How many likes per followers on instagram

How Many Likes to Get From 100 to 1-Million

Knowing your like follower ratio is key since you already heard Instagram’s dropping their engagement reach.

When you want to find out what’s the exact number of likes you should be getting per post.

The first key that I’ve always been sharing with others is not to buys likes or followers for Instagram and when you are buying, your engagement will be at a huge different pages growing organically.

If you’re using the correct way to grow Instagram followers organically, you’ll also be coming across inactive followers and not to ignore what you post on Instagram to minimize inactive followers.

Before we dive into all these average like rate on Instagram. – Checkout my #1 recommended Instagram University.

What is Follow Ratio?

Followers to following ratio is how many likes or how many followers you should be getting per post. For example if you have 1000 followers, you should be getting 50 to 100+ likes per post.

  • Most people trying to manipulate Instagram by hyped up their account using fake likes and followers thinking they won’t get caught, but Instagram knows it all and I shared one of the best tool below, everybody will find out.

You’ll know how to spot fake followers as well after you read this blog post about like comment ratio. – Click here to read to the ultimate followers tips you need without faking your likes and followers.

Average Likes on Instagram Post: Instagram Like Follower Ratio Table

A lot of people want to know what is the average amount of likes on Instagram and how many likes should I be getting per 100 to 300 followers, 600 followers, etc. I’ll share with you exactly that, below.

Now, you might be seeing people saying they’re only getting around 5% to 15% engagement rate, but if you have 5000 followers or less, you should be getting 50% plus engagement if you’re using the correct growing strategy.

Take a look at this follower to following ratio Instagram you need.

Like Follower Ratio for Instagram Range 0 to 5000 Instagram Followers Instagram Engagement Rate:
0 to 300 Followers 50% to 75%
300 – 600 Followers 50% to 75%
600 – 800 or 900 Followers 50% to 75%
1000 Followers 50% to 75%

These numbers are collected based on the experienced I use to grow @asknugget when it was younger.

5000 to 10000 Followers

With this Instagram follow ratio that are above 5000 followers to 10000 followers, you’ll notice my average likes per post on Instagram and they will start to limit your page reach as you can see.

I’m at around 2k to 3k likes per photos and that was my average number of likes on Instagram.

The worst performing posts to followers ratio Instagram would be sitting at 1k likes, 2k to 3k or 1k likes out of 10000 Instagram followers which is already above 15% engagement rate.

  • These number reflects largely different when you buy Instagram likes or followers.

Since all company that sell likes or followers would mention the word “real and active” to get people to buy them thinking they are. – Read this Getting Less Likes on Instagram? 5 Steps to Grow.

10000 Followers to 100000 Instagram Followers

This is the part where your like follower ratio fluctuates, the more followers you have the lowers your engagement will be. That’s why you’re seeing myself getting 2k to 3k likes which is the same as pages with 100k followers.

This is where Instagram would look deeper into those pages and how they did it to grow them.

As they’d have a large influence to the Instagram community.

  • Most people would get Instagram shadowban at 100k followers, if Instagram look into their history such as using Instagram engagement groups.

But it is one of the fastest method I used to grow my page and know how to stop them is key and that is not the only method you can use to grow your Instagram followers – I share everything in this followers cheat guide.

100k to 1000000 Followers

At this point, you should have a great experience on Instagram and knowing exactly how your page should be working, but you were buying a page at 1m followers, your engagement should be less than 5%.

  • The worst page I’ve seen is where they’re only getting 0.01% due to their failing in how to monetize their page correctly.

Next let’s look into a free calculator tool…

Like to Follower Ratio Calculator Tools

If you don’t like to use tool on how to find your average likes on Instagram and want to know how to manually calculate Instagram engagement on.

You can take the number of likes of the your recent or third post and divided by your number of followers.

But these tools would make it easier.

Free Instagram Engagement Calculator Tools

These a free Instagram engagement calculation tool where you can instantly see your page engagement.

1. HashtagsForLikes

Ingramer has the tool you need such as Instagram reach calculator help you identifying:

  • Your Instagram Reach to Like Ratio.
  • Instagram Reach to Follower Ratio.

If you have been looking for an automation tools as well, this is the all-in-one tool you need.

If you’re using hashtags, download Instagram video, story, finding trending hashtags or putting your IG page on autopilot.

You don’t have to jump from software company to another software company to automate your IG page.

I remember I had to use multiple tools and jumping around while forgetting cancelling subscriptions and you know what, it’s a hustle to jump to different software company while trying to connecting your multiple soft companies to Instagram. – It’s a big red flag to Instagram.

Check out Ingramer for free.

The next tool is what I recommend most for like follower ratio calculating.

2. HypeAuditor

If you’re not getting enough likes, it’s an analytics tool that would help you find out how exactly your page grow in the past months…

  • Identify fake followers or in-active to remove from your account.

So your post can start to your active followers immediately see your post and engagement instead of showing to your fake followers.

As Instagram only a certain number percentage, it’s great to clean up your followers.

After you clean up, you can find a low-cost Instagram influencers to work with so to boost your account engagement back up and improve your Instagram ratio. – Click here to get started.

3. Phlanx

When search on Google for “Best Instagram engagement calculator” you’d see this,

btw… it’s free, you’d see this.

You can simply type in your Instagram username or handle to see the calculation of your page.

If you haven’t been using any tools at all to grow your Instagram page at all or simply, using too many tools all over the place.

Helpful Blog Posts:

  • How to Get More Followers on Instagram Cheat: #1 Complete Guide.
  • Is Instagram Shadowban Permanent? Top #1 Ultimate Guide by asknugget.
  • Instagram Hashtags Not Working? 10 Best Reasons.
  • Are Instagram Bots Officially Dead?
  • Is Instagram Promotion Worth It to Increase Followers?


These are the average Instagram likes numbers that you should be getting if you’re not sure how many likes you should be getting per followers.

If you want to see more Instagram tips on how you can make $1k on Instagram with 0 followers, simply join the free updates to this blog. – Checkout my #1 recommended Instagram university.

for knowing the exact Instagram followers number, you’d have to connecting your IG account to business account or a content creator account and tap into the insights to find out the exact number of followers you have.

FAQs. – Like Per Instagram.

How Many Likes Did I Get on Instagram this year?

You won’t see this number on Instagram as this social media platform is been around longer than TikTok, and you’d only be seeing this number of likes on newer social media platform and knowing the number of likes won’t help you get more followers but feel free to checkout my ultimate followers tips shares exactly on how to get alot of likes and followers on Instagram.

What is a Good Number of Followers on Instagram?

The more followers you have the better, you’d be opening yourself up to more money making opportunities. But 10k followers is what you should be aiming at and at the same time, you don’t need 10k followers to make money, you can make it even at 100 followers, it’s called the 100 followers IPF formula.

What is The Average Amount of Followers on Instagram?

There are no average amount of followers on IG and if you’ve been wonder what is a good number of Instagram Followers, the more followers you have the better while knowing you don’t need 10k followers to make money. And if you’re only focus to get followers but not money, big mistake.

How Many Likes on Instagram to Get Money?

100 likes is fine which people would be trusting and you trying to get paid, but I still recommend that you check out the my #1 recommended IG University.

How Many Likes Should You Get on Instagram

If you are developing a personal blog or promoting a business page on Instagram, you are in any case paying attention to the user activity statistics in your profile. And this is not surprising at all! All of us need to see the audience’s reaction to our work, and the likes and the number of followers on Instagram reflect such a reaction. However, it is often difficult to assess the activity. After all, how to understand how many likes should you get on Instagram? In this article, we will try to deal with this issue.

How Many Likes Should You Get per Followers?

Engagement Rate formula

You are not the first to wonder how many likes should you get on Instagram. You need to understand that there is no single answer for everyone, but you can compare the activity in your profile with the indicators of other users and continue to be guided by average data and your own goals/ambitions.

The Engagement Rate formula was introduced to collect and compare the data from different users. This calculation helps to find out how many likes you should get per followers. Here is one of the most common formulas for determining Engagement Rate

Engagement Rate = Total Engagement / Total Followers x 100%

As claimed by various sources, a rate of up to 4% is OK. However, not everything is so simple. According to the formula, 4-5 likes will be a good result for 500 followers. This is not quite true. Note that a good engagement rate depends on the scale of your account.

Thus, most posts receive about 10-20% likes from the total number of followers on small accounts, 5% on medium accounts (from 10 thousand followers) and 1-3% on large accounts (over 100k followers). Read more in our article about Good Engagement Rate for Instagram

How Many Likes Should I Be Getting on Instagram if I Have 500 Followers?

Our experience shows that a good indicator for the accounts with up to 10k followers is 10-20% of the total number of followers. That is, for an account with 500 followers, a good indicator is 50 or more likes.

How Many Likes Should You Get With 1000 Followers?

100 or more likes on an account with 1000 followers can be considered a sufficient number. However, it all depends on your goals and expenses (time/costs) for promoting your account. Therefore, you often need to focus on higher indicators.

Also, when analyzing the activity in your profile, you should pay attention to the sources of likes and determine which of them are a priority for you. We will talk about this too.

Sources of Likes on Instagram

It should be understood that there are several main sources of likes on Instagram. And if you are asking how many likes you should have, you have to consider which sources you use to promote your account and which of them are important to you.

Likes From Followers

It is clear that you get a certain number of likes from your followers. Usually, however, only some of those who have subscribed to you like your posts. It’s about Instagram algorithms. They change frequently, but now one thing remains the same: the less a follower interacts with your account, the less often Instagram shows him/her your updates. In other words, your posts are only shown to those of your followers who are most likely to like them.

How many likes should you get on Instagram from followers only? If you rely on the followers’ likes only and do not involve other sources, you should focus on the lower limit of the engagement rate range, which we have discussed above.

Here are the main ways to increase the number of likes from followers on Instagram.

  • Creation of quality content on a regular basis. Only in this way you will keep the attention of most of your followers and ensure constant account development.
  • Interaction with the audience. Your activity is of key importance! When you like and comment on the posts of your followers, you thereby draw their attention to your page and remind them of yourself. In addition, your follower’s audience may get interested in your content.
  • Reminders of the importance of activity. If you’re promoting your page, it’s important to remind people from time to time that they should react to stories, like posts, etc. After all, sometimes users actually like the page, but they just forget to express it.

If you are expecting more than just likes from your followers and want to develop your account, you should use different sources to increase the activity.

Likes From Other Instagram Users

You can get likes from people who are not subscribed to you but somehow find your content. Such search methods can be:

  • Direct search. People can intentionally look for your account if they hear something interesting about you or remember your profile once. That’s why users are so concerned about a short sound username that is easy to remember.
  • Hashtags and geolocations. Hashtags can significantly affect the number of likes in your profile. Read more about how to choose hashtags for your post here.
  • Advertising. You can always take advantage of Instagram offers and set up ads that will increase the number of followers and likes on your profile.
  • Activity. Users can visit your profile from other people’s pages. This happens when you leave comments, or there are mentions of you on other pages (it can be advertising in posts, stories, and organic mentions).
  • Your attention and answers. Be grateful for the activity in your profile. It is not so difficult to respond to user comments or at least some of them, write back a message in direct, thank for the activity, or encourage the most active visitors to your page, even if they have not yet subscribed. Such things are rarely overlooked.

If you have learned to use all sources to get likes properly, you can easily increase the activity in your profile dozens of times. It’s hard to predict how many likes you should get on Instagram if you use all of these methods. However, they definitely work for you and increase the engagement rate results.

Fake Engagement and Mutual Activity

Another source of likes is an artificial increase in activity. These methods can both help you develop your accounts and harm you. Instagram is known to oppose the actions of bots and automated operations.

Keep in mind that fake engagement can only be an additional tool to promote your Instagram account. But it will not replace all the stages of promotion.

Not Quantity, but Quality

Too often, Instagram users pay too much attention to numbers that say nothing. People opt for fake engagement to boost their activity indicators and believe that this is enough for the popularity and success of a brand or blog. However, this is not the case. Your content and the interaction with the audience are far more important than the number of followers, likes, comments, or views. They only partially show the true state of affairs regarding the particular page popularity.

That is why we offer you to buy an account with the desired number of followers and continue to pay attention not to the numbers but to the content. Choose one of our carefully selected Instagram Accounts for Sale and keep thoughtfully and beneficially promoting your account. This way, you’ll get to the top with the hashtags faster, more people will go to your account, and you’ll be able to promote your blog or business faster.

You can express your opinion on How Many Likes Should You Get on Instagram in the comments section. Also, you can share your experience and leave a link to your own account.

We wish you success!

What are the limits on Instagram and why stick to them? In this article, we will look at the limits on Instagram, find out what criteria to follow and for what actions an account can be blocked.

  • Why stick to limits on Instagram
  • Violation of what limits leads to blocking
  • Other limits on Instagram
  • Conclusion

Why stick to limits on Instagram

Instagram limits apply to any kind of content: the number of likes, comments, subscriptions, messages, and the like. The site algorithm checks the user's actions and blocks suspicious activity in the profile, and also warns against using "gray" promotion methods.

Note . You can read about the Community Guidelines in the Meta Help and the Instagram Guide.

The site has a negative attitude towards:

  • Cheats and automatic actions.
  • Attempts to manipulate and bypass algorithms.
  • Intrusive advertising in private messages and comments.
  • Spam.

Consequences of violation of limits

For one violation you will receive a warning, which can be viewed in the "Notifications" tab. If the moderators notice a large number of identical actions in the account, you will receive a warning, followed by blocking or deleting the profile. Particularly strict requirements apply to new accounts that have been in existence for less than six months.

  • Shadowban . The site limits the display of posts, Reels and stories - they do not fall into recommendations and cannot be found by hashtags. If you notice a sharp drop in reach within a few days, this is a sign of a shadowban.
  • Temporary lock . The algorithm limits your actions and does not allow you to like, subscribe to users or leave comments. This blocking lasts up to three days.
  • Temporary deletion of account . In this case, you do not lose access to the profile, and when you try to log in, a notification appears that the account has been blocked for violating the rules. Access can be restored, but technical support takes a long time to respond, which means it will take time.
  • Permanent ban . Instagram will delete the page without the possibility of recovery.

Recommended reading! Learn how to unblock Instagram.

You may also receive a warning for content that does not comply with platform standards. Because of him, account holders fall under the shadowban. To find out the status of your account, go from your profile to the menu and go to the "Settings" section.

Account settings

Then go to the "Account" tab.

"Account" tab

And check "Account Status".

Account Status tab

Here you can check the list of violations, see recommendations and options on how to get deleted posts back.

Check your profile for prohibited content
Convert Instagram followers into regular customers

Create a chatbot, automate communication with customers and improve sales in Instagram Direct.

Violation of what limits leads to blocking

Let's consider violations for which some functions can be limited or even blocked forever.

Limit of likes on Instagram

To increase the reach and attract users' attention to the profile, account holders put likes.

Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account is over a year old
Daily 300 likes 500 900
per hour 12 likes 20 50
Minimum break 1-2 minutes

Message limit on Instagram

The site monitors the observance of the personal space of users - mass mailing to strangers who did not consent to correspondence is perceived negatively. Community members can file a complaint and your account will be blocked. Therefore, keep track of the number of messages sent to Direct.

Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
Daily 20 messages 35 50
per hour 3-5 messages 10 15
Minimum break 10 minutes

Instagram comment limit

Accounts are often blocked due to comments - make sure that they are different and contain text, not just emoji.

Identical comments are treated as spam. This is followed by a warning, and if the action is repeated, the account is blocked.

Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
Per day Not recommended to use in order not to get banned 140 comments 200-250
per hour Not recommended to use in order not to get banned 7 comments 8
Minimum break - 4-5 minutes

Instagram follow limit

The algorithm takes into account the total number of followers and unfollows per day. Therefore, if you have subscribed to a large number of users, it is better to postpone the unsubscribe to the next day so as not to get banned.

Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
Daily 100 subscriptions 300 500
per hour 20 subscriptions 30 40
Minimum break 8 minutes 5 minutes 30 seconds to 1 minute

Limits on unsubscribing

You can start unsubscribing from 300 non-reciprocal and 200 mutual subscriptions per day, gradually increasing this number. But do not forget about the total amount of subscriptions and unsubscriptions per month - otherwise the account will be blocked.

Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age over a year
Daily 500 unsubscribes 1400 2000
per hour 20 unsubscribes 50 80
Minimum break 2 to 5 minutes

Other limits on Instagram

Let's look at other limits that do not lead to blocking, but limit the number of posts - for example, stories or hashtags.


Up to 100 stories can be added per day. If you upload another one, the very first story will be automatically deleted and the total number will be one hundred.


Up to three users per hour can be mentioned in comments, and up to 20 per day for new accounts. For profiles that have existed for more than six months, up to 50 users can be mentioned per day.

Number of characters under the post

Up to 2200 characters can be added to the post. If this is not enough for you, you can overlay text on the image and add it to the carousel, as in the screencast below.

Carousel text example

Adding photos and posts

Up to 10 images can be added to a post. Up to 20 publications can be published per day with an interval of 5-10 minutes, but practice shows that it is enough to upload 1-2 posts per day, and send the rest of the content to stories. This way you won't bore your audience.


Up to 30 tags with target and near-target keys can be added to a post. And for Reels, it is recommended to prescribe no more than 5 hashtags. You can also use tags in stories - geolocation, brand or thematic query.

Use spaces or periods in the text to separate tags.

An example of delimiting tags in the text for publication

Account blocking

Brands and bloggers constantly use account blocking: fakes, spam, trolls, competitors, and the like. At the same time, mass blocking is perceived negatively by the platform - so do not rush to take such measures so as not to receive a warning. It’s better to try to calm the person down or pause between blocks so as not to attract undue attention from the moderators.

Recommended reading! Learn more about Instagram:

  • “How to write a post-acquaintance on Instagram”;
  • "How to make a mask on Instagram";
  • "How to create, promote and maintain an Instagram store";
  • "How to create a high-quality visual on Instagram";
  • "How to sell on Instagram";
  • "How to use Instagram Guides for organic promotion";
  • "Earnings on Instagram - TOP-18 ways to get real money";
  • "How to make stories on Instagram from your phone and computer";
  • "How to add a photo to Instagram from a computer";
  • “How to create a content plan for Instagram. Rules, tips, examples”;
  • "Instagram design: how to make your profile attractive to the audience."


In this article, we looked at the new Instagram limits that are updated every year. You can learn about changes only by trial and error - the site does not talk about the operation of the algorithm and how it reacts to mass actions.

If you are banned, follow these precautions:

  • Do nothing on your account and try checking your profile the next day.
  • File an appeal with technical support and ask for options to resolve the problem.
  • After you exit the ban, reduce the number of actions. For some time, moderators will closely monitor the account and can delete it at any time.
  • Stop using automated services that help you publish content.

You can automate the process of communication with users using the chatbot on Instagram, which will send mailings to those who have agreed to the correspondence.

The SendPulse bot allows you to set up answers to frequently asked questions, create any chains, send data to CRM, place orders and notify customers about delivery.

SendPulse Chat Bot Builder

And also connect our other tools for comprehensive promotion: create multilinks using the landing page builder, send email, Viber, SMS and push notifications, set up chat bots in instant messengers and social networks — Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram!

Checking Instagram for cheating so as not to drain the budget for bots

If you are going to buy advertising from a blogger, you should not trust only the statistics that he will show. The author can be dishonest and tweak his performance, so it is important to check him for cheating.

What kind of cheating is and why is it needed

Cheating is an artificial increase in page performance. On Instagram*, the price of posting depends on the statistics of the blog: the larger and more active the audience, the higher the price. Therefore, unscrupulous authors increase the number of likes, comments, reach and subscribers in order to sell ads more expensively.

Because of this, instead of real people who could become buyers or future subscribers, most of the ads are "viewed" by bots. The advertiser does not get the promised results, advertising does not work well, the budget goes nowhere.

To avoid this situation, you need to check the blog statistics. There are simple and cheap ways to cheat, which can be seen when you carefully view your account, but there are more complex and tricky ones, which will require special services to find.

In this article, we will analyze simple and complex methods of cheating, and also show you how to analyze a page in order to find a would-be blogger. Let's start with simple and free ways, and then move on to more complex ones.

Look at the likes and comments of subscribers

The easiest way to spot unscrupulous bloggers is through reaction analysis. Often, for this, it is enough to carefully look at the account and evaluate the quality and number of reactions, their relationship with each other and with the number of subscribers.

How to check the number of likes on Instagram*

Open any post, click on the list of likes and view accounts. If among them there are many profiles with strange nicknames, without an avatar and publications, these are bots. So, the likes are screwed up, and in the cheapest way.

Typical bot accounts: random nicknames and empty profiles

There are also premium bots that have posts, a description and an avatar. But they are also easy to calculate, because all posts are loaded in 1-2 days, and there are much more subscriptions than subscribers.

A classic example of a premium bot: a random set of pictures in posts, no current one, more than 7 thousand followers

Bot creators often copy personal photos of Instagram users* to make the bot look as natural as possible, or simply hack profiles using them as bots. Such pages look real because there are real photos of people and activity on the page, but they are almost always given out by hundreds and thousands of outgoing subscriptions.

How to find comments from bots

Bots are not able to meaningfully write texts that fit the topic of the post, so their comments are immediately noticeable: neutral emoji or abstract words: beautiful, good shot, great, interesting thought.

An example of a post from a fake blog: emoji instead of text, the authors of such comments have thousands of subscriptions and half-empty profiles

How to identify comments from activity chats publications. We wrote more about this in the guide to activity chats. Usually in such chats, you need to be active on someone's page in order to get reactions on your own.

Participation rules for one of the activity chats

And everything seems to be fine, the author gets reactions from live users, but there is a problem - this is an uninterested audience. Users are not subscribed to the blogger, they are not interested in the content, they are not involved and do not trust him. So advertising in such blogs is unlikely to be successful.

It is difficult to calculate the cheat rate from chats, but it is possible. Usually such comments are written for show, as if for decency. You know how children respond to granny's cards on Whatsapp, or how some employees comment on the boss's post. The text is impersonal, without details, there is no real interest and involvement.

Below is an example from a post that was dropped into the activity chat. Rate the text of the comments.

The texts are almost the same, they seem to be on the topic of the post, but they are written more for show, without real interest

Also, sometimes in the chat they set a topic for a comment in the task, then approximately the same messages appear in the post. For example: where to buy such a suit? oh what a costume! I want the same suit! Yes, real subscribers can write like this. Therefore, look through the comments on different posts, look for suspicious similarities and impersonalities.

Below is another example from the chat: the comment text is very abstract and would fit almost any topic. It is clear that the author does not even bother with the text, if you see something like this under the posts, immediately beware.

It’s not even immediately clear whether the commentator is mocking or really enthusiastic

Compare the number of reactions

It often happens that a blogger winds up one indicator and forgets about another. In this case, you can simply look at the post statistics to check Instagram* for cheating for free.

There are a lot more likes than comments

Look at the number of reactions on average. It is believed that there are about 2-3 times more likes than comments, and for large pages, the result is quite normal - 1 comment per 100 likes.

If there is nothing in the content that could cause a flurry of likes, but there are 4-5 times more likes than comments, this may be cheating. However, if you're analyzing impersonal ideation pages, this can be the case - they usually have a lot of likes and saves, but almost no comments.

The same number of reactions on different posts

It does not happen that the audience reacts to all posts in the same way. The number of reactions depends on many factors: the format of the post, the type of content, the length of the text, and so on. So scroll through the feed and look at the number of reactions on average. If plus or minus is the same everywhere, most likely, the blogger winds them up to the required amount.

Below is an example of the author, whose statistics show how reactions to posts can vary: a successful rils scored 74 thousand likes, not soaring - 1,600 and 800 each, a post with a cake about important events received 4.5 thousand reactions.

Lina Terentieva's blog statistics

Evaluate the engagement of subscribers

The level of engagement shows how actively subscribers react to content: they click on the "Like" button, write comments, bookmark posts, click on stickers, put reactions in stories.

How to calculate the engagement rate: ER coefficient

You can estimate the level manually by viewing the post statistics. For example, if an influencer has 10,000 subscribers and posts get 50 reactions on average, then fraud is obvious - there are only bots and only a few real users in subscribers.

You can more accurately assess engagement through services that analyze the Engagement Rate or ER. This ratio shows how many reactions per post, on average, in relation to the total number of subscribers.

ER calculation formula: average number of reactions per post / number of followers × 100

You can view ER in special social network analysis services, for example, in DataFan. The service allows you to receive dynamic reports and analyze your own accounts on Instagram*, VKontakte, Facebook*, Odnoklassniki, as well as VK, myTarget, Facebook* Ads campaigns.

Read more about DataFan and other Instagram* account analysis services in the article “How to analyze an Instagram* account”.

What should be the ER

ER depends on the size of the audience: the more subscribers, the lower the ratio. A small profile that is followed by friends and acquaintances will have a much higher number of reactions in relation to the number of subscribers than a millionaire blogger.

There are no exact criteria for ER, because a lot depends on the niche and content. Let's compare two accounts with the same number of subscribers: one has short and funny videos, and the other has expert content for learning English. Statistics will show that funny videos have more reactions than useful videos about English. Accordingly, ER will be different even with the same audience size.

Blogger analysts from trendHERO recommend focusing on the following indicators:

  • ER less than 1% - very poor engagement, it is better not to consider buying ads;
  • ER from 1 to 3.5% - the average level of engagement, especially if the audience is very large;
  • ER from 3. 6 to 6% - a high rate, more common among large and medium-sized bloggers;
  • ER more than 6% - very high level, usually for medium and small accounts.

To clarify that these figures refer to the analysis of blogs, commercial accounts often have ER below 1%. A store or a dental clinic sometimes does not even have the task of engaging subscribers and increasing ER.

We have already found out that all content cannot be equally interesting to the audience. This means that ER cannot always be the same either. Typically, the engagement rate for good authors ranges from 1 to 2%. If the ER schedule does not change or grows steadily, it looks like cheating.

Data from the DataFan service: normal account statistics - ER varies within 2%

Also, ER can vary depending on the frequency of publications. For example, if earlier there were 2-3 posts per week, and then it became 7, then in comparison with the previous period, ER will decrease. This happens because the indicator directly depends on the number of publications.

In addition, big drops can be due to the lack of content these days, and if ER has fallen and is not increasing, most likely a shadowban. Outbursts occur when a hype topic is discussed or reactions are added.

View account statistics in dynamics

Now let's see how to check a blogger for promotion on Instagram* using analytics services. Services are needed because the social network does not show account statistics as openly as the number of likes and comments.

Reach and views

For active influencers who consistently keep stories and publish posts, reach and views stay at about the same level with little fluctuation. You can learn more about social media reach in our article What Makes Up Social Media Reach.

Data from the DataFan service: coverage and profile views are about the same level, there are slight fluctuations

But if there are sharp jumps and dips on the chart, this is suspicious. You need to check the content that was released these days. High jumps can mean:

  • advertising promotion;
  • hit in recommendations;
  • announcement and results of giveaways, promotions and sweepstakes;
  • artificially increased indicators.
DataFan data: Suspicious spikes in reach

To understand whether there was a promotion, you need to look at the content that was released during the burst days: maybe there was a topic that was hype or important for the audience. Check the posts: what they wrote, who liked it, it looks like real involvement or cheating bots. You can also ask the blogger for story statistics.

Also look at the ratio of reactions and reach/views. If there are hundreds of thousands of views, and only tens of reactions, this can be a winding up of indicators. This is how novice scammers often pierce: they increase coverage, but forget about reactions.

It happens that a blogger announces a giveaway or a giveaway, so the post gets a frenzied reach and a lot of reactions. After the giveaway ends, the author removes the description text, and the post looks unremarkable. However, if you go into the comments, you can find a lot of interesting things.

Sergey launched the draw and deleted the text of the description after completion, but the comments remained

Subscriptions and subscribers

When analyzing subscriptions, you need to look at the chart: if it grows smoothly up without sharp bursts and drops, everything is in order. The blogger grows organically thanks to interesting content and engagement of subscribers.

Data from the DataFan service: an example of smooth growth, new people subscribe every day, there are no sharp changes cheating through pay-per-action services - the subscriber receives a reward for subscribing and immediately unsubscribes. Either hype or deceived expectations - the blogger spins ads on a hot topic, which he rarely writes about. People subscribe, and after a while they unsubscribe disappointedly.
  • On the chart of wave : first, the number of subscribers grows, and then decreases. Most likely, there was a giveaway or a raffle - they were attracted by subscription prizes, users subscribed, and after the giveaway they unsubscribed. There may also be hype or incorrectly chosen advertising.
  • Chart with sharp rises with almost no fall - almost always it is a cheat. Within a few days they buy bots, which then do not unsubscribe. It is also possible that a VERY successful advertisement or getting into recommendations - users subscribed and stayed. But this happens extremely rarely, usually in this case the growth is smooth.
  • Data from the trendHERO service: the graph shows that bots have been purchased in the last few months

    Also worth a look outgoing subscriptions . If there are more of them than subscribers, the blogger uses mass following: he subscribes to the accounts of the target audience in the hope that users will notice him, go to the page and subscribe.

    This process can be automated for little money, which is why many people are still doing it this way. However, it is dangerous to mass follow because Instagram* bans for such promotion methods.

    Classic mass follower: there are many more subscriptions than subscribers

    When mass following is not visible, you can look at the statistics of outgoing subscriptions in the trendHERO service. If the schedule is uneven and there are constant ups and downs, this is mass following. The account automatically subscribes to 50-100 users and unsubscribes after a while.

    Audience data

    If the page is in Russian, and the subscribers have accounts from Arab or Far Eastern countries, these are bots. But if you analyze the profile of a model or celebrity that is popular in these countries, then everything can be.

    It's normal if a Russian-speaking author has a lot of subscribers from the CIS, but it's strange when most of the audience is from countries where they don't speak much Russian. However, if you are analyzing the profile of a polyglot who blogs in several languages, then the statistics should be just that.

    Data from the DataFan service: statistics of a Russian-speaking author who has a suspiciously large number of subscribers from Asia

    You can also compare the statistics of the audience that puts reactions with the statistics of subscribers. If the subscribers are mainly from Russia, but the likes are from the Arab countries, the likes are boosted.

    The speed of collecting likes

    Usually, likes are gradually gained in the first three days: the first 6–8 hours is a smooth and basic set of reactions, and the rest of the time the speed decreases. If in the first few hours the post gains 10 thousand likes, and then 500-1000 likes - cheating.

    If a post after a day begins to sharply gain reactions - cheating. Even if the post was recommended, reposted by a very large account, or had an ad, the set of reactions should be gradual.

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