How to find out who blocked you on instagram free

How to Figure Out Who Has Blocked You on Instagram

  • To know if someone blocked you on Instagram, try searching for their account.
  • If you can't find their account or see the profile image, you may have been blocked.
  • If you can see their profile and posts on another Instagram account, they may have blocked you.

If you recently noticed the absence of a certain person's posts in your Instagram feed, it's possible they simply haven't posted anything in a while — or they may have blocked you.

Note: Instagram doesn't notify you when someone has blocked you — there's also no list of people that have blocked you that you can look at.

If you think you have indeed been blocked on Instagram, it's not hard to find out for sure. There's an easy way to know, no matter which version of the Instagram app you have.

How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram

First, simply search for the account that you think has blocked you in the app.

  • If the account is private and you can't find it, you've likely been blocked.
  • If the account is public, and when visiting their page you can't see their profile image, post count, follower count, or following count, and the photo grid area reads "No Posts Yet," you have definitely been blocked.

On a computer, if you type in the link (replacing the word "username" with their Insta handle, of course) and get a page reading "Sorry, this page isn't available," then you have likely been blocked, assuming they didn't delete their account.

If this page appears when you try to view someone's Instagram profile on desktop that you know exists, you've likely been blocked. Steven John/Business Insider

You can double-check by searching for this person's likes or comments on an Instagram account they follow (if it's a private account, make sure you both mutually follow it). If you come across any, that means they haven't deleted their account and did actually block you.

Another way to verify you've been blocked is by using a friend's account to search for the person in question, or you could create another Instagram account. It's confirmed you're blocked if you can find their profile and see photos and additional info once you search from a different account.

Note: When blocking you, Instagram also gives the person an option to block your account, as well as any future accounts you may create.

What happens when someone blocks you on Instagram?

Instagram will remove all your interactions (likes and comments) on their photo and video posts. You also won't be able to tag or mention them in posts and comments.

When it comes to messaging, the following will happen:

  • Your previous Direct messages will still be in the person's inbox, but they will not be able to message you again.
  • The person will still be able to see any messages you send in group messages that you're both a part of — although, Instagram will give them the option to leave said group when they block you.
  • Any messages you send to them won't be delivered — it doesn't matter if they unblock you later.
  • If they create a room, you won't be able to join it.

Steven John

Freelance Writer

Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at

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Who blocked me on Instagram? Here's how to know

Have you ever wondered how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram? Or what happens when you get blocked? If you think you’ve been blocked on Instagram, don’t take it personally. The option to block certain users is a simple privacy feature that can be used by anyone, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve made a new enemy.

How to know if someone blocked you on Instagram? While the process isn’t totally straightforward, there are a few ways to tell if it’s happened to you.

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How to tell if someone blocked you on Instagram

If you suddenly stop seeing someone’s posts and Stories on Instagram, you may jump to the conclusion that the user has decided to block you from viewing their content. While that may be the case, it’s also possible that they’ve just stopped posting or even deleted their account. Here are a few ways to tell if you’ve been blocked on Instagram:

  • An account that has blocked you will not show up when you use the search bar to search for it.
  • If you do manage to navigate to their profile page, you won’t be able to see posts from the account that has blocked you. Instead of a grid of posts, you will see the message “No Posts Yet,” even though you can clearly see the number of posts that they have in their account.
  • Likes and comments from the account that blocked you will disappear from all of your posts.
  • You will no longer be able to send DMs to or receive DMs from the account that has blocked you.

Did they delete their Instagram or block me?

There are times when you may believe that someone blocked you on Instagram, but in reality, the account has been deactivated or deleted. So how can you tell the difference?

Simple! A deactivated or deleted Instagram account will not show up in search results, and if you attempt to visit the profile via its URL, you will receive an error message. This is a sure sign that the account no longer exists.

Remember, accounts that have blocked you are still there; the profile page will say “No Posts Yet,” despite their post count still being visible at the top of the screen. Deleted accounts, meanwhile, simply disappear from Instagram.

But, if you’re also experiencing unusual things like those with other Instagram accounts, it might be that Instagram is not working or lagging.

What apps show you who has blocked you on Instagram?

If you’re really concerned about knowing who has blocked you on Instagram and don’t want to do the sleuthing yourself, you can use a third-party app to find the information you’re after.

A word of caution: Although Instagram does work with third-party apps to allow people to schedule posts and Stories, there is no Instagram-approved app for identifying users who have blocked you. Thus, use the following apps at your own risk:

  • Sarman – Instagram Tracker: This app allows you to see who has blocked you on Instagram, as well as who has viewed your profile, the top viewers of your Stories, and users that don’t follow you back. Basic features are free, and premium features are $7.99 per month.
  • Profile+ Reports & Insights: Not only can you keep track of blockers and unfollowers with this app, but it also allows you to discover detailed statistics about other accounts. The app is free to use for basic statistics. The premium version is $3.99 per month.

Can you see a list of who has blocked you on Instagram?

Without the use of a third-party app, discovering who has blocked you will require some investigation. That’s because there is no readily available list of accounts that have blocked you. This is because Instagram wants to make it easy to privately block accounts.

The apps listed in the previous section will make finding out who has blocked you on Instagram easier. That is, if you are willing to pay for the premium services and risk violating Instagram’s terms of service, that is.

What happens when you get blocked?

So, you’ve done some sleuthing and found out that someone blocked you on Instagram. What should you do next? Honestly, we’d recommend forgetting about it and moving on. But if you still have questions, we’ve got answers.

Can you see the profile of someone who blocked you?

Yes. You will be able to see the profile of the person who blocked you, but you will not be able to see their posts. Instead, you will see a message that says, “No Posts Yet.”

Can you message someone who blocked you on Instagram?

You can send messages to someone who has blocked you on Instagram, but they won’t be received. The whole point of the blocking feature is to eliminate communication between the person doing the blocking and the one being blocked.

What happens when you message someone who blocked you?

Instagram will not deliver any messages from a blocked account to the account that did the blocking. Even if that account unblocks you in the future, messages sent while the block was in place will never be received.

Blocking on Instagram is a privacy and safety feature designed to protect users from content and accounts they don’t want to see. Anyone can block anyone for any reason. Even if you discover that someone blocked you, you still won’t be able to do anything about it. Your best course of action is to let it go and move on. Also check our post about Shadowban on Instagram and learn more about how to know if you’re shadowbanned and what to do with it.

This was about:
  • Instagram
Tara Schatz

Travel writer. Photographer. Lover of dogs and the outdoors.

How to find out who blocked you on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

For some time, you were no longer able to view certain profile information about the user you follow. Instagram ? Do you have suspicions that he could block you, but you do not know how to confirm or refute your thesis? So let me give you some ideas about how to find out who blocked you on instagram .

In case you don't know, Instagram doesn't send notifications to users when they're blocked, and so, at least for now, it's impossible to know if you're blocked or not a user; at least not "officially". However, it is possible to collect some "clues" to help clarify the story to know if it was blocked or not. What I mean? I'll tell you briefly. In fact, in the following paragraphs, I will show you how the information contained in an Instagram user profile can help you understand if you are indeed blocked on a photographic social network.

If the "clues" I give you allow you to determine that you are indeed blocked, you can still try to unblock it by putting into practice the tips included in the last part of the guide (given that you cannot force a user who unblocks you: only he can decide whether to do it or not). Courage: Try to put into practice the various suggestions that I will give you and you will see that with a little patience and a little luck, you will be able to determine if you are blocked on Instagram or not. I wish you good reading and good luck with everything!

  • How to find out who has blocked you free Instagram
    • View their profile and messages
  • See stories
  • How to unlock on Instagram
  • Previously in the dosper in detail in detail who blocked you on instagram seems normal to give you some preliminary information which I think you should know.

    First of all, you should know that when a user is blocked on Instagram, he can no longer search for the profile of the person who blocked him, he cannot interact with his messages and cannot send messages to them via the Direct function (if there is a history from the chat with user, you can send messages, but they are not actually delivered to the recipient).

    Also, as I told you in the first columns of the message, it's impossible to be absolutely sure that a user has blocked you: however, there are some "clues" that can help you guess if you are blocked on a well-known photographic social network.

    Let me be clear: the "clues" I'm talking about aren't mathematically certain that you've actually been blocked by a user on Instagram, but they're still worth remembering. In the following paragraphs I will better explain what I mean.


    • 1 How to find out who blocked you on Instagram for free
      • 1.1 View their profile and messages
      • 1.2 View stories
    • 2 How to unblock on Instagram

    How to find out who blocked you on Instagram for free

    So, let's get down to business and find out how you can try to figure out if someone blocked you on Instagram. Basically, this can be done by searching the profile of the person in question and trying to see their stories.

    View their profile and messages

    If a user has blocked you on Instagram, you won't be able to find them. profile (especially if you are using the web version of Instagram) or, in any case, you will not be able to view the content that is part of it, for example Enviar is on the bulletin board, subscriber list, and so on.

    To check if a user has blocked you on Instagram, first find their social media profile by writing their username en search bar is placed at the top of the Instagram app for Android e iOS devices- If when visiting the profile of the respective user you can't see the latest posted content, even if it says "[N] new posts" next to the username you're looking for, it's probably been blocked by the user.

    To be honest, if the user in question has indeed blocked it, they won't even be able to see the content posted in the past and the entry will be shown. No posts yet as if the user has never posted anything on their Instagram account. Of course, if you try to view the profile in question from another account, or if you try to find it on Google after logging out of your account (unless the user has set their profile to private), they should be able to view the content. appears on his Instagram wall, proving that he was indeed blocked.

    Another important indicator that can let you know if a user has blocked you on Instagram is related to the button. follow - Try to click on it so that it follows your profile and shows the text Follow now . If the words "Follow Now" appear for a few seconds and then reappear on the "Follow" button, there is a very high chance that this user has indeed blocked them.

    Another way to find out if you are blocked on Instagram is to try to see the title Followers of the user you think has blocked you: if you try to view the list of his followers but cannot see it because the wording Cannot load users o User not found , it is very likely that he was blocked.

    If a user you fear has blocked you on Instagram, made their account private, you won't even be able to search their profile using your Instagram account. If you try to view the relevant profile from another account (perhaps by asking a family member or another friend to allow you to use their account) and then manage to view it, you will most likely be banned.

    If you try to find a user's profile using the web version of the social network, instead of using the Instagram app for Android and iOS, you will not be able to see their profile as it will not exist. You can still visit your profile by logging out of your Instagram account and doing a Google search, or alternatively using a different Instagram account (unless you have made your profile private).

    View Stories

    As one of the Instagram Help Center pages says, if a user has blocked you, not only will you not be able to see their profile and their posts (as I've illustrated in detail in previous paragraphs), but you won't be able to find them Stories . So pay attention to the activity of the users you follow: if any of them tend to use Instagram stories extensively, but haven't been shown new ones lately, they may have blocked you.

    In this case, to dispel doubts, try viewing the profile of this user from another Instagram account (you can create an additional account or, alternatively, ask a family member or friend to "borrow" their account to you): if you can see the new story created by this user, you may have been blocked.

    Since it is possible to hide stories with some special settings, you will not be able to see the story even if it has not been blocked by the user who is "investigating". I am referring specifically to the feature Hide my story from [nome utente] , which can be activated both before and after creating an Instagram story, as clearly stated in the social network's help center.

    How to unblock on Instagram

    The information in the previous paragraphs led you to conclude that in fact a particular user blocked him, and now you are wondering how to unblock me on instagram ? Well, for obvious reasons, there is no special feature on the photographic social network that allows you to request that your account be unblocked (since it is "officially" impossible to even determine if you are blocked or not).

    However, nothing prevents you from trying to contact this user through other social networks, ask him about the reasons why he blocked you, and perhaps ask him if he is ready to cancel the block.

    However, before contacting the user, I suggest that you take a local decision to try and remember any discussions or misunderstandings that may have led to the person blocking you on the photographic social network. If you don't remember insulting or annoying an Instagram user who blocked you in any way, it may have been by accident or by mistake; in this case, it may even contribute to immediate unlocking!

    Then contact the user via another social network, instant messaging service (eg WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, telegram, Skype, etc.), by calling him by phone or, even better, by meeting him in person. You can be sure that if you were blocked by mistake, the user will want to unblock you as soon as possible.

    If, on the other hand, he doesn't intend to unblock you, you can't help but respect his choice: after all, everyone is free to choose what to do with their Instagram account. Maybe one day the user who blocked you will be able to do it of their own free will.

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    How to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram?


    There are a number of reasons why a user might block you. People can block someone to protect themselves, but there can be confusion on Instagram to know if someone has blocked you.

    how to find out that you have been blocked on instagram? Whatever your case, you may be wondering if a person has blocked you or closed their account. Now everyone knows that there are a lot of tools on the Internet to even expand an Instagram account or find out about other things like the status of being blocked or unfollowed. If you want to learn more about how to find out if you are blocked on Instagram, I must say that there are some simple and easy ways that you can use to find out if someone has blocked you.

    Why do people block you?

    Before we get into the details of how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram, let's take a look at why people block you? While people can block different users for any reason, the general purpose of blocking Instagram is that you don't want to see a particular user's profile, or there are users you don't want to see your profile for. Keep reading and find out what it looks like when someone blocks you on Instagram and how to know if you've been blocked on Instagram.

    How do you know if you've been blocked on Instagram?

    How do you know if you've been blocked on Instagram? As you know, Instgaram does not send any messages when someone blocks you. So if you're curious about who your ig block is from, don't skip this paragraph.

    If someone blocks you on Instagram, their likes, comments, direct messages (DM) will disappear. When you open his profile, it shows that there are no messages yet, you will also see a "User not found" popup. They also disappear from your followers and followers list.

    So, if you don't know how to know if someone blocked you on ig, follow these common signs and find out if you are blocked on Instagram by a user:

    • You can't find the user in the search bar (if you haven't searched before)
    • You can't see them next
    • You cannot see their messages
    • You can't see their followers
    • You can't see any of their Instagram stories
    • Even if you send a message, they won't receive
    • They can't see your comments and messages
    • Their direct correspondence disappears
    • If you're searching other accounts, your search is different from theirs.
    • You can no longer see the contact's last visit or online time in the chat window.
    • If someone has blocked you, any attempts to call the contact via WhatsApp will fail.
    • No permission to create group

    If you've already searched for the person's name in the search bar, you may be able to find it even after they've blocked you, but sometimes this also disappears. So, the best way to find out is to anonymously find the person on other Instagram accounts.

    How do you know if someone has blocked you on Instagram?

    • Open the application. Then enter the name of the person you think blocked you. You may see the username if you have already searched for it.
    • When you find the person you are looking for, click on him to enter his/her profile. You should be able to see his/her photos without any problem, but if you don't, chances are you've been banned or they've deactivated your Instagram account.

    If a person you suspect has blocked you, you will be able to find that person's name in the search bar, but once you enter that person's profile, you will not be able to see his or her photos, even if the top line indicates the person has photos on your profile (image below). Rest assured that this is one of the best ways to find out if you are blocked on Instagram.

    However, you should not confuse this with a person who has deactivated their Instagram account or a person who has been blocked by Instagram, as this can also be the case. You can also use external apps like Unfollowgram to help you know when someone is blocking you on Instagram.

    That's not all, keep reading and learn more about how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram.

    If you block someone on Instagram, will they know?

    If you block someone on Instagram, will they know? What does it look like when someone blocks you on Instagram? You may decide to block someone on Instagram for whatever reason, but you may be worried that they will understand if you have blocked them. Here I have to say that fortunately Instagram does not send notifications to a blocked user, but as I explained on how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram, they can use some methods and understand that you have blocked them.

    How to know if someone has deleted or deactivated their Instagram account

    Earlier, you learned how to know if someone blocked you on Instagram and what it looks like when someone blocked you on Instagram. But how do you know if someone has deleted or deactivated their Instagram account. If you're trying to view a person's profile but can't see it from your account, you've most likely been blocked. However, if you want to make sure you can try viewing that person's profile from another Instagram account. If you can perfectly see the profile from another account, then you can be sure that you have been blocked.

    Here's another neat trick to find out if someone has blocked you on Instagram. Sometimes Instagram will show a message button on their profile, but if someone has blocked you, the person will not receive your private message. Also, there is no way to know if a person has read your private message.

    However, you can contact the person you think has blocked you by mentioning them in a post or comment using @username. But there doesn't seem to be any chance that they will see your message.

    Now that you've read about how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram, I said that the same thing can happen when you block someone on Instagram. You won't be able to send them messages or view their messages and profile until you unblock them.

    Here is an infographic that shows the main signs of how to know that someone has blocked you on ig:

    These are the main signs that someone has blocked you on Instagram.

    Is there any app to see who blocked you on Instagram?

    Short answer: yes. If you search the web for "what it looks like when someone blocks you on Instagram" you will find plenty of apps like Blockers Spy that you can download for free and they will tell you what you want to know. who blocked you. Whether you are using iPhone or Android, you can choose your favorite app to see who has blocked you on Instagram. Keep reading and find some of these top apps.

    Best apps if you get blocked on Instagram?

    user did not find instagram blocked me? How do I know if someone has blocked me on Instagram? You read earlier that you can select an app to see who blocked you on Instagram. Here I want to tell you about some of the best apps to help you understand when someone is blocking you on Instagram.

    • iGrow:

    AiGrow is one of the most famous Instagram unfollow apps and services to help you know if you have been blocked on Instagram. This highly effective unsubscribe app is an all-in-one Instagram marketing service that also helps you with other marketing needs.

    • Bulk unsubscribe app for Instagram:

    The second choice among the best Instagram unfollow apps is Mass Unfollow for Instagram. While many people use it to bulk follow and unfollow accounts, it helps you track ghost followers and you can choose this app to see who blocked you on Instagram.

    • UnFollowers For Instagram: Instagram App Unfollow:

    If you are looking for a safe app to see who blocked you on Instagram, Unfollowers for Instagram is one of the best apps that gives you all the information from the app and helps you understand when someone has blocked you on Instagram.

    How to prevent someone from following you on Instagram?

    In the previous paragraph, I explained why people block you, and now I want to tell you what is the difference between blocking someone from following you on Instagram and blocking someone's Instagram account. To prevent someone from following you on Instagram, sign in to your Instagram account and go to your profile. Click "Followers", then you will see everyone who is following you. Next to the Subscribe button, you can see three small dots. Click on it and select the "Delete" option to prevent this user from following you. Here's how to prevent someone from following you on Instagram, which is different from blocking. Keep reading and learn more about how to block someone on Instagram and if you block someone on Instagram will they know?

    How to stop following someone on Instagram?

    Before I want to answer how to know if someone has blocked you on Instagram, you need to know how to stop following someone on Instagram, which means unfollowing an Instagram account. If you don't know how to stop following someone on Instagram, just follow these steps:

    • Go to your profile and click "Follow".
    • Enter the account name.
    • Click the "Subscribe" button.
    • Select "Unsubscribe" to unsubscribe from the account.

    User not found Instagram am I blocked?

    One of the most common causes of the User Not Found error on Instagram is that you are blocked on Instagram by that particular person. But ig block is not the only reason, and this error can be the cause of other problems. If you don't know how to know if you're blocked on Instagram, the best sign is that when someone blocks you on Instagram, you'll get a "User not found" error and you can't find them on Instagram.

    Learn more