How to stay offline on instagram

How to appear offline in Instagram


So you can browse the platform without anyone being nosy.

For some on social media, you’ll know how to fly under the radar. For this, you’ll need to know how to change your Activity Status and appear offline on Instagram.

The platform includes an Activity Status feature that tracks how long it’s been since you were online and lets your friends know when you’re active on the platform.

As you can imagine, that has the potential to get a little invasive. Fortunately, Instagram only shows this information to users you follow or message privately.

But it’s still nice to be able to hide that Activity Status, so you don’t have to worry about all of you’re connected users knowing what you’re up to at all times.

What does appearing offline on Instagram do?

Image: Unsplash

As we mentioned briefly, appearing offline on Instagram does several different things. And it all revolves around the Activity Status.

First, turning off your Activity Status to appear offline on Instagram will hide your status from other users. That means nobody can see when you actively browse images and videos on the platform.

Additionally, toggling your Activity Status off will also hide the counter that tells people how long it has been since you were last offline.

So, you can essentially hide every aspect of Instagram’s Activity Status for your profile. However, doing so will also mean that you won’t be able to see anybody else’s Activity Status.

So if you want to know when others are online, you’ll have to continue to let them know you are online.

Why would you want to appear offline on Instagram?

There are several reasons why you might want to appear offline on Instagram. Maybe you’ve got that annoying aunt that won’t leave you alone whenever they find out that you’re online.

Or maybe there’s someone you’ve connected with in the past that takes advantage of your Activity Status. Although, it might be a better idea to go ahead and block that person completely.

Whatever your reason for wanting to appear offline on Instagram, the feature can be an incredibly useful tool.

And you can always go back and toggle the feature back on if you want to show your friends when you are online again.

Image: KnowTechie

Since Instagram is primarily used on mobile devices, this will likely be the most useful section for most people.

First, we’ll look at how to toggle off your Activity Status on the Instagram mobile app for iOS or Android.

The menus might look a little different, depending on what kind of phone you have. But the processes are the same either way.

  1. Open Instagram and tap your profile picture

  2. Select the hamburger menu (three-line menu) in the top right

  3. Select Settings

  4. Tap Privacy

  5. Scroll down and click on Activity Status

  6. Lastly, toggle Activity status off

After toggling off this setting, you will begin to appear offline on Instagram. And whenever you want to appear online again, just repeat the same steps and toggle Activity Status back on.

Screenshot: Instagram

While Meta was originally focused on developing Instagram as a mobile app, the company has added features to the desktop Instagram website to make it work a little more like the mobile app.

And fortunately, you can at least use the website to toggle your Activity Status.

  1. Click your profile picture in the top right corner
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Select Settings
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Click Privacy and security
Image: KnowTechie
  1. Toggle the Show activity status box off
Image: KnowTechie

That’s all there is to that. Once you toggle the Activity Status box off from that menu, you won’t be displaying your online status or history to everyone.

Remember, you also won’t be able to see other users’ Activity Status if you’ve toggled your option off.

And if you ever change your mind, you can follow the same steps to return and turn your Activity Status back on again.

Image: KnowTechie

Tons of people like to browse Instagram to keep up with friends or their favorite creators. But you don’t have to let everyone know that you’re online when you’re browsing the platform.

Instagram’s Activity Status feature lets you choose when you want people to see that you’re online.

Of course, it also means that you won’t be able to see other users’ Activity Status with yours turned off. But that’s a small price for a little extra privacy on the platform.

You can change your Activity Status on Instagram regularly. So get familiar with this process and start browsing Instagram on or offline. The choice is always yours.

Are you keeping this feature turned on? Carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors’ Recommendations:
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  • Who’s the most followed person on Instagram?
  • Can you see who views your Instagram Stories?
  • How to unlink Facebook and Instagram

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6 Simple Steps to Appear Offline on Instagram

Ever wonder how you can browse through your Instagram feed without your friends and followers knowing you’re online?

If that idea’s appealing to you, learning the basics of how to appear offline on Instagram might be the answer you’re looking for.

So, if you’re eager to learn this not-so-secret trick, keep reading below.


How to Appear Offline on Instagram
  1. After launching Instagram, tap “Profile” at the bottom left of the “Home” screen.
  2. On the “Profile” page, tap the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner.
  3. Tap the “Settings” button in the menu appearing at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Press “Privacy” on the “Settings” page.
  5. Keep scrolling down and tap the “Activity Status” option.
  6. Tap the toggle for “Show Activity Status” until it turns gray.


Appearing Offline on Instagram Without A Trace — Key 6 Steps

Turning off your “online” status on Instagram isn’t as challenging a feat as it looks.

You only need to learn the right buttons to press for you to successfully see your liked posts on Instagram without anyone knowing you’re online.

Step 1: After you launch Instagram by tapping on the app icon on your phone’s home screen, press the “Profile” icon.

You’ll find this “Profile” button at the rightmost part of the bottom menu of the “Home” page.

Step 2: Now, you’ll be redirected to your “Profile” page.

On the upper right of the said page, press the hamburger (3-horizontal-line) menu.

Step 3: On the menu that appears at the page’s bottom, tap the “Settings” option.

Step 4: Under the “Settings” page, head to “Privacy” and tap it.

Step 5: Once you’re on the “Privacy” page, swipe up until the “Activity Status” option appears.

Once you find the said button, tap on it once for you to see the options available on the next page.

Step 6: Now, you’ll see 2 toggle options available on the “Activity Status” page: “Show Activity Status” and “Show When You’re Active Together.”

Since you’re aiming to appear offline on Instagram, tap the toggle of the “Show Activity Status” option.

You’ll know you’re successful in turning this option off when the toggle appears with a gray color from blue.

Curiously though, you’ll notice that the “Show When You’re Active Together” option also turns to gray after you switch the previous option off.

This means that you and the person you follow and chat with on Instagram’s messenger won’t know if they’re online or not.

And, with those 6 steps, you’ve successfully appeared offline on Instagram. 

Don’t you worry though if you only want to appear offline for a few instances. You can always switch this feature back once you feel like it.

So, are you ready to try this cool Instagram feature?


Frequently Asked Questions about How to Appear Offline on Instagram


If I turn off the “Show Activity Status” toggle, will it permanently make me appear offline on Instagram?

Appearing offline on Instagram after tapping the “Show Activity Status” toggle is only a temporary feature. If you want to appear active or online on Instagram, just tap the same toggle to turn it on.


If I appear offline on Instagram, will the person I’m chatting with on Instagram know if I’m active or not on the platform?

Since turning off the “Show Activity Status” button switches the “Show When You’re Active Together” option off, the other party won’t know whether you’re active or not. But, doing so will not prevent you from messaging the said person on IG’s messenger.


Will I be able to see other people’s statuses when I turn off my “Active” status on Instagram?

Since you turned off your Instagram activity status, you won’t be able to see the activity status of the accounts you’re following as well as those who you’re conversing with. Hence, you won’t be able to check on the other accounts’ Active status.


How will you know if an Instagram user’s active or online? 

You’ll know if a particular Instagram user’s online if you see a light green button appear beside his or her profile picture. You’ll also see a timestamp as to when the said user’s last active on the platform.


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Instagram for offline business: 7 useful tools

in the photo: Olga Pelevina , founder of the SMM agency Diablo

Instagram has long ceased to be just a platform with “cheerful pictures” and has become a serious tool for effective and effective communication with the audience.

It has become bad form for a brand not to have an account on a social network and not post interesting and juicy images there.

But dialogue with the audience through visuals is no longer the main functionality for business. Instagram is slowly turning into a global online hypermarket with a wide variety of products on display. Despite the activity of brands, there are still many questions about how to make offline trading and Instagram work together, and how to make the grid, no matter how trite it may sound, the engine of trading.

Making a showcase

Account in Instagram – business showcase. And the main goal of window dressing is to make as many people as possible want to visit the store. The basis of SMM promotion is high-quality visual content. When setting a task for a photographer, keep in mind that it’s not enough for pictures to just be beautiful. Photos should create intrigue, arouse interest and provoke the viewer to further action. Almost like a woman - there should be some mystery in the picture. Sometimes retailers are so addicted to the details of the product that there is no need to go to their website and ask questions to the consultant in direct, and the reason for this is a kind of visual “spoilers”. They shouldn't be.

Speaking of provocations, the main thing is not to overdo it, Gucci shocking is not suitable for every brand.

Instead of a thousand words

Remember that Instagram is a social network for the eyes, and millions of visitors do not look there at all to read multi-letter press releases. “A lot of beauty - little text” - this is the formula for insta content.

We write about the product confidently and in simple language. As if talking about a new collection of furniture to a friend.

Instagram business card

Now Instagram account holders have more opportunities to attract followers. One of such simple but interesting tools is Instagram business cards.

Such a business card operates on the principle of a QR code. Go to the application, click on the "hamburger" in the upper right corner. There you will find an Instagram business card:

The service provided the ability to change the background of the sticker - choose emoji, gradient fill or selfie with stickers. Thus, the created business card becomes branded and fully corresponds to the corporate style of the company.

This business card can also be used offline. Examples of such use:

1) Place a business card on leaflets, booklets, printed catalogs - "digitize" your consumer.

2) Stores can place a sticker in fitting rooms encouraging them to follow an account.

3) On the menu for cafes and restaurants (offer table reservations via direct).

4) Near the entrance to an establishment or shop for local business.

5) On notebooks, T-shirts and other souvenirs.


Has a stunning collection of autumn coats arrived in the store? Show in Stories! A new barista has started working in the coffee shop, who famously prepares cappuccino with portraits of Russian celebrities? Subscribers should be aware of this.

Showcase the “wrong side” of the business – publications from the series “how it is done” or “what we do when no one sees us” increase brand credibility. And it is thanks to such content that just visitors become true friends of the brand and fans of the product. For greater effect, it is worth including publications in the stories section in the alternative content plan and posting them regularly, at least three times a week.

To help you, I suggest using useful and fairly simple tools:

  • Storeo for Instagram Stories - will cut the video into fifteen-second segments
  • Social Post Maker app to help you create vertical illustrations for Stories and covers for Highlights

Stories Highlights

Relatively fresh functionality arose in response to the desire of the audience to save their stories in a separate archive. 24 hours is too short a time to get the most out of your notes. As a result, users can put their "stories" into separate thematic archives. This mechanic also opened up a lot of interesting options for Instagrammers to interact with the audience.

The simplest thing is to create thematic archives dedicated to certain goods or groups of goods. Or - favorite by users - collections of lookbooks that can be leafed through and, in case of interest, immediately go to the corresponding pages of an online store or online catalog.

Especially successful stories can be published again and again. Why not, if the audience likes it?

Also Read: 10 Instagram Marketing Mistakes


The ability to use hot news to promote a product is a work on the verge of art and the exact sciences. For a successful advertising campaign, it is important to notice the emergence of a new trend in a timely manner, to have time to react to it before competitors, and to introduce the image of your product into the information flow.

Here it is important to catch the wave in time and respond to it. Track industry trends and boldly incorporate them into your content plan!

Instagram quick replies

A useful tool for anyone who has to frequently reply to the same type of direct messages. The functionality helps to reduce response time and provide prompt feedback.

How to set up?

Go to Settings, select "Quick Replies", click on the "New Quick Reply" link. In the form that opens, write a message and a keyword for which it will be displayed in the correspondence.

Video consultations

Not so long ago video calls appeared in Insatagram. This means that sellers are now one step closer to buyers. After all, visuals - people who perceive the surrounding reality through vision and visual images - make up more than 80% of the world's population. It is largely thanks to them that Instagram has evolved from a simple image exchange into a powerful mechanism for promoting products.

Set up Instagram consultations for clients who can't come to your showroom. Show the account visitor how the “Mexican jerboa” shimmers under the spotlights or how to unfold the chair-bed with one hand movement. The golden rule “better to see once” will never be canceled, and one short video consultation can replace lengthy correspondence or telephone conversations.

Video consultations are another opportunity for local businesses to reach the regional level.


“I wish I could show ads and my products to customers who are in the immediate vicinity of a store or showroom,” retail representatives and service owners timidly dreamed. And Instagram once again created the ability to set up ads through the Facebook Bussines manager.

This functionality is a must-use for cafes, bars and restaurants where residents of local offices come for lunch and where there are ready-made food departments. Social networks track geolocation and know where a person works, how long ago he dined, and children's entertainment centers set "points" to the addresses of kindergartens.


Summing up, I would like to note once again that each business is unique and a separate strategy should be developed for each specific case. Success in SMM is impossible without close interaction between the customer and the contractor. And with regard to Instagram, it is also important to remember that what you see is almost impossible to unsee. As they say, a picture is not a sparrow ... if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Olga Pelevina , founder of the SMM agency DIABLO

how to see when the user was online and how to turn it off

The Instagram feature showing whether a user is currently online and when they last logged into the social network can be very useful. However, not everyone and not always wants to shine online or give out their visit to Instagram.

Apple in Telegram and YouTube. Subscribe!

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How to see when a user logged in (was online) on Instagram

Your favorite application has long ceased to be just a service for publishing and viewing photos and has turned into a real messenger. A prime example of this is Direct (private messaging), which has replaced other messaging apps for many users. In this regard, the developers have added a function to Direct, which is present in WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. Now in this section you can see when your interlocutors were online for the last time. For this:

Open your Instagram feed and tap the airplane icon in the top right corner or swipe from the right edge to the left. The Direct messenger will open, in which, under the user's login, the time of the last stay online on Instagram will be indicated.

However, as we have already said, this function is not always appropriate. Fortunately, it can be easily turned off.

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It's very simple. Open the app and go to your profile.

Learn more