How to center instagram

How to Center BIO on Instagram using Spaces/Line Breaks?

Most of the bios on Instagram are left aligned but there are few people who prefer centering their BIO for creative purposes. In this guide, I will show you how to center BIO on Instagram using Spaces as well as Line breaks.

This can be done in two ways. Both are simple and easy to do.

I prefer the first one as it is very convenient while writing captions for my Instagram posts.

Table of Contents

Follow this procedure for both the ways described below.

  1. Go to your Instagram profile.
  2. Click Edit Profile.
  3. Go to the Bio settings on your profile.
  4. Copy the spaces (and ONLY the spaces not brackets) between these brackets:


Paste these spaces before each line of text.

1. Writing down BIO in Notes App

I am sure everyone who uses a smartphone has a Notes app (Sometimes also called as Memo). This is a stock app which comes along with the phone.

Step 1:

You just need to open the notes app. Create a new Note.

Step 2:

Paste your BIO and Add spaces to it.

Step 3:

Copy the whole BIO from the notes by selecting ALL (including Spaces)

Step 4:

Open Instagram App and go to Edit Profile.

Step 5:

In BIO section, paste the Text.

Depending on how many spaces you have added. This will center bio on Instagram. If not, just go back to Notes and Adjust the Spaces as you like.

This is actually the recommended way to center bio on Instagram.

I have another way of centering your BIO. It is just creating a shortcut for adding spaces. This can be very useful when you want to add spaces in your captions. People generally use it to hide weird hashtags that they use in the caption field.

2. Using PostBuilder App

I found this cool mobile app that makes it super easy to create line breaks and center instagram bio automatically for you.

Checkout their website: Click here

Download on Google Play: Click here

Download on App Store: Click here

3. Using Personal Dictionary Option

Centering bio is easy if you have spaces given above. Just copy them and paste them in BIO!

I know you wouldn’t want to visit my blog every time, you want to add these spaces. I have a tutorial for automating this process too:

This is a bit lengthy process but you have to do it ONCE ONLY. Below screenshots are from Android phone.

Step 1:

Go to the Settings app. Scroll down to find Additional Settings.

Step 2:

Go to Languages and input.

Step 3:

Select your current keyboard. Here, I use android so I have Gboard by default.

Step 4:

Choose the Keyboard and then select Dictionary.

Step 5:

Choose Personal Dictionary.

Step 6:

Choose Add. Inside “Type a Word” add the spaces I provided you above. Paste the spaces without curly brackets in it.

Step 7:

Add shortcut to the spaces. Here I have added ssss so that whenever I type ssss, it will suggest me those spaces to add. You can add your own custom text.

Make sure the text is not meaningful, else it will show you suggestions for that word when you type anything.

Step 8:

Click on SAVE and you are ready to rock!

You can go to notes and check by typing ssss whether it suggests the SPACES or not.

This is how you center bio on Instagram. If you have any difficulties in centering your bio, let me know through comments!

Also Read: 

How to add Line Breaks in Instagram Captions? {Formatting TIP}

350+ Best Instagram Captions for Photos and Selfies!

How to Center or Reposition Your Instagram Bio

Your bio is an essential element of your profile on Instagram. Although it is limited to 150 characters, it is one of the three things that other Instagram users have to look at to gauge whether they want to follow you or not. Of course, the other two things are your username and your most recent selection of posts and stories.

One common technique used to increase the visual appeal of your bio and make it “pop” is to center or reposition the bio text. Centering/repositioning the text means inserting spaces on each line so that the overall effect is to make your bio look centered, indented, or stylish on the screen when someone looks at it.

Word-processing programs like Microsoft Word include automatic centering features that let you select a block of text and hit a button, and poof, it is instantly centered. Instagram, unfortunately, does not have this functionality. However, centering your bio is quite simple, and in this article, you’ll see a simple technique to get your bio displaying where you want it.

Instagram Bio Character Limit

While you’re typing your bio on an iPhone or Android device, one handy feature is the character count that displays in the lower right-hand corner of the text box. The count shows you how many characters are left in your allowance of 150.

The PC version does not appear to include a character count feature.

Spaces count against the character limit, including nonbonding spaces—more on that later.

Yes, the spaces used to format your text count against the 150-character limit.

Use Nonbinding Spaces to Position or Center Your Bio

In the Instagram Bio text box, you’ll want to add spaces to the left-hand side of each row of text that you want to center or position differently. If your text strings are relatively short, adding about nine spaces to the left of each row will put your text near the center of the screen on most phones. You’ll want to add more or less space depending on if your text strings are longer or shorter. You’re going to run into one problem, though. Instagram insists on left-justifying every line in your bio. That means that each line starts with the first visible character, not spaces.

The only way to get your Instagram Bio lines to the center or appear where you want them to is to use nonbinding spaces. There’s no need to go into technicalities, but these gaps are essentially coded differently in HTML and will let you bypass the line glitch in Instagram’s code.

Nonbinding spaces prevent whitespace and two-part text such as “liquid-based” and “T & T Disks,” for example, from separating into the current row and next row, yet they serve as spacers in this particular case.

Nonbinding spaces used for copy/paste functionality in your Instagram Bio are not creatable in a text app, note-taker, or document creator. Sure, MS Word and Google Docs have a way to insert nonbinding/nonbreaking spaces, but it won’t work for your Bio unless you copy it from HTML, which uses “ ” (excluding the quotes) as the code. Don’t bother viewing source code or using the “Inspect element” to see the “ ” characters. They often appear as blank spaces, ironically.

Anyways, editing your Instagram Bio is simple. Using a PC is best so you can easily copy/paste the nonbreaking spaces. Still, it is also possible on Android and iPhone because we incorporated the nonbreaking spaces in the steps below, so your smartphone or tablet can easily copy them as well. Regardless, with a couple of clicks or taps, you can position your bio any way you want, including centering it. Here’s how.

Center/Position Your Instagram Bio in Windows

  1. Open your browser and head to the Instagram Login page. If you’re already logged in, the website will go directly to your account. Otherwise, enter you login credentials.
  2. Click on your “Profile” icon in the top-right section of the page.
  3. Select “Profile” fron the list.
  4. Click on “Edit Profile.”
  5. Copy the spaces only on this line (as many as you need) that are in between the following brackets: [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀]
  6. In the “Bio” box, paste the copied nonbinding/nonbreaking spaces into your Bio, then type what you want to appear.
  7. Scroll down the page and click on “Submit.”
  8. Head to your Instagram Profile page to view the results. It may take several tries to get the look you desire.

Center/Reposition Your Instagram Bio in Android and iOS/iPhone

  1. Launch the Android Instragram App or iOS Instagram app.
  2. Tap on your “Profile” icon in the bottom-right section.
  3. Tap on “Edit Profile.”
  4. Tap on the “Bio” section.
  5. The Bio edit screen appears.
  6. Copy the spaces only on this line (as many as you need) that are in between the following brackets: [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀]
  7. Edit your Bio by pasting the nonbinding spaces before your text so that it centers or repositions it on the line. Tap the “blue checkmark” in the upper-right section to save your changes.
  8. Now, your Instagram Profile Bio rows should appear in the new positions.

Other Types of Instagram Bio Effects

Centering isn’t the only type of text formatting that can give your bio some visual flair. For example, you can stagger your bio by increasing the indent on each successive line. For example:

Good Example: 

Bad Example: 

Notice that the second example tiered less fluidly because the last line was too short. Also, it doesn’t highlight the contact information in the same way that a centered bio would.

Think about what you want your followers and potential followers to take away from your bio, how your bio reads, and what information you’d like to highlight.

When Not to Center a Bio

Sometimes, your profile is better served by not having a centered bio, which comes with downsides, including:

  • Lack of space for characters. Bios have a 150 character limit and spaces count toward that limit.
  • Poor desktop view. Centered bios do not come across as effectively on desktop. Of course, most people will be checking Instagram on their phones.
  • Centered bios break up the text. If your bio is comprised of short statements, this might not matter for you. It can also be helpful for highlighting disparate elements like email addresses. However, if you interrupt the flow of your bio, forcing it onto separate lines, it might look awkward and be hard to read.

Overall, centering or staggering your bio on Instagram can definitely help make your profile stand out in the crowd. Whether you’re looking to help show off your contact information or want to make your bio look more attractive, centering and staggering text on Instagram is surprisingly easy.

How to center bio on Instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 14

Short answer

  1. There is no universal answer to this question.
  2. The best way to center your Instagram bio may vary depending on the theme and layout of your account.
  3. However, some tips for centering your Instagram bio include using a text editor to create a centered text box.
  4. Or by using the "center" alignment option when writing your bio in the Instagram app.

How to center bio on Instagram?

How to center your bio on Instagram!

How to make your Instagram biography attractive?

There are a few things you can do to make your Instagram bio more attractive. First, use a high quality profile picture that represents you or your brand. Then make sure your bio is well written and interesting. You can also use relevant hashtags to get new followers.

What does the number 22 mean in the Instagram biography?

22 usually means "22 years old".

How to make a two-line bio on Instagram?

There is no set way to make your Instagram biography two lines. However, you can use the text formatting tool to shorten the text in your bio.

How to write a great biography?

There is no single formula for writing a great biography, but there are a few things you can do to make yourself stand out. First, be concise and interesting. Don't overload your bio with too much information or it will be difficult to read. Second, use strong, punchy language that reflects your personality and makes people want to know more about you. Finally, make sure your bio is up to date and accurate.

How to get 1000 Instagram followers in 5 minutes?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get followers on Instagram depends on your specific niche and audience. However, some tips for getting more followers on Instagram include using relevant hashtags, posting interesting and engaging content, and using effective marketing tactics like influencer marketing.

How to decorate your Instagram profile?

There are several ways to decorate your Instagram profile. One way is to add a background image or color. You can also add a bio, which is a short description of yourself. You can also add links to your other social media profiles.

What is a good Instagram biography for a girl?

A good biography of a girl on Instagram is creative and interesting. It should also be personal and give some idea of ​​who she is as a person.

How do you skip lines on Instagram?

Instagram does not have the ability to skip lines directly. However, you can format the text so that it looks like it has fewer lines. To do this, press the return key twice after each sentence.

How do you put your athlete on your Instagram BIO 2021?

There are several different ways to add athlete information to your Instagram bio. One way is to list their names and then list their sport in brackets. Another way is to use a hashtag for your sport. For example, you can write "#soccerplayer" or "#trackandfield".

How do I change the font of my Instagram biography?

To change the Instagram biography font, first open the Instagram app and tap the Profile icon in the bottom right corner. Then click the "Edit Profile" button and scroll down to the "Biography" section. Click on the text field and select a new font from the list.

How to write a biography in three sentences?

There is no single formula for writing a three-sentence biography. However, a good approach is to introduce yourself, talk about your professional experience, and conclude by briefly talking about what you are looking for in your next opportunity.

How do you write a biography on social networks?

Your social media bio should be short and to the point, but it should also give potential followers an idea of ​​who you are and what you do. Start by introducing yourself and then list your professional or personal interests. You can also include a call to action, such as asking people to follow you or visit your website.

What does 1 M mean on Instagram?

1M means 1 million. When an Instagram user has 1 million followers, their username is displayed as 1M.

How many Instagram followers do you need to get paid?

You don't need a certain number of Instagram followers to get paid, but you do need to be able to attract sponsors and advertisers. Generally, the more followers you have, the more money you can earn. However, there are many other factors that go into how much money you can make from sponsored posts.

How to promote your page on Instagram?

There are several ways to promote your Instagram page. One way is to post links to your page on other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. You can also promote your page by including it in your email signature or on your website. Also, you can use hashtags to draw attention to your page.

How to increase the number of followers on Instagram?

There are several things you can do to increase your Instagram following. First, make sure your profile is complete and contains a good bio and profile picture. Then post interesting and engaging content regularly. You can also use hashtags to reach a wider audience and engage with other users by commenting and liking their posts. Finally, use Instagram ads to reach more people who are interested in your brand or products.

How to center Instagram bio?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 6 Posted by

Short answer

  1. There is no universal answer to this question.
  2. The best way to center your Instagram bio may vary depending on the theme and layout of your account.
  3. However, some tips on how to center your Instagram bio include using a centered text box or creating a graphic with text centered. in the middle.
  4. You can also try using a tool like Canva to create a custom biography layout that centers your text.

How do I center my Instagram biography?

How to center your bio on Instagram!

How to make your Instagram biography attractive?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the attractiveness of an Instagram bio depends on the individual. However, some tips on how to make your bio more engaging include using interesting and engaging content, being creative and personal, and using relevant hashtags.

How do you answer Instagram FAQs?

To get to Instagram FAQs, you can search for a specific hashtag that matches your question, or view questions asked by other users. If you can't find the answer to your question, you can also ask it yourself.

How to write a great biography?

It's all about being yourself and being short and sweet. Try to think about what makes you unique and interesting, and focus on highlighting those qualities. Be sure to avoid general statements and clichés and make sure your bio sounds like you would actually say it.

What is a good biography?

A good biography should be short and interesting, providing just enough information to keep the reader interested. It should highlight your professional and academic achievements, as well as any other important accomplishments.

What is Instagram's phone number?

Instagram phone number is not listed on their website. However, if you need to contact them for customer service, you can contact them at 1-800-819-0173.

What is frequently asked in the FAQ?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are a collection of questions most frequently asked by customers or customers. They can be about anything from a product or service to an organization's policies and procedures.

How to turn off FAQ on Instagram?

To turn off Instagram FAQs, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Scroll down and tap Settings, then scroll down and tap Frequently Asked Questions. Tap the switch next to "Show FAQ" to turn it off..

How to write in style in your Instagram biography?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to write your Instagram bio in style depends on your personal style and preferences. However, some tips to help you create a stylish bio include using creative typography, choosing an interesting background color or image, and adding personality.

What is a short biography?

A CV is a short, concise description of someone's life and career. It usually includes the person's name, occupation, and other relevant information.

How to increase the number of followers on Instagram?

There are several things you can do to increase your Instagram following:
Use popular hashtags in your posts. This will make them more likely to appear in search results and be seen by more people.
Follow other users in your niche. They are more likely to follow you and you will be able to exchange likes and comments.
Use compelling images or videos.

What is a student curriculum vitae?

A student curriculum vitae is a concise and concise summary of the student's academic and personal achievements. It is typically used to introduce the student to potential employers, scholarship committees, or other interested parties.

How can I make my biography attractive?

One way to make your biography more attractive is to make it more personal. Tell some interesting facts about yourself or write about your hobbies and interests. You can also try to be witty or humorous. However, you should avoid excessive self-promotion or selling. Ultimately, you want your biography to be captivating and interesting so that people want to read it.

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