How come facebook wont let me add someone

Why Can’t I Add Someone on Facebook? 8 Possible Reasons

Don't go getting insulted just yet

Facebook has become one of the most well-known social media sites, and currently has the most users among them. A lot of the appeal is being able to add friends who can follow and see what you post and vice-versa. So you may have come across the situation where you go to add someone, but the option to do so has mysteriously disappeared. 

There are many reasons you can’t add someone on Facebook, and it doesn’t automatically mean someone has blocked you. If you’re wondering what some of these other reasons may be, look at the list below to find out which one may be occurring for you. 

Table of Contents


    Their Privacy Settings 

    A common reason you may be unable to add someone on Facebook is because of how they may have changed their privacy settings. There are a few options on Facebook’s privacy settings that could not let you add someone. If this person has their Friend Request privacy set to “Friends of Friends,” and you have no mutual friends, you probably won’t be able to send them a request. 

    If you still want to send them a request, you can message them and ask them to send a request to you. Just be aware that since you aren’t friends, your message will land in the person’s message requests page. So it might be a while before they actually see your message. 


    The Account Is Deactivated

    You may also not be able to add someone if their account has been deactivated. When someone does this, usually their account will stay up in some form unless they completely deleted it. However, no one will be able to send friend requests to them as long as their account is deactivated. 

    If someone decides to log in to Facebook after deactivating their account, it will show up again. They can also still use Messenger while their account is deactivated, so if you wish to send them messages, you can still do this.  


    You Have Been Blocked

    On Facebook, a person can block someone else from viewing their profile or interacting with them in any way. Besides being unable to see their profile, you also cannot see their posts, photos, comments, and won’t be able to message them. You can see if someone has blocked you by trying to message them. If you’re not able to message them at all, you’ve likely been blocked. 


    You Blocked Them

    If you’re trying to add someone but can’t seem to access their profile, you might want to see if this is because you actually blocked them. If it’s been a while since you did this it’s entirely possible you forgot. 

    You can check who you’ve blocked as Facebook keeps a block list. To see this, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Blocking. On this page you should see a list of people you have blocked, and you can check to see if the person you’re trying to add is there. To unblock them, simply select the Unblock button beside their name. 


    They Have Reached Their Friend Limit

    There is actually a cap to how many friends you can have on Facebook. If someone has reached this 5000 friends limit, you will no longer be able to send them a friend request. If you try to, Facebook should notify you that the person has reached 5000 friends. 

    If someone who has reached the limit sends you a friend request, you still won’t be able to add them this way. If you try to accept the request, Facebook will not add them to your friend list or you to theirs. However, you can certainly still message anyone who has 5000 friends or over. 


    You Already Sent a Request

    It’s possible you may want to check if you’ve already sent a request to someone, as this will remove the option to add the person until they accept the request. If it’s been awhile since you’ve sent the request and they still haven’t added you, it’s easy to forget about it.  

    If you want to remind someone you’ve sent a request or ask them to add you, you should still be able to send them a message. It’s possible they’ve forgotten about the request or it got lost among other friend requests the person has received. 


    They Denied Your Request

    Another possibility is that the person has already denied your request. If you already sent a request and are unsure why you still see the Add Friend button, the most likely reason is that they denied your friend request. You can try sending another request if you wish, as long as the Add Friend button is still there. 

    Also, if they sent you a friend request already and you denied it, but you now want to add them, you may not see the Add Friend button if they have certain privacy settings. They will have to send you a friend request again. 


    Facebook Restricted Their Account

    Sometimes, if someone is reported to Facebook enough times or they’re found to be going against the Facebook guidelines, they will actually restrict the person’s account for a certain time period. The time periods can be anywhere from a few hours to weeks. During this time, the person will no longer be allowed to do specific activities. 

    This could be the reason you’re unable to add a person. You can try to wait awhile and then check back to see if you’re able to do so then. Sometimes Facebook may also restrict the person’s ability to use Messenger, so you may be unable to contact them this way as well. 

    Adding Friends on Facebook

    Since one of the main points of Facebook is adding and interacting with others, it can be frustrating when you run into trouble doing this. If you notice this issue is occurring with everyone you try to add, or you’re having errors adding people and can’t figure out why, you can always try to contact Facebook support to see if there’s something else wrong. 

    Hopefully you find your answer through one of these reasons, and can continue to interact with friends and enjoy the social media platform. 

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    Since she was a child, Kayla has had a fascination with technology, video games, and filmmaking. Growing up she wrote on multiple personal blogs about these topics, enjoying the process of breaking down technical concepts. Most recently her focus has shifted to writing, and Kayla now reviews and writes technology, video editing, and gaming related articles. Read Kayla's Full Bio

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    Why can't I add someone on Facebook?

    If you’re unable to see the ‘Add Friend’ button on a certain Facebook profile and get the question, ‘Why can’t I add someone on Facebook?’, check out this blog to know why!

    Right from its start, Facebook has changed the way we connect with friends and although it’s been over 16 years since the app was first launched, it continues to rule the social media rooster. Facebook has not only revolutionized the world but retained the trust of its users despite its many competitors.

    If you are an active user, then surely you’d be pressing the ‘Add Friend’ button quite often to connect with the people you know over Facebook. However, if at any instance you’ve not been able to see the ‘Add Friend’ button on a Facebook profile, and wondered why you can’t add someone, then this below blog is for you. We’ve given a detailed explanation of the various reasons due to which you can’t add someone on Facebook along with how to sort the issue.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS - Why can’t I add someone on Facebook?

    1. Either one of you has reached the Friend limit
    2. They’ve modified their Privacy settings to allow only friends of friends
    3. They’ve deleted your friend request
    4. You’ve blocked them or you’ve been blocked by them
    5. You’re blocked from sending requests
    6. Their account has been deactivated
    7. Their account has been restricted by Facebook
    8. They’ve marked your request as spam
    9. They’ve not accepted your request yet
    10. You’re already friends on Facebook

    Facebook Friend limit reached

    Wondering if there even is a friend limit on Facebook? Well, unfortunately (or perhaps, fortunately), there is. Facebook allows you to add a maximum of 5,000 friends. Beyond this, if you want to connect with someone, you’d have to change your account into a Facebook page.

    The Facebook friend limit bars you or that person from having more than 5,000 friends. So, even if you haven’t reached your limit, but they have reached theirs, then you will not be able to add them as friends. You can however follow them if they have a page, but they will not be able to see your posts unless they also follow you.

    Another point to know about the Facebook friend limit is that if a user has sent you a request before they hit the limit, and then touch 5,000 friends before you accept, you will now not be able to view their request.

    An easy way to fix it if you’ve reached your limit is to unfriend a few people from your friends list and bring the number below 5,000.

    They’ve modified their Privacy settings to allow only friends of friends

    Facebook lets you have a highly customizable experience as far as who can connect with you and see your activity is concerned. Under Facebook’s Privacy Settings, users are enabled to select who can connect with them on Facebook. One important privacy feature is letting only friends of friends send you friend requests, and not everyone, which is the default setting.

    So, if you are unable to send someone a friend request on Facebook and it’s also not showing that you have any mutual friends, then it’s most likely that the person has restricted their Privacy settings.

    In such a situation, you can try to connect with more and more people to eventually have a mutual friend with that person. Even if you have just one mutual friend, you will be able to add this person as a friend. If you do not want to wait that long, and you know them outside of Facebook, simply ask them to modify their settings for a bit or send you a request.

    They’ve deleted your friend request

    Wondering why someone isn’t on your friend list even though it’s been a while since you sent the request and you know that they’ve been active (maybe they’ve changed their profile or cover photo)? The person you are trying to add as a friend may have deleted your friend request. In this case, though, you can see the ‘Add Friend’ button on Facebook once they’ve deleted your friend request. Note that if they’ve changed their privacy settings, there are chances you may not see the button.

    You’ve blocked them or you’ve been blocked by them

    If at any point in the past you blocked a certain person on Facebook, then you can not add them as a friend, unless you unblock them first. Similarly, if the user has blocked you, then, too, you cannot send them a friend request. In fact, you will not even be able to view their profile when you search on Facebook.

    If you have blocked someone in the past but want to add them now, then you can check the list of people you've blocked in Facebook's ‘Blocking’ settings and unblock the said person. If they've blocked you, though, you can only wait until they unblock you. 

    You’re blocked from sending requests by Facebook

    To ensure that users enjoy the best Privacy options on Facebook, the app places temporary bans on users and bars their accounts. This is done to prevent spam/ abuse of the platform. So, it is likely that your account has been temporarily blocked from sending friend requests on Facebook due to any of the following reasons:

    1. You’ve sent a lot of friend requests recently
    2. You have a big number of friend requests that aren’t accepted by the receivers as yet.
    3. A significant number of users have marked your friend requests as spam.

    If this does happen, Facebook will notify you that your account has been temporarily blocked from sending requests. You will get such a notification in your Support Inbox (seen in Facebook’s ‘Help & support’. This block is only temporary and you should soon be able to add people on Facebook.

    Their account has been deactivated

    If you know that someone is using Messenger and want to add them on Facebook, but can’t find them, then it’s likely that their account has been deactivated.

    Facebook allows users to temporarily deactivate their accounts without completely erasing their data under the ‘Your Facebook information’ Settings. Through this option, most of the data on your page will be hidden from the users. So, if you are wondering why you can’t add on Facebook in spite of there being no other restrictions, then it’s probably because they’ve deactivated their account.

    Their account has been restricted by Facebook

    Similar to blocking you from sending friend requests, if Facebook finds that the other person has violated a lot of the platform’s user guidelines, their account will be temporarily restricted. In such cases, you may not be able to send a request to that person. To determine whether this was the case, you can check back after a few days to see if you are able to view the ‘Add Friend’ button now.

    They’ve marked your request as spam

    If you’d sent a request to someone in the past, but then they reported your profile to Facebook’s support, you will not be able to send a friend request again to this user.

    Facebook users can report an account for multiple reasons if they do not adhere to the Community Guidelines and if a user has done this to your profile, then they have reported your account as spam or taken some stern action against you, then you will not be able to add them on Facebook.

    They’ve not accepted your request yet

    Maybe you would have sent a request to someone and they’ve not accepted it yet. If it’s been a long time, then you could have also forgotten about having sent them a request and tried sending a request again. In such a case, Facebook will give you the option of canceling your friend request to this person on searching for them or opening their profile. So if this is the reason, you can remind them in person or cancel and resend your request so that they get a reminder about it again.

    You’re already friends on Facebook

    Yes, it might seem like quite an obvious explanation, but don’t rule out the possibility that you and the other person may already be Facebook friends. Of course, this doubt is easily cleared if you actually open the person’s page and check. Facebook will show that you are already friends on both the desktop and mobile app. If you have searched for the person and can’t see the ‘Add’ button in the list, then Facebook will show the ‘Message’ option for that person.

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