How to banned instagram account

5 Actions That Can Get You Banned On Instagram

Imagine creating an Instagram account for your business and it gets banned or deleted by Instagram. All the resources (time & money) invested into building your audience, followers, and customers…gone!

This has happened to many Instagram users‚ most likely because they violated Instagram’s terms of service or community guidelines. To avoid this gruesome experience, we’ve listed some actions (you should avoid) that can get you banned on Instagram. Check them out.

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Related Article: How To Convert A Personal Instagram Account To A Business Account

Types of Instagram Ban

Action Ban

An action ban typically happens when you exceed the number of actions you should perform on Instagram within a time frame. For example, liking too many posts and following too many people too quickly. These could get your account blocked by Instagram.

Action blocks are usually temporary and you will get your account back up and running after a couple of hours or days.

Shadow Ban

When you get shadow banned, your content gets limited reach and visibility; it doesn’t show up in hashtags or on anyone’s feeds on Instagram, unless they already follow you. This can happens when you use broken/ banned hashtags or your account is often reported by other users.

Permanent Ban

In this case, your account gets permanently deleted from Instagram and you will no longer have access to it. When this happens, you’re almost never going to get your account back.

Related Article: What Happens When You Delete Your Instagram Account

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5 Actions That Can Get You Banned On Instagram

1. Using Automation Tools

Although automation tools are very effective in managing and growing your Instagram page, using them is against Instagram’s terms of use. If Instagram finds out, you will get banned from using the service permanently.

2. Buying Fake Likes and Followers

Buying fake likes and followers is common on Instagram. According to Instagram’s community guidelines, buying fake followers is officially banned and is considered fraudulent.

If you’re lucky, Instagram will only remove the fake followers from your account when you’re caught. Otherwise, your Instagram account will get banned.

3. Promoting and Selling Illegal Products

According to Instagram’s terms of use; You may not use Instagram for any illegal or unauthorized purpose. Therefore, selling products that are illegal in your location (for example, guns), can get you in trouble with Instagram.

4. Posting Sexual, Inappropriate, or Copyrighted Content

Instagram takes posting sexual content very seriously. In its terms of use, it says; You may not post violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, hateful, infringing, pornographic, or sexual suggestive photos or other content via the service.

Copyright infringement is also a serious issue on Instagram. Make sure you post original content, and in cases where you use people’s content, be sure to take permission. If you don’t, the content owner can report your account to Instagram and you will get banned for breaching Instagram’s copyright rules.

5. Spam Comments and Direct Messages

When you constantly duplicate (copying and pasting) comments and direct messages to lot of different Instagram users, Instagram considers this as spamming and warns against this in its community guidelines.

In conclusion, to avoid issues with Instagram account restrictions in future, we advice that you pay attention to Instagram’s terms of use and community guidelines.

5 Ways You Can Get Banned on Instagram

Last week in our Facebook Group (if you haven’t joined our Facebook Group, The Social Hub, what are you even doing with your life?), we talked about ways you can violate Instagram’s Terms of Use and get banned from the app. The conversation started because someone had their client’s account deleted because they did something that everyone does—re-grammed someone else’s photo without their permission. Yes, using someone’s photo without their permission is against Instagram’s Terms of Use and can get your account deleted. The quickest and most surefire way to get banned from Instagram is by violating its Terms of Use and/or community guidelines. If you’re nervous and wondering if you could be toeing the line of being deleted or banned, we’ve rounded up the different ways you can violate Instagram’s Terms of Use.

Before we get started, let’s first give you a refresher on Instagram’s Terms of Use. You can read all of their conditions here.

Now that we’ve had the refresher, what does it all mean? Let’s break it down.

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  1. Breaking the Law

  2. Violating Intellectual Property Rights

  3. Posting Harmful or Inappropriate Content

  4. Automating Accounts

  5. Using Banned Hashtags

Breaking the Law

Seems like a fairly easy and no-brainer one, but don’t break the law on their platform. For Instagram, this means don’t post content that is “support(ing) or prais(ing) terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. Offering sexual services, buying or selling firearms and illegal or prescription drugs (even if it’s legal in your region).”

What does that mean necessarily? Well, if the above isn’t enough for you, basically don’t post about supporting terrorism. If you’re planning a heist anytime soon, maybe keep that off the ‘gram as well. Anything that would get you arrested IRL will get you automatically banned from Instagram. Just because it’s the internet doesn’t mean that anything can go … well not on Instagram at least.

Violating Intellectual Property Rights

That photo you love someone else posted? Well, you can’t post it on your own account and claim it as your own. Nope, it’s their property, not yours, which means posting it on your page without their expressed consent is a major no-no and can get you immediately banned.

That also includes “anything you’ve copied or collected from the Internet that you don’t have the right to post.

“But what about those accounts that regram other people’s content all the time?”

A very good question! Typically, this is fine if you ask for consent and credit the original account. However, if you’re posting the content as your own and not giving credit where credit is due, you’re violating Instagram’s rules.

Hashtags & Analytics

Find, manage, and analyze hashtags for Instagram.

Posting Harmful or Inappropriate Content

What is considered harmful and inappropriate on Instagram? Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something that is explicitly illegal, but the main components are:

  • Nudity or graphic content
  • Revenge porn
  • Self-harm content
  • Violence
  • Terrorist activity
  • Hate speech

And, yes, even if the post isn’t meant to be pornographic (no female nipples allowed unless you’re breastfeeding!), it can still be banned. Instagram defines its inappropriate content as “photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. Someone should probably mention that to Madonna…

Automating Accounts

If you’ve ever thought about getting a third-party app or bot to like and comment for you, don’t. This can get you a one-way ticket to being banned from Instagram. While the best way to grow your account organically is by engaging with followers, DMing, liking photos, and more, YOU should be the one doing it. Not a bot.

Using Banned Hashtags

One of the most important things when searching for hashtags is to make sure you’re not using hashtags that are banned (you can always check if your hashtags are banned by signing up for Flick! We will audit all of your hashtags for you!). While there are hashtags that are banned for obvious reasons (using profanity, terms that relate to violence, etc) but there are also hashtags that seem okay to use but are used by spam bots often enough to be flagged by Instagram.

Instagram has stated in the past that “hashtags on Instagram may not be searchable if they’re consistently associated with content that doesn’t follow our Terms of Use or Community Guidelines. So how do you check if a hashtag is banned? Go to Instagram’s search page and look for the hashtag. If it shows up, you’re good! If it doesn’t show up, it’s probably banned and shouldn’t be used.

Now that you know what not to do, it’s time to start working on things that will help you up your Instagram game by learning new tricks, new hashtag strategies and diving deep into your analytics.

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How to block a person's Instagram account


Are you tired of intrusive commercial accounts that follow you in batches every day? Or do you keep your subscription audience clean? In both cases, our today's guide on blocking users on Instagram will be useful to you.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at who, how and why to block on Instagram. Can a user be unblocked after being blocked. And how to put the blocking process on stream using the SocialKit program.

Program for promotion on Instagram - SocialKit:

  • Collecting and filtering the target audience
  • Masslooking, massfollowing, massliking
  • Delayed posting of photos, videos and stories
  • Mailing in Direct, autoresponder

Registration >>>

Read also: How to unsubscribe from non-reciprocal followers on Instagram

I am kind, why should I block someone?

The reasons for blocking someone on Instagram can be personal or business reasons.

Simply put, if you don't like someone, block them and they won't be able to view the content of your page, write comments, and so on. It will also help to fight against obsessive bots and fakes that constantly like you, subscribe and unsubscribe, write something in the comments or bother you with direct messages.

If you are the owner of a commercial page, doing business on Instagram, then again, it is undesirable for you to be followed by other commercial organizations (which are not your target audience), bots and fakes. Yes, this has a positive effect on the number in the subscribers column, but it negatively affects the quality of the audience as a whole. All this leads to a decrease in activity and, as a result, a drop in coverage and loss of customers.

Stop enduring this (there could be a meme with you know who, but it won't be)! We figure out how to act to avoid both.

How to block a person on Instagram: a detailed guide

Block a user from your phone

Open the Instagram app from your phone. Log in with the required account. Find and open the page of the user you want to block.

Click on the three dots in the top right corner. A menu will appear in the middle of the screen where you need to click "Block".

Next, Instagram will ask you for confirmation - tap "Block" again.

Done! Selected account in the block!

From a computer

The algorithm of actions is absolutely the same.

Open the user page, press the menu button - three dots. Click "Block this user" and confirm your action.

If you want to file a complaint against a person during blocking, click Complain and select the reason for the complaint:

  • I don't like it;
  • This is spam;
  • Nudity or pornography;
  • Hostile language or symbols;
  • Other.

How to unblock a blocked user

You will need to unblock a user if you want him to be excluded from the list of your subscribers, but at the same time, he could go to your page. This is especially true for commercial pages.

To unblock a person on Instagram, go to their page as described above from a phone or computer. Open the menu, tap "Unblock" and then confirm the user's unblocking.

How to find and view blocked accounts

To see the entire list of users that you have previously blocked, go to Instagram. Open the main profile page.

Go to settings.

Open the "Privacy" section.

In the "Contacts" subsection, select "Blocked accounts".

A list of blocked accounts will open. From here you can also go to the profile page of interest.

How to set up mass blocking of users in SocialKit

This method is recommended only for commercial accounts and is needed to remove unwanted accounts from the list of your subscribers.

In our blog, we have already touched on the topic of cleaning Instagram from bots. Here the sequence of actions is the same.

  • Gathering the audience of our subscribers. How to do it in the article: Parsing the audience.
  • The final list is being filtered. We save bots and commercial accounts separately. Instructions: How to filter the audience on Instagram.
  • We start blocking by the list of users. Do not forget to check the item about instant unlocking users. Implementation process: Blocking subscribers.
  • We repeat at different intervals (from a week to a month).

All these actions can be done in SocialKit. This is convenient because you do not need several services. One is for gathering an audience, the other is for filtering, the third is for blocking.


Blocking users on Instagram will help protect your personal account from intrusive advertising. It will protect the commercial page from bots that worsen the statistics. For small volumes, you can block users manually. If you need mass blocking - use SocialKit.

Do not forget to share the material on social networks and bookmark it so as not to lose it. And also follow our new publications.

How to delete an Instagram account: instructions Then deleting the profile comes to the rescue. We explain how to delete from Instagram permanently or temporarily, saving data

Since March 21, 2022, the social networks Facebook and Instagram have been banned in Russia by a court decision, and the Meta Platforms holding company that owns them has been recognized as an extremist organization and is also banned.

Some users notice that they devote too much time to managing their Instagram account to the detriment of work and personal affairs. Even the owner of Instagram, Meta, admitted in internal documents that its social networks have a negative impact on sleep, work, parenting, work productivity and personal life of approximately 12.5% ​​of users. And scientists from the University of British Columbia found that users' own lives begin to seem insufficiently bright and interesting compared to what they see on Instagram.

Meanwhile, until the spring of 2022, the social network was consistently in the top 10 in terms of downloads in Russia and in the world. The international agency We Are Social estimated that in 2021 Instagram ranked fourth in our country in terms of the number of users (61.2% of Russian Internet users go there), and in total 67.8% of the Russian population (99 million people) use social networks. The average Russian spends 3 hours a day outside of work at the monitor or with a smartphone.

In November 2021, Instagram began testing the Take a Break feature. It will allow users to escape from the continuous viewing of the feed. In the settings, it will be possible to set reminders for breaks, for example, 10, 20 or 30 minutes. After that, the application will issue a warning about the need to rest. However, this feature has been opened to a limited number of users so far.

For now, everyone has the only alternative - to give up Instagram for a while or for good.

How to permanently delete an Instagram account

This option should be chosen when the profile is definitely no longer useful: for example, if we are talking about the account of a company that has closed.

Before deleting a profile, Instagram will offer to save data from it. To do this, you need to send a download request. After that, an email will be sent to your email within 48 hours with a link where you can download photos and videos. You can also request a copy of your data through the Instagram app for Android and iPhone. To do this, open the menu in the profile, go to the "Settings" - "Security" section and select the "Download data" item. Next, you will need to enter your email address and account password.

Download request from Instagram

Even after deleting the profile, it will be visible on the social network for another 30 days. During this time, the user can change his mind and restore the account. If within a month the owner of the profile has never logged into the system, then the account is permanently deleted.

In the web version

To delete a profile using a computer, you need to perform several steps:

  • go to the social network site and click on the "Help" button in the lower right corner;
  • go to the "Help Center" and select the line "Delete your account" in the left menu;
  • follow the link suggested in the article;
  • specify the reason for deleting the profile;
  • confirm the action by entering a password.


To delete your Instagram profile using your phone, you need to take more steps:

  • log into your profile in the app and click on "Settings";
  • in the menu that appears, select the "Help" line and go to the "Help Center";
  • on the page that opens, select the item "Manage your account";
  • in the search bar enter the query "Delete profile";
  • go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
  • follow the link in the article;
  • indicate the reason for deleting the account and enter the page password.

How to temporarily delete an Instagram account

The user can also stop using Instagram for any period and then restore the page. However, you can do this no more than once a week. A temporarily deleted profile is not visible to other users of the social network. To restore it, you just need to log into the application.

In the web version

To temporarily deactivate your profile using a computer, you must perform the following steps:

  • go to the social network site under your account;
  • click on the profile photo and select "Settings" in the menu that opens;
  • at the bottom of the page, click on the link "Temporarily disable my account";
  • on the page that opens, indicate the reason for the temporary disconnection and enter the account password.

From the phone

As in the case of the "perpetual" deletion, temporary blocking of Instagram will require more steps:

  • go to your profile;
  • go to the "Settings" section and select the "Help" item;
  • in the menu that appears, click on the line "Help Center";
  • on the support page, open the "Manage your account" item;
  • in the search bar, enter "Temporarily disable";
  • go to the article "How to delete your Instagram account";
  • click on the link "How to temporarily disable your account" and find the article "Instagram. com website from a mobile browser";
  • click on the link in the first paragraph of the instruction and go to the mobile browser;
  • on the main page of the account, click on the "Edit profile" button;
  • select the link "Temporarily disable my account" at the bottom of the page.

Is it possible to delete a blocked Instagram account

To delete your account, you need to know your username and password. A forgotten password can be reset using an email address, phone number, or Facebook account. If the user does not have access to the email address specified during registration, and his Instagram and Facebook accounts are not linked, then the support service will not be able to provide access to the account.

In the event that an Instagram account has been blocked by the social network itself, its owner will see a corresponding message when logging in. He can appeal this decision. To do this, you need to open the app, enter your username and password, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

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