How do i find my instagram top 9

Top Nine for Instagram | Best of 2021

Important announcement for Top Nine 2021. 

Read our blog post here.

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Create your collage with your

Top Nine Instagram moments of 2021 and share using #TopNine.

Create Top Nine collage

Create your collage manually with templates

The automatic generation will be available very soon. In the meantime you can still create your collage manually with our templates!

Read more about this change.

Start creating now

"Because if it's not on your Top Nine grid, did it really happen?" - Refinery 29

Read all press from Mashable, CNN, The New York Post, and many others sharing the story behind the #TopNine trend.

This will also clarify that is the original Top Nine creator. Watch out for clones!

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Top Nine Grids Generated

What started as a simple tool for Instagram, grew into the biggest Instagram trend of every year, regardless of the pandemic.

More than 1,000,000 posts with #TopNine.

See all #TopNine →

Behind Top Nine

We launched the Top Nine app 5 years ago, starting a huge trend where millions of users shared their #TopNine post.

Learn more about us

Important privacy and security warning when using Top Nine

Top Nine became a huge trend, making it attractive for malicious actors exploiting the trend by creating Top Nine clones.

  • Never share your Instagram password.
  • Make sure you are on Instagram.
  • Learn who the developer behind it is.

Read the full warning

Top Nine templates

You can now choose from dozens of static and animated video templates.

If you liked our #TopNine2021 templates download the Top Nine app.

Download Top Nine


You can generate your Top Nine collage for 2021 using or the Top Nine apps! Just enter your Instagram username, email (to be notified when it’s ready), tap "Get my Top Nine" and boom! You’ll receive your Top Nine in your email box right away.

Top Nine is both an app, and an Instagram trend. The Top Nine app is a tool that we created to help you generate a collage featuring your Top Nine Instagram photos of the year. The app went viral and grew into a trend where every year millions of Instagram users, influencers, and celebrities share their Best Nine Instagram moments of the year using the Top Nine app.

The Top Nine trend was created by Beta Labs, a team of engineers, marketers, and designers building awesome tools and apps for social media. You can learn more about who is behind Top Nine on our About Us page.

Your Top Nine Instagram posts selected by the Top Nine app are not only the most-liked Instagram photos. We believe that your Top Nine Instagram posts should represent your best 9 moments of 2021, and those are not just selected based on the number of likes they have. There's a very complex algorithm in place to select these. In fact, that’s what makes Top Nine unique :)

The algorithm selects your Top Nine Instagram posts based on a number of factors: number of likes, comments, among others. You can read more about how the Top Nine algorithm works following this link..

Top Nine is developed and maintained by a team with years of experience building tools and apps used by millions of users. Your data and Instagram account are safe, and we never gain access to your Instagram password because the authentication process happens on itself. You can read more about security and privacy using Top Nine following this link.

In certain cases, like when your account is private, we may ask you to sign in to Instagram to provide us with read-only access to see your Instagram posts. This sign up process happens on, meaning we don't have access to perform any other action than "reading" your Instagram posts. We don't have access to any settings, messages, or any other part of your Instagram account.

User privacy is super important to us. We never use your email address other than to make sure you get the best out of Top Nine. Top Nine is used by millions during December, which can cause some service delays. This means you may have to wait a few seconds for your Top Nine to be generated. However, entering your email enables us to deliver it to your inbox as soon as it's ready, so you don't have to wait on the app. Receiving this notification is just one use case, but most importantly, your email is our way to provide support to your account, in case you run into any issues. You can read about how we use your email and more about how we handle your data on our Privacy Policy.

Apps named "Best Nine for Instagram" are not provided by us. Many clones that claim to be Top Nine or similar services are currently available on the App Store. We receive messages from people explaining that they used our app when they've actually used an app called Best Nine or a Top Nine clone.

We understand this confusion as Top and Best are used as synonyms in many articles, but the name of our app is "Top Nine", and it's only available on,, and our official mobile apps linked from our official websites. If you use a different Top Nine app, the selection of the 9 photos will be different, and more importantly, we can only ensure the security of your account if you use our app.

Top Nine is the original app that started the Top Nine Instagram trend, and the one trusted by millions of Instagram users, influencers, and celebrities. That’s the reason why every year it gets to the #1 spot of the App Store in most countries, including United States . Also, the Top Nine algorithm, together with our commitment to data privacy and security , is what makes us be trusted by each of those millions of users. This enables us to continue building more creative ways to re-live and share those best moments of your year in new formats, building new tools for creators year after year.

Find your Top Nine!

Used by celebrities and influencers, even by Kylie Jenner since 2018! Sharing your #TopNine has become the best way to rediscover your best nine Instagram moments from 2021.

Create Top Nine collage

How to Get Your 2021 Instagram Top 9

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Post your nine most-popular images from Instagram is a hallowed year-end tradition.

Here's how you can do it, too.

By Dustin Nelson

Published on 12/28/2021 at 9:00 AM

Photo by Hadrian /

Let's skip the euphemisms and just say it's been a year. Another one. You deserve to spend the last days of the year remembering the good parts of 2021 for you, whatever they may be. Maybe it's that time you impulse-bought the Bernie Sanders mittens. (Yes, that happened in 2021.) Or when you made that great joke about Ever Given during a Clubhouse chat. 

Instead of rewatching Godzilla vs. Kong or flipping through the best photos from the Perseverance rover, you could also grab your Instagram Top Nine. That's become a hallowed year-end tradition at this point. You get that little square image of the little square images people who like your little square images liked the most. You can do it again this year. 

However, unlike Spotify Wrapped or your Goodreads moments, you can't get the best of your 'grams right in the Instagram app. You'll need to use a separate app to get the image and then jump back into Instagram to share it. It's not convenient, but we can help you make it easy with apps like Best Nine and Top Nine.

Thrillist TV

What Is Instagram Best Nine/Top Nine?

This isn't likely to surprise you. They're apps. Both of them collect the nine Instagram posts (not stories) that got the most likes in your account and turn them into a three-by-three grid you can share on Instagram. Alternatively, you can just file it away in the recesses of your laptop and never look at it again. You don't have to share it.

There are other ways to get the shareable pictogram, but these are two of the best-known apps that will make the image for you.

How to Get Your Instagram Best Nine

These procedures always change just a bit from year to year. Both services remain free. However, while Best Nine can still be accessed from the web on your computer, Top Nine now requires you to use its Top Nine or Creator Kit app to get your image.  

The process can be a bit slow at times. Especially when the trend is at its peak, the services are churning hard to get through it all and it can take a bit.

Here's a step-by-step guide to ways you can grab your most-liked Instagram pics of the year.

Get your best of Instagram on a desktop:
Best Nine's website does not require you to log in or provide an email address. Though, it does run slower than Top Nine. On the homepage, you enter your Instagram handle. Then you're waiting. The next screen will tell you how long it's going to take to get your image. When I did it, my wait time was listed as 10 minutes. It took about 30 minutes in the end. In 2019 and 2020, it also said it would take 10 minutes and took more than an hour both times. 

Get your best of Instagram on iPhone:
If you're using the Top Nine app, it'll ask you for your Instagram handle/username. On the next page, the app will ask for your email address. You can enter it if you want, but you actually don't have to. There's an option to just carry on with your Instagram-adjacent business. Your Instagram Top Nine will come together on the next page. Again, patience. It could take a little bit. That image will tell you the total number of likes you had in 2020 as well as revealing the nine images that got the most likes. If you do enter your email, though, you'll get a notice in your inbox when it's ready.

Get your best of Instagram on Android:
If you want an app that will work on Android, Best Nine 2021 in the Google Play store will do the trick. This year, this was the app that pulled my top nine the fastest. In addition to providing your most-liked images of 2021, this app will give you a "top nine" style image for your most-liked images of 2020, of all-time, or you can set a custom date range. 

Want more Thrillist? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Dustin Nelson is a Senior Staff Writer at Thrillist. Follow Dustin Nelson on Twitter.

      ©2022 Group Nine Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

      How to get to the TOP on Instagram 2021: by hashtag or geolocation

      Instagram, like any social network, has its own TOP where you can find the best photos or videos. Getting publications in the TOP can bring you new subscribers, views, likes and comments, and absolutely free. Of course, provided that you have decent content. Every IG account owner strives to be recommended, but the social network has its own ranking algorithms.

      In the article we will tell you what factors influence getting into the TOP Instagram, how to promote the publication and how to understand that you are in the TOP.

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      Read more>> Advertising

      Read also : How to promote an account on Instagram

      What is TOP on Instagram and what does it mean

      TOP on Instagram is a list of the best publications (photo or video) by hashtags, geolocation. To find them, you need to click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen.

      At the top there will be a search bar, click on it and get to the page with the sections "best, accounts, tags and places". Here you can enter any tag or geotag, they will be displayed in order of popularity. Click on a specific tag and get to the TOP. You can also see similar tags above it. The TOP consists of 9 publications, which include photos, videos and stories.

      There is also a TOP in the feed - when your posts are shown above the rest. Videos in the TOP start automatically. A photo or video can hang in the TOP for a day, or maybe even a few seconds - it all depends on the competition in your niche.

      Do not confuse TOP with recommendations, they are displayed as soon as you click on the magnifying glass icon. Recommendations are more personalized than TOP and are divided into categories:

      Recommendations are created separately for each specific user. Previously, the TOP was mostly celebrities with millions of likes and subscribers. Instagram developers have changed the feed ranking algorithm and now recommendations include content that is relevant to user requests.

      Also, do not confuse recommendations with the general feed, where only those you follow are displayed. The general feed will open when you click on the house icon.

      This is interesting : 10 data parsers from Instagram

      How to get to the TOP of Instagram posts and who is there

      Describe the main factors of getting into the TOP:

      • The faster you get feedback in the form of likes, views, and comments after publishing a post, the higher the chances of being recommended.
      • Bookmarking . This parameter is related to engagement and also affects search results. The more bookmarks, the better.
      • Number of comments . If your post has become the subject of heated discussions, the Instagram algorithm considers it interesting and promotes it in the recommended feed.
      • Subscriptions . Recommendations often include accounts of profiles that you follow.
      • Hashtags . In 2021, hashtags are no longer as influential as before. But in sum with all other factors, they also give a certain result. Recommended may include a tag that you yourself once used or associated with it.
      • Geolocation . Geotags also affect getting into the TOP. Instagram often shows posts related to a particular location.

      But it's not enough just to get to the TOP, you need to make users want to click on your publication. And for this you need to make an attractive, high-quality, juicy picture.

      How to get a photo or video to the TOP of Instagram by hashtag or geolocation

      What to do to get to the TOP with a video or photo? Consider the main success factors. These recommendations apply not only to publications, but also to the account as a whole:

      Create quality content . This is the first thing to start with. If earlier, it was possible to "wind up popularity", buy likes, subscriptions and comments, but now it does not work. Now engagement and reach rule, and they can only be increased by high-quality content that is interesting to subscribers. And everything is important here - the picture itself, and the meaning that you are trying to convey, and the personality of the blogger.

      Post regularly . Subscribers should not forget about you. Of course, if you are already a famous person or you have super unique content, your account will still be visited. But in all other cases, regularity is important. Post at least 2-3 times a week, preferably every day. Treat account management like a job and keep users' attention.

      Add geotags and hashtags . So you can be recommended by people associated with these geotags and tags. At the same time, you do not need to lay out a sheet of hashtags - for this you can already get into the shadowban for a long time. Hashtags that do not match the post are also not welcome. Leave 3-5 relevant tags.

      Live broadcast . They rarely get into the TOP, but if this happens, you can count on a large influx of new viewers.

      Post publications that you want to bookmark . This is useful information or just beautiful and unusual photos. Bookmarks often contain all sorts of life hacks, recipes, collections, checklists.

      Motivate users . Post engaging content that encourages comments. Play games, arrange raffles, make posts and stories in the Q&A format, use interactive content.

      Be active in the comments . Do not be lazy to respond to comments, this affects the coverage of the post and, accordingly, the ability to get into the TOP.

      Interact with other bloggers . You can engage in mutual PR or order PR for money. If you are advised by a blogger whose opinion is listened to, this will increase the interest of users in your account with all the consequences. You can also share a live broadcast with someone.

      Post when your audience is at its peak . Activity hours can be easily checked in business account statistics. The logic is simple - during the peaks of activity, you can quickly gain likes, views and comments, and this, in turn, affects the exit to the TOP. Help article : Best time to post on Instagram .

      Drive traffic from other sources . If you already have an audience in other social networks or have your own website, be sure to invite them to follow you on Instagram. More audience interested in you - more chances to bring publications to the TOP.

      Be active on subscriber pages . This is not about mindless spam and mutual activity. Make contact. The logic is this - you communicate with a subscriber on his page, draw his attention to you, he comes to you out of his own interest and is already active with you. If you know how to leave comments that attract attention, then in addition to your subscriber, his subscribers will also visit your page. And maybe even subscribe. The same can be done on the pages of competitors.

      Article in topic : 31 ways to increase Instagram reach - these tips will also help you get into the TOP recommended.

      How to find out that you are in the TOP

      Method #1:

      Log in to see the TOP from a PC. We log in to the web version of the application using our username and password, go to the search, enter a hashtag or geolocation and open the page with the TOP.

      The first 9 publications are the TOP. In the web version, they are called "Best Posts".

      TOP is said to be personalized. But it's not. It is easy to check - we copy the link and go to another browser, where you can open the site in private or anonymous mode, that is, without being tied to personal preferences. For example, you can open a link through TOR or Incognito mode in the Chrome browser (combination Ctrl + Shift + N). We see almost the same thing.

      Method #2:

      View statistics under posts - whether there are impressions by hashtags or geolocation. And in general, how the publication shot. To do this, open a specific post, under it click the "View statistics" button. There you can see the interactions, reach and source of impressions.

      Or go to the "Settings" - "Statistics" section and look at this information there.


      The desire to bring a publication to the TOP should be dictated by common sense - if it does not bring sales or does not bring a new audience, then you should not waste your time and effort on this. In practice, reaching the top on Instagram by hashtags or geolocation is one of the few ways to get free impressions and reach that should not be neglected.

      Useful links :

      • How to set up Instagram ads through Facebook
      • Top 10 Instagram Sharing Services
      • Instagram promotion training

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      • TAGS
      • Blogging

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      How to get 9 best photos on the Instagram for Instagram for Instagram for Instagram The developer of the application writes to us

      My name is Mikhail Lutsky, at the moment I am a master's student at a Moscow university. I work as an iOS programmer, mostly writing in Swift. I have been fond of programming for more than 7 years, I periodically use it for educational, work purposes, I participate in large hackathons. However, getting the experience of developing my own product is much more pleasant for me, and ideas suitable for implementation rarely arise and at the most inopportune moments, when all the deadlines are already burning. So it happened this time, when work began on the creation of

      This application will show your best Instagram photos of the year

      At the beginning of the 20th of December, my morning began with listening to a voice message from my friend Gleb, who in a sleepy voice said that it would be nice to develop an application that counts the total number of likes and comments on a user's Instagram for the outgoing 2019, and a tile of the nine most "liked" photos on a beautiful modern background. Naturally, with the ability to share the resulting collage and report in stories - after all, the user will want to brag about the resulting numbers with everyone, which means that others will learn about the application.

      The idea is not fresh in principle, but the idea was to make it as simple and attractive as possible for the potential user: the application should not ask for any authorization or email data, the picture should be juicy and really make the Instagram lover make a story with results. It would seem to sound good. However, to all this, one more necessary condition was added: the application must be in the App Store before the last days of the year. In other words, as soon as possible, literally right now.

      Just enter your nickname. No registration

      With the exams closed and some free time, I decided this crazy idea was worth it. Moreover, the experience of hackathons suggested that nothing is impossible.

      Two hours later I contacted my fellow programmers, we got together, discussed the work plan and the process started. I did iOS development, my friends did back-end, front-end, Android development, design rendering, testing.

      We decided to choose a client-server app concept, so that mobile apps first go to our server, which in turn receives feeds with posts and analyzes them to identify the most popular posts. This made it easier and faster for us to develop. For the mobile application, the Swift language was chosen as the most modern and fastest, while we decided to write the server in Go. In a short time, we managed to raise the server, write an application for iOS, as well as a website with the functionality of the application. Very soon we will have a release for Android.

      Through discussion, we came to the conclusion: under the photo collage, the total number of comments and likes will be displayed, and the collage itself can be sorted either by likes or by being discussed. The background of the story is dynamic: a gradient of bright cold colors that changes its shades.

      Application development process

      Time has passed unnoticed. Torn between everyday activities, development and control of the entire process, I did not notice how it was already the second day from the moment I received a voice message from a friend. Time was already pressing hard. After testing the application first on our own accounts, and then on celebrity accounts, we realized that everything really works. Under a beautiful tile of nine photos, the number of likes and comments is given out, and the background shimmers, creating a combination of bright colors.

      The most crucial moment came on the evening of December 22, when the deadline for uploading the build to App Store Connect was running out, because the store's moderator team went on vacation until December 27. If we did not have time to send our application, then all the work would be in vain, because we could lose relevance. And so, at about 23:00 Moscow time, we send the build for verification, write a request to Apple to be considered without a queue, and after 8 hours our application appears in the AppStore.

      The application was downloaded in the last hours

      The result of our work once again proved that it is possible to develop a product in the "extreme programming" mode from idea to implementation even in such an incredible time as a day. It is enough to get excited about the idea and invest in a 100% properly assembled motivated team, as it happened in our case.

      We have already found out our best photos. Try it too!

      We are currently preparing an update that we are going to release after December 27th.

      Learn more