How to unlike an instagram post

This is how to hide your accidental Instagram 'Like'

We’ve all done it: been a good three-years-deep into someone’s Instagram profile - someone you fancy, natch, a person in front of which, you intend to ‘play it cool’ - and then SLAM. Then BANG. Then WHAM CRAM FLAM you’ve liked a photo by accident.

You, for some reason, thought that double-tap meant zoom (what were you zooming in on, eh?), and you’ve gone and sodding well liked a beach picture, haven’t you. The worst type of photo to like, and you’ve liked it. You are an internet perve, and you will never marry this person. Delete all social media. Live in a cave.

OR DON’T. It is not the end of the world. There are steps you can take to minimise the chance of the other person seeing your wayward like. Here’s a list of methods to combat this most heinous of mistakes. Godspeed:

Method 1: Unlike it IMMEDIATELY

Unfortunately, if whoever owns the account that you’ve just brazenly smashed your big fist into, is looking at their phone when you like the photo and they have push notifications enabled, they will know it’s you. There is no escaping this. You have been caught. Your life is over.

However, if they’ve got their phone on silent in their pocket, then you have options, baby. The first is to simply shout “OH MY GOD” and then unlike the post as quick as you can. An unliked post will disappear very shortly from their notifications after you liked it in the first place. As such, if they only check Instagram intermittently, your bad, terrible, horrendous like will be invisible to them. You are Scott Free, the world’s jammiest superhero.

Method 2: Like their latest post

A good way to trick Instagram is to, as before, immediately unlike the post after screaming, then like the person’s latest post. That way, they will only receive a notification for the second like, and will not know that your first careless finger banged a photo from 2014.

There is a downside, of course - this only really works on a person’s account that you would be happy to like, anyway. If you were stalking someone you don’t even follow, then liking their latest picture will be just as weird. Maybe just slam ‘follow’ and be done with it. Suck it up, you scumbag.


Method 3: Change your profile

This is drastic, but if you’re ultra-paranoid about the death sentence you’ve just acquired, then what you can do, is set your profile to private, then change your name, bio and profile picture. The other person - providing they didn’t see it straight away - will think a random person has liked their post. This is very extreme and perhaps pointless - due to the small amount of time your accidental like will remain in their notifications - but it works, probably.

Might not, though, if you’re already private and they follow you. Might have to go the whole hog and block them, in that case. Yes, this is all critically desperate, but then that is the single photo that you should not have liked - any one but that, literally any of the other ones would have been fine, but you had to like that one you cack-handed oaf.

Method 4: Delete, delete, delete

This is the most excessive of the methods, but it has a 100% success rate. Take the following steps to ensure complete absolution:

1. Unlike the photo
2. Delete your Instagram account
3. Submerge your phone in a bowl of olive oil
4. Force it down your throat and massage your neck and chest until you are sure it is in your stomach
5. Take some Immodium
6. Book a flight to Hawaii
7. Once there, locate Mauna Loa
8. It is one of the last active volcanoes on the island, jump into it


(Images: Getty)

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How To Unlike on Instagram?

Instagram is an excellent platform for connecting with friends and family, but sometimes you may find that you’ve liked a post that you didn’t intentionally mean to.

In such cases, you can unlike the post. Unliking a post can be done in the twinkling of an eye as long as you know how to go about it.

In this blog post, we will be discussing how to unlike on Instagram. We will be discussing why you might want to do this and the steps you need to take to successfully unlike on Instagram. So, if you have been wondering how to unlike on Instagram, read on!

Table of Contents

  1. Reasons to Unlike a Post on Instagram
  2. What Happens When You Unlike a Post on Instagram?
  3. Unliking a Post on Instagram
  4. How To Remove Likes From Multiple Instagram Posts?
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQs

Reasons to Unlike a Post on Instagram

Unliking a post on Instagram is often due to personal reasons. It could be that the picture is of low quality and doesn’t look good, or it’s something that you’re not interested in.

Perhaps, it could be that you don’t like the person who posted the picture.  

Another notable reason could be that the picture has too many likes, and you don’t want to be a part of the herd.

Likewise, it might be that you accidentally liked the picture, and now you want to undo it. Whatever the reason, unliking a post is something you can do in the twinkling of an eye.

What Happens When You Unlike a Post on Instagram?

When you unlike a post on Instagram, it simply means that you no longer like the post.

Like on other social media platforms, no notification is sent to the person who made the post.

So, if you’re someone who likes to keep their likes public, you may want to rethink before you unlike something on Instagram. 

Unliking a Post on Instagram

Unliking a post on Instagram is pretty straightforward. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Open Instagram on any device.
  • Locate the post you intend to unlike.
  • Tap the heart icon underneath the post, and you’re done. 

That’s all! The red color in the heart icon will now become blank, indicating that you’re not part of the people who liked the post. 

How To Remove Likes From Multiple Instagram Posts?

You can also remove likes from multiple Instagram posts at once from your Activity. However, this feature is only available on the Instagram app for Android and iPhone.

Bearing that in mind, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select “Your activity” from the options provided.
  5. Tap on “Interactions.”
  6. Select “Likes.”
  7. Tap “Select” in the top right corner.
  8. Select all the posts your want to unlike. To filter your likes before selecting, tap “Sort & filter” in the upper right corner and choose your sorting preferences.
  9. Once done, tap “Unlike” at the bottom to remove your likes.


If you’re active on Instagram, you’ve accidentally liked a photo or two that you didn’t mean to.

Maybe you were scrolling through your feed quickly, and your finger slipped, or you hit the like button before you could look at the photo. Whatever the reason, if you want to unlike a photo on Instagram, it’s pretty easy.

Go to the photo that you liked and tap the like button again. This will remove the image from your list of liked photos.

That’s all there is to it! So next time you accidentally like a photo on Instagram, don’t worry; you can easily unlike it with just a few taps.


Yes, the number of likes decreases for each post you unlike.

Instagram does not provide information on whether users checked their notifications precisely when yours appeared. Only if they get in touch with you about it can you find out if someone noticed that you liked their post.

There is no surefire way to stop accidental likes on Instagram besides exercising extreme caution. However, turning your device into Airplane Mode, which disables all Wi-Fi and internet connectivity, will allow you to view someone’s profile and ensure you don’t unintentionally like something.

A new feature in Instagram that you will definitely like

The fact that Instagram is one of the most popular mobile applications is pointless to deny. Every day, hundreds of different users come here to post their photos. At one time, I began to use it so often that I decided to set a time limit. Among the many advantages, Insta had one significant drawback - focus on smartphones. Photos here can only be uploaded from a smartphone. Even on some tablets, it works clumsily, but now everything has changed. nine0003

A new feature in Instagram will not leave anyone indifferent.

Instagram is perhaps the most frequently updated social network in recent times. Either IGTV, or Reels, or something else. It is simply impossible to keep track of the changes in the brainchild of Zuckerberg. No matter how you come here, there is a feeling that something new has appeared. The reason for this, I think, is only one: TikTok. The Chinese have achieved tremendous success. It seems impossible to compete with a site with short videos.

Opinion: Why I'm not a fan of the camera in a smartphone.

A new feature in Instagram

The other day Instagram announced a major update of the service. Finally, 11 years after the release, users will be able to publish posts from a computer. Until now, the service has been exclusively mobile.

Instagram is now available on PC.

Now you can publish your photos or videos from both mobile devices and desktop computers. Hearing this in 2021 is extremely strange. In my opinion, now everything is moving rather the other way around. Many users no longer buy laptops, but work exclusively from a phone or tablet. nine0003

Recently, we talked about one Xiaomi solution that is perfect for all occasions. Add a keyboard to this tablet, and there you are. In any case, we have what we have. Instagram is now on the computer.

How to upload photos to Instagram from a computer

It should be noted right away that in addition to photos, you can now upload videos here. The only limitation is the duration of no more than one minute. To do this is very simple. You need:

In the options that are available in the desktop version, you can select several images at once by creating a carousel, crop or enlarge a photo, apply filters. Also here you can specify the geolocation, come up with a caption for the post and turn off comments. In general, everything is the same as in the phone.

I don't approve of the new feature, because most smartphones can't take photos at a resolution that will look decent on a big screen.

To make sure that your judgment is correct, I recommend that you upload any photo to your computer and look at the quality. Leaves a lot to be desired, right? On the other hand, many smartphones have already learned how to shoot in 4K 60 fps. Perhaps that is why nothing like this has appeared here for 11 years. nine0003

Subscribe to us in Yandex.Zen, there you will find a lot of useful and interesting information that is not on the site.

What is Collab on Instagram

As I've said before, Instagram is now more than just entertainment apps. Many here earn money, promote their companies, organize various joint meetings.

Since October 19, the Collabs feature has appeared in Instagram, which allows two users to publish joint posts or videos in Reels with common comments and likes. It is clear that the second account with which you want to post must give permission. nine0003

In order to make a joint post on Instagram , you need:

  • Open the Instagram application.
  • Swipe right, then click the publish button.
  • Select the image you are interested in.
  • Then click Next twice.
  • In the section where you add a caption to the photo, tap Tag people.
  • Then go to the Invite co-author item.
  • Next, in the search, find the account of a friend or colleague and select it. nine0050
  • The second author must then confirm their participation in the post or Reels.

Adding a joint post is very easy.

This means that now any publication can be posted in pairs. Who will be interested? First of all, specialists in various fields. You can organize a post in the “question-answer” format or arrange everything in the form of a dialogue. Plus, Collabs gives great opportunities in terms of advertising. I think that soon we will see all the new chips in action from well-known bloggers. nine0003

Why buy a used smartphone instead of a new one.

Other innovations include the ability to raise funds for non-profit organizations and innovations in Reels. In the video feed, the company added several new special effects and the ability to customize using 3D text.

Do you often use Instagram? Do you find innovations useful? Be sure to tell us about it in our Telegram chat.

how to go to the posts you liked on instagram? nine0001

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 9 Posted by

Short answer

  1. first open the app and log in. Then
  2. click on the three lines in the lower left corner of the main screen. nine0050
  3. From there select "Settings" and then "Accounts". In the Liked Posts section, you can see all the posts you like on Instagram.

Your favorite Instagram post is not showing | the instagram post option you liked doesn't work 2022

How to view your favorite instagram posts | Instagram posts you liked are not showing | Instagram

How to see the posts you like on Instagram? nine0003

To view the Instagram posts you like, open the app and tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner. Then tap on the three lines in the top left corner and select "Posts Liked".

Why can't I see posts you like on Instagram?

There are several reasons why you might not see posts that someone has liked on Instagram. One possibility is that the person has made their account private so that only approved followers can see their posts. Another possibility is that the person has blocked you from seeing their messages. If you think this might be the case, you can try looking at the person's profile page and see if there's a message saying they've blocked you. nine0003

How can I see my liked posts on Instagram 2021?

To see your favorite posts on Instagram in 2021, first open the app and log in. Then click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will open the menu. Scroll down and click Settings. Then scroll down and click "Privacy". Make sure Show on Profile is enabled in the Posts Liked section.

How do you see your favorite stories on Instagram 2022? nine0003

I guess my favorite Instagram stories will be much the same as they are now - carefully selected images and videos that I found interesting or entertaining. I will still be able to see who liked my posts, and I'm sure Instagram will continue to find new and innovative ways to show me the content I'm most likely to enjoy.

How can I see my old Instagram activity?

To view your old Instagram activity, you can go to the History section of your profile. This will show you all the posts and stories you've shared on Instagram, as well as the people and brands you've interacted with. nine0003

How do you see your videos? liked?

I usually see videos that I like by going to the Papers tab on my homepage and selecting Liked. This will show me all the drums I've liked in the past..

How do you see your favorite Instagram posts with the new update?

Instagram's new update makes it easier to see the posts you like. If you click on the heart icon at the bottom of the screen, you will see a list of all the posts you liked. You can also view posts that other people have liked by clicking on the three lines in the top left corner of the post. nine0003

Can you see what people liked about Instagram?

Yes, you can see what people liked on Instagram. To see a list of people who have liked your posts, tap the three lines in the top left corner of your profile and then select Posts. Below each post, you'll see a list of people who liked it, as well as the number of likes it received.

How do I check my video history?

To check your reel history, you need to log in to your account on the casino website. Once you are logged in, click on the “My Account” tab and then select “History” from the drop-down menu. This will show you a list of all transactions that have taken place on your account, including deposits, withdrawals, and wagers. nine0003

Is it possible to hide the activity feed on Instagram?

Yes, you can hide your Instagram feed. To do this, go to the “Settings” menu and select “Privacy and Security”. In the Activity Status section, set the switch to Hide My Activity.

Is there an app to see someone's Instagram activity?

There is no universal application for viewing someone's Instagram activity, but there are several different ways to do it. One way is to look at their profile and look for the Activity tab, which will show you when they last posted, liked, or commented on something. nine0003

Can anyone tell me if you watch their Instagram videos?

There is no definitive answer, but it is likely that someone can tell if you watch their Instagram videos. After all, the app notifies users when someone they follow starts a live stream.

How can I see what my boyfriend likes on Instagram?

There are several ways to find out what your boyfriend likes on Instagram. The first way is to ask him directly.

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