How to earn money in instagram reels

Instagram Bonuses: Learn how to earn money on Instagram with Bonuses

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Check out bonuses: ever changing ways to earn money directly from Instagram for making the best, most engaging content you can.


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Bonus Programs: Reels Surprise

Introducing Reels Surprise, a bonus program where you can earn up to $20,000 for creating some of the most entertaining and engaging Reels on Instagram.



How to get started with bonuses


Everything to know about bonuses

Bonuses are opportunities for you to earn money based on the amazing content you create.

For example, Reels Play is a bonus program that lets you earn money for the number of plays on your reels; the more plays your reels get, the more you can earn. Instagram kickstarts your progress, offering you more earnings for some of your earliest views. Track your progress on your professional dashboard and once you've earned at least $100, you can cash out, and continue to participate in the program.


Find more ways to earn.


Sharpen your reels game to earn bonuses

Learn tips and tricks for reels

The best thing about Reels is that there is no right way to make one! Find out what works best for you and stay up to date with the latest trends, tips, and tricks here.

Use the Insights to see what’s working

Experiment with your favorite types of reels and use Insights to understand your reach and what resonates with your audience.

Learn from other creators like you

Everyone has their own path, but you can always learn from others experimenting with reels and take what works for you. Visit Creator Lab to hear from some of our favorite creators.


What content is eligible for bonuses?

The requirements and the details of each bonus program may vary by participant. You’ll be able to find this information when you accept each bonus program. Branded content is currently ineligible for bonuses.


If I’m eligible, how do I set up bonuses?

You must have a professional (business or creator) profile to access the professional dashboard at the top of your profile. Scroll down to “Bonus” and follow the steps to onboard.


How do I review my earnings?

You can view all invoices once authenticated in the professional dashboard, and by going to your Settings under Tools in the Instagram App.



More ways to earn on Instagram


Selling has never been this easy or fun.


Earn with brand partnerships, while remaining authentic with viewers.


Another way for fans to show their support — beyond likes and comments!

Partner With Brands and Earn With Instagram's Branded Content


Your followers look to you to share the brands and products you love. And as you grow, you can start getting paid by brands for sharing that intel.



Instagram’s creator marketplace: Where brands and creators can more easily build branded content partnerships


How to get started with branded content


Sharpen your branded content game

Just do you

Followers can tell right away when a partnership is out of character for you. So stay true to your style and only partner with brands that really speak to you.

Own your partnerships

When a brand sponsors your content, they’ll expect to see their product front and center. And your followers will appreciate your transparency as well.

Create mobile-friendly content

Always capture video content vertically. And since content is often viewed without sound, try to add copy throughout or enable subtitles in advanced settings.

Prohibited and restricted categories

Certain products, like drugs and weapons, can’t be promoted as branded content. And others can only be promoted with restrictions, like alcohol. See the full list.

Format restrictions

Don’t include pre, mid or post-roll ads in videos or audio content. Don’t include banner ads in videos or images. See what it looks like in our visual guide.

Always disclose paid partnerships

If you’re getting paid in any form for your content, you’ll need to add a Paid Partnership label. Unsure if yours qualifies? Check out our full list of scenarios.


How to earn with branded content

Since you’ll negotiate the terms of every branded content deal, each will be different. But it’s always a good idea to provide the brand with data, like your number of followers, average number likes, views, comments and shares your organic content and past branded content deals have received. All of this will help back up why you deserve a certain rate.

Find more ways to earn.

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The golden rules of brand deals according to @chazsmith

Figure out how to include the brand in a video you’re already planning. Write a skit where the brand gets sprinkled on as a nice “seasoning” at the end. And create stuff you love, not stuff you think will perform well.


What if my business partner doesn't appear in search results when I try to add them as a brand partner?

Ask your business partner to be approved or select “Send Request” when prompted after you attempt to tag your business partner.


Do I need to use the Paid Partnership label for things like free trips or gifted product?

Yes, anything received from business partners counts, whether it be money or otherwise.


How can I enable brands to promote my posts?

You need to give permission before businesses will see the option to promote your branded content posts. Then there are a few steps to follow.



More ways to earn on Instagram


Earn money based on the plays of your reels.


Selling has never been this easy or fun.


Another way for fans to show their support — beyond likes and comments!

16 ways to monetize in 2022

Youtube. Vladimir Kolesov, September 9, 2021

1. Selling ads

You collect a certain amount of audience and start selling ads. You can advertise other bloggers, some projects, it can be commercial advertising. They pay money to talk about something or someone.

The main difficulty is to gather an audience. Secondly, it is very important here how loyal and active your audience is. If no one clicks on ads, on the recommendations that you give, then no one will buy ads. The cost of advertising is now quite low. Therefore, the method is already less promising in terms of earnings: advertising is getting cheaper, efficiency is falling, there are too many ads, and it’s hard to keep the attention of the audience. nine0007

But this does not change the fact that there is still a huge amount of advertising being bought from bloggers, including bloggers with a small audience. It all depends on the quality of the audience - how expensive, valuable and how active it is. The better the performance, the more money you can earn.

2. Brand Ambassador

If in the first case it was about the constant placement of various advertisements, then the ambassador is a person who promotes the brand on an ongoing basis. You can be an ambassador for one or more brands. nine0007

It's great when a long-term contract is concluded with you. You become a brand ambassador and receive either goods or money.

3. Selling other people's goods

You can also sell something, open a store or offer something to your audience as a blogger. Efficiency depends on how well you know how to search for interesting products, how competently you know how to present the goods so that people really pay for it.

4. Selling your goods

The fourth way is to sell goods that you make yourself. This is beneficial, because most often hand-made goods are more expensive, they are less costly, and you earn more.

5. Sale of merch

Now it is very fashionable to create collections of T-shirts, sweatshirts, accessories, mugs, bags. And this is done not only by celebrities, but also by designers, authors, just people who know how to do interesting things.

6. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is when we do not buy anything, but resell. There is an online store, a platform that sells many, many different products. A person clicks on your link, buys - you get a commission. You do not need to deal with shipping, logistics, or any other things that classic online stores do. Your task is only traffic. nine0007

7. Advice

You can advise people on how to get a tax deduction or how to set up a service, etc. Here you are not selling some physical product, but selling your knowledge in the format of consultations.

8. Selling your product (course)

You can make your own product: record a video version or an audio version. It can be an audiobook or a regular book. You take your knowledge, make a product that suits many.

9. Selling a digital product

Courses are a set of knowledge and skills. And digital products are, for example, an image you created, stock photos, templates, Lightroom presets. From photography, design, a finished logo to a finished website template and so on.

10. Selling services

Through Instagram* you can attract clients to your services. For example, in the format of monthly payments - monthly accounting services or SMM promotion.

11. Creation of a startup

You can create some startup. And use social media to promote it. Not everyone will succeed, but you can earn millions of dollars.

12. Earnings on the public

You can create a public and earn money by posting any information or advertising. The principle is the same. Create a thematic public, attract an audience there - and earn money either by posting content or by placing ads.

13. Affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are a separate way to make money in social networks. Affiliate programs are a bit like dropshipping, selling goods. But here most often we are talking about some kind of service. These can be banking products: deposits, loans, insurance. There are also many affiliate programs in HR, when, for example, you recommend a person, he fills out a resume, he is hired - you are paid a bonus for this. nine0007

14. Personal assistant

Instagram often requires personal assistants. The tasks here are different. Sometimes it is a search for some information or answers in direct, sometimes it is a search for bloggers, negotiating cooperation. How much you will earn and what to do is individually discussed and depends on each specific case.

15. Creating masks

Masks are rarely needed, but there are still people, mask specialists who create filters and effects for money, make unusual masks for Instagram. nine0007

16. Patreon

Patreon is paid content creation. People subscribe in order to consume your information. And for sponsors, you make some special content separately.

*The activity of the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation

How to make money on advertising on Instagram: ways

Not at all a banal question “How to make money on advertising on Instagram?” many owners of promoted publics discuss from different points of view. Some people use this media social network to sell their goods, others are engaged in certain work: they like, post, place viral advertisements in their public for money. nine0007

How to make money on advertising on Instagram: working ways to generate income

Each of these methods has its own advantages and profitability. If we compare them with each other, then the profit will be higher when selling goods, especially if there is a permanent audience. However, when performing work, the account owner expects a fairly good income, a constant, but not labor-intensive work. Compared to the same copywriting, you can make money on Instagram without a deep knowledge of the language, for many this is very important. nine0007

A bit of theory about SMO

To find the best way to make money, you need to get a little familiar with the theory to understand the advertising market on Instagram. We are talking about social media promotion of a site or a public in the corresponding network. In this case, Instagram is meant, in the general sense, any social network can be used.

SMO or social media optimization - social media optimization, now there are several interpretations of the term. Some experts consider it as a media site optimization in order to attract an active target audience from social networks, other webmasters mean that we are talking about the usability of a web resource and interface optimization. In fact, both terms can complement the same optimization process that uses social services and multimedia communications. nine0007

One of the most popular ways of SMO website promotion is, of course, advertising on Instagram. Until quite recently, it was purely viral, that is, it consisted of posts by users who secretly advertised one or another public (products). Not so long ago, Instagram launched its own advertising environment with many options, advertising methods and more.

The interface of the service is quite convenient and allows you to build an advertising campaign individually, taking into account the characteristics of the product or public. nine0007

The only thing that is typical for Instagram is that today users do not receive anything, as in contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google, and advertising monetization of publics has not yet been announced. At the same time, there are still ways to make money on this photoset, but they are not related to the new opportunities for opening advertising campaigns.

Earnings on Instagram accounts

Even if there is one promoted public, it is not yet possible to receive large incomes on it, perhaps the situation will change over time thanks to advertising resources. Attracting customers from social networks and from other sites, for example, on the Miralinks exchange, has depreciated quite a lot. Clients who need to attract visitors to the site talk about the ineffectiveness of advertising. The owners of publics and sites themselves, due to low demand, but due to rather expensive accounts, require payment at higher rates. nine0007

All this leads to a crisis of advertising on expensive publics and redirects customers to publics of ordinary users who do work on a piecework basis and on an affordable basis.

Instructions for making money on Instagram:

  1. Register 10-15 publics on Instagram.
  2. Come up with an interesting topic, for example, advertise clothes with Aliexpress or interesting online purchases, or recipes with beautiful photos, videos and master classes in making cakes, making flowers, knitting children's clothes and more. Make a public about music or music for children, advice during pregnancy, making toys, etc.
  3. Populate your accounts with relevant media content and update it regularly.
  4. Start commenting on other posts and likes, advertising your public a little.
  5. As a result, you will have a fairly large circle of readers.
  6. After 2-4 weeks, you can safely register on one of the exchanges and participate in the performance of work for money.

How much can you earn? Typically, Instagram multi-account holders make $10-$20 a day, but it takes almost a full-time job. Meanwhile, this work is less time-consuming than other network services, and less tedious. nine0007

Read also: How to make money on Instagram with likes and followers

Exchanges for making money on Instagram

You can get jobs for placing likes and posts on Instagram on the following exchanges: