How much data does viber use for video calls

Combien de mégaoctets ou de données sont dépensés pour un appel Viber?


0 2.986 3 minutes de lecture

Sans aucun doute, les données de nos appareils mobiles sont très importantes pour notre quotidien, en particulier lorsque nous sommes dans la rue et que nous ne pouvons pas accéder à un réseau Wi-Fi. C’est pourquoi il est important de savoir combien de mégaoctets ou de données sont dépensés pour un appel Viber?

Viber est l’une des applications d’appel vidéo les plus importantes aujourd’hui, avec la possibilité de communiquer de manière appropriée via Internet , mais cela peut générer une consommation importante si nous utilisons nos données.

Pourquoi est-il important de savoir combien de mégaoctets sont dépensés sur Viber?

Vous vous demandez ce qu’est Viber Out ? Bref, Viber est une application conçue pour communiquer via des appels et des messages, l’application devient très célèbre et est un concurrent direct d’applications telles que WhatsApp ou Skype.

La vérité est que notre monde actuel nous permet de faire des choses que nous pensions auparavant impossibles, aujourd’hui la communication est au plus haut point de toute l’histoire. Grâce à nos appareils mobiles, nous pouvons communiquer avec des personnes partout dans le monde, Viber est l’une de ces applications.

Dans tous les cas, quelque chose doit être pris en compte lors de l’utilisation des services d’ appel vidéo fournis par Viber. Cela se fait via Internet, dans le cas d’une connexion Wi-Fi illimitée, cela ne posera pas de problèmes, mais cela peut être un inconvénient par rapport aux données.

Les données et vos informations

La plupart des opérateurs de téléphonie mobile dans le monde ont des systèmes Internet limités, des plans qui nous permettront de naviguer pour couvrir certains frais mensuels ou en fonction du montant payé. Malheureusement, les données ne sont pas gratuites et dans de nombreux cas, il est nécessaire de les sauvegarder .

Les tarifs varient selon les données , de toute façon il sera toujours pris en compte pour ne pas dépasser les budgets.

Les appels vidéo consomment généralement beaucoup de données, mais tout comme il est possible d’ économiser la consommation de données mobiles en regardant des vidéos sur YouTube , la consommation liée à des applications telles que Viber peut être réduite, mais il est d’abord préférable de savoir combien de données Viber réellement consomme.

Combien de mégaoctets ou de données sont dépensés pour un appel Viber?

Après avoir téléchargé Viber pour mobile ou PC, il est absolument nécessaire de prendre en compte la consommation de données de services tels que Viber . De cette façon, vous éviterez les maux de tête ultérieurs et vous ne consommerez pas toutes vos précieuses données.

Combien les appels vidéo Viber consomment

Viber est une application caractérisée par la qualité de ses appels, aussi bien les appels vidéo que les appels conventionnels. Même ainsi, cela a un inconvénient et c’est que la consommation en mégaoctets peut être élevée après un certain temps.

Il a été stipulé que la consommation de Viber est d’environ 3 Mo par minute , c’est-à-dire que nous pourrions déterminer qu’un appel d’environ 10 minutes consommerait de 30 Mo à 50 Mo.

Cela doit être pris en compte afin de ne pas dépasser votre quota de données établi, de cette manière, vous éviterez les tracas de manquer de données dans une circonstance importante.

Combien d’appels Viber consomment

Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, dans le cas des appels, la consommation est généralement plus faible, car seul le signal audio est transmis. Dans tous les cas, si vous ne faites pas attention, vous pouvez consommer toutes les données de votre téléphone portable , alors gardez à l’esprit ce qui suit.

La consommation approximative des appels effectués avec l’application Viber est de 1,5 Mo par minute , ce qui signifierait qu’un appel de 10 minutes entraînerait une consommation comprise entre 15 Mo et 30 Mo.

Dans le cas où vous auriez besoin de passer un appel avec vos données, nous vous recommandons de vous rendre dans les différentes agences, car la consommation sera supérieure à celle des appels vocaux. Même dans ce cas, il est préférable d’utiliser un réseau sans fil et de choisir le meilleur canal de signal Wi-Fi avec la vitesse la plus rapide , afin de ne pas gaspiller vos données rapidement.

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How much mobile data does video calling use?

Facetime, Facebook, Whatsapp, and Skype have all revolutionised the way we communicate, whether that is with family and friends or business video conference across the world. We have moved away from costly international telephone calls but are we appreciating the true cost of higher data usage bills instead?

Many people are surprised to discover that the amount of data used on video calling varies depending on which apps are used. Apple’s Facetime is typically found to use the least data but may not always be a viable option as you can only call fellow Apple users.

How much data does Facetime use?

Video calling on Facetime using your mobile data plan will use approximately 130mb to 180mb per hour, depending on your version of iOS. If you keep your iOS updated your data usage will be towards the lower figure, however you should always keep up to date with the latest iOS news as this may change in the future.

It is possible to restrict your ability to make and receive Facetime calls when there is no Wi-Fi connection in order to avoid excess data usage. Go to Settings, then Mobile Data, scroll to Facetime and use the slider to turn mobile data off.

How much data does a Whatsapp video call use?

Whatsapp video calls have been found to use the most data in independent tests, approximately 25mb for a 5 minute video call can be expected. This adds up to 300mb after an hour of video calls – approximately double the amount used by Facetime.

To reduce Whatsapp call data usage go to Settings, Data and Storage Usage and under Call Settings select ‘Low Data Usage’. This may affect your video call quality.

How much data does a Facebook Messenger video call use?

A Facebook Messenger call can be one of the most convenient ways to reach your Facebook contacts. Data usage for an hour of calls is approximately 260mb. Again, it is important to take measures to reduce your data usage during Facebook Messenger calls by making sure that you are on a wifi connection where possible.

How much data does a Skype video call use?

Skype app-to-app video calls use approximately 225mb for an hour of calls, slightly less than Facebook and Whatsapp calls.

If video quality isn’t important for your call you can reduce the amount of data used during video calls by reducing the video call quality in your Skype app settings.

Although data usage for video calls can be small for the short 5-10 minute calls here and there, this can quickly add up if the calls become longer and more regular. Look at the data usage for a video call against your overall data usage limit for the month to work out how many calls you can comfortably conduct over your mobile data, don’t forget to take into account your normal day-to-day data usage.

You can save your mobile data by having as many of your calls as possible via a Wi-Fi connection and ensuring that your apps are all optimised for data-saving.

How can the Apps2Data app help?

If you are a frequent user of video calling apps you may benefit from the Apps2Data service. By monitoring data usage throughout the day you can pinpoint any particular calls which were heavy on data and be aware of   this in future. With an overall picture of your, or your business data usage throughout the month, Apps2Data puts you back in control.

How many megabytes or data is spent on a Viber call?


0 2.980 3 minutes to read

Without a doubt, the data of our mobile devices is very important for our daily life, especially when we are outdoors and cannot access the Wi-Fi network. Why is it important to know how many megabytes or data is spent on a Viber call?

Viber is one of the most important video calling applications today, allowing to communicate properly over the Internet , but this could result in significant consumption if we use our data.

Why is it important to know how many megabytes are spent on Viber?

Are you wondering what Viber Out is? In short, Viber is an application designed to communicate through calls and messages, the application is becoming very famous and is a direct competitor to applications such as WhatsApp or Skype.

The truth is that our world today allows us to do what we once thought was impossible, today communication is at the highest level in history. Thanks to our mobile devices, we can communicate with people all over the world, Viber is one of those applications.

In any case, there are a few things to consider when using video call services provided by Viber. This is done over the Internet, in the case of unlimited Wi-Fi this will not be a problem, but may be a disadvantage in relation to data.

Data and your information

Most mobile operators in the world have limited internet systems plans that allow us to browse to cover certain monthly fees or depending on the amount paid. Unfortunately the data is not free and in many cases it is need to rescue them .

. prices vary depending on the data , in any case will always be taken into account do not exceed the budgets.

Video calls usually consume a lot of data, but save your mobile data consumption as much as possible by watching videos on YouTube, the consumption associated with apps like Viber can be reduced, but it's best to know how much data Viber actually consumes first.

How many megabytes or data is spent on a Viber call? nine0015

After downloaded Viber for mobile or PC, it is absolutely necessary to consider the data consumption of services such as Viber . This way you will avoid headaches in the future and will not waste all your valuable data.

How much Viber video calls consume

Viber is an application characterized by the quality of calls, both video calls and regular calls. However, this has a downside, namely that the megabyte consumption can be reduced. nine0007 élevée some time later.

It was agreed that the consumption of Viber is approximately 3 MB per minute , that is, we could determine that a call lasting about 10 minutes would require 30 to 50 MB.

This must be taken into account so that dépasser your data quota is not set, so you avoid the problem of running out of data in important circumstances.

How much Viber calls consume

As you understand, in the case of calls, consumption is usually lower, since only the audio signal is transmitted. Either way, if you're not careful, you can eat all data from your mobile phone , so keep the following in mind.

The approximate consumption of calls through the Viber app is 1.5 MB per minute , which would mean that a 10-minute call would take between 15 and 30 MB.

If you need to make a call with your details, we recommend that you switch to different branches, as the consumption will be higher than that of voice calls. However, it is better to use a wireless network and choose the best Wi-Fi signal channel with the highest speed, in order to don't waste your data fast.

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How much traffic viber eats - exact numbers

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Despite the common stereotype, wireless unlimited Internet is not everywhere now. In this regard, many Viber users have a question about how much traffic Viber spends and how to reduce this expense by several times. And today we will talk about how to correctly track the kilobytes spent in viber and how to understand how much the messenger “ate” today. nine0003

Plan of the article:

  1. What is viber traffic and how to set it up
  2. How much traffic the messenger spends during a conversation, correspondence, video communication
  3. Why a lot of traffic is often eaten in viber
  4. Conclusions
  5. 90

What is viber traffic and how to set it up

Traffic is a rather complex concept, which has analogues in all areas. In our case, this is the amount of Internet that goes into the operation of a particular application. Tracking it is useful if you are on a limited package. So, if you can spend no more than 1 GB per day, you have to constantly save. nine0003

You can see how much it takes to make calls and use Viber as follows:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Select "Internet traffic" there.
  • In the "Applications" section, look at how much is spent on viber.

To slightly reduce this value, go to the menu, select the "Settings" item there and go to "Multimedia". Find the item "Limit traffic" and enable this option.

SMM also has the concept of viber traffic. It refers to the number of people who came to the site after the mailing. nine0003

How much traffic the messenger consumes during a conversation, correspondence, video communication

First of all, viber consumes the Internet, just working in the background. It periodically checks if you have new messages. But such a request takes very little MB, so we will not include it in the calculation.

The messenger requires from 1 to 2 KB to deliver or send one message, depending on the length of the text. Attached files also eat a small amount. More requires a voice call - in one minute it "eats" from 130 to 150 Kb. nine0003

Video call is considered to be the most gluttonous. In just one hour, it takes from 300 MB to one and a half GB, depending on the quality of the connection.

All data are approximate. You can be guided by them, but not count to within a kilobyte.

Why a lot of traffic is often eaten in Viber

Sometimes people notice that the messenger spends precious Internet all the time, and in considerable volumes.

This may be due to the following factors: