How can i make my instagram famous

How To Become Instagram Famous in 2023 [8 Steps]

Are you wondering how to become Instagram famous?

If you want to be the next Kylie Kardashian or Cristiano Ronaldo, we’ve got bad news — we can’t make Kris Kardashian your mom or bless your feet into super-stardom. (That’s asking a little much)

But we can show you how to find Instafame. After that, whether or not you surpass Ronaldo’s 464M following is up to you.

If you want to become Instafamous, there’s a pretty straightforward formula to follow. We’ll walk you through it in these eight tried-and-true steps.

1. Define your personal brand

2. Find your niche and cater to it

3. Listen to your audience

4. Engage your followers

5. Be consistent

6. Create quality content

7. Treat your Instagram account like a business

8. Manage sponsorship interest like a boss

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

These days, being “Instagram famous” means more than just having a large following. Instafamous accounts are usually influencers or creators, which means they can use their audiences to drive awareness about a trend, topic, company or product.

Instafame isn’t instant. You can’t buy a ton of followers, call yourself an influencer, and wait for brand deals to come rolling in.

That goes for folks who are the one-hit-wonders of viral videos, too. Sure, they might experience a brief flare of Instagram attention. But that fame will die out fast if they don’t keep producing high-quality content.

Take @flyysoulja, who had a monstrous 15 minutes on TikTok because of their viral “island boy” video. They now regularly post content on Instagram, maintaining over a million followers.

Source: @flyysoulja

The following steps take time and effort. But they’re consistent with the habits we see influencers and Instafamous folks using.

1. Define your personal brand

If you don’t have a viral video to springboard you into millions of followers, you’ll need to start at the beginning.

That means figuring out how you want to show up on Instagram. Remember, the “you” you put on Instagram is your brand. So your online identity needs to feel (and be!) authentic — your followers will know if it isn’t.

Branding can be an in-depth process. Here are five steps to defining your personal brand and some questions you can use as prompts.

Step one: Define your goals

Without clear goals, you won’t be able to measure your success. Start by thinking about why you’re pursuing Instafame.

  • Why do I want to become Instagram famous?
  • What does Instagram fame look like for me?
  • What milestones can I achieve to reach my goal of being Instafamous?
Step two: Find your differentiator

Next, consider what sets you apart from your competition. No matter your specialty, you’re probably entering a crowded market. Why should someone follow you instead of someone else?

  • What makes me stand out from the crowd?
  • What can I do better or differently than other personal brands like mine?
    • Note: This doesn’t have to be a huge difference — you could be the sassiest baker on Instagram, for example, or the most polite mycologist.
Step three: Write down your narrative

Your backstory is where you say who you are and what you care about. People remember emotionally-driven stories more than facts. Plus, staying on point with your copy is easier when you have a brand story to refer back to.

  • What is my story?
  • Where did I come from, and where do I want to go?
  • What motivates me?
Step four: Define your personality

You want your content to be consistent and recognizable. That means each post should reflect your brand’s personality in some way. Are you trying to inspire your followers? Teach them? Amuse them?

  • What are five words that describe my personality?
  • What is my brand voice?
  • How do I want people to see me? How do people actually see me?
Step five: Craft your personal brand statement

A personal brand statement is a short, catchy statement you can refer back to while creating your content. Externally, it can act as an elevator pitch.

Look at your previous answers and ask yourself, “Who am I? Why am I doing this? What makes me unique?”

You can put your personal brand statement in your Instagram bio. Consider, like creator Lauren Sundstrom has, pairing it down to the bare essentials of what your audience needs to know.

Source: @laurengsundstrom

Voilà! Now you’ve got a personal brand you can build your Instagram strategy around.

And a note: These answers will evolve with your brand. It’s meant as a guide, so don’t stress too much about perfecting it the first time.

2. Find your niche and cater to it

Once you know your differentiator (step 2 above), use it to target the niche audience that makes the most sense for your brand.

Niche followers are often fiercely loyal. Shared interests make for strong bonds and can make your relationship with your audience much less forced.

Once you understand your niche, find micro-brands adjacent to you and work with them. Trans woman, activist, model, and style aficionado Lauren Sundstrom posts regularly about only working with brands that share her eco-friendly outlook.


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A post shared by Lauren Sundstrom (@laurengsundstrom)

3. Listen to your audience

Your audience is your best asset. Typically, folks on the internet are mercilessly honest. If you ask a question, you can expect a real answer. When you are your brand, this can require some thick skin.

Solicit answers through questions and polls — and be specific. Open-ended questions like “What do you want to see more of?” likely won’t get you what you want. Instead, ask specific questions, like “Should I add color or keep it neutral?”


Pay attention to any repeat comments or questions. There may be a gap in your communication that needs filling. Give your audience what they’re looking for, and you can inspire brand loyalty.

Oh, and don’t stress about having a small following. That just means you’re a micro-influencer. According to Hypeauditor, micro-influencers (one thousand to ten thousand followers) have the potential to earn, on average, $1,420 per month!

If you really want to increase your audience size, though, here are 35 ways to build your follower list from scratch.

4. Engage your followers

Fame doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You can only be as famous as people are willing to pay attention. So, bring your audience in and engage them — and no, you can’t take a shortcut here. Using bots for engagement (believe us, we tried it) doesn’t work.

As tempting as it is to cut corners, a quality engagement strategy will have you reaping the rewards before too long. Strong engagement remains a key player in Instagram’s algorithm. The better your engagement, the more Instagram will put your account in front of folks, and the more your brand reach will grow.

5. Be consistent

Consistency breeds credibility! It may take some time to figure out your visual style, brand voice, and posting cadence. But once you do, keep it up. Folks will start associating your brand with a certain aesthetic and point of view, further cementing it in their minds.

A social media content calendar can be a lifesaver, helping you plan ahead and post consistently.

6. Create quality content

Instagram is and will always be a visual app. That means posting visually appealing content will always be important. You may need to take a photography course, buy some video equipment, or figure out how to edit your videos and photos with photo editing software

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

And remember: Genuine, authentic content attracts people. Once you’ve got the basics down, you can start optimizing your content with keywords, popular hashtags, powerful calls to action, and Instagram Live content.

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A post shared by Alaina Michelle (@iwasyoungandneededthemoney)


Treat your Instagram account like a business

Your Instagram account is how you get your product (you and your personal brand) out to the world. That means it’s now your business — so treat it like one.

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to transition to an Instagram business profile or creator account. You’ll gain access to detailed analytics and creator-specific tools.

Plus, a business or creator profile allows you to use third-party apps like Hootsuite (our personal favorite, obviously).

Hootsuite lets you schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, engage your audience, measure performance and manage your presence on other social networks — all from a single dashboard.

Hootsuite will even suggest your personal best times to post to your social media accounts directly within the publishing interface.

Try it free for 30 days. Cancel anytime.

8. Manage sponsorship interest like a boss

Now for the fun part — money! When you’ve reached a certain level of followers and recognition, you will have brands or organizations reach out to you with sponsorship opportunities.

You can also get proactive about chasin’ that cash. We’ve got expert advice on making money on Instagram.

Plus, when you’re ready to start reaching out to potential collaborators, you can use Hootsuite’s analytics to build out your brand pitch deck. Brands want to know that you’re a good bet, so being able to prove a strong engagement rate or high conversion can be a gamechanger.

Remember when you’re monetizing your account to stay on track to your Instagram stardom. Make sure you do it the right way by avoiding these common pitfalls:

  1. Don’t say yes to everything. You’ll want to treat your sponsored posts like your own content. If an offer doesn’t vibe with your brand, say no. And make sure you advocate for products or services you would use yourself.
  2. Make sure you’re comfortable with the compensation presented. If someone offers you “exposure” instead of something with monetary value, don’t be afraid to let them know you can’t pay your rent with “exposure. ” Or politely decline. It’s your account and your call.
  3. Don’t agree to anything you don’t fully understand. Did you receive a detailed campaign brief? What exactly is expected of you? Reach out for clarification if you’re unsure. Otherwise, you may agree to more than you bargained for or damage a potentially lucrative partnership.

Start building your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. Schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, engage your audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles — all from one simple dashboard. Try it free today.

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How to Become Instagram Famous (From 14 People Who Did)

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    Caroline Forsey



    Instagram is no longer just about connecting with friends -- in 2018, it has become an incredibly powerful platform for finding your voice and creating a business. In fact, Instagram's estimated mobile advertising revenue is expected to reach 6.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2018, compared to 1.8 billion two years ago.

    Nowadays, Instagram is capable of turning stay-at-home moms into successful hat designers, or a woman working in corporate wealth management into a world traveler. So it's no surprise you want to become an Instagram influencer, and reach a large audience with your own personal brand.

    Since I myself am not an Instagram influencer (I think an average 60 likes per post falls a little short of most brands' minimum for sponsorship opportunities), I set out to interview some real Instagram influencers in the industry, so you can get the full scoop.

    Throughout my conversations with these influencers, one thing became abundantly clear -- the term "famous" makes most of them uncomfortable. Apparently, "famous" denotes something less substantial than what most of these people are chasing. As Emma Hoareau (@emmahoareau), a beauty and travel influencer who boasts nearly 40k followers, tells me, "Don't set out to be Instagram famous! Create beautiful work and use the app as a source of inspiration . .. not a numbers competition."

    If you think about it, "fame" and "influence" are two drastically different measures of success. While fame is measured by a certain number, influence is measured by something a little less quantitative -- a deep, authentic connection with your audience.

    Here, we've compiled some critical tips from fourteen Instagram influencers, so you can get one step closer to sharing your brand with the world and influencing your own audience.

    How to Become Instagram Famous

    1. Make sure your content is genuine and authentic.
    2. Remain flexible and authentic as your brand shifts.
    3. Focus on your audience.
    4. Find micro-brands.
    5. Refine your photography skills.
    6. Be persistent.

    How to Become Instagram Famous

    Creating authentic Instagram content can help you on the road to becoming a social influencer whom businesses want to work with, but doing it right is just as important. Here's how to make your mark in Instagram, step-by-step.

    1. Make sure your content is genuine and authentic.

    Across the board, all the influencers in this list insisted on one tried-and-true practice -- authentic content.

    Emily Roberts (@thelipstickfever), pictured above, is a fashion and beauty influencer with over 57k followers. She told me, "Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to your content. It's better to post top notch images less frequently, than to post something subpar very frequently."

    To me, this makes sense -- the same is true for any type of content creation. An audience would rather read one high-quality Facebook status than a hundred less interesting ones. At HubSpot, we'd prefer to publish a few exceptional pieces of content per day, rather than laboring away to produce hundreds of barely average pieces.

    Emma Hoareau (@emmahoareau) concurred: "Make sure the content you're sharing is true to yourself, and try not to compare yourself to others. "

    Of course, authenticity is easier said than done, particularly when you're following other accounts and feeling envious of their posts or their brand image. You might, at times, doubt your ability to remain honest about your life when it's tempting to portray something a little shinier.

    Nic and Nat (@sneakymommies), two women who create kid-friendly, healthy recipes on their Instagram account and have over 6,000 followers, say you should "stay authentic and always be you. This means being truthful and honest about who you are both online and offline and staying true to your personal brand."

    Morgan Raphael (@bun_undone) a health, wellness, and inspiration influencer with nearly 15k followers, offers some advice when it comes to whether or not you need to find a niche. "I heard a lot of advice to find your niche and what makes you stand out, but truthfully, if you share your real self, people will relate and therefore respond by continuing to follow you and engage with your content. "

    Finally, Chelsea Martin (@passporttofriday), a travel blogger and influencer with over 17k followers, says commitment to your brand is critical -- "don't take just any collaboration offer that comes through the door. Stay loyal to your personal brand and your followers will stay loyal to you."

    While it can be tempting to take the first sponsorship offer you receive, long-term growth is about remaining committed to partnering with brands that can offer meaningful value to your audience, as well.

    2. Remain flexible and authentic as your brand shifts.

    When you follow Instagram influencers, you might feel like they joined the app with an inherent and instant understanding of their brand -- at least, that's how I've always felt. To verify this, I asked Nicole Loher (@nicoleloher), a health and fitness influencer with over 14k followers, whether she knew what she wanted her brand to be when she first created her Instagram account.

    Nicole told me, "I've always had a really pure goal to share a super authentic glimpse into my life -- no matter if it's good or bad -- because I ultimately moved to New York not knowing anyone … And 'making it' here was never and still is not easy. I think as my following began to amass, I realized I had a real platform to be an advocate for projects, communities and brands, I'm passionate about -- the most notable one being the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. That said, about three years ago, my brand started to shift. I went from being a girl who worked in fashion and beauty, to a competitive triathlete. It wasn't something I set out to do -- it just shifted as my life shifted!"

    It seems a key factor in remaining authentic and true to your audience is, ironically, allowing yourself to change direction. If your audience believes they're getting a glimpse into the real you, and if they feel connected to you, they'll ideally want to grow and change with you as you move throughout stages of your Instagram, and real life, journey.

    3. Focus on your audience.

    We've discussed remaining authentic and flexible as you create a brand identity on Instagram. Now, let's consider why this is important -- audience loyalty.

    An influencer doesn't become an influencer without creating a strong community, and developing a connection, to her audience. Emily Roberts (@thelipstickfever) says, "Always make sure you're focused on driving value to your audience, and hone in on what makes you truly unique."

    Ultimately, becoming an Instagram influencer is a professional role like anything else, so it's important you consider what you can offer your audience. Lauren Caruso (@laurencaruso_), a fashion influencer who boasts nearly 35k followers, advises, "Step one is definitely finding your niche, then figure out how to offer some sort of a service to the audience. It can be anything from outfit ideas, creative direction ideas, or helping them discover new brands -- just make sure you stay true to your aesthetic, rather than trying to be everything to everyone."

    Finally, Nic & Nat (@sneakymommies) told me, "People will want to connect with you if they view you as being relatable (human!), so being honest and sharing the good and the bad is what they want to see. "

    There's a reason the hashtag #nofilter has been used over 235 million times, compared to #sponsorship, which barely passes the 400,000 mark. Ultimately, Instagram is a platform meant to connect real people with true experiences. Make your audience feel like they're getting a glimpse into your challenges, and they're more likely to cheer on your successes.

    4. Find micro-brands to work with.

    Once you've created a brand and grown a loyal following, you might feel ready to reach out and get endorsed by certain brands. But direct messaging Nike or L'Oréal might not be your best initial strategy.

    Instead, Puno (@punodostres), a micro-influencer and business founder with over 14k followers, emphasizes the importance of micro-brands: "Micro-brands on Instagram are awesome, mostly because they are small businesses that are open to trade. Similar to you, they're looking to build their following. If you're an influencer with under 10k followers, product for trade is a great place to start creating content you want to get paid for, especially if you can find brands you love and are in the same boat (socially). Plus, they are more likely to mention and regram you."

    To find micro-brands, Puno suggests you use, a micro-influencer tool she created (the tool is used by clients like Refinery29 and Etsy). You can also find micro-brands by searching for hashtags related to your expertise. For instance, #healthyeating might connect you with brands, or other influencers, in a similar industry. Once you find brands you're interested in working with, you can either direct message or email them.

    Additionally, Jackson and Graham Buoy (@thebrothersbuoy), two food influencers with over 11k followers, told me, "One of our absolute favorite things to do is work with smaller brands or new restaurants who are still finding their voice and help them tell their story visually. We only promote things on our feed that we genuinely care about or use ... We just don't see the point behind content that is so obviously paid for and doesn't align with someone's personal brand, as it really defeats the whole idea of 'influencing. '" 

    For more information on sponsorships, check out, "How to Get Sponsored on Instagram (Even if You Currently Have 0 Followers)".

    5. Refine your photography skills.

    Oftentimes, it's easy to feel like your iPhone and Instagram filters are enough -- and, sometimes, they are. But to set yourself apart as an influencer, versus just an Instagram user, it might be worthwhile to invest in better photography and editing equipment.

    Chelsea Martin (@passporttofriday) says, "A professional camera and a great lens could make the difference between a good photo and an amazing photo -- which has more potential of being reposted by other accounts, therefore growing your audience."

    To set yourself apart, consider going the extra mile. Invest in equipment or a photography course to improve your skills.

    Jackson and Graham Buoy (@thebrothersbuoy), advise, "Investing in equipment is a great idea, but if you don't know how to use it, it won't get you anywhere. We would recommend spending money on sites like Skillshare, or even investing time in YouTube tutorials about photography and editing basics. Once you feel comfortable with that stuff and know you can take a good photo, then graduate to some higher quality equipment."

    Ultimately, you want to provide your audience with something valuable. Like any service, using the proper tools and taking online courses could lead to a bigger pay-off in the long run.

    6. Be persistent.

    As with any profession, one of the most critical components to becoming successful on Instagram is persistence.

    Morgan Raphael (@bun_undone) says, "I preach patience and self-love. Don’t give up, continue to write or post consistently and in time it will flourish. The comparison game can easily get in your head if you’re focused on numbers, so instead, focus on the meaningful content you’re sharing, remain proud of your work and keep going."

    Becoming an influencer isn't easy, and while it can be incredibly rewarding, it's only possible if you're willing to put in the time. Being passionate about your content will help you push through the challenging times.

    Christina, Jeannie & Eli (@fitcityblonde), three fitness influencers with over 8,000 followers, advise, "Post content that you're passionate about, build genuine and authentic connections, and GRIND. Don't be afraid to reach out to people to build your network, especially in person. Instagrammers often hide behind their pages, so it's unique when you're willing to establish actual human connections. All in all, keep it real, and work your tail off."

    I think we can all agree, whether it's influence or fame you're after, worthwhile endeavors are never easy -- but, hopefully, these influencer tips make your experience a little easier.


    Topics: Instagram Marketing

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    How to become popular on Instagram from scratch and without cheating

    If you are a beginner blogger and dream of becoming popular on Instagram, but don't know how, read this article. We will tell you what will help promote your account, and what you absolutely cannot do.

    1. Decide on a goal

    Ask yourself why you need popularity on Instagram at all, and what criteria of fame suit you personally? How many followers do you need to be happy? Are you going to earn on your account? Why people become Instagram bloggers:

    Advertising: 2VtzqwCpaPT

    • Promote yourself as a person and then monetize your talent . Some bloggers become popular solely due to their charisma. The brightest ones are noticed, invited to shoot in various shows, and contracts for advertising are concluded with them. For example, Nastya Ivleeva first became famous for her vines. Later, she was invited to become the host of the Eagle and Reshka program, and now she can often be seen in advertising and various programs + she is constantly being interviewed. nine0014
    • To make money on the blog . Someone opens an account solely for the purpose of selling ads on their profile.
    • To promote yourself as an expert . You can be an expert in some field, for example, a psychologist, stylist, physician, builder. Popularity on Instagram will increase your value as an expert - as a result, you can attract more customers, raise the cost of services, conduct online training, sell books.
    • As a hobby . Some bloggers just do what they love and want to share it with others. That is, initially they do not set themselves the goal of making money on Instagram. Of course, as their popularity increases, they also begin to switch to monetization.

    2. Refuse cheats

    Do not use cheats on Instagram. Any. At all. Just forget about them. The same applies to mass following, mass looking and other mass activities. And do not be fooled by the temptations and enchanting results that cheat services promise - social network algorithms have stepped forward a long time ago and instantly calculate black promotion methods, blocking dishonest bloggers. nine0003

    So you have to do everything on your own. But there will be more motivation to focus on the quality of the content.

    3. Make Stories

    Now stories on Instagram are the main type of content with their own atmosphere. Unlike the feed, where everyone is trying to make the photo prettier, with stories you can not bother much and just be yourself - anyway, they disappear after 24 hours. In stories, it is easier to interact with the audience - to find out their opinion, ask for advice, just chat on any topic. And new stickers appear regularly for them. You can not only record short videos, but also broadcast live. nine0003

    High engagement in stories has a positive effect on account promotion in general, so if you want to become popular, be sure to make stories and analyze statistics on them in order to understand in which direction to move.

    You can still make money on advertising in stories, but in order for advertisers to pay attention to you, you need to make high-quality videos and have a solvent audience in subscribers.

    4. Use graphic editors, templates, video makers

    This will help you improve your content and bring your ideas to life. From editors we recommend Snapseed, Facetune, VSCO Cam, Noir Photo, Afterlight, ColorSplash. Photoshop templates and masks are sold on marketplaces like Graphicriver. For video makers, check out our Top 10 Video Makers article.

    Photo processed in the editor:

    5. Actively interact with the audience Their presence, number and speed of appearance show how engaged the subscribers are in the content. If the algorithms of the social network understand that the page is interesting, then they begin to promote it. nine0003

    Several ways to motivate subscribers to interact:

    • make an engaging post: ask a question and ask for an answer in the comments;
    • offer to ask questions to you - to give answers to the most interesting ones in new publications;
    • arrange games for subscribers in posts and stories;
    • hold competitions;
    • use social network features that increase engagement, such as a poll sticker or quizzes;
    • to raise relevant topics in posts that will be actively discussed in the comments. nine0015

    Yes, of course, there are popular profiles with closed comments and even without photo captions, but, as a rule, their subscribers come from other sources, for example, from YouTube. It also happens with the profiles of famous people - they do not need to bother with the audience, the whole world already knows them. For example, Jennifer Aniston has only 28 publications with a minimum amount of text and more than 30 million followers on Instagram.

    6. Follow the trends

    Trends in the world and social networks are constantly changing, but you must always be “in the know”. Follow current events, read those who predict trends, see what competitors are doing. nine0003

    In 2020, Instagram is relevant:

    • virtual masks, like in Snapchat;
    • useful concise texts;
    • IGTV and vertical videos;
    • content with a focus on value;
    • naturalness;
    • video subtitles.

    Here's an example of a post that focuses on value:

    7. Make the most of Instagram

    The social network is constantly evolving and coming up with new features. Follow them and be sure to use them - subscribers are very active in responding to any new product. nine0003

    Each new feature of the social network pleasantly increases the reach and increases the involvement in the content. There's a new sticker for stories - make it one of the first videos with it before it becomes mainstream.

    For example, Instagram has launched a new challenge sticker, and so far few people know about it, but we have already written step-by-step instructions and ideas for challenges on Instagram.

    8. Promote your profile wherever you can

    In other social networks, in a personal blog (if any), in other communities. Now you can get a lot of free traffic from TikTok - attach a link to your Instagram account to your profile. nine0003

    If you don’t have an account on TikTok yet and don’t know what kind of social network it is, go read our publications on this topic: everything and even more about TikTok.

    9. Make a branded ribbon

    This means branded profile design, reduced to a single style - certain colors, fonts, filters, creative graphic elements. Branded design attracts attention more than just beautiful photos. You have your own unique style. nine0003

    This is a must-have for bloggers who promote themselves as a specialist.

    You can peep examples of branded design from commercial accounts, an example is

    10. Pay attention to the quality of the photo

    Yes, at first glance, the advice may seem banal, but whatever one may say, everything on Instagram is decided by visuals. And if you are unknown outside of social networks, then you can not count on popularity with bad photos. nine0003

    • buy a good camera or phone that can take good pictures;
    • take several similar photos to choose the best one;
    • for indoor shooting, buy studio lighting - inexpensive selfie rings with Led backlight are now in vogue;
    • try to take natural pictures - constant posing gives a fake;
    • process photos - we already wrote about editors above;
    • get a Bluetooth remote control - it allows you to take photos from a distance, helps out if there is no person nearby who can take a picture of you. The camera must support the Bluetooth function for the remote to work; nine0015
    • when posting photos, think in advance how they will be combined in the profile gallery;
    • do not copy other people's pictures, show individuality.

    By the way, you don't have to bother with stories like that - anyway, they disappear after 24 hours, unless you save them in Highlights.

    The most important tip of : remember that really cool Instagram accounts stand out with a single theme and a unique recognizable style. And also, that everything takes time - it will definitely not work out to become popular in a week. nine0003

    Useful links :

    • How to get into Instagram recommendations
    • 10 services for Instagram account analysis
    • How to make videos for stories
    • 10 services for mailing to Direct Instagram

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    40 tips, how to spur your Instagram 9000 put

    hashtags that will help increase the number of subscribers: #instafollow, #l4l (Like for like), #tagforlikes and #followback. nine0003

    2. Like as much as possible. For every 100 likes you give to random photos, you will get an average of 6 new followers.

    3. Run contest . The easiest way to do this is to post a themed picture and ask people to like it so they can participate.

    4. Start to promote profile on your pages in other social networks. Write what your blog is about and why people should read it and invite them to join. nine0003

    5. Be generous with likes and comments - this is the easiest way to attract new subscribers.

    6. Use common hashtags to make your photos visible in the global search. Among the most popular are #love, #instagood, #fashion and #photooftheday.


    7. Time matters. Research has shown that the best time to fast is between 2 pm and 5 pm.

    8. Subscribe on people who use popular hashtags (#followme, #likeforlike) because many of them will follow you back.

    9. Remember, quality is important , not quantity. Monitor your profile and leave only beautiful and high-quality photos. Believe me, no one is interested in flipping through hundreds of photos of salads.

    10. Love the Mayfair filter . Track Maven listed this filter on The Fortune 500 Instagram as the best choice for marketers. nine0003

    11. Check that you have completed the biography section . Complete it with suitable words and hashtags, and also provide a link to your website. But remember: no spam! Otherwise, subscribers will lose interest in the profile.

    12. Ask questions to subscribers. This is a great way to connect with your target audience.

    13. Publish on Sundays . It is on this day that people post photos a little, so your post will be seen by the maximum number of people. nine0003


    14. Be consecutive . Think about who and why you are doing this. The more clearly you answer these questions, the faster you will attract the right audience.

    15. Call people to action. For example, ask them to write their opinion about your photo in the comments.

    16. Don't be afraid to post often. It may seem that the more often the photos flash, the more indifferent the subscribers behave. But according to the Union Metrics program, there is no relationship between posting frequency and audience activity. At least negative. nine0003

    17. Follow suggested users. Go to settings and select "Find and invite friends" and then "Recommended users".

    18. Set geolocation to . This will be especially useful if you run an Instagram company. So you will have the opportunity to attract new subscribers-neighbors.

    19. Schedule publications with the Later program. Consistency never hurt anyone.

    20. Make a deal with a popular blogger about advertising your profile or product. So information about you will quickly scatter over the network.

    21. Studies have shown that blue images get 24% more likes than orange or red images. Post something blue and see for yourself!

    22. Let fasting on Wednesdays become your obligatory ritual. This is because posts get more attention and likes in the middle of the week.

    23. Write the word "comment" more often in posts. This encourages your followers to share their opinions and be more willing to join the discussion. nine0003

    24. Post photos showing 's face. According to research, such publications are 35% more popular than others.

    25. Tag in photos of people. Your post will also be seen by friends of friends.

    26. Remember the rule: the more light , the better.

    27. If you have a business account, create a branded hashtag . So users can specify it when purchasing a product. And it will increase your visibility on Instagram several times over. nine0003

    28. Share live photos. Show that behind the beautiful picture there are living people .

    29. Business trick: share photos of your followers mentioning your brand or product. This pleasant step shows that you value each client. In return, they will definitely share your photos in their feed.

    30. Brand yourself : Use your nickname for more than just your profile. A notebook, a case or a branded sticker on a car will surely attract the attention of potential subscribers. nine0003


    31. Invite 's Facebook friends to follow you. To do this, in the profile settings, select "Find friends on Facebook."

    32. People love stories. Share your experiences and thoughts, so you will gain their trust and establish contact. Just remember that the post should be emotional and bright, not snot in sugar.

    33. Tag people , even in stories, don't be lazy.

    34. Feel free to post ask for likes . As practice has shown, such publications receive 89% more likes.

    35. Plan ahead not only the time, but also the content. Prepare your materials and only then start filling out your feed. For example, write posts for a few days in advance, and then publish them gradually. The Instagram filling schedule will help you stay focused on the main topic of the blog.

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