How to sell viber stickers

Why People Use Stickers and How You Can Make a Profit of Them | by Kostya Stepanov | Shakuro Writes

By Kate Shokurova, copywriter at Shakuro

Can you guess the gist of the conversation above?šŸ™‚Yes, itā€™s now possible to communicate entirely with stickers. Stickers are like emojis on steroids, with the ability to get across a sentence or phrase. They are becoming more and more frequent, whether we speak about the stickers you slap on your lunch-box or stickers in messages. Stickers are fun! They make people feel themselves like kids again, happily engrossed in sticker books, so colorful and enjoyable.

But stickers arenā€™t solely for kidsā€™ coloring books and toy shovels. Free stickers from brands are now in high demand in the fashion industry. They convey an affinity with a label at a fraction of the cost of buying its goods. Not to mention the popularity of stickers for laptops, and not just among the developers.

And, boy, what a huge buzz there is on I Voted stickers and their ubiquity in social media. Some Canadians find themselves distressed because of not receiving the stickers after voting.

Stickers in messages are also gaining popularity. Before people would only call and text, then just text. Now there are messengers. They are free, more convenient, with wider functionality. Communication has developed into something new and exciting.

Stickers in messages are small illustrations that are either free or available in packages for a small single fee. In Telegram, for instance, there are no stickers to buy ā€” they are all available for free. In fact, there are tons of them for all occasions with characters ranging from Totoro and Deadpool to Unicorn Zombies and Angela Merkel.

Stickers came from Asia, popularized by the Korean-developed mobile messaging app Line in 2011. Thatā€™s no wonder: quickly choosing an emotional picture is easier than typing messages on the small screen with hieroglyphs. Other messaging apps like Facebook Messenger and Path followed Lineā€™s steps by introducing stickers of their own, with WhatsApp stickers made available only last year. Various companies devoted to stickers emerged as well, with design studios starting to offer their services.

The Economist claims that todayā€™s teenagers give would rather spend their free time socializing on messengers than surfing social networks. WhatsApp users, for instance, devote nearly 200 minutes of their lives each week to using the service. Itā€™s not surprising then that other large companies like Facebook are putting their faith in messaging.

A study conducted by Harris Poll reported that about a third of millennials (that is, people ranging in age from 18 to 34) who use graphic items like stickers and emojis admit that images are way ahead of words in their ability to communicate what the think and feel. Iā€™m a millennial and I love stickers! My favorite sticker packs include Pusheen, Piske & Usagi, and Opi. Oh, and I love Space Cats and use them quite often. How many people are there like me? A lot. Enough to make a profit for Line and Snapchat, WeChat and Viber, Telegram and Facebook Messenger. Just on Facebook Messenger, the number of stickers exchanged daily exceed 380 million.

Stickers are not just cute, but they also generate income. For instance, Line makes over $270 million a year from selling stickers.

Apart from messenger platforms, numerous brands and celebrities have also been recognizing the importance of stickers. Disney uses them as part of their marketing campaigns, promoting every one of their movies with a fresh pack of stickers.

Thor Ragnarok (Facebook Stickers) by Dennis Salvatier

To convey an emotion

Texts can be boring and they sometimes fail to carry the exact meaning of what weā€™re feeling at the moment. A sticker adds flavor to the conversation. IRL, for example, you can communicate sass and confidence with a gesture or intonation. On messengers, a bossy cat with sunglasses will do it for you. Stickers make communication more personal. Images help get the vibe and feel your emotional state more deeply. When there are not enough words to describe a complex feeling or an ambiguous emotion, send an image.

Stickers Legends Of Art by DINO3AVR

To get quicker

Sometimes we want to share our thoughts or emotions immediately, but there is neither the time nor patience to type a lengthy message. And if you are in a hurry commuting or doing groceries, this task becomes impossible. It is easier to share emotions with a picture than to describe your emotional state typing words. For example, when my friends are waiting for me and Iā€™m still not ready to go out, I can send them a ā€œNearly readyā€ cute pic without distracting.

The Good Stuff by Lilla Bardenova

To self-express

Stickers are an excellent way of expressing yourself. By wrapping your mood into a sticker, you create your own unique communication style. Pictures enhance the effect of exciting stories about your vacation or a funny incident that happened on the way home and make them personal. We all have our tastes in music, fashion, so why should we have to use the same standard emoji to communicate.

By the way, some messengers let users make their own custom personal stickers. Viber announced this possibility this September, and Telegram has had the same capability for more than five years. Along with Appleā€™s memoji added to most iPhones with the introduction of iOS 13. You can also use them in WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

Aladdin iOS Digital Stickers by Dennis Salvatier

Statistics say that the average smartphone owner uses 30 apps each month. Messengers and social media apps are among the ones people use the most on a daily basis. Stickers are an ideal option for native promotion for brands because they work virally. Even last year virility was sometimes considered as a questionable technique, but when done right, it actually works. After downloading the sticker pack, a person can use it as many times as they want, sending dozens, or even hundreds of branded stickers. And stickers as a marketing tool have one big advantage ā€” they are non-intrusive. Not like banner-ads or pop-up messages. The ads contained in the messages we receive from our friends or relatives work much better than received from a random source. For example, every third Viber user sends stickers on a daily basis. The potential reach is incredibly large.

Many companies like Dunkinā€™ Donuts, Starbucks, and Sephora have been preferring brand stickers for messengers over emojis. Last year Hasbro has teamed with Quidd to create, distribute and sell digital stickers.

Stickers. by Rahul Menon

Some of the sticker campaigns aim at interacting with a loyal audience of the brand (for example, Disney stickers). Others are created to draw attention to yet unknown companies or projects. Event promoting works as well, like elections or a release of an artistā€™s new album.

And it doesnā€™t have to be a glamorous business. For example, a real estate company RE/MAX has launched a pack of free to use brand digital stickers. They are available on the App Store and Google Play to use in messengers and in social media channels. In RE/MAX, they claim that their stickers are a fun way for the agents to continue to engage with homebuyers. They help to promote strong customer engagement.

Here are a few tips in case you decide to diversify your marketing strategy with the help of messenger stickers. An efficient sticker pack contains the depiction of several primary emotions: joy, love, surprise, and others. Add stickers that describe the actions or states, like being busy, hugging, listening, etc. Itā€™s worth adding typical phrases. How to stand out: many stickers are animated, and some make sounds.

Or you can simply hire a team of experienced designers and make them do all the thinking for you.

Stickers for Atlassian by Leena Kisonen

Visual communication is becoming more and more popular for mobile users who like to make connections via images. Stickers make it easier, quicker, brighter, more emotional.

Modern communication trends prove that the use of stickers will continue to grow. The global virtual goods market value is estimated to reach $189.76 B by 2025. Digital stickers are part of this market. Brands should pay attention to such a tool. A useful branded sticker pack can become an indispensable attribute of everyday communication and a powerful marketing instrument.

How to Create Your Own Stickers on Viber

Viber is a free, cross-platform, voice-over and messaging app, and it is compatible with iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, and macOS platforms.

By default, Viber will have the basic stickers available. But, the app also allows you to create custom stickers or edit existing ones. Read on to learn how to do that.

Creating Your Custom Stickers

If youā€™ve ever visited the Sticker Market in the Viber app, you would have seen that there are a lot of free and premium stickers available for download. All premium stickers cost around $1.99 per pack, but there are many free options you can play with.

To download any of them, just tap on the download icon beside the stickers pack, and the download will start automatically.

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However, you do not have to pay for stickers if you simply create your own. Plus, Viber gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to making stickers!

Step 1: Install the App

The first thing you need to do is install the Viber app on your phone. This is a free app, and you can download Viber for PC or search for Viber in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Step 2: Navigate to the Create Stickers Option

When you open Viber on your phone, click on one of your contacts in the app. At the bottom of the screen, you have a small bear icon, which will open the stickers that you already have installed on your phone.

There is a big purple + sign at the bottom right of the screen. Once you tap on that, select Create Stickers.

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Step 3: Creating Your First Custom Sticker

Once you select the Create Stickers option, you will have your custom sticker pack. There you can give the sticker pack a name and description.

After that, you should tap on the + sign, which will give you three options. You can import the picture from your phone gallery, you can take a picture with your camera, or you can just doodle.

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Importing a Picture From Your Gallery

If you tap on the Gallery option, you get to choose a picture from your phone gallery. Select the image you wish to create into a sticker, and you will have many options to play around with.

Viber allows you to delete the background, trace the image, add text, add existing stickers, or just doodle on the picture. Once you have finished editing your sticker, simply tap on Save sticker, and you will see it in your sticker pack.

If you want to create more stickers, click on the + sign again, and choose the kind of sticker you want to make.

A sticker pack can have up to 24 stickers, and you can edit them at any time.

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Editing an Existing Sticker

If you wish to edit an existing Viber sticker, you can choose the Just doodle option.

This will give you an entirely blank canvas where you can draw or write whatever you want, and you will have a transparent background.

At the bottom half of the screen, there will be the same small bear icon, leading you to all the stickers you have installed in the app. Simply tap on that icon and choose the sticker you wish to edit.

You can change the size of the sticker, add text, add more stickers, or just doodle on it. After that, tap on the Save sticker button, and it will appear in your pack.

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Step 4: Saving Your Custom Sticker Pack

Once you finished adding your stickers to your sticker pack, tap on Create pack. This option will only be available after giving your stickers pack a name. Adding the description is optional, but itā€™s an excellent way to make it easier to search.

You can also choose to make your stickers pack private or public. This option is right above the Create pack button.

If your stickers pack is public, others will be able to see and download it in the Sticker Market. If you make it private, only you can use the stickers.

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Adding/Deleting Stickers

After creating your sticker pack, you can add and remove stickers whenever you want. To do this, open your sticker pack, and tap on the pen icon listed on the left bottom side of the screen.

This will open your sticker pack, where you can change the name and description of the pack. You can also delete the stickers by clicking the little X button in the top right corner of the sticker.

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You can add more stickers to your sticker pack by tapping on the + icon. After you make your changes, simply tap on Update pack.

If you wish to delete the stickers pack altogether, you need to have the app installed on your PC. Once you do that, click on the small bear icon at the bottom of the app. This will open all the stickers you have installed in the app on the right side of the screen.

At the bottom of the stickers manager, there is an arrow pointing up. Click on that, and then click on the settings wheel.

Here, you will be able to move and hide all the stickers in your Viber app. Locate the custom sticker pack you created, click on the trash can icon beside your stickers, and click on Delete.

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Try Creating Your Stickers Elsewhere First

The easiest way to create stickers with a clean, transparent background is to make them somewhere else first.

Although Viber allows you to erase the background from an image, you do that with your fingers. This can end up looking quite messy.

However, you can create the sticker you wish to add to Viber in other programs, such as Canva, Photoshop, PaintTool SAI, CorelDRAW, and others. Once you create your sticker, add it to your phone gallery, and import it to Viber!

Related: Easy Canva Designs You Can Create on the Mobile App

Create Your Own Stickers and Share Them With Friends

Viber has many interesting stickers you can install for free. Even if you do not purchase any of the stickers from the store, you still have many great options to choose from.

But, if you want something a bit more special, you can always create your own custom stickers by following this simple guide.

Now you can create your own stickers in Viber. How to do it?


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The new version of Viber has a function to create sticker packs. Now Viber users can create their own sets of 24 stickers, writes about this.
The feature was added due to the growing popularity of sticker packs, with over 30 billion stickers sent through the app last year.

How to create your own sticker pack

First you need to find the "Sticker Editor" function. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Enter the application and click on the ā€œMoreā€ item at the bottom. In the new window, select "Sticker Shop" and click on the first icon at the top.
  2. Go to any correspondence, click on the stickers icon, then on the "plus" at the bottom and select "Create stickers".

On the page for creating a sticker pack, you need to specify its name and, optionally, a description. To add your sticker, you need to click on the "plus" and select one of three options: take a picture, upload an image or doodle from the gallery (in the latter case, there will be no picture on the sticker). In any of the options, you can add text, other stickers and emoticons.

In the editor, the image can be moved, zoomed in and rotated, the background can be removed and only the necessary fragments can be selected.
At the end, you need to click "Save sticker" and "Create sticker pack". At the bottom there is a switch - whether other people can use your stickers. Once created, the sticker pack cannot be edited.

What's next

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Customers are less and less pay attention to direct advertising-and marketers look for new channels. maintaining a connection between the brand and consumers. GMS, the official partner of Viber in Ukraine, offers to use such a marketing tool as branded sticker packs. Native Viber stickers, when used correctly, allow a brand to communicate unobtrusively with its audience while increasing brand awareness.

Social applications, youtube, instant messengers are firmly rooted in the lives of modern consumers. According to Hoot Suite and WeAreSocial, the average Internet user spends more than 6 hours online every day, and mobile devices remain a popular way to enter the digital world. But the attention of users is scattered across different channels, and it becomes increasingly difficult for marketers to keep the interest of the audience. To stay in the field of view of customers, you need to look for new channels: today we will talk about one of them - Viber stickers.

More than a billion people in 193 countries use Viber, and 30% of them send stickers daily. These figures will only increase: last year, the number of Viber users worldwide increased by 72 million users. In Ukraine, in 2018, the number of users increased by 40%.

Along with the messenger, the popularity of stickers is also growing: from 2016 to 2017, the number of downloaded sticker packs increased by 68 million, and the advertising market as a whole is moving towards unobtrusive, "natural" or "native" (native) advertising. Business Insider expects native advertising to generate 74% of all ad revenue as early as 2021. Many major advertising players are already using this trend: giants such as Disney, Starbucks, H&M, Coca-Cola, NBC and even Amazon have released their own sticker packs.

Bright, funny, witty, useful - stickers attract the user's attention and set a friendly tone of communication with the brand. Sticker packs help brands convey entire stories or complex ideas in an accessible, eye-pleasing visual form, because words cannot always express emotions clearly and concisely.

Stickers as a marketing tool can be used in both B2B and B2C businesses.

"The cost of placing sticker packs is determined by Viber itself, therefore, when ordering the development of stickers, it is necessary to clarify the current price order in advance. The cost of creating a design is influenced by the wishes of the client, the number of implementation options and improvements," says the head of brand communications at Global Message Services (GMS) Maria Martirosyan.

GMS provides sticker pack design and customization services for Viber. GMS provides the client with a turnkey project: from the development of text and visual components to the official release to the Viber sticker store.

What are the benefits of stickers?

  • unobtrusiveness is not an intrusive invasion of personal space, but rather part of the functionality of Viber, a tool that the user himself uses, like emoji or "gifs" (GIF).
  • virality and cost-effectiveness are a natural element of the daily communication of millions of people. After a sticker pack is released, users are automatically notified, and can also search for the pack themselves - by keywords and tags. Placement on Viber will cost about $15,000. However, if we compare this amount with a series of PR publications to achieve the desired coverage or organize an image event, the cost of developing a sticker pack is relatively low, which determines the benefits for promoting a brand or a specific informational occasion.
  • Diversity - Sticker packs come in all sorts of shapes and types, from a static picture or animated "live" stickers to clickable, voiced and even unique promo stickers. Clickable stickers can contain integrated links leading, for example, to the brand's website, or even directly to the brand's public chat. "Live stickers" can move, be accompanied by a soundtrack - perform a whole commercial.

The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of a sticker pack is the number of downloads, the frequency of sending stickers and the use of individual stickers from the pack.

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