is better to work with nice people, so your companion should inspire confidence and inspire sympathy.
Influencer and brand co-authorship

6. Blogger commenting

Comment on posts by bloggers with a similar target audience. Write not only an assessment, good or bad, but also ask questions, suggest an idea for the next post. Try to stand out, but delicately, without unnecessary criticism, so as not to end up in a bathhouse. In a word, show keen interest and competence in topics, and new potential subscribers will notice you.

7. Traffic flow

Attracting followers to Instagram from other social networks is a great way to increase the number of followers for free at the first stage of promotion. Use all the social networks that you lead. Put a link to your Instagram in all your profiles. Write in the status that you are mastering a new format, publishing a photo of your life in IG. nine0003

Next, periodically remind your followers that you now have Instagram and invite them to visit your profile. Share news in posts: for example, you announced on VK that you would not release posts on weekends, you went to the sea, and photos from your vacation will be regularly uploaded to IG. This way you can organically increase the number of followers on Instagram without taking almost any action.

For example, if you have your own business, insert a link to your Instagram on your website, on e-mail newsletters and even Yandex.Maps and Gogle Maps. Thus, you will collect additional traffic from different sites. nine0003 Link to Instagram

8. Interactive stories

What is it about? Obviously, by posting regular stories to your profile, you won’t gain new subscribers in any way. This is where interactive stories come to the rescue - "add yours" or "add yours" stickers. Their essence is as follows: this sticker allows everyone to take part in discussions on the site. Users can respond to other people's stories with their photos and videos that match the topic of discussion. I think this is a cool opportunity to promote your profile

Participation in discussions in "Add yours"
  • Instagram games: 32 examples (posts + stories)
  • Instagram Story Ideas: 150+ with Example Stories

9. Reels

Facebook on Instagram has its own analogue of Tik Tok - Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will also find an audience, draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations. Use this hack to get followers on Instagram before your competitors do. nine0003 Reels on Instagram

Important. If you have a TikTok account, you can upload your videos to Reels, but it's better to make them here - Instagram has a negative attitude towards TikTok icons on videos.

10. Tagging posts

Posting a link to your page with other users will draw attention to your Instagram profile and help you gain followers. Ask acquaintances, friends or clients to tag you in a photo or story. So you will collect targeted followers who are interested in the life of not a particular blogger, but also his circle of friends. nine0003 Link in the story to the profile

11. IGTV

Instagram allows you to upload long videos up to 1 hour. During this time, you will show your product or the entire new collection in detail, answer frequently asked questions, tell you about the business from the inside, etc. And here you can save recordings of live broadcasts.

This method, like the previous one, works to increase the coverage and recognition of the account. If you regularly post unique, useful and unusual "catchy" content, it will become easier to gain new followers on Instagram. nine0003 Long Instagram videos

IGTV (Instagram TV): complete guide + video chips


QR code

Create your own QR code and add it to business cards, ads, any other printed matter. In general, if you use offline advertising, feel free to place a code on it to quickly go to your Instagram account. This will help you gain traffic and expand your audience.

Qr-code on Instagram

13. Manual mass following

The essence of mass following is that you subscribe to users and like their publications. These should not be just random profiles, but your target audience. Seeing such notifications as in the screenshot, users will go to the page, look at posts and stories, and probably subscribe. nine0003 Massliking and massfollowing

Lifehack. The easiest way to promote an Instagram account is with the help of automatic mass following. He will independently do all the actions (likes, views of stories, subscription to users) that will promote the account and increase sales. Click and test -> Zengram (Promo code "INSCALEPROMO" -20% for everything)

Paid ways to attract followers

It is not easy to promote a page on Instagram with completely free methods, especially in the early stages - you will have to try to get the first 1000 subscribers. Paid promotion methods will help speed up the process. nine0003

This includes external tools that expand the basic possibilities of page administration: show additional statistics, automate actions, wind up followers.

There will also be classic marketing techniques that involve having and planning a budget: targeting, buying ads from other bloggers, holding contests.

1. Targeted advertising

Advertising targeting is not an easy task: to search and segment the audience, design ads, calculate the budget. Each stage involves detailed study. If you are a beginner, then you run the risk of losing money. But the effect of achieving the goal is simply colossal, so targetologists are well paid. nine0003

Even if you are just approaching the milestone of 1000 followers and are not confident in your experience, it makes sense to study the principle of action and conduct the first "sighting" targeting with a small budget, and then see how much your number of followers on Instagram has increased.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

Life hack. Do you want to learn how to create vivid photo and video content that your audience will love? Then we recommend taking the course “promotion on Instagram”. After training, you will be able to independently launch targeted advertising, create unique and attractive content to attract new subscribers. Click and sign up for the course -> Promotion on Instagram

2. Advertising with bloggers

People trust other people more. Bloggers are trusted, as they recommend the product as if through their experience, give a balanced assessment with all the pros and cons (if they value their reputation). Therefore, advertising with them is a great way to get subscribers.

There are several criteria for finding the right blogger. First, it must have your target audience. Secondly, evaluate the reputation and credibility. Look in the comments under the posts and see what and how they write to him. And, thirdly, its subscribers must be alive, i.e. not twisted. nine0003 Publication from a blogger

Plus, advertising for an Instagram profile does not have to be purchased only in IG. For example, if you have your own women's clothing showroom, you can buy ads from a Tik Tok influencer. Moreover, this platform is gaining popularity with space progression.

Advertising in public

Another no less effective way to promote your profile is advertising in public (and not necessarily in the IG). A strong "exhaust" is given by advertising in VKontakte groups. The peculiarity of VK is that this social network brings together mainly Russian-speaking users, so it is perfect for promoting companies of almost any format. nine0003

So, an additional advantage of VK is a significant number of thematic communities, applications and integration into third-party services, for example, Instagram.

Instagram advertising exchange: TOP-5 services + 8 life hacks

How to get people to subscribe?

At the beginning of their journey to promotion in the IG, many users make a gross mistake - they gain subscribers for the sake of a beautiful number, while the quality of their content is the last thing they think about. Trite, but it's true - only if you regularly publish high-quality content, subscribers will be drawn to you. nine0003

Let's consider the option when you already have some kind of base of followers that are actively showing up on your account.

1. Subscription gift

It is a very common practice to motivate users to subscribe to you. So, some bloggers and entrepreneurs go to small tricks to get an influx of followers. For example, for a subscription, some bloggers thank their followers with their promotion guides or checklists ala "TOP useful photo editing apps from ...". nine0003

So, as a gift for a subscription, entrepreneurs give a discount on the first purchase in the store, or on the first visit to a beauty salon, as in the example below. And as practice shows, this method of attracting an audience has proven its effectiveness.

Gift for subscription

In order to make your life easier, below is a list of services with which you can set up an account check for a subscription to your page.

Service Cost per check
Instateleport 1 ₽
Instasub 2 ₽
Smmbot -

2. Direct mail

Use direct mail to draw attention to important information. This should not be a request to like or subscribe - users will consider such messages as spam. Direct is good when there is some news. For example, announce the same contest or tell that something really unusual has appeared on your page. nine0003

But don't get carried away: there is a limit on messages in Direct. An account that has been in existence for less than three months can send 30 messages per day. From three to six months, the limit is already wider: 40 messages. After six months from the moment of registration - up to 50 messages per day. If these conditions are not met, you can easily get a block.

Messages in direct

In the table below, I have collected for you some useful services for mass mailing in direct. They are arranged in the order in which we recommend them, the first three are the top ones, and then out of order. nine0003

Name Cost (per month) Promo code + trial period
Zengram From 1 490 ₽ (“INSCALEPROMO” 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit From 490 ₽ 1 day
Boss Direct From 990 ₽ “inscale” +5 days free
Zeus From 110 ₽ “INSCALE” +3 days free
Instaplus From 399 ₽ 5 days
SocialKit From 1100 ₽ 7 days

Newsletter in Direct: 30 services + 4 steps how to do it

By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool

3. Contest

If you already have your "backbone" of active subscribers, then announce the contest on your page. Play a gift, and as one of the conditions for participation, indicate a subscription. The main thing is that there are other conditions that will help to fairly select the winners. Otherwise, the contest will turn into a simple giveaway, after which you will lose all subscribed participants.

The timing of the competition should be such that everyone who wants to complete the task, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal - 5-7 days.

Holding a contest on Instagram

Uploading comments to IG: TOP 5 services + how to do Instagram challenge: 13 ideas of 2021

Cheat followers on Instagram

The fastest method for recruiting followers - cheat programs. We do not support this method of promotion, as it is not reliable. It has a number of shortcomings, but at the initial stage it will give impetus to the development of the account in order to attract advertisers as quickly as possible. nine0003

- Sites for buying subscribers in bulk

Buying subscribers is done by buying in bulk or using job exchanges. The meaning of the subscription package is that you order a lot and immediately in a couple of clicks. The table below contains the most popular resources operating in this mode:

nine0015 From 0.35 ₽ ​​
Service Cost (per subscriber)
TmSmm From 0.14 ₽
Mrpopular From 0.08 RUB
Prostospec From 0.28 RUB
Prskill From 0.07 RUB
- Job exchanges

The second option - smm job exchanges. Here you independently compose the task, prescribe the conditions, set your own price for subscribing to you. The order will appear on the site, and only those users who have passed the selection criteria (suitable for gender, age, geolocation, etc.) will execute it. nine0003

As an advertisement

In addition to detailed task settings, such exchanges have one more advantage. They can also be used as a performer. By completing tasks, you earn internal currency (points) that you can spend on promoting your profile.

nine0015 Minimum from 0.5 ₽
Service Cost (per subscriber)
Likeinsta Fully customizable
Unu Minimum from 1 ₽
Socpublic Minimum from 0.2 ₽

The main disadvantage of cheating live followers on Instagram is that it will not bring activity, will not show interest in the content, and, moreover, will not give any conversion and upward movement. Of course, this method will help to increase the number of followers on Instagram, but it will not be of great use. nine0003

Also, it's not worth getting a large number of subscribers at once because of the profile blocking. When there is not yet the first thousand subscribers, let's be specific: wind up from 50 to 100 custom, but no more. And as you reach the designated goal, be sure to delete inactive accounts and bots. A list of profile cleaning assistants is attached:

Service Cost
InstaHero 199 ₽ / 1 cleaning
SpamGuard Choose a personal tariff

- Mass actions

Programs select potential subscribers and carry out mass actions on their pages on your behalf: put likes, view stories, subscribe. It is possible to show which accounts to pay attention to: the search will be conducted by the audience of competitors, interests by hashtags and geotags under which you publish.

- Mass following and mass looking

Massollowing and masslooking automation. Set up the simultaneous execution of all actions or select any one option you need. The whole process is carried out through the cloud. Confirmed the task and calmly go about your business further. We give a list of programs that will subscribe you to a potential audience:

nine0015 1 490 ₽ ("INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on everything)
Service Cost (per month) Free period
Zengram 3 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day 299 ₽ 5 days

- Massliking

Software for mass liking posts of other social network users. The principle of operation is similar: a person will see that you like him, go to the page and subscribe if he likes posts and stories. A working option to increase the number of subscribers. nine0003

Service Cost (per month) Free period 299 ₽ 5 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day

briefly about the main thing

There is no universal formula for how to get a thousand followers and promote your Instagram account from scratch. Now you know what promotion methods are relevant for her. nine0003

I remind you that you need not only to gain subscribers, but also to be able to keep them. To do this, make a rule for yourself - post content every day. At least a few stories, if suddenly there is no time to write "long posts". The main thing is not to let your subscribers forget you.

What you do best (for example, photos of cityscapes) - will be the main theme for Instagram.

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