How to pick instagram winner

How to Pick a Winner from Instagram Followers

Posted in: Digital marketing,Ideas for your websiteLast update: 29/11/22

Organizing giveaways for your Instagram followers is one of the best ways to make sure your community stays engaged and content. But what’s the best way to choose a winner from among the users that follow you? Read on to find out!

Wanting to reward your Instagram followers is a no-brainer. Users that willingly choose to follow your brand are important for your reach, visibility, and most importantly sales. Also, the more followers you have the more opportunities for interactions you get. And you might know by now that algorithms like interactions; they’re vital for your posts’ visibility and reach. 

This is why it’s so important to create and share inviting content that keeps followers engaged with your brand. Social media giveaways drive engagement and increase brand awareness but they also reward your followers. But how do you choose a winner from Instagram followers?

Instagram giveaways: how to choose a winner from followers?

Currently, Instagram doesn’t allow any third-party tools or applications to access the list of your followers and automatically choose a winner from among your followers. Therefore, it’s impossible to run a giveaway among all the users that follow you. Besides, if it were possible, inactive followers could end up winning your giveaways and the whole point of running social media promotions is to reward active followers.

However, there is a different and better way to grow your account and reward your followers.

Take a look at the above example from Company Chophouse. The restaurant wanted to give back to its community by giving away a $100 gift card. The brand asked users to follow them, comment on the post with their favorite summer drink, and like the publication. Can you see the trick here?

Apart from gaining followers, the Company Chophouse boosted engagement by driving interactions. Additionally, they asked users to answer an open question, which further generates engagement, as open-ended questions encourage real conversations. Once the brand was ready to choose a winner of the giveaway, they used the Easypromos Instagram Giveaway app to import all the comments left on the giveaway post. The application chose one random winner that interacted with the publication by commenting on their favorite drink. Then, the brand manually checked whether the winner is also a follower. You can also manually check if the random winner liked your post if that was one of the entry requirements. However, we don’t recommend asking participants to like the publications, as Instagram is removing likes in certain countries. 

Here’s another example of a fun giveaway organized by a popular podcast We Got the Chocolates. The organizers asked participants to follow their account and mention a friend in the comment section. 

The above image shows you where to check whether your giveaway winner is also your follower.  

What if a giveaway winner is not your follower?

Imagine that the giveaway application chooses a random winner but then, while conducting the manual check, you discover that they don’t follow your account. If following your brand was one of the entry requirements, you can discard the winner who didn’t comply with the rules and move on to the first alternate winner

The Easypromos giveaway applications allow you to choose up to 1000 users as winners or alternate winners. 1000 winners will be too many in most cases, however, it’s a good idea to always choose a minimum of ten alternate winners for your giveaway. It’s one of the best ways to run a transparent and reliable promotion, in case the original winner didn’t comply with the entry requirements or if you get in touch with them. Our giveaway applications generate a certificate of validity for each giveaway, outlining the winner and all the alternates so that nobody can accuse you of any wrongdoings.  

Note that you must choose at least one alternate winner when running giveaways with Easypromos. 

So what happens if you can’t contact the original winner or they don’t comply with entry requirements? It’s time to give the prize to the first alternate winner. The Easypromos giveaway apps allow you to manage winners. In this section, you can replace the winner with an alternate winner and provide a reason for doing so. Make sure to provide detailed information as this change will be visible on the certificate of validity for further transparency. 

Find out more about replacing your giveaway winner with an alternate. 

Running Instagram giveaways in collaboration with other brands

Have you been thinking to run a giveaway in collaboration with another brand? You can do that for your followers too! All you have to do is team up with another like-minded brand, offer an attractive prize, and come up with entry requirements. Here’s an example of an Instagram giveaway organized by three different brands. Note that participants had to follow all three brands in order to participate in the promotion. 

Remember that in such a case, the organizers must check if the winner follows all three accounts. In order to save time, decide between the brands who will be responsible for reviewing the following requirement. One of the administrators can visit all three organizing accounts, head to ‘followers’, and type in the username of the winner. 

So… Are you now ready to run a giveaway for your followers? Make sure you ask them to leave a comment on your giveaway post too! You can even ask them to tag friends so that your giveaway gets more visibility, reach, and participants. And in case of questions, make sure to contact us! 

Kamila Palka

Kamila forms part of the Easypromos marketing team and holds a combined honors degree in Digital Media and Marketing, currently studying for a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing. Her tasks include everything that is content-related in English, including social media communications, new blog posts, product demos, and success cases. If she’s not working on a new content piece for Easypromos you will find her working out, skydiving, starting a new series, or spending time with her baby girl.

Publication date: 2022-06-20

Six Brilliant Ways to Pick An Instagram Contest Winner

So you’ve figured out how to run an Instagram contest and after working hard on it, you finally see your engagement, followers, and even sales start to grow. All your hard work is paying off.

But between managing your Instagram contest and trying to keep track of all your contestants, you’re contest isn’t over until the winner gets the prize. So it’s time to pick your winner.

In this article, I’ll show you six ways to choose a winner for your Instagram contest.

Based on the type of contest you have, along with your entry requirements, one or two of these methods can help you to choose your Instagram winner.

1. Select Your Instagram Winner at Random

One of the easiest ways to choose your Instagram winner is to select them at random.

For example, you can randomly select your winner in the comment section of your Instagram contest post.

If you decided to use a landing page for your Instagram contest instead all you need to do to randomly select your winner is a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple’s numbers, etc.) with a list of all your leads, then assign each of your contestant’s name with number, with your first entrant being number one, the second number two, and so on. You can use a random number generator like Google’s to produce a random number assigned to your new winner.

With Wishpond’s Social Media Contest tools you can effortlessly choose your winner at random with our “Select Winner” features and “Select Winner Randomly” button.

2. Select Your Instagram Winner With Most Likes / Votes

Once your Instagram contest deadline starts to close in, you can make a list of the contestants with the most Likes. This could be the total number of Likes on the post itself, or it could be the number of Likes on the Instagram contest entry (as seen below).

If you decide to use a contest tool like Wishpond, it’s easy to set how many times people are allowed to vote per day, and you also have the option of setting advanced voter fraud options such as verifying a correct email address is used, and enabling an option for users to solve a captcha to ensure no bots are voting on your contest.

Pro Tip: If you do decide to pick a winner based on the total number of post Likes, screenshot the post with the most likes at the end of your Instagram contest for a keepsake as proof in case you get complaints about who has the most likes before your Instagram contest ends.

If you need a hand creating contest rules, check out Wishpond’s free contest rules generator.

3. Select Your Instagram Winner With Judges

You can use a panel of judges to choose a contest winner for you. Judges could be influencers or experts in your industry or even just members of your team.

An Instagram contest that asks for UGC(User Generated Content) is typically the best entry method for this type of contest.

Using judges can add a “wow” factor to the winner selection and additional content for your contest. For instance, you can record a video of a round-table discussion of your experts judging the top entries with their feedback to decide who should be the winner.

Upwork did this with their #UpWorkSucess contest

4. Select Your Instagram Winner With Most Views

You can ask followers to enter your Instagram contest by uploading video content on their page, using branded contest hashtags as well as tagging you. Or you can ask persons to upload their videos on a landing page.

After your contest, review all the video entries and view counts. If you’d like, you can also use the number of likes a video has to choose a winner if two or more videos have a very similar amount of views.

After your contest, you can repost the most-watched videos on your Instagram page for ongoing content or place them on your website so that your visitors can see your customers or followers who love your brand.

5. Select Multiple or Daily Instagram Winners

Add more fun to your Instagram contest with more than one winner. This could be a week-long or just a one-day contest. This type of winner selection can be a great snowball effect for your engagement and builds excitement on your Instagram account because followers will have more chances to win.

Balanced Bites did this for their Keto product giveaway.

View this post on Instagram

WINNERS! 1. @courtney.daily 2. @keto.gina 3. @kailawhite Please email [email protected] to claim your prizes! . . . ?GIVEAWAY TIME!? Heads up everyone, as we’re giving away some awesome prizes to three lucky winners! 1??: 1 copy of Leanne Vogel’s new book, The Keto Diet Cookbook, + 1 bottle of Perfect Keto Keto Krill + 1 box Perfect Keto Matcha MCT Oil Powder 2?? + 3??: 1 box of Perfect Keto Matcha MCT Oil Powder each . TO ENTER: 1. Easy peasy – just tag a friend below to let them know about the giveaway! 2. You must be following @balancedbites & @healthfulpursuit to win if you’re selected! If you’re not following all accounts when your name is randomly selected, another random selection will be made. . The fine print: Three winners will be chosen at random. The first name chosen will win prize 1, and the next two names will win prizes 2 & 3. Enter by 11:59pm Pacific on 4/6/19. U.S. residents 18 and older only may win. Instagram is not associated with this giveaway in any way. #giveaway #keto #ketodiet #theketodiet #mct #ketogiveaway

A post shared by Balanced Bites (@balancedbites) on

6. Select Your Instagram Winner With A Combination of Methods

One size doesn’t fit all; If you’d like to add more excitement to your contest, you can use two or three methods to select your winner. You can do this in rounds.

For example, Your Instagram contest can have two series of methods to pick your winner. Round one could be to select the top five entries with the most likes or votes. After, for round two, your panel of judges can pick the winner based on best entries.

After Picking Your Instagram Contest Winner

Now that you’ve selected your Instagram contest winner it’s time to turn all your new Instagram followers into loyal customers.

Here are some helpful ways to follow-up after your Instagram contest:

Show-off Your Instagram Winner

Once you’ve picked, your winner(s), and let them know beforehand via email or direct messaging, you can mention, tag and share their contest entry on your social media platforms. Showcasing your winner on your Instagram page is key because your winner is apart of your audience. How you treat them shows your community how you feel about your audience. So show some love!

Send Follow-up Email

Emails aren’t outdated. Send your Instagram contestants a follow-up email with a big “Thank You” for entering your contest. Let them know you’ll keep them up to date for the next Instagram contest. Feel free even to give a small discount to show your appreciation, to turn contestants into future buyers. Wishpond integrates with your contest lists to send post-contest emails that look great and drive conversions long after your contest has ended.

Say Thank You To Everyone

Don’t just highlight your winners and contestants, let your entire community of customer and followers know that you were happy to share this experience with them. This can be a simple or a heartfelt thank you to your new followers and customers.


Here are the six best ways to choose an Instagram winner:

  1. Select Your Instagram Winner at Random
  2. Select Your Instagram Winner With Most Likes
  3. Select Your Instagram Winner With Judges
  4. Select Your Instagram Winner With Most Views
  5. Select A Daily Instagram Winners
  6. Select Your Instagram Winner With A Combination of Methods

Currently hosting an Instagram contest Comment below and let me know how it’s going. I’d love to hear.


🎉 How to choose a winner on Instagram in the comments — LiveDune Blog

The Instagram comment contest is one of the most popular due to its ease of implementation and efficiency at the same time. Comments are one of the indicators on which the engagement rate (ER) depends. Therefore, one way to increase engagement is to run comment contests.

Before running a commentary contest, it is important to consider the terms, the prize, and the selection process. Write down these details in the contest post. Examples of the conditions for holding a contest on comments we considered earlier in our Guide to contests on Instagram.

So that no one doubts honesty, take stock live and save the broadcast. Or film the process and post it on IGTV.

Step 2. Upload the comment list of the contest post. It will contain the post id, account name, text, date/time, and the number of likes on the comment.

Step 3. Assign a number to each participant: open the list of comments from the contest post, add a column and enter the numbers of the contestants in it.

Step 4. Then, using the site or any other random number generator, select the winner of your Instagram comment contest.

Step 5. If there were other conditions in addition to the comment, you need to check whether the winner fulfilled them.

  1. Comment text. If, according to the conditions of the contest, it was necessary, for example, to tag a friend in a comment or write an answer to a riddle or question, then you can check whether the participant fulfilled these conditions without leaving the service. You will find the text of the comment in the same upload document.
  2. Likes. If according to the conditions of the competition it was necessary to like the post, you can also check whether the participant did it or not in the upload document in the designated column.

If the contest required multiple likes, for example, this post and two previous ones, check it out on Instagram. Open the desired post, then a list of everyone who has put likes. In the search box, enter the winner's account and check if it is in the list.

If the winner selected using the random service did not fulfill the conditions of the competition, repeat the selection process, eliminating this participant from the list. Summarize honestly. The competition should strengthen the positive reputation of the brand, and not spoil it.

Step 6. When the winner is chosen, you can publish a post with the results and congratulate the winner. Tell the winner how to receive the prize or send it (delivery is also on you). If you are planning a new competition, please announce it.

Use Instagram comment contests to promote your brand. It's a simple and effective way to increase engagement, increase your reach, and bring in new customers.

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How to choose the winner of the Instagram draw by comments for free in You to Gift (+ random number generator)

Running a free giveaway on Instagram is a way to quickly get new followers to your account. The main conditions for success are to correctly promote your contest and choose the winner of the draw honestly, using a random number generator.

How to organize a draw based on comments/likes/subscriptions - read 👉🏻 How to hold a draw on Instagram 2022. And in this article we will tell you how to promote and choose the winner of the draw on Instagram for free online.


  • How to choose the winner of the Instagram draw by comments/likes for free (+ random number generator)
  • How to promote the giveaway and get the most new subscribers
  • How we ran a giveaway on @grammarhelp and chose the winner from the comments

How to choose the winner of the Instagram draw by comments/likes for free (+ random number generator)

Most often, the winner of the draw is determined by comments and likes. The participant subscribes to the account, likes the contest post (or the last few posts) and leaves a comment. You assign a number to each commenter under the contest post and then use a random number generator to determine the winner of the Instagram draw.

Free random number generator

In Yutugift, go to the "Randomizer" section (random number generator) 👉🏻 , enter the minimum number (1) and maximum (total number of participants in the contest Instagram). Click "Generate" and get the number of the winning contestant. It is best to show the whole process LIVE.

Gather all commentators in a separate plate, assign numbers - is it possible without this? Yes! In Yutugift, you can log in and automatically determine the winner by simply selecting the contest post (read on for how).

How to choose the winner of the draw on Instagram by comments and likes online

👉🏻 - Log in to the site (in the upper right corner, the "Authorization" button). It's safe - through the official Instagram API or by liking.

Go to the "Choose a winner" section - Instagram.

Here you can choose which contest you have:

  • one post - choose the winner of the draw by likes and / or comments under the contest post, you can add 3 contest accounts to check subscription
  • among subscribers - the winner will be determined among those who subscribed to the sponsors of the Instagram draw
  • several posts - checking likes and comments will be on several posts + you can check subscriptions for up to 20 sponsor accounts

For example, let's select "one post". Your posts will load. Choose competitive.

Determine how to choose the winner of the drawing - by comments or likes, the number of prizes. Click Start.

Randomizer from You to Gift online will generate a random number. You can automatically find out which of the participants has this number and who is the winner of the contest.

You will also receive a link to your draw, where participants can see their number and make sure everything is fair.

And if you want to get free advertising and new participants for the draw on Instagram, add it to You to Gift in advance.

How to promote the giveaway and get the most new subscribers

The main task of the draw on Instagram is to attract a new audience, new subscribers. Therefore, you always need to promote the contest:

  • for a fee : buy ads from bloggers/stars or set up targeting
  • free : add your draw to the service You to Gift

In You to Gift , the draw can be added free of charge, but not later than 24 hours before the winner is chosen. And the sooner, the more people will see your drawing on the site and will be able to participate. You will be able to get a link to your contest, where each participant will have their own number. This way you will increase the trust (and loyalty!) of your subscribers, because they will be able to visit the site themselves and see the results of the contest.

How to add your draw to

You to Gift:

👉🏻 - Log in to the site (in the upper right corner, the "Authorization" button). It's safe - through the official Instagram API or by liking.

Go to Add Competition. Here you can choose which Instagram giveaway you will have: one post/among followers/multiple posts (see description above).

Add Instagram draw conditions:

  • contest post(s)
  • sponsor accounts (if any)
  • draw end date
  • task for participants - like, subscribe, comment, etc.
  • prize - money or product/service
  • country/city of participants in the draw

After the contest is moderated on the site (we had a couple of hours), it will be visible to everyone and you will get new participants.

Learn more