How do you return on instagram

Instagram 101: How to Insert a Line Break in Your Instagram Caption « Smartphones :: Gadget Hacks

  • Instagram 101

As you all journey along with me on my challenge to become some sort of Instagram expert, let me share with you one hack that is currently helping me out a lot. If you've ever wanted to put a line break in your posts, then keep on reading.

If you are in Android user, then you probably already have the much sought-after "return" key up front and center on your keyboard that lets you make a line break. For all us iPhone users, though, we don't have that convenience.

I always thought that I would only ever be able to create that perfect line break on Instagram by typing everything out in my notes app, and then copying and pasting it to my post. This actually isn't the best way, though. I'm here to tell you that there is a much easier way of creating a space on IG and it's all from within the comfort of your iPhone's keyboard.

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From within your Instagram app, all you have to do is click on the "123" button on your keyboard and you'll see a "return" key pop up on the right-hand side. Tap on return and then go ahead and start line breaking away, you all.

There is one catch: You can't use emojis at the beginning of your line breaks. Yeah ... that pretty much sucks because who doesn't like to use emojis at any chance they get?

There is a solution, though. Just make sure you always put your emojis in the middle of sentences or at the end, rather than at the beginning. This will keep your line breaks all nice and sleek giving you one pretty awesome looking feed.

Know of any other Instagram hacks? Reveal your secrets in the comments below!

Don't Miss: Change Your Profile Name on Instagram to Increase Search Traffic to Your Account

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How to Create Instagram Line Breaks & Your Best Posts Yet

Instagram line breaks aren’t new but they also don’t seem like the easiest things to figure out. Proof? There are over 14K searches for the term “Instagram line break” on Google each month. So, how do you create an Instagram line break, and how do you use them to make your posts more engaging?

Try IMH's Instagram Line Break Tool here: 

| Enter Your Caption Here

Generate & Copy

In this blog post, I’ll answer both questions. This post won’t include links to line break tools because you won’t need them. When you’re done reading this, you won’t have to switch between apps to create posts to share on Instagram. You’ll have all you need to do it all on Instagram.

Line breaks alone won’t help you produce engaging posts. To help, I’ll share how to write posts that capture the hearts and minds of your followers, and take amazing images. 

Ready? Let’s get started! 

How to Create Instagram Line Breaks & Your Best Posts Yet:
  • What is an Instagram Line Break or IG linebreak?
  • Why should you use Instagram line breaks?
  • How do you create an Instagram line break?
  • How many Instagram line breaks can you use?
  • Where else can you use IG line breaks?
  • How to Write Your Best Instagram Posts
  • How to Take Better Photos
  • 3 Image Editors to Enhance Your Instagram Images
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Instagram Line Break or IG linebreak?

An Instagram line break is a space inserted between two lines of text in a caption. Most posts on Instagram use line breaks in various ways. Some include punctuation line periods, and on occasion, you’ll see emojis.  

Why should you use Instagram line breaks?

It’s all about aesthetic appeal and engagement. Let me explain:

Captions don’t typically look unappealing, but the human eye is drawn to structure. We’re also drawn to simplicity. These elements translate Instagram posts as easily readable posts that we spend time on. And that's where the engagement matters. Social media platforms are designed to keep us as engaged as possible for as long as possible. That’s why your feeds are so busy. 

Social media platforms also favor content that helps achieve great user engagement. So, the more time people spend reading your posts, the more likely they are to be promoted to a larger audience on Instagram, making them get more likes and shares, and so on. 

How do you create an Instagram line break?

It’s easier than you think. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 

First, tee up your post by opening up Instagram and selecting an image to share.  

Next, in the caption area, type your caption. Don’t worry about spacing just yet. Instead, focus on what you want to communicate. 

Once done, separate your message based on where you’d like line breaks to appear. Do this by placing your cursor at the end of the line. Now, some blog posts out there will tell you not to leave a space after the last character of your message where you want to create a line break, but that’s not accurate. You can have a space and still create line breaks. Instagram is smart enough to make it happen. 

With your position for line break established, use the return button on your mobile phone’s keyboard. 

See what just happened? You created a line break. And that’s all there is to it. If you want to include periods in your line breaks, simply type on in for each line break and tap the return button again. Continue this process until you’ve achieved the look you’re after. 

How many Instagram line breaks can you use?

This is where things get a little interesting. There doesn’t appear to be a limit on the number of line breaks you can include. But there are a few caveats:

You Can’t Have More Than One Line Break Without a Character

Instagram doesn't like large blocks of open spaces or multiple line breaks without characters. When you type up your caption and include more than one line break without including a character, Instagram will automatically limit your published caption to one line break.

Character Limits Still Apply

Instagram captions have a 2200 character limit. So, no matter how carried away you want to get with line breaks, you’ll be capped at 2200 characters.

Line breaks are not Characters

When creating your line breaks, whether you include spaces before your line break, you still have up to 2200 characters to use. Note: a line break with a period or any other punctuation is considered a character.

Where else can you use IG line breaks?

Besides captions, bios are prime real estate, and using a line break or two can make your bio stand out. Line breaks in bios work a little differently, though. They are limited. Unlike caption line breaks, you must include a character in your line break or it won’t appear when you publish your updated bio.

How to Write Your Best Instagram Posts

Instagram, like all social media platforms, is a connection tool. It’s for engaging with other people. The most successful creators win on the platform because they understand that engagement is all about storytelling. The more interesting your stories, the more engaging they are, and the more likely your account will grow.

What You Need to Know About Storytelling

Storytelling is formulaic. You don’t need to be the best storyteller in the world, but you must follow a formula to grab attention, maintain it, and keep your audience coming back for more. And when you have the formula I’m about to share patted down, you’ll find it easier to generate more creative ideas for endless amounts of content.  

The Storytelling Formula

There are more complex storytelling formulas out there. Take Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey framework. It’s based on a 12-stage process that follows the protagonist, our “hero”. From the start of the adventure to meeting a mentor, experiencing trials and failures, the lead moves through a complete transformation.

Your Instagram posts are not going to be nearly as complex or filled with as many twists and turns. They will, however, need to be enough to make your followers feel like they are part of your story. Here are 9 helpful steps to follow to write your best captions yet.

1. Make Your First Sentence Compelling

Instagram, like all social media platforms, is filled with tons of content. That content populates your followers’ feeds, making it hard to stand out without a compelling enough post. Your first line needs to work with your image or video. It has to pull your reader in and make them want to continue reading the rest of your story or watch your video.  

Wine Library is really good at pulling its audience in. Their post shows you how powerful a first line can be. 


When you’re writing first sentences, be descriptive. Offer detail about the subject of your post. Use adjectives and tie your copy to your image.

2. Make a Difference in Your Follower’s Life

This sounds like a major undertaking and possibly more than you’d expect from a post, but this is what separates mediocre posts from great posts. The difference you make forms the middle of your story. It’s where you explain the value you have to offer. 

Share something that will make their lives seem better just by reading your post. Wine Library achieves this by sharing 4 of their favorite rosé bottles of wine and tying them back to an idyllic winter experience.


3. Include an Ask AKA a Call to Action

Your posts don’t have to be long like most you see today. They just need to capture attention and then close with a call to action. Now, not every post you create has to have a call to action. But for posts that you have created as part of a campaign to sell a product or service, you definitely need a call to action. 

What is a call to action?

It’s a mechanism for getting followers or customers to take action and either inquire about your offer or make a purchase. Calls to action are as old as time, but they are also executed pretty poorly. To create your most effective call to action, here are some helpful tips:

Tie Your Call to Action to a Campaign

This sounds like a no-brainer, but there are many offers out there that are not related to messaging or a larger goal. 

Make it Specific

Effective calls to action work because they tell readers exactly what to do. They must be explicit, detailing the action readers must take.

Make it Worthwhile

You will need to be reiterated. While your offer appears in your copy, it will need to be mentioned again in your call to action. This lets the reader know what they stand to gain from taking action.

Add Some Urgency

Time-bound calls to action offer readers more incentive. They emphasize potential loss which is a psychological trigger that people react to because we don’t like to miss out on great offers. 

Like this post from Wine Library:


It’s part of a series they started ages ago called Wine of the Day. Notice how readers are told to grab a bottle for $15, while they are still in stock. Now Wine Library relies on its followers’ understanding that they need to visit its website to make a purchase. When you create yours, be sure to include a mention of a link in your bio. And while you’re at it, it may be a good idea to upgrade your bio using a link in bio tool. They will let you include links to specific pages via a micro-landing page.   


4. Be Conversational

Every brand has a voice and tone. That’s how they relate to their customers, making it easier to communicate in a way that will be easy for their customers to relate to and understand. To keep your captions conversational, focus on speaking to your ideal customer. If you haven’t any idea of who that is, you can easily establish your tone of voice by creating a persona. Personas are based on a list of attributes your ideal customer has. 

These cover what drives them, what their interests are, and what problems they want to solve with a solution like yours. While completing your research, you’ll visit various sources. These will include forums and social pages people who meet your ideal customer profile will be a part of. You’ll be able to see how they communicate and the words they use.

5. Use Emojis

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, emojis bring a little bit of character to captions. And today, there are hundreds you can use to make your posts feel a little more unique. Emojis are also helpful when used with calls to action. But don’t get carried away with them. Although emojis seem almost universal, too many in one line can be too much and make it hard to understand what you’re trying to communicate.

6. Make it As Long As it Must Be but no More

Captions should only be as long as they need to be. Anything longer and you’ll find yourself waffling on. To keep your posts as lean and effective as possible, focus on this simple formula:

  • Opening line: Make it compelling
  • Middle: Share value and important information to and make your offer (keep this tied to one specific goal)
  • Call to action: Share what readers must do to take action

7. Add Hashtags

Hashtags make Instagram posts easier to find. By including them in your posts, your content is able to show up in more feeds and help you attract more followers. But you have to pick the right hashtags.  Use a combination of:

  • Branded hashtags: Hashtags with your brand name or for your product names 
  • Add community hashtags: These are commonly used by your industry, clients, and even competitors

How to Take Better Photos

The quality of your photos has a major impact on how well your posts do on Instagram. To take your best pictures, you’ll need to know how to use light, frame your photos like a pro, find the right angle for your photos, and more. These tips will give you all you need.

1. Use Natural Light

Light makes or breaks photos. Too much and your pics will be overexposed. Too little and they will be too dark and unappealing. Light reflects off of surfaces. To get the best light for your photos, always have light fall on your subject. 

2. Use Your Grid

The best images have subjects well-aligned in using a grid. Every smartphone image app has a grid that can be activated in your phone’s settings. The grid will segment your screen into 9 areas which you can use to frame your subject. The grid helps you find the perfect balance for your subject as shown below:

3. Find an Angle

Angles are used to create an emotional connection between your subject and the viewer. Pick angles that communicate the feel you’d like to pass along to followers. For example, a low-angle shot makes your subject look bigger than they are and is ideal if you want your subject to appear dominant in your image.

For a more intimate angle, capture your subject at eye level. 

To make your subject appear smaller, use a high-angle shot. 

And for shots that make your subject significantly smaller, use aerial shots.

4. Use Leading Lines

The term “leading lines” is used in photography as a way to draw the viewer’s attention to certain elements and add depth. Leading lines include trees, railroad tracks, roads, buildings, and even waves. Incorporating leading lines is as simple as having your subject interact with them. You could have your subject look up at a building or walk along a road.  

5. Add Depth

Depth makes pictures more interesting. By including your subject in the foreground and other elements in the background, layers add a degree of sophistication that pulls viewers in. 

3 Image Editors to Enhance Your Instagram Images

Shy of being a world-class photographer, editing pictures can be tough. The simpler route is to get your hands on one of these easy-to-use apps:

1. Snapseed

Snapseed is a Google photo editing app packed with loads of features and functionality, including a brush, an image tuner to adjust exposure, a cropping tool, the option to rotate pictures, adjust image perspectives for a balanced finished product, 8 filters, and more.

Snapseed is free for iOS and Android.

2. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC

Adobe is more famously known for its desktop design suite, but you can get your hands on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC for your mobile phone. It's a photo-taking app that also allows you to edit images. When done, you can share them on Instagram and other social media platforms. Other features include A tone curve for adjusting color, exposure, and contrast, bulk photo editing for consistency, and you can even edit a section of your image using a stylus. 

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC is free for basic features on iOS and Android. Premium features include sync across all devices.


VSCO is a more advanced app and worth checking out. Along with editing features, the free version offers 10 presets and an extra 200 when you upgrade to premium membership. The app also has a video editor, making it a one-stop-shop for all your editing needs.

VSCO is available for iOS and Android.

Wrapping Up

Instagram line breaks are a smart way to create more vainly appealing posts. Line breaks help break up large walls of text, making it easier for readers to follow your ideas and get immersed in your content. As you use line breaks, be sure to apply as many of the 9 steps as possible for creating your best captions. These will help you add more dimension to captions to create fuller and more interesting posts. Also, make use of the 5 tips for taking great photos. They will take some practice to master, but when they become a part of your process, you'll start producing your best photos ever.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you create a line break on Instagram?

Type your complete caption and place your cursor where you want to insert a line break. Next, use the return button on your mobile phone’s keyboard to create a line break.

How do you put line breaks on Instagram with an iPhone?

Type your complete caption and place your cursor where you want to insert a line break. Next, use the return button on your mobile phone’s keyboard to create a line break.

What is the symbol for a line break?

There is no symbol for a line break. When creating Instagram captions with line breaks, you can include any form of punctuation instead of leaving it open.

What are the dots on Instagram posts?

Dots or periods used to create line breaks are included to add multiple line breaks after each other. Instagram doesn't allow multiple line breaks unless they include a character.

Top 50 Travel Quotes ‹ GO Blog

All about Travel & Languages ​​by EF Education First


By Simon

in Study Abroad 4 minutes to read

Posted: 610 RussiaShare

Words describe feelings, emotions and memories. Some use them so skillfully that they make you experience the illusion and believe in things that seemed impossible.

Travel changes us, helps us grow and develop. Traveling is the best education in the modern world! nine0003

I have collected for you quotes about the travels of the most famous poets, writers and philosophers. Their experience and the words that appeared as a result will help to understand many everyday problems and even decide on an important step.

  1. “To speak a foreign language means to conquer its world and culture” – Franz Fanon.

  2. “Nothing develops the mind like traveling” - Emile Zola.

  3. “Traveling is necessary for those who study” - Mark Twain. nine0003

  4. “Look at the world. He is more amazing than dreams.” – Ray Bradbury

  5. "An investment in travel is an investment in yourself" - Matthew Carsten.

  6. "Life is either a desperate adventure or nothing" - Hellen Keller.

  7. “The road is best measured not in miles, but in friends” – Tim Cahill.

  8. “Travel leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a better storyteller” - Ibn Battuta.

  9. “How I love feeling faceless in a city I've never been before.” – Bill Bryson.

  10. “Never be afraid to move away from seas, borders, countries and thoughts” - Amin Maalouf.

  11. “There is something magical about it: you leave one person and return completely different” - Keith Douglas Wiggen.

  12. “To travel means to develop” - Pier Bernando.

  13. "Once you get traveler's fever, you can't get rid of it and you'll be infected with it for the rest of your life" - Michael Palin. nine0003

  14. “Oh, all the places you will visit!” – Dr. Suze

  15. “A real traveler has no definite plan and no intention to go anywhere” - Lao Tzu.

  16. "I haven't been everywhere, but this is on my list" - Susan Sontag.

  17. “The traveler sees what he sees; tourists see what they came to see” – G. K. Chesterton.

  18. “The goal is not the place, but the ability to see the world differently” - Henry Miller. nine0003

  19. “Stop thinking about the potholes and enjoy the adventure” - Fitzhugh Mullan.

  20. "Take only memories, leave only traces" - Chief Seattle

  21. "Once a year, visit a place you have never been" - Dalai Lama.

  22. “Traveling is not something you are good at. It's what you do." - Gail Foreman.

  23. "To travel is to live" - ​​Hans Christian Andersen

  24. “To travel is to realize that everyone is wrong about other countries” - Aldous Huxley

  25. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel can only read the first page” - Art. Augustine.

  26. “Do you want to travel far and fast? Travel light. Throw off envy, intolerance, selfishness and fears.” – Cesar Pavese

  27. “I met a lot of people in Europe. I even got to know myself.” – James Baldwin

  28. "Not all who wander have gone astray" - J. R. Tolkien.

  29. “Travel helps us to be humble. Each of us is just a tiny grain of sand in this desert of people.” – Gustave Flaubert

  30. “People can find and know themselves only in adventures” - André Hyde.

  31. “We travel not to escape from life, but so that life does not escape from us” - Anonymous.

  32. “Tourists don't know where they've been, and travelers don't know where they'll be” - Paul Theroux. nine0003

  33. "People don't make travel, travel makes people" - John Steinbeck.

  34. "Prejudice, intolerance and narrow-mindedness are fatal to travel" - Mark Twain.

  35. "Travel is the only thing in the world that makes you richer" - Anonymous.

  36. "If you don't honor other people's traditions, religion and avoid people, it's better to stay at home" - James Michener.

  37. “I was changed when I saw the moon shining from the other side” - Mary Ann Redmacher. nine0003

  38. "If you don't know where you're going, any road will do" - Lewis Carroll.

  39. "It's hard to realize how wonderful the journey is until you rest your head on an old, familiar pillow" - Lin Yutang.

  40. "A traveler without the ability to observe is like a bird without wings" - Mosley Eddin Saatan.

  41. “Only he who travels opens new paths” - Norwegian proverb.

  42. “We travel the world to find beauty; we must keep it to ourselves, otherwise it will not be revealed to us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  43. “The farther I go, the closer I get to myself.” – Andrew McCarthy.

  44. "Every dreamer knows that it is absolutely real to miss a place where you have never been even more than where you have been" - Judith Thurman.

  45. "Live, travel, have no regrets and be grateful" - Jack Kerouac.

  46. "It's not where you end up that matters, but what adventures you'll meet along the way" - Penelope Riley. nine0003

  47. “He who lives sees a lot. He who travels sees more.” – Arabic proverb

  48. “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. It is deadly.” – Paolo Coelho

  49. "Travel teaches tolerance" - Benjamin Disraeli

  50. "The adventure is worth it" - Aristotle.

If these travel quotes inspire you, also check out inspirational career-building quotes from top global companies, plus 11 truths about how travel changes us. nine0003

Tags: Travel Tips, Quotes

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How to post on Instagram

On March 4, 2022, Roskomnadzor decided to block Facebook, and on March 11, 2022, to block Instagram. If you are in Russia, most likely, both social networks are currently unavailable to you. nine0003

But we have some useful material for you.

(For those who have social networks working - the text of the article is below, under the list of links)




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No kidding - just start writing like this, and then tell the idea that you wanted to convey. Such an informal beginning will allow you to remove psychological clamps, fear of a blank sheet, and so on.

Just don't forget to edit the post before publishing!

If this opening seems too daring and rude to you, start with a more cultured version: "Imagine. "

The remaining 17 tips may be less extravagant, but no less effective. nine0003

Write to a “friend” / understand TA

I sometimes meet resistance from novice authors: “I don’t know what to write about, well, don’t write about the fact that I drank coffee.”

Tip: start "corresponding" with a "friend". It may be real, it may be fictional, but it must be similar to the target audience.

TOP 5 services for audience and competitor analysis on Instagram

Start “telling” a “friend” about what you do, for whom, why, what is the benefit of your product. Then copy everything that you wrote in the "correspondence" and combine it into one post. nine0003

Everyone can chat with friends - use this superpower to create cool texts.

Free social media audit

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If you don't feel like writing, don't write

In courses on SMM or content marketing, it is recommended to publish posts daily. Such an attitude makes many people grind out content for Instagram, at best it turns out to be nothing. nine0003

You don't have to post every day to promote your account. It is not necessary to write to promote an account.

If you don't like writing, you can try another format. Record a video, shoot a screencast, draw a comic. Look for your format, your way of communication with subscribers, which will be comfortable and allow you to convey the necessary information.

Don't forget paragraphs

Any text will be easier to read if it has paragraphs. Beat fragments with different semantic accents from each other with an empty line. nine0003

By the way, we recently mentioned a telegram bot that helps you create beautiful captions on Instagram with the right formatting.

Follow the rule: one thought = one post

The fewer ideas in the text, the easier it is perceived. Do a boring exercise:

  • Ask yourself, "Why is this post needed?" / state the purpose of the post.
  • Ask yourself: "Does this text fit the purpose?"
  • Ask yourself, "Is this paragraph fit for purpose?" nine0024
  • Ask yourself: "Is this proposal fit for purpose?"
  • Everything that does not match - delete!

Send large text to the gallery

On Instagram, it is better to write small notes, shorter than 2,000 characters. Long text - shorten it.

If there's no way to shorten it, try putting it in the first comment or take a screenshot and send it to the gallery. Both options are not very good, but I would choose “put text on photos in the gallery”, because this way you can additionally involve your subscribers in reading the post, and the first comment is better to use for hashtags. nine0003

Photos, videos, stories: how to download content from Instagram

Use subtitles in videos

If you post videos in which what you say is important, put subtitles in the video. A lot of people watch videos without sound, and subtitles help to understand that "some important information is being transmitted."

Some mobile applications immediately record video and transcribe everything you say (eg Clipomatic, Clips). You can shoot a video immediately with a teleprompter, reading the prepared text, and then place it as subtitles in any video editor. nine0003

Work on the text constantly

Posting every day is useful, but not necessary, but you need to work with the text every day!

Creating text is like fitness. The winner is not the one who bought a gym membership for six months, went to the gym once, worked out on all the simulators, and after two weeks walked with dead hands. The winner is the one who does a little every day and each time monitors the exercise technique and increases the load.

It's the same with content - it's more important to accustom yourself to work on a daily basis. Analyze old posts, look for ways to improve. Analyze other people's posts, reflect on why they turned out good, while others turned out worse. Read books, take courses (for example, on SMM in TeachLine) and so on.

Write STA

Every post should contain calls to action, without this post and not a post at all! Call for different actions:

  • Ask subscribers for their opinion on some issue
  • Tell stories and find out if anyone has experienced something similar.
  • Ask to follow the links in the profile, make reposts and so on.


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Write about people

People like people, and most of all we like ourselves. When people read a text and recognize themselves in it, the text elicits more reactions. And it gives more coverage than the text is not about us.

Make a Powerful Intro

Instagram doesn't have headlines, but that doesn't mean you can skip a powerful intro. If the first sentence is about nothing, far fewer people will want to read on. nine0003

Delete 35% "without looking"

Any text can be shortened without losing its meaning. Remove verbal garbage, repetitions, interjections, gerunds, and so on. With a 99% chance, your text will become better if it is shortened.

Use imagery

If you find it difficult to start writing - you know what, but don't know how to approach - imagine yourself in the place of someone and ask: "What would he do in such a situation?" I like to ask myself: “So, Ilya, you don’t write, what would Martin Eden do in this situation?” nine0003

Decisions aren't always right, but I get off the ground and start writing.

Choose your favorite hero or the hero who would be able to act correctly in your situation.

Insert stories from the past

Use storytelling.

For example, first define the purpose of the post, say: "I want people to buy subscriptions for 24 cups of coffee through direct, it will be cheaper than buying a subscription in coffee pods." Then identify the key association or thought you want to convey. Let's say "economy". nine0003

Next, take 5 minutes to meditate, take a deep breath and try to remember an incident from the past that would fall into this association. Tell this story and tie it to your goal.

Write from the end

Posts can be divided into different structures and models: someone writes using AIDA, someone uses the slippery slide of Sugarman.

But try to move away from the structure and first write the sentence that should be at the end. Then write a sentence that should come before the last one. If you still have time, write a sentence that should come before the penultimate sentence. And so on until the very beginning. nine0003

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Write the way you speak

Just read everything you have written aloud. Really out loud, loud and with expression, rather than quickly mumbling under your breath. If there was not enough air or stumbled when they said something, rewrite it.

There is another option: first sketch out the abstract, then start explaining, and then transcribe it into text.

Light it up! nine0238

If you write posts just because you need to write them, you probably won't do well. It is much more profitable to write about things that you can't keep silent about, about those that you can't…

You can limit yourself to a choice and always write only on 2-5 topics that you understand, that are important to you. And you can learn to get involved in any topic with which you work.


Actually, there are no rules.

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