How to promote facebook store

How to Promote Your Facebook Shop – Woorise Blog

The internet was started in 1983 and since then the world has changed drastically. Even though at the beginning it was a basic network, in 1990 the World Wide Web was invented and it represented an important milestone in the development of the online world. Little by little, IT companies were started, such as Google in 1998, Facebook in 2004, YouTube in 2005, Twitter in 2006, and Instagram in 2010. And this is how social media was born. 

As technology develops, new software and tools are developed and invented by talented people and businesses. Social media eases your life, offering you the perfect context to reach your friends at any minute of the day. It allows you to get informed on topics of interest, find events you want to be part of, and get updates on what your friends are doing. 

As the name suggests, social media eases communication between people, making it accessible to anyone on the globe. You can interact with people on the other side of the planet, organize online meetings, and greet each other through a video call. Technology and social media are getting better, as they are deeply connected. 

Woorise is the easiest way to create viral contests, giveaways & competitions, landing pages and engaging forms such us surveys and quizzes. Generate more sales, increase traffic, social engagement and followers. See examples

But even though some might think that social media is just for some people, more and more businesses, companies, shops, freelancers, or artists use social media to promote their work. Every month, there are new tools integrated into social media platforms that allow businesses to establish their shop and sell products online. At the same time, they can promote their products or services online, where most of the people spend their time nowadays. 

Facebook is the largest social media platform, and it is also well-developed for promotion. It has a complex system of ads that can help you target the right audience. At the same time, Facebook Business Pages or Facebook Shops are free for everyone, so more and more people are considering using Facebook to promote their shop.  

However, Facebook has reached 1.69 billion users this year, which is quite an impressive number. Even though this social media platform seems full of people and promoting opportunities, the competition is fierce. Many businesses try to convert their visitors into customers and each of them is using a combination of many marketing techniques. 

To catch the attention of your target audience, make it visit your Facebook Shop, and enjoy the experience of facile shopping, you need to understand how it is working. On top of this, you need to learn not only how to sell products through your Facebook Shop, but also promote it and find the best ways to market your business. 

About Facebook Shops 

Facebook Shops is a new feature Facebook developed in May this year. As the world pandemic affected the activity of many small businesses and people stayed more time inside, the social media environment became the medium where everyone is spending his time. 

Setting up Facebook Business Pages was the solution many shops and businesses came up with, and it indeed proved to be a saving one. Facebook supports the development of businesses around the world, so Facebook Shops is exactly what you need. 

Facebook Shops is an accessible tool that can be used by any business for free. It allows you to make your online shop, feature the products you want to sell, link your Facebook shop with Instagram shop features, and interact with your customers. 

Facebook Shops make the shopping experience even easier by saving customers’ card details so that they do not have to enter them every time they buy. They can choose their favorite products and also interact directly with brands and businesses via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram Direct. And Facebook said that they are working on improving the support small businesses receive by partnering with Shopify, Channel Advisor, or BigCommerce. 

Establishing your Facebook Shop is pretty intuitive and basic. But promoting it and reaching a wide audience might be more challenging. 

How to Promote Your Facebook Shop 

Your Facebook Shop is an online store, linked to your Facebook and Instagram Business Pages. You can feature a lot of products and customers can sort and choose the right ones for them. What’s more, Facebook Shops can easily be used on mobile devices, making the entire buying experience smoother. So, taking into consideration that more than 98% of social media users access it from mobile devices, using all the tools and features Facebook offers you to promote your Facebook Shop is essential. 

Choose Your Target Audience 

You need customers to make your Facebook Shop going. But how could you attract more customers and make your brand known to the public? Facebook offers many marketing tools that let you target ad campaigns which can increase followers number, engagement with the brand, and sales. 

But the most important step is choosing your target audience. It is clear that your products are not suited for all kinds of people, but most respond to the needs of a specific sector. Knowing your target audience helps you target your promotion and increase your sales.  

Facebook has designed a tool that allows you to have a look into insights about your audience, called Facebook Audience Insights. It gives you the data you need about your audience, how it is interacting with your brand, and which their needs and desires are. 

You should have details about:

  • Their demographics: where they live, their age, gender, marital status, education, and other details that might be of help to you 
  • Language: the language your target audience speaks 
  • Past purchases: if your audience has purchased products on Facebook Shop
  • Facebook behavior: how they use Facebook and the frequency of its usage 

According to a marketing dissertation help, these details about your target audience will help you create customized ads and increase the visibility of your Facebook Shop. 

Create Targeted Ad Campaigns 

One of the great promotion tools Facebook offers to businesses is the Facebook Ads tool. Now almost all businesses have a Facebook Business Page where they aim to increase brand awareness and sales. Thus, catching the attention of your audience might seem difficult, especially when there are so many ads that want to capture it. 

Facebook Ads allow you to target your audience based on the details identified before. You can target it based on their demographics, interests, and needs. So, this is a great way to promote your Facebook Shop and enlarge your audience. Targeted ad campaigns usually are included in marketing strategies as ways to increase the number of likes and interactions with your brand. 

Many businesses assume that they do not need to promote their content to people who have already liked their Facebook page or shop. Because as long as they like it, they will see all your promotions and content. But this is not necessarily the case, as people like a lot of things on Facebook, and Facebook’s algorithms select the content users see based on their activity.  

This is why it is important to consider targeting people who already follow you. They will use your Facebook Shop if they trust you and feel a special connection to your brand. Which brings us to the next point. 

Run Promotions and Giveaways 

Marketing specialists have noticed that promotions and giveaways are a great way to attract followers, increase your brand awareness, establish a connection with the visitors, and convert them into customers. And this will eventually happen. Why? 

Because promotions and giveaways do not require users to do something out of the ordinary. The less they will have to do, the more the number of participants will increase. 

Most giveaways require people to like their page, a product in their Facebook Shop (this is also a great way to attract more visitors to your Facebook Shop and have them engage with your products), tag friends that might be interested in the comments, or sharing the giveaway post to their feeds or stories.  

It is up to you how you set your giveaway or promotion requirements, but organizing them helps you promote your brand and Facebook Shop. When starting working on a giveaway, you need to know that you cannot organize it alone on Facebook. This means that Facebook does not offer you tools or features to follow the number of your likes, so you should use a third-party tool. 

Many tools can ease your task of organizing contests on Facebook. Woorise is one of the tools that give you what you need. A tool that helps you design the best Facebook contest and gives giveaway analytics that allows you to track the performance of your contest. Many other tools allow small businesses to use them for free, while others require you to pay a fee. When choosing the best contest tool, you need to pay attention to its features, and if they meet your needs. But because technology is developing, you will surely find software suited for you. 

Customer Interaction 

Converting visitors into customers can turn out to be a process that takes time and dedication. You need to build your online presence to make people trust your brand and feel close to it. A thing many businesses that have the purpose of increasing their sales on Facebook Shop overlook is exactly this special bond with customers. 

Selling without selling is a popular concept among Facebook Shop owners. It states that to increase your sales, you do not have to post solely about promotions and new products. People will not bond with a brand that shows it is only interested in increasing sales. Instead, they will choose a personal brand, that cares for more than increasing sales, and that listens to its customers’ opinions and feedback. 

The domain of customer interaction is very important in promoting your Facebook Shop. Many businesses think it is not, but in a world made up of ads and new flashy and colorful things, increasing your customer base can be a real challenge. 

The way you interact with your customers and followers is important. Many new visitors will read your reviews and post. So, the way you answer and handle customers’ demands can influence the conversion of new visitors. 

It is therefore important to answer your customers’ comments, questions, and reviews as quickly as possible. There will also be negative comments and reviews, but the most helpful thing is, to be honest, and admit if you have mistaken. Do not take anything personally and be open to finding out more about their problems so that you could find solutions and not lose those customers. 

Customer interaction is very important because it is your chance, as a brand who promotes its Facebook Shop, to connect and delight your customers. So, how to improve your communication with customers? 

  • Talk like a human and not like a soulless entity – people do not want to interact with a business that keeps its formality when is no longer the case. Be authentic, personal, and show your personality. It is a great way to stand out from the crowd. 
  • Be genuine, honest, and transparent – people are pretty reticent to brands that are not transparent and are not open to accepting their errors, so make sure you avoid this type of communication 
  • Be empathetic and show gratitude – the world we live in is pretty chaotic and harsh, and this is why many mental disorders are on the rise. Your customers do not need someone to critique them. They need a brand to understand their struggles and issues and treat them with respect and gratitude. 
  • Be consistent – just answering a few comments or questions a day is not enough, if you have many brand interactions. Consistency in answers and your attitude towards customers will make them loyal to your brand and will be more inclined to choose you over another similar one. 

Is There a Perfect Recipe? 

Well, even though the technology and marketing worlds are continuously improving and evolving, there is no perfect recipe that promises an instant increase in customers and sales. Thus, promoting your Facebook Shop might seem daunting, especially when there is so much advice on the internet. 

Facebook Shops are a great way to increase sales, promote your products and your brand. But there are a few more tips every business needs to consider to build a good promotion strategy. Choosing and getting to know your target audience will allow you to build target campaigns and ads.  

This will increase your brand awareness and will attract a large pool of visitors which you can convert to customers. Promotions, contests, and giveaways are a good option to make products on your Facebook Shop more visible to the public. While constant, empathic, genuine, honest, and transparent communication with your customers will increase their loyalty and bond to the brand. 

Combining all these tactics will be efficient and will help you promote your Facebook Shop. Find your perfect recipe!

How To Promote Your Store on Facebook Marketplace

About Facebook Marketplace

Social media has never been more popular, especially with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok leading the way. With this increasing popularity, it would be smart to learn how to leverage these platforms to achieve grow your business. One of the ways to achieve that is through Facebook Marketplace.

Facebook Marketplace is an online marketplace that creates an avenue for Facebook users to buy and sell products. The Facebook Marketplace is currently available in about 50 countries across the world. With this tool, you can tap into the millions of daily Facebook users and make a profit for your eCommerce business.

If you are a Shopify merchant and you are yet to start using Facebook Marketplace for your business, there is no better time to start than now.

This guide will provide in-depth knowledge on what Facebook Marketplace is, why it is an important tool, and the best way to leverage it as a Shopify merchant.

What is Facebook Marketplace?

Before Facebook Marketplace was launched in 2016, the only platforms for commerce-related activities were Facebook buy-and-sell groups. These were basically Facebook groups that allowed users to list items for sale. Users could also search for products to buy and the product would be marked as sold after it had been purchased.

Facebook Marketplace was designed to be an improvement on that and to be more functional. It offers an entire shop-like feature where users can easily buy and sell their products to other users.

However, Facebook Marketplace does not facilitate payments. Instead, Facebook has been able to connect with eCommerce giants like Shopify to facilitate payments between buyers and sellers on the Facebook Marketplace.

Both individuals and businesses can use Facebook Marketplace to sell new or pre-owned products to a local audience. Users can browse through the entire marketplace, select categories, or go straight to their preferred stores.

With Facebook Marketplace, you can display the various products you have for sale and advertise them using the free listing feature it offers.

How Does the Facebook Marketplace Work?

Facebook Marketplace works using a very basic concept. Sellers are allowed to list products for sale and indicate their location on the marketplace. When potential buyers looking to purchase these products come to the marketplace to search, Facebook uses the information it has about them to determine their location.

Facebook Marketplace then displays various products that are for sale within their locations. Once a user shows interest in a product and is willing to buy the product, they can contact the seller through Facebook Messenger. They both agree on the mode of payment and the product can be delivered.

This process eliminates the need for the parties involved in the transaction to exchange phone numbers or addresses.

Facebook Marketplace also uses its algorithm to make certain products more visible to buyers, especially if they have previously liked, shown interest, or searched for that kind of product on Facebook or in the Marketplace.

Why Should You Set Up Your Store on Facebook Marketplace?

With over 2.9 billion monthly users, the market opportunity that Facebook Marketplace offers is so enormous. This creates a promising environment for small eCommerce businesses. So, Facebook Marketplace has the ability to widen the reach of your business and open you up to a larger audience.

Here are more reasons to sell on Facebook Marketplace:

1. Availability of Various Marketing Tools

eCommerce businesses can access a wide variety of tools on the Facebook Marketplace platform. There are also several marketing tools you can use in automating your sales process. They include chatbots for responding to popular questions and automated responses to inquiries from customers.

2. Ability to Sell to Customers on an Individual Basis

The only way buyers and sellers on Facebook Marketplace can communicate with each other is through Messenger. This means that sellers have to sell to buyers on a one-on-one basis, making the entire process an individualized one. Customers can contact you directly with their questions and you can respond to them in real-time.

This makes it easier to retain them since you can answer their questions directly before they lose interest. It also helps to provide an atmosphere of trust and comfort for the customers, one that makes it easier for them to follow through with a purchase.

3. Personalized Customer Experience

Facebook Marketplace’s algorithm works by showing Facebook users the products most relevant to them based on their actions and activities on the app. This way, businesses can easily find the right customers.

It also increases your chances of conversion because your products are being seen by the right audience.

4. Free Product Listing

Facebook Marketplace is a free platform for sellers to list and manage their products. This means that you can list your products and start managing them for free within a few minutes. This plays an important role in saving you costs and increasing your sales.

5. No Restrictions on Payment Methods

Facebook does not offer a medium that facilitates payment between buyers and sellers. This means that there are no restrictions on the payment methods you can use and you have the freedom to choose from a host of payment methods. Some of the payment methods you can use include bank transfer, PayPal, Shopify Payments, and so on. You can also choose to receive payment in cash.

How to Set Up Your Store on Facebook Marketplace

As an eCommerce merchant, you need to have a Facebook account to set up your store on Facebook Marketplace. If you have an existing one, you can use that.

The next thing to do is to list your products for prospective buyers and other users to view them in Marketplace, their news feed, and any other areas on Facebook you want.

Keep in mind that before you can start selling officially on Facebook Marketplace, Facebook would have to approve your product listing to ensure it is in line with its policies and community guidelines.

Here is a step by step procedure on how to set up your store on Facebook Marketplace:

1. Enable Checkout on Facebook for Your Store

Before getting started, you want to make sure you have enabled Checkout on Facebook for your eCommerce store. As a Shopify merchant, you can easily do this by setting up checkout on Facebook on your Shopify store. This gives your customers the ability to complete their purchases directly from Facebook Marketplace.

Keep in mind that you will still handle your inventory and orders from your Shopify admin interface. Facebook will only connect you with customers.

2. Set Up Facebook Marketplace By Following the Steps Below:

1: Log into your Facebook page.

2: On the left pane click Marketplace

3: Click on Selling or Create new listing from the menu on your left.

4: Select the type of product you want to list. Three different options will be displayed on your screen, Items for Sale, Vehicle for Sale, and Home for Rent.

5: The next thing to do is to provide details of the product you want to list. This includes what you want to sell, the price, your location, a product description, and up to 10 product images.

6: Once you are done, click on Post to get your product listing published in the marketplace

You have now published your product listings on Facebook Marketplace. Your listings should be approved by Facebook within 24 hours. Once that happens, it is time to start selling. Anytime you need to access your store, you can always use the shop tab located on your Facebook business page.

How to Advertise on Facebook Marketplace

By listing your products, you make it easier for prospective buyers to discover them, make purchases, and for you to get revenue for your business. However, you can choose to get more eyeballs to your products by using Facebook Ads. Here is how to advertise your products on Facebook Marketplace:

1. Choose Your Ad Objective

Go to the Ads Manager tab and choose your objective. There are different objectives you can choose from, and they are as follows:

  • Brand awareness
  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Store Traffic
  • Lead generation
  • Reach

Choose your objective and click on continue.

2. Fill in Ad Campaign Details

The next thing to do is to fill in the details of your ad campaign. This includes typing in the campaign name and selecting the campaign budget optimization. You then have to name the ad set, and fill in other necessary details and prompts depending on the ad objective you have chosen.

3. Set Budget

After completing the details of the ad campaign, you have to set a budget. This can either be a daily budget or a lifetime budget for the ad campaign. You then have to specify the amount and select how long you would want your campaign to run, when you want the ads to start and when it should end.

4. Select Your Audience and Placement

When selecting your audience there are two options for you to choose from. You can either choose an Existing Audience or a New Audience.

The next step is to select Automatic Placements. This is the best option if you want to maximize your budget and display your ads where they will get the most attention.

5. Choose Ad Setup and Ad Creative Format

Select where you want your ads to be displayed: this can be on Facebook or Instagram. Then, you choose the ad format. This can either be a single image, a carousel, or a video.

You can type in a headline and insert a little description about the product being advertised under the media. Lastly, you have to write an attractive call to action for the ad.

6. Create a Message

A message template is an opportunity for you to encourage potential customers to contact you after clicking the ads. You can use your message template to start conversations, define custom user experience, or generate leads.

7. Set up Tracking and Publish

Select the conversion tracking and proceed to publish your campaign. Facebook will review your ads and approve them if they meet their regulations before your ads will be displayed to your audience.

Things to Consider When Selling on Facebook Marketplace

There are a few things you have to consider if you plan on selling on Facebook Marketplace. Here are some of them:

1. Shipping and Delivery Times

As a seller, Facebook requires you to ship all orders within 3 days from when they are made and the customer has to receive them within 7 days. This means you have to ensure you can deliver on these terms. If you run a business that sells handmade or homemade goods, for instance, you may have to be very careful with stating the quantity you have in stock so that you do not have any issues with supply.

Facebook Marketplace Does Not Sync with Every eCommerce Platform

Facebook Marketplace integrates seamlessly with a number of eCommerce platforms, but not all.

The platforms it integrates with at the moment are:

  • Shopify
  • CommerceHub
  • Quipt
  • ChannelAdvisor
  • ShipStation
  • BigCommerce
  • Zentail

2. Effective Communication is Key

Like almost any other sales channel, you will receive loads of questions and messages from buyers and people who are interested in your products. While it might seem like a lot to handle, you have to learn and master the art of communicating with potential buyers.

You should also learn to be patient with your customers while answering their questions in a timely and professional manner. Facebook even rewards effective communication with customers using two different badges.

The first badge is the Very Responsive Badge that is awarded to sellers that respond to all their potential customers quickly. The second is the Community Recommended Badge which is awarded to sellers that have a high rating on Marketplace.

Having these badges can enhance your reputation as a seller on Facebook Marketplace and help customers trust your business the more.

Tips for Selling Successfully on Facebook Marketplace

Selling on Facebook Marketplace comes with its advantages as we discussed earlier. Among these include the fact that it is an ideal platform to reach a wider audience, discover new customers and build healthy customer relationships.

It equally comes with a few challenges. One of them is the fierce competition. The competition you will face is not just restricted to other businesses. It will include individual users who sell similar products to yours. Here are a few tips to help you with selling successfully on Facebook Marketplace:

1. Increase Brand Awareness and Discoverability

One of the quickest ways to increase your bottom line and get more revenue is by increasing your brand awareness and discoverability. Facebook has always been primarily a social media platform before the introduction of its commercial features. This means that Facebook users have always been discovering other fellow users and will not find it difficult to discover businesses and brands on Marketplace.

Facebook Marketplace streamlines your sales and conversion funnel, ensuring that you are reaching customers that have shown interest in your product or similar products. If you set up ads, you can even streamline the funnel further and reach more potential customers.

Asides from ads, another way to increase the discoverability of your brand and products on Facebook Marketplace is to use your business logo on your posts and leverage the categories section. The marketplace has 11 major categories that are divided into more specific subcategories. Placing your products in the right categories increases the chances that your target audience will discover them.

Additionally, your products will appear in more people’s feeds if you have a sizeable following on your business profile. So, it makes sense to put in the effort to get more followers on your business page.

If you can do these, you will increase your product discoverability and brand awareness on Facebook Marketplace.

2. Build Trust with Your Audience

One important factor that fosters a good relationship between eCommerce merchants and customers is trust. Considering that your customers may never meet you in person, your business and brand must inspire some level of trust and confidence.

Facebook Marketplace offers some distinct features that help you inspire trust in your target audience. The first of these features is Facebook Messenger.

Messenger allows you to connect with your customers on a personal level. By using a good communication template that reflects your brand tone and voice, you can inspire trust in your customers.

You also have the opportunity to build trust through your Facebook business page. By providing sufficient and transparent information about your brand on your business page and providing answers to frequently asked questions, you can increase the confidence your audience has in your business.

There is a very good opportunity for you to build customer trust and loyalty by offering perks that are exclusive to Marketplace. This promotes a sense of value which helps you bond with your customers.

3. Track the Products that Sell Best on Facebook Marketplace

Your Shopify store and Facebook Marketplace are two entirely different platforms. This means that the audiences are slightly different and their buying patterns may vary. This may also mean that the products that sell best on your Shopify store may be different from the products that sell best on Marketplace.

Therefore, it is important that you track the products that are selling well on Facebook Marketplace. By tracking these products, you can make the most out of your Facebook ads. You can use the information you get to improve your ads and know which product to promote. This increases your chances of getting better conversions and sales.

You can check the categories section to determine the products that are doing well on Facebook Marketplace. You can also visit other business pages to see popular products. The top picks from a store are displayed anytime you visit a store.

4. Personalize Your Buyers’ Experience

Facebook’s algorithm displays ads to users who have shown interest in your products or in similar products. You can use this to your advantage by targeting both potential customers and your existing customers.

Most people focus on reaching new customers with their ads and neglect their existing customers. Your existing customers are more likely to buy from you again because they have previously shown interest in your business. You can also create and target a lookalike audience with your Marketplace ads.

Another way to personalize your buyers’ experience is through chatbots. Use chatbots to connect with users that have shown interest in any of your products. With chatbots, you can follow up with your customers as soon as they contact you.

5. Test Out New Products

One quick and easy way to test out your new products or ideas is through Facebook Marketplace. By leveraging Facebook Marketplace’s ability to streamline your sales funnel, you can always test your products and ideas by checking if they match the interests of your target audience.

The good part? It does not cost you anything. You just have to create a listing and that is all.

Facebook Marketplace is also a good way to promote your new products. If you want, you can inform your customers in the product description that you are experimenting with the product. There is also room for you to play around with the pricing of your products to determine how best your customers respond to price increases and discounts.


Facebook Marketplace is a great platform for eCommerce merchants looking to sell their products to a wider audience. It is a free platform that is easy to set up and use. As a Shopify merchant, the ability to integrate Marketplace into your store is even more promising. With Marketplace, you can easily increase your bottom line and achieve your business goals.

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a complete step-by-step guide to promote the page

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How to increase the number of Facebook page fans? How do you get them to interact with you? How to turn these people into clients and buyers? Read this step-by-step guide or contact TexTerra for SMM promotion right away. We help to stand out from competitors and fall in love with the target audience.

Table of contents:


Cover and Avatar


Template and target button

Information on page


Publications with video

Facebook Stories

Promotion and analytics

Information in other social networks and services

Communication on Facebook




Offline promotion


Table of contents:

Page design

Cover and Avatar


Template and target button

Information on page


Publications with video

Facebook Stories

Promotion and analytics and services

Communication on Facebook






Targeted advertising


Page statistics

other advice on promotion on Facebook

Additional capabilities

Guest post or article



Cover and avatar

  • Static cover

Page cover is not only the face of the brand, but also an excellent platform for advertising. On it, you can promote your products and services, invite subscribers to webinars and conferences, and much more. To understand how to format it correctly, look at an example.

An advertising offer can be placed both on the cover itself and in the description of it, because the user will see it as soon as he clicks on the cover

Another point worth paying attention to is the quality of the cover. As you can see, there is no blur in the picture above. To achieve this result, you need to create an image of at least 820 by 312 pixels in PNG format. We recommend using images b and in a larger size (for example, 1702 by 630 pixels) so that when opened on monitors with a higher resolution, the images are large and look good.

This is how the small cover (851 by 315) looks like on a large screen with a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels:

There is a lot of black space on the sides. The picture looks small

And this is how the big cover (1702 by 630) looks like on the same screen:

There is almost no black space on the sides. The picture is big. It's easy to view

Once you've set your group's cover, be sure to check out how it looks on a mobile device. Anything larger than 640 by 360 pixels will be clipped.

  • Static avatar

The size of the avatar must be at least 170 x 170 pixels (128 x 128 for smartphones). As in the previous example, you can upload a larger image so that it is larger and of better quality when opened.

This screenshot has a 1290px x 1290px avatar open. Monitor resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels

  • Animated cover or video blog

Animated covers on Facebook can currently only be created on business pages. This feature is not yet available on the personal page.

The video must be between 20 and 90 seconds long and at least 1250 x 312 pixels in size. The recommended size is 820 x 462 pixels. It is best to use video with a resolution of 1250 x 463 pixels and an aspect ratio of 2.7.

You can change the size of the finished video using the online editor. For example, Resize-Video.

To make an animated cover, go to the company profile, click on "Edit" and then "Select video". The video must be uploaded to the library on the page in advance.

Select the desired video in the pop-up window.

Making an animated Facebook cover

Then select one of the suggested video thumbnails and click Save Changes.

By the way, the video is without sound. Keep this in mind when choosing a video for your cover.

  • Animated avatar

Animated avatar can only be made on the personal page. To do this, you must use the Facebook app for iOS or Android. The algorithm of actions will be as follows (using iOS as an example):

1. Go to your profile and click on your profile picture.

2. Select the "Select photo / video" command.

3. Click the "Use" button.

Animated avatar for the personal page


The Facebook page address is pulled automatically from the title. To change the URL, change the page name.

Template and target button

Facebook has special templates for different types of business: Services, Company, Sites, Non-Profit Organization, Politicians, Restaurants and Cafes, Shopping, " Public Figures" or "Video Page".

To install a template, go to your Facebook settings, go to the "Templates and tabs" section and select the one that suits you best.

View Gallery

Once selected, click "Apply Template"

Here's how it's done on mobile:

View Gallery

The order is about the same as on desktop

Depending on your tasks, the target button that is shown to users right under the cover, you can change.

To add the first one, click Add Button.

These are the button options for Facebook pages

Each template has one or another button by default, but it can be changed. For example, install a "Call" button so that a person can make a call immediately from Facebook.

Select a country code and enter a number, then click Save

Smartphone users can now call your company with a single tap. It's fast and convenient.

Mobile users can call, and desktop users can copy the number

All clicks on this button can be tracked in the "Statistics" section. It can also be promoted as an advertising post.

To get more calls, click on the corresponding button in the menu

To view the statistics for the button, click "Statistics" in the menu on the left, then "Page Actions". You will see all clicks.

When someone calls you, the information will appear on graph

Page information

The more information you provide, the more professional and credible your page will appear to consumers. Do not neglect this point. Tell everything you can tell, in every detail. Add photos and videos. Complete the services section if necessary.

Ask at least a few of your customers to leave a review about your company. If you don't have a website but have a group, you can enter your Facebook group address in the "Website" line and link them together.

View gallery

You can enter a lot of information: title and description of the page, category of services, contact information, opening hours, price range, status (closed or open), Instagram account and location on the map

On a personal page, you can indicate the position and place of work. This is necessary so that users can get to your business page through the profile.

To enter information about your place of work, go to the "Edit profile" section, select "Work" and start typing the name of the page.

Free social media audit

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Page created and designed. It's time to move on to the content.

Publications with photos

  • Make a rough content plan. Users love content that is both useful and entertaining. Announce new blog posts, post high-quality infographics and videos, and start interesting discussions. Not enough ideas? We have as many as 96. Choose the most suitable for your industry.
  • When posting, keep Facebook in mind. In the video below, we talk about the four main features of the social network:
  • Use quality branded images. Beautiful visuals with your company logo will help create a unique style and make the brand more recognizable and professional.

Post from the official Visa page

It is desirable that the pictures for the posts be large - 1200 by 630 pixels for horizontal pictures and 1200 by 1200 for square ones. This size is needed so that users who use large screens do not experience inconvenience. We already talked about this at the very beginning of article 9.0003

  • Post regularly. It is impossible to say exactly what frequency of publications will be optimal. It is worth experimenting with the time and frequency of publications in order to identify the best option in a particular case.
  • Encourage the audience to publish posts mentioning you or your company using a topical hashtag - this way you will collect high-quality UGC over time.
  • Highlight your best publications . The posts that get the most likes and reposts should be in the most visible place so that those who have not yet viewed them do so as soon as possible. To pin a post to the very top of the feed, click on the arrow in the upper right corner and select the "Pin to Top of Page" command.

This is what an attached post looks like

Posts with video

Video is one of the ongoing trends of every social network. In addition, according to research by Google and Ipsos, 55% percent of users use videos instead of shopping lists when shopping.

Find out which video formats are supported by Facebook here. If you can't post your video, you can fix the problem by reading this article.

The video format tramples everything else in B2C and B2B. "Read" and "photos" - the last century

When publishing a video, do not forget to check "Show on Facebook Watch" so that yours is displayed not only on your page, but also in a special separate tab on Facebook.

This is how the Facebook Watch feed looks like

Important! The Watch section only shows videos from verified Pages and Profiles, and Pages and Profiles with more than 5,000 followers.

Read more about Watch in the Facebook guide.

Facebook Stories

Don't forget about Facebook stories. Here are some headings for Stories.

  • The inner life of your company. Show your corporate events, employees, their jobs.
  • Discounts, promotions and promo codes. Stories on Facebook are available 24 hours, just like on other social networks. Encourage your audience to take advantage of a great offer here and now.
  • Polls. Polls in Stories let you learn what users think about your company and more.

This is what the page looks like when the story is posted on it:

You can share the story both in the profile and on the company page, but only through the application for iOS or Android.

In the story, you can place a text publication, music, video boomerang, poll, photo and video taken with the front camera (section "Selfie"), as well as "Mood" - a section in which you can select a ready-made thematic GIF.

View gallery

To post a story, click "Add Story" under your profile or page photo, then select the post type0003

Promotion and analytics

Information in other social networks and services

Your content is great. It's time to share it outside of the Facebook page. If you have accounts on other social networks, be sure to give them information about your Facebook page and vice versa.

  • Link the group and page. This will increase the reach and engagement of both sites. You will also be able to manage the group, create publications and communicate with members both on your behalf and on behalf of the page. If anything, you can untie the group at any time.


This is what the page-linked group would look like:

  • Link your Instagram profile to your Facebook business page. This will allow you to run Insta advertising campaigns (they are launched using Facebook Ads Manager) and collect accurate statistics on them.

Instagram promotion* in 2021: the most detailed guide

  • Give a link to your page in the description of other accounts in social networks , and on your Facebook page, give links to your VKontakte, Twitter, Youtube, etc.

We link to our Facebook page in the YouTube channel header

  • Add a link to your page in your email signature. To do this on Yandex mail, go to "Settings" - "Personal data, signature, portrait".

Enter the required information, format and save.

Setting up a signature in Yandex.Mail

Signatures in other mail services are set up in approximately the same way.

  • Promote your page in the mailing list. If you run a newsletter, tell your subscribers about your Facebook page and why they should subscribe to it. If you don't have a mailing list yet, start building a base for it. You are ignoring one of the most powerful traffic and lead generation channels.
  • The last tip in this section: recommend your page on all social networks where you have subscribers! Sometimes giving a link in the description is not enough. You need to encourage the audience to follow it. Make a post about why your VKontakte followers should join your Facebook page. It is clear that since they read you on VKontakte, most likely it is more convenient for them, but you may be of interest to a small part of the audience.

Communicate on Facebook

  • Leave useful and thoughtful comments on other people's publications . Try to make users want to view your profile and go to the brand page.
  • Mention other users in your posts. When you mention people with the @ symbol, there's a good chance your post will be featured in their feed. Most Facebook users have this feature enabled by default, but even if not, the person will look at your post and decide whether to publish it on their page or not. And if he decides to publish, you will get the attention of his audience.

This is what a user mention on Facebook looks like

Book: 100+ Internet Marketer Hacks


  • Invite friends to like your page. When you are just starting to develop your Facebook page, you can not neglect any of the methods to increase the number of likes.

Invite your friends to like your page. To do this, click on the button with three dots under the cover of the page, select the "Invite Friends" command, check the box next to "Send an invitation to Messenger" (so that the person receives your message personally) and write an invitation that will not cause him negative.

Do you post cool content? Write about it. Do you want him to like the page in a friendly way, and then unfollow when you gain a real audience? As you say, there is nothing wrong with that.

Sending an invitation to friends

Someone will ignore your message, someone will enter into a dialogue, and someone will silently like the page.

How to use e-mail for targeting on Facebook, VKontakte, Google and Yandex

  • Send invitations to new friends. Every time a new person is added as a friend, send him a message that reads something like this: “Hi. Thanks for adding me as a friend. If you are interested in [insert your topic], join my page. Every day I publish there the most interesting and useful content on the topic. Here is the link - [link to your page]. Come in :)".
  • Invite people from your phone or email contact list. It doesn't matter who these people will be: your clients, pen pals, or just passing acquaintances - invite everyone to become subscribers to your page (if they refuse, it's okay, you have to start somewhere). Invite people to your page no more than once, so that the invitation does not look like spam.

To do this, upload your contact list using the Facebook mobile application. Click on three lines, then "Contacts". Recommended friends will appear on the screen, whom you can invite to become followers of the Page.

This is what uploading friends from contacts looks like


By clicking on the "Message" button, users can write private messages to your page. Often, many of them hang unnoticed until the moderator visits the page. To prevent this from happening, set up automatic replies. For example, you could write the following: “Thank you for writing to us. We will respond within a day." Then the user will not expect a momentary response from you and will remain loyal to your company.

"Message" button, through which users can communicate with your company personally

To set up an automatic reply, go to the page settings and select the "Messaging" section.

Go to "Messaging"" title="Go to "Messaging"

In "Messaging" you can set up a greeting, as well as see a link to your page in the messenger to insert it on your site, for example.

View gallery

Message customization features

To set up automatic replies, click Customize and you will be taken to the Facebook Business Suite, which combines messaging features for both Facebook and Instagram business pages.

Then select "Instant Reply" and enter the message you want to send to users after they write to you.

Sending an invitation to friends

In addition to an instant reply, you can also set up an automatic message.

You can set up different types of messages: from a reaction to the fact that your page is recommended / not recommended, to a list of frequently asked questions

The algorithm for setting up all types of messages in Facebook Business Suite is approximately the same.

Depending on how quickly you respond to user messages, your page will display information about how many times you respond on average.

Install the Facebook Business Suite app on your smartphone so that users can see that you are responding quickly. So you can track messages to all your accounts in one place and quickly respond to them.

Facebook Business Suite interface

In addition to viewing and replying to messages, Facebook Business Suite allows you to post, schedule Instagram posts, and even promote your page.


If you choose a template that has a Shop tab, you have the option to add your products to your Facebook page and tag them in the post.

View gallery

When you go to the "Shop" tab, we see the products of page

If you click on a product, Facebook will offer to place an order on the site.

Any of the products can be added to publications. To do this, you need to click on the appropriate button and publish the entry:

As a result, it will look like this:


In addition to calls to action in publications, you can (and should) encourage users to leave reviews on your Facebook page.

Get your customers to be honest about their page experience so that potential customers can use reviews to guide their selection.

View gallery

This is how testimonials will look on your page. Don't Forget to Answer Them

Mega Compilation of Persuasive Calls to Action: 200 CTA Templates


An interesting contest will increase both the reach and engagement of your page. If you try hard, then the number of subscribers / fans.

Here are some tips for running Facebook contests:

  • start with the goal of the competition, and then think over the mechanics;
  • raffle something valuable and directly related to the brand;
  • think carefully about the idea of ​​the competition and link it to the newsbreak;
  • draw up the official rules of the contest;
  • record the summing up on video and post it to the public;
  • hold contests regularly, alternating mechanics.

Facebook contests are similar to contests in other social networks

Targeted advertising

You can also increase your audience reach with Facebook ads. Click the "Promote" button on the main page, then select the purpose of the publication.

View gallery

You can promote both individual posts and the entire page

You can promote a page on Facebook and Instagram if the desired target audience lives there. To do this, you need to create an advertising campaign in Ads Manager, select the goal, the page you want to advertise, click "Manual placements" in the settings and leave a checkmark only in the "Instagram" line.

View gallery

This is how you can set up ads that will be shown on Instagram

Properly configured advertising on social networks can increase sales by several times. In our TeachLine training center, teachers from TexTerra teach not just the mechanics of working with cabinets, but the generation of effective campaigns from the moment an advertising idea is created to analytics. You can read more about the course here.

Partner placements

Contact the admins of other publics on Facebook and agree on co-marketing. Let them recommend your page to their followers, and you recommend them. The same can be done with the mailing list, if you have approximately the same number of subscribers, and with any other traffic acquisition channels.

Page statistics

Promotion without analytics - time and money wasted. Facebook has a lot of data that will help you run your community more effectively every day.

View the summary:

Understand your target audience:

Track the growth of the community:

See what type of content is getting the most reach and engagement, and at what time the content is most interesting to the audience:

Click on each of the tabs in the " Statistics". After studying this information, you will be able to create the highest quality content that will receive wide coverage and be in demand among your users.

To get detailed statistics on your page and competitors' pages, use the services from this article ("Facebook" section).

More Facebook Marketing Tips

Additional Features

  • Write an article on your website called "10 Reasons to Like Our Facebook Page". Accompany each item with a screenshot to prove your point. At the end of the material, do not forget to link to your public and come up with a catchy call to action.
  • Add the Page plugin to your site. "Page" allows visitors to see your news feed directly from the pages of the site. Installing it is very easy. All you need to do is: select the desired settings, copy the code and paste it on your site.

Page plugin settings

  • Pin the bar Hello Bar at the very top of the site. This is a shareware service that can increase the likes of your articles. To do this, go to the main page of the service, add your site and select the Social Engagement goal.

Once you have chosen your goal, choose the method to achieve it. Best suited Hello Bar

Choose the color and size of the banner (you can choose from ready-made templates), the pages on which it will be displayed, write the text and click Publish Now. After that, you will be prompted to insert the service code into your site template. Once you've done that, the Hello Bar will work and you'll be able to track your stats.

We encourage users to like articles

  • Create creative polls, contests and quizzes. Engage with your audience at all levels.

You can create a poll to find out the opinion of subscribers on a particular topic. To do this, you need Polls for Pages.

View gallery

This is how the poll setup in Polls for Pages looks like. The service is in English, but its interface is intuitive. The survey can be done in Russian or one of the many languages ​​

You can start the quiz using Quizzes for Pages. The setup algorithm is similar to Polls for Pages. After creating a quiz in the app, you can either install it on the page (if you have more than 2,000 likes) or link to it in the post.

This is how the quiz will look on a page with more than 2,000 likes

  • Give out discounts for likes. Facebook Coupon App and Social Offers will help you with this. The first allows you to create personalized discount coupons that are activated with a like. The second activates the discount after a certain number of people join the promotion. Both applications are paid, but there is a free trial period that can be requested from technical support.
  • Offer quality content for likes. Use the method described at the very end of this article. Only instead of the "Tweet" button, set the "Like" button. This can be done using the Viral Lock service.

The user tweeted the article and only then got access to the desired material. The same can be done with Facebook

Guest post or article

To get even more people to know about your page, write an article on a popular resource. Instead of linking to your site, ask the site owner to add a link to a Facebook page. If the site is popular enough, and the readers like the article, you can be sure that there will be a lot of transitions.

Katerina Kushnir published an article on our website and included a link to her Facebook profile in her description. Now we indicate links not in the author’s description, but at the very beginning of the article . To go live, click on the appropriate button in your profile:

To start a live broadcast, click on the "Live broadcast" button

Select live broadcast settings, check the picture and sound. If necessary, add a message to your users, and when you're done, click on the "Go Live" button.

Why do businesses need live broadcasts? 5 Livestreaming Tools

When the broadcast ends, the video will automatically be saved to your profile and will hang there for the whole day. After this time, it will be automatically deleted.

To prevent this from happening (after all, this is useful content, and you can still use it), use the SaveFromNet service. Paste the link to your video into the search bar of this service and click the "Download" button.

A webinar can also help promote a page, since you can verbally recommend your page to people who are loyal to you (after all, they signed up for this webinar, which means they think that they can learn something from you) and immediately give it link.

How to run a webinar: from preparation to the final

Offline promotion

In addition to word of mouth, which can bring the desired audience to your page, there are several ways to get people offline:

  • Promote your page at an industry event in your market . If you are an expert in your field, you are likely to speak at industry conferences and seminars from time to time. Use this opportunity. Make a beautiful banner or print brochures describing your company and don't forget to add a link to your Facebook page there.
  • Give gifts to your fans with your page address written on them. T-shirts, caps, mugs, stickers - all this can greatly help you promote your brand on Facebook. Loyal users will gladly accept your gifts, and in turn you will increase brand awareness (especially useful for local businesses).
  • Upload a photo with your fans. If you were at a themed conference or fan meeting and took a group photo there, post it on your Facebook page and tag everyone in it.
  • Encourage fans to post photos from your offline event! They will feel connected to your community/brand and you will get a quality UGC.
  • Bonus tip for those with a sense of humor. Use each of the 17 unusual offline methods described in this article. Only instead of the site address, insert the address of the page on Facebook everywhere.


Maintaining and promoting a Facebook page is sometimes a difficult and time-consuming task, but it will definitely bear fruit if you will:

  • set goals and systematically move towards their achievement;
  • track trends and new features of Facebook and your industry, implement them in your content;
  • be attentive to the audience;
  • use the tips in this article.

What methods of promoting pages and groups on Facebook do you already use? Which ones are new to you?

Facebook promotion: 10 post ideas and tips for page 9 promotion0001

In this article I will talk about promotion on Facebook, one of the most capricious and complex social networks. I will show 10 successful posts with analysis and give advice on how to promote a page on Facebook.

Let's start with something tasty 🙂 The FRESH online store advertises a product using a recipe. Thanks to a good photo, the post is appetizing, I want to buy products and create the same dish - the recipe is right at hand.

The next one is a post on the Facebook page of the MIF publishing house, advertising a course on self-acceptance. Here is a good illustration that captures attention - first you see the image, then you decide to read the text.

Read the post and see how it is structured. The text is short, but there is all the necessary information to interest a person. First, a short title, then an inspirational quote, and then technical details and a link to details.

Post from the Dominos pizzeria in cooperation with the quest company Mozgva. This is a great example of how brands can team up to promote on Facebook. Well, the space illustration with pizza and cats is good.

The LABA online educational platform made a useful post - illustration cards with thoughts from the book. If you have a designer, take a look at this option - useful selections provide good audience engagement.

Another Facebook post with good text and a cool illustration is the announcement of the talk from the 8P conference. The text is structured in paragraphs and emojis, the most interesting moments of the report are included in the announcement. The corporate bright style of the illustration will surely attract attention in the feed.

April Fool's post on the IKEA Facebook page. The company suggested using pictures with interiors for the background of video calls - the option to replace the background is in the Zoom service, which many companies have switched to due to remote work. The idea is great, even without jokes. By the way, the post got several times more likes than the average of any other post on the IKEA page.

Another interesting idea for promotion on Facebook is from the Webpromoexperts academy. The guys launched a series of “believe / don’t believe” posts - they tell some unusual fact about marketing, and subscribers need to guess if it’s true. GIFs for laughter and attracting attention in the feed.

Fitness does not lose heart during quarantine - training can also be done online. While the trainers are not busy with clients, you can shoot more training videos, they will come in handy for later. By the way, video is a good format for promoting a page on Facebook. Video content is gaining the most response here.

A useful detail in this post is subtitles. Many users turn off the sound of the video in the feed, so you can attract attention with the help of large subtitles. And spectacular girls in the background.

Video workout with subtitles to promote a fitness club on Facebook

To promote a page on Facebook, posts do not have to be unique and with super-cool design. If the material is useful to the audience, it will go well on its own. Here is an example of such a post from the page of the Ringostat company, which provides a call tracking, telephony and end-to-end analytics service.

The company collected data on demand in different market sectors for six months and made an interactive dashboard. The material got into the target audience - the post has 44 likes, while neighboring posts barely get to 10. Probably, the post was further promoted, but in any case, there is a very good ratio of likes and reposts.

A well-engaged post on the Ringostat page

And the last example is from the Skyscanner flight search service. Sometimes your followers just need to relax watching the sunset over Los Angeles. But the photo in this case should be really impressive.

Simple photo post on Skyscanner company page

Facebook promotion tips

Collected basic tips for promoting on Facebook - from page design to advertising requirements

Create a business page

You need a business page to promote your company on Facebook. You won’t be able to work with a personal one - this is contrary to the rules for using Facebook, and there is a threat that the social network will block the account for this. In addition, business pages have advantages: you can view detailed statistics about users and posts, run ads, differentiate roles for page management.

To make a business page on Facebook, click on the "Create" button on the top panel and select the "Page" item:

Menu for creating a page on Facebook

Next, you will need to step by step configure the page for your type of business. Follow Facebook prompts and don't be afraid to make a mistake, you can edit and complete all the data later.

Please note! Read more about creating a business account on Facebook on our blog.

Style the page properly

Design in such a way that it is immediately clear where the user is and what he can do with your help. I will tell you what is most important when promoting a page on Facebook.

Make a cover and an avatar. Cover - large image on top, avatar - round image on the side. Use the png format for a clear image.

  • The avatar image must be at least 170 by 170 pixels. It is better not to change it - the avatar serves as a recognizable face of the company and is displayed in all your posts in the user's feed.
  • The image for the cover is ideally 851 by 315 pixels, weighing up to 100 Kb. It can be changed to draw attention to new promotions.

Please note! Facebook Image Cheat Sheets: profile and cover media sizes, post photo sizes.

This is how the avatar and cover look on the SendPulse page. In connection with the coronavirus, we decided to slightly change the images to suit the situation, but left the recognizable color, font and logo:

Avatar and cover on the SendPulse 9 business page0002 The cover can be made animated, this will make the page more recognizable and memorable. You need a video file 20-90 seconds long, the recommended size is 820 by 462 pixels.

Animated cover page on Facebook

Describe the business. Fill in the "Information" tab - briefly write information about the company, give contacts, describe the mission. If you want to make a detailed description, there is a section "History" for this.

Company info on Facebook

Customize username for the page so you can be found quickly. The username is displayed below the page avatar. When you change the name, the link to the page will automatically change:

Page name and link

Consider link buttons. Buttons are important - they prompt the user to quickly contact you, perform the desired action. They are located under the cover on the right. The button can lead the user either to a communication channel — to Facebook or Whatsapp messenger, to dialing a number, to sending a letter, or to an internal or external link.

The message button will help you if the page has a chatbot configured. If the user has questions, he will first get to the chatbot, which can process simple questions about delivery time, products, and so on. This will save time for your support. If the bot cannot answer, it will automatically connect the employee to the chat - this function can be easily integrated into the bot if you create it on the SendPulse platform. I will tell you more about the capabilities of the chatbot later.

Communication buttons on page

Discover Chatbot

Build auto sales funnels and answer user questions using a chat bot on Facebook, VK and Telegram.

Create a chatbot

There is a small life hack for buttons. As you can see in the previous screenshot, there are two buttons. But when you customize your page, you see only one, by default it is a button to send a message to Facebook Messenger:

The "Message" button is on the new page by default

In order for the second button to appear, you need to edit the existing one and select any other function for it:

The button on your Facebook page can be remapped

To check, switch to view the page as a visitor - click on the three dots to the right of the "Share" button and select the option "View as Page Visitor":

Facebook makes it possible to look at your page through the eyes of a visitor

Both buttons are in place:

Two contact buttons can be created per page

Consider audience preferences

To promote on Facebook, like in any other social network, you need a strategy. You need to understand how the audience behaves, then you can effectively influence it.

Here are the main numbers that will come in handy (according to research by Popsters and MediaScope):

  • The largest and most active age group is from 25 to 44 years old.
  • The most active day of the week is Sunday, the most inactive are Tuesday and Wednesday. Most often, users enter the social network around 9:00 and 16:00.
  • The preferred length of a post is from 160 to 1000 characters, people react the best to such posts.
  • The video format is gaining more responses, the second most popular is posts with photos. Worst of all, users react to "naked" links.

But don't rely on general figures. Study your own audience:

  • Make a portrait of the client - who is your main target audience, her age, interests, lifestyle, income, and so on.
  • Identify customer needs - what they are looking for in your product. This will help you tailor the product to their pain and communicate the benefits from their point of view.
  • Collect feedback - read comments on posts, conduct polls, arrange voting.

Create a content plan and design guide

Think of a content plan to promote your Facebook page. Come up with headings, decide on the ratio of content types. Consider how to engage your audience in creating user-generated content. Develop cover designs for posts, design standards for photos, videos, text in different headings.

Be sure to complete a document-guide on design and content for the SMM manager. It will serve as a quality standard for everyone involved in content for your company. There will be no need to memorize all the fonts, colors and rules - they will be recorded. And if the specialist suddenly changes, the instructions will help the new person quickly join the work.

Invite friends

When you have finished with the design and made the first few posts on the Facebook page, start promoting. To get started, use your own influence: ask employees to share the page in their accounts and invite friends to it. These options are available to both the page owner and all visitors:

Share the page and invite your friends

Style pictures and videos correctly

Make images stand out. In order for the picture in the feed to hook the user, it must be bright, encourage them to read the post. This applies not only to pictures, but also to video covers - if the user has autoplay disabled, he will see exactly the static cover that you have chosen for the video.

When promoting on Facebook, follow the rules of the network, this applies to the size and content of your pictures. In order for the social network to skip ads, the image must be at least 500 by 500 pixels, and in order not to reduce coverage, the text must occupy no more than 20% of the image area.

Attention! Save useful links for promotion on Facebook:

  • Facebook Ads Guide - A cheat sheet on ad design.

Keep in mind that Facebook is sensitive to the content of the content - it will not let “adult” posts into advertising, which have a hint of sex, alcohol, smoking on the cover. In the text, respectively, this should not be either.

Don't get carried away with hashtags

Hashtags don't work well on Facebook. First, seriously - when was the last time you yourself searched for something here using a hashtag? Secondly, in the search results, the user will first see posts from pages with which he once interacted, that is, hardly new and still unknown. Thirdly, there is a theory that Facebook perceives the abundance of hashtags as spam and underestimates such posts in the issue.

The most you will need Facebook hashtags for is as a unique tag for your promotion so that the user can find all the posts on the topic.

Engage users

Facebook's feed ranking algorithm pushes interesting posts forward. Posts with a large number of likes, comments and reposts are considered interesting, that is, with good involvement. The higher the engagement rate of the page as a whole, the higher its posts will be shown in the feed of subscribers.

For engagement:

  • Use viral content. Something interesting and emotional that users will want to share.
  • Ask questions in posts, motivate discussion.
  • In the end, ask for a like or a repost.

Set up a chatbot

A chatbot is a program that communicates with a user using an automated script. You can set up a lot of actions in the chatbot: talk about a product or event, book a visit, pick up products, answer frequently asked questions.

The bot is available 24/7, that is, it replaces the round-the-clock support service. Facebook chatbots from SendPulse will help you create an automatic sales funnel:

  • classify a lead;
  • request more information;
  • warm up the lead;
  • bring to purchase;
  • complete a deal or connect for this manager.

The Facebook chatbot can be viewed live on our Sendbot. Read the article about how and why we created the bot and chat with it on our Facebook page.

Use the retargeting pixel

Use a pixel to promote on Facebook. This is a piece of code that needs to be generated using Facebook and embedded into the site. It will transfer data from the site to the Facebook advertising account.

With the help of a pixel you can track what people who come from Facebook are doing on your site. Thanks to tracking you can:

  • Generate audiences for ads - show the desired ads only to those who have completed a certain action on the site.
  • Track conversions - understand how effective individual campaigns are.
  • Optimize conversions - show ads to people who are more likely to take the desired action.

Please note! Useful link - official instructions for creating and setting up a Facebook pixel.

Install a widget with social networks on the website

Through SendPulse, you can create a widget for a site through which the user can immediately go to the messenger he needs: Facebook, VKontakte, Telegram. And there the chatbot will immediately pick it up - you can program into it all the actions that new leads usually need. For example, make an appointment or find out about the range of goods and services, get a lead magnet or an event program.

Messenger subscription form created in the SendPulse constructor

Facebook promotion: things to remember

Check your Facebook feed regularly for inspiration. See which posts get the most engagement and try similar posts in your area.

Follow our Facebook branding tips: