How can i get featured on instagram

How to get your Instagram photos featured on large accounts

This is a chapter from my Photographer’s Guide to Marketing.

Alright, getting featured on large Instagram accounts. This is one of my favorite Instagram Marketing tactics because it’s a free and an organic way to grow your followers on Instagram.

By the way, this will take a while to do properly. But it’s more or less a one-time thing. Once you know which Instagram Accounts you should target and you know how to tag them, you can keep using that – if your content has a consistent theme of course. If your content is changing a lot, then it’s a different story.

What does it mean to get featured on another account?

It’s basically when a large Instagram account reposts one of your photos and tags you in the photo.

This brings new followers and engagement to your accounts.

There are a lot of large feature-accounts on Instagram that promote other people’s work. Here are a couple of examples of my recent features on other people’s Instagram accounts, with a link back to my account. This has helped my account grow a lot – but there are some things you need to know before you start pitching your photos.

Three examples

Because my Instagram account is strictly street photography photos, I can keep tagging the same large street photography pages and it’s not crazy time-consuming. See the examples here: 1, 2 and 3.

So how do you make other large Instagram accounts feature you?

First, you need to find accounts that will feature your type of photos

If your Instagram is about photography, you are in luck, since there are a lot of crazy big accounts featuring photography. Click here to scroll down to see a list of feature-accounts.

To find feature accounts specific to your topic, do this search on Google and replace “travel” with your topic.

When you have found your feature accounts, you should ask yourself:

Why would they feature your photo? What is in it for them?

And this is tough because we sometimes think our content is great and then we look at the feature-account and see that our photos are not even near the quality of the average post.

And here it’s important to be real with yourself.

If an account has 100.000 followers, you will need some really good content. And if the profile you target has 1M+ then it’s very unlikely they will repost your photo, because of the competition (other people tagging them, wanting to get featured) and they therefore also have a crazy level of quality.

Find out how to get featured on each account

After that, you need to browse every single account that you have listed and find out how they pick which photos they repost. Every account tells you how to get featured in their bio or in their individual posts.

  • Some accounts want you to use their hashtag.
  • Some accounts want you to tag them in your photo.
  • Some might even ask you to follow them first (I don’t like this).

Another more sneaky tip is to see who manages the account you want to get featured on. You will either find this information in the bio or in the posts they upload. When you know who manages their account you can follow them and message them to build a relationship with the admins.

By the way, I just finished reading this e-book about Instagram Marketing. By now, I’ve spent about$1000 on Instagram Marketing Guides, and this was easily the guide that givesthe me most value. It’s only $37, which is way cheaper than it should be, and the author is a guy who manages a lot of Instagram accounts with +1M followers. Check it out here.

Feature Accounts on popular categories

To find feature accounts specific to your topic, do this search on Google and replace “travel” with your topic.

Black & White Photography.
@bnw_greatshots @bnw_planet @pocket_bnw @s0mbrebw @bnwsouls @bnw_rose.

Street photography
@storyofthestreets @streetphotographyinternational @streetfeat @urbanandstreet

Food photos
@foodprnshare @foodporn_xox @ohmygodfoodporn @the_daily_bite_

Travel photos
@stayandwander @worldplaces @earthfocus @fantastic_earth @theglobewanderer @discoverearth  @passionpassport @awesome_earthpix @awesome. earth @bestvacations @world_shotz @beautifuldestinations @ourplanetdaily @earthofficial

Fashion Photos
@wearethepeople.magazine @human.edge  @sticks_and_stones_agency @tcl_theclassylifestyle @waitingontheworld @hypebeast @fashiongoalsz

Photography Photos
@illgrammers @way2ill_ @heatercentral @theimaged @moodygrams @createcommune @thevisualcollective @livefolk @globalcapture @artofvisuals @ig_color @instagood @VSCO @mobilemag @fatal.frames @thecoolmagazine @weekly_feature @igpodium @igshotz @thebest_capture @gallery_legit @bravogreatphoto @visualambassadors @folkgood @feedbacknation

Geographic-based feature accounts
Every country has Instagram pages showing the city. Say, you live in Denmark and you have a great photo showing what Denmark is like, then it’s obvious for you to tag @visitdenmark and if you also live in Copenhagen @visitcopenhagen.

The less obvious one is the niche accounts. In Mexico for example, we have an Instagram account called “ChilangoMetro”. It’s metro shots from Mexico City.

If I lived in New York, I’d do a Google Search like this to find feature pages.

Managing expectations

If I were to take a guess, 5% of my photos are getting featured. It’s not something that happens a lot, but when it does it pays off. So when you have found your targets, keep tagging them and be patient. If your content is great, it will come.

If your photo gets featured on a page and gets, let’s say, 1500-2000 likes, you can expect to get around 40-80 followers. It’s not anything crazy, but it adds up if it happens regularly.

This post is from my Photographer’s Guide to Social Media & Marketing.

14 Instagram Accounts That Will Feature You For Massive Exposure | by Zoe Summers

Photo source:

Instagram is for sure the most effective visual advertising channel right now. With their impressive growth in the last few months, they got every marketer’s attention. The platform itself is build to drive more engagement than any other social platform. One of the most effective ways to get the attention of as many users as possible is to get featured on one of the popular Instagram Feature Accounts.


The “feature accounts” are on a mission to discover and share unique photography in niche communities. These curators search for hidden gems through hundreds of photos each day. There’s no doubt that their purpose is to find the best of the best and inspire their audience to create more similar art.

Everybody can join these communities. You just have to use their hashtags, tag their account or sending your creations, depending on the guidelines.

Even if your picture is not featured, by using their specific hashtags, your photos will be discovered by thousands of people interested in content just like yours.

The trick is to use the hashtags that are relevant to your content and to be perseverant.


For a clean and consistent look, try to stick to the same filter for your photos. It will take a lot of try and error and creativity process, but when you finally get it stick with it.

To find out which filter works best, you can use tools like Iconosquare and see what type of posts get more engagement and do more of that.

Another way to ensure consistency is to find the niche or topic that best suits you and post the majority of your content in that niche. Don’t spread yourself too thin.


Invest in a good editing app. You’ll be impressed how much you can improve your photos with a simple filter. While you’re at it, learn a few editing tricks and improve your technique.


See what type of photos they post, the colors they use, filters and composition. Engage with them and try to learn from the best. Also, study the curation accounts in your niche. See what are their favorite types of photos and what they prefer to share with their audience. They want to keep their feed consistent, so if your photos are not in line with what they already share you will not be featured.


When you’re competing with hundreds of talented Instagram users for a spot on a feature Instagram account, the time of your posting in extremely important.

First of all don’t try to submit old photos because Instagram displays the tagged photos in chronological order. So your photos will not show up when people search for a specific hashtag.

Then, use a monitoring tool like Iconosquare to figure out what are the best times to share your photos. As you can see in the screenshot below, Iconosquare tells you what your posting habits are and when you should post based on the engagement you receive for each post.

Once you know when to post, it’s easy to create scheduled campaigns using tools like Mass Planner and share your photos at the perfect times.

Now, let’s see some of the most popular accounts that can get you featured and drive your own account to explosive growth.

The Instagram team is sharing each day the most inspiring pictures from the community. On top of that they have weekly challenges that they announce each Friday. On Monday morning, the team chooses nine favorite pictures tagged with he Weekend Challenge hashtag, and they share them with an audience of over 102 million users. That’s an impressive exposure for the lucky few. So, keep an eye on the challenges and submit your best work.

To submit a photo to be reviewed and featured by the Instagood team, you need to use the hashtag #instagoodmyphoto. The team behind the Instagood account is in a continuous search for creative, conceptual art, unique composition and use of colors. Each month they select a team designated with the searching and sharing the best pictures from the community.

2instagood is a second account managed by the same team behind the Instagood account. They have pretty much the same rules: a specific hashtag #2instagoodportraitlove to use for the submitted works. Just like for Instagood they choose a team of curators from the community (you can be one of them!). The difference is that this account focuses on portraits and fashion photography. If your content is in this category, go ahead and tag your best work!

The JustGoShoot team is on a mission to provide exposure to talented, underrated photographers and to develop a growing community. To join the community, you need to use the #justgoshoot hashtag.

Thepeoplescreatives is another feature account that shares people’s creative pictures each day. Like the say in their own description: “You create. We curate. “ Use the hashtag #peoplescreatives and you get the chance to get featured and get tons of exposure from their community of engaged creators.

The Visuals Collective team tries to bring the concept of visual storytelling through unique photographs shared by adventurous travelers. Let your imagination run free and come up with the most impressive visual stories and tag them with #exploretocreate to be featured.

As you could easily guess this is a community of travelers, that love to share their memories and inspire other people to travel too. Their feed is full of unique places to visit and experience. Tag your own travel memories with #passionpassport and your pictures will get in front of a large travel community.

This is another Instagram account that focuses on travel photography. To share your photos, you need to tag them or contact them via e-mail. The advantage of the existence of so many travel feature accounts is that you can submit the same photos and increase your chances.

The Outbound Collective is dedicated to outdoor activities and adventures. You simply need to tag your favorite adventures with #theoutbound and get featured by the outbound team.

Another account for your authentic travel memories. Tag your creative visual stories with #livefolk and get featured.

Live Folk is similar to the Folk Magazine account. They share unique, authentic stories from around the world. To submit your photos, you need to use the #lifeofadventure hashtag or tag their account.

While you’re at travel photos, here’s another account that might feature your creations. Capture new places or old places but from a different, unusual angle and tag them with #BestVacations.

World Travel Book is the last travel photography oriented Instagram account on our list. Their hashtag is #worldtravelbook and for more exposure you can use more related hashtags. The account’s authors surely won’t mind as long as you submit original photos.

The travel, landscape, and colorful photography is certainly the most popular category on Instagram right now. But here are a few brave artists that want to express their stories in black and white. It’s difficult not to rely on colors when creating impressive compositions, but it’s not impossible. If black and white photography is your thing, then you should follow the Monoart account and try to get featured. Use the #monoart_ hashtag and you will find other photographers passionate by monochromatic photography.

Read more about How to Get Featured on Instagram and What Hashtags to Use to Get Noticed on Instagram.

How to restore instagram: simple instructions

If you deleted your instagram or your account was hacked, you can return it. The editors of tell you how to restore Instagram and when you have to do it.

5 most common reasons why a page is restored

Here are five cases when you have to restore your Instagram profile.

Temporary blocking

If a user has violated the rules for using Instagram, then his page can be temporarily blocked. Access to the page is restricted when a person publishes prohibited content, spam (makes a mass mailing of promotional messages. - Note ed.) , violates copyright and so on. Another page is blocked when a person exhausts the limit of actions - the number of likes, subscriptions and comments.

One action can be blocked, for example, the ability to like or comment. And they can prohibit the use of the entire page. This will be announced in the notification.


To find out what the restrictions are for, go to the Instagram settings on your phone. Select "Help" and then "Support Requests".


Select the Violations section. There you can see publications that violate the guidelines of the social network.

Temporary blocking lasts from a few hours to three weeks.



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If you get banned

Ban is also imposed for violations of the rules for using the social network, but it is not always possible to recover from it. If the user constantly violates the rules, then the page is blocked forever. It can also be affected by complaints from other users.


If the profile owner proves that the hacker did the prohibited actions, then the page can be restored.

When they forgot their password or email

78% of users forget their passwords after 90 days. In this case, Instagram has a button "Forgot password" or "Help with logging in". Along with passwords, users forget what email they used during registration.

If you still have access to Instagram, then go to settings, select the "Security" section and change your password. An email will be sent to you to change your password. This way you will find the correct address.

Access can be restored through a Facebook profile if it is linked to an Instagram page. Next, we will tell you in more detail how to do this.

If you have lost access or forgotten your email password, please contact the technical support of the mail service. When the Instagram and Facebook profiles are not connected, and there is no access to mail or a phone number, then the page cannot be restored.

Other problems with instagram login can be found here.

If you were hacked

Instagram page can be hacked by ill-wishers or scammers. Accounts are stolen in order to: carry out financial fraud, steal personal data, view correspondence, send mailings and spam.

If the owner noticed that his page was hacked, then he needs to immediately change the password or contact the technical support of the site. If the moderators of the social network notice this, then they will change all the data. More such pages can be blocked.

If the page was deleted

An Instagram page can be deleted temporarily or permanently. In the first case, the profile becomes inaccessible to all users. But you can return it at any time. And an account that has been permanently deleted cannot be restored. Technical support and other methods will not help. You will have to create a new page.

How to restore the page through the phone and computer

Through the login page

1. Log in to the application from your phone and enter your username and password.

2. If you don't remember your password, click the Forgot Password or Login Help button. If you have the data, then go directly to step 6.


3. Enter your username, email, or phone number. Click next.

4. A link to reset your password will be sent to the specified address or contact. Follow it.

5. Update the password.

6. You will be prompted to restore your account. Press the confirmation button.

Via Facebook

If you don't remember your password, you can recover your account through Facebook.

1. Log in to the application from your phone and click on the "log in with Facebook" button.


2. If Facebook asks, enter your login information.

3. You will receive a link to reset your password by email. Follow it.

4. Reset your password and create a new one.

Important! You can use this method if your Instagram and Facebook profiles are linked.


1. Log in to the Instagram website using a computer browser and enter your username and password. If you have the data, then immediately go to step 6.

2. If you do not remember the password, then click the "Forgot password" button.

3. Enter your username, email, or phone.

4. You will receive a password reset link by email or phone. Follow it.

5. Reset your password and create a new one.

6. You will be prompted to restore your account. Press the confirmation button.

How to recover an account that has been hacked and the login information has been changed

If your page has been hacked, try to restore access using the "Forgot Password" or "Help Login" button. Follow the same path when you recover your password. If you gain access to the page, then immediately change the password.

If you have not received access, you can go the other way:

1. Go to Instagram on your phone and click the "Forgot your password" or "Help signing in" button.

2. Enter your username, email or phone number and click on the Need More Help button. On the next page, click next.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Enter your personal information and other email.

5. An email will be sent to the post office asking you to verify your identity. They may ask:

  • to be photographed with a passport;
  • take a picture with the security code;
  • give information about the phone model from which you previously logged into your account;
  • indicate the email of the hacked account;
  • send photos that were posted in the account.

Important! If there were your personal photos in the account, where your face is clearly visible, then the page recovery will be without problems.

Restoring a hacked page can be difficult: technical support does not always respond quickly, sometimes the answer comes after a few weeks.

How to recover your account if it has been banned

If your account has been banned, you will be notified by email. The letter writes the reason for the blocking and the number of the error. For a reason, it will become clear how you can restore Instagram.

For example, if the account was banned for copyright infringement, then the email will include the contact details of the content author. You can contact him. If you manage to agree with the author, then ask him to report this in support of Instagram. He needs to send a letter with the error number and his consent.


Sometimes, in a letter, Instagram support immediately makes it clear that it will not work to restore the account.


If at the end of the letter there is a link "let us know", then the page can be restored. Follow this link. There you will find detailed information about the bathhouse and instructions for unlocking it.

Some users find a way out even in this situation: they pretend that the page has been hacked, and all prohibited actions were done by hackers. So you can go through the path of recovering a hacked page, which we described above, and return your account.

9 tips to protect your Instagram page from being hacked

Here are nine rules to prevent your account from being hacked and data stolen:

  1. Synchronize Instagram with Facebook . Link your email and phone number to your profile. Use an empty SIM card and mail that is not linked anywhere else. They are not hacked, as they are practically inactive.
  2. Create a strong password for each account separately. This will reduce the chances that scammers will gain access to your profile if the page is hacked on another site. Write down the password so you don't forget.
  3. Save photos and videos you share on Instagram to your phone, computer or cloud. This way you can prove that the page is yours.
  4. Post at least twice a year personal photos that clearly show your face. So the owner's identity is confirmed faster.
  5. Post only your own content. If you decide to use someone else's, then agree on this with the author. Screenshot the message with consent, mark it on the publication.
  6. Do not install suspicious applications on your phone. Such applications may request access to a social network. Fraudsters often use this to gain access to data. Read the service description and reviews.
  7. Do not access your profile from third-party gadgets. They may contain dangerous virus files and applications.
  8. Update the software version in time and check your smartphone for viruses.
  9. Find out more instagram rules so as not to violate them.

Why can't I log in to Instagram - Dudom

Instagram is a social network that glitches from time to time and causes a lot of anxiety. Since it contains all our business accounts. And when a failure occurs, we lose a large flow of customers. For example, some users, when logging in through the application from a smartphone, encounter the following problem - “I can’t log into Instagram from my phone”, seeing on their screen “Sorry, an error occurred”. Instagram does not give any explanation and does not write the reasons why the error occurred. We understand why it crashes and how to fix this error.

Don't panic.

This is an unpleasant situation that just pisses you off. “And so there is a lot of work, you don’t have time for anything, and then this stupid Instagram got covered.” That's what I thought when this unpleasant story happened to me. I shoveled a huge amount of information, lost a whole week of time, but, thank God, everything worked out. Now I'm sharing with you what to do.

Restarting the Instagram application

It happens that the failure occurs due to the fault of the application itself, it may not load correctly at startup. Failure can occur at any stage of the application launch, there is no explanation for this. Some interface elements did not load, the code, fonts did not load correctly, there is no connection to the server, and so on, so the application does not work correctly further. All you need to do in this situation is to close the application (unload it from the system) and reopen it. After that, try to log into your account again, this is the easiest way.

Restarting the device

Restarting the application did not help? Then reboot the device! Technology fails, especially smartphones and tablets, so the next simple step is to reboot the device from which the login attempt is being made. Thus, applications are completely unloaded from the system and RAM of the device, without residual traces, which will allow, after turning on the smartphone, to launch the application again in a “clean” system. If these simple steps did not help, then the problem lies a little deeper.

Instagram app update

Developers frequently refine and update their apps, and new terms of use appear every time. For example, a new version of an application only works with new versions of Android and iOS operating systems, or when downloading a new version from the Play Market or AppStore, the old one stops working or starts to fail so that users update their applications to the latest versions. To avoid such situations, you should pay attention to updating applications, because new versions bring innovations and work more stable. In order to update the Instagram application, you need to go to the Play Market or AppStore (depending on the device on which you are trying to log in) and check for an Instagram update. If an update is present, then update the application and try again.

Delete the Instagram application and reinstall it

If the methods described above do not help, move on. After a few failed attempts, you should consider uninstalling the Instagram app completely from your device and reinstalling it. The logic of this action is similar to the previous step, when the application is updated, the program code is updated, but the user information and basic data about the application remain in the device's file system.

Uninstalling an app erases all data associated with that app and clears the cache. After reinstalling, try to log into your account again. Can't log in to Instagram from your phone again? Still not helping? So let's move on to the next steps!

Checking the Internet connection

If you can't log into your account and an error pops up, check your Internet connection. The Instagram app requires an active and constant internet connection to work. If there is no Internet connection, user data (login and password) are not sent to the Instagram servers when trying to log in, so you cannot log in and an error pops up on the screen. At this stage, you need to go to the phone settings and check if Wi-Fi or mobile data is turned on. After an active Internet connection has appeared, we try again.

Switch to mobile data

If your device has an active Wi-Fi connection, but you can't log into your Instagram account, you should try turning on mobile data (only if you have an appropriate mobile data plan), instead Wi-Fi. If this method worked, then the router most likely hung up. A Wi-Fi router with which Wi-Fi is distributed to the phone may freeze for various reasons, in this case the phone will be connected to a Wi-Fi access point, but there will be no Internet access. Turn off Wi-Fi and turn on mobile data in your phone settings. If this method worked, then you should reboot the router.

Log in to your Instagram account through a browser

Another option for a third-party login to Instagram is to log into your account through a browser on your computer. To do this, you need to open any browser on your computer, be it Chrome, Opera or Firefox. The computer must be connected to the Internet. We go to the WEB version of Instagram at the link and try to log into the account. Also, you can enter the WEB version using your Facebook account by clicking on the inscription: “Login with Facebook” when logging in (only if you have a Facebook account). If that doesn't work, try the next step.

Clear Instagram application CACHE

This method is relevant for Android device owners. Over time, applications load a lot of garbage into the CACHE, get clogged with unnecessary information and simply stop working because of this. The size of the CACHE can reach several gigabytes. And Instagram is an application that works with photos and videos, respectively, each photo and video that has been or will be viewed is downloaded via the Internet to the CACHE of the device.

This may cause the application to hang or stop working. This is where login errors occur. To clear the CACHE of an application, you need to go to the phone settings, find the application item, then find it in Instagram applications, open it and click clear CACHE. After this procedure, the data that is loaded into the root file system of the device is deleted. Photos and videos uploaded to the CACHE are not stored in the device's gallery, so they cannot be seen, they just hang in the device's memory and sometimes interfere with the correct operation of the application.

Check date and time

Check the date and time in the phone settings, turn on automatic detection of date, time and time zone. Applications and websites use certificates to function correctly, and certificates are signed with a specific date and time. With the release of new versions of the application, certificates are also updated. If the date and time are set incorrectly on the device, the application understands that the date and time in the certificates loaded into it and the date on the phone do not match, so the application does not work correctly.

To perform this action, you need to find the date and time item in the phone settings and activate the automatic setting of the date and time. By doing this simple action, the date and time of the device is synchronized with the signing date of the certificates of the Instagram app. That might help with the problem under discussion.

Try to sign in on a different or old device

This method is not difficult, it may not even help. But, if you suddenly have an old phone in which you have already logged into your account or have been logged in at some time, you should use this device. Thus, activity will appear in the account, and the error will go away by itself. You can also use another phone. You can take the phone from a friend / girlfriend or ask one of the family members.

Next, open Instagram and try to log into your account. This can be done in two ways - log out of the active profile and log into your own or add an additional profile to the already active one so as not to log out of the active profile. If the Instagram application is not installed on another device, then it will have to be downloaded from the Play Market or AppStore (depending on the operating system of the device). Can't login to Instagram on your phone? Read on.

Access profile with Facebook

This method will only work if the same user has Instagram and Facebook accounts linked. Also, if the device has a signed-in Facebook app. On the Instagram login screen, you need to select the option - "Continue as username" the inscription is highlighted in blue. In this case, the system will be logged in through the Facebook account data. If the accounts are not linked, or there is no Facebook page at all, then this method is completely useless.

Application for Windows

As in the previous method, this method can only work if you have a Facebook account. If your Instagram account is not linked to a Facebook account, then the Instagram app for Windows, which can be downloaded from the Windows App Store, can be your lifesaver. First you need to download the Instagram app from the Microsoft Store. After downloading the application, we try to log into our Instagram account, in most cases this ends with success.

If you managed to log into your Instagram account, then go to the application settings on your computer and look for the item - "Invite friends from Facebook". At this stage, you will be prompted to log in to your Facebook account, log in to your Facebook account. After the accounts are linked to each other, we pick up the phone and try to log into the account through the mobile version by clicking on “Continue as username” again. Before signing in through the mobile app, it makes sense to restart the app (close and reopen it).

Server failures

As mentioned above, the application, and the Instagram social network in general, requires an active Internet connection. But the problem does not always appear on the user side, the problem may be on the other end. All accounts, photos, videos, all information is stored on servers. Even if the device has an active and stable Internet connection, other applications work without failures and problems, web pages are loaded, even in this case there may be problems when logging into your Instagram account.

The thing is that the servers fail, or an error occurs, less often these are unplanned or emergency work on the servers. The only solution to this problem is to wait. Unfortunately, no one knows how long to wait for a solution to this problem; in this situation, nothing depends on the user. Fortunately, such situations occur very rarely. This issue is generic and does not affect specific users or specific devices.

Instagram account blocking

The 21st century is the age of technology and information, and user accounts are often hacked. The reasons for this are different, for example - extortion of money. Attackers hack into the profile, change the password to their own, and then write to the owner of the profile and demand money for password recovery and return, this is a black scheme for making money on the Internet. If there is a business account or a popular account, then competitors can be removed in a similar way.

Either there is a lot of activity in the account and Instagram simply blocks the profile. If you suspect that your account has been hacked, you should contact technical support to find out what happened. Unfortunately, once in a similar situation, you can lose your account forever. Fortunately, such situations rarely occur.

Full reset of the device

This method is recommended to be done last. It implies the removal of all user information from the phone. In the case of a complete reset and deletion of all information from the phone, all memory and downloaded files are cleared, the phone becomes “clean”, as if it had just been purchased. Therefore, you should definitely make a backup copy of your device data so as not to lose important documents and files.

Depending on the OS of the device, data will be backed up in different programs. After the backup is made, you need to go to the phone settings and, if it is Android, then the steps are as follows - System - Reset - Reset phone. If it's iOS, then - General - Reset - Reset content and settings. ATTENTION! This procedure will erase all data from the device! After the reset, download the Instagram application again and try to log into your account again.

The method that helped me personally!

I tried all these ways in a week. Just did not risk a complete reset of the device to do. Nothing helped. And somewhere on the Internet, I read that you don’t have to panic if you can’t enter Instagram from your phone. You need to wait 15 days and everything will work out. Do not believe! Exactly 15 days later, all my accounts were in place on the phone. And what is the question was spent so much time and nerves. So if nothing works, just wait.

This article describes almost all the solutions to the problem - "I can not log into Instagram from my phone, sorry, an error occurred." Some of them will definitely work, some will be completely useless for specific users. These methods do not give a 100% guarantee of solving the problem. All the methods described above are done at your own peril and risk. The author does not bear any responsibility for the result.

Social network users encounter errors while logging into their favorite site. Sometimes serious problems await us, but more often than not, a malfunction can be fixed with a few steps. In a situation where I can’t log into Instagram, the guide will help. Simple step-by-step instructions are designed for beginners, and supporting images help to better absorb the information.

Usually, the error is caused by an incorrectly entered login and password, users also stumble upon unknown messages related to technical failures. The Instagram social network is designed for mobile platforms, so we will analyze the topic in the official application.

I can’t log into Instagram asking for a phone number

Users encounter this message when they cannot remember the correct username and password from their personal page. In this case, you need to perform a restore:

  1. When registering an account, you provide a mobile phone number. If the profile was created several years ago, email may be used instead of a phone.
  2. So, you can't enter your login details correctly. Click the "Forgot your password?" button. To perform recovery, you must have access to the mobile phone number specified during registration.
  3. In a special window, you must drive in the phone to request an SMS message to return the lost data.
  4. The system will send you an SMS with a new login password.
  5. If the account is linked to an email address, the procedure is similar, only the letter will be sent to the mail.

Please note that you can reset your password using your Facebook account. The method only works if you have an FB profile linked to Instagram. Insta and Facebook have the same owners, social networks interact with each other. Now you know what to do when the system asks for a phone number.

There is a problem when the data is entered correctly, but Insta still asks the phone for confirmation. You may have logged in from someone else's device, an attempt to authorize from another country may also result in a re-verification. Follow the recommendations, in a few seconds a confirmation code will be sent to the specified number.

We found an unusual login attempt on Instagram

Most often, such an inscription pops up due to a service error. Try clicking the "This is me" button and re-entering your username and password. If you do not have access to this data, use the instructions above. Many users have encountered this error, in some cases banal actions helped:

  • Completely close the application on your smartphone or tablet.
  • To do this, go to the "Settings" of your gadget.
  • Find the "Applications" section, here you should select the Instagram program.
  • By clicking on the social network icon, you will be taken to the program settings menu - click the "Pause" or "Stop" button, depending on the version of the operating system.
  • Now you should try again to log in to the mobile client.

Sometimes the system may send a message to the phone for confirmation. Enter the received code in the appropriate field. If our method did not help, you should wait a bit, this is a technical error that is independent of Instagram users. Do not forget about disconnecting from the Internet, in case of failure you will not be able to open your profile. Make sure the internet is working on your phone.

I can't log in to Instagram asking to verify my account

In rare cases, the cause of the problem is blocking by the administration. In this case, when you try to log in, you will be told why Insta does not let you into your profile. Sometimes the blocking is temporary, after a few hours you will be able to log in again. In case of serious violations, the administration has the right to completely close the page on the social network.

The section "Information Center" contains all the rules and recommendations. Check out the center to protect your profile from sudden blocking. We figured out why I can’t log into Instagram, on a computer, when you try to log in, you may also encounter errors. Please check carefully that you are entering your username and password correctly. The system works stably, so technical failures are rare.

I can't log in to Instagram - a similar problem is often found on the network. Users lose access to the page, the program gives an error. The article describes the causes of the failure and effective options for their solution.

I can't access Instagram from my phone

The error is caused by an incorrectly entered client name and code. A person sees notifications that are associated with various breakdowns or viruses. The social network is designed exclusively for phones, it is worth considering these options for restoring authorization.

On Android

If there is an Android OS phone, the user must perform the following actions:

  • notifications will be sent to your mobile or mailbox with actions that require carrying out.
  • If it is mobile, the sent code is entered into the form, if it is mail, you will need to follow the link sent.

    From iPhone

    If the photo network application is used on iPhone, if there is a problem, I can’t log in to Instagram, you should follow the scheme described above. It is allowed to act through the password reset function in the linked FB profile.

    If a user has linked a photo network page to FB, these profiles will begin to interact closely. The program will require you to enter the phone number that participated in the creation of the FB and confirm the operation. A special code is sent to the number, it must be written in the intended line. If you act correctly, it will take a minute to enter.

    Via application

    Login failure in the standard application occurs when there is an error in the service. In this situation, you need to click on the "This is me" button and enter the code and nickname from the page. If the user has forgotten the login information, the situation can be corrected by the following actions:

    1. The application is closed on a tablet or mobile. This is done through the Options section.
    2. The Application section is located and insta is selected.
    3. By clicking on this button, you should click on Stop. It depends on the OS.
    4. Authorization is being repeated.

    Sometimes the program sends a notification to the smartphone for consent. It should be entered in the field provided for this. If this method does not bring a positive result, it is enough to wait. Perhaps the reason is a technical error. The reason for the failure is the lack of the Internet. Once connected, the functions return.

    Writes a suspicious login attempt

    If such an inscription appears or if a failure occurs - I can’t log into Instagram crashes, you can judge that there is a block from the administration. Instagram does not allow the user to the page. In most cases, such blocking is temporary and authorization returns after a couple of hours. If a person violates serious rules in the process of using the photoset, access for him may be closed forever.

    If this inscription appears, go to the section with rules and recommendations. Here are several reasons why the entrance is blocked and options for correcting the failure. Technical errors rarely happen, therefore, in the absence of permission for authorization, first of all, you need to check the correctness of entering the code that comes and the login.

    Writes an error

    In this case, a person is required to perform the following simple actions:

  • Go to settings on the profile page.
  • The password is changed to a more secure and at the same time easy to remember.
  • This option is best suited in case of previously linking two accounts. This is a useful operation. With its help, you can not only quickly restore the ability to enter, but connect ads.

    Black screen

    Here it is better to use the Instagram application for Windows 10. Authorization is carried out in the program. If difficulties arise, you need to open the settings and find the line with the search for friends on FB. The resource page is connected. After some time, the failure is eliminated. You can easily log into your account from a regular iPhone.

    Not logging in with Facebook

    If none of the above methods work, you can try to troubleshoot using a dedicated VPN client for your phone. Next, the following manipulations are performed:

    If you have any questions - let us know

    Ask a question

    • the client is being downloaded;
    • with its help opens a photoset with a choice of the country.

    As soon as the social network and the Facebook page are linked, the "I forgot my password" problem is automatically solved.

    The code (sms) does not come to the phone

    If the SMS does not come, you need to fix the failure through the web version of Instagram:

    1. The transfer to the official website of the photo network is in progress.
    2. Authorization in progress.
    3. Go to settings.
    4. At the bottom, you need to find the line on the temporary blocking of the profile and click on it.
    5. The Authorization Issues tab is selected.

    Next, the program starts the recovery operation on the phone. This will take about 2-3 hours. During this time, it is undesirable to touch the photoset. After this time, you can return to your account using the login, the problem, you can’t log into Instagram, will be fixed.

    If you forgot your password and mail

    If a user in the photo network cannot authorize in the photo network due to forgotten mail or password, you can act through a special recovery form. In the first case, the number used during registration is written in the line.

    The administration will send a password to the number to return the opportunity to enter the page. If there are problems with the password, to return to the profile in the line for entering information, you need to enter the mail used when creating an account in the photo network. If a suspicious attempt was detected, this method will not work.

    I can’t log into Instagram crashes

    This problem is quite effectively solved by resetting the factory settings from the smartphone. It is important to carry out a complete reset of the OS and application. Sometimes an unknown failure is fixed by uninstalling the Photo Grid application and reinstalling it. If you can’t enter the page from one gadget, if you remember the code, and from another this operation is carried out without problems, these two options for solving the problem will do just fine. Everything will work perfectly.

    I can’t access Instagram from a computer

    Some users have a problem with logging into the page when they want to log into Instagram from a PC. Often there are comments on the same topic on the network - why it is not possible to enter your profile by login. The cause of this problem in most cases is an incorrectly entered password. If so, you can solve the problem in the following way.

    Wrong password

    First of all, you need to check the correctness of the code and the name that you had to enter. If the user realizes that the password is lost, it must be restored on the PC via email. When an unknown network error occurs, it is important to check your internet connection. Here, the error can be corrected by changing the entry point, device, or using a different Wi-Fi from which it goes online.

    If none of these operations are suitable, it is advisable to update the application or OS of the smartphone being used. If this does not give a positive result, it is worth a short time to wait for the next version of the application on Android. Possible login errors are quickly eliminated by employees of insta and a black screen.

    Summing up

    Instagram is a unique and functional social network. There is a well-functioning help center where you can get answers to all questions. If the account owner loses or has forgotten access to the account, there are many ways to restore it.

    Learn more