How much time do people spend on instagram

Average Daily Time Spent on Social Media (Latest 2022 Data)

In 2022, social media is still one of the best ways for people to connect. It allows people to stay in touch across continents, time zones, and with friends who live nearby. We're connected today in many ways that previous generations couldn't even dream about.

But with that constant connection comes this question: How much time do people spend on social media each day? Is it too much? Should we be embracing our increasingly connected lives or trying to limit the amount of screen time? The answer to that question is up to each person to make for themselves, but first, they need to know the numbers. 

Read on to see how much time people spend on social media in 2022.

Why social media statistics matter

Whether you like it or not, social media has taken over our lives, and it doesn't seem that this will change any time soon. 

Every day, the number of social media users increases. Every second, 11 people use social media for the first time. In 2017, less than 2.5 billion people were on social media worldwide. 

In 2022, 3.96 billion people use social media, which is more than half the world's population. This number is expected to reach 4.41 billion in 2025.

As we consider the role that social media plays in our lives today and in the future, we'll have to decide whether we want to continue to allow this technology to take up as much of our time as it does today or if it's time to pump the breaks on constant mobile usage.

Average daily time spent on social media around the world

On average, people spend 147 minutes, or two hours and twenty-seven minutes, on social media daily. Yet this number is just that - an average.

Studying this helps us better understand how impactful social media is in the lives of people in some societies versus others. 

Here's a breakdown of the most recent data we could find on how much average time is spent on social media by continent:

  • North America: 2 hours and 6 minutes
  • South America: 3 hours and 24 minutes
  • Africa: 3 hours and 10 minutes
  • Europe: 1 hour and 15 minutes
  • Asia/Oceania: 2 hours and 16 minutes

Additionally, the time people spend on social media daily has grown since 2012. There's no way to predict the future. Still, we expect that in 2022 and beyond, the global average will likely rise, especially since the number of internet and social media users around the world continues to grow. It may hit a plateau eventually, but not for a few years.

Time spent on social media in a lifetime

In 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the average global lifespan is 73.4 years. Suppose we assume that many people will start using social media as young as 10. In that case, that means the average person will spend a total of more than 3.4 million minutes using social media in their lifetime

In other words, that's about 6 years and 8 months on social media in their lifetime based on the projections for social media use in 2022. Obviously, usage will likely change within the next seven decades, so take that number with a grain of salt. But since the trend over the past few years has been for people to spend more and more time on social media, that means humans are on track to spend a decade or more time on social media in their lifetime.

For comparison, Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that people spend more time on social media than everyday activities.

Not making the most of your time on social media because of a slow connection? Check out plans from different internet service providers.

However, we know a lot about each social media channel today and how many people use it in aggregate and daily. 

Here's a snapshot of 8 of the most popular social media channels today. Note that the studies on the daily time spent are the most recent we could find. The data is usually not regularly available.

Daily Time Spent On Facebook

Social media companies don't generally release information about how much time people spend using them daily. However, studies have been done on daily social media use, and Facebook reigns supreme when it comes to time spent within the platform: 33 minutes per day on average. 

Facebook is clearly still the top dog of social networks. Despite headlines saying young people are abandoning the 15-year-old platform, the data shows otherwise; in 2022, 53.6 percent of all Facebook users are between 18 and 34. 

Facebook still has 2.91 billion active users daily, generating 4 Petabytes of data daily.

Average Daily Time On YouTube

While something of a downturn, people still spend about 19 minutes a day on average on YouTube. Note that some people will spend hours and hours each day on the site. YouTube has no real competitor in video watching, and it is the second biggest search engine behind Google. And while you might not think of it as such, it has everything other social media networks have.

Daily Time Spent On Instagram

Instagram, which Facebook owns, remains one of the biggest social networks. Instagram has 1.47 billion monthly active users, who upload 95 million photos daily. There are 400 million stories users each day. On average, people spend 29 minutes a day on the platform.

Average Daily Time On WhatsApp

WhatsApp, also owned by Facebook, sees 2 billion monthly active users who send 100 billion messages daily on the platform, spending an average of 28 minutes in the app daily. It continues to add new users and will remain popular for communication for years to come. It might be the most popular option for people to communicate internationally (international SMS is expensive).

Daily Time Spent On Twitter

Twitter has 436 million monthly active users who post 500 million tweets daily. Twitter might not have the same base as larger platforms, but it remains extremely influential and a strong traffic driver. 

On average, Twitter users spend 31 minutes on the platform daily.

Average Daily Time On Snapchat

Snapchat has 319 million daily active users who create 3 billion snaps daily. The average Snapchat user spends 28 minutes per day in the app. More than 5 Billion Snaps are made daily. About 60 percent of Snapchat's users are between the ages of 18 and 34, and users under 25 spend the most time on Snapchat. It's a network that's popular with the younger set.

Daily Time Spent On LinkedIn

Though it's the oldest social network on this list, LinkedIn's professional image has kept its user base from growing as quickly as some other platforms. Still, it's 200 million monthly active users are nothing to sneeze at. It will have a place online as long as there's no other professional network that takes the world by storm. Users tend to treat it as something to use as needed.

Average Daily Time On Pinterest

On average, Pinterest sees 444 million monthly active users, spending 14.2 minutes on the site daily. Interestingly, the network is a powerful driver for traffic to content on other sites. Also, interestingly, 77.1 percent of Pinterest users are female.

Average Daily Time on TikTok

A relative newcomer to social media but something that seems to have taken over the social media world (or at least the youth), TikTok has grown to have 1 billion monthly active users, with users spending an average of 32 minutes a day on the site. 62 percent of TikTok users are between the ages of 10 and 29.

Social Media Changes in 2022

As 2022 continues to unfold, the social media landscape will only continue to change. Reports show the way upcoming generations use social media is vastly different, so the way people use social media today may not be a great indication of the way they'll use it in the future. 

Hill Holliday's independent consumer and business insights research group, ORIGIN, released a study last year examining how Gen Z (people born after 1994) uses social networks. Based on their findings, the trend of social media use increasing yearly may not continue much further into the future. 

ORIGIN's study found that 64 percent of Gen-Zers had taken a break from one or more social networks. 34 percent had completely quit social media.

Most Gen-Zers reported they were stepping back from social media because they felt they wasted too much time using it, but negativity in the content, privacy concerns, and commercialization were also huge factors.

If Gen Z's trends continue in future generations, social media may play less role in people's lives than today. It's odd to think that mega-platforms like Facebook and Instagram may be hitting their peak, but the data shows that could be the case. 

The most important takeaway from any set of social media statistics like these is that the social media landscape is changing constantly and rapidly. In 2022, people spend a lot of their time on social media. That will likely still be the case in the next few years. Yet as we become more and more screen saturated, this trend of spending more and more time on social media might slow down and eventually reverse.

However, no matter how you feel about social media, the numbers show it's a huge part of our lives, at least for now.


What is the most searched thing on social media?

People use social media in 2022 for much more to do than just catch up with friends. The most popular searches include searching for new friends, brands, product reviews, memes, funny content, and news. And these are just some of the most popular ones. 

People often use social media as a search engine to learn about influencers or celebrities. When you need to find out someone's opinions, you can take to social media for some unfiltered takes. 

How do you see what people are searching for on social media?

Certain apps allow you to see trends on social media, and they're called social search engines. They enable you to see the popular keywords people are using, what brands people are searching for, new popular hashtags, etc. 

They're typically used by companies trying to improve their social media presence and upgrade their marketing efforts via time spent on social media. By looking into what people are searching for on social media, social search engines can guide you to make your social media presence more efficient as a brand.  

What is the most popular type of content on social media?

There is no contest regarding the most popular type of content. Videos account for much of the time spent on social media, with their popularity growing daily. TikTok hugely influenced the explosion in popularity of short-form, bite-sized videos. It has led to other established platforms following suit and creating short-form videos, like Reels on Instagram and YouTube Shorts. 

The reason why short videos are so popular is their immense consumability. They're very efficient at presenting content in a way that's engaging, entertaining, and very addictive. 

Do people believe the latest fake news on social media?

Like with all things, some people do, and some do not. Unfortunately, it's very easy nowadays to fabricate "news" that sounds believable and is backed by bad actors with nefarious purposes. Moreover, studies have even found that those active on social media are more likely to be duped by fake news.  

Fake news is taken in by individuals who are especially naive, uneducated, ignorant, isolated, or otherwise vulnerable to misinformation and propaganda; it has become relatively easy to trick them. That means that despite having more access to information than ever in history, we're also being duped daily. 

Why is social media addictive?

If there's one thing social media has successfully created, it's the feeling of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Things are moving so rapidly, and there's so much getting posted, whether it's your friends' wedding announcement, a big news piece, or a hilarious meme, that if you're not on social media constantly, you risk "missing out" on the latest. 

In addition, content and entertainment are constantly being generated, so entertainment is only a scroll away no matter where you are and what you're doing. You can consume content when waiting in line at the post office, brushing your teeth, or taking a walk in the park. That availability feeds into this need we have to be entertained constantly. 

How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media in 2022?

Social media is an inseparable part of our everyday lives. It is always there, from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep with our phone in hand.

But how much time do people spend on social media?

And which apps get the most attention?

Let's find out!

The answer to the latter is probably apparent to anyone with an online presence. Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Messenger have become almost synonymous with the term “social media.” 

To put things in perspective, let's take a look at some of the most impressive stats:

  • An average user spends two and a half hours daily on social media in 2022.
  • Half of our time on our phones in 2022 is reserved for social media.
  • Facebook is the most popular, costing people an average of 58 minutes each day.
  • Youtube takes an average of 19 minutes daily.
  • Users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on Snapchat.
  • Instagram users are spending an average of 28 minutes on the platform daily
  • Pinterest users take it slow and scroll through ideas for only 14.2 minutes every day.

Impressive, right? Especially when we consider that there are 4.7 billion people actively using social networks.

What’s more, they are spending the majority of their social media time on the six most popular platforms.

China and India, of course, have the highest number of social network users, with 1.02 billion and 722 million, respectively. The United States comes third with 302 million users.

According to Statista, Nigerians lead the way with 4 hours and 7 minutes daily on social media channels. The second place goes to the Philippines, which spend just a minute less than Nigerians. The bronze medal goes to India with just three minutes more compared to the global average—2 hours and 36 minutes.

Hungry for more?

78% of Northern America’s population are social media users. 83% of Western Europe and 71% of Eastern Asia follow suit. The least amount of social network fans are in Middle Africa (9%).

Such a vast topic is perfect for a TechJury piece, so we dug out even more details to tie each social media site or app with accurate daily numbers.

But first, an overview of the most captivating statistics about time spent on social media in 2022.

We have put together some of the most astonishing and up-to-date time spent on social media stats. No time to waste. Read on to find out:

(Source: EarthWeb)

This differs only slightly from the average time recorded in 2019—2 hours, 22 minutes. However, if we were to compare to the 2012 number (an hour), we’d clearly see the trend—people are spending even more time in the social media world.

2. Facebook global users spend an average of 58 minutes per day on the platform in 2022.

(Source: Broadband Search)

People are spending less and less time on Facebook. Statistics on the average time spent on social media in 2022 reveal that the younger generation has turned their focus to other social media. Apps like TikTok and Instagram are already GenZ’s and Millennials’ favorites. The cherry on top is that Facebook has lost 15 million users since 2017 (that we know of).

(Source: Earth Web)

The world's population is 7.96 billion. 5.34 billion of them are mobile phone users.

In 2022, the global active internet users were 5.03 billion, with 4.32 billion being unique mobile internet users. All in all, mobile has become a crucial part of how we live our lives. According to the latest data, we are averaging about 5.5 hours daily on our phones.

4. YouTube users spend an average of 19m 39s daily on the platform.

(Source: Hootsuite)

YouTube boasts over 2.5 billion monthly active users that watch about a billion hours of videos every single day. It’s the second (losing to Google) search engine and most visited website worldwide. 

The majority of YouTube visits come from mobile (70%). What about its users? As of April 2022, YouTube’s largest market is India (467 million people), followed by the US (247 million) and Indonesia (139 million).

What’s interesting is that TikTok is now the total dominator in the younger users demographics. By the beginning of 2022, kids and teens were watching 91 minutes on average daily on TikTok compared to just 56 minutes watching YouTube.

Keep reading to learn more fascinating stats about our social media time. Let’s continue with the most recent app that revolutionized multiple industries and habits:

5. TikTok users have surpassed 1 billion!

(Source: Data Reportal)

TikTok has been one of the most outstanding breakthrough inventions in recent years. Its primary demographic is Gen Zers, but its user base has spread across all age groups. So, just how many users does TikTok have?

Over a billion! Keep in mind that these stats are from the beginning of 2022 and feature only users 18 and above (as that’s the only data the company is disclosing). Considering how the younger generation spends most of their online time on TikTok, its actual audience is likely much higher.

Which country has the most TikTokers, though? The US leads the way with 140.6 million active users aged 18 or above. Considering just how much time Americans do spend on social media, that’s hardly a surprise. Next comes Indonesia (106.9 million), followed by Brazil (74 million).

Such data indicate that TikTok ads have the potential to reach 18.3% of the world population over 18 years old. Considering that the platform is banned in two enormous markets—China and India—the platform’s supposed advertising reach rate goes up to 29.5%.

6. An average user opens the WhatsApp app 23–25 times daily.

(Source: Connective)

Nowadays, you can find WhatsApp on almost all smartphones worldwide—over 40% of the global internet users are using the platform. So if you’ve wondered just how many minutes in a day we all collectively spend on WhatsApp, just listen to this:

Currently, 65 billion messages are sent, and 2 billion minutes of calls are made daily on the app. A significant increase from the 43 billion daily messages recorded in 2017.

7. Users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on Snapchat.

(Source: Social Shepherd)

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app. As of Q2 2022, the platform boasts a user base of almost 350 million daily active users. Snapchat is among the younger generation’s favorites, marking impressive milestones along the way. Its most significant markets are India, with an audience of 144 million users, and the US—107 million.

8. Instagram users are spending a monthly average of 11.2 hours on the platform.

(Source: Data Reportal)

The app’s most extensive audience is in India—263.8 million active users. The second place is reserved for the US—over 153 million users, while third comes Brazil, with 119.6 million. Curiously, 31% of its user base (446.4 million people) are aged 18 to 24. On a global scale, Instagram has surpassed the 1.4 billion milestone!

Let’s dive deeper with more social media watching and dissecting:

9. When it comes to the mobile app user base, Instagram ranks fourth worldwide.

(Source: HootSuite)

Perfectly logical as Instagram is primarily a mobile platform.

Meta’s platform boasts the fastest and most impressive growth of any social media. However, it still hasn’t managed to get into the prestigious top three. Those places are currently reserved for Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp.

10. 90% of the US population is familiar with Twitter.

(Source: HootSuite)

The average American has at least heard of Twitter, even if they don’t personally use it. 

In comparison, 95% said they are aware of Facebook, and 91% know of Instagram.

Want to learn more about each of the platforms? We’ve got it all—the latest stats about the time spent on social media, data concerning all major networks’ user bases and projections for growth, and so much more. Are you ready to dive deeper? Let’s begin with the king of all social media:

Time Spent on Facebook

4.7 billion people are using social media in 2022. 2.91 billion are active Facebook users.

Facebook is the biggest social media platform, used primarily for networking. However, media watching has always been a part of social networking sites—be it uploading a photo or streaming a video, we still spend a lot of time on the site.

According to Statista’s latest data, American adults spend an average of 33 minutes per day on Facebook. This usually consists of one longer visit and lots of shorter ones.

In comparison, the 2017 figure was 39 minutes. So Facebook is indeed declining in popularity…

Still, Facebook continues to thrive, being the world's most popular and preferred social network. Actually, it’s a big part of why the daily average time spent on a phone increases yearly. After all, 98.5% of all Facebook visitors access it through mobile devices. Scrolling through your newsfeed has become possible virtually anywhere. There are even 10 million active accounts on feature phones.

In comparison, only 1.5% of users visit Facebook exclusively from a laptop or a PC.

Hot tip: You can personally check how much time you spend on the platform. Just visit your Setting menu and then search for the “Your Time on Facebook” feature under the Privacy tab. Important conclusions can later be drawn—you can see if you spend more time than your peers on social media and be reminded that there’s a life beyond Facebook, after all.

YouTube maintains a solid second place in the “most used social media” category.

79% of all internet users own a YouTube account (Facebook’s sitting at 85%). However, the video and streaming platform has the most active users—86% of all people on the Web.

So what is the main reason they visit the website so often? The majority points out entertainment.

In other news, we recently came across a fascinating survey by Futuresource Consulting that illustrated some gripping points regarding UK users aged 3–16. They claim that over 10% watch more than three hours of YouTube videos daily.

Interesting, right? What about the average internet user? According to the latest data, people spend an average of 19 minutes on YouTube daily. That’s a significant fall from the 38 minutes a day in 2017.

Additionally, statistics also show users prefer to watch YouTube videos on their smartphones or tablet—those account for 70% of all YouTube views. So users spend almost 24 hours each month on the YouTube mobile app. It’s another great data point to inspire mobile optimization for your content.

As of a couple of years, YouTube allowed all users to personally check how much time they spend on the platform. Just go to your account and tap on the “Time watched” feature.

82% of US adults single out Messenger as their preferred and most used messaging app. With just shy of a billion MAUs (monthly active users), Messenger is currently the seventh most popular social media app (trailing behind WhatsApp, TikTok, WeChat, and the Holy Trinity—Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube).

But why is Messenger so popular?

There is an obvious explanation for that. Humans are social creatures, and as such, we need connection. With the rise of the smartphone (and the tablet), reaching out to another human being is 1-2 taps away. Messaging apps’ business model is based on an innate human desire, which is why it works so well.

Therefore, we can reasonably expect the average time spent on social media to rise further.

New information that supports this claim continues to surface. Do you know what the average monthly time spent on Messenger is? Three hours! When you consider the amount spent on other social media, too, that number quickly takes staggering heights.

So what do people do on Messenger besides keeping in touch with close ones? They share media (21 billion photos are exchanged monthly just on this platform), connect with businesses (40 million companies use the app), exchanging over a billion messages every month.

Over 40% of the global internet population are WhatsApp users. That translates to more than 2 billion people!

The latest data suggests that the top three most used social platforms are Facebook (2.9 billion users), YouTube (2.5 billion), and WhatsApp (2 billion). Considering all three are different types of software, this means that WhatsApp is the current most used instant messenger worldwide.

How used is that?

It’s estimated that 2 billion minutes of calls are conducted daily on WhatsApp. No surprise there, considering it is the top messaging app in 180 countries.

In 2022, users spend an average of 18.6 hours monthly on the app, which translates to about 36 minutes per day.

What’s interesting to know is that the US is only third in terms of WhatsApp user base. The number of Americans using the app is 75 million. So who claims the first and second place? That would be India and Brazil, with 390 million and 108 million users, respectively.

So if you’ve ever asked yourself, “how much time do we spend on social media,” now you know, and well, the figures are astounding. They don’t show any sign of slowing down either—social media usage (and WhatsApp’s in particular) will only grow in the future.

Granted—Messenger, Kik, WeChat, and Kakao boast better engagement in terms of minutes in the US, yet WhatsApp already seems like the inevitable leader among the messaging services.

Current user engagement is not the best metric that can predict how the service will grow in the future. It’s relatively easier to optimize user experience compared to attracting said users in the first place. Arguably then, the number of people using an app is a better litmus test. With WhatsApp being the undisputed champion in this category, chances are it will continue to grow with impressive steps.

So Instagram has claimed Facebook’s second spot as “Americans’ favorite social media.” The difference might be tiny—the former brings 14.8%, while the latter gathers only 14.5%—Instagram still manages to climb up the prestigious ladder.

But wait… we’re just getting started with the Instagram stats that shed light on the app’s astonishing progress.

As you probably know, the platform hit the 1 billion users milestone in 2018. Today, that number sits just shy of 1.5 billion. That means Meta’s platform ranks fourth worldwide, seeing some of the fastest growth by any social media. For reference, it has added over a quarter of a billion new users in 2021, 85 million of which in the last 90 days of the year!

If we consider the average time spent on social media in 2022, Instagram once again ranks fourth, with 11. 2 hours monthly.

When it comes to time spent on the internet, statistics paint a vivid picture, don’t they?

Actually, the time we are allocating for Instagram has increased by 10% year-on-year. This equals almost an additional hour of use monthly. Keep in mind this was an average for all users, not just the active ones.

Instagram is mainly used for entertainment, but it already has solid messaging and ecommerce features. That doesn’t necessarily mean it will try to go after WhatsApp’s or Facebook’s market. Still, these are more reasons for users to spend more time on the platform. Indeed, that’s what Instagram’s team plans as well.

Are you ready for the cherry on top? Instagram’s feed ads reach almost all (96.6%) of its active users, while the Stories ads allow us to get to over a billion Instagrammers each month. Tempting, right?

How Much Time Do People Spend on Twitter?

3% of US teens name Twitter their most-used social network. As of February 2022, there are 217 million monetizable daily active users on the platform. This impressive figure consists of 70.4% male and 29.6% female users.

What do the statistics about time spent on social media by age tell us? They single out the adults between 24 and 35 years old as the most significant Twitter demographic.

A recent survey shares that Twitter users only set aside 3:39 minutes per session. Most visits are done via mobile (80%), while solely desktop usage is about 20%.

In addition, three-quarters of Twitter visitors claim to use the platform to check the news. In a sense, we can say this social media focuses on adult users as a primary demographic.


Social media platforms offer an ever-wider variety of things to do.

Be it to check on your friends, fill up free time, stalk your ex, become famous, or find the right outfit for a return to the real world.

Social networks have a powerful influence on our daily activities as well. It can affect what we buy, what we like and dislike, and which places we choose to visit. This simple networking concept is arguably just a front for a robust marketing machine running in the background.

Questions like, “How much time do people spend on social media?” then become important in terms of revenue as well.

Brands are aware that social media can make or break their business, and they are using it in any way they can.

With so much money to make, these apps will keep growing—that much is certain. It only remains to be seen how we’ll choose to use them. Misuse the power, and you’ll wreak havoc in a world that already has way too much of it. Use them right, and you’ll find yourself with a powerful tool to uplift and inspire.

Research: Russians spend 7 hours 17 minutes on the Internet every day




The average inhabitant of the planet spends almost 7 hours online every day, according to the results of a study by We Are Social, which published a report on Internet consumption worldwide. What applications are the most popular, how dependent Russians are on the World Wide Web and how many people are still offline - in the material of Gazeta.Ru.

100 days of non-stop online

We Are Social presented the Digital 2020 report, which outlined the volume of Internet and social network consumption worldwide. In its research, the brand refers to the statistics of such analytical companies as GlobalWebIndex, Statista, GSMA Intelligence, App Annie, SimilarWeb and Locowise.

Currently, over 4.5 billion people on Earth use the Internet, that is, almost 60% of the world's population have the opportunity to go online. The number of social media users has crossed the 3.8 billion mark. Experts believe that the number of those who have a profile in at least one such service will reach 50% of the global population by mid-2020.

In the case of smartphones, 5.19 billion people own mobile devices worldwide, an increase of 124 million, or 2.4%, over last year.

The average internet user aged 16 to 64 spends 6 hours 43 minutes online every day.

This means 100 days of uninterrupted Internet use during the year.

If we imagine that each person spends 8 hours a day sleeping, it turns out that 40% of our wakefulness is spent online.

The Russian Federation is in the top 15 countries most dependent on the Internet - the average Russian spends 7 hours 17 minutes online a day. The first three places were taken by the Philippines, South Africa and Brazil (9 hours 45 minutes, 9 hours 22 minutes and 9 hours 17 minutes respectively).

The main thing is communication

It is reported that 92% of all Internet users connect to the network, including using mobile devices. However, despite such a high figure and the widespread use of smartphones, three-quarters of users aged 16 to 64 also use PCs and laptops to access online.

This means that most people on the planet who have access to the Internet use a large number of different devices to connect to the network, which means that both mobile gadgets and computers are in great demand.

Among the types of mobile applications that users are most interested in, instant messengers are in the lead — they are used by 89% of users. The same percentage is accounted for by social networks.

66% of users prefer online shopping apps, 65% prefer entertainment services or video apps (like YouTube), 47% play mobile games. 11% of smartphone users have dating apps installed.

The Internet is not for everyone

Slightly more than 40% of people are still not connected to the World Wide Web - we are talking about 3.2 billion people. Over a billion of this number live in South Asia (the Hindustan Peninsula, Sri Lanka and a number of islands), another 870 million live in Africa.

Interestingly, in determining the level of Internet accessibility, not only age, but also gender factor plays an important role. For example, women are more likely to be left without a network than men. In South Asia, women use social media three times less than men.

What's more, according to GSMA statistics, more than half of all women in India are not even aware of the existence of mobile Internet.

Such inequality, according to the UN, is caused by "deeply rooted social norms and practices in the region."

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Annual Internet and Social Media Report Released - Top Numbers

Creative agency We Are Social and social media service Hootsuite have published their annual Digital 2022 Global Overview Report. According to his data, the world population is 7.91 billion people. More than 67.1% of them use mobile phones. Over the past year, this indicator increased by 1.8% - another 95 million unique subscribers began to use cellular communications, and their total number reached 5. 31 billion by the beginning of 2022, the report says.

62.5% of the global population uses the Internet - the number of users in 2021 increased by 192 million (4%) and amounts to 4.95 billion people. The number of social network users has grown by more than 10% and totals 4.62 billion, which is 58.4% of the total world population.

Over the past 10 years, the number of Internet users has more than doubled, which has led to an increase in the CAGR (Compound annual growth rate, approx. Composition) by 8.6%, analysts emphasize. At the same time, annual growth rates during this time fluctuated significantly from year to year.

Photo: We Are Social

According to We Are Social analysts, the number of social network users increased 3.1 times (12%) over the decade - in 2012 their number was 1.48 billion. The growth in the number of users also continued to double-digit rates (10.1%) and over the past year, while in the period from 2021 to 2022 it was higher than the pre-pandemic level, the study says. In 2021, 424 million users joined social networks, averaging over 1 million new users per day, or about 13 new users every second.

Photo: We Are Social

Since the number of people around the world who do not use the Internet has dropped to less than 3 billion for the first time, we can talk about the beginning of an important stage in global digitalization, when gadgets have turned from a luxury into a necessity, especially during COVID-19 pandemic, We Are Social experts say.

Most popular social networks
  • 14.8% of Internet users worldwide consider Instagram their favorite social network, it overtook Facebook (14.5%) to take second place. WhatsApp topped the global rankings with 15.7%.
  • WeChat is in fourth place, despite the fact that 99% of the votes cast for it by users came from China. Approximately 20% of the world's Internet users live in this country, therefore, the Chinese audience of social networks has a great influence on global rankings;
  • TikTok got only 4. 3% of the total votes. However, over the past three months, the number of people naming it as their favorite social platform has increased by 71%.

According to App Annie, the TikTok mobile app has become the most downloaded mobile app in 2021, and the platform continues to see significant growth in ad reach.

Photo: We Are Social

How much time users spend on the Internet

Now the average user spends almost seven hours a day on the Internet, that is, more than 40% of his waking life. According to We Are Social analysts, in 2022, users around the world can spend more than 12.5 trillion hours on the Internet.

South Africans stay online the longest. The average user from the Philippines, Brazil and Colombia spends more than 10 hours a day on the Internet.

On average, 2 hours 27 minutes are spent on social networks per day. However, the share of social networks in total Internet time has decreased slightly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the fact that over the past two years, people have started to engage in various new types of online activities.

Applications that users spend the most time on

The typical YouTube user spends 23.7 hours per month on the mobile app, analysts estimate. Android owners spend an average of 19.6 hours per month on Facebook, the same amount of time they use the TikTok mobile app.

Over the past year, the average monthly time per user has remained relatively the same across Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. Instagram usage has increased by 10% year-on-year, which is almost one additional hour of platform usage per month.

Photo: We Are Social

According to the report, Facebook is still the most popular platform in the world with 2.91 billion users as of October 2021. The monthly active user base of the site has grown by 6.2% (by 170 million) over the past year. At the same time, YouTube has reduced the gap from the social network, the audience of the video service is growing almost twice as fast as that of Facebook.

Photo: We Are Social

Social media: Instagram, TikTok and YouTube

According to Meta, Instagram ad reach grew by 21% in 2021 with over 250 million new users joining the platform. By the beginning of 2022, the platform's global advertising reach reached almost 1.5 billion users.

Monthly ads in the feed cover almost the entire (96.6%) active user base of the social network, so it remains an effective advertising placement, the report says. Instagram Stories ads are seen by more than 1 billion users every month. Reels has not yet gained such an asset, however, 675 million registered on the social network see ads in this section.

TikTok ad reach has grown by 7.3% in the last three months alone. Worldwide, it is 885 million people (the figure does not include users under the age of 18). For the past three months, more than 650,000 new users have been added to TikTok every day – that’s almost eight users every second.

57% of the global TikTok audience aged 18 and over are women. Users aged 18 to 24 make up almost 43% of the platform's total audience.

AppAnnie analysts predict that TikTok will break two records in 2022: the global number of app downloads will exceed 3 billion. Users will spend $9 on the social networkbillion on iOS and Google Play, driven by in-app purchases.

According to the report, more than 2.5 billion users see ads on YouTube every month, which is 271 million (11.9%) more than in 2020. Now commercials on the video service are watched by approximately every third person on Earth. Among the audience of 18 years and older, this figure rises to 37.7%.

The largest number of YouTube users in India is 467 million. Russia ranks fifth in this list with 106 million users.

After examining YouTube search activity data, the authors of the report found that music has become the most popular trend on the platform. So, 11 of the 20 most frequent queries over the past year are related to music. The channel of the Indian record label T-Series, which has more than 200 million subscribers and 176 billion views, leads the world ratings.

What users do on social networks

Almost every fourth user aged 16 to 64 uses social networks for work. However, in many developing countries this figure is much higher. More than 4 out of 10 working-age internet users in Kenya (41.5%) reported using social media for work research, according to the report.

The median age of a population plays an important role in whether people in a given country will use social media for work, the study says.

Photo: We Are Social

Social media ad spend

Global social media ad spend exceeded $150 billion in 2021, the authors note. This is approximately 33.1% of the total spending on digital campaigns.

Every fourth Internet user aged 16 to 64 (27.6%) learns about new brands, products or services through social media advertising. However, more people (31.1%) open them thanks to TV ads. Search engines remain the main source of new discoveries for users (31.7%).

Every month, one in four working-age users (23. 2%) actively likes or follows a brand on social media.

4 out of 10 users say they use social media specifically to research brands and products they want to buy. Among respondents aged 16 to 24, this figure increases to half of all Internet users.

Representativeness of advertising

Here, analysts came to an alarming conclusion for marketers: hardly one out of six Internet users of working age (17.3%) identifies themselves with the advertising they see, regardless of its medium.

Therefore, the authors of the report suggest investing time and resources in understanding not only what the life of your target audience (TA) looks like, but also in understanding the hopes, dreams and fears of people.

Regular interaction with the audience can provide some important insight into what people care about. We Are Social experts recommend that you plan to study what is important for your target audience and what “ad representativeness” might look like in their view.

e-commerce trends

Nearly 6 out of 10 people (58.4%) buy something online every week. 3 out of 10 (28.3%) purchase products in this way. The absolute number of online grocery shoppers has increased by 10% over the past six months.

In 2021, online consumer spending in the food and beverage categories grew by more than 35%. Shoppers worldwide spend an average of more than $1,000 per person per year.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, revenues from online air and train ticket sales remain significantly lower than in 2019year. However, last year consumer spending in this segment began to grow. Global online travel spending increased by $11 billion (6.8%) in 2021 to a total of $173 billion year. In total, $142 billion was spent on online hotel reservations worldwide in 2021.

Mobile applications

The average user uses a mobile phone for about five hours a day. This means that in 2022, 5.3 billion subscribers will collectively spend more than 1 billion years using mobile phones, analysts at We Are Social calculated.

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