How to delete telegram files in android
How to Delete Media in Telegram
Images and videos you exchange while chatting can take up too much memory space. This isn’t the case with Telegram, but you may still be interested in deleting media from your conversations when you no longer need them.
Many messaging apps offer different options when it comes to sharing, downloading and deleting files, such as images, videos, etc. Often, you need to delete data to free up your memory and help your device function properly.
What’s the deal with Telegram media? Keep reading to find out.
How to Delete Media from Cache
When you launch your Telegram app, tap the hamburger icon in the top left corner and go to Settings. From there, you should select Data and Storage, and then Storage usage to access the media settings. Here you can make some useful adjustments and delete any media you find unnecessary.
In Storage Usage, the first option is Keep Media, where you can specify for how long you’ll keep unused or unopened media in your phone. It can be anywhere between three days and forever; after this period, the media will automatically be deleted.
However, all the items are stored in the Cloud, where you can access them again and download if necessary.
When you tap on Clear Cache, the second option here, you can choose the type of media you wish to remove from your device: photos, videos, music, or other files. You’ll also be able to see how much memory space you’ll free up by deleting these files. If you have an iOS device, you can also do this for each individual chat.
How to Delete Shared Media from Chats
Telegram allows you to share huge files with your contacts. They can be up to 1.5GB in size and the process is fast and free. If you use a secret chat to share media with a friend or a colleague, it will be automatically destroyed. But what about regular chatting?
You have multiple ways to delete a file from a Telegram chat, and it’s just like deleting any other message. Telegram now allows you to delete messages and media files both for you and the other person. This may seem like a pretty convenient feature because you practically delete evidence of anything you said, but it can also be abused. Therefore, the public opinion about it is pretty divided.
Anyway, if you really wish to delete shared media from your Telegram conversations, here’s how to do it.
Delete a Single Message
One way to remove a file from a conversation is to delete that single message.
- Launch the Telegram app on your phone.
- Open the chat where you want to delete the media from.
- Tap and hold the image, video or other file you wish to delete.
- When the checkmark on the left side of the file is green, tap on the trash bin icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- In the pop-up window, choose Also delete for … (name of the contact), if you want to delete the file for both of you.
- Tap Delete.
Note that when it comes to media, it’s also possible to delete a single message by tapping on a three-dot icon in the top right corner of the image/video/GIF, or simply tapping on the file. A new pop-up window will appear, and just tap Delete to confirm.
Clear History
Another way for you to get rid of the unwanted media from a chat is to delete chat history. This way, your conversation won’t be removed from the chat list, but all your messages will be deleted.
- Open Telegram on your smartphone.
- Enter the chat where an undesired file is located.
- Tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen to open the chat menu.
- Choose Clear history.
- In the window that will pop up on your screen, choose Also clear history for … and tap on Clear history to confirm.
Delete Chat
The third option deletes the chat and doesn’t leave a trace of the conversation between you and your contact ever existing.
- Launch Telegram on your phone.
- Open the chat you wish to remove files from.
- Open the chat menu by tapping the three-dot icon in the top right corner of your screen.
- Choose Delete chat.
- Check the box that confirms you also want to delete the file for the other person.
- Tap Delete chat to confirm your choice.
What About Group Chats?
Your ability to delete messages and media in a group chat depends on whether or not you’re an admin.
Group admins have the option of deleting all the messages for all the members of the group. This option will be presented to you in different ways, depending on your device: Delete for Everyone on iOS devices or Delete for all members on Android phones. If you only want to delete the messages for yourself, you can choose Delete for me on iOS and Delete on Androids.
If you’re a regular member of the group chat, without admin privileges, you can only delete your own messages.
Think Twice Before Tapping the Send button
No matter how secure Telegram messaging is, you should always be careful about the media you share with others, especially if it’s something personal or confidential.
You can delete media from a chat, but if the other person has already downloaded the file to their phone or PC, there’s not much you can do about it. You may delete evidence that you’ve sent a file, but the file will still exist.
What kind of files do you share with others via Telegram? Have you ever needed to delete media from a conversation for privacy reasons? Share your experience in the comments section below!
Saved Where on Android? (How to Delete?)
Here’s where Telegram saves files on Android and how to delete them:
Telegram saves files on an Android device at this specific folder destination:
If you want to delete files from this folder, you can do that manually using the File manager on every Android device.
Or, clear the cache from within the Telegram app.
So if you want to learn all about where Telegram saves files exactly on Android, then this article is for you.
Keep reading!
What Is Telegram?
Telegram is an instant messaging service.
It was founded in 2014, and it is designed to rival services like WhatsApp, Messenger, and many others.
Telegram has a few features, design elements, and philosophical positions that make it compelling to a lot of users.
First, the app is cloud-based.
That means that it stores very little information on your device.
While other apps might automatically download messages, photos, and videos to your device, Telegram does not.
That frees up a lot of space on your Android device, and it makes it easier to sync Telegram messages across all of your devices.
Telegram is also entirely ad-free.
Well, the instant messaging is.
The idea is that Telegram does not utilize user data for targeted ads.
The only ads you will find with the app are on public conversations (which are similar to what you might find on Twitter).
Additionally, Telegram does not share user data with third parties. At all.
They have a very strong stance on this issue, and it’s one of the reasons why Telegram is popular in parts of the world where internet activity is more closely watched.
Now, if you’re already using Telegram and you want to manage how it stores data on your Android device, we can get into it.
Why Does Telegram Save Files on Your Android?
This is the first question, and it’s a pretty big one.
Like any app, Telegram saves files to your device in order to function.
It needs system files that actually make the app run. This is pretty normal stuff.
Telegram also stores temporary files on your device.
These files help the app keep up with short-term changes.
For instance, if you have a live conversation with another user, Telegram needs networking information in order to facilitate that communication.
So, it stores that information in a temporary file.
The next time you use the app, that information could change, so the temporary file is deleted, and a new one is created to ensure good connections.
This is just one example, but temporary files do a lot for apps on your device, and they’re an important part of the process.
Lastly, Telegram keeps some files in order to load the conversations you have.
While conversations are stored on Telegram cloud servers, in order for you to read them, the information has to be sent to your phone.
That information is stored in the Telegram folder so you can see the messages and use the app in general.
Where Are Telegram’s Files Located on Android?
Finding your Telegram folder on an Android device is pretty easy.
When navigating the Files, you can scroll through your internal storage.
All of the folders and files stored on your device are saved here.
Among these files, there is a master folder under a specific designation for Telegram:
That’s the folder that holds all of the subfolders and files for Telegram to work on your phone.
If you want to delete anything specific from Telegram, it’s located in that master folder.
How Do You Delete Telegram’s Files on Android? (2 Ways)
Ok. You know what Telegram is, why it saves things on your device, and where to find everything that is saved.
What if you want to delete something from within Telegram?
How do you do that?
There are really two ways to go about it on an Android device.
You can clear the cache, or you can manually delete items.
I’ll show you how to do both.
#1 Using the Telegram App
The easiest and safest way to delete a lot of Telegram files and folders is to clear the cache within the app itself.
The cache holds a lot of the temporary files I mentioned before.
When you clear it, you get rid of some of the raw data stored on your phone, and it can free up a little storage space on the device.
It also removes temporary files that you may want to eliminate.
Regardless of your motivation, here’s how you clear the cache for Telegram on an Android device.
Start by opening Telegram.
In the app, look for three horizontal lines at the top-left corner.
Tap that and choose “data and storage.”
You’ll see a new list of options where you can choose “storage usage.”
After that, tap “clear telegram cache,” and you’re done.
You’ve deleted everything in the cache.
Ultimately, Telegram will create new files that fill the cache, and if you want to, you can repeat this process.
That said, Telegram does automatically maintain the cache, so you shouldn’t ever need to manually clear it.
You can if you have a reason, but for normal operations, it isn’t necessary.
#2 Manually in the Telegram Folder
Instead of using the Telegram app, you can delete files and subfolders manually.
To do that, navigate to the master Telegram I showed you earlier.
In that folder, you can navigate everything saved by Telegram.
So, you can delete any subfolder or individual file as you see fit.
When you find something you want to delete, tap and hold on to it.
Then, you’ll get an option with a trash icon.
Tap it, and the highlighted item will be deleted.
Before you get too deep into this, you should probably read the next section.
Manually deleting items in the master Telegram folder can have unintended consequences.
Is It Safe to Delete Telegram’s Files?
For the most part, deleting Telegram files is pretty safe.
Because everything is stored on cloud servers, deleting them from your phone does not permanently remove your access to the content.
You can redownload them later if you need to.
That said, manually deleting files from the master folder can severely impact the app’s performance.
If you delete important system files, the app won’t be able to run anymore.
The good news is that this can usually be fixed by deleting and reinstalling the app, so permanent damage is pretty rare.
Still, if you’re not sure what a folder or file is, it’s usually best to leave it alone.
As for clearing the cache, this shouldn’t have any unintended consequences.
The app automatically deletes these files at different points anyway, so it’s fine if you go through the manual process.
That said, it’s a bit of a waste of time unless you have a specific reason to clear the cache.
Telegram: how to delete photos, videos and files to free up space
Although, unlike alternatives like WhatsApp , in the case of Telegram data storage is mostly in the cloud, is therefore Mobile device is usually less affected in this part. However, a large amount of information is downloaded and stored on the terminal as it is used, and before the user knows about it, most of his disk space is already used.
Below Infobae are some very useful tips that will be very helpful if you want to clear Telegram and free up space on your phone storage to the cloud, which can be very useful for freeing up space on the smartphone . The fact is that also has a negative side. Assume that the application's cache has been cleared to free up space; then when you want to find the old content in the chat, it will start downloading all media content again.
Fortunately, Telegram has some great features in this regard. First, how long you want the app to keep media files on your device before automatically deleting them.
If the user goes to "Settings" > "Data and storage" > "Storage usage ", he will be able to find section Keep Media and various options from 3 days, 1 week, 1 month and unlimited .
Telegram. (photo: code ISENA) At this point, you just need to set how long you want to keep media files on your device, and that's it. Of course, keep in mind that the "no restrictions" option will let the application know that you never want to delete anything.
For the second option, you can choose different media download options on its own, with mobile data, Wi-Fi or data roaming. If you want to go further, you can disable these options so that the download of media files in the chat, new or old, is done manually, where you can choose what content you want to download and what not.
This is very useful, especially because limits the number of media files that can be downloaded to the mobile phone and can prevent memory from filling up, especially if you have a lot of chats.
Chat and telegram. (photo: RPP)Remove unwanted chats from Telegram
A great starting point for cleaning Telegram and freeing up space on your mobile phone is properly deleting all unwanted chats.
To do this, you just need to select all the chats you want to delete then go to the trash icon shown at the bottom and select Empty Chats. This will delete all data, images, audio and more from the device, freeing up storage space on your phone.
Delete Telegram cache
The last option to clear Telegram and free up space on mobile devices is probably one of the easiest. This will clear the application cache, in which case no chats, data or media files will be deleted, only the copy stored on the mobile device will be deleted.
Delete cache in Telegram. (photo: Andro4all)This option can also be found in section "Settings" > "Storage data" > "Storage usage ", there you will find the section " Clear Telegram cache". There, the information that this section occupies will simply be displayed in the memory of the mobile phone.
You just need to select whatever you want to delete and then delete it from your mobile phone, that will free up unnecessary storage space on your device.
Delete cache in Telegram.
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How to delete media in Telegram
The images and videos you share while chatting may take up too much memory space. This does not apply to Telegram, but you may still be interested in removing media from your conversations when you no longer need them.
Many messaging apps offer various options for sharing, downloading and deleting files such as images, videos, etc. Often you need to delete data to free up memory and help your device work properly.
How to remove media from the cache
When you launch the Telegram app, tap the hamburger icon in the top left corner and go to Settings. From there, you must select "Data and Storage" and then "Storage Usage" to access your media settings. Here you can make some useful changes and remove any unnecessary media.
Programs for Windows, mobile applications, games - EVERYTHING is FREE, in our closed telegram channel - Subscribe :) or unopened media in the phone. It can be from three days to infinity; after this period, the media will be automatically deleted.
However, all items are stored in the cloud, where you can access them again and download them as needed.
When you click Clear Cache, the second option here, you can choose the type of media you want to delete from your device: photos, videos, music, or other files. You will also be able to see how much memory space you will free up by deleting these files. If you have an iOS device, you can also do this on a per-chat basis.
How to remove shared media files from chats
Telegram allows you to share huge files with your contacts. They can be up to 1.5 GB in size, and the process is fast and free. If you use Secret Chat to share media with a friend or colleague, it will be automatically destroyed. What about regular chatting?
You have several ways to delete a file from a Telegram chat, and it's just like deleting any other message. Telegram now allows you to delete messages and media for both you and the other person. This might seem like a pretty handy feature because you're basically removing the evidence for everything you said, but it can also be abused. Therefore, public opinion on this issue is quite divided.
Anyway, if you really want to remove shared media from your Telegram conversations, here's how to do it.
Delete a single message
One way to remove a file from a conversation is to delete that single message.
- Launch the Telegram app on your phone.
- Open the chat you want to remove media from.
- Touch and hold the image, video, or other file you want to delete.
- When the checkmark on the left side of the file turns green, click the trash can icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- In the pop-up window, select Also delete for... (contact name) if you want to delete the file for both of you.
- Touch Delete.
Please note that when it comes to media, it is also possible to delete an individual message by clicking on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of an image/video/GIF or by simply clicking on the file. A new pop-up window will appear and just click "Delete" to confirm.
Clean history
Another way to get rid of unwanted media from a chat is to delete the chat history. This way, your conversation will not be removed from the chat list, but all your messages will be deleted.
- Open Telegram on your smartphone.
- Enter the chat where the unwanted file is located.
- Touch the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of the screen to open the chat menu.
- Select Clear history .
- In the window that appears on the screen, select " Also clear history for .
.. " and click " Clear history " to confirm.
Delete chat
The third option deletes the chat and leaves no trace of the conversation between you and your contact that ever existed.
- Launch Telegram on your phone.
- Open the chat you want to delete files from.
- Open the chat menu by tapping the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen.
- Select Delete chat .
- Check the box to confirm that you also want to delete the file for the other person.
- Press " Delete Chat " to confirm your choice.
What about group chats?
Your ability to delete messages and media in a group chat depends on whether you are an administrator.
Group administrators have the ability to delete all messages for all members of the group. This option will be presented to you differently depending on your device: Remove for everyone on iOS devices or Remove for all members on Android phones.