How to start a pet instagram

How to start and maintain an Instagram account for your pet

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms on the planet – and many of the most popular accounts belong to dogs and cats! Here’s how to make your pet #instafamous.

If you’ve ever gotten sucked into row after row of beautiful images on Instagram, you understand the appeal. Scrolling this app has become a common pastime for billions of people around the globe — and many of these users are following at least one dog or cat. In fact, the most followed Instagram cat, @nala_cat, has over 3.8 million followers, while the most followed Instagram dog, @jiffpom, boasts a whopping 8.9 million.

You might not be able to gain that many followers for your own dog or cat – at least not anytime soon. But there’s no reason why you shouldn’t create an Instagram account for him! Taking and posting pictures and videos of your furry friend is a fun pastime that can help you connect with other animal parents out there, and it’s a great way to document memories that’ll last a lifetime. Here’s how to start and grow an Instagram account for your animal companion.

Step 1: Download the app

If you haven’t already, visit an app store and download Instagram. It’s free!

Step 2: Come up with a “handle”

Your “handle” is the username that will represent you (or in this case, your dog or cat) across Instagram. You’ll have to come up with a name that hasn’t already been taken by another user, so get creative!

Step 3: Create your profile

Congratulations, you’re now the proud owner of your dog or cat’s Instagram account! Now that you’ve joined over one billion other users, it’s time to create a profile that’ll help you stand out from the crowd. Hit the “edit profile” button, and input your animal’s name, your website (if applicable), and write a short bio to describe your beloved companion.

Expert tip: Ellen started an Instagram account for her dog, Nelle, to document their life together, and to inspire others. But to gain 33K followers, she had to create an account that was different than all the others out there. “Be genuine,” she says. “Be yourself. Find something that makes you and your pet unique. There are millions of dogs…what makes yours remarkable?” Ellen must have done something right, because Nelle is the cover dog of this issue of Animal Wellness! Flip to the cover to see one of Ellen’s beautiful photos.

This is also a good time to add your profile photo. This tiny image is one of the first things other users will see, and will help them decide whether or not to follow you – so pick a good one! If you don’t have any photos yet, skip to the next step!

Step 4: Take some photos

This is the fun part! You love your furry friend, so sharing his face with the world can be a very gratifying experience. But taking a good picture of a dog or cat isn’t as easy as it looks. Chances are, he’ll be squirmy and uncooperative, and simply getting him to sit still will be a tedious task! To snap a good shot, use his favorite treat to encourage him to “pose”. Make sure you’re either outdoors or in a well-lit room, and use the best camera you have at your disposal to make sure the final result is high in quality. Your phone should work just fine.

Expert tip: Thanks to positive reinforcement, Nelle has become an expert doggie model – but it isn’t always easy! “If she doesn’t want to pose, I tell her it’s okay and we walk away,” says Ellen. “I never make her do something she doesn’t want to. Another piece of advice is if you and your dog are out hiking, take photos on the way back so your dog has had some exercise and let off some steam.”

Step 5: Share your first post

Once you’ve managed to get a good shot, it’s time to post it. You can edit the photo in the app, and apply one of the available filters to make it “pop”. If you haven’t already uploaded your profile photo, you can use this one!

Next, write a caption for your photo. You’ve got space for 2,200 characters (approximately 300 words), so use it wisely! This is the time to determine any specific goals you have for your dog or cat’s account. Do you want to use it as a way to educate others, raise awareness for a cause, or showcase your photography skills? Maybe you’re just hoping to make people laugh, or keep in touch with family and friends. Whatever you decide, use your first post to let others know why you’re there.

Expert tip: Natalie and her dog, Nike, are big believers in using Instagram in a way that best serves you and your animal. “If Instagram is a place for you to keep memories of your pets, then just take and post all the photos and videos you want,” says Natalie. “If you’re using it for photography, then I recommend taking lots of photos to improve.” If you’re hoping to reach more people, she suggests reading articles on the platform, watching YouTube tutorials, and following lots of other Instagram accounts for inspiration. “But most importantly, have fun!” she adds.

Adding hashtags to your post is a great way to be found by other users. To determine which hashtags to use, look at other accounts similar to yours. You can use up to 30 hashtags in a single post, but most experts recommend anywhere between 5 and 11. Try using #dogsofinstagram or #catsofinstagram, and #petstagram to start.

Step 5: Engage with other users

The key to growth on Instagram is engagement. In a nutshell, engagement refers to your interaction with other users — your likes, comments and shares — and their interaction with your account. Engagement also applies to the number of accounts you follow. Typically, the more accounts you follow that are similar to yours, the more followers you’ll get in return.

Expert tip: Kat’s cats, Leopold and Brigand, boast almost 53K followers on Instagram. Her secret? A combination of having fun, and being dedicated to engagement. “Instagram is a social network, and the focus is being shifted more and more to the social part of it,” says Kat. “Go out and explore your feed and all the hashtags, find some accounts you love and go ‘like’ or comment on their pictures.

Step 6: Keep it up!

Consistency is another vital ingredient when it comes to gaining followers. Several studies on social media habits have revealed that to encourage “traffic” to your page, you should be posting a photo one to three times each day.

Expert tip: As a photographer, Jane started an account for her cat, Leo, to encourage her to take photos every day. Her dedication has resulted in 95K followers. But to her, it’s important not to focus on the numbers. “Be sure to have a reason other than gaining popularity when you start,” she says. “If you don’t find joy in taking photos and videos of your pets, then Instagram will end up feeling like a chore sooner or later. And of course, be patient! Growth takes time.”

If popularity isn’t your goal, just continue posting pictures and/or videos of your companion whenever you find the time. This way, you’ll have a digital photo album to look back on in years to come!

7 Tips To Make Your Pet Instagram Famous

Marketing blogs and websites are packed with articles on how to gain thousands of subscribers, become an influencer or simply make yourself famous on Instagram. They feature step-by-step guides and give tips that are actually applicable only to people or businesses. Anyone with a pet must have had the thought cross their mind – shall I create an Instagram account for my pet? Even if, is there a point, and how exactly do they become Instagram famous alongside all the little Instagram celebrity pets?

The procedure is quite similar to the one that people have. You need to set up an Instagram account for your pet, establish a tone of voice of it and create a content strategy that would help you move forward in pursuit of making your precious pet Instagram famous. Although you might be already familiar with some of the tips, there’s still a lot more to it. To help you raise a new petfluencer, we created a list of useful tips. 


1. Choose a theme to stand out from billions of other pet Instagram accounts

The latest Instagram statistics show that Instagram has over 1 billion active monthly users, among which over 25 million are business profiles. Some of them are real brands, while others might just be created by those who want to get access to analytics and other perks professional (business or creator) accounts offer. 

In 2020, the number of active Instagram users and those who have switched to business or creator profiles might grow even more. What is even more interesting, it concerns not only accounts of people and brands but also pets who already have millions of followers (like @jiffpom or @hamilton_the_hipster_cat). To get noticed among thousands of Instagram accounts, you need to choose a unique theme that will stand out. 

Perhaps you have noticed that your pet has a particular character. It is either lazy or hyperactive. It might also be too gloomy or always smiling. You can use your pet’s character as guidance when choosing a theme of their account and have fun establishing a tone of voice (about which will talk further in the article) of it.  

Now, concentrate on choosing a theme – a highlight of your pet’s account. Is your pet going to be photographed solely on colorful backgrounds? Or maybe you like the idea of a lifestyle blog more? You can choose to dress up your pet in different costumes or do anything else that from your personal point of view, could work without being too annoying for the little one. 

After you have decided on a theme, it will be easier for you to think of a username and description when setting up an Instagram account for your pet. 

2. Set up a pet Instagram account and choose a cute name

How to set up pet Instagram accounts

You probably have your personal Instagram account so all you should do is just go to settings and at the very bottom of the dashboard, click “Add account” and “Create new account”. 

You will be redirected to a page where you need to fill in the username*, email address, and phone number. Another way to sign up is by using a Facebook account which is the best option for you.

The next step will be switching to business or creator profile so you can get access to analytics and other perks. However, all these things won’t be possible if you don’t link the new account to a Facebook page. To make it simpler, you can create a separate Facebook page for your pet under your main Facebook account. Don’t worry, the Facebook page will be just a dummy and you won’t have to run it as well. Thus, choose to sign up with Facebook and log in to Instagram with Facebook. 

* Creating a username for your pet’s profile has a slightly different logic. The advice is in addition to the name, mention a kind of a pet you have. For example, “Cat_Sara” or “Ratatouille.The.Mouse” are pet Instagram names that would work well. This is in order for people to easily find the account when they are searching for profiles of a particular pet. 

The importance of  a dog Instagram bio and a profile picture

Although there’s a saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, this is exactly what the majority of people do when looking at the pet Instagram highlight cover. This is especially true for Instagram, or our virtual lives when people make quick judgment calls to follow a page based on the look of the feed.   

To boost your chances make your pet’s profile picture stand out (a creative portrait could work) and be sure that the cat or dog Instagram bio should be engaging and intriguing like the one @aurorapurr has. 

Once you have sorted out these basic things, you can switch your pet’s account to business or creator. Besides, the account shouldn’t be private as you won’t be able to switch at a later stage. 

3. Switch to Instagram business or creator account

Recently, Instagram has introduced a creator account that is designed for individuals who’d like to track analytics and analyze the growth of their accounts. Meanwhile, a business profile is for companies and brands that actually sell products or services. 

To convert to Instagram business or creator account, go to settings, tap “Switch to professional account” and choose “Creator”. Then, you should select the category that perfectly describes what your pet’s account will be about. You will also need to review contact information and provide at least an email so people could reach out to you as the real account owner.  

In general, access to analytics is not the only perk of a creator account. It also allows you to manage messages, use shortcuts for quick responses, and rank pending requests by time or relevance.  

4. Create a content strategy for your pet’s account

A content strategy is a plan that helps you define, organize and schedule the content you are going to share. It includes the copy and visuals posted on a frequent basis. A Content strategy helps your account grow and stay ahead of schedule with better planning. However, if you want to see real results, you need to understand for whom you will be creating content. 

Defining your pet’s target audience is not an easy task but once you start posting, you will clearly understand what type of content is more appreciated and should be published on your pet’s Instagram page. You can read everything about finding the target audience in this guide. 

Moreover, you should understand how the content will be unique. At this point, you should turn to the theme you have already chosen for the account. Also, try to define a goal for your pet’s Instagram profile. It will ease the process of creating a content strategy. 

While you’ll be making your very first steps with running your pet’s Instagram account, your content strategy can consist of five basic things:

  • a definition of who your target audience is
  • a list of goals you’d like to achieve
  • an explanation of how the content on your pet’s account is different from hundreds of other profiles
  • a round-up of visual content formats (IGTV, Stories, and main feed)
  • a calendar with publishing dates

Although having a content strategy and sticking to it is important, you also should be flexible with it. As you’ll be gaining experience and seeing how well the posts are doing, you might want to review the lengths and style of the text and the publishing frequency as well. 

5. Become your pet’s ghostwriter

In the first paragraphs of this article, we said that your pet’s character can be used as guidance when choosing a theme but also when establishing a tone of voice for the copy.  

If you’re not familiar with the second notion, here’s a short explanation of what tone of voice is. The tone of voice is the way a character communicates with its audience. It transmits the values, mood, and vibes of the messages one wants to deliver. Establishing a tone of voice for your pet might be as necessary as it is for major brands. 

How do you establish the tone of voice? With a pet, unlike a brand, this task might be easier. What you can do to understand how your pet will be communicating with its audience is to brainstorm a bit about character traits that make them unique. 

You might have noticed that your cat or dog looks so smart that you could share the philosophical thoughts that you suppose they have in mind. Work with highlighting the unique qualities of your pet. At the end of the day, it’s not only your creativity and visual content that will make the account stand out, but also what you say and communicate to the world. 

Again, it is very important to establish tone of voice for a couple of reasons. First of all, Instagram is not only about images anymore. Its users equally appreciate decent copy that makes photos or videos even more inspirational and insightful. Besides, a chosen theme along with tone of voice and thoughtful content strategy can work magic when promoting your pet’s Instagram account, gaining new followers, and increasing engagement.

6. Handpick the best pet Instagram hashtags

If you want your pet’s Instagram account to become popular, including thematic hashtags in your copy is one of the simplest ways to do that. 

Why is it important? Because according to Instagram, it refers to hashtags in your pet’s profile to classify the particular theme. Hashtags allow your posts to be found by users who are not following you. Also, they give more exposure to the account both locally and internationally. 

Instagram hashtags work best if they are changed and mixed from time to time. This approach will ensure that posts are seen by different people every time.  

To help you out with selection, here are the best pet hashtags by categories.

General pet hashtags for Instagram

#pet #cutepets #petpics #petvideo #funnypets #petsoftheday #mypet #lovemypet #adorablepets #instafluff #fluffy #petsoftheworld #rescuepet #animalsinfluence #petfluencer #delight_pets #pawsome #pawfect #furfriends #dogsandcats

The best dog hashtags on Instagram

#topdogphoto #dogphotos #dogphotographer #dogmodels #excellent_dogs #dog_features #doglife #cutepuppy #cutepuppiesofinstagram #dogselfie #doggies #funnydog #bestdog #mydog #sweetpuppy #happypuppy 

Popular cat Instagram hashtags

#catstagram #catlover #kittens  #instakitty #catsofinstagram #cats_of_instagram #catstagram #catpic #kittenlove #sleepycat #kittycat #meaw #catmodel #meow #ilovemycat #caturday #catsofig #kittiesofinstagram #catoftheday

7. Get inspired by these 10 super famous Instagram dogs, cats & other pets

In addition to the inspiration and motivation you’ll find while reviewing these pet Instagram accounts, you will also be able to analyze their content strategies. You will definitely notice some useful hacks they use and later adapt them to your own plan. 

  • Geordi La Corgi

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MAKE SURE U GET MY GOOD SIDE K?!⁣ ⁣ Bryce Canyon was incredible but pets are only allowed on one short paved trail between Sunset Point and Sunrise Point. Wish national parks were more dog friendly! 😭

A post shared by Geordi La Corgi (@lacorgi) on

  • Jill The Squirrel

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Will she help me make the bed today? ✅ or 🚫 . . . #petsquirrel #squirrel #squirrels #squirrellove #squirrellife #squirrelsofig #squirrelsofinstagram #easterngreysquirrel #easterngraysquirrel #ilovesquirrels #petsofinstagram #jillthesquirrel #thisgirlisasquirrel #inbed #makethebed

A post shared by Jill The Squirrel (@this_girl_is_a_squirrel) on

  • Cheeto

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CATNOLI 〰️ #PrincessCheeto #Caturday

A post shared by I am Cheeto. A cat. (@princesscheeto) on

  • Jiff Pom 

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A post shared by jiffpom (@jiffpom) on

  • Juniper Fox

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Sweet Dreams Til’ Sunbeams Find You

A post shared by J U N I P E R & F I G (@juniperfoxx) on

  • Princess Aurora

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Peek-a-boo! 🙈 #throwbackthursday . . . #tbt #throwback #tbthursday #tbt🔙📸 #catsofinstagram #dailyfluff #weeklyfluff #cutepetclub #meow #kawaii #meowed #cat#petstagram #ilovemypet #bestmeow #catlove #purrfect #catsofig #ragdoll #queen #cats_of_instagram #cat #cats #aurorapurr

A post shared by Princess Aurora 👑 (@aurorapurr) on

  • Doug The Pug

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All day long I dream about bae 🥓🍳‬

A post shared by Doug The Pug (@itsdougthepug) on

  • Pumpkin The Raccoon

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🎃”Morning!” ❤️

A post shared by Pumpkin The Raccoon (@pumpkintheraccoon) on

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Cannot wait to see Hammy turned into a larger-than-life lighting installation at @luminocityfestival that is opening on Randall’s Island in NYC from Nov 23 to Jan 5. Go to and use code #15HAMTN to get 15% on your tickets (valid 10/2-11/11). Don’t forget to snap a photo and tag #Hamiltonxluminocity #luminocityfestival #lightupyourwinter #worldoflumi #lumiadvanture

A post shared by – Hamilton The Hipster Cat – (@hamilton_the_hipster_cat) on

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The beach gonna get whatever body I give it! Happy first day of #summer! ☀️

A post shared by Lionel And Lilo The Hedgehogs (@lionelthehog) on

Now you have an overview of how to make your pet Instagram famous. In addition to following the advice from this guide and setting up a small photography studio at home, you should also be ready to invest your time in your pet’s account. Try to set a goal with a timeline and every time you want to give up, have a look at what you’ve already done and how much you have achieved. And of course, good luck with bringing a new petfluencer to the Instaworld.  

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How to make Instagram pet successful? 8 Rules for Success

Animal photos are undeniably as popular on Instagram right now as food, fashion, sports, and travel. Pet accounts now have thousands and hundreds of thousands of followers. Millions of people are scrolling through their feeds looking for videos and photos of touching animals to satisfy their craving for cuteness.

Therefore, if you are a happy owner of a furry pet and want to share the moments of life with your four-legged friend, our advice is for you.

1. Tell the story

Tell your guests and future followers about your pet's story. How did you get the animal, was it adopted from a shelter, or is it a rare breed. Maybe your pet has an interesting fate or there are some features, unusual abilities, oddities of character. What makes it different from others? Tell us about it in one sentence, because that's how much fits in the Instagram profile header. Master storytelling as the most important tool for engaging your audience. This skill will be very useful for witty captions under posts.

2. Post only high-quality photos

If you have already created an account and shared your pet's story, it's time to fill your page with photos. Now Instagram has entered the era of quality content. People love clean, beautiful, bright feeds, so we strongly recommend that you honestly evaluate the quality of your photos so that only the best ones get into the feed. Photos must be original, clean and aesthetically pleasing. Try to take photos in natural light, look for a beautiful background that is not overloaded with unnecessary details, use special programs for processing photos before posting them, the best of the free ones: Snapseed, VSCO, PicsArt. Try to take mostly horizontal shots (this applies to both photos and videos)


3. Maintain a consistent style

A consistent feed is another important tool for achieving popularity. Try different filters, photo placement/sequencing principles. Be inspired by other accounts of your subject, but do not try to repeat them exactly. The same style cannot suit everyone. We advise you to think about the character of your pet, evaluate its color and other external features in order to determine the brightness, color scheme, heat balance, etc. that is right for you. for settings when processing photos. It may take you a lot of time, but this is a necessary condition for creating a truly high-quality account, with a large number of subscribers.

Photo: thiswildidea

subscribers. Do your own research. Which tags are most relevant to your pet? This will help you attract new audiences and get into established communities. Use both very popular tags, such as #photocats, and tags with a narrower audience of #rooftop cat. Try to include tags in English, and also come up with your own tags with which you will sign each photo, which will make it easy to find you. But be careful! It’s also not worth overloading the post with tags, the Instagram robot doesn’t like this. The service will help you

5. Keep in touch with your audience

To maintain a constant high level of engagement, you need to post at least once a day, and preferably two - in the morning and in the evening. The best time to post photos is up to you to figure out on your own. Usually, it is morning and early evening. Don't forget to also like and comment on the posts of your followers and those you follow. Instagram is a social network, so to be popular on it, you just need to be socially active. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation, be polite and friendly.

6. Get inspired and fantasize

No matter how cute, touching and funny your pet is, the same pose in the same location or very similar shots quickly become boring. Look around. Maybe on your usual walking route you come across interesting places: beautiful walls, cozy courtyards or a “dog friendly” cafe where you can take photos that have not yet been included in your photo stream. Or maybe your furry friend knows how to ride a skateboard or likes to dress up? This can also be an occasion for beautiful shots.

Collect props that look good in photos and set up a separate Pinterest board to post ideas that inspire your creativity.


7. Plan

Observing your pet, taking photos and editing, and keeping in touch with your audience can take a lot of time. In addition, you are unlikely to want to give up your usual activities for the sake of an extra hour on Instagram. Therefore, we strongly advise you to install a special scheduler application on your phone, which will allow you to upload and caption several photos at once, in order to guarantee you regular posts with the desired frequency without your participation.

Application in the Apple Store

8. Have fun with the process!

The biggest plus in your decision to keep your pet account is the fact that you will spend more time together! To catch interesting moments, emotions and manifestations of an animal, you will need to observe it more from afar or involve it in the game more often, and this will invariably bring joy to both. Just remember to always have your camera ready.

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How to make your pet an Instagram star?

How to make your pet an Instagram star? - FoxTimeHow to make your pet an Instagram star? – Fox Time

Create an animal account for your favorite pet and get ready for an influx of followers - he just has to become an Instagram star!


Each pet carries a unique nature that can serve as a start for your joint creativity. This process is relevant in that the involvement of both sides of the owner and the pet carries a certain emotional charge. If you look at other animal accounts, this energy will be present in everything.

It is worth taking a closer look at your pet: perhaps he is playful and mobile, his eyes burn at the mere glance at you, or perhaps he is sad, but he does it with such grandeur and routine that you should forget for a moment who is in charge here. This is where important and understandable emotions lie for most people. Sincere feelings and emotional attitude can make your account original and memorable.

You can connect your passions and aspirations with your pet's life. If you love to cook and are ready to delight everyone with culinary delights, then you can create a pet chef account. It can be made both the main character and a direct participant. If you love to travel, then this is a great opportunity to create a travel account with your pet, in which you will not only share useful tips and notes, but also add different locations to the feed. If you are fond of fashion, then there is where to turn around, from a selection of various animal bows to testing beauty novelties. Well, if you are definitely engaged in an exciting creative process, then you can easily share your work and the work of your pet, presenting your masterpieces to the public. There are many examples of animal accounts where animals have distinctive external features and this becomes their hallmark, which you can see in animal Internet memes. The first step to help evaluate your account is to set up your profile. Post a bright photo, describe yourself and your pet in the description, indicate the subject of your account, leave contacts to contact you and links to your profiles in other social networks.


We have decided on the idea a bit. It's time to focus all your efforts on creating original content. A high-quality visual range increases the chances of attracting an audience, it is distinguished by a common style and original theme. Everything is achieved by working with filters and various applications.

To work with video, you can use tools and services such as Boomerang to create dynamic looping GIFs, Hyperlapse for lossless accelerated video sequences, Splice video editor, as well as MSQRD and Vivavideo. Short videos can go viral, which will speed up the process of gaining subscribers. The following editors and applications are used to work with images: Mextures, Matter, Brushstroke, Lorystripes. The last three are not quite typical, and can help diversify the shots by adding objects, textures and more. Free filters basically overlay color on top of the picture and don't adjust the color palette as delicately, so don't be stingy with the investment and purchase paid filters. We suggest you use popular applications and services: VSCO, Shapseed, Retouch, AVIARY, Inshot, Instasize, Photoshop, Flipagram. It would not be superfluous to master courses or learn from guides on photography, basic composition, lighting, etc. Shoot your pet as often as possible, look for the best angles for shooting. Collect interesting content and video series. It is optimal if the number of posts is 2-3 times a day, and the best hours for posting are morning and early evening. Use the search for relevant hashtags on the service,, and do not forget to indicate the geolocation on the pictures. If you do not have enough time, then use the special planning service SSMplanner - this will allow you not to disappear from the field of view of your subscribers.


Your pet has the leading role, and you, as a director and director, strive to show it from all favorable sides. Of course, the animal "Oscar" may not appear soon, but the title of the funniest or the most-most can easily fall on the head of your ward. Caring for the appearance and health of the animal should be your top priority! Grooming, bathing, nutrition and dentistry should be included in the daily life of the animal.

Haircut (grooming) - can become a visiting card of your pet. Avoid acid paint, wild and frilly haircuts and piercings (there are such owners), mistreatment of an animal is sure to cause a flurry of indignation.

Take care of your pet's smile, or rather the teeth, and be sure to visit the dentist at the veterinary clinic. Your pet will thank you!

Regular visits to the veterinarian are the best solution. Pay attention to the nutrition and lifestyle of your ward.

Registration of the necessary documents and certificates about the pet's health is undoubtedly a huge plus. You can safely attend your favorite events with your pet, travel around the country or travel the world in search of adventure, posting photos in different locations that will decorate your event feed. The veterinary clinic "Iguana" under the direction of Yarova Elena Nikolaevna is our trusted partner and you can find information about the services and the clinic on the website www.


Another point is the work with subscribers. Choose a strategy for yourself and first of all pay attention to loyal subscribers with positive comments, and also distinguish between healthy criticism and trolling. You should not even start conversations with haters, let alone enter into disputes.

Many who create an account are active with their followers: they can draw gifts, respond to comments and likes. This of course creates a positive image and will help to get closer to a loyal audience. But there is one point - this is the time that you will spend on the answers. Everything should be in moderation. Do not forget about the elementary rules of etiquette when communicating with subscribers, and also pay attention to spelling and stylistic errors. Check everything you write and take the time to check your text messages. Better stop and read. Useful analytics about the most active followers and the most popular posts can be tracked using or Picaton.Analytics. Use the spelling Your friends and colleagues, as well as their friends and acquaintances, can become your first loyal subscribers - this chain creates a certain visibility of your account on the network.


When your pet's account gets enough followers, there will be a certain tipping point. This means that you were able to interest the audience, and now the opportunity opens up to continue moving in a given direction. This means it's time to make money. After all, the energy that is spent on creating and developing ideas, photographing and caring for a pet should and can be profitable.

You should not seek help from a certain circle of people to get subscribers - we assure you, this does not work.

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