How to make money with memes on instagram

Make Money with an Instagram Meme Page (Blueprint)

Meme pages have absolutely taken over the incredibly popular photo and video sharing social platform, Instagram.

Although most users prefer to display photos and videos from their own lives, accounts that aggregate meme content are among the most popular pages on Instagram today. 

With so much demand for meme content, you might be wondering if it’s a viable revenue source for people that run these pages.

So here’s the thing.

Making money with an Instagram meme page is possible through sponsored posts, online sales, or becoming an affiliate. To be successful in any of these ventures, you will need a popular account with an avid follower base.

To garner the follower base that will allow you to explore such revenue streams, you may grow your own meme page from scratch, remodel a pre-existing Instagram account to be a meme page, or purchase a meme page from another creator. 

Keep reading to learn more about getting followers for your Instagram meme page and how to use the page to make money.

How to Get Followers on Instagram

While it may be tempting to skip ahead to the various methods one can use to make money on Instagram, it is very difficult to do so without an active follower base. 

If you are seriously considering using Instagram as a consistent stream of revenue, you should first focus on growing your Instagram account. In other words, getting followers! 

Now there actually is a proven way to make money on Instagram without having followers, which I outline in my article Make Money on Instagram without Followers (5 Step Process), but for now, let’s take a closer look at how to grow your account with these three common methods:

1. Grow Account from Scratch

Arguably the most difficult– and rewarding – of each of these methods is choosing to grow your account from scratch. 

It may be intimidating to start from zero and work your way up, but the ability to customize and theme your meme page from scratch is invaluable. 

Let’s take a look at the steps you can take to grow your account from scratch:

Choose your Niche/Genre: The most important thing you can do to grow your Instagram meme page is to pick a lane and stick with it.  

While you may be tempted to go broad in order to garner a larger audience, it is far more critical to have a loyal, active follower base. Having a niche and sticking to it is the ultimate first step towards achieving this goal.

Optimize your Account/Posts: Every social media platform has an algorithm that you can use to push your account to other users. 

The most straightforward first steps to use this algorithm to your benefit on Instagram are to create a profile picture, bio, theme, and highlights. 

Then, use relevant hashtags on all of your posts. These steps will highlight your page and your content to other users more than those without these elements.

Network with Other Accounts: This is a step that is often overlooked by those looking to grow their new meme pages. 

Instead of looking at other meme pages as competition, you should be reaching out to other meme pages, gauging their interest in collaborations or simply forming a professional relationship.  

Stay Active: Finally, the best thing you can do to maintain and grow your follower base is to keep up a consistent and frequent post schedule. 

This should not be confused with maximizing the number of your posts as you can oversaturate the market. I’d recommend posting 2-3 high quality posts per day that are quality. 

And make sure you track your analytics for each post, what is the best time of day to post? What type of content do you followers enjoy the most? All these things really matter and should help pave the way for your future content.

If you follow these steps, you should begin to see some solid success in the growth of your Instagram meme page. But you still need to be patient.

However, social media growth is never a sure thing.

Related Financial Geek Article: Make Money Online as a Beginner | 17 Proven Ways.

2. Remodel an Account

If you wish to have the customizability of growing your own account from scratch but are afraid of starting from zero followers, you may choose to remodel a pre-existing Instagram account of your own.  

This may be a viable option depending on several factors.

If you already have a fairly popular Instagram account but are looking for a rebrand, it may seem foolish not to take advantage of that pre-existing follower base. 

However, you also may risk alienating the follower base that you grew if you choose to rebrand your content completely.

So keep that in mind before making the switch. I once rebranded a motivational quote account to a personal finance account, my follower base dropped significantly and those that didn’t unfollow me never engaged, it was a disaster. 

With that said though, If you’re rebranding a personal account with a follower base consisting mainly of friends and family, you may actually experience more success that I did.

With a rebranded personal account, you have a built-in follower base far less likely to unfollow your account due to a change in content. 

Transparency is key though, make sure you make a post (or story) about what’s happening so your followers can decide for themselves if they want to keep following.

3. Purchase an Account

Finally, you may choose to purchase a pre-existing meme account off of its original creator. 

This method saps all of the creativity out of the process, but if you are looking to simply make money, this may be the quickest method to do so.

The best way to go about this is targeting meme accounts that have stopped posting as frequently or consistently as they used to. 

This typically means that the curators of these accounts have grown tired of keeping up with their content. You can then DM these accounts directly on Instagram – and, if they agree to sell, you instantly possess a popular meme page.

Now, to make money off of it, you may choose to resume posting and developing brand deals. Or on the other hand, you may decide to resell the meme page at a profit. 

Purchasing and reselling popular Instagram accounts is an effective and quick way to earn money off of the app – I’ve personally done it many times, it doesn’t make you rich, but it’s definitely a great way to make quick money.

How to Make Money on Instagram

Now that we have a basic understanding of the various methods for growing an Instagram meme page, let’s take a look at how you may be able to earn money through your account. 

As mentioned earlier in this article, there are several methods for earning money through an Instagram meme page.

Now let’s take a closer look at how you can use each of these methods to earn money.

After reading through some of these methods, check out my article 9 Simple Ways Teenagers Can Make Money on Instagram for even more money making ideas.

Sponsored Posts

First, the most intuitive way to make money off a popular Instagram meme page is to reach out to sponsors to make sponsored posts. 

Advertisers are always looking for ways to market their products online, and using popular Instagram accounts has become a tried-and-true method for doing so.

Sponsored posts can be a win-win for advertisers and Instagram account owners if the product – market fit is right.

For example, let’s say you run a meme page dedicated to sports memes, promoting an energy drink or fantasy sports websites will yield excellent results.

Online Sales

If you are thinking about more long-term revenue opportunities, it may be a good idea to consider selling merchandise. 

This is one of the most popular methods throughout internet history for making money and can be more consistent and long-lasting than sponsored posts. 

Becoming an Affiliate

Finally, if you wish to make easy money similarly to sponsored posts but would rather not interrupt your scheduled content, you could simply choose to become an affiliate marketer. 

This only requires that you link a product or website in your account’s bio (or swipe ups), and then you’ll make a commission on any products sold.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is that you don’t have to worry about shipping, refunds, payments or anything. You just make the sale, collect your check and keep posting hilarious memes.


By now it should be clear exactly how to get followers for your Instagram meme page and how to use your page to make money. 

Instagram has thousands (if not more) of popular meme pages already in existence, but with over a billion users, there is plenty of demand for more content. 

The most important thing you can do is find a loyal audience that will keep coming back for great content.

Geek, out.

How Do Meme Pages Make Money In 2023

David Woutersen

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.

You’ve likely seen a meme if you’ve ventured onto the internet. Meme pages are growing more and more today.

The question is, how do meme pages make money?

And, if you own a meme page, is it possible to monetize this hobby?

In this article, we’ll cover all this and more, so let’s begin.

How Meme Pages Make Money:

What Is a Meme Page? 

A meme page is a type of online forum or community. These pages are typically found on Instagram or Facebook.

The posts in this community are usually “memes” or funny images/ videos. These photos tell an “inside joke” for that community or play on current trends. 

You just need an account with one of these platforms to create your meme page. You pick a niche or category of memes to post.

This will be easiest to do if it’s a topic you’re relatively knowledgeable about; an example would be an engineer creating an engineer meme page. 

How Do Meme Pages Make Money?

Meme pages mostly make money by selling posts on their account to advertise for other businesses.

These pages sell shout-outs to other accounts, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, meme merchandise (such as graphic tees, hoodies, keychains, etc.), or direct traffic to other income-generating sources. 

To start selling merchandise for a meme page, many page owners will use a print-on-demand service.

A print-on-demand service is just that: a t-shirt, hoodie, or other forms of apparel/accessory is printed at the time of order.

How Much Money Do Meme Pages Make?

Realistically, it’s unlikely to make a full-time income just from running a meme page.

There are a few different income routes, but they won’t add up to dependable and substantial income. However, these pages are a great way to make some extra cash every month.

Meme pages with large followers of about 1 million can make $2,000-$3,000 per sponsored post.

Usually, these pages can create other income sources if they direct traffic to other income-generating platforms.

This may include their website, where they can host display ads through companies like Ezoic (no minimum traffic requirement) that earn you realistically between $5-15 per 1000 visits.

Do Meme Pages On Facebook And Instagram Make Money?

Meme pages on Facebook and Instagram can make money, but it is not just from posting memes.

This income is typically generated through sponsors, affiliate marketing, or selling their products. They earn the same way a social media influencer or an Instagram model earns, but as a meme page rather than a celebrity.

All of this requires having a popular account with a pretty substantial follower base. This takes time to grow, but once established, you get paid more for each form of revenue.

To grow the fastest, meme pages typically stick to one type or topic of niche. This attracts people who are all like-minded and have the same general interests.

You can also network with similar account types to try and get your name out there and maybe gain some of their followers.  

The last tip for growth on these pages is being consistent.

Meme pages typically post 2-3 times daily and utilize their analytics to see the best time to post.

Posting frequently is usually required because algorithms don’t show every post to every person’s news feed. They’re generally customized to what individuals interact the most with.

Where Do Meme Pages Find Memes? 

Most meme pages create memes. The people who run these accounts are typically very witty and have some basic graphic design skills.

The jokes, or memes, are based on real-life experiences or current trends going on around the internet. 

These memes are often made with free online software or websites. These are the most common website used for finding memes and meme creation: 

  1. GIPHY: This is the way you can search for GIFs. It’s nicknamed the “Google for GIFs!” It’s a free location to get GIFs to put on your blog or social media pages.
  2. Imgur: This is your meme page for your super-specific niches. Its tool helps you narrow down exactly what you’re searching for. (Imgur can also be used to store your files, but if you’re looking to use it for that, I recommend an Imgur alternative instead).
  3. Tumblr: Tumblr is a rabbit hole of funny memes and stories. 
  4. IMGflip: Make your GIF with this tool. All you do is upload a photo, type in your text, and download it. 
  5. Gfycat: This site allows you to use GIFs, memes, and short videos. Upload your video to create your GIF to use on your page. 
  6. Free GIF Maker: You can turn any video into a GIF on Free GIF Maker. Whether you want a scene from a YouTube video or a Movie, to a video of your kid dancing, just put it into this website, and you have a GIF. You can also use the “reverse GIF” feature to take your GIF and play it backward.

Though some accounts don’t make their memes, they do have go-to websites to find the best ones.

7 Best Meme Websites Examples Include:

  1. College Humor: This is the best place for college-age memes. This website has a team of content creators that post, and people also can contribute to the page. 
  2. 9Gag: This is one of the most popular meme websites in the world. You can also contribute to this website. The team is based in Hong Kong. 
  3. KnowYourMeme: You can also share your memes here too. It’s a whole storage place for all the memes on the internet. Good luck deep-diving here.
  4. Cheezburger: This is one of the most popular US-based meme websites. This one also allows you to submit your memes. 
  5. HumorNama: This is one of the most popular meme websites in India. There are many different memes about trending topics in India on this website. 
  6. Reddit: Reddit alone is a website full of a bunch of forums (or subreddits). Each subreddit has a different category of people who enjoy that content. You can find memes in just about any group here.
  7. Me.Me: This website also is a host of worldwide memes.

Final Thoughts On Making Money With a Meme Page

Many people start meme pages for fun, but when they become popular, they can become very lucrative moneymakers.

While you won’t make much until you reach at least 10,000+ engaged followers, you should be able to gain followers quite quickly if you’re doing it for fun and have witty humor.

If you’re already posting to a meme page, now is the time to look into monetizing this fun part-time hobby. And it may even become a full-time side hustle eventually.

Don’t limit yourself to only Facebook or Instagram, either. Beluga is one of the fastest-growing YouTube channels, and he’s a great example of a meme channel growing rapidly on YouTube.

David is the founder of and has been in the social media industry since 2017. Since then, his mission has been to help others take control of their online presence. For some, this has been earning an income online, while for others, it's teaching how to use social networks more effectively. And each year, he continues to help millions with strategy, troubleshooting, and inspiration.

How to make $85 million from Instagram memes

In August 2020, Warner Music Group acquired Israeli digital media company IMGN Media for $85 million. IMGN creates videos and memes for advertisers and then distributes them on its social networks. Her main asset is @daquan, one of the biggest Instagram meme accounts with 15.7 million followers. What is interesting about this account and what conclusions can novice influencers draw from this story? Let's take a closer look.

Daria Sidorova

The @daquan account was created in 2014. The identity of its author is not revealed, it is only known that then he was 16 years old, he was at school and he was bored. He created Daquan memes about a fictional white woman dating a black man and quickly gained popularity. Soon he began to publish jokes on various topics. In 2017, @daquan joined IMGN, and over the past three years, the account has grown into a cultural phenomenon that led to a multi-million dollar deal with Warner Music Group.

It is now one of the largest meme accounts on Instagram, with 15. 7 million followers and growing. Many celebrities follow @daquan, including Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner and Kevin Hart. Justin Bieber and Demi Lovato even sent in their requests for publication.

There are three useful lessons from this story about how to make the most of social media today.

Be original

Despite the fact that many of @daquan's posts now are simple reposts of popular Twitter posts and Tiktok videos, he attracted most of the subscribers with his original captions to popular memes. He collected the first 150 thousand followers by creating Daquan memes, which were popular in 2014.

The conclusion here is extremely simple. To stand out on social media, you need to create original content. Whether it's an account dedicated to memes, dogs, or sports reviews, the main thing is to stand out among the thousands of identical profiles in the feed.

Follow your passions

Before creating your own meme account inspired by someone else's success, ask yourself if you are really interested in this topic. Otherwise, the idea will lead to failure.

The truth is that people who are passionate about their niche notice details that others ignore, thus gaining a competitive advantage. Founder @daquan's sincere interest in memes helped him create original jokes and stand out from the huge number of accounts with reposts.

To attract and retain subscribers, you do not need to copy posts from other accounts with similar topics. Try to figure out what your audience is interested in. Regularly analyze what content is gaining the most interactions. Perhaps subscribers are attracted by the light composition of photos or the music used in the video. This way you can keep your profile relevant and popular.

Explore memes and trends

Warner Music Group agreed to the $85 million deal for two reasons.

  • @daquan is a powerful tool to spread their music.
  • IMGN provides advanced data on the behavior of Millennials and Generation Z.

Memes occupy an important place in modern culture. Like viral videos from TikTok, they influence what is popular among young people. The song that sounds in the popular meme will be known to the entire Internet in a few days. And it’s not just about music—a well-placed product can provide unparalleled brand awareness. This is why memes are so important for companies that are looking to reach out to the next generation.

To interact effectively in social networks, it is worth studying this direction. Find out why and how content goes viral and start creating your own. To stay up to date with popular trends, follow us on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Reddit.


This acquisition is interesting not only because of its high cost. The fact is that at the moment there are no specific standards for the sale of social media accounts. The market is completely unpredictable. A profile with 15 million subscribers can be bought for both $85,000 and $85 million.

So the main conclusion here is that you need to act. The media industry is entering a new era where everyone can profit.

If you have an idea for an account in a niche that interests you, implement it. Bored 16 year old created @daquan and succeeded. It is possible that the next multi-million dollar account will belong to you.


Cover photo: Mauro Rodrigues / Shutterstock

12 ways to make money from memes in 2022

It's not uncommon these days that you can literally make money from creating memes. The architecture of the meme makes it charmingly insane. But it is quite possible.

It's just the combination of the right culturally relevant image with a hilarious caption, and this oddly captivating visual will quickly become a viral giant.

While memes started out as images, other forms of memes now exist, including gifs and video memes. Interestingly, over time, creating memes has become more than just a hobby. In fact, people do it like a full-time job.

This article will provide you with valuable and timely information on how you can make money from memes.

What is a meme?

A meme has been described as an idea, behavior or style that is passed from person to person within a culture - often with the intent of conveying a cultural phenomenon or symbol.

Looking at the meme, the rather elegant description is charmingly idiotic in origin. However, by combining the right culturally relevant image with a hilarious caption, many memes have gone viral on social media because they are based on an emotion we all have: humor.

While the purpose of these Internet jokes is usually to make you laugh, some of these memes mean serious business. In fact, many savvy social media users have made millions from designing, producing and selling memes that address the global web.

However, it's not easy to add a funny caption to some humorous pictures and wait until your bank account triples.

Are memes important?

Social media, television and film, and general popular culture are all influenced by memes. If you've been browsing the internet for a while, you probably have a hard time getting through a day without stumbling across a meme.

Memes provide a humorous and easy way to connect with current world events or connect with others. Memes are a fun and easy way to package or process information. However, they are also a modern and potentially lucrative form of communication.

The best thing about memes is that they can deliver a message faster than any other medium because people share it so often.

How to make a meme


creating memes with Adobe Spark

Memes have taken over the social media world in recent years. Some funny, some cute, but the most successful viral memes involve a combination of eye-catching imagery, thoughtful design, and powerful messages.

A meme needs to look good to be shared thousands of times. It should look clear, distinctive and attractive and convey a message.

Adobe Spark allows you to create memes that professional designers call their own. Adobe Spark also allows you to create and customize a meme.

This means that your creations are different from what is already being shared on social media.

Make as many changes as you want to color schemes, images, text, alignment, and themes. Best of all, Adobe Spark is free and easy to use.

Select size

Adobe Spark Post provides several size options to choose from. You can choose square or portrait, landscape or get creative and adjust it to your size. When choosing a size option, consider where you want to share your meme and how it will look on that platform.

Choose eye-catching icons

Make your meme stand out by adding an icon that you can use to tell a story. Browse the collection of Spark icon images or upload your own.

Add impressive pictures

Adobe Spark allows you to add multiple images to a meme. Choose images from our Spark photo library or upload your own.

Choose a font and add descriptive text

Add text to compose a message in your meme. You can then change the font, size, and color of the text.

Download and Share

When you're happy with the meme you created, download it to your device or share it online. Adobe Spark makes it easy for you by giving you plenty of options.

How to create a meme with Canva

Creating a meme with Canva's meme generator is easy and free. With our drag and drop editor, you can customize your meme without limits - no watermarks, no font limits, and with flexible templates.

Instantly upload and rotate your image, add endless text boxes, choose any font in any number of colors, and choose the format in which you want to upload your meme.

Choose from thousands of customizable templates

Canva has over 5,000 flexible meme templates that you can customize to suit your needs. Remove elements, increase or decrease text, or change the layout - there are no restrictions.

Or you can create your meme from scratch and create a new viral trend. Simply select the dimensions you want, then drag and drop images, text, and more.

Upload images for free and fast

Once you have the perfect image for your meme, upload it directly to the generator for free and drag and drop directly into your design.

If you're looking for a fun image, choose from over 2 million unwatermarked images in our inventory library. With free and accessible images, it doesn't cost a fortune to create a meme.

Create memes with friends

Sometimes the funniest memes come when you're working with friends. Canva's meme generator lets you instantly add friends and create a team. Play with pictures, illustrations, subtitled memes and add comments. Solve sentences in Canva editor - all in real time.

Share with the world in minutes

Whether you're using your iPhone, iPad, Android or desktop, Canva's meme generator has simple share buttons that allow you to instantly upload your memes (JPEG, PNG, PDF) or directly to social networks. All this with our free meme maker.

How to make money with memes

Unlike various jobs in the economy or part-time jobs, making money with memes is not a reliable way to make money online.

Memes are really a way to gain an audience or monetize existing followers. The following Business Ideas takes time and luck. Don't turn to memes for easy money.

However, let's look at some of the ways to make money on memes.

The first step to making money from your memes is to create a social media account where you can post memes and get a lot of followers. Companies see your value in the number of people they can reach through you, which is represented by your followers.

If you plan to grow the page, you need a constant flow of content. You need to be sure that you can edit a certain number of memes in sequence and know the sources of your content in advance.

One way to speed up your growth is to know your current search terms and customize your hashtags etc so they can be found easily.

As you gain more followers, you will likely receive offers from other accounts and/or brands or products to partner with you.

Instagram and Twitter are definitely saturated with memes, so they are competitive. You can try to create an account on one of these apps, but you can also try to look for new platforms to become one of the first big accounts and gain a foothold there.

#2. Open a Meme Etsy Store

One of the easiest ways to sell meme products is to open a Etsy Store . Etsy has millions of monthly visitors and is one of the most popular marketplaces for online craft, homeware and print art stores.

In addition, Etsy allows you to sell handmade goods or third-party goods on your own online marketplace.

#3. Create an Instagram meme page

This idea is definitely beaten to death and incredibly competitive. However, Instagram can still be used to make money from memes. There are usually two different ways to create a profitable Instagram meme account:

  • Option 1: Create an Instagram meme account to attract fans and then sell sponsored posts or ads.
  • Option 2 - monetize Instagram followers by selling memes.

#4. Selling at Zazzle, Redbubble and other pods

This is the same method of making money from memes as selling on Etsy. However, on Etsy you run your own business and can create your own products or even start an independent business with a paid Etsy plan.

On the contrary, selling on POD marketplaces like Zazzle or RedBubble is absolutely essential.

POD marketplaces are competitive, and like Etsy, you need to work on optimizing your listings and driving traffic to your site through social media. However, if you succeed, it's not a bad passive income game.

#5. Fiverr Meme Concerts

A quick search for "meme" on Fiverr shows how creative sellers are getting. There are meme making gigs, social media management gigs, or even people who just sell bulk files with thousands of memes.

This is not a very lucrative market, but not that competitive either.

#6. Create meme compilations from YouTube

In terms of making money on YouTube, to be honest, this is a rather strange niche. There are several reports that make compilations of memes that are reminiscent of grapevine compilations or random funny videos.

If you have video editing skills and want to get into YouTube, you might want to explore this niche. Learning how to record and edit videos is quite fun and rewarding.

#7. Make a meme game

Obviously, the chances of creating the next What Do Your Meme meme, the most successful meme game of all time, are pretty slim.

However, it is interesting to turn a popular social media concept into a game or even an app. Also, quite a few sellers seem to be trying their hand at the meme-inspired games market:

Again, it's a long road to making money. However, if you want a side project to work on, this is a good option.

#8. Try

The idea behind Image is that when people see the memes you post, you get paid. PicturePunches advertises under every meme on their website.

To pay members, they pay a percentage of ad revenue based on the number of views your content has.

#9. Directing traffic to the blog

For a blogger, this is definitely one of the possible ways to make money on memes.

Memes are simply a form of communication and a way to get people's attention. If you can use memes to grow your audience and then drive traffic to the blog you're making money from, you're on top.

#10. Instant articles from Google AdSense and Facebook

Create popular meme sites websites that generate traffic from these pages. If you choose to use the Facebook algorithm, it will not favor pages that only post links to their websites.

So these sites publish an article after 2-3 meme posts. You can easily make money from website traffic with Google AdSense or apply for Facebook's Instant Article service, which pays off by placing banner ads in articles.

If you follow meme sites, you've probably seen them post about movies or smartphone launches.

Well, some of these posts are sponsored by companies as memes are a great way to share product information or create buzz before a movie starts.

#12. Post links from other sites

Some popular sites make their own products and sell them on Facebook and Instagram.

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