How to make my own gif on instagram

Instagram Stickers: How to Make GIFs for Instagram

If the competition between social media platforms ever felt like a race, then Instagram has shot its way up the scoreboard, offering some serious competition for the top 3 in terms of size and marketing potential.

This is a step-by-step guide for making your own GIF stickers. We are not just giving advice. Our stickers have actually been used by over 120 MILLION users worldwide:

Elementor's Giphy Page

Table of Contents

  • Why Gif Stickers & Instagram Marketing?
  • What Is a GIF?
  • What Are Instagram Gif Stickers?
  • How to Make GIF Stickers for Instagram
  • Every Picture Tells a Story

Why Gif Stickers & Instagram Marketing?

Launched in 2010, Instagram now boasts over one billion monthly active users, second only to YouTube and Facebook (who have owned Instagram since 2012).  

Instagram is popular because it’s simple and fun to use. We could also argue that it appeals, more than others, to international users as most of its content is pictorial (as opposed to text on other platforms such as Facebook) and lighter (unlike heavier content such as YouTube videos).

From a purely business perspective, Instagram has become the New World of social media marketing. Not because of the number of users but because of their behavior.

It’s this behavior that has made Instagram a major influencer in its own right.

Over 60% of users log into Instagram daily, most of them to post stories. This makes it the second most engaged social network after Facebook.

You may recall that last week, we explained the significance of Google’s decision to favor mobile versions of websites/pages in search results, making mobile responsive design more important than ever. Needless-to-say, Instagram, predominantly used on mobile and by adults, played a big part in this shift.  

And we’re only starting to get the picture.

Reach seems to not only be easier to obtain on Instagram than on Facebook, once obtained, but it is also more valuable.

80% of users follow at least 1 business or brand, which means that it’s the platform where most users are likely to continue doing so. 

Businesses that have realized this and have already begun marketing on Instagram claim that they get up to 37% of their total impressions from Instagram Stories. 

You would think that Facebook would have similar marketing potential, when in fact the opposite is true. Instagram boasts 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook.

There are claims that Facebook is oversaturated with advertising and marketing content, and there could be truth to it. Facebook users seem to have learned to filter out advertising and marketing content.

As consumers, we’ve always needed to be reassured, at the very least, of the quality, dimensions, and current state of a product.  

A visual aid has proven to be very convenient for this purpose, and furthermore, it encourages users to take action and buy that item. Kinsta recently pointed out that “about 60% of Instagram users say they’ve discovered new products through the app, while 72% of users say they have purchased a product they saw on the app.”

Most of the businesses we’re discussing are related to things that are visual to include web design, and…, yes, like Elementor as well.

We’ve been running our own experiments with Instagram stories. Of course, we’ve been having a lot of fun in the process, but who said that you couldn’t have fun to get results? 

And, boy, did we get results.

Our Instagram account is currently at 18 thousand plus followers and rapidly growing.

Creating stickers like these allowed us to strengthen our brand identity further while expanding our creative assets. In fact, one of our stickers got over 25 million views!

But wouldn’t it be better to share the knowledge of how to similar results? After all, isn’t that what makes a community great?

We want to share how we used GIF stickers on Instagram to generate social impact so that you too can benefit from our knowledge and experience, and by following the same process, perhaps expand your following to similar numbers, if not more!

What Is a GIF?

A Graphics Interchange Format or GIF is a type of digital image that also allows us to create short animations with multiple images.  

Imagine the layers being the pages in a book, and flipping through those pages quickly to create an animation, and there’s no limit to the level of animation you can achieve with these GIFs.

Which wild explain why GIFs are mostly used for short animations these days.

What Are Instagram Gif Stickers?

When you share a photo or video to your Instagram story, Instagram lets you can add stickers to express yourself in creative ways. 

These are little superimposed graphics that add elements of expression to your stories, adding fun, excitement, and character. This makes the stories more interesting and engaging to viewers, which inevitably contributes to the greater reach of your stories, and you know the rest.

How to Make GIF Stickers for Instagram

  1. Get a brand account on Giphy
  2. Create a GIF sticker via Procreate
  3. Upload it to
  4. Add the sticker to your Instagram story

The following is the exact process we use to create the GIF stickers for our stories on our social feeds. Elementor’s Social Media Manager, Lisa Raz, has gotten so good at creating them, she can produce a nifty GIF faster than you can say “animated GIF stickers for Instagram stories”. 

Of course, there are numerous ways to create stickers, such as those explained in this wonderful tutorial by Elementor user Lisa Bardot.

But this is how we make ’em!

For this process we will need the following: 

  • iPad
  • Apple Pencil
  • Procreate App
  • Account on

Step 1: Get Giphy’s Brand/Artist Account

Once you’ve uploaded at least 5 GIF’s, you’ll be eligible to apply for a Brand/Artist account on GIPHY. This will allow your GIFs to become available to the public, and your Instagram account. You can read more about Giphy’s requirements for having Brand/Artist accounts here. 

Once your Brand/Artist account is approved, make as many GIFs as you want and upload them!

Let’s Get Started With Gif Stickers.

Step 2: Create the Animated GIF Sticker Via Procreate

Open up the Procreate app on your iPad (or another suitable device).  

Create a new file by tapping on the plus icon (+) in the top menu bar. When creating a new file, you will be prompted to select the size of what will become your GIF.

We’ll be recreating our WordCamp Europe sticker, made up of the Elementor logo, the WCEU logo, and the @ sign. 

  1. The logos are images that we have on our device image gallery, and we’ll import them here by tapping on the tool Icon (next to Gallery). In the menu that now appears, tap the plus sign, then tap on the Insert a Photo. Select your image from the gallery, and repeat this process to import the second image for the GIF.
  2. To add the @ sign, we’ll tap on the tool icon again, but this time we’ll select Add Text, and In the textbox that appears, we’ll enter the @ sign.
    Tap on the mouse icon in the top menu, and then select the @ sign. 
  3. In the menu that has now appeared on the bottom of the screen, make sure that the uniform and the blue magnet options are selected. This assures the proportions remain the same regardless of any adjustments we make to the textbox.
  4. Using the handles on the textbox, enlarge the 2 sign and center it against the other logos as best you can. Now tap the layers icon, and in the list of layers that appears, swipe the layer with the @ sign to the right, for the duplicate option. 
  5. Tap on duplicate to create another @ sign layer, which we will now tap + hold and move in-between the Elementor logo and the WCEU logo.
  6. The next thing to do is to unselect the background color layer to make our GIF’s background transparent. This is of course very important if you want to get that cool sticker effect on Instagram.

Essentially, what we have now are four layers, one on top of the other, that will be flipped through like the flipbook, we mentioned. 

The final step 

  1. We’ll tap the tool icon again, then on the share icon, and at the bottom of the menu, we’ll tap on Animated GIF.  
  2. In the preview that appears, you will see the Frames per Second option that allows you to choose how many frames, or layers, you see per second. This controls the speed of your GIF. We’ve set our speed to 2.
  3. Tap on Full Resolution to export the GIF to our image library. Select a suitable location from the export options, and tap the Save button, to save the GIF.

Step 3: Upload Your GIF Sticker to Giphy

Once we’ve created our GIF, we’ll upload it to, which acts as a host for our online GIF assets. 

  1. Log in to your account, and click Upload. Use the options to either drag-and-drop or search and select the GIF you want to upload.
  2. Once it has uploaded, an Upload dashboard will appear. 
  3. We suggest that you add tags to your upload so that your GIFs will appear on other users’ searches, something that will add to your overall reach.
    The tags we’ll be adding are Elementor, WordPress and WCEU
  4. Make sure that the Public option is turned on (unless of course, you want to keep them a secret for a while).
  5. Select the correct rating. All of Elementor stickers are rated G.
  6. Click on Upload to GIPHY and were done.

Giphy reviews each and every GIF to make sure they follow all their guidelines and also look good. Alas, this means that you will not see your GIFs in the stickers search immediately. 

However, once Giphy approves our GIF, we’ll be able to find them on Instagram and add them to our stories. 

Like we did when we placed them on the images that we were taking at WordCamp. 

Step 4: Add Your GIF Sticker to Your Instagram Story

  1. Log on to your Instagram account, and select the image you are going to use for your story. 
  2. Now click on the Stickers button, and in the search option, search for your account name.
  3. Click on the GIF of your choice and continue to post your Instagram story as you normally would. 

While you’re at it, feel free to search for Elementor’s stickers on Giphy and use whatever sticker you like! 

We’re only too happy to see others using our stickers on their own posts.

Every Picture Tells a Story

Posting stories on Instagram is more like fun than work, and adding animated GIF stickers to make your stories stand out, really is as simple as we’ve shown here.

Use it to generate awareness and expand your reach. Start making the impressions, that will encourage users to follow through your funnels.

We feel that Instagram is the New World of social media marketing. Some of us may have gotten off to a later start than others, but don’t let that discourage you. Instagram’s marketing and creative potential is still a long way from peaking. 

Every picture tells a story, so get started and make some great stories of your own.

How To Create GIFs For Instagram Stories

GIFs on Instagram Stories are seriously trending, but did you know that you can create Instagram Stories GIFs for your brand, too?

Beyond just being a ton of fun, businesses can also use Instagram Stories GIFs to draw attention to important elements in your Instagram Stories, like a call-to-action or the swipe-up button.

But if you create your own branded GIFs for Instagram Stories, you’ll be able to increase brand awareness, encourage people to post from live events, or just make your own stories match your brand.

Here’s how to create Instagram Stories GIFs for your brand in 3 easy steps:

There a lot of creative ways to use Instagram Stories GIFs, and businesses are quickly jumping on this hot new Instagram trend. But…not many brands have made the leap to create their own.

We came up with the idea to create a series of Instagram Stories GIFs to help businesses drive traffic and sales through stories, with fun stickers like “swipe up,” “shop now,” “new post”, etc.

All you have to do is search “Later” when you’re adding a GIF, and you’ll find them all there!

Once we found out how easy it was to create your own Instagram Stories GIFs, not only did we know we had to do it, but we also had to share how we did it! 

The good news is, it’s super easy to do, and we’ll show you the exact steps in this post.

**How to Create Instagram Stories GIFs:

#1: Become a Verified Brand on Giphy**

Instagram Stories GIFs are powered by Giphy, so you will need to create a Giphy brand channel and apply to get it verified (FYI, your channel doesn’t necessarily have to be verified to be available via Giphy’s public API).

The good news is that this process is pretty quick, but the bad news is that because of the verification restriction, small businesses may not get approved.

Also, according to Giphy, they don’t allow artists to upload commercial work for brands (including GIFs) to their own profiles, so if you want to create your own Instagram Stories GIFs, really your only option is to apply for review.

That being said, once you’ve been verified, you’re totally allowed to work with Giphy artists to create Instagram GIF stickers for your brand! You just have to upload those GIFs to your own channel.

To create a brand channel, simply open Giphy, click on “Log In” in the top right corner of the homepage, and then select “Join Giphy” on the following page.

At the bottom, you should see a button to “Join as an Artist or Brand.” Click it and then make your selection on the following page.  

Next, you’ll be prompted to submit your details, including your contact info and information about your business.

When you’re done, hit “Apply Now” and that’s it! You should see a message on the following page that Giphy has received your application and that they’ll be in contact shortly. You’ll also receive an email from Giphy with the same information.

While you’re waiting to be approved, you can start building out your profile. If you set your account to public, people will be able to search for your brand and see info about you, including your name, website, an about you section, and links to your social profiles.

(You can view the Later Giphy page here as an example).

Brand accounts on Giphy come with an analytics dashboard with all kinds of stats on the GIFs you create, which is really helpful for measuring the impact of your Instagram Stories strategy as well as how popular your GIF stickers are.  

It’s kind of shocking just how successful our stickers are so far, and we haven’t even promoted them! In the matter of a week, they’ve already earned over 16 million views from people using them in their posts, proving that making your own Instagram Stories GIFs could actually be a great strategy for your business.

**How to Create Instagram Stories GIFs:

Step #2 Upload Your GIFs to Giphy**

Once you’re approved, it’s time to create and upload your wonderful GIFs to Giphy!

This is where you need to pay attention: in order for your GIFs to appear on Instagram Stories, they must be uploaded as a sticker and not as a regular GIF.

Unlike regular GIFs, GIF stickers are animated GIFs laid on a transparent background or layer (alpha channel). As Giphy puts it, “Think a cut-out or die-cut, but animated.”

You can turn a GIF into a GIF sticker easily by just turning off the background layer of your canvas, and exporting the same way.

Giphy also offers style advice on how to create a great sticker. “A good sticker is simple, eye-catching, and fun. Because [they’re] shared at a fairly small size, it’s important to keep them visually sharp and well defined.”

“Also, since stickers have transparent backgrounds, they can “interact” with things…design stickers that can *peek* around things,” Giphy says.

Something else to keep in mind is how you want your followers (and other users) to use your Instagram Stories GIF stickers. If you have a brand with a following that already tags you in user-generated content or stories on Instagram, those people would probably also love to add a fun branded sticker to their post too!

For example, since a ton of people like to post on Instagram Stories while watching The Bachelorette, ABC created a series of branded GIFs featuring their star, Becca. There’s the branded logo, but there’s also her signature catch phrases and various facial reactions.

Did we mention that all of this is…free? You don’t need a big TV show budget to create a viral moment on Instagram.

When designing GIFs for Instagram Stories, it’s important to think about how users are most likely to use them: in what ways will your GIFs add to or enhance people’s Instagram Stories?

As for technical specs, Giphy states the following about creating GIF stickers:

  • Upload your stickers as GIF files (APNG files are currently not supported)

  • Stickers must be exported with at least 20% transparent pixels, no white or opaque color backgrounds.

  • Size: 500-600px with an even-numbered height and width.

  • There is no maximum file size, our server will automatically resize the sticker on upload.

  • RGB color mode is mandatory.

  • Set to loop Forever upon exporting.

Once you’ve covered these points, you’re ready to upload to Giphy!

Don’t forget to add descriptive tags! This is how your stickers will show up in searches on Instagram Stories. Each sticker should have at least 5-10 relevant tags, and it’s especially important to tag your stickers with your brand to make them easy to find!

In addition to tagging our GIFs with phrases like “link in bio,” we also made sure to tag them with “Later” so our followers can easily find all our GIFs in one place.

According to Giphy, the most popular searches across their API are love, happy, heart, dance, cat, sad, dog, cry, birthday, kiss, party, lol, and food. You should consider these terms when creating and tagging your stickers to make sure they appear in the results for the most popular searches.

**How to Create Instagram Stories GIFS:

Step #3 Test on Instagram and Spread the Word!**

Once you’ve uploaded your GIF stickers to Giphy, they should be available when someone searches for the tags you use, or from your brand profile on Giphy! 

You should also test your new GIF stickers out on Instagram Stories! Simply take a photo or video, tap the Sticker button and open the GIF option.

Next, search for your GIF stickers by typing out one or more of the tags you used. This should pull up one or more of your GIFs.

And voilà, your GIF stickers are all ready to go! If you’re planning a special launch, you might want to upload them in advance, we found that our GIFs took about a week for all of them to show up under the search term “Later” on Instagram.  

Wondering how you can use custom Instagram Stories GIFs? If you’re hosting a live event, that’s the perfect opportunity to encourage sharing and build brand awareness. Just take a cue from Girlboss, who created their own for their conference, Girlboss Rally:

Also, don’t forget to spread the word about your new stickers! A great strategy is to share a story (or several stories) showing your new GIF stickers in action, and let your viewers know where and how they can use your GIFs in their own stories. 

It’s time to take your stories seriously – watch our free Instagram Stories for Business course today!

how to add — LiveDune Blog

Beautiful gifs on Instagram are an opportunity to add emotions to stories, make the content more vivid and varied. For example, for commercial accounts, a GIF is a good way to emphasize and stand out from other users.

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How to add gifs to Instagram stories

There are two ways to add gifs to Instagram stories: the first is as a separate element, the second is as a separate story. Let's analyze each of the options.

Gif for Instagram stories as an additional element

This is the old and familiar way to insert a gif into Instagram stories:

Make a new story.

At the top of the screen, click on the smiley sticker, then "GIF".

Choose any GIF you like and place it in the desired part of stories.

The most popular GIFs are located in the Trending section. You can also search for gifs by keywords in both English and Russian. But the issue on Instagram is sometimes different, therefore we recommend that you enter the names of gifs alternately in two languages. For example: first enter “love” into the search, and then “love”, so the probability of finding a suitable GIF increases.

GIFs can be enlarged or reduced in size, as well as flipped by clicking on the animation. If you don't like the gif, you can delete it. To do this, drag it down the screen and move it to the urn icon that appears. Instagram allows you to add any number of gifs to one story. Everything is limited only by common sense and aesthetic vision of the author of stories.

Gif on Instagram as a standalone stories

Instagram recently added another option to add a GIF as a standalone stories. This option is relevant when you want to place only a gif or use it as a background for text.

Go to the stories section and select Create.

Next, find "GIF" and enter the desired gif into the search.

Unfortunately, it cannot be reduced, it completely fills the stories screen. But this version of the gif can be used for a beautiful animated background. To do this, select a neutral background (ideally, so that transitions are not visible, or find a vertical GIF). Add text or other GIFs in the standard way.

How to add a gif that is not on Instagram

You can place a gif that is not in the standard list, for example, your own brand logo, using the GIPHY service. To do this, install the application on your smartphone.

Select the appropriate gif in the "Explore" section or search for the one you need. Click on the gif you like, then on the paper airplane icon.

If you want to post the gif directly to your stories or Instagram feed, click on the paper airplane, then on the Instagram icon. If as an additional element in stories, then click on the paper airplane and save it through the icon in the upper right corner.

Next, open Instagram and create a new story. Go to your camera roll and copy the gif. Go back to stories and click "Add sticker". In this option, we recommend looking for gifs with a transparent background, so it will look more aesthetically pleasing and will not stand out from the general content. Also in GIPHY you can create and upload your own GIF, especially for commercial accounts:

Made with GIPHY

Animated stories always attract attention, but the audience reacts to them differently, it all depends on the niche of the account and subscribers. Therefore, always study the statistics of stories in order to predict user behavior and thereby increase coverage.

Ideas for using gifs in stories

GIFs must be used appropriately. Place it so that it complements the content, and does not take all the attention to itself. Therefore, we have made a small selection of ideas and beautiful GIFs on Instagram that will tell you how you can skillfully use them in your stories.

To announce a post, repost it in stories and add a GIF "New post", "Tap/Click here", "Fresh content" or simply place a clicking hand. Thus, you will suggest the necessary action to the subscriber and motivate them to interact with the content. You can simply post some ready-made entries in the form of "Good morning" or, for example, "Friday". So you just convey the mood and communicate with the audience at the same time.

GIFs on Instagram can also bring photos to life by adding sparkle, snow or rain. Or supplement a photo with food or coffee with smoke / steam. This is a small element, but it adds so much charm to the photo, makes it lively and sets the mood.

Gifs on topics will add zest to an ordinary photo. For example, with the help of a GIF, you can create an effect of surprise by adding a GIF in the form of a shark to a regular photo from the sea or by placing a dinosaur in the jungle.


To make your stories unusual, choose interesting and beautiful GIFs on Instagram. At the same time, do not forget to observe a sense of proportion - do not add 10 gifs per story and do not use animation in each story. Do not forget about readability - animation should emphasize, focus attention, and not interfere with the study of content. For example, if you highlight a word in the text by adding a sparkle gif to it, that's good. If you highlight the entire text with glitter, it becomes unreadable, and the user is most likely to quickly flip through such stories.

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The days of one-dimensional stories are over. The people want to be interesting. This article will help you decorate your Instagram stories and grab the attention of your followers.

What is a GIF on Instagram

GIF - (gif - picture) is an image format where frames change. In simple words - animation .

GIFs are most often used in Instagram stories. They have already downloaded an insane amount. Here is one of the options:


Thus, an ordinary story became interesting and rosy. But the above example is typical. Now personal GIFs are attracting attention.

How to create your own GIF for Instagram Stories

Forget about complex instructions in Photoshop and do everything online, for free and without registration .

Step 1. Record and save Instagram history.

We write down boomerang, which will become GIF . And save it on film. I took a motion selfie and applied a mask. The photo shows where to click to save the story to the camera roll.


Step 2. Find the site "unscreen" on the Internet.

Attached here - Remove Video Background - Unscreen
Follow the link from your phone.

Step 3. Upload our boomerang to the site: "upload clip" button .

Boomerang upload to @anastasiacolis

Step 4. Click "media library".

Boomerang upload to @anastasiacolis

Step 5. Select the boomerang and click "done" at the top right.

Boomerang upload to @anastasiacolis

Step 6. At the bottom right, click "select".

Boomerang upload to @anastasiacolis

Step 7. Save GIF: click "download".

Saving a gif from @anastasiacolis

Step 8. Next - "download".

Saving GIFs from @anastasiacolis

Step 9. At the top right, click on the down arrow.

Saving GIFs from @anastasiacolis

Step 10. Click on our GIF.

Saving a gif from @anastasiacolis

Step 11. At the top right, click on the icon.

Saving GIFs from @anastasiacolis

Step 12. Click "save image".

Saving GIFs from @anastasiacolis

Congratulations! You have saved your gif to your camera roll.

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