How do i find my top nine on instagram
Top Nine for Instagram | Best of 2022
Important announcement for Top Nine 2022.
Read our blog post here.
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Find and share your Top Nine Instagram posts and reels from 2022.
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Top Nine #Recap2022 Reels template
Join #Recap2022 and #TopNine2022. Download your Top Nine Instagram posts to your photos. Upload them to any of the templates!
Download my Top Nine
"Because if it's not on your Top Nine grid, did it really happen?" - Refinery 29
Read all press from Mashable, CNN, The New York Post, and many others sharing the story behind the #TopNine trend.
Read Press15,000,000+
Top Nine Grids Generated
What started as a simple tool for Instagram, grew into the biggest Instagram trend of every year, regardless of the pandemic.
More than 1,000,000 posts with #TopNine.
See all #TopNine →
Behind Top Nine
We launched the Top Nine app 6 years ago,
starting the biggest Instagram trend.
Learn more about us
Important privacy and security warning when using Top Nine
Top Nine became a huge trend, making it attractive for malicious actors exploiting the trend by creating Top Nine clones.
- Never share your Instagram password.
- Make sure you are on Instagram.
- Learn who the developer behind it is.
Read the full warning
Top Nine templates
You can now choose from dozens of static and animated video templates.
Download the Top Nine app to use all our templates.
Download Top Nine
You can generate your Top Nine collage for 2022 using or the Top Nine apps! Just enter your Instagram username, email (to be notified when it’s ready), tap "Get my Top Nine" and boom! You’ll receive your Top Nine in your email box right away.
Top Nine is both an app, and an Instagram trend. The Top Nine app is a tool that we created to help you generate a collage featuring your Top Nine Instagram photos of the year. The app went viral and grew into a trend where every year millions of Instagram users, influencers, and celebrities share their Best Nine Instagram moments of the year using the Top Nine app.
The Top Nine trend was created by a team of engineers, marketers, and designers building awesome tools and apps for social media. You can learn more about who is behind Top Nine on our About Us page.
Your Top Nine Instagram posts selected by the Top Nine app are not only the most-liked Instagram photos. We believe that your Top Nine Instagram posts should represent your best 9 moments of 2022, and those are not just selected based on the number of likes they have. There's a very complex algorithm in place to select these. In fact, that’s what makes Top Nine unique :)
The algorithm selects your Top Nine Instagram posts based on a number of factors: number of likes, comments, among others. You can read more about how the Top Nine algorithm works following this link..
Top Nine is developed and maintained by a team with years of experience building tools and apps used by millions of users. Your data and Instagram account are safe, and we never gain access to your Instagram password because the authentication process happens on itself. You can read more about security and privacy using Top Nine following this link.
In certain cases, like when your account is private, we may ask you to sign in to Instagram to provide us with read-only access to see your Instagram posts. This sign up process happens on, meaning we don't have access to perform any other action than "reading" your Instagram posts. We don't have access to any settings, messages, or any other part of your Instagram account.
User privacy is super important to us. We never use your email address other than to make sure you get the best out of Top Nine. Top Nine is used by millions during December, which can cause some service delays. This means you may have to wait a few seconds for your Top Nine to be generated. However, entering your email enables us to deliver it to your inbox as soon as it's ready, so you don't have to wait on the app. Receiving this notification is just one use case, but most importantly, your email is our way to provide support to your account, in case you run into any issues. You can read about how we use your email and more about how we handle your data on our Privacy Policy.
Apps named "Best Nine for Instagram" are not provided by us. Many clones that claim to be Top Nine or similar services are currently available on the App Store. We receive messages from people explaining that they used our app when they've actually used an app called Best Nine or a Top Nine clone.
We understand this confusion as Top and Best are used as synonyms in many articles, but the name of our app is "Top Nine", and it's only available on,, and our official mobile apps linked from our official websites. If you use a different Top Nine app, the selection of the 9 photos will be different, and more importantly, we can only ensure the security of your account if you use our app.
Top Nine is the original app that started the Top Nine Instagram trend, and the one trusted by millions of Instagram users, influencers, and celebrities. That’s the reason why every year it gets to the #1 spot of the App Store in most countries, including United States . Also, the Top Nine algorithm, together with our commitment to data privacy and security , is what makes us be trusted by each of those millions of users. This enables us to continue building more creative ways to re-live and share those best moments of your year in new formats, building new tools for creators year after year.
This year, Instagram launched #Recap2022, a Reels template where users can add their photos and videos. However, Instagram is not choosing the Top Nine Instagram reels and posts of the year. Most people go to to find their Top Nine posts and reels.
That's why most of the 2022 recap reels have nine photos or videos, and everyone posting with the #2022Recap hashtag is also posting with #TopNine.
As creators of the trend, we love seeing the Top Nine trend is still alive!
Instagram has an advanced feature where users can choose to hide the like count on specific posts. Unfortunately, you need to enable like counts on all of your posts for Top Nine to work properly.
If you decide to change your settings on your posts, please wait up to 1 hour for Top Nine to refresh your Top Nine.
Find your Top Nine!
Used by celebrities and influencers, even by Kylie Jenner since 2018! Sharing your #TopNine has become the best way to rediscover your best nine Instagram moments from 2022.
Create Top Nine collage
How to Get Your 2022 Instagram Top 9
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Posting your nine most-popular Instagram posts is a hallowed year-end tradition. Here's how to do it.
By Dustin Nelson
Updated on 12/27/2022 at 10:11 AM
Another annual social media rite of passage has arrived. Every year, the denizens of Instagram post their top nine images of the year during that reflective final week of the calendar.
The Instagram top-nine can be grabbed from multiple sites, but the gist of it is always the same. You're pulling the nine most popular images you posted over the last year. It stitches them together into a single three-by-three grid so you can show the world all the amazing pics you snapped this year. Though, it doesn't pull from reels or stories, so maybe a top-nine doesn't mean as much as it once did, but it still makes for a pretty, shareable nugget for your timeline.
Thrillist TV
What Is Instagram Top Nine?
Top Nine is an app that pulls in your top nine Instagram posts (not stories or reels) of the year. It defines "top" as the ones that got the most likes. You drop in your account—don't share your password—and it plops out a three-by-three grid of the nine most-liked images you posted over the last year.
That image is, of course, ready to share. Though, you don't have to share it. You can store it away like a little treasure that only you know exists. You're in charge.
Top Nine, it should be noted, is a specific app. It is one of many that do the same thing. Top Nine is popular because it has been around since 2016, and it does not require you to give over your password. For your security, you probably shouldn't use any app like this if it requires that you enter your Instagram password. You also shouldn't have to grant any app special permissions to get your image. That may be a sign that your data is being compromised.
How to Get Your Instagram Top Nine
The routine changes a bit year to year, but it is almost always remarkably straightforward and, importantly, free. One way to get it is to head to the Top Nine website. You'll find a field asking for your Instagram username. Drop it in there and it'll spit out your nine-picture grid.
Top Nine also has an app available through the Apple Store. The web version does not offer a clean download of your grid, but you can get that through the app. This year, the app is also offering a few different templates as well. It is recommended by Top Nine that you click a direct link to its app (provided above or on its website) because there are many other apps it says imitate what it does, but have significant security risks, which it highlighted in an extensive post earlier in December. Unfortunately, Top Nine does not offer an app for Android.
That's all there is to it. If you prefer to use Best Nine, another service doing the same thing, the process on its website is almost exactly the same. In my experience, Top Nine loaded my grid much faster.
However, any site making a #TopNine image for the year gets heavy traffic in the last week of the year. So, it may take a while before your image loads. You'll have to exercise a little patience before you can tell the whole world about the awesome trips and outfits that accented your 2022.
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Dustin Nelson is a Senior Staff Writer at Thrillist. Follow Dustin Nelson on Twitter.
Top Nine 2019: How to Review Instagram Photos Step by Step
This is the time of year when we all want to do a conscience check and take stock of our year, and among the digital tools we have at our disposal for this is the famous The nine best Instagram , which is a compilation of with the 9 most popular photos from our account. Do you want to create your 2019? Well, we will explain how to do it step by step.
December brings a lot: weekends, endless meals, gifts... and lots of digital resumes. For several years now, several platforms have been offering us a compilation of our online activity so that with a few clicks we can get an idea of the music we listened to the most on Spotify, how our activity was on Facebook what are our most popular photos on Instagram .
This is the last thing we're going to help you achieve today: these images uploaded to platform postureo par excellence, which were the most popular in this 2019. There are nine in total, which are always part of the summary (that's why it's called Top Nine, Top 9 or " top nine ") and once you've got a collage, you can post it wherever you want to please yourself and your followers - a common thing , of course, upload the post to your Instagram account, but what has been said is up to you. you and your will.
To get this summary, there are several online tools that are responsible for collecting your photos from your account information. Among them, our favorite (and without a doubt one of the most popular options) is . Cause? Well, mainly because it includes very few steps and, above all, it never asks for a password to access your account, which we recommend that you never expose this type of external service.
To get into the top 9 with this tool, you need to do the following:
- Internet access
- Enter your nickname or username on Instagram
- The website will indicate that the process may take a few minutes and that they will notify you via email. Write your email address in the field and click on the blue button " Find my best nine .”
- Sometimes this happens immediately, but if you wait, you'll receive an email notification as soon as your summary is generated.
- Log in and you'll see your top 9 most popular photos of the year along with other data: number of photos uploaded, number of likes accumulated and average likes per post.
- By clicking on the green "Download Now" button, you can download the image to upload it anywhere.
The only downside you can find on this website is that at the end it also asks you for e-mail which they store in their database. In case you don't want to give your usual, you can do two things: either use the one you use for ads and various themes, or instead, once you've uploaded your image summary, go to the Forget Me Section page the page itself and request deletion of your mail.
Happy end.
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Make your top nine for Instagram without watermark and passwords
December 30, 2021 Matt Mills How to enroll 0
In just a few hours, we will end this year 2021. And, as it happened in other years, you will certainly be interested to know what exactly your the most successful posts on Instagram this season. Every year the Internet is filled with applications and websites that live only for this curiosity. In this post, we will show you the easiest way to make this top whether you have an Android device or if you use an iPhone. And that's it, without putting your privacy at risk . Take action.
Top nine or Top nine is the top with nine images which is had the most likes on Instagram during the year. With the help of applications or web services, we get a unique image that includes the top, which we can upload to Instagram and share it with our followers.
As we said, there are many services for this, but this does not mean that it is positive. We have to be very careful when putting our data into a third party application. The application of our choice allows us to take the image without linking the application to our Instagram account . However, at the end of the post, we will show you an alternative if you prefer to use it.
How to become the best nine of 2021
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Looking a little at the web application panorama and services to make this famous top, we liked Best Mesh 9 the best0006 . This app is available in both the iOS App Store and the Android Play Store. It got a lot of publicity, but has a few advantages over all the other s and that's why it's our favorite.
The first advantage is that we will not need to enter the login and password to get the result. We will download it, we will receive the first advertisement and it will ask us to enter our account username. We can place our or another profile without any problems. Once this is done, the program will take over the Instagram data and form a 3 by 3 photo matrix with the most successful posts from the account we created.
Below you can choose a grid style and many details to customize your Top 9. Flaws? Some. First the app will show you watermark in the lower right corner of the grid. You can remove it no watermark mark in exchange for displaying ads. The same thing happens when exporting.