How to do the question thing on instagram

14 Fun Instagram Question Sticker Ideas for Marketers

1. Run a Q&A

2. Connect over shared values

3. Host a takeover

4. Get feedback on a product or service

5. Get silly

6. Build hype for a launch

7. Save responses to a FAQ highlight

8. Get to know your audience

9. Influencer marketing campaigns

10. Test your customers’ knowledge

11. Answer questions on Live video

12. Get leads

13. Run a contest

14. Ask people what they want

There’s nothing we marketers love more than first party data, right? Instagram is one of the best places to get feedback directly from your customers. But then you have to deal with the 400 DMs crowding your inbox after you ask for it…

Enter: Instagram question stickers.

The questions sticker for Stories collects and organizes responses, and allows you to turn real feedback into valuable public content.

Here’s how to use the Instagram questions sticker, plus 14 creative ideas to inspire you.

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

What is the Instagram question sticker?

The Instagram question sticker is an interactive form you can insert into an Instagram Story. You can customize it to include any question you want to ask your audience. The Instagram users who view your Story can tap the sticker to send you a short answer or message.

Instagram Story question stickers allow you to easily engage your audience, as well as start conversations. Responses are stored together in the Story insights tab, instead of with your regular DMs.

You can publicly share sticker replies as new Stories, which is perfect for Q&As or FAQs.


How to use the Instagram question sticker: 7 steps

1. Create an Instagram Story

You can add a question sticker to any type of Story, including video and photo formats. Create your Instagram Story as you normally would by tapping the plus sign at the top and selecting Story.

2. Add the question sticker

After you’ve created your Story photo or video, tap the sticker icon at the top. Then tap Questions.

3. Type in your question

Tap the placeholder “Ask me a question” to replace it with your own text. Or, leave it there if you want your audience to ask you questions.

4. Position the sticker

You can move the question sticker around your Story like any other element. Pinch it inward with two fingers to shrink it, or outward to make the sticker bigger.

Pro tip: Don’t place it too close to the sides or bottom of the frame. People may miss tapping the sticker and instead scroll to the next Story.

They could go back to try again, but may decide it’s not worth it and move on. Maximize responses by making it as easy as possible for people to use.

5. Share your Story

That’s it!

6. Check responses

Five seconds later, check for any replies. Kidding! Don’t obsess: Your question sticker will collect responses for the entire 24 hours your Story is live, and you can still see them after your Story expires. You don’t need to worry about missing any.

To see replies, open Instagram, then tap on your own profile photo to open your Story.

You can swipe through them until you get to the one with your question sticker, or swipe up to scroll through faster.

Swipe up to see responses sorted from newest to oldest. Tap See all to scroll through all the responses so far.

7. Share responses

Tap an answer to respond either publicly with Share Response or privately with Message @username.

When you respond publicly, the answer becomes part of your Story. You can create any kind of Story behind it—video, photo, text, etc.

It won’t include the submitter’s photo and username, but they receive an in-app notification that you answered their question.

Want to share more than one answer?

Take screenshots of all the answers you want to share. Go to your phone’s photo editor and crop each screenshot so that only the question sticker you want remains.

Create a new Story, then add each cropped screenshot to it by tapping the sticker icon and choosing the photo option.

One drawback of this method is that no one will receive the notification that you shared their response, like they would have if you followed the first method.

You’ll see Replied for ones you’ve shared or messaged which is helpful if multiple people manage your Instagram account.

8. Optional: Check responses after your Story expires

Been over 24 hours and your Story’s gone? No sweat, you can check question sticker responses anytime from your Archive (as long as you’ve turned on the Story Archive feature in Settings).

Tap the 3-line menu at the top right, then go to Archive. Scroll through until you see your question sticker Story. Tap it, then swipe up to see all the responses.

14 creative Instagram question sticker ideas for brands

1. Run a Q&A

Yep, you can use the question box to collect questions from your audience — and not just answers to your questions.

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

Instagram question stickers are a super simple way to host a Q&A, since it’s so easy for your audience. Throw a question sticker into your Stories, then answer the responses publicly for everyone to learn from.


2. Connect over shared values

As a company, B Corporation is all about values. Their certification program is one of the best known for verifying the social and environmental commitments of its enrolled members.

By asking their audience to suggest individuals doing great work, they bridge the gap between their corporate purpose and values and the community at large.


3. Host a takeover

Instagram takeovers can boost your engagement and bring in fresh eyes. Adding a question sticker is a good jumping off point for your guest to start creating content with, and your audience will love the chance to interact directly with someone they look up to.

Of course, it has to make sense for your brand. Being a regular sports sponsor, Redbull knew their audience would love this takeover with Olympic skier Eileen Gu.


4. Get feedback on a product or service

Sometimes your customers may have a simple product question, but not need to know enough to make it worth contacting your customer service team. Or, a potential customer is almost ready to buy, except for that one thing they want to know first.

Instagram question stickers are the perfect low-friction way to engage these people. Glossier’s social team sourced answers from company executives and skincare experts, adding credibility and transparency to their responses.


5. Get silly

Your social media shouldn’t be all sell and no swell. Have a little fun once in awhile. Isn’t that what being “social” means?

Ask your followers something unrelated to your products. Not to mine for data points about their personality type so you can tailor better ads to them, but just for some good old fashioned conversation.

Bonus: Screenshot your Story and share it as a post to spark even more conversations on your main feed, too.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Pure Organic Snacks (@pureorganicsnacks)


Build hype for a launch

Tease a new product or store location in your Stories and have your audience guess what it is, or when it’ll launch. Or, announce the new product and get people to submit reasons they’re excited about it to build up social proof even before it’s available.

It can also be an opportunity to clarify details about your launch, like opening hours, location, or all the finer details people may miss at first. Save these as a temporary highlight while your launch is going on.


7. Save responses to a FAQ highlight

Save time answering DMs and give your customers access to the info they need 24/7 by creating a FAQ highlight. Add previous Stories from your Archive where you answered a common question.


Better yet, post an Instagram Story every month or two to ask your audience if they have any questions and add any new ones to the FAQ.

The easiest way to ensure that happens? Schedule your Instagram Stories in advance with Hootsuite—plus Reels, carousels, and everything in between. Here’s how fast you can set and forget your Instagram content:

8. Get to know your audience

People love talking about themselves. Give them the opportunity to do so and you’ll get increased engagement metrics and potentially valuable marketing data, if you ask something related to your business.

Penguin knows their audience are book lovers. Asking what they’re reading now is topical, but could also be a good segue to talk about their upcoming book releases, or to encourage followers to sign up for a launch email list.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Penguin Teen (@penguinteen)


Influencer marketing campaigns

Most Instagram influencer campaigns ask for a feed post, a Reel, and/or a Story. As part of that, ask your influencer to include a question sticker in their Story.

Allow your influencer partner to answer the questions that come in. Answering in their own unique voice builds trust between their audience and you.


10. Test your customers’ knowledge

Turn key features of your product or service into a fun quiz. You can use a mix of the polling stickers (for quick multiple choice taps) and question stickers (for text/freeform answers) to create a series of Instagram Stories highlighting key marketing messages.

Best of all, it doesn’t matter if people answer correctly. Share correct answers and (nicely) acknowledge wrong ones to educate everyone. Save the quiz as a Story highlight for maximum reach. Then, automatically turn that highlight into a Reel. Boom.



Answer questions on Live video

Live video is effective for reaching your audience (30% of people watch at least one live stream every week) and effective at converting them, too. Nothing shows off your genuine expertise better than going live.

Use Instagram question stickers to gather questions either ahead of a live event, or while you’re live. Posting it ahead of time allows you to start your livestream with valuable information right away. You can also share it to your profile (and other social accounts) to direct people to your Stories to submit a question.

When you’re live, users can ask questions in the regular chat bar that comes up on their screen but it’s easy to lose track of those.

In order to see questions while you’re live, you need to post your question sticker Story first, then go live. You can scroll through and choose questions to answer that appear on screen for your viewers. After the live, download the video and use it in future social content or other marketing materials.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by @schoolofkicking

12. Get leads

When hosting a Q&A about your business, or when someone asks you about your products, use it as an opportunity to direct people to your lead magnet or landing page.

You can even encourage these responses by asking leading questions, like, “What’s your biggest business challenge right now?” or, “Do you struggle with [insert the thing your product/service solves]?” When answering questions, offer real advice and pop in a link to a related opt-in, event, or other entry into your sales funnel.

It’s old school and it works.


13. Run a contest

Instagram contests are powerful engagement boosters. Photo caption contests are popular because they’re easy to enter and all those extra comments are great for your metrics.

We’ve all seen posts like this:

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by SteelyardCoffeeCo. (@steelyardcoffeeco)

But this type of contest works even better with Instagram question stickers. All your entries will be in one place, and all those engagements will help your Stories show up sooner in the algorithm.

Make a question sticker to collect caption entries, like this (except asking for captions, of course).


Share your favorites publicly while the contest is still on to get more entries, then share the winner after.

14. Ask people what they want

Sometimes simple is best. Just ask your audience what they want to see.

If you’re attending a local event or an industry trade show and covering it on Instagram, use a question sticker for your peeps to tell you what to show them.


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10 Instagram Questions Ideas (+ Sticker How-To)

When it comes to boosting engagement and sparking conversations on your Instagram account, nothing beats Instagram’s Questions Sticker.

Whether you want to learn more about your followers, play fun Instagram games or teach your followers more about you this guide will help!

We’re showing you how to find the Questions Sticker, how to use it on your Stories, and give you a few Question ideas that will help you get results.

How to Use the Instagram Questions Sticker

Instagram introduced the Questions sticker in 2018 to boost engagement with easy interaction. 

Unlike a Poll Sticker, where followers choose from a list of options, Questions Stickers open up the chance for users to respond however they choose. 

The following steps will teach you how to use Instagram Stories Questions Stickers, as well as how to check out the responses to your story and how to repost a response with your answer.

How to Make an Instagram Questions Post on Stories

While it can have a big effect on your engagement with your followers, posting a Question Sticker to your next Story is actually a simple process:

  1. Start by opening Instagram Stories and choose a photo or video to upload.
  2. Next, tap the Sticker icon to open the Sticker Tray.
  3. Select the Questions Sticker and type your custom question. You can also customize your Sticker by changing the color.
  4. Position your sticker within your Story.
  5. Post your question and wait for the responses to roll in!

Don’t have a background image to upload? No worries! Instagram Create Mode has a handy Instagram Story template you can use to pose a question.

That’s not all – you can also use Polls, Quizzes, and Emoji Slider questions in Create Mode, too!

How to View Responses and Answer Questions

Now that you have your first sticker posted, you might be wondering how to respond to answers to questions in your Instagram post.

  1. First, open your Story where your Question Sticker is posted.
  2. In the lower left-hand corner, tap “Seen By.” 
  3. The Responses section will appear. Here, tap “See All” to view all of the responses you’ve received.
  4. Choose an individual response, and tap “Share Response.”
  5. Upload photos or videos to add a background to your response story.
  6. Now, answer the question and share it.

Best Instagram Story Questions

Learning how to post Questions is only half the challenge. Choosing the right Question to post is also a must.

When it comes to engaging with your audience, there are several types of questions to choose from. Check out the following Instagram Story question ideas, we well as a few tips for setting them up to maximize engagement.

Instagram Q&A Questions

Being authentic on social media is essential to gaining your follower’s loyalty. Since 58% of users are more interested in a brand after seeing it in Stories, questions are a great way to do just that. 

They can help you connect with your audience on a more personal level by sharing details about your life. They are also great tools to teach users more about your product or service, by letting them ask you questions directly.

The Questions feature is the perfect way to host a Q&A Instagram session with your followers. Allow your users to ask you anything, or to ask anything about your business, and be prepared to answer honestly.

Ask Me a Question Instagram Ideas

Need a little inspiration for your next live Q&A? Check out these fun questions and ideas to help you get started. We’ve split them into categories:


  • “AMA” (Ask me anything): Find out what areas of your life or work your followers are most interested in. 
  • Stage an Instagram contest: Popular toy brand, Lego, asked users to guess how many legos made up a block motorcycle, offering a prize to the closest guess.

Instagram Live/Guests:

  • If you have an upcoming guest blogger, ask for questions from your followers!
  • Stage an Instagram takeover: Let someone within your company takeover your feed for a day by allowing followers to ask them questions. This popular method has been used by tons of brands, including Benefit Cosmetics and Alfred Coffee.
  • Before you go live on Instagram, ask for questions to jumpstart your session, and to get followers tuning in to see your answers.

Relationship Building:

  • “What are you thankful for today?”: In today’s turbulent world, this is a great way to give your followers a mood boost.
  • Guess my favorite Instagrammer?“: A simple way to show that you aren’t just out for likes.
  • You can get a bit more personal by asking what users think of your current favorite tv show or sports team.
  • Try out a poll-like questions “work from home or office”, “fall or winter”, etc.

Product Research:

  • “Guess our next product/service launch?” Do you want to know what kinds of products and services your followers really want? Take a cue from Starbucks, which used an Instagram Story Question to see which drink their followers thought was coming out next.
  • “What content do you want to see more of?”: This is a good way to get some new ideas for your blog or social media.
  • Offer your expertise by asking industry-specific questions. For instance, beauty bloggers might ask, “What’s the biggest beauty struggle you’re facing,” then offer tips for followers that respond.
  • Get ideas for your next product by asking what users wish your product had.

Keep the Goal and Branding in Mind

When you write Instagram questions, remember that 50% of Instagram users visit a company site after interacting with them on a story, so keep your brand in mind when coming up with questions. 

Don’t just focus on engagement, but try asking questions (even relationship questions) that will in some way reflect what’s important to your brand.

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Get More Instagram Question Sticker Ideas with Our Instagram Story Starters!

If you’re ready to start engaging on Stories but aren’t sure where to get started, our latest Instagram Story Starters offer is perfect for small businesses and Instagram users. You’ll get 4 weeks’ worth of daily story prompts and inspiration, including images, effects, text, and stickers to use! 

Not only are there prompts for the Instagram Question Sticker, but quiz questions, poll inspiration, and creative ways to use the emoji slider to collect feedback as well. Did we mention that it’s FREE???

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How to ask and add + 50 ideas

Instagram has a popular sticker - questions in stories. It allows you to poll the audience in stories and receive questions from loyal followers.

Sticker "Questions"

Why you need a sticker

Coming up with ideas for questions for stories on Instagram is an additional chore for a blogger or business. But it's worth it. And here are the main benefits of the sticker:

  1. Increasing the authority of a specialist. You can answer thematic polls in Instagram Stories or have discussions; nine0012
  2. Reminder about publications or products. In response to a question, you can share a link to a post;
  3. Collection of topics for live broadcasts. It is necessary to constantly be interested in the opinion and desires of subscribers;
  4. Increasing engagement. Questions in stories will help improve statistics and involve more users;
  5. Organization of competitions or games. Ask an interesting question for subscribers in stories and announce a prize for the best answer. nine0012

How to create questions

Now I will tell you how to ask questions for Instagram stories. First of all, go to stories. To do this, you need to swipe to the right while in the feed or click on the avatar with a plus (as in the photo).


Stories on Instagram: instructions + tricks Quiz for Instagram: TOP-4 services + examples

Before you start working with a sticker, you need to choose a background on which to place it. nine0003

Text background Photo videos
Click on "Text" on the bottom line of the screen. Write any text and press the right arrow (text can be deleted) Upload a photo from your phone or take a photo now, in normal mode or with Instagram masks Shoot various video options (slow motion, hands free) or upload from your phone

After I have decided on the background, I tell you how to use the sticker. So, you need to click on the sticker in the upper right corner and select the "Questions" sticker.

Adding a sticker

To write the text in the questions, click on the sticker. You can change the color of the question frame by choosing a color from the palette (or using the pen).

We write the text and change the color

After that, click the "Recipient>" button, then opposite "Your story" click the "Share" button. Now your sticker will be seen by subscribers. nine0003

Important. Promote your Instagram account and increase your reach in two clicks with Bridgit. The service will independently analyze competitors and set up all actions without your participation. Click and test for free -> Bridgit.

What to do with the answers

First, I'll tell you how you can see the answers and where to look. All of them refer to users, it is impossible to answer anonymously.


To see users' answers to your question, you need to go to the history with the question and drag it up. nine0003

To see everyone who asked you a counter question on Instagram in stories, click “All >”.

We look at the answers

Interesting. You can quickly and safely promote your social network by boosting likes, reposts and views on publications. This is an inexpensive and safe way that will not make you wait long for the result. And most importantly, you will be able to increase coverage and get a hot target audience. Click and use for free -> TmSMM


Select a question from the list and click “Answer”. Instagram will offer you 3 options: share the answer, send a message, delete.

  1. Delete. The question will disappear from the list. But first, the system will ask you to confirm the action;
  2. Send a message. A dialogue will open with your subscriber, and you will be able to reply to him in direct;
  3. Share. Instagram will offer you several actions to post a reply to your story. nine0012

All of the above actions are standard. Consider the third option to answer the questions in more detail with examples.

Text background Photo videos Live
Creates a contrasting background and text response Draws attention and makes the answer more "alive" The most effective option, I advise you to definitely use it Allows you to answer questions online

When you answer a question in a story, the user will see a notification “blogger's nickname answered your question”.

As advertising

Question ideas

Ask subscribers what you really want to know. Be sincere. But if you don’t have any ideas, then I’ll tell you what you can write in a sticker for stories on Instagram. nine0003

  1. How do you like my last post?
  2. What publications would you like to see more often?
  3. Have you used the product/service ...?
  4. How often do you go for discounts?
  5. What was your last impulse buy?
  6. Why is my account useful to you?
  7. What kind of discounts/promotions/gifts would you like to see?
  8. What do you think are the best Instagram bloggers?
  9. Favorite brands or which ones do you use? nine0012
  10. What is happiness for you? Are you happy now?
  11. Favorite breakfast/dinner? Are you watching your diet?
  12. When did you last travel? Where would you like to go? Favorite travel destination?
  13. What do you think about the new law? How do you feel about the political situation in the country?
  14. Let's see who is more, what city are you from?
  15. What do you think about the elections/Eurovision/new video. .?
  16. nine0009 What is your attitude towards sports/movies/music?
  17. What have you achieved in your personal life/career?
  18. The most important event that happened to you?
  19. When do brilliant thoughts come to you?
  20. Advise to see / read / go?
  21. What is the most unusual thing you have ever done?
  22. How much do you need to earn? Are you satisfied with your income?
  23. How to create a positive mood for the whole day? nine0012
  24. If you met with Putin, what would you say to him?
  25. Today is the last day of your life, how will you spend it?
  26. Favorite cities/movies/books/brands starting with ..?
  27. The brightest impression in life?
  28. What is your life credo, which has always helped you out in life?
  29. What would you say to yourself as a teenager if you could go back in time?
  30. How do you feel about open relationships? nine0012
  31. Should a woman work?
  32. Last book you read?
  33. Do you use time management? Satisfied? What is the best time management model?
  34. Submit your favorite quote. What exactly catches in this quote? Why this particular author?
  35. What did you eat for breakfast today? What do you prefer for breakfast? Or do you prefer to skip this meal altogether?
  36. A rake that you step on all the time? Are there any bugs you still can't get rid of? nine0012
  37. How do you feel about revelations with a random fellow traveler?
  38. What will you choose: wealth or love?
  39. Where would you like to be right now? Why exactly this place? What is connected with it?
  40. Why are you following me?
  41. How to find a holiday resort? What do you advise?
  42. How can I improve my blog? What themes to add? What do you talk about most often?
  43. How much time do you spend in social networks?
  44. nine0009 How do you feel about online education?
  45. Do you love your job? What suits you, what doesn't? Do you like the pay, the schedule, the scale of the tasks?
  46. Do these earrings/pants/dress suit me. .?
  47. What are you dreaming about? What global dreams are present in your heart? What are you doing to fulfill them?
  48. Are you satisfied with your personal life? What would you like to change? If everything is perfect, how did you come to this?
  49. What to give a friend for his birthday / how to make an original surprise? nine0012
  50. What is your ideal day?

Fuuuuh... This is where the ideas for stories on Instagram ended, but I think they will be enough for you.








If there is no questions sticker. You just need to update the app. To do this, go to PlayMarket or the App Store. There can be no other reasons for the absence of a sticker.

Briefly about the main thing

Instagram questions sticker in stories is very easy to use. It does not require money, time or other resources. This is his strength.

I also advise you to regularly ask questions to subscribers. And don't be afraid to be intrusive or unoriginal. nine0003

Instagram contests: how to run + engagement secrets How to promote an Instagram contest: 20 best ways Instagram quiz: how to make a quiz + how to set up a constructor

Questions in Instagram Stories: detailed instructions

  • Questions in Instagram Stories
  • How to ask a question on Instagram Stories
  • How can I see the answers to a question? nine0012

Questions on Instagram is a new joke that people on the social network began to actively use immediately after the feature appeared. A few days ago, we told you that some users have found in the application the ability to ask open-ended questions. So, this is the very feature of questions in Stories with the ability to write an answer to them or ask a question yourself.

Read also - Instagram Stories: The Ultimate Guide

If you don't know how to ask a question on Instagram Stories, we'll walk you through. Read our instructions and start testing this cool feature. nine0003

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What is it? At the moment, Instagram Stories allows you to ask several types of questions. The first type - you write a question and two possible answers to it. Your subscribers will see the Story with the question and will be able to choose one of the suggested answers if they wish. This is the so-called survey question.

The second type of questions in Stories are open-ended questions. The essence of this function is that you can post an offer to ask you any question that you receive in Direct. You yourself will know who sent it to you, but if you share it in Stories, the rest will not know the name of the sender. nine0003

Or you can use this function a little in reverse. You can ask a question in Stories and get answers from your subscribers in a personal message. This is very handy if you want to know someone's opinion on any subject, and not hear a monosyllabic answer. How this is done is described in as much detail as possible below.

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How to ask a question on Instagram Stories

  1. Open the Instagram app and click on the create a new Stories feature via the icon in the top left corner. nine0012
  2. Add any photo to your Story, and then click on the smiley icon in the upper right corner to access additional features.
  3. In the panel that opens at the bottom, find the "QUESTIONS" function. Click on it.
  4. Now you can leave an offer to ask you a question, or you can write your own question, to which you will then receive anonymous answers.
  5. When the question is written, place it in the right place on the screen, scale it if necessary. After that, publish your story. nine0012

When subscribers watch Stories, they will see your question. In the corresponding field, they will be able to write a response, and only the sender of the story will know who wrote the response.

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How can I see the answers to a question?

To see the answers to your question in Stories, just go to your story and swipe up. You will see user responses to your question. If you want to share a response, click on it and select the appropriate option. Remember that by sharing a question or answer in Stories, no one will recognize its author.

Learn more