How to add entrepreneur on instagram bio
6 tips for writing an entrepreneur instagram bio like a boss
Words By Guest Contributor6 mins
If you’re a fan of Instagram, chances are you’ve written your bio on your personal account like a pro. You found a way to highlight your hobbies and tell the world where all you’ve traveled is in just 150 characters. Kudos!
But when it comes time to make a business bio for Instagram, the pressure’s on. After all, Instagram is likely part of your social media marketing strategy, and your professional bio for Instagram isn’t just a first impression. It’s the modern-day elevator pitch.
Currently, Instagram boasts roughly 1.21 billion monthly active users, and if you’re like any successful entrepreneur, you think of each and everyone as a potential client who’s ready and waiting to engage with your brand. They just have to find you first. That’s why knowing how to write an Instagram bio that captivates users to look your way is key. No need to stress or sweat. We’re here to walk you through the process of crafting a professional bio that shines.
Bios for entrepreneurs: the 3 must
Instagram business accounts work a little bit differently than personal ones. They have a more extensive bio section that allows business owners to include a blurb about the brand, contact information, and a call-to-action (CTA). If you’re an entrepreneur, you know that all free marketing space is great marketing space, so make the most of your business’s IG bio by giving your viewers the most information possible.
- Business Description: This section is essential. Tell the world what you do in 150 characters, and while we encourage you to get creative with it, prioritize the clarity of your message above all.
- Contact info: On Instagram for business, you can list your company’s physical address, phone number, email address, and website. All these fields are optional, and you can turn the features for your number and addresses on and off whenever you like.
If you have a brick-and-mortar business, like a boutique or restaurant, we highly recommend including your address so that Instagram users know how to find you. And take advantage of the space for a clickable link that’ll redirect viewers to more of your content online.
- CTA: IG biz accounts also come with some easy-to-use CTA features. Instagram offers Book Now and Reserve buttons, which are perfect for service-based businesses. If you own a bed-and-breakfast, brunch spot, or spa, your customers can make reservations in just a few clicks. Make it easy for people to engage with you.
6 tips for crafting an engaging bio for an Instagram business account
The trickiest part of making an IG bio that stands out from the virtual crowd is crafting the perfect 150-word description of your brand. Here are a few tips to guide you:
1. Convey brand personality and voice
Telling users what you do is one thing, but telling them how you do it is another. Give viewers an idea of the spirit and vibe of your operation by using a voice—whether laid-back, funny, authoritative, or warm—that represents your company’s values and is in line with your marketing materials.
2. Use line breaks
Spread out your information so that it’s easier to read. Instead of making one long sentence about your company, split up your introduction into a few short ones, and use the return key to drop them onto separate lines. If your business has hours of operation, you can include them here and set them off from the general description of your brand on a new line.
3. Add branded hashtags
What proprietary hashtags have you used on your Instagram posts to describe your brand? Your Insta bio is the perfect place to repeat them. When users click on them, they’ll be transported to content marked with those hashtags—that is, your content.
4. Use emojis
If your company has a more laid-back marketing attitude, you may be able to get away with a few emojis. Just remember to keep your account visually consistent. If your posts are very refined, emojis in your bio may look jarring. But, if your company’s marketing gives off a fun and friendly vibe, using emojis can be a way to keep it on brand.
5. Make it easy to read
Breaking your information up into different lines is one way to make your bio easy on the eyes, but it also helps to use simple language. Avoid stuffing so much information into the space that you have to rely on abbreviations, as these can be hard for viewers to parse. Your Instagram bio is an important opportunity to show the world who you are, but it’s not the only opportunity. Keep your text direct, to the point, and clear. You’ll be able to give your followers a fuller picture of your brand elsewhere.
6. Add a link
Where can viewers interact with more than just 150 characters of information about your company? On that website, you took so much time to carefully craft. Insert a link in your bio so your followers can quickly connect with outside content. This tip is essential if you have an e-commerce site as clicks can turn into leads and, later, sales. If you can’t decide which link to include because you have an online store, LinkedIn page, YouTube presence, and several other social media platforms use a Linktree URL. This link branches out into several others, so you can redirect your audience to up to five different places.
Get inspired with these 3 Instagram bio examples for businesses
It never hurts to get some inspiration. Look to big brands you admire and competitors in your niche for Instagram bio ideas.
1. The Guardian: This “fearless” news outlet isn’t afraid of delivering facts or using an emoji (or four) to give viewers a taste of their edgy vibe. They also make great use of indented lines to separate out key facts about the work they do.
2. The UEFA Champions League: This popular soccer event sure knows how to drive attention to their outside content by using emoji hands to point right at their LinktreeURL. From there, sports fans can delve deeper into the latest news on the event and updates on the draw.
3. HBO: This broadcasting company knows how to keep things simple. Their five-word, one-sentence bio piques viewers’ interest and even includes a jump link to one of the company’s other Instagram accounts. This is what we call an effective use of space.
Words By Guest Contributor
6 mins
The Perfect Instagram Bio for Your Business
Instagram has become a great place for businesses to connect with their audiences. And as an entrepreneur, it’s something you definitely need to get in on. Complete your Instagram profile and give a good impression on your followers with a great entrepreneur bio for Instagram.
Your bio is one of the things people see when they go to your profile. It has to be clear and interesting to get them to follow you. Save yourself some precious time, and make sure you have a great Instagram bio by using the ones we’ve listed in this article.
What Is an Instagram Bio?
A bio is a brief description of your brand, business, or personal life. Many Instagram users add it in the bio box at the top of their profile. Your bio on Instagram is a great opportunity to tell your audience about yourself, what you’re passionate about, and why they should follow you.
How Long Should an Instagram Bio Be?
An Instagram bio is generally very short. It should be less than 150 characters in length. It’s your job to create something that is catchy, relatable, and reflects your personality while still looking professional.
Photo by Hunters Race on UnsplashIdeas for Making a Great Entrepreneur Bio for Instagram
Making an Instagram bio can be challenging. How can you make the most out of 150 characters? Well, here are some helpful ideas to help you out.
1. Introduce Your Business
Your bio is a great and effective way to introduce your business. A profile visitor will instantly see it and might take a better interest in what you have to offer. To introduce your business, you can include:
- Business Location
- Type of Business
- Official brand name
- Your products or services
- Company website
2. Use Relevant Keywords
You only have so much space for your bio, so make it count by using relevant keywords. Use words that can describe your business, and try to sound professional.
3. Include Links and a Call-to-Action
If you have a website or an online store, include links to it in your bio. This will help you get more visitors to your site that you can convert to sales. Also, don’t forget to use a strong call to action. Examples of effective call-to-actions are:
- Shop NOW
- Limited discount on your first order
- Sign up
- Learn more
40+ Instagram Bio Perfect for Your Business
Powerful Bio for Entrepreneurs
- If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.
- I make my dreams come true through hard work
- Dream big. Work Bigger.
- Making history since 19xx
- Awesome is my middle name
- Era of Excellence
- Everything is possible
- I work for myself.
- Dream it. Build it. Enjoy it.
- Turn your dreams into vision and your vision into reality.
That’s what I do.
- Success is my only option
- Unlimited potential.
- Turn Your Passion Into Profits
- Whatever it takes
- Turning My Passion Into Profits
General Business Bio
- We believe in helping people get value for their money
- Performance, quality, and quality
- The business that is here to serve you
- The Art of Service
- Dependable. Reliable. Resourceful.
- Your happiness is our business
- For a fair price and no surprises.
- Business Building Solutions
- We are industry experts
- My customer service is my best advertisement.
- We bring good to life
- Business with a smile
- Let us help you
- Business solutions at the speed of light.
- You’ll find everything you need right here.
Fashion Shops
- Make them stop and stare.
- Look good and conquer the world
- We’re more than just fashion
- Stay fab with our clothes
- We make you look good
- Dress for the main part
- Fashion for every occasion
- Do it in style
- Never go out of style
- It’s all about you
Motivational Entrepreneur Bio
- Good days Start with Good Thinking.
- Not a winner by birth, but a winner by choice
- I will not stop until I achieve all my dreams.
- I will succeed, not instantly but surely.
- Compete against yourself
- I am in love with achievement.
- My goal in life is not just to live but grow.
To Wrap Up
An entrepreneur bio for Instagram needs to let people know more about you and your business. It is the first impression of everyone who will open your business’s profile.
Every word in your bio matters, so make sure to give it a lot of thought. Feel free to use the bios in this article and put your own personal spin on it!
Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.
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How to make a profile on Instagram*
Choose a nickname, avatar, make a description, buttons and "Eternal Stories".
Valeria Svirskaya
founder of InShow agency, commercial writer
The head of the InShow content marketing agency and commercial writer Valeria Svirskaya talks about the basic principles of creating a profile on Instagram. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which will help you quickly find your profile in search and convert a client into a buyer. nine0003
As a basis, we took the account @primacandle on Instagram. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation, which is maintained by our agency. It is designed according to all the rules described in the article.
The best thing you can do for the promoted brand is to come up with a simple and understandable nickname that both the student and his grandmother will write down by ear. In this matter, the main rule is not to complicate things. Usually, the user enters a new nickname no more than 2-3 times, if the required account is not found, he easily switches to another brand. nine0003
How Apple does social media - detailed analysis with examples of good design of profiles on Instagram *
- Punctuation marks and symbols (periods, underscores). Signs are indexed
- Nicknames of three or more words, especially if they are broken by dots. It is easy to make mistakes when entering text and you can lose a client even before he has met you. Try searching for @thehampshireschoolchelsea and you'll see what I mean. nine0029
- Repeat the names of famous brands. Let's say your account name is @appleshopsamara. When entering this nickname, the user will first see the @apple and @applemusic accounts, and then everything else.
A simple nickname that repeats the name of the brand. Easy to remember, no unnecessary characters and numbersGetting it right
- Use words that are simple and clear and easy to write down by ear.
- If there are 2-3 words in the profile name, write the nickname without dots and underscores. But better - cut it down to one word.
- Try to come up with a name that does not repeat well-known brands. nine0029
- Ideally, if the nickname is short and easy to remember, for example, @ohmylook, @tsvetnoy and @idocvm.
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Cheat sheet for social media with platform recommendations
An avatar is the face of your brand and can be seen in the general feed, Stories, comments, and profile. A weighty reason to look good and become recognizable. Tips for photos in
Instagram will help you make an avatar. The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Let's say you produce handmade bears and want to put a product photo on an avatar. The worst thing you can think of is to shoot a bear on an old smartphone in the evening under artificial yellow light. And such examples on Instagram The product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation. nine0025 is too much.
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation.. The avatar shows a color, high-quality photo of the owner of the Primacandle brand with the product. It immediately gives the impression that the account is maintained by Natalia herself, this inspires confidence among new subscribersHow to do it right
- If you have an online store or a brand, put a large logo on the avatar. Subscribers react more actively to photos with faces, but if you are not the face of your business, it is better to show the logo.
A high-quality logo inspires more trust in the brand even before the moment of purchase. nine0029
- If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, put the best portrait on your avatar. The photo must be of high quality, with an open face. High-quality does not mean studio and made on an expensive camera, now it is easy to take a great photo on a smartphone. Choose a sunny day, find a white wall, clean your smartphone camera and take dozens of photos, you will surely like one of them.
- Be sure to adapt the logo for the avatar. The brand name should be clearly visible, for this it is better to choose a sans-serif font, so it will be better read, and the font and background colors should be contrasting. If you have a logo in pastel colors, come up with a black and white version or a monogram specifically for
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist on the territory of the Russian Federation..
- Choose real photos for your avatar, no stock images.
Users have learned to identify falsehood and such an avatar can play against you.
Name and description of the account
Account name - 30 characters. This information is indexed by the search
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation. Therefore, fill in carefully. Indicate the city and keywords, for example, "cakes Moscow" if you are a confectioner from Moscow. There is no need to duplicate the brand name if it is indicated in the nickname.
Account description - 150 characters. It's kind of a price tag. At first glance, the client must understand whether he needs you or can move on. In the description, include all the key information about the brand:
- What do you do. Write in essence, not “making dreams come true”, but “studio photographer”;
- Address if you have an offline hotspot;
- Methods of communication. Preferably several options or the most relevant;
- Opening hours;
- Site, if any. Make an eyeliner to the link with a call to click, for example, new collection , sale item and so on;
- Promotional offer. If you have a sale, do not send to the main site, provide a link to the current page with goods or services for the promotion.
How to use emoji in social networks - Amplifer's guide
Emoji . In profile descriptions, we use emoji to structure the text, highlight keywords, and grab attention. Users
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation.
are already accustomed to the fact that emoji with an envelope indicate mail, and a handset - a mobile number. This makes it easier to grab attention and quickly find the most important thing.
Unusual font . In some profiles, you can see non-standard text in the account description. This is a good way to draw the user's attention to the most important thing. You can make such a test at nine0003
Additional text in account description . If 150 characters is not enough for you, there is an easy way to add information in the profile description. To do this, you must have a connected business profile. Go to Settings (Options) → Edit profile (Edit profile) → section Company information (Business information) → Contact options (Contact options) → Address (Address). In field City (City/town) enter your city, and in field Address (Street Address) - missing text.
Instagram analytics guideThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation. — detailed analysis
Active buttons . Business accounts have active buttons Call , letter , text and How to get to if the owner has added a phone number, email address and location. On the one hand, this is the instant inclusion of the user. On the other hand, not everyone notices the buttons, because they merge with the background of the application, and in the desktop version they are not displayed at all. Therefore, duplicate important information in the account description. nine0003 In the mobile application
InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the territory of the Russian Federation.
buttons for call, mail and location are active These buttons are not available in the browser
Link in the description . When you add an active link, make sure that it leads to the actual page. For example, if you have an online store, then put a link not to the main one, but immediately to hot commodity items. If the emphasis is on the blog, then indicate the link to the last article. Sometimes, instead of a link to a website, you can see a link generated by,, or a similar service. nine0003 This is what the link looks like in the profile description
Such services make simple landing pages where you can specify several ways of communication. For example, WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and website. This is convenient, but often users do not respond to unfamiliar and incomprehensible links and simply do not follow them. Therefore, add a call to click on the link in the description.
List of buttons that open via a link from the descriptionTry Amplifer to post to Instagram* directly from your computer, without notifications, receive analytics reports and recommendations on the best time to post
"Eternal Stories" (Highlights)
How beautiful it is to lead
InstagramThe product belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
company — column of the founder of "Periodiki Press" Varvara Vedeneeva
InstagramProduct belongs to an organization recognized as extremist in the Russian Federation.
added Highlights - collections of "Stories" that are displayed under the profile description. This feature is not available to all profiles, but “eternal stories” are actively used abroad. The most popular format is thematic icons with a description of a service or product. nine0003
We added candle-making videos to Eternal Stories, but this format didn't really go well: such posts got only 2,000 views more than regular Stories. We left them, but moved promotions and sweepstakes to the first positions.
Announcement of the action for Valentine's DayRemember:
- Choose a simple nickname that is easy to remember and enter in the search
- If you have an online store, then put a large logo on a contrasting background on the avatar. If you are promoting a personal brand, then a photo where the face is clearly visible.
- Profile name is indexed by internal search
- In the description, indicate all the important information for ordering your product or service. If you use the "call", "send email", "send sms" and "get directions" buttons, duplicate this data with text in the description. nine0029
Post to your Instagram feed and Stories* from your computer
Register and connect Instagram* to Amplifer to schedule posts with text, photos and videos directly from your computer. Track post statistics and get recommendations for the best time to post
* The activities of the Meta organization are recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation
how to do (4 steps + instruction)
To make selling on Instagram more convenient and efficient, the social network has introduced a special profile format for companies — a business account. The transition to it is available to absolutely all users. I'll walk you through how to connect and set it up step by step - as well as what features it provides and how they help sales.
A business account is a type of Instagram profile created for business promotion and analytics on the social network.
How to connect
If you logged in through a PC, then you need to make just a few clicks to connect a business account. In the settings, find the "Switch to a professional account" item, then select the "Company" sub-item. Follow the prompts: specify the category of your business and set up its display in the profile. nine0003 Connecting a business account in a PC browser
How to switch to another category? Easy peasy! To do this, go to your Instagram profile page and click "Edit Profile". In the “Profile Information” section, select “Category” and change it to any other that is relevant to you.
Change the category at any time Switching to a business account from a smartphone is also easy: select "Account" from the settings menu, scroll to the end of the list that opens and click "Change account type". The further algorithm is the same as on a PC: read the tips, find the appropriate category and confirm your choice. nine0003 Setting up from a smartphone
You will also be offered to integrate your Facebook. This can be done immediately, or at any other time. The condition is now optional, but the integration will greatly expand your opportunities for positioning your business on social networks. By the way, on Facebook it should also be not just a personal, but a corporate page.
Completing settingsInteresting. You can quickly and safely promote your social network by boosting likes, reposts and views on publications. So you can increase coverage and get a hot target audience. Click and use -> TapLike
Instagram Design (25 Cool Profiles + Examples) Instagram Photo Editing: Top Applications + ExamplesFeatures
So, you have switched to a commercial profile. And you will definitely want to immediately try out all the new features and chips. Then I will give a brief overview of the settings and advantages that distinguish an Instagram business account.
1. Profile category
Business profile in instagram allows you to display the subject of your page. In addition to the inscriptions “brand” and “personal blog”, which are now quite common, you can put any other profession or topic, for example: musician, politician, clothing store, cafe, bar, etc. This is important because it attracts the attention of your target audience. nine0003 Categories
As advertising
2. Communication buttons
For this setting, please fill in the contact details first. Add them to the fields: email, phone, address. Then the action buttons will become available, and they are implemented through integration with third-party applications for business. You will be able to place, for example, an online registration form or online payment. It will look like "Call", "Register", "Order delivery", etc.
A business account makes it easier for users to contact you. For example, when you click on the "Call" button, the phone number automatically appears on the mobile dialing screen, that is, you do not need to copy it to the phone's memory, open the desired section, paste it - everything is done in one click. nine0003 Communication buttons
By the way. In order for Instagram algorithms to work for you, I recommend cleaning your account from garbage through the Instahero service. Use the promo code "INSCALE" to get a 30% discount on a full analysis. Click and test -> Instahero.
3. Statistics
Various statistics can be viewed for a business profile. So you get the opportunity to track the reaction of subscribers to a particular content, analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, contests, etc.
Statistics exist both for the profile in general and for individual publications and stories. This feature is useful not only for selling accounts, but also for personal brands. nine0003 Statistics
Profile statistics
On a business account on Instagram, you need to click on the “Menu” section on the profile page. Then select "Statistics". Switching between tabs here you can see:
- The number of visits to the profile, clicks to the site, coverage indicators;
- Information about publications for the week;
- Subscriber information: number of subscribers/unsubscribers, subscriber locations, gender, age.
Life hack. Want to increase your reach and engagement on social media? Then we recommend LiveDune. The service will quickly and safely conduct social media analytics and offer promotion options. Click and test for 7 days for free -> LiveDune (Promo code "INSCALE" discount 30%)
Publication statistics
In addition to general statistics, track reactions to individual publications. To do this, on the profile page, select any photo or video and click "View statistics" under the publication.
The number of likes, comments, uploads and saves of the selected publication will appear in the window. In addition, the total number of actions performed with this post and the number of transitions to the profile are calculated here.
Publication statisticsGET INTO SOCIAL NETWORKS ALREADY 40 000+ WITH US
Ivan nine0003
Stories statistics
You can access the statistics of stories from the already familiar section “Menu” -> “Statistics” -> “Content”. Next, you need to find the “History” section. From here, the coverage of each story is available. Clicking on any post will open more detailed statistics, where you can even find out exactly who viewed your story. nine0003 History statistics
Business on Instagram: from scratch in 13 stepsInstagram engagement: what it is + how to increase4. Promotion and targeting
Instagram has its own functionality to promote your publications. It works in such a way that it allows you to show your posts to the target audience, advertise your profile or drive traffic from Instagram to some external resource. This is more effective than simple cheats, although you will need cash investments for this tool. nine0003 Promotion
Lifehack. When replenishing your account, use a special service that returns up to 20% back to the balance of the promotion amount. For example, you threw in 10,000, and you can run an ad for 12,000. Click and learn more -> GetUniq.
Advertising in Instagram stories: step by step instructions How to make a mask on Instagram: simple instructions This feature has a positive effect on the growth of sales.
Interesting. I also recommend using multilink. It will help to create a full-fledged online store, as well as contact you via instant messengers.
6. Physical address
If you sell goods not only online, but also offline, you are probably often asked how to find you in order to buy a service or product. Business accounts allow you to post exact addresses and hours of operation with access to view the address on a map.
Physical address7. Additional lead magnet
Posting an address may not be relevant to you if, for example, you do not offer your services offline. Then this place can be used to place an additional lead magnet. The address bar allows you to place a fairly large amount of information, which is very useful in cases where a profile description and biography is not enough.
Lead magnetBriefly about the main thing
The business profile is relevant not only for selling pages or instagram landings: its wide range of features will find its use even if you do not sell anything.