How do you delete instagram followers
How and Why to Remove Followers
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. I earn a small commission of product sales to keep this website going.
Updated Dec 28, 2020 – Instagram will now prohibit you from seeing your followers if it detects suspicious activity, like you removing followers via the app or using another app to identify inactive accounts. This is to “fight the bots” and will lock you out for a day or so.
Before you continue reading, let me pose a question for you to think about. What’s more important to you: having a large Instagram following, or having a more engaged but smaller following?
TLDR: You do have fake & inactive accounts following you that are hurting you.
Table of Contents
Keeping up with changes in Instagram
Instagram has undergone quite the metamorphosis in the past few years. They’re doing their best to keep up with the evolving user base and tactics, and it ultimately affects everyone.
If you take audience engagement seriously – after all, it is a social network – you need to keep up with the changes also.
Also Read: Instagram is Ruining Everything
Audience size – bigger is better?
In the “old days,” the mark of success on Instagram was a huge base of followers. Oh wow, that person has 250,000 followers! So, of course, many people gamed the system.
There were a number of ways in which people gained a large following:
- Paying people to follow them
- Subscribing to automation to “interact” with people for them
- Hiring virtual assistants to interact with people for them
- “Comment pods”
- Following thousands of people, hoping they follow back, and then unfollowing them
In just about every case, there was one common theme: low engagement rates due to the low quality of followers. But no one cared, because, large following.
Instagram engagement rates
The metric of “engagement rates” has recently become more and more important.
It’s estimated that 95 million photos and videos are posted to Instagram every day in 2018, and growing. Instagram needs to find a way to figure out which photos to put in front of an audience. It’s physically impossible to show all of them.
The engagement rate – the ratio of how many people like or comment on your photo to how many followers you have – is one way Instagram determines which photos to show people.
Math example: a person with 10,000 followers posts a photo that gets 50 likes & comments in the first hour. That’s an engagement rate of 0.5% in that hour.
If someone with only 1,000 followers has the same engagement, their rate is 5%.
Instagram wants people to stay on their app because it’s good for their business (ads). You’re the product. So they’re going to keep you there by showing the photos with the highest engagement rate first. Instagram users feed on eye candy, and higher engagement rates typically equate to more delicious eye candy.
And no, you can’t buy engagement anymore. Instagram has been actively identifying and penalizing this.
Why Instagram engagement rates matter
Maybe you just want to post photos. And that’s cool, more power to you if you don’t care about statistics.
But if you’re trying to take advantage of the power of Instagram and build a community, engagement matters.
This isn’t just something I made up. I’ve spoken to a number of editors and world-famous photographers lately who echo the same sentiments.
Follower quantity doesn’t mean nearly as much as the quality of interaction between you and your followers.
There are two main reasons why Instagram engagement rates matter:
- It matters to real human beings, editors and marketers, evaluating if they could leverage your Instagram audience to get their message out. And it should matter to you because this should be fun. Do you have a close community?
- Instagram uses the number to figure out how often your photos are shown.
A good Instagram engagement rate is around 4%. You’re on fire if it’s near 10%.
Your numbers will be on the lower end the larger your audience is; that’s just the nature of it and people understand that.
A person with millions of followers, like the Chris Burkards and Jimmy Chins, are expected to have rates around 2%. The rest of us should be shooting higher.
So if your account has accumulated thousands of disengaged followers over the years, these followers – fake accounts, inactive users, ghost followers – are lowering your engagement rate significantly.
You can use a tool like HypeAuditor to determine the makeup of your audience.
What can we do? Clean our Instagram followers!
Related: Do you even need Instagram to be a successful photographer?
Which followers should you clean from your Instagram account?
Fake accounts
These fake accounts are fairly obvious, and you should remove all fake Instagram followers.
Improve your photography with more tips like this delivered to your inbox monthly - click here (opens new window).
They’re the accounts with no profile photo or profile, no posts, a couple dozen followers, and following thousands and thousands of accounts.
They were most likely paid by someone else to follow you, even if you didn’t pay them.
Something fishy about these accounts…Mass followers
Instagram has imposed a “following” limit of 7,500. Who honestly wants to follow 7,500 accounts? How many of them do you actually see on a daily basis, or even really care about?
The people who do follow 7,500 accounts are only doing so to gain followers. The “I’ll follow them in hopes they follow me back” play. We’ve all done it, but hopefully not to this extent.
They will never see your posts, and you can verify this by checking “ghost followers”, explained later.
These are just two of the hundreds and hundreds of followers who will never see my posts.
Inactive followers
Some people have taken a break from Instagram or have stopped using it altogether.
The “dormancy” period is up to your discretion, but I’m comfortable with 180 days. If they’ve been out for more than six months, they’re most likely not just “off the grid” on vacation.
Chances are high they’ll never be back, and you can remove these Instagram followers if you wish.
“Ghost” followers
Accounts that are following you but haven’t interacted with you for some time, if ever. I use the Unfollow app and set it to tell me who hasn’t interacted with my last 100 posts.
The list of “ghost followers” most often includes “mass followers,” people following more than a couple thousand accounts. They never see your posts among the thousands of others. It will also include inactive followers.
It will also identify business accounts that obviously followed you in the hopes you’ll follow them back and/or give them business. Like the advertising agency in Sicily – I’m sure you do great work, but seriously?
Thanks for the follow, but why is an ad agency in Sicily really following me and 7,495 other accounts?How to clean Instagram followers
Manual removal
Identifying bad accounts can be extremely tedious, especially if you have a large following.
You can remove Instagram followers by going to their profile.
- Go to your “followers” list to see all accounts following you.
- Tap on the profile you want to remove.
- Tap on the three dots on the upper right in that profile.
- Select “Remove Follower” from the menu that pops up, and confirm the removal.
These Instagram followers will be removed from your account. They will no longer be following you, and they won’t be notified you did this.
Using automation to clean Instagram followers
There are a few apps that can clean Instagram followers for you automatically, or at least aid you. They’re finicky and not without their problems (mostly due to Instagram limiting third-party apps), but they’re better than nothing.
The app I use is Unfollow (available for iOS). It’s free. Some people also use Cleaner (iOS | Android). No doubt others have come out after this was published. Instagram is constantly changing third-party app access, and these apps are also always changing. Look on the app store and find one with the highest, most-recent reviews.
I hate full automation. I don’t trust it, so I use this as a tool to help me identify accounts I may want to remove. I have it tell me who hasn’t been active for 180 days, and who hasn’t interacted with my last 100 posts.
Then I assess the account and manually remove them on the Instagram app. Remember that if someone hasn’t interacted with your last 100 posts, maybe it’s just because Instagram chose to not show them your posts. If it’s an honest account, active, with similar interests, not following thousands of people, I’ll leave them be. I don’t want to alienate a potential sincere audience.
But if they haven’t interacted with my last 100 posts because they’re following 6,000 people, they add no value to my community.
The other thing I don’t like about the full automation is that it can’t “Remove” Instagram followers from your account. It can only “Block” them, and I don’t want it to block thousands of people without my input.
Cleaning your Instagram followers manually is tedious and time-consuming. But I think it’s the most effective middle-ground to maintaining your audience.
Some final thoughts on cleaning Instagram followers
Community. I’d rather have a close-knit group of folks gathered in a small room. Having an arena full of countless zombies doesn’t seem fun.
I was shocked to learn how much of my audience was either fake, dormant for a year or more, or hasn’t interacted with my photos for over a year. But it made sense looking at my engagement rates. It hurt, but call it necessary housecleaning.
I’ve been at it for a week and have removed over 33% of my followers, with much more to go.
Stay on top of it by removing or blocking obviously fake or dishonest Instagram followers as they follow you.
Now, this doesn’t mean you should go deleting all but your most loyal ten followers to get an engagement rate of 100%. That’s not the goal. Audience size is still a factor – you still want to maximize your reach – but you should also be looking at your engagement rate as a more important metric. Clean the spam.
Objectively ask the question: Will this person add value to my community, or will they detract from it? This makes it easier to determine which Instagram followers to remove.
Please leave your thoughts or questions about cleaning Instagram followers in the comments below!
How to Delete Followers on Instagram (2022)
Instagram has an essential place among social media platforms today. Every day, thousands of people become members of Instagram, and naturally, every day, people get many follower requests. Instagram users can later regret these follower requests that they once accepted, and they may want to delete or unfriend them. You can delete them from your followers effortlessly when you do not want someone to follow you on Instagram. And we will tell you exactly this issue today, how to delete followers on Instagram.
Steps to Delete a Follower on Instagram
It is very short and simple to delete someone you do not want to see from your list of followers. Since this method was not used in the past, when you did not want someone to follow you, you had to block that person and then unblock them again. Unfortunately, when you did this, the comments and likes of that person were getting deleted too. Therefore, firstly, you can learn how to unblock someone on Instagram. Now that you can remove someone from your followers, it is possible to perform this process smoothly without losing likes and comments.
- First, open your Instagram application from your mobile device and go to your Instagram profile.
- Then, click on your followers’ list and type the username of the person you want to delete from your followers into the search box at the top of the list.
- After finding the person you want to delete, you will see a ‘Remove’ button next to them.
- Lastly, click on it to delete this person from your followers.
How to Delete All Followers on Instagram?
Unfortunately, even though Instagram brought the feature to delete followers, it still has not offered a feature that enables us to remove all of our followers at once.
If you want to delete all your followers on Instagram and get rid of them, you have to delete or block these accounts one by one unless you are not using a third-party application. At this point, some people should have heard your cry for help, so they developed apps and presented them to app markets like App Store and Google Play. Let’s say you deleted all your followers to create a new page. In this situation, you may need to buy Instagram followers.
Some third-party apps let you delete all your followers on Instagram all at once, and the most prominent app is the Followers Cleaner Pro for Instagram. With this application, you can delete all of your followers at once and in a short time by making multiple selections.
- First, you must download the Followers Cleaner Pro for the Instagram app on your mobile device. You can download this app on your mobile device from App Store or Google Play Store.
- After downloading the app, log in to your Instagram account through the app, and go to the tab where your followers are.
- In this section, you will see an option named Select All; click this option.
- Next, the app will ask you if you are sure. If you are sure of your decision, confirm this choice.
- That’s it! Now you can say goodbye to all your followers.
Deleting Followers in Short
In this article, we explained how to delete followers on Instagram, which users are very curious about. Since Instagram is a platform where we share personal things, it is quite reasonable for us to delete the people whom we do not want to follow us. Thanks to Instagram, it is quite easy to do this.
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Unfortunately, there is still no feature on Instagram to delete followers altogether. In fact, Instagram users look forward to this feature as well, but unfortunately, we have to use third-party applications until this feature comes out. Do not forget to use your account as a private account and carefully accept the follower’s requests. After carefully reviewing them, you can feel more secure on Instagram.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I delete followers on Instagram?
Click on your followers’ list on Instagram, and you can see the “remove” button. You can remove a follower with this button.
How to delete all followers on Instagram at once?
You can delete all followers on Instagram with third-party apps. You can use Followers Cleaner Pro for Instagram.
Is Followers Cleaner Pro for Instagram free?
Yes, the Followers Cleaner Pro for the Instagram app is a free service.
When I delete someone from my followers, can that person send me a follow request again?
Yes. When you delete someone from your followers, you will only stop this person from following you, and this does not mean that you have blocked this person. If you do not want this person to send you a follow request and contact you again, you can block this person.
When I delete someone from my followers, does that person understand that?
Instagram does not send this person a notification about this subject. Only if the person you deleted from your followers tries to enter your profile and sees the Follow button can they understand the situation.
How to remove followers on Instagram*: bots, all inactive
Now on Instagram* it's not the number of followers that matters, but their quality. Social media algorithms take into account engagement when promoting an account, and advertisers have learned to choose bloggers by ER, not by the number of subscribers. Better to have 1,000 active living people involved than 20,000 dead souls. A logical question arises - how to remove followers on Instagram *?
It should be said right away that the thoughtless removal of everyone you consider "garbage" can lead to negative consequences. In this article, we will tell you how to remove followers on Instagram*, as well as give tips on how to do it without harming your account. nine0003
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Read also : 12 ways to gain followers on Instagram*
Why and who should be deleted on Instagram*
The answer is obvious - profiles that are not active and do not perform targeted actions (for example, do not buy anything). But here you need to be careful - if a person silently watches posts and is not your client, this does not mean that he will not buy anything in the future.
It is worth deleting bots, commercial accounts (there are exceptions), mass followers, abandoned accounts and inactive foreigners (if you have a local business). It costs no more than 30-50 people per day to delete inactive subscribers. Such a limit will not harm the account in any way and will not attract attention from Instagram*. nine0003
Example - an empty account, only 3 publications, no profile picture and description, a large number of outgoing subscriptions.
But it may be different, for example, you are a manufacturer of cosmetics for beauty salons and then it is not surprising that you will have commercial accounts in your subscribers (the same beauty salons and private masters). In this case, you do not need to delete them, because they are your potential customers.
0010 in order not to get an account ban or restrictions. The social network sums up subscriptions and unsubscribes, that is, with a limit of 2,000 subscriptions per month, if you make 1,500 subscriptions and 1,500 unsubscribes, this will be a violation of the limit. The number of allowed actions depends on the newness of the account. You can find the current limits in numbers in the article “Instagram Limits * 2022”.
Why delete followers — an inactive audience spoils Instagram statistics*. When promoting an account, the ER level, that is, the ratio of the number of impressions to the number of reactions, affects the reach and impressions in recommendations. While it's far from the only ranking factor on Instagram*, don't underestimate it. And if you notice that your coverage has dropped, then you should think about removing some of your subscribers. nine0003
Another reason is that advertisers look at the actual reach and engagement rate when choosing a blogger to promote. If, with a large number of subscribers, a blogger has a low reach and engagement percentage, then something is wrong with his content or the quality of the audience. Such a blogger should not hope for profitable long-term cooperation, except for one-time orders from inexperienced advertisers.
The third reason is that a personal recommendation feed shows your content only to those subscribers who are interested in it - who visits your profile, likes, comments, reposts, watches stories, writes in Direct. Inactive profiles that do not visit your page and do not react to the content in any way will simply not see your post in the feed, no matter how cool it is. So, the whole point of having such subscribers is lost. nine0003
Of course, if you have a personal account, you do not advertise, you are not interested in the level of involvement, and you do not strive for popularity, but just want to clean up your profile, then the main thing for you is to comply with the limits.
This is interesting: 31 ways to increase the reach and impressions of posts on Instagram*
How to remove followers on Instagram*: an overview of all methods
How to get rid of unwanted followers.
Instagram* has simplified the way to delete followers. Previously, you had to look for an account, go to it and block it in order to remove it from subscribers - now everything is much easier. nine0003
Go to your page. Click on the "Subscribers" section.
Click "Delete" next to the desired account. Here you can also subscribe, if necessary (blue button "Subscribe").
Using services
Manual removal will take a lot of time, especially if you have thousands of unnecessary subscribers, so you can use the services.
Services for deleting Instagram followers*:
- InstaHero - there are three ways to remove bots: automatic, manual with settings, for selected categories, for example, in a couple of clicks you can remove all inactive or mass followers subscribed to you.
Below we show an example of working with this service.
- Spamguard is a cloud service designed specifically for the quick removal of subscribers. Here you can choose who exactly to delete, as well as set up a White list of the desired profiles.
- Instaplus - mass blocking according to a given list or automatic removal of inactive subscribers when the limit is reached. But the main direction of the service is mass activities and mailings to Direct.
It is better to choose services where there is manual deletion with the maximum number of parameters, as well as the ability to set a time period and limits for actions. Fully automated services can make mistakes in identifying low-quality audiences and remove the wrong ones. In addition, dubious services and scripts can get banned from Instagram*. nine0003
How to properly delete followers on Instagram*
We show the best way - using the service, with the ability to fine-tune the deletion. We will work in the service InstaHero , go to the service website and register. Use POSTIUM promo code to get a 15% discount on account analysis and deleting followers.
Step 1 . After you have registered and logged into your personal account, you will need to do a full analysis of your account. This will help to identify low-quality audience - bots, commercial accounts, mass followers and others. For analysis, add an account to the system and click "Make a free analysis". nine0003
Next, in the menu on the left, click "Payment", and then add the "Account Analysis" service to the basket.
Scroll down below to enter the promo code and get your discount. Please note that the promo code is only applied to the first payment.
After the analysis of the account is completed (the analysis time depends on the number of subscribers), you will receive a notification to the email specified during registration. The results of the account audience analysis will look something like this:
Step 2 . By the same principle as the analysis, go to the payment section and buy the account cleaning service. Then, in your personal account, go to "Services - Removing bots".
To start deleting bots on an account, you need to add an account to the system. To do this, click "Authorize account" and enter the password for the profile.
Step 3 . Now let's move on to setting up an account cleanup. We recommend that you start cleaning by category - we delete inactive profiles and mass followers. With commercial and foreign accounts, you should work more carefully, through the manual settings mode. nine0003
Immediately below you will see the result of filtering your subscribers by the specified categories. Here you can download a list of these accounts, undo the deletion of someone, or go to the page of any account.
Finally, set the number of deletions per day. How many subscribers per day can I delete? When cleaning for the first time, it is better to start with 30-50 deletions per day, after about a week you can increase it to 100. Any values above can lead to a temporary blocking of actions and, in case of permanent violations, to an account ban. nine0003
All that's left is to run the removal and you're great!
Recommendations and tips for deleting subscribers
Or how to do everything so that your engagement does not fall or your account is not banned. And also not to remove potential customers.
Tips :
- Correctly understand what inactivity is. Just because a person doesn't like or comment on your posts doesn't mean they won't buy anything from you. But if he hasn’t logged into his account for a long time and hasn’t posted anything, most likely his account is abandoned and then it makes sense to delete such a profile from subscribers. Before creating a deletion list, we advise you to go to the account page and see when the last post was posted and if there is a story.
If there are no publications for several months or years, you can delete it. True, there are exceptions here too - there are people who register on Instagram * only to follow the publications of friends and relatives. But by removing such profiles, the risk of deleting a potential client is still much lower than when deleting those who are not active on your page, but in general, are active on Instagram*. nine0009 Important: you must have a good understanding of who your target audience is. If the account is not active on your page, but in all respects fits the target audience, it is better not to delete it.
- As for commercial accounts, there are also live people behind them, and sometimes they are still active. Here it is worth looking to see if the account is your direct competitor, and if it spams advertising under the posts. Is he trying to lure subscribers. It may be worth creating a collaboration with someone from commercial accounts instead of deleting it.
- Foreigners are often removed from subscribers. But here you also need to look at specific people. For example, Arabs and Indians are often active in the comments, that is, they positively influence the level of engagement.
- You can not delete subscribers abruptly and immediately. For example, 5,000 per day. Ideally, removing old subscribers should go hand in hand with adding new ones. For example, 100 new subscribers signed up for you per day, so you need to delete no more than 100. This is not an ironclad rule, but it will help to avoid a sharp drop in engagement. nine0078
- Work on your account comprehensively. The most common misconception about removing followers on Instagram* is that cleaning accounts will help increase engagement. But the reason may not be bad subscribers at all - in order to increase the level of engagement, in addition to cleaning the account, you need to develop it and constantly work on the quality of content.
- Respect limits.
We already wrote about the limits above.
- Don't use gray promotion methods. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the services - you just need to do everything carefully. If you clearly understand who your target audience is, understand how the limits work, and why Instagram* can ban you, and the service meets security requirements, you can speed up the process of recruiting subscribers. nine0078
When you can delete all followers on Instagram*
In some cases, you can not waste time analyzing the audience, but simply delete everyone from the list (but do not forget about the limits).
For example :
- Mistakes were made when collecting the target audience, and as a result, strangers turned out to be subscribers, and not your target audience (not if the purpose of maintaining an account is sales. At the same time, such an audience can still be active) .
- The account has changed the subject - for example, you decided to start a different business. Let's say you were selling auto parts, and then you decided to do women's training - it's obvious that you need a new audience of subscribers. nine0003
- Zero activity on the account and complete removal will not greatly affect the level of engagement. That is, it is faster to delete everyone than to figure out who is a bot and who is not.
- There are too many unnecessary profiles in relation to the active audience, so it's easiest to delete and re-create the audience.
P.S. Deleting all subscribers is more expedient than deleting an account and registering a new one, because fresh accounts have different limits and, in general, they are more attentive to algorithms. The account will have to be “warmed up”, and this is time and resources. nine0010
An alternative to deleting followers on Instagram
If a person is active, but behaves inappropriately, for example, often writes about irrelevant things, you can restrict their access to your account, for example, by hiding their comments from other users. To enable the "Restricted Access" function, you need to go to the account page, click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner and select the "Restrict Access" item.
You can also block specific users. This makes sense if you deleted the account, and he signed up again. Such a user will not be able to find your profile, stories and posts and will not know that he has been blocked. Blocking is located in the same menu as access restriction, the section is called "Lock". nine0003
When deleting followers on Instagram*, always remember the rules and expediency of these actions - respect the limits, do not delete too many at once, do not delete everyone in a row. Also, keep in mind that purging followers alone is rarely enough to increase engagement rates — it takes a set of actions to achieve this.
Useful Links:
- How to Get Reels Recommendations
- 10 services for analyzing Instagram* statistics
- How to check Instagram* account for cheating bots
- TOP 10 sites for cheating views in Reels
*Locked in the Russian Federation and owned by Meta, a recognized extremist organization in Russia.
how to unsubscribe from yourself + cleaning from bots
I know, I know, you want to clear your account of fake pages, remove bots from your followers on Instagram.. BUT! There are other categories of extra followers that spoil the statistics, and your Instagram suffers from them. And some profiles need to be left on the contrary. Therefore, I will immediately go with trump cards:
- Leave the Arabs behind. Not always, but often they are, to everyone's surprise, a very active audience;
- Filter commercial pages . Not all commercial profiles are useless, because people are hiding behind them too;
- Be careful with inactive ones. If a person is not active, this does not mean that he will not buy.
This begs the question, why clean followers on Instagram at all. The more followers, the better, right? But not everything is so simple. nine0003
And here's the thing - I'm telling you. Social media algorithms today take into account user activity when promoting an account. And what can I say, advertisers choose bloggers based on the engagement rate (ER), and not on the number of subscribers.
Inactive followers are removed to increase audience loyalty and activity. Roughly speaking, the total number is decreasing, but the quality is improving. Only those who are really interested in the account and who actively interact with it (like, comment, repost, etc.) remain. nine0003
A simple example: one blogger has 10,000 subscribers on a page, and under each post there are about 500 to 1,000 likes and comments. Another blogger has 50,000 followers on his account, but publications still collect the same 500 - 1,000 likes and comments.
It is clear that a potential advertiser will choose the first blogger, since the activity and loyalty of his audience is much higher. It is possible that the same number of people will see the product - but it is obvious that the opinion of the first blogger is important and authoritative for the audience. Accordingly, they will buy the advertised product more actively. nine0003
How to remove followers on Instagram
There are several methods to remove unwanted followers on Instagram. Through services and applications, it is convenient to delete subscribers in bulk - bots and inactive users will be immediately visible.
You can also manually delete unnecessary accounts, but you yourself understand that this will take a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, if you need to get rid of a couple of accounts, then you can clean up the whole thing with pens.
1. Service
There are not many online tools that specialize in cleaning profiles. I have collected for you the TOP-5 sites that will cope with this task quickly and efficiently - most importantly, they will not harm your account.
Service | Cost (per month) | Free access | Who/what can be removed |
InstaHero | from 199 ₽ | Yes | - Bots; nine0271 - Massfollowers; - Foreigners; - Inactive profiles; - Commercial accounts. |
Spam Guard | Individual | Yes | - Bots; - Foreigners; - Inactive profiles; - Commercial accounts, spam. | | from 299 ₽ | Yes | - Bots; - Live, spam. |
Zengram | 1 032 ₽ | Yes | - Bots; - Live, spam. |
All services work on the same principle. Let's figure out how to clear your account from bots in one click.
Step 1. Audience Analysis
As soon as you add your profile to InstaHero, your free audience analysis will start. Please note: the service will check 30% of followers for free, but no more than 1,000 people.
But if you pay for a full analysis, detailed information on your subscribers will open - as well as access to the bot block. You can clear Instagram from bots only for a fee.
For fast bunnies. If you have already understood that cleaning your profile is important and necessary, then quickly follow the link -> InstaHero ( with the promo code "INSCALE" 30% discount on a full analysis) .
Step 2. Choosing a method for cleaning subscribers
Next, decide whether you will clean your account from subscribers yourself or leave this task to the service. Consider the example of InstaPlus. nine0003
- Automatic cleaning
More suitable for removing Instagram bots. To automatically purge bots, select "Data collection" and then "Subscriber activity". Next, choose the cleaning time and that's it, it's 10 minutes;) I recommend unsubscribing live subscribers from yourself manually.
- Cleaning by parameters
Suitable for those who want to unfollow themselves from inactive live subscribers, commercial accounts and bots. To take advantage of such an account cleaning from followers:
Specify the subscriber parameters required for deletion. You can filter subscribers by profile completeness, number of posts and subscribers, date of last publication, and other parameters. We remind you that Instagram has a limit on the safe deletion of followers.
Life hack. Optimize your customer interactions on Instagram with MyBotan. The chatbot will automatically respond to messages, save data about the client and his requests. And you can not only choose a ready-made answer template, but also create your own. Agree this will facilitate the work in the social network? Click and test 3 days for free -> MyBotan

The second way to clear the list of subscribers quickly and safely is to use mobile applications. The table below shows the TOP 5 tools for iOS and Android that will automatically remove bots and other "garbage" from your account.
Appendix | Platform | Who/what can be removed | | Android | - Bots; - Inactive. nine0269 |
Follower Manager | Android/iOS | - Bots; - Inactive. |
Followers & Unfollowers | Android/iOS | - Bots; - Inactive; - Non-reciprocal. |
iMetric | Android/iOS | - Non-reciprocal. |
Twitly | Android/iOS | - Non-reciprocal. |
For example, I'll show you how to bulk delete them from your phone in the Follower Manager app. It works stably on both iOS and Android.
After connecting an Instagram profile on the Ghosts tab, you can view and delete the list of people who do not like you, that is, bots and an inactive audience. This feature is available on the PRO plan.
Delete subscribers3. Manually
This method, of course, is long and dreary (especially if you have accumulated a lot of garbage in your account), but it is absolutely free. nine0003
- How to unfollow yourself without blocking
Go to the Instagram application itself from your phone, then to the “Followers” section. Here you can select accounts from the general list or use automatic selection of profiles to which you have not subscribed in response or with whom you interact the least. Next, next to the desired one, simply click the "Delete" button.
Manual method Important. Do you want to sell on Instagram* to 5 new customers daily? Then we recommend that you use mass subscriptions and likes, which are considered the most profitable way to attract subscribers and buyers. The main assistant for mass actions is Click and test the service -> ("INSCALE" 20% discount). nine0003
- How to unsubscribe a person with blocking
The most useless - spammers or bots - can be blocked to restrict their access to your profile. To do this, go to the follower's profile, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and click "Block" in the drop-down list.
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Tips for Removing Unwanted Followers
Many Instagram users consider removing bots a panacea that will instantly increase reach and improve profile statistics. In reality, things are often not so rosy. Moreover, for a sharp mass unsubscribe, you can catch a ban. Therefore, I have collected for you TOP tips that will protect you in the process of total cleaning.
- Take your time. Be aware that a quick purge will result in a drastic reduction in reach (especially if you're deleting live or offer followers), which can trigger issues with advertisers. Read more here. And by the way, do not delete a large number of followers - no more than 1,000 per day, otherwise they will block; nine0078
- Study target audience. To remove a non-targeted, cold audience, you must have a clear client profile. Otherwise, you can lose live people in your account who are capable of targeted actions. Plus, analyze engagement. Its normal level is 5-10% (calculate here, using the promo code "INSCALE" 30% discount + 7 days of access), but it's not a fact that the problem is in bots;
- Respect the limits . If you have a young page, do not make more than 200 unsubscribes per day.
If the profile is more than 1 year old, it is allowed to delete up to 1,000 non-reciprocal and the same number of mutual followers. At the same time, the average unsubscribe interval should be 40-60 seconds; nine0078
- Do not use mass following . Do not use gray methods to attract an audience during the automatic removal of bots, otherwise Instagram will block you for suspicious activity ;
- Engage your audience . Replenish the balance of subscribers. These must be real people, so to attract interested users, it is better to use targeted advertising on Instagram. In addition, attract new followers with the help of promotions and contests on Instagram: give discounts on the first purchase for a subscription or raffle prizes among those who left a comment under the contest post; nine0078
- Beware of dubious services. If they are without flexible settings, they can remove the right people.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Let me remind you again - when deleting unnecessary followers in IG, remember the rules: follow the limits and do not delete 100,500 people at once. Now fix the information:
- What is the difference between deletion and blocking?
If you have blocked a user, he will no longer be able to see your profile, comment on publications and write to Direct. With a standard deletion, access to your account will not be restricted, and a person will be able to re-follow you at any time.
- How to get back a deleted follower on Instagram?
It cannot be returned automatically. If you deleted a user by mistake, but remember his nickname, you can write him a message with an invitation to subscribe back. nine0003
- How to unblock a user?
Go to Instagram settings, select "Privacy". Next, click on the “Blocked Accounts” button and unblock the desired users. After that, the person will again be able to view your page and be active on it.
- Which users exactly should be deleted?
In general, it’s worth deleting bots, commercial accounts (but there are exceptions), abandoned pages, mass followers, and inactive foreigners (we leave the Arabs, do you remember? :)). nine0003
- How often should you purge followers?
Instagram recommends deleting no more than 20 followers per hour (300-500 per day, break 24 hours). IG considers subscriptions and unsubscriptions together, i.e. if you subscribed, conditionally, to 60 people per hour, then you can unsubscribe only in the next hour.
Sergey nine0003
Briefly about the main thing
How to remove unnecessary followers on Instagram without harming your account, figured it out. If you are still in doubt, then catch the information about what can happen to the profile in the presence of excess "garbage".
- Decrease in involvement. nine0012 With an abundance of trash profiles, engagement rates will decrease, this will entail a number of other negatives;
- Loss of confidence. A large number of low-quality followers may cause suspicion that these are bots, and you bought them, and send spam yourself;
- Downgrading. Instagram algorithms omit posts from accounts that have a lot of inactive followers in the profile, that is, the post may be lost in the feed; nine0073 Low cost of advertising posts. If you are a blogger and sell advertising, then with a dead database you definitely will not see mountains of gold.
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