How to take instagram model photos

How to Take Good Instagram Photos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Remember the first mobile phone cameras? And the grainy, blurry, low-quality photos they produced?

Well, these days phone photography is capable of some pretty impressive feats. Plus, unlike that bulky DSLR that you haul out for vacations, it’s always at hand.

Learning how to take incredible shots using only your phone is the best way to stand out and build a strong presence on Instagram.

In this post, you’ll learn how to take good Instagram photos using only your phone, and some Instagram picture ideas to inspire your feed.

How to take good Instagram photos on your phone

Learning how to take good photos on your phone requires understanding some basic principles of composition and lighting, and honing your own instincts as a photographer. You just need to follow a few simple rules.

Step 1: Use natural light

Lighting is the foundation of a good photo. Understanding how to use light is the first and most important rule of getting great photos using only your phone.

Avoid using your flash in favor of natural light, which creates photos that are richer and brighter.

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A post shared by LIZ (@really_really_lizzy)

A flash can flatten out your photo and wash out your subject. If you can’t shoot outdoors,  take photos near windows or in well-lit rooms. Even at night, it’s preferable to find sources of ambient light, like street lamps and store windows.

Step 2: Don’t overexpose your images

You can brighten up a photo that’s too dark with editing tools, but there’s nothing that can fix a photo that’s overexposed.

Prevent overexposure by adjusting the lighting on your screen: tap and slide your finger up or down to adjust exposure.

Another way to prevent overexposure is by tapping your finger on the brightest part of the frame (in the case above, it would be the windows) to adjust the lighting before snapping your photo.

Step 3: Shoot at the right time

There’s a reason photographers love golden hour. This time of day, when the sun is low on the horizon, makes every photo more beautiful. It’s nature’s Instagram filter.

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A post shared by Peter Yan (@yantastic)

If you’re shooting at midday, clouds are your friend. It’s hard to get a good shot under direct sunlight, which can be harsh in photos.

Clouds diffuse the light from the sun and create a softer, more flattering effect.

Step 4: Follow the rule of thirds

Composition refers to the arrangement of a photo: the shapes, textures, colors and other elements that make up your images.

The rule of thirds is one of the most well-known composition principles, and refers to a simple method of balancing your image. It divides an image into a 3×3 grid, and aligns the subjects or objects in a photo along the grid lines to create balance.

For instance, you can center your photo:

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A post shared by Valley Buds Flower Farm (@valleybudsflowerfarm)

But you can also achieve a pleasing effect with “balanced asymmetry”, where the subject is off-center but balanced out by another object. In this case, the flowers are arranged in the lower-right area of the photo, and are balanced by the sun in the top-left corner.

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A post shared by Valley Buds Flower Farm (@valleybudsflowerfarm)

Pro tip: Turn on the gridlines for your phone camera in settings, and use them to practice aligning your photos.

Step 5: Consider your viewpoint

When you take a photo on your phone, you probably hold it up around eye level and snap, right? That’s what everyone else does, too. Resist this natural tendency if you want to take interesting, unexpected photos.

Taking photos from a different vantage point will provide fresh perspectives, even when it comes to a familiar place or subject. Try shooting from above or below, crouching low to the ground, or scaling a wall (if you’re feeling ambitious).

Don’t break your leg in pursuit of the perfect shot, but challenge yourself to see things from a new perspective.

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A post shared by demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon)

Step 6: Frame your subject

Leaving space around the focal point of your photo can add more visual interest than zooming in. Sometimes you get a surprising detail that makes the photo even better, like the moon high in the sky of this photo:

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A post shared by nicole wong 〰 (@tokyo_to)

Unlike a camera with an adjustable lens, your phone camera “zooms in” by shrinking your field of view. In effect, you are just pre-cropping your image. This can limit your options for editing later, and you might miss interesting details, so avoid doing it.

Instead, just tap your photo subject or focal point to focus the camera.

If you want to give yourself even more options, you can buy an external lens that fits on to your phone.

Step 7: Draw the viewer’s eye

In photography, “leading lines” are lines that run through your image that draw the eye and add depth. These might be roads, buildings, or natural elements like trees and waves.

Keep an eye out for leading lines and use them to add motion or purpose to your photo.

You can use leading lines to direct the viewer’s gaze to your subject, as in this shot:

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A post shared by Daichi Sawada (@daiicii)

Step 8: Add depth

It’s easy to focus solely on the subject of your photo, whether that’s a person or a handsome slice of pizza. But photos that include layers, with patterns or objects in the background as well as the foreground, are naturally interesting because they offer more depth.

This photo, rather than just cropping tightly on the flowers, also includes the railing behind them, a tree beyond that, and then a sunset and horizon. Each layer of the photo offers something to look at, drawing you in.

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A post shared by ALICE GAO (@alice_gao)

Step 9: Don’t forget to get creative

Some photos on Instagram are so popular that they become cliches, inspiring an entire Instagram account dedicated to repeat images. Don’t get so caught up in Instagram photo trends that you lose your creativity.

You want to stand out from other brands on Instagram, so always challenge yourself to find a fresh angle on a common subject. This will also help you establish a distinctive and memorable brand identity.

Watch this video for even more tips on how to take good Instagram photos on your phone:

10 Instagram picture ideas

Now that you understand the principles of photography, let’s talk about subjects.

There are certain subjects and themes that perform well on Instagram because they offer wide appeal and tons of visual interest. Take note, because posting engaging content boosts your visibility on Instagram.

Here are a few Instagram photography ideas to consider:

1. Symmetry

Symmetry is pleasing to the eye, whether it appears in nature (Chris Hemsworth’s face) or the man-made world (the Royal Hawaiian Hotel). Symmetrical composition often enhances a subject that might not be exciting otherwise.

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A post shared by ALICE GAO (@alice_gao)

You can also break up your symmetry to add interest. In this photo, the bridge creates vertical symmetry while the trees and sunlight break it up.

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A post shared by scottcbakken (@scottcbakken)



Our brains also love patterns. Some Instagram accounts have even amassed huge followings by documenting beautiful patterns, like I Have This Thing With Floors.

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A post shared by I Have This Thing With Floors (@ihavethisthingwithfloors)

Our universal love of patterns also explains the viral appeal of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama’s mirror rooms, which create infinitely repeating patterns of simple shapes and colors:

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A post shared by USA TODAY Travel (@usatodaytravel)

Look around yourself for inspiration. Architecture, design and nature are all sources of mesmerizing patterns.

3. Vibrant colors

Minimalism and neutrals are trendy, but sometimes you just crave a pop of color. Bright, rich colors make us happy and give us energy. And when it comes to Instagram photography, they make a big impact on a small screen.

They can even make a plain high-rise building look beautiful:

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A post shared by Zebraclub (@zebraclubvan)

4. Humor

If you want to be depressed about the state of the world, go to Twitter.

Instagram is a happy place, which means humor plays well here. Especially in contrast to the perfectly composed and edited photos that proliferate on the platform. Funny photos are a breath of fresh air for your audience, and they show that you don’t take this whole thing too seriously.

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A post shared by Caroline Cala Donofrio (@carolinecala)

5. Candid action

Capturing your subject in motion is tough, which is what makes it so impressive. A compelling action shot is exciting and arresting. It turns even an ordinary subject into something lovely:

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A post shared by stella blackmon (@stella.blackmon)

You don’t always need to strive for perfection either. Sometimes a little blurred movement adds an artistic, dreamy touch:

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A post shared by Valley Buds Flower Farm (@valleybudsflowerfarm)

When taking action photos, take multiple options to increase your odds of an amazing shot. You can use burst mode (by holding down your camera button) to capture 10 photos per second.

6. Detail shots

A sharp focus on an unexpected or interesting detail can be attention-grabbing, especially in a feed full of busy, dynamic photos. It’s like a palate cleanser, offering a sense of stillness and calm.

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A post shared by Truvelle | For modern brides (@truvellebridal)

Using Instagram editing tools like vignette (dimming the edges of your photo) or tile shift (which creates a soft blur around your focal point) can enhance detail photos.

Take your photo from a close distance to preserve quality. Shooting from far away and cropping lowers the image resolution, leading to grainy, lackluster photos that damage your brand. Make sure you’re uploading images that are sized for Instagram.

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A post shared by Caroline Cala Donofrio (@carolinecala)

7. Captivating backgrounds

This is a simple technique, but it works: take advantage of an awesome background! It’s the reason you always want to take a selfie in a restaurant bathroom with killer wallpaper. People curate good photo walls for a reason.

The more creative your background, the better. As in this example, a gorgeous background can be the perfect complement to a product post.

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A post shared by Charlie & Lee (@charlieandlee)

8. Animals

Some things are true, even if we don’t really understand why. Yawning is contagious. Light is both a particle and a wave. Instagram photos are better if there’s a cute animal in them.

It would be fair to say this is the cheapest trick in the book. But if you have an adorable pup at your disposable (or, just putting this out into the universe, a miniature pony) it would be a mistake not to use them.

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A post shared by Kaia & Nicol 🇨🇦 (@whereskaia)

9. Food

Did your mom ever tell you that your eyes were bigger than your stomach? Nowhere is that more true than Instagram, where we can’t get enough of food photography.

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A post shared by Great White (@greatwhitevenice)

The secret to an excellent food photo? Shoot from above, take advantage of photogenic surroundings, and use natural light. The last one is especially important, because the people eating next to you definitely don’t want to be interrupted by your flash.

10. People

Research has found that people love looking at faces on Instagram (hello once again to Chris Hemsworth). In fact, photos with people get up to 38% more likes than photos without.

To take a stunning portrait, follow the principles above: use natural light, choose an appealing background, and explore shooting from different angles to capture a more interesting shot. Some phones even include a portrait mode, which will optimize lighting and focus.

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A post shared by Tidal Magazine (@tidalmag)

Now that you know how to take amazing photos using your phone, learn how to edit them using our step-by-step guide, or watch this video tutorial that walks you through the foundations of how to edit your photos for Instagram using Adobe Lightroom on your phone:

Save time managing your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. From a single dashboard you can schedule and publish photos directly to Instagram, engage the audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles. Try it free today.

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What’s Behind the Perfect Photos of Instagram Models, and How to Take the Same Photos Yourself / Bright Side

The main secret of popular Instagram bloggers is about how they edit their photos. They can do it so well that they make us want to look at them again and again. Some people keep their tricks secret, but some bloggers are happy to share their editing lessons with their subscribers and tell, in detail, how to create certain effects.

We at Bright Side learned some tricks from famous Instagram bloggers that can make your photos far more appealing and interesting in just a matter of minutes.

1. Profile design

The golden rule of every Instagram blogger is that all the profile photos should look harmonious with one another. It is not that all that hard to take photos in the same general style. In order to achieve this, you need to share photos with different topics and angles so that there are no similar photos together.

Also, it is important to have the same color scheme. The app Adobe Capture can analyze the photos on your Instagram page and tell you which color combination you should choose for your next posts.

For that, you need to upload a screenshot of your profile to the app and see the color scheme. In order to check whether the next photo matches it, upload it and see if the color scheme is the same. The more matching colors there are, the better.

2. A drawn avatar

© Zmoji

© Zmoji

Of course, some bloggers ask professional artists to draw their avatars. But you can get a similar one even if you can’t draw. In the app Zmoji (iOS / Android), you can get your portrait in just a few minutes.

The constructor offers several options for hairstyles, facial shapes, eyes, lips, eyebrows, and so on. If you take a representative photo of yourself and use it as a guide, rather than your memory, you can get a face that looks like you. You can also create animated stickers with your face and send them to your friends instead of emojis.

3. Correcting the body’s shape

Many bloggers like Facetune2: it is much easier to use than many of the alternatives and it is easy to work with, even if you are a total beginner at photo editing. One of the most interesting functions it has is the ability to change the shape of objects on photos, even if this object is a big belly, after a big dinner.

You can use the tool “Shape” to increase or decrease the size of any object in the photo. For example, in this photo the girl made her belly flat and her butt a bit bigger. The most important thing is to watch the objects in the background — they might change shape too. So, it’s better to avoid any straight line in the background if you want to do this type of edit to your photo.

4. Amazing hair volume

You can use 2 apps to create the perfect hairstyle. For starters, use the “Shape” tool in Facetune2 to make your hair more voluminous. It is important to make sure the face and the background look normal. This is why you should draw the hair from the middle, not from the edges. Even if some distortions appear, you can fix them in the next step.

Use the app Snapseed (iOS / Android) to open the original photo. In “Tools” choose “Double exposure” and put the edited photo from Facetune2 here. Adjust the transparency to the maximum level and go to the next step. Go to the tab “Two layers” and press “See changes,” “Double exposure,” and “Edit.” Use the brush to correct the hair and the face to remove all the distortions.

You can add more shine to the hair in the same app. Choose “Brush,” “Dodge & Burn +5,” and apply this to the hair as needed.

5. Perfect skin and a shiny white smile

© Jordan Strauss / Invision / Eastnews

Don’t cancel a photoshoot if you have a pimple. Any skin problem can be hidden with the right editing. Here, for example, Angelina Jolie’s problem skin was turned into perfect skin with 4 apps.

Use Snapseed (iOS / Android) and choose the tool “U Point,” to cover all the skin problems and overly-lit areas. Use the tool “Portrait” to even out the skin and eye colors. You can adjust the brightness, contrast, and light balance whatever way you like.

Next, go to Facetune2 and choose the tool “Softness” to edit the entire face, except for the eyes. Use the tool “Bleach” to make the eyes and the teeth brighter.

Use VSCO to set the grain parameter to +2, and to about +6 for any filter you like.

You can use YouCam Makeup (iOS / Android) to change the eyebrows, highlight the eyelashes, make the eyes bigger, or change the facial contour.

6. Getting a tattoo

PicsArt offers a lot of options to edit photos. For example, you can surprise your subscribers with an unusual tattoo.

Go to the “Stickers” tab and write “Tattoo” in the search bar. You can choose any tattoo that you like and just put it on the body part you want. Use the “Eraser” to remove the parts of the tattoo you don’t like and you are good to go!

The most interesting pictures are accessible in the premium version of the app that you can use for free for 3 days. Just don’t forget to cancel the subscription in time.

7. Adding something unusual to the photo

If you didn’t find the right sticker in the PicsArt gallery, you can make your own. For this, press the tab “Photo” and add the object you like to the picture. Use the tool “Cut” to remove the background from the object, and choose the right size and position. If you do a good job, your picture will look like a real photo.

8. Recovering a dark photo

Not every dark photo can be recovered to make it look better than the original. However, you can try, and the app you should use is called Lightroom. The parameters should be set individually for each photo. Pay attention to tabs like “Light,” “Detail,” and “Color.” At the end of the editing, you can enable distortion correction. In order to make the effect more obvious and you can experiment with VSCO filters.

9. Blur the background

© vsco.mimimi / Instagram

If you like yourself in a photo but the background is not good enough, you can use the Facetune2 app. Upload your photo and choose the tool “Bleach” (the same one you used to whiten the teeth) and apply it to the light areas of the background.

Then, choose “Defocus” and apply the tool to the parts of the photo you want to be blurred. If you make a mistake, use the “Eraser” tool to correct it.

10.Turquoise water

© kokopompon / Instagram

The color of water in a photo can ruin the entire look and make the picture grey and dull. You can use the PicsArt app to make the water look more beautiful and bright. First, set the brightness, contrast, and saturation. If needed, correct the line of the horizon and lighten the shadows.

Next, find a photo of the sea where you like the water color and put it on top of your photo. The main secret is to mix the original photo with a new one. You need to adjust the transparency of the brush: the closer to the shore, the more transparent. Then, choose a drawing brush and choose the right color for the water. The brush should be semi-transparent, paint the water until the color you want is achieved.

11. Beautiful coffee photo

© Pixabay

In order to make a beautiful photo of a cup of cappuccino, you don’t need to have a coffee maker at home. Just take a photo of a cup and edit the photo in Snapseed (iOS / Android).

Open the photo and go to “Tools” to choose “Double exposure.” Upload a second photo of a cappuccino (you can find one online) and put it on top of your cup. Choose the maximum level of transparency and save your changes.

Go the tab “Recent changes” and choose “Double exposure” — “Edit.” Draw on the cappuccino with a 100-brush, if you go outside the contour, remove it with a 0-brush.

There you go — your beautiful coffee photo is done!

Bonus: If you have creative people around you, you are not going to need to do any post-editing.

Tell us in the comments what photos you like more: the real and natural ones with flaws or the perfectly edited ones?

Preview photo credit kokopompon / Instagram

Bright Side/Photography/What’s Behind the Perfect Photos of Instagram Models, and How to Take the Same Photos Yourself

How to photograph a product for Instagram so that it is torn off with hands.

Part 1

For Instagram, a beautiful visual is mega-important. This is an axiom that no one should forget. AND especially not to be forgotten by those who crave sales/fame/millions from social networks. After all, speech not just about beauty and aesthetics - not for participation to prepare content in the exhibition. Here the question is different: if your target audience is not attracted photos of the goods or some details will not be visible, then the cherished sales will not happen. Nobody wants to pay for an indistinct product - we are ready to argue, and you too. Therefore, we must try, work on the profile and make cool pictures, because they help sell. Especially since the competition is fierce. nine0003

Compare for yourself:

Everything seems to be fine: the product is visible, not even bad photos, not blurry and not dark.

But it’s not at all clear how the slippers look on the leg, how much fur volume. And in general, life is not enough - the photos are flat, boring. There is no desire to buy.

And here is another example: the same product - slippers. You can see how they look on the leg. And the home environment in the photo also has and inspires confidence. nine0003

In total, the photos are clearer, livelier, warmer and more soulful.

Although everything is also simple, without any frills - it can be filmed in real at home and on the phone.

A moment of banality: no matter how great the text under the picture is, it will not save you if the visual is frankly bad. Yes, yes, you can be a pen guru, words and marketing, but even no one will read the post if with a photo everything is bad. Instagram is, first of all, about beautiful pictures, keep it up in the head. nine0003

But do not rush to get upset. A good half of commercial profiles support themselves good pics on your own. This will be discussed in our article. We will figure out how to take a photo of a product for Instagram without a photographer, a cool camera, renting a studio, models and extra costs. But first, a disclaimer:


If you yourself are an experienced photographer with your mother, a guru of subject photography, or maybe the most important esthete, winner of the Vogue award for perfect taste and style (yes, yes, no such, we know), then either pass by, or be patient, or share in the comments with adequate advice for beginners - nevertheless, from something started. nine0003

Based on practice and experience, in the article we will show and tell how with a minimum budget and relatively straight arms, can be beautifully take a picture of your product without a studio, lamps, reflectors, spotlights, a cool camera and outbreaks. We practiced for our clients and our own needs.

Well, remember, there is also an element of subjectivity. So let's, as bequeathed cat Leopold, live together =) nine0003

I am an artist, as I see it, or how to photograph a product for Instagram

So, you understand that you are not ready for any reason one-time or permanently allocate funds from your budget for photography services. Incidentally, a common reason not only in a small budget, but also corny in time - you won’t call the photographer every time to take a picture of the confectionery, pasta pizza, handmade hats and jewelry, a dress from an atelier, fresh supplies of flowers and other products that need shooting here and now, not through a week. Therefore, to shoot objects and things beautifully seems like even a necessity. We look what we need and what to pay attention to in general. Let's go, there are a lot of points, even there were two parts of the article. nine0003

1. Technology

As already mentioned, the presence of a cool camera and lens is not necessary. To smartphone quite really take good photos for Instagram. And believe me, the presence a camera does not make a person a photographer. You won't shoot better if you will have a top-end Nikon or Canon in your hands. After all, it’s not technology that makes cool photos, but the man himself. And you still need to be able to handle professional cameras, one automatic mode won't save you either. nine0003

It is important to take care of the light, angle, composition in general, details and, possibly, post-processing, but more on that below. So if you don't have a DSLR, do not rush to buy it or borrow it from friends of acquaintances. Better dedicate time to explore other aspects.

While we put aside the thought in our heads: a smartphone in capable hands is cool. Many content and account managers offering their services for maintaining and filling profiles, they shoot it on a smartphone. Yes, so that you download. nine0003

For now, for example:

Photo of wooden notebooks taken with a SLR.
Filmed by ourselves for a client.

A photo of coffee taken with a phone.
We also filmed ourselves in the office.

In fact, in the Instagram feed or even in a post in VK there is a big difference the user will not see it. And with the right lighting and elaboration of details, the picture on the phone is in no way inferior to the "camera". And with skillful hands maybe even better than a photo on a DSLR. nine0003


Always check and clean the lens of your vehicle before shooting. And no we don't laugh at you. This is a very, very, very common problem. as a result, you will get blurry photos or strange spots on them. So we take a rag and wipe the phone camera every time we decide to make content. Otherwise you can forget about the good quality of the photos.

2. Lighting

The issue of lighting is half the success of high-quality product photos for Instagram. Here 2 things to remember: nine0003

  • Natural light is your best friend. If you are not a vampire, then we are waiting daylight, we come closer to the window and try to shoot the goods near it. If we are talking about clothes, then you can safely go to the street, but there already be be careful: do not shoot against the sun, avoid direct sunlight and keep an eye on the shadows. It is important to experiment, to catch the lucky light and strike a balance.
  • nine0071 The light of the lamps does not decorate photographs, so you need to be with artificial lighting the most careful. Remember: white light - good, yellow - Badly. The warm tone yellows the photographs, and the cold light of the lamps creates the impression of some hospitals. Plus, artificial light for subject shooting with inept use gives rough shadows that will be difficult to remove by processing. To prevent this from happening it is still desirable to take photos of goods in white light or in daylight. nine0072

2 more points: often a lightbox is used for product photography, and not necessarily to buy it - the simplest one can be assembled with your own hands (how to do it easily google). But in good daylight, this is not particularly advisable. To start deal with natural lighting and try to take a photo with him.

And about the flash: it eats up volume, the tool is definitely not suitable for a beginner, so Feel free to exclude it as well. nine0003

Here the photo has a problem not only with light, but now we are interested in it is he. Artificial light just kills the picture, it’s completely incomprehensible what with color rendition + there is also overexposure on the jacket - obviously illuminated sleeve.

Photo does not sell the jacket, the quality leaves much to be desired.

We leave the goods to the natural light, and a completely different picture. No glare, strange shades - nothing yellows and does not spoil the picture. nine0003

No training here. From the first time, perhaps nothing will come of it, because in any case, there are subtleties: from the banal "do not shoot against sun" to options with a simple reflector made of a sheet of paper.

But once again: if you shoot during the day in a bright room or on the street, more likely to get good photos.

Tip #1:

Do not rush to take photos of products for Instagram here “right now”, despite the time of day and lighting. And do not be afraid to go out with the goods, for example, on the street. Very often, shop owners take off things right in the dark. pavilion, not yet on the model, but on a hanger. Then kaput sales. nine0003

Gloomy and incomprehensible. Lighting literally kills the photo + the presentation itself leaves much to be desired the best - as a result, you can’t look at the tape without tears.

Soft daylight clearly colors the photos - the general mood is immediately where more cheerful, and the product looks much more attractive. Besides, on living people it is clear how things sit. nine0003

Tip #2:

For product shooting, position yourself directly on the windowsill if the goods are small and it will turn out to crop the photo so that parts of the window sill, frames in the picture didn't hit. If the goods are larger, move the table as close as possible to the window and experiment on it.

The composition is large, we are located on the table.
Why we know: we filmed for a client ourselves (like the next photo). nine0003

Here the goods are small, you can comfortably sit on the windowsill.

Tip #3:

If it's physically impossible to catch daylight, take care about multiple light sources for shooting. For example, at least 2 or 3 table lamps + play with their placement. There is, of course, a whole theory and the rules for working with such light, but believe me, it’s easier for you in practice will experiment how to use these lamps. Well, the layouts Light sources can also be Googled separately. nine0030

3. Idea, inspiration, observation

Before you go and photograph a product for Instagram, immediately think about this: what do you want to convey to the user, how interesting it is to show your product, how to stand out among other profiles of your subject?

Yes, of course, you are not for creativity, you just need the product to be bought. But for this to happen, you need to try and work on the visual. Above we are already we saw with you just slippers, just jackets - it's easy to take off. However, once again we broadcast the idea: there will be no sales this way. The picture should sell. nine0003

There is no ready-made recipe, otherwise all photos and all profiles would be the same. Find yourself the holy trinity will help: inspiration, observation, idea:

  • See profiles on Instagram on your subject and more, tag cool shots that hooked you. To do this, right on Instagram in the search bar, you can enter thematic words both in Russian and and in English. Log in to big brand accounts. nine0003

  • Look for selections from agencies, bloggers, photographers. For example, we published article "I want likes: 50 examples of beautiful Instagram accounts." These review articles are not uncommon, they will help you get ideas and look at things with fresh eyes.

  • nine0071

    Monitor Pinterest - that's where the storehouse of everything and everything. And also use the search in Russian and English, and search and watch in more general words, including, see what offers you an adjacent Pinterest. Also, be sure to look at the stocks - Freepik, Unsplash: there are also a lot content, many options for subject shooting. Notice how things are laid out taking pictures of people, etc. nine0003

  • Cling to associations and where and how the product is used. Jewelry must be shown on the body, clothes too (or take a tailor's mannequin), I would like to see a vase in a piece of interior, cooked eclair - at the table in the company with coffee. Natural cosmetics can be removed with flowers, herbs, dried flowers, stones; handmade photo album - in a pile of papers, tapes, and glasses, for example, on a plaster copy David. Hope you get the idea. nine0003

Tip #1:

Save the photos you like. Immediately think about how you can implement this idea and transfer to your product. Also collect some small items that you can use for entourage (we'll talk about this a little later). nine0003

Do not be afraid and do not think that you cannot realize someone's idea. Try to repeat simple flatlay options (if in a simple way it is photo style when a picture of objects is taken from above, examples are already above we posted) - it's not so difficult.

Tip #2:

Live photos are good and fashionable. They evoke emotions, they are visual. Take a photo in motion, be slightly careless, use everyday objects to help. But remember, quality plays a huge role and this is exactly what you need train taste and observation. nine0003

4. View selection

There is always one problem with online shopping - you can't touch the goods hands and try on. Therefore, a potential buyer through the photo must make sure in all product features. How sneakers sit on the leg, what style the dress has such a massive chain, what size is the soft toy for the child, etc.

And if the photo is completely flat, incomprehensible, a strange angle is chosen that does not show the dignity of a thing, then it is unlikely to be ordered. For example, above were slippers, shot simply on laminate. Alas, the photos are not attractive. nine0003

Therefore, be sure to think about how your product looks best. Do not know? Then we take photos literally from all sides, at different angles, we shoot close-ups of the details.

Of course, then you don’t need to upload all the pictures to the profile - you have to select the very best.

The downside is that all the shoes are taken from one angle, several models per one picture and it is not clear how they look on the leg. Well, another problem with light, glare, composition. nine0003

Here we already see more options: how the shoes really look on the leg - at different angles, in motion, with an emphasis on a bright detail of a concrete a pair of boots.

It seems that there are photos on people, but there are not so many of them. Plus not all angles are favorable, clothes are wrinkled in places. Well, on a hanger or on the floor and it’s not at all clear what kind of product it really is. nine0003

All things on models, bows are fully assembled, poses are different and relaxed, important details were also shot close-up, such as knitting a sweater.

And another example. Not the worst, but not ideal either. Why? And because again it is not clear what sizes the accessories are and how they look live, how “chubby” the bags are and how long some of the handles are. nine0003

Everything is here: photos of the backpack, and emphasis on details, and photos with a person. All angles and options are involved, and that's great.

Tip #1:

Be sure to take a lot of photos from all sides - from above, from the side, at an angle, try, it would seem, even strange angles. In the photo, everything can look more advantageous and more successful than you originally thought. On the contrary, it also works - the idea was good, but in fact the angle is terrible. Therefore, the more you have different photos, the more likely you are to get at least a couple of good ones. nine0003

Tip #2:

Don't know what details to show for a thing or object? See examples and show what you are really proud of and what speaks of quality products. For example, take a close-up shot of interesting stitching on a handmade bag, catchy buttons on the dress, the sole of the shoe, the inside of the brooch.

Among other things, you need to visualize the size, dimensions, height and other characteristics of the goods. That is, the height of the stud should be visible in reality, the size of the earrings is tiny studs or huge earrings Art Deco. nine0030

5. Composition

One warrior in the field is not about a product photo for Instagram. Yes, there is one a thing like minimalism - you shoot only your product, without any additional details and things. But minimalism is different for minimalism, in order to be good and stylish, it is required much more effort than just shooting against a white background.

Let's go straight to the examples. One and the same product, and three different delivery methods:

The photo is of high quality, bright, but boring. Just a product on a uniform background. Nothing extra.
Sometimes such photos are also needed, but potential buyers attracts originality and more lively pictures.

Here we already see a glorious simple composition. And in total the photo looks more attractive and interesting. Small details and objects scattered around the frame do not distract attention from the product, but make the picture more alive and attractive. nine0003

The third option is a photo already with the model. But also pay attention on the composition - the girl is not standing against the background of a white wall, but in the interior, but he does not draw attention to himself, only complements the frame, making it more comfortable and humane.

Well, what to add to your composition depends on the details and inspiration. For example, for product photography, you can use twigs, pebbles, jars, mats, books, candles, a cup of coffee, a mirror. Yes, anything. nine0003

For example, partly in conditions "on the knee" they filmed for us and our escorted clients:

Task: remove Korean instant noodles.
Just photographing plastic packaging is boring.
What to do? Steam the noodles and add details: sticks, a special plate, green vegetables - that's the composition ready.

Or, you need to remove the book that came from the publisher. What to add to the composition? Ideal office accessories - headphones, flowers, a pen, notepad, etc.

Or we have a product - a tourist enameled mug. It's simple: we take her with us to nature, we take out a thermos and chocolate, and voila. nine0053 You don’t have to go to nature, just find a bush near your home or office.

Tip #1:

A thoughtful composition is always more attractive than a photo of a blouse on a laminate. small details help create a whole plot, complement the atmosphere, show the product itself advantageously, give the user to try on a thing, make an association between himself and the picture. But it is important that auxiliary items do not draw attention to themselves, everything should be in moderation. And nothing should overshadow our main product. nine0003

Tip #2:

Improvised means will help to create a spectacular composition. Learn to use the most common little things and everyday objects in your pictures. How to study? Again, look examples, looking for ideas, getting inspired. And more about auxiliary things we will talk in the second part of the article.

Taking beautiful photos of goods for Instagram is not for you to drive a cat with slippers

So, as you already understood, the preparation of a high-quality, beautiful, and most importantly working content for Instagram is not an easy task. Dismantled only half points worth paying attention to. The rest are in the second part of the article. nine0003

Well, if you have already given up and want to entrust someone with escort profile, contact our SMM specialists. We will figure out how to solve your problems and make a cool profile.

How to take a beautiful photo on Instagram: from theory to practice

You must have heard that Instagram* is a social network for visuals, and photos are of paramount importance here. Not without exceptions, but that's how it is. What to do if you want to conquer Instagram *, but you have never been a photographer? How to take cool photos on Instagram*? Don't be upset, believe in yourself and read this article! nine0003

Benefits of Instagram* for non-photographers

If you have long been attracted by the art of photography, but are frightened by the number of complex words, technical nuances and long processing, your hour has come - Instagram* will solve problems and awaken dormant creative potential. After all, everyone can take cool photos on Instagram* and upload normal, high-quality content to their profile!

A phone is enough

You don't have to buy a big expensive camera to take cool photos for your Instagram account*. You can get by with a smartphone with a good camera. nine0003

Single photo format

By default, there are two types of photos on Instagram*: square and rectangular. This means you don't have to worry about cropping, weight, or photo size. The social network will think about it for you. Catch cool shots and upload to your account by publishing a post or story.

Read our blog about the nuances of uploading photos to Instagram* without cropping.

If you make it a rule that your profile will contain only Instagram* format photos, that is, square ones, you can do it in the following ways:

Set the frame format to 1:1 in the phone's camera settings Crop the photo to square format when publishing a post

No need for Photoshop , you have to try. Pictures will have to be uploaded from the camera to a computer, deal with processing programs (Photoshop or similar), learn a lot of complex words, like “exposure” or “trimming”.

It's easier with Instagram. nine0003

The application itself has a shooting function. You can edit brightness, contrast, saturation and other parameters in the application by moving your finger along the scale. Here, on Instagram*, there are many filters that are superimposed on the photo with a touch, even a child can handle it.

When standard photo editing tools are no longer enough, check out our articles for more applications:

  • photo and video editing for Instagram*;
  • top 25 services for working on Instagram*. nine0072

Tip: If you don't want to share a photo taken and edited with Instagram*, save it to your smartphone.

After applying the filters, click "Download"

Insta photography theory

When deciding how to take good photos on Instagram * on your phone, follow a few simple rules.


Light from a chandelier and lamp makes the photo yellow and distorts colors, so if you are new to photography, shoot only in daylight - it is the most advantageous. Daylight doesn't mean sunny day, it's just daylight hours. In this light, the photo turns out “as if alive”: with natural colors and shadows. nine0003

You don't have to go outside to take a photo on Instagram* in daylight, you can also take pictures at home. If it's dark at home, get closer to the window, shoot on the windowsill, or set up a photo zone next to the window.


The social network is not an online store, and photos of items on an etched white background that look great in a store window on Instagram * usually do not arouse much interest. Here they love photos with details and textures that are interesting to consider. In this case, you can use a white background, but if it is a sheet or a blanket, the frame will become more interesting. In addition to them, you can use a special photophone. Backgrounds come in different textures and colors: under the tree, under the concrete, under the brick - choose any. nine0003

The photophone itself, of course, is not very interesting. To make it interesting, you need to put something on it. It can be postcards, books, magazines, cookies, flowers, travel magnets - all that junk that gathers dust on the shelves and it's a pity to throw it away.

But if you are thinking about creating an online store, read “How to take a professional photo for Instagram *”, “Hand-Made. How to make a selling photo of a product” on our blog.

Clean lens

It may be obvious and funny, but it is the smudged lens that often prevents you from taking normal photos on Instagram*. One day I decided that my phone was broken: all the photos turned out to be cloudy. A few hours separated me from buying a new phone, when I realized that I just needed to wipe the lens.

Wipe the lens. Always clean the lens.

Focus on

There may be more than one subject in the frame. The most clear should be the main one. To "catch the focus" it is enough to poke your finger into the desired object on the phone screen. nine0003

Take a lot of shots

Back when everything was shot with film cameras, every shot was worth its weight in gold. Now, in the digital age, we can click the shutter until our phone runs out of space. Then remove the excess and click again. This is good, because it is not always possible to "see the frames" the first time.

Tip: Take multiple shots at once. Swap items in places, add new ones, remove unnecessary ones. Then choose the best option and publish a post or story. nine0003

The practice of insta photography

In theory, everything is simple and clear, but in practice, accounts are full of trash pictures. Why? Because after the lecture it is necessary to work out seminars to consolidate the material. And if “just a photo” in stories is still somehow appropriate, then beautiful photos should always be taken for posts on Instagram *.

Find examples

Taste can be trained like a muscle. Perhaps now you don’t know what a “beautiful photograph” is, how to build a frame, how to lay out small things on a photo background. But there are many who know and post cool photos on Instagram* - find them! Subscribe to accounts that you like, whose style is close to you. Let their photos constantly flash in your feed. nine0003


You can't use other people's photos. But you can take your photos "based on". At first, this will help you to “fill your hand” and feel the insta-style in photography. Do not worry that you are repeating, because you are unlikely to get exactly the same photo.

Over time, you yourself will learn to invent and see shots, and the need for repetition will disappear by itself. Repetition is only needed at the very beginning while you are learning. I myself went through this, learning to photograph from other people's photographs. nine0003 Friend / foe

Gather the base and ideas

Among the pictures you view, there will most likely be those that you can hypothetically repeat for your profile. Surely you also have beautiful bedding, or a cool mug, or you can also lay out dry leaves in a book, or it’s interesting to gut a bouquet. If you like the frame and you understand that it is not difficult to recreate it, take a print screen and save the idea for creating a photo in the Instagram format*.

Change your angle.

The simplest thing you can do. What is the point? You are asked to take a picture of a person. You take your smartphone, stand in front of it and press the button. Do not do like this.

Squat or stand up so that your faces are at the same level to prevent the person in the photo from turning out to be short-legged. For the next shot, climb somewhere higher and take a picture from above. Squat down and take a picture from below. Come closer and again from below. Take a photo from the side. Go behind the tree and take a couple more shots through the leaves. This is called changing perspective. nine0003 lissa.zn and _lsvln_ just put a smartphone in an unusual place for shooting, and the result was not “just a photo”

When you look at cool pictures on social networks, not necessarily people, think for a second where was the photographer at the time of the shoot. And how would the frame turn out if the photo was taken in a standard way, from a height of human growth.

You can't say better about the importance of the angle.

The technique is also suitable for subject shooting. You can take a beautiful photo of a mug on a table on Instagram* from a dozen angles: from the side, placing the smartphone on the table, just from the side, from the side of the handle, from the top in the center, slightly tilting the smartphone from above, and so on. nine0003


Also an easy trick. Look for reflections: in shop windows, in puddles, in mirrors, in sunglasses, and even in broken glass, if you're not superstitious.

irenaponaroshku and kristikut are experimenting while relaxing on the beach and taking Instagram photos* for posts and stories

Get deeper.

Cool trees, flowers, grass, children's climbing frames? Don't stand in the background, go inside if possible. nine0003 akmaral_bekmaganbetova and analim_oni were not afraid to go deep into the thickets

Seasonal photos.

There is something beautiful in every season. If you get stuck with ideas, remember what is now, what will not be later, and take a picture with it. In winter, it is snow, snowmen, a fairytale forest, garlands in the city and cool shop windows, snow fun. In the fall ... yes, you yourself will continue this list better than me!

In spring, nature wakes up and photographer.victoria28 takes a photo with everything that woke up, filling the feed with spring content

Focus on one subject .

Often, seeing something cool, we take and take a photo thoughtlessly. Tip: Your shots will look more professional if only a small part of the beauty is in focus, and the rest goes into the background.

An example from my dacha. Pay attention to the grid - the main object is better placed along the lines or at the intersection points of the lines. The eye is so pleasing

A part of myself.

The picture will attract more attention if you shoot not just an interesting street or forest, but insert a part of yourself into the frame. Let it be your legs, or a hand with a hat or ice cream, it doesn't matter.

There is a story hidden behind such shots...

Shoot life .

When you blog and look for footage, walk the streets of the city and take a closer look at your surroundings. We all often hurry somewhere, and do not notice many curious things. You can also ask to take a picture of you "in the crowd." Here you are going somewhere, or sitting on a bench thinking, and people, bicycles, cars are hurrying around. Just make sure the focus is on you. nine0003 Tip: if it's difficult, imagine that you are a reportage photographer, and your task as a newspaper editor is to capture the life of the city :-)

Natural frames .

Arches, a large mesh fence, an art object, even an inflatable swimming ring can become a kind of photo frame.

When shooting outdoors, just think about what could serve as a frame for a photo, and most likely, you will quickly find the right one. v.olga3 and krutikova_yana found Instagram photo ideas*

Repeating objects, symmetry .

A row of identical cars, a long fence, even identical white sneakers lined up - all this attracts attention with its repetitions. The same with symmetry: the eye automatically begins to look for inconsistencies in ideality, and you have earned attention to your photo.

monika0305 sees symmetry in architecture, red_apple_photo in nature. When there is no symmetry around, create it yourself like ya.shedow

Use shadow .

Difficult but interesting technique. An ugly shadow will spoil even a beautiful shot. Do you want chic? Train your eyesight and repeat like a pro.

little_studio and irenaponaroshku and their shadow games

Funny shots .

Learn more