How do you tag someone in instagram story

3 Ways to Tag Someone in Your Instagram Story Without Their Name Showing

By Denise Lim

If you want to tag someone in your Instagram story without their handle taking up space, here's how.

It’s fun to share snippets of your life with family and friends via Instagram Stories. You can mention people in your story so that they can re-share those captured moments in their story as well.

But how do you mention others in your story, without the usernames crowding the screen? Let’s look at the different ways to mention someone in your Instagram story without their username showing up.

1. Swipe the Username Off the Borders of Your Smartphone Screen

After you have added a mention for your family or friend on the Instagram story, tap Done to exit the text window. Next, tap and hold the mentioned username as you usually would to reposition it. But this time, swipe it off the borders of your phone screen until it’s no longer visible.

This may take some practice. During the first few attempts, you may notice that the “tail” of the mentioned username still sticks out if you moved the username too slowly. The key is doing a quick, solid swipe to make it disappear off-screen in one motion.

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2. Use a Sticker to Hide the Username

Using Instagram stickers is one of the ways to make your Instagram Stories stand out. These stickers enable you to add elements such as music, a small animation, or your location to a story.

To use a sticker to hide your friend’s username, you need to add the mention first. Next, tap the Sticker icon and choose a solid-colored sticker. Some stickers offer different format options. Tap Done to exit the sticker window once you selected your preferred style.

Then, tap and hold the sticker to reposition it and cover the username.

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3. Use a Shared Post to Hide the Username

If you have shared an Instagram post to your story, you can mention your friends in the story without having their usernames showing up as well. Instead of using a sticker, you can use the shared post itself to hide the username.

Once you added the mention, tap and hold the shared post to reposition it and cover the name.

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Pursuing the Instagram Story Aesthetic

Whether it’s a group wefie or a closeup of a delicious dessert, added text doesn’t have to divert away from your perfect photo. By using these methods to hide the usernames, you can let your picture take center stage. Anyone mentioned will still be notified and can re-share your story easily later.

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About The Author

Denise writes about Apple devices at MakeUseOf. Her first gadget was the iPhone 6. Since then, she has been an avid iPhone user for more than 7 years. She graduated with a Double Major in Marketing and Management and is currently working on her Master of English Studies thesis.

How To Tag & Mention People On An Instagram Story

By Joseph Maring

Instagram Stories has a lot to offer — including the ability to mention other users in your posts. Here's everything you need to know to get started!

Instagram Stories is a great way to share quick photos and videos throughout the day, and this is especially true thanks to the ability to tag/mention other users in them. Since its launch in October 2010, Instagram has changed a lot. The foundation of posting pictures and videos on the timeline is still there. However, Instagram has since gone far beyond that. It now has Instagram Reels, in-app shopping, synced messaging with Facebook Messenger, and more.

Among all of those things, one of the most popular components of Instagram is Instagram Stories. If someone wants to share something that isn't 'worthy' for the timeline, publishing it to their Story is a great alternative. Doing so is quick and easy, uploads only last for 24 hours before disappearing, and it's a format where these types of uploads are now expected. Whether it's someone's 50th cat picture or snaps they took while out with friends, Instagram Stories really comes in handy.

Related: How To Use Instagram Search & Rank Higher

One of the more useful aspects of Instagram Stories is the ability to tag/mention people in them. Just like how people can be tagged in regular Instagram posts, the same is true of anything shared on Instagram Stories. And, as Instagram explains, doing so is incredibly easy. Open the Instagram app, swipe to the right to open the camera, and then take a new photo/video or upload one from the phone's gallery. Tap the 'Aa' icon at the top-right of the screen, type the '@' symbol, start typing the name of the user to tag, and tap their profile icon once it appears above the keyboard. Just like that, the person is tagged in the Instagram Story post and will get a notification that they've been mentioned.

After tagging/mentioning someone like this, Instagram has a few neat customization tools to check out. Above the keyboard are a few different text styles. Tap on these or scroll through them horizontally to see all the options available. Instagram currently has nine to choose from and each has a distinct look to it. There are even more style tweaks at the top of the screen. From left to right, users can change the alignment of the text, its color, background, and spacing.

Another way to tag someone is by using the dedicated mention sticker. After taking a photo or video for Instagram Stories, tap the smiley face icon at the top of the screen, tap the '@Mention' option, type the username of the person to tag, and tap their profile icon once it appears. This does the exact same thing as the method above, albeit with a slightly different appearance. The default sticker style shows the person's name in orange/yellow text with a white background. Tapping the sticker changes it to alternative designs, including a white background with rainbow text and a transparent background with white text.

There are just two final things to keep in mind. As mentioned above, tagging someone in an Instagram Story will alert them that they've been tagged — including a push notification and direct message with a preview of that story. Furthermore, Instagram limits tagging to a maximum of 10 people per photo/video uploaded to a Story. If multiple users are mentioned, each one will get their own notification.

Next: How To Unlink Instagram From Facebook

Source: Instagram

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About The Author

Joe has been actively writing and talking about consumer tech since 2012. His biggest passion lies with smartphones, but he's happy to talk your ear off about just about anything with a CPU. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI with his wife, two cats, and pit bull/boxer mix.

How to tag a person in Instagram Stories: tagging in Stories

In September 2018, Instagram introduced the ability to make mentions in Stories. This allows you to tag a person in the Instagram Story, both in the video and in the photo. No more than 10 people can be tagged in one Story.

Using mentions, you can tag friends, colleagues and any other accounts. Thanks to the new sticker, you no longer need to manually type the user's nickname in text format. Just start typing the first letters of the name and Instagram will prompt the right user.

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Read also: How to promote an account on Instagram yourself

How to tag a person in Instagram Stories

Step 1 . To tag a person on Instagram Stories, you need to start adding Stories as you normally would. Choose a suitable photo or video that will favorably emphasize the mention. Then, tap on the sticker icon at the top and in the set that appears, select "Mention".

Step 2 . After that, we begin to enter the nickname of the person we want to mention. During the input, hints will appear - users whose nicknames begin with the entered letters. Priority is given to your followers, and then the most popular accounts.

Step 3 . Further, by clicking on the mention itself, you can change its design and choose one of three design options: regular, transparent or color.

Step 4 . At the end, click "Recipient" and on the selection page for whom the History will be visible, select "For everyone".

The story with the mention will be published within a few seconds. When viewing Stories, clicking on the mentions will bring up a tooltip with a link to the tagged account.

You can mention any account, except for the ones that blocked you.

Related article: How to use the Questions sticker in Instagram Stories

How to view marks in stories

If someone marks you in their History, you will receive a corresponding message in Direct. In the event that you are not subscribed to the user who mentioned you, the messages will go to "Requests for Correspondence". When you are subscribed - immediately in the messages.

When you open a message, you can view the Story in which you were mentioned. Also, you can share this Story with your followers.

How to remove mentions on Instagram

You can't completely turn off mentions in your account's stories until the social network has added this feature in the settings.

That being said, if someone posts inappropriate or negative material, you can report it. To do this, open the Story with a mention, click on the three dots in the "Send a message" field at the very bottom of the screen.

An additional menu will appear, where there will be one single button - "Report", after tapping on it, you need to select the option of the complaint "This is spam" or "Inappropriate materials".

Why there is no “Mention” sticker in Stories

Since mentions appeared quite recently, some users may have a problem with their absence. We list possible problems and ways to solve them.

  • An older version of the Instagram app. The application may not be updated, for example, because the phone has not been connected to wi-fi for a long time, and the settings indicate that you can only update when connected to it. Resolution: Update the application to the latest.
  • In the event that after the update, the "Mention" sticker did not appear, then there may be a problem in the application itself. Try it reinstall .
  • If nothing helps, write to technical support.

Recall that recently Instagram launched a new section "Purchases" , and also allowed all users to pass account verification to receive a blue check mark .

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000 How to tag a person on Instagram: in the photo, in the story, in the comments

Instagram tags appeared in May 2013. This is a handy feature for both regular users and business account holders. With the help of marks, you can indicate a friend or acquaintance in discussions, in the text of a post or in stories. Businesses can use tags to promote their project, products, and services.

In today's article, we will analyze in detail how to tag a person on Instagram in a photo / video, in a story, mention in a comment, and also how to use tags and mentions for promotion.

Program for promotion on Instagram - SocialKit:

  • Collecting and filtering the target audience
  • Masslooking, massfollowing, massliking
  • Delayed posting of photos, videos and stories
  • Mailing in Direct, autoresponder

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What does it mean to tag on Instagram and what is a tag

A tag on Instagram is a link to a user's profile that is placed on a photo/video, in stories or in comments. Most often, they mark friends who are present in the photo, or brands whose products are also present in the photo.

After the mark, the person who was marked will receive a notification.

Also, if an account has been tagged in a post, that post will be shown in the "Tagged" section. If the account that you mark as closed, then only those users who are subscribed to the marked account will see the photo.

Let's figure out how to work with this function.

How to tag a person on Instagram: an overview of all methods

On the photo

To tag an Instagram profile on a photo or video, add media and in the last step, when you need to add a description, click "Tag People".

Next, you need to choose a place where the mark on the photo will be located. Just touch anywhere on the photo.

A text field will appear where you need to enter the nickname of the account you are going to mention. When you enter the initial letters, Instagram will offer you the most suitable options.

If you want to make a post-carousel, then for each photo or video, you need to add marks separately.

Up to 15 users can be tagged in a photo at a time.

In stories

You can also tag your friends on Instagram in stories. To do this, start creating a story and click on attach a sticker. A section with stickers will open - select the "@Mention" sticker.

Next, write the nickname of the person you want to mention and publish the story.

You can also use "Challenge" and "Let's support small business" stickers for marks. In addition, the mark will work if you make a mention in the text that you add in the story editor.

The maximum number of mentions in one story is 10 profiles.

In the comments

To tag your friend or any other person in the comment under the post, just write his nickname after the dog sign (@).

Open the comments under the desired post, enter a comment and add a tag. For example: “The latest Insta updates are discussed here. Will you join @socialkit?”.

Please note that the number of mentions in one comment is limited - there should be no more than five.


To tag people on an IGTV video, use the Description field. There, through the @ symbol, we manually write the user we want to tag.

There is no other way to be mentioned on IGTV yet.

How to use Instagram tags to promote

Let's look at a few examples of how to use Instagram mentions and tags to increase activity and attract customers.

Mass tags

One of the ways to attract the target audience is to automatically tag Instagram using the SocialKit program. Our software allows you to tag stories, photos, comments, and videos.

For example, this can be done in order to immediately notify the maximum number of audience about the promotion.

Instructions for mass tagging on Instagram via SocialKit :

  • Mass tagging in Stories

  • Mass tags on Instagram photos (video)
  • Instagram comment mentions

Contests and giveaways

Contests on Instagram are a popular topic. Online store owners, webinar hosts, fitness trainers and other entrepreneurs are willing to give their subscribers small prizes in exchange for an influx of new subscribers.

As a rule, to participate in the competition, you need to post on your page information about who is holding it, and tag two or three friends in the photo. A striking example is pizzerias and sushi bars, which constantly draw discount coupons or several servings for the price of one. To do this, they ask participants to open their account for the duration of the competition and complete the above procedure.

I must say that such contests really work. Promising subscribers something for free for a mark, it is realistic to attract from a couple of hundred to several thousand subscribers at a time.

Article on : How to Run Contests on Instagram


Commercial accounts often collect and publish testimonials from customers. Feedback is needed to show the engagement of the audience, as well as to demonstrate the high quality of the product. The more reviews on the page, the higher the trust from buyers.

Customer reviews are needed both on the main project profile and on their own accounts. Many entrepreneurs ask users to write a couple of kind words on their page and add a mark.

Some ask customers to write a review with a mark and promise a nice bonus for it.

Article in the topic : How to collect and arrange reviews on Instagram

Advertising with bloggers

The peculiarity of advertising with bloggers is that they do not repost, like VKontakte publics. Instead, they carefully get acquainted with the product or service, try it out for themselves, form their own opinion, and only then present it in their own style.

Therefore, similar posts by Instagram stars look like this:

  • a post with a video about the product, or a photo with a detailed description under it;
  • mark of the advertised account right on the picture and a set of links in the description.

Games and quests

Quests are one of the ways to increase your reach on Instagram. Making a quality quest is quite difficult, but if you succeed, the influx of new subscribers is guaranteed.

The essence of the quests is to guide the reader through several accounts by means of marks. The main goal is to engage in the game from the very beginning, maintain interest and unobtrusively call for a purchase at the end. The more intricate the plot, the more attention it will cause from the public.

To make the quest successful, you need to think over not only the plot, but also every move.

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