How to get out of being shadowbanned on instagram

6 Ways to Avoid the Instagram Shadowban in 2023

What is an Instagram shadowban?

How do Instagram shadowbans work?

6 ways to avoid an Instagram shadowban

Instagram shadowban FAQ

If you say “Instagram shadowban” in the mirror three times, Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri appears and tells you it isn’t real.

“But then why am I only getting 20 likes per post when I used to get 250+?” you ask, frantically coming up with hashtags to find The One that will put you back on the map.

Well… maybe it’s not about the hashtags you’re choosing.

Fear not: This is your complete guide to avoiding an (alleged) Instagram shadowban, and how to recover from one (allegedly).

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

What is an Instagram shadowban?

An Instagram shadowban is an unofficial ban that restricts an account’s visibility (in users’ feeds, Stories, Explore pages etc. ), negatively affecting reach. It can happen when an account posts sensitive content or enters a gray area of the platform’s Community Guidelines. What makes it different from a regular ban is that users are not notified when their account is shadowbanned.

It’s important to note that according to Instagram, shadowbanning is not practiced on the platform — but so many users claim to be affected by mysterious restrictions that the myth lives on.

How do Instagram shadowbans work?

While shadowbans apparently aren’t real, we know that Instagram, like all social media platforms, has ways of promoting or restricting pieces of content. What many refer to as “the Instagram algorithm” is really a network of many factors that affect the potential reach and visibility of each post, either positively or negatively.

Instagram references this power in their Community Guidelines: “Overstepping these boundaries may result in deleted content, disabled accounts, or other restrictions.

The AI doing this in the background has good intentions: To keep Instagram spam-free and safe. These algorithmic tools exist to comply with global laws about internet security, misinformation, and political interference.

Moderation and legal compliance are very different from what users report an Instagram shadowban is, though. Instagram tells you directly if you’ve run afoul of copyright or other specific laws or policies.


6 ways to avoid an Instagram shadowban

1. Don’t violate the community guidelines

Grab your favorite beverage and do some light reading of Instagram’s official Community Guidelines and terms of service.


Create a positive environment, be respectful in all communications (even DMs), don’t post inappropriate content or promote violence, and—especially important for companies—ensure you own the copyright (or have permission) for everything you post.

2. Don’t act like a bot

Have decades of playing Super Mario World on SNES trained your thumbs to move like lightning? Try to reign in your supreme powers. If you follow more than 500 people per hour, or otherwise interact with the app with robot speed, Instagram may think you are a bot.

There are a lot of opinions about how many follows, likes, or comments you can do in a certain period of time. Some say it’s 160 total actions per hour, some say 500. Some say it’s different for each account, depending on how long you’ve been a user or if you have any “red flags.”

Meta’s spam policy, which covers Instagram, simply tells users not to “post, share, engage…either manually or automatically, at very high frequencies.”

Whatever the limits are, move too fast and you could get a notification that freezes your account for hours, or even days. You won’t be able to do anything on Instagram until it’s over (although there is an appeals process).

3. Be consistent

Your rocky engagement metrics may be the result of a haphazard posting schedule instead of a shadowban. Posting often, at least several times per week, should keep your current followers seeing your content in their feeds and keep new followers coming in.

4. Don’t use banned hashtags

A banned hashtag means Instagram has deemed it problematic and decided to hide or limit content that uses it from search and other areas.

Periodically check your usual hashtags to ensure they haven’t been banned. If so, remove them from recent posts to avoid potentially damaging your reach, or worse, becoming shadowbanned.

How to know if you’re using a banned hashtag? Search it. If you see the message below on the hashtag page, it’s a no-go.

It’s not only the obviously inappropriate ones to watch out for. Fitness peeps should avoid using #pushups, for example. Why? Who knows, but it shows the importance of regularly checking your tags.

5. Use a content warning for sensitive topics

If you’re talking about a news story or violent event, Instagram can mistakenly think you’re promoting violence, which goes against guidelines. However, they do make exceptions as long as your purpose is to raise awareness and benefit the community.

To be on the safe side, Instagram suggests blocking or blurring violent or sensitive images, and including a warning in your graphic and text. Also be sure to state your position on the issue clearly, so that Instagram doesn’t think you’re pro-violence. If seeing the original image is important to raise awareness, you can link to an external site with the full news story.

6. Don’t buy followers or use sketchy apps

Last but not least? While you may inadvertently run afoul of Instagram’s content guidelines, as long as you aren’t seeking out ways to cheat the system, you’ll probably be fine.

Things to avoid include:

  • Buying followers
  • Using unapproved third-party apps to auto-like content, or that claim to build your followers “organically.” (Don’t worry: Hootsuite is an official Instagram partner.)
  • Replying to DMs asking you to input a code or provide similar information.

Instagram shadowban FAQ

How can you tell if you’ve been shadowbanned on Instagram?

Users describe an Instagram shadowban as feeling like “the algorithm is against them. ” Typical symptoms of an Instagram shadowban are:

  • A dramatic drop in engagement (likes, comments, impressions, etc) without an obvious reason.
  • Your Audience Insights show significantly less non-follower reach.
  • Your followers start saying they don’t see your posts anymore like they used to, or that your Stories don’t show up near the top of their screens.

Shadowbanned users say that after posting something potentially controversial, their organic reach, likes, and engagement suddenly tanked—even for posts after that. Or, that their follower count stops growing like usual, no matter what they do.

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

Some users say a shadowban happened to them after receiving an Instagram notification like this, known as an “action block. ” This happens when Instagram thinks you’re a bot if you like or comment on too many posts too quickly. #FireThumbs


Besides being restricted from the action that caused the pop-up, users also notice decreased reach or other factors leading them to think they’re being penalized for more than the notification indicates.

How long does an Instagram shadowban last?

From analyzing many first-hand accounts, it seems like the average Instagram shadowban lasts about two weeks.

But, how long does a ghost hang around a haunted house? Like other urban legends, there isn’t a clear answer for how long a shadowban lasts because it’s all word of mouth.

It’s also possible that Instagram imposes different levels of shadowbans. Some users report being back to their usual engagement and growth levels within a few days, while others say their account never recovered and remains at a stand-still almost a year later.

How to remove a shadowban on Instagram

If you think you’re being shadowbanned, here’s your guide to fixing it.

The bad news: There isn’t a one size fits all solution.

The good news: We’ve organized these by difficulty, so start at the top and work your way through until the clouds part, the algorithm sings, and your shadowban is over.

1. Delete the post that got you shadowbanned

If your shadowban happened immediately after your last post, try deleting it to see if your engagement goes back to normal for your next few posts.

Whether this works or not, you also have to ask yourself how strongly you believe in what you posted, and how far you’re willing to go to satisfy AI robots vs. your own integrity. Deep.

2. Delete all hashtags from recent posts

Does this work on its own? Prob not, but hey, it’s quick and easy. Try editing your posts from the last 3-7 days to remove all hashtags.

3. Stop posting for a few days

Some users say this sort of “reset” their account and cleared a shadowban. Take a break from all Instagram content, including Stories and Reels, for 2-3 days.

4. Check your hashtags

Search for each of the hashtags you use to see if they’ve been banned or restricted. If so, stop using those ones and delete them from all your recent posts. Learn how to do this in the next section.

5. Go all in on Reels

We know Instagram prioritizes Reels right now. You’ll get more followers and engagement by posting Reels. So, go hard and post a Reel a day for a few weeks.

One Instagrammer I spoke with said she was shadowbanned after inadvertently violating the content guidelines. She received a notification, her post was removed, and she figured that was the end of it. However, she experienced 6 months of reduced engagement, despite having consistent growth before. She thinks focusing on Reels for 3 months helped dig her out, and now her engagement is back to normal.

And, hey, Reels are always a good idea anyway. Get inspired with these Reels ideas anyone can do quickly.

6. Deactivate and reactivate your Instagram account

Some users report temporarily deactivating their account for 1-2 days fixed a shadowban. There’s no real evidence this works, so do so at your own risk. Be sure to use the deactivate feature, which is reversible. It’s not the same as deleting your account, which isn’t.

7. Boost a post

(Not the one that got you shadowbanned, obviously.) One Instagrammer said this instantly got them out of a shadowban.

Again, it’s anecdotal evidence, but boosting a post is a great way to try out Instagram advertising.

Finally, you might want to try officially reporting a problem to Instagram (as tricky as it may be, considering Instagram claims shadowbans aren’t real). To do this:

  1. Go to your profile page on Instagram
  2. Tap the menu icon in the top right corner of the screen, then go to Settings
  3. Tap help, then Report a problem
  4. Follow the prompts to best describe your issue

Are there specific words that get you shadowbanned on Instagram?

Yes. Users report having specific words or hashtags in their posts have resulted in either receiving official content violation warnings, or experiencing a shadowban.

Many politically-focused accounts say they’ve repeatedly been hit with content violations for speaking about current events, even though Instagram’s Community Guidelines say: “We allow content for public awareness … after weighing the public interest value against the risk of harm, and we look to international human rights standards to make these judgments.”

Anti-racism educators often report experiencing shadowbans. Many have seen a connection between shadowbans and using words like, “white,” or “racism,” or raising awareness about the murders of BIPOC people. Since Instagram says they have a zero-tolerance violence policy, the AI could be interpreting the usage of words like “murder” in this context as a violation.

We have spoken a lot about the racism that is embedded is social media platforms.

I frequently get my content removed from Facebook and Instagram when I speak out about racism and injustices and Instagram has me on a constant shadowban 🙄

Today I stumb…

— Hannah Litt (@hannahlitt) August 27, 2022

Some educators alter words to try and avoid this—like “whyte”—or censor parts of them, like “m*rder.”

If you haven’t seen posts from your favorite people lately, especially BIPOC or LGBTQIA2S+ creators, search for their profiles and like, comment, and save their posts to help give them a boost.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Amanda Faun (@arborandwood)

Does Instagram shadowban,


I mean… no. *OK did Adam Mosseri click away yet?*

Honestly, there’s no way to know for sure. We even tested Instagram’s limits and tried to get shadowbanned.

Looking at the evidence, we know that all platforms regulate content and either reward or discourage certain posts, or topics. So, yes, it’s possible that Instagram shadowbans are real.

On the opposite side, Instagram has explicitly said they’re not real. 🤷‍♀️

I asked @mosseri this question, knowing full well how he was going to respond.

There you have it guys. Again.

Shadowbanning is not a thing. #SMSpouses

— Jackie Lerm 👩🏻‍💻 (@jackielerm) February 22, 2020

Could what we call a shadowban just be the algorithm at work, changing what’s “hot” right now? We can philosophize about Instagram shadowbans all day, but the truth is, Instagram isn’t a neutral entity. It’s a company making decisions based on business goals, just like you.

If your Instagram performance is lagging, or you’re frustrated after a shadowban, maybe it’s time to revise your marketing strategy instead. We’ve got just the thing: 18 ideas to grow on Instagram right no

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What It Is And How To Remove It

In this article, we’re going to go over:

  1. What exactly is the Instagram shadowban? Is the IG shadowban a real thing?

  2. How to identify if your Instagram account is “shadowbanned”… AKA, your individual posts aren’t showing up for hashtags that you added to your captions or comments.

  3. What it means to be shadowbanned and what it means for your Instagram account.

  4. How to fix being shadowbanned and how to prevent it from happening in the future.

  5. What you need to know about the Instagram shadowban going forward (and how it’s changing)

What is the Instagram Shadowban? 

Here is what’s currently happening to Instagram users all over the platform:

Instagram, for a number of different reasons… is actively restricting some people’s posts so they don’t show up for hashtags or their followers feeds.

The only way for people to see your posts when a post is shadowbanned is to type their name in search and visit their actual profile. 

As you can imagine… if people on Instagram are unable to see your posts anywhere on the platform (besides having to type in your name and visit your profile), it’s absolutely devastating for your account.

But here’s where it get’s controversial:

Does the Instagram Shadowban actually exist?

According to Instagram, the IG Shadowban does not exist and it’s a common misconception to think otherwise.

However, if you spend just a few minutes digging, you’ll find account after account complaining that their account is in fact shadowbanned and that their followers are complaining that they no longer see them anywhere in their main feeds or when searching for different hashtags.

Recently, Internet personality Mia Khalifa revealed an internal presentation that went out to only Instagram employees at Instagram HQ.

Instagram not only confirmed that the IG Shadowban is real, the algorithm is actively looking for certain activities and criteria before placing accounts under the ban.

Here’s what’s important to know:

Instagram has a number of banned hashtags that it doesn’t want you to use.

If you use these banned hashtags in a caption for a post, Instagram will not only restrict that post so that it will not be able to be found when you search for it, your post will also not show up in people’s feeds (even if they follow you).

For example, #Snapchat is not allowed on Instagram’s platform and you will be punished by the algorithm if you attempt to use this ‘banned hashtag’ in any post.

Important note:

Not all banned hashtags are as obvious as you’d think.

For example, common terms such as #pushups, #alone, #brain are all banned hashtags on Instagram.

In fact, there are numerous banned hashtags on Instagram that you should avoid using in posts or comments.

Failure to avoid using any of these banned hashtags can result in your account getting shadowbanned or worse, can even result in Instagram permanently banning you from the platform according to Instagram’s Community Guidelines.

Here is the complete list of banned Instagram hashtags In 2022:

(This list was updated on December 4, 2022)


  • #alone

  • #assday

  • #ass

  • #antivax


  • #beautyblogger

  • #bikinibody

  • #boho

  • #brain


  • #costumes

  • #curvygirls


  • #date

  • #dating

  • #desk

  • #dm


  • #elevator


  • #graffitiigers


  • #hardworkpaysoff

  • #happythanksgiving

  • #humpday


  • #iphonegraphy

  • #italiano


  • #kansas

  • #killingit

  • #kissing


  • #master

  • #models

  • #mustfollow


  • #nasty

  • #newyearsday


  • #petite

  • #pornfood

  • #pushups


  • #saltwater

  • #shit

  • #shower

  • #single

  • #singlelife

  • #skype

  • #snap

  • #snapchat

  • #snowstorm

  • #sopretty

  • #stranger

  • #streetphoto

  • #sunbathing

  • #swole


  • #tag4like

  • #tanlines

  • #teens

  • #thought


  • #undies


  • #valentinesday


  • #workflow

Quick note:

I run a free app called PostBuilder that lets you:

  • Preview what your posts will look like before you post

  • Make perfect line breaks for your Instagram captions, bios, and comments

  • Store unlimited future posts and captions and organize them in your drafts

  • Does not require you to login with Instagram and is fully compliant with Instagram’s Terms of Service

PostBuilder is an all-in-one Instagram management app that saves you a massive amount of time when you’re trying to grow your brand on Instagram.

Important note:

I also run an app called PicMerger that lets you stitch photos together side by side, make photo collages sized for Instagram, size your photos in a perfect square, and other picture editing tools that save you time and effort when creating content.

How To Check If You’re Shadowbanned On Instagram In 2022

If you’re wanting to know if your latest post has been hit by the Instagram shadowban, follow these simple steps:

  1. Make your new post on IG using your intended hashtags

  2. Have a few people that you know go search for those hashtags and try to find your post in recent posts

If people are able to find your recent post for that hashtag when searching, you weren’t shadowbanned.

If people are unable to find your new post when searching for that hashtag, you are almost certainly affected by Instagram’s shadowban..

Important to note:

When checking if your post is showing up for hashtags, you have to use another device and IG account.

Instagram’s algorithm is extremely sophisticated and will still show you your post regardless if you’re shadowbanned or not.

Here’s how to remove The instagram shadowban In 2022

1. Remove any questionable 3rd party apps or software that has access to your Instagram account.

To check what apps and websites have access to your IG account:

  • Sign into IG on desktop

  • Go to “Settings”

  • Go to “Apps and Websites”

  • Remove potentially questionable apps and websites that you have allowed access to your account in the past

2. Stop using bots, automation, or engagement pods to try to get around the IG algorithm

It’s 2022… the Instagram algorithm is highly sophisticated and the days of thinking you have a chance at outsmarting it are long gone.

Yes, there are bots and 3rd party software that are still existing on Instagram… but the platform is cracking down on these faster and faster.

The only long-term option going forward on Instagram is to abide by their Terms of Service and grow you account the ride way… without trying to take shortcuts.

3. Avoid using banned and recently blacklisted hashtags

We went over the usage of banned hashtags and the risks involved… but you also need to be wary of using popular hashtags that have been blacklisted on the platform.

For example, on #Christmas, #Thanksgiving, #4thOfJuly, etc., these hashtags will be used by millions of people and will eventually hit a threshold where Instagram suddenly (and without warning) will ‘blacklist’ that hashtag.

What this means:

Everyone who uses that hashtag going forward will be at risk of being shadowbanned.

Again, the people who used the hashtag before the blacklisting will not be affected… but users who make posts even seconds after IG does this will risk being shadowbanned.

4. Avoid using repetitive or irrelevant hashtags over and over

Instagram’s algorithm wants new and fresh content on the platform.

If you’re using irrelevant hashtags, or if you’re using the same hashtags over and over in posts… you’re going to get hit by the Instagram Shadowban (eventually).

Here’s what to do instead:

You should only be using highly relevant hashtags in your posts.

Don’t use generic hashtags like #love, #happy #sad, #glad, et cetera.

Important not:

When you’re adding your hashtags to your post, always add it to your caption… not to your first comment.


You can’t edit individual hashtags in comments.

Instagram sometimes will only ban a handful of your hashtags.

What this means:

If you go back into your post and remove the hashtags that have banned or blacklisted and kept the ones that haven’t been flagged, the restrictions on your post will be removed.

If you add your hashtags to your comments and you get hit by a shadowban, you won’t be able to go in and edit out the banned tags indivudally… you’ll be forced to remove all of your hashtags (even the ones that weren’t affected).

5. Reach out to Instagram through their IG support page

Once you remove the potentially questionable 3rd apps or software that had authorization access on your account, you need to reach out to Instagram through the app.

Yes, Instagram support actually does read support requests like these (even though you most likely won’t get an email reply from them when you send them a request).

Here’s what you need to say:

You need to inform IG in your message that your followers are not able to see your posts in their feeds and they aren’t able to find you in search.

Important note:

Do NOT mention you suspect you are under a shadowbox. Just describe what is happening and explain that this is hurting your brand/business because of this bug.

6. Commenting, Liking, or DMing too much

The shadowban is also watching for any spam or non-human activity.

If you’re making 40 comments in 1 hour, Instagram doesn’t like that and will punish you.

Also, if you’re sending a bunch of DMs all at once to a mass of people, Instagram could think you’re a bot or you’re using some sort of 3rd party software.

Bottom line:

Act like a human. Don’t be mistaken for a bot.

The algorithm makes mistakes… don’t take the risk of it making a mistake and flagging your account.

7. You’re getting reported

If your account or you comments/DMs are getting reported by users, you can be subjected to a shadowban.

You won’t get shadowbanned right away, but if enough people mass report you… you can absolutely be subjected to getting a shadowban or even a permanent account ban.

8. Take a break from Instagram for a few days or even a week

Many people have come out and shown that after taking 2-7 days off from Instagram, their shadowbans were lifted.

Should you put your hashtags in your Instagram caption or in the comment below your post?

At the end of August of 2021, Adam Mosseri (current head of Instagram) publicly announced on his official Instagram @Mosseri that the Instagram algorithm favors posts when hashtags are placed inside the caption.

Although many argue that it’s more aesthetically pleasing when you bury your hashtags in your IG post’s comments…

Instagram has publicly declared that you should always post your hashtags inside your captions for any type of content on Instagram (posts, Reels, IGTV, et cetera)… if you want to fully appease the Instagram algorithm.

In conclusion:

There are no shortcuts when it comes to growing an audience on Instagram.

If you’re trying to game the algorithm, you’ve already lost.

Long are the days of being able to use shady tactics to grow your account… if you want to win on Instagram (without getting restricted or shadowbanned) you’re going to have to abide by Instagram’s rules.

Did I miss anything?

Leave me a note at [email protected] and tell me what I’m missing.

*This article was originally published on October 13, 2017 and was updated December 4th, 2022.

Subscribe below to get notified when Instagram’s banned hashtags list changes. It’s free and you can unsubscribe any time.

Definition, reasons, checks and ways out

In the 21st century, maintaining an Instagram account requires time, creative ideas that can attract the attention of thousands of people, and financial resources. It happens that the activity of subscribers suddenly decreases and indicators fall. Engagement and reach suffer the most. This usually means that your account has been shadowbanned.

What is a shadowban

A shadowban is a blocking of displaying content to users who are not subscribers without the knowledge of the account. This means that only subscribers will be able to see your posts, and only the hashtags you use will be displayed in their feed. If you see that the coverage has dropped dramatically, this may be the case. nine0003

Although the term itself appeared about fifteen years ago, it has recently gained wide popularity. Similar methods of optimizing the work of a social network are used not only on the Instagram platform. First of all, a shadowban is used to get rid of accounts that do not comply with the terms of the policy. Therefore, a shadowban is needed to ensure that users only see acceptable, authentic, and genuine content.

Promoting an Instagram account requires a lot of effort and resources, such as time and money. Even if money is not an issue, it takes months and years to become popular and gain thousands of followers. Some bloggers use dishonest methods, such as irrelevant hashtags or auto promotion services. For security purposes, the administration identifies "dishonest users" and puts them in a shadowban. The user is not informed about this. Only when the number of views drops sharply, you can understand that something is wrong. nine0003

Typically, a shadowban affects reach among users who are not your followers. This can manifest itself in different ways:

  • Other users (not your followers) do not see your posts in the recommendation section;
  • Posts are blocked in hashtag searches.

In this case, you can keep the existing audience. But increasing the number of subscribers becomes much more difficult. Some bloggers are sure that with a shadowban, content disappears even from the subscribers' feed. nine0003

Sudden and significant declines in performance, such as coverage, may also be due to other causes. Instagram is constantly changing the algorithm for displaying profiles in the "Search and interesting" section. Updates were released in June 2016. Since then, many influencers have noticed a significant drop in audience engagement. This is mainly reflected in the search for hashtags. The administration of the social network acknowledged the existence of such a problem in February 2017.

They even gave advice on how to create unique content that would comply with the policy. nine0003

If there are obvious violations of the rules, the platform may simply remove the content. In such cases, the account owner will receive a notification:

Am I shadowbanned on Instagram? How to check it?

When managing a business account, it is important to take the appropriate approach. Analytics is a good tool for assessing the real potential and current state of an account. It also helps to determine if your account has been shadowbanned. This is indicated by the following indicators:

  • Decreased number of likes and comments. Sudden decline in engagement. This scares away subscribers who are already interested in your content. If an account is shadowbanned, it will affect several posts.
  • Insufficient coverage of a new audience through hashtags. If this is a very popular hashtag and you are an average blogger, then this is not surprising. However, you need to be careful when it comes to less popular hashtags. Unfortunately, users outside your circle of followers will not be able to see your account when searching for hashtags. nine0016
  • Reduced coverage. It is difficult to achieve high performance in this parameter, but it is an important criterion. If your reach drops significantly within two or three days while you're following your usually successful strategy, your posts may not be showing to a wide audience.

It is important to understand that judging by only one factor, it is impossible to say whether an account has been banned. The situation can be explained by a change in the algorithms (which was briefly described in the previous section). nine0003

Whether you are 100% sure or not, there are several ways to check if your account has been shadowbanned or not.

Use another Instagram account

This option enables hashtag search. This is a pretty easy way. What you need to do:

  1. Post with unpopular hashtags. This way, your post will be easier to find as it will be among fewer posts.
  2. Ask four or five non-followers to find this post using the hashtag. You can ask one of the subscribers to unsubscribe for the duration of the experiment. nine0016

If this hashtag is in search and the reach is still low, it's probably hidden algorithms. On the other hand, if no one can find a post by the hashtag, there is every reason to believe that the account has been shadowbanned.

Use shadowban checking services

There are many tools that can determine if an account has been shadowbanned. They can be paid or free, with additional features or basic evaluation criteria. To start searching, you need to enter your account information. nine0003

Usually, the service checks the last ten posts for viral and banned hashtags. For example, Triberr marks bad hashtags in red and good ones in green. It also lists all the "bad" hashtags so they can be easily removed. In addition, the service gets access to your analytics and gives recommendations on how to increase your reach.

Other services, such as the Instagram shadowban tester, provide a deeper analysis and help determine not only the use of banned hashtags, but also the overall level of compliance with security rules and the overall health of the account. This is the so-called personalized guide to creating healthy content. nine0003

Why is my account shadowbanned? What makes Instagram apply a shadowban?

Those who have already experienced the “charms” of the shadowban are trying their best to avoid a repeat of the situation in the future. This information will be useful, including for Instagram business accounts. Here we list the most common reasons for a shadowban.

Use of bots or other automated tools

Instagram's terms of use clearly state the use of automated systems. First of all, this applies to bots that increase your audience and engagement (for example, by increasing the number of likes). Instagress, Followliker, Boostly are examples of apps that offer similar services. The ban of accounts using such services is mainly intended to encourage real influencers and punish those who use dishonest methods. nine0003

Auto-posting bots are also considered as a threat to the authenticity of the account. So if you were too lazy to wake up at 8 in the morning to post, it's best to set an alarm. However, this does not include scheduling apps that remind you that it's time to post.

A small note: using bots for one account can negatively affect your other accounts. The reason is that you are using a single IP address.

Using bad hashtags

Hashtags are a common way to reach a large audience. They help increase the chances of attracting real followers. This is probably why Instagram strictly enforces the rules for using hashtags. Even without an official list, it's easy to check the hashtag yourself. To do this, you need to search for a hashtag. If your search results only show up in the "Top" tab, it's likely that the hashtag has been blocked. In some cases, the Instagram administration may notify that this hashtag does not comply with the policy. nine0003

The constant use of certain hashtags can be another trap. Some bloggers use the same hashtags to make their profile easier to navigate, but you need to be careful with this approach. This may be perceived by the social network as spam and, therefore, your account may be shadowbanned.

Your account gets frequent complaints

The easiest way to get technical support attention on your profile is to report it. A complaint means that the content is infringing or inappropriate. In short, your content violates the community guidelines and terms of use in some way. nine0003

If the number of complaints is significant, Instagram may place your account in a shadowban or completely block access. If you didn't break the rules, you have nothing to worry about. Contact technical support to manually check everything.

You post, comment, gain followers or follow other accounts too fast

Instagram has a limit on the number of likes, comments and number of accounts you can follow per hour. This security measure is to identify users who use automation tools. Allowed limits per hour:

  • 60 subscriptions/unsubscriptions

These are averages for most users. However, the limits may be increased depending on the age of the account. The older the account, the more loyal the rules will be.

In addition to the limits mentioned above, there are limits on the number of hashtags or deleted posts. However, violating these restrictions is unlikely to result in a shadowban. Usually in such cases, you will immediately receive a notification from the platform. nine0003

How to get out or avoid the shadowban on Instagram?

To date, there is no panacea for the shadowban. The situation will change for the better when Instagram talks about the “virus” and suggests concrete steps for prevention. If you understand the reasons for getting shadowbanned, then focus on them in your Instagram shadowban avoidance strategy. The most obvious steps are as follows:

1. Don't use banned or "bad" hashtags

Banned hashtags are like a red rag to a bull. Their use is the surest way to the shadowban. These hashtags will do more harm than good. nine0003

Check all your posts for banned hashtags. We have already mentioned ways to check the status of hashtags using Instagram search. Another option is to use the list of banned hashtags on Instagram. Don't forget to check the hashtags in the comments.

It's best to stop using hashtags in comments altogether. This practice increases your chances of getting into a short-term shadowban.

Don't be surprised if this helps bring your account back to normal reach. Before using an "unknown" hashtag, check it out. Thus, you will be able to avoid getting into the shadowban and develop your business steadily. nine0003

2. Take a break

Inactivity on Instagram for a few days can help you get out of the shadowban. This applies to likes, comments, and even logging into the app itself. On average, it is enough to be absent from the social network for 48 hours. To increase your chances, try extending your break to 72 hours.

After returning, we advise you to follow the Instagram rules 100% of the time. Some also point out that reducing activity (such as giving fewer likes or leaving fewer comments) for a while can also help solve the shadowban issue. nine0003

3. Report your shadowban to Instagram support

It is known that getting a response from the Instagram administration is not easy, but reporting a problem can be effective. It's best to send a request from the app itself. This can be done from any device. You need to go to the profile section, click on the gear icon in the upper right corner, select the "Help" section, and there "Report a bug".

The best description of the shadowban problem is "something is not working right". After choosing this option, you will have the opportunity to describe the problem in more detail, so that it is easier for technical support to understand the situation. It is important to remember that Instagram does not officially acknowledge the existence of this problem. Therefore, it will be useless to complain about the decrease in engagement and other indicators. One of the best options is to say that posts are not identified in the search by the hashtags used. nine0003

In any case, you can contact support an unlimited number of times, so you can experiment. Remember that you won't always get a response, much less a quick one.

4. Switch from a business account to a personal account

Switching to a personal account is a rather controversial decision. There is no evidence that it is effective. Although some users claim that it works. Potentially, the reason may be that a business account automatically assumes the role of a marketing tool, which means making a profit. nine0003

Some say that ever since Facebook bought Instagram, social media has been focused on monetization. Business is the main resource. A popular way to earn your place on Facebook is through paid advertising. The ability to constantly expand the audience and increase the level of engagement with the help of existing free tools limits the ability of the social network to earn from paid advertising. It can be assumed that the shadowban arose precisely for this reason.

5. Avoid complaints about your account from other users

Although the Instagram representative is difficult to contact, their technical support responds quickly. Not for questions, but for complaints. Obviously, we are talking about complaints from users. This is a sure sign that something is wrong with your content. Typically, complaints come about inappropriate content or spam.

Social media policies must be strictly followed to avoid complaints. There are two main categories: Terms of Use and Community Guidelines. In short, the content must be genuine, non-offensive and appropriate (i.e. without any form of harassment, no nudity, etc.) This guide also covers ways to promote an account. Only manual and predictable methods are allowed. nine0003

If you have been reported, this does not always mean that the account's reputation has been destroyed. However, a reduction in coverage, engagement and other indicators is guaranteed. In more serious cases, access to the account may be lost forever.

Instagram banned hashtag list

The first Instagram banned hashtag list was published in 2018. Previously, all banned hashtags had to be checked manually using a search, as mentioned above. Listings cannot guarantee 100% quality. This does not mean that the compilers made a mistake. The fact is that a hashtag ban can be temporary. nine0003

The list may seem too varied. It includes the most popular hashtags like #alone, #always, #italiano, #popular, etc. Many of them are related to the topic of sexuality or popular trends on Instagram like #likeforlike.

Here you can find the current list of prohibited Instagram hashtags.

Shadowban in other social networks

The term "shadowban" is gaining popularity in all social networks. Giants such as Twitter and Facebook have been hit by accusations over this issue. Although none of them have confirmed the use of the shadowban, several updates have been posted regarding changes to the algorithms. nine0003

Twitter has announced that it will implement a special rating to get rid of "bad" users. The rating is based on the authenticity of the content and profile usage. Facebook, in turn, is flooded with news publications. In an attempt to detect false news, random accounts are placed in the ban.

They claim to rely on complaints from users and fact checkers. However, both platforms may still limit engagement and reach if the account was overly active or violated the rules. nine0003

Youtube is also known to use shadowban. In addition to the usual blocking due to non-compliance with the rules, this platform also hides some comments. They are marked as spam and are visible only to the author of the comment and the owner of the video.

Instagram shadowban: how to get out (10 methods)

Here you have written a super-text, picked up a cool photo, posted a post on Instagram, set hashtags and got ready for a flurry of likes, comments and saves. However, instead of the expected effect, one has to be content with the meager activity of subscribers. Tadaaaam, congratulations, you are in the shadowban...

A shadowban is a reduction in the reach or restriction of showing your content to users who are not following you.

In other words, if you are in the shadowban, then your posts are recommended, by hashtags, etc. are not shown. And in the feed of subscribers there will be fewer of them than usual.

How to check a hit

Statistics help to recognize a ban. To notice it, you must connect a business profile or an author account. I hope you have no problems with this, so I'll get to the point. nine0003

How, after all, to check your account for a shadowban and understand whether the anger of the Instagram administration touched you or not. In fact, everything is quite simple. The signs of a shadowban are as follows:

  • Post and story coverage has plummeted, subscriber activity tends to zero;
  • In the post statistics, hashtag coverage is catastrophically small;
  • Publication is not visible by personal or low-frequency (up to 1000 publications) hashtag;
  • nine0015 Third-party statistics services show a sharp decline in reach, likes and engagement.

In the picture below you can see the difference in account statistics with and without a ban.


If we compare the pictures, it is obvious that the hashtag coverage has dropped significantly. Accordingly, all blog statistics are also a loser.

Important. If you plan to order advertising from a blogger, then checking for a ban is a mandatory event. To do this, request account statistics, or rather check it yourself through statistics services, such as LiveDune (30% discount + 7 days of access using the promo code "INSCALE"). nine0003

Breaking down the bones

Is there a ban? Yes, there is. And by the way, until recently, Instagram developers did not recognize the phenomenon of a ban. But in February 2019, they made a statement on their official page indirectly confirming all the speculations of users.

But the devil is not as scary as he is painted, you just need to comply with the norms of the social network. Therefore, I tell the whole truth about the shadow ban: why you can get into it, how to get out of it correctly and prevention methods. nine0003

1. Reasons for getting banned

There is a quite usual answer to the logical question: "Why was my account banned?" Getting into the shadowban is a measure of punishment for violating the rules of the social network. In this way, Instagram is trying to filter out low-quality content and "keep a friendly community."

Most users puzzle over the reasons and speculate: "Why was my account shadowbanned? I didn't break any rules." So let's figure out what actually affects the shadowban on Instagram. nine0003

nine0211 For example, for mass liking, mass following, mass looking or auto posting. The social network can define such methods as "suspicious activity" and block them.
Reason Description
1. Cheating bots That is, one-time and in large quantities at once. This does not give a positive effect for promotion and is severely punished by Instagram. If you are going to cheat, then do it gradually and systematically, and when registering for cheating, use virtual number services to receive SMS.
2. Use of third party services
3. Bulk unsubscribe If dozens and hundreds of users suddenly start unsubscribing from you, which happens very often after a giveaway, then you will be banned. Because once you unsubscribe so much. This means that the account is not interesting.
4. Account complaints It's hard to track down why this happens - it's content or detractors, but Instagram strictly monitors the community environment. Therefore, a huge number of complaints can be the reason for the shadowban.
5. Exceeding limits Temporary filters are applied to every action on Instagram. This is how the administration calculates suspicious activity. If an account likes more than 60 posts per hour or subscribes to 80 accounts, it is obvious to the system that the person could not do this. nine0212
6. Same hashtags This means that you use the same hashtags under each post, while applying more than 30 at once and duplicating them in the comments. Instagram policy welcomes the uniqueness of texts and photos. This also applies to hashtags.
7. High frequency hashtags The case when there are already more than a million publications under them. Probably, your goal was to get a large reach, but Instagram algorithms work according to their own scheme. It is believed that popular hashtags are often used for irrelevant content. Therefore, Instagram removes them or limits their use. At the same time, other harmless hashtags that you use may also stop working. nine0212

And by the way, about hashtags. The list of bad hashtags is over 120,000. Therefore, if you are offered to buy such a "banned" list so that you never get into the shadowban, be careful. Perhaps they are trying to deceive you.

2. Can promo posts be banned?

  • Advertising block. It is these materials that have not been moderated by Instagram and will not be shown to any user; nine0016
  • Shadowban. The social network allows publication, but minimizes its possible coverage.

And there can be many reasons for such blocking - from the amount of allowed text on the creative to its content. Instagram strictly prohibits the promotion of medicines and dietary supplements, network business, fraudulent enrichment schemes, gambling and other socially unacceptable things.

You can see the exact reason for the refusal in your Facebook advertising account.

3. Duration

Since there is no official instruction from the Instagram administration, it is impossible to say exactly how long the blocking lasts. As practice shows, the shadowban lasts from 2-3 to 14 days. This is also confirmed by the responses of technical support to user requests.

But there are times when the ban lasts quite a long time. I remember how one major blogger tried to get out of it for more than 3 months.

Therefore, we can only wait and hope. And, of course, take into account that the duration of the punishment depends not only on the violation, but also on other factors. For example, the age of the account, your daily activities, the engagement of subscribers, the ratio of active and inactive audience, etc. nine0003

Important. Improve the quality of coverage and work only with a live audience. Spam Guard will help you with this. The service will automatically clean the profile from bots, fakes and commercial accounts. Plus, get 20% off with promo code "inscale". Click and test for free -> SpamGuard

4. Consequences of blocking

Getting rid of a ban is not difficult, the problem is in the consequences. And if you look from the technical side, then there are no problems: there are no blocking for posting, stories, live broadcasts and videos on IGTV. But no one except your subscribers will be able to evaluate this content. nine0003

One way or another, the account statistics will deteriorate, which may affect the financial result.

Also, you won't be able to use free promotion tools in the form of hashtags or geotags. They just won't work. Putting tags, of course, is not forbidden, but you will not see publications under them.

But there is good news. After you remove the shadowban, everything will return to its place. Hashtags and geotags will work again, reach can be grown to the previous level. nine0003

Correct exit

As I said, it's better not to get banned than to remove it and face the consequences. But anything can happen... Therefore, if you suddenly found out that you were blocked and do not want to wait two weeks, then I have good news.

You can remove an account from the shadowban yourself, and even quite quickly. The main thing is to do everything carefully. Therefore, I am telling a complex (they act in aggregate) of fail-safe measures:

As an advertisement nine0003

  1. Stop all activity for 48 hours - don't post, like or reply in direct;
  2. Suspend all ways to promote your account, take away access to your account from all third-party services;
  3. Log in only from a phone or tablet, do not use new devices;
  4. Temporarily switch a business account to a personal one, but keep in mind that the accumulated statistics will be reset;
  5. Remove all hashtags from the last 10-20 posts, and high frequency and irrelevant ones from all posts; nine0016
  6. Change the profile header, radical changes are not needed - just replace one word;
  7. Write to technical support, it may be possible to influence the unlock through it;
  8. Verify your identity through a hacked account complaint;
  9. Do not post within two days, and after the expiration of the period, make a publication without hashtags and geotags;
  10. Make 2-3 posts without hashtags, but with geotags. If you can't see it by geolocation, keep cleaning hashtags. nine0016

Fuuuh .. How to get out of the shadowban on Instagram figured out. And as practice shows, the algorithm described above helps to return the account in a couple of days. If it doesn't work, you'll have to wait two weeks. During this time, the shadowban on Instagram should be removed automatically.



Sergey nine0003





Briefly about the main thing

Instagram is a social network completely subordinated to algorithms.

Learn more