How to make instagram swipe up link

How to Add a Link to an Instagram Story (and Customize It)

Want to add a link to your Instagram Story? We have good news and then better news. (And as a bonus, we have a sweet new Instagram Story hack!)

The good news is that even though Instagram has retired its swipe-up feature, you can still add links to Stories using Instagram link stickers.

The even better news is that the 10,000 follower minimum is officially over, when it comes to adding a link in your Story. In theory, EVERYONE has access to link stickers on Instagram now. (Learn more about the update here.)

Which leads us to the other good news: we have a simple hack to customize your link sticker so that it vibes with your brand and design. Read on for all the steps.

Wait, what was the Instagram swipe up feature?

What is the Instagram link sticker?

How to use the Instagram link sticker

Who can use the Instagram link sticker?

How to customize your Instagram link sticker design

Other ways to drive traffic to your website from Instagram

Download your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now. Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

Wait, what was the Instagram swipe up feature?

The Instagram swipe up feature helped brands and influencers reach their audiences and gain more followers by allowing them to add links directly to their Instagram Stories.

Viewers could swipe up on a Story or tap an arrow at the bottom of their screen to access a link without leaving the Instagram app or navigating all the way back to the bio to find that “link in bio.”

But in August 2021 Instagram announced it was retiring the swipe-up feature. Why?

There are a few theories. Perhaps Instagram has secret plans to make Stories move vertically like TikTok, rather than horizontally? The mystery remains unsolved. (Actually, Instagram did give its reasons, which we’ll get to in a second.)

Regardless, the end result is that now users can include links in their Instagram Stories by adding a link sticker, instead.

What is the Instagram link sticker?

The Instagram link sticker replaces the swipe up feature, letting users add an external link to an Instagram Story.

Story link stickers are the easiest way to drive traffic to external content and products on Instagram. You can also track link taps with Instagram analytics.

Instagram says that when it comes to links, the sticker has three major advantages over the swipe-up feature:

  • Stickers are familiar and popular with users, who use them for music, questions, locations and polls, etc.
  • Stickers allow more creative control over how a Story looks than swipe up links did.
  • And most importantly, stickers allow viewers to engage with a Story, whereas the swipe-up feature didn’t allow replies or reactions.

Simply put: just like swipe-up before them, Instagram link stickers are an important tool for any Instagram business strategy.

How to use the Instagram link sticker

Instagram Stories only stay up for 24 hours, but adding a link to your Instagram Story is helpful for increasing your conversions, boosting organic engagement, and making it easier for your followers to access the content you want to share.

Source: Instagram

Here’s how to add a link sticker to your Instagram Story. (Spoiler: it’s the same as any sticker.)

  1. In the Instagram app, tap the plus sign
  2. Select Story (rather than Post, Reel, or Live).
  3. Create your Story using all the gorgeous media you have at your disposal.
  4. Tap the Sticker icon in the top row.
    1. Type in the URL
    2. Type in the sticker’s text or call to action (eg., Tap to read)
    3. Place the sticker on your Story
    4. Pinch to resize it
    5. Tap to shuffle through the available colour schemes (blue, black, white, beige, etc.)
  5. Then send to your Story, and you’re done!

It’ll look something like this:

Who can use the Instagram link sticker?

As of October 2021, everyone is supposed to have access to the link sticker in their Instagram Stories (not just accounts with more than 10,000 followers).

Of course, as always, a roll-out across a billion accounts takes time, and we’ve heard from many people (including our own social team at Hootsuite!) who still don’t have the sticker popping up in their accounts. If this is the case for your account, all we can advise is to keep your Instagram app up to date and say a prayer. It’ll show up eventually.

And if you’re one of the lucky few who have contacts at Instagram HQ, maybe send those contacts a note?

How to customize your Instagram link sticker design

If you are finding that the Instagram link sticker isn’t living up to your brand’s aesthetic, you’ll be happy to know you can customize it even further in a few simple steps.

Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on how to customize your Instagram link sticker.

Here’s how to customize your Instagram Story link sticker design:

  1. Create your Instagram Story and add a link sticker just as you usually would
  2. Go to the design app of your choice
  3. Design a sticker that is on-brand, visually pleasing, with a clear CTA (eg. , “Read more” or “Tap here!”)
  4. Export it to your phone as a PNG file with a transparent background
  5. Go back to your Instagram Story draft, and add your custom sticker from your phone’s photo album or files
  6. Place the custom sticker directly over your link sticker

Voila! That’s it: you’ll have perfect aesthetic control over your Story, and people will still be able to tap through.

Pro Tip: Remember to track your Story metrics so you can optimize your click-through rate. If you aren’t getting as many taps as you want, make sure you have a clear call to action, and that you don’t overload one Instagram post with too much information.

Still stumped? Read our five other reasons that your Stories might be failing to convert.

Download your free pack of 72 customizable Instagram Stories templates now. Save time and look professional while promoting your brand in style.

Download the templates now!

Other ways to drive traffic to your website from Instagram

Sharing links with your audience is useful whether your goals are relationship-building or converting. If you don’t have access to the link sticker yet, here are some alternatives:

Link in bio

You’re probably doing this already, but you can add a call to action and a link in the bio section of your Instagram profile. Some IG users choose to put the one specific link they want in their bio or use link shortening tools for customization.

You can also use tools that allow you to host multiple links on one landing page (less updating your links, more conversions!). It’s called an Instagram link tree and it’s very easy to make.

Just remember to say “link in bio” in your caption when you post (we did an experiment, and don’t worry, it won’t hurt your engagement if you say it.)

Use your DMs

Post your Story and let your followers know that they can DM you for a direct link. It’s super easy for them, and a great way to build a relationship with your audience since it might feel even more personal when they receive the link directly from you.

Bonus Tip: Use the DM Me sticker: your followers can get in touch with you in one tap!

Create a poll

Share your content and then create a poll that asks people if they want to be sent the link. All you have to do is check who said ‘yes’ to your poll and you can follow up with a link sent via direct message in the Instagram app.

Ready to start driving traffic to your website from Instagram? Use Hootsuite to schedule Stories, posts, and carousels, engage your audience, and analyze performance—alongside all your other social networks.

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How to add a link to your Instagram Story

As Instagram Stories continue to maintain their popularity, many brands have used features like the swipe up link as part of their Instagram marketing strategy.

Adding a link to your Instagram Story swipe up allows you to be more tactical with your Stories, leading to even more clicks and conversions.

As of August 2021, Instagram has retired the swipe up feature and added a new link sticker for Stories.

Read on to learn more about the current state of linking on Instagram Stories and how to use it effectively in your strategy.:

What was the Instagram swipe up feature?

Instagram features move fast, so it’s no surprise if you feel like you’re missing a few details when it comes to Stories linking updates. Since Instagram doesn’t offer much in the way of adding links to posts, and your link in bio is best used for top landing pages, Stories swipe up links had become popular as a way to more freely link to individual pages and more timely pieces of content.

Most IG power users are probably still adjusting to the difference, but when a swipe up link was added to a Story, viewers could simply tap on the arrow at the bottom of their screen or swipe up on the Story to access the link right in the app.

Here’s a previous example of a swipe up link from Sprout Social’s Stories:

What link stickers in Instagram Stories look like now

With the update to add link stickers, you can forget the swipe up motion or bottom of the screen tap, and creators can now add a link anywhere in the Story space. Here’s an updated Sprout Story showing the much more visible placement.

To use link stickers, you’ll need access to the feature. If you’re not sure you have this, read on to the next section to learn more about the criteria. If you do have the link sticker, then you can find them available with the rest of your typical sticker options to add a link to your Instagram Story.

How to get access to Instagram Stories link stickers

Similar to the previous Stories swipe up link feature, there still are some limitations on who can add links to their Instagram stories.

Right now, the criteria haven’t changed from swipe up. In order to guarantee access to Instagram link stickers, your account:

  • Must be an Instagram Business Profile and
  • Must have over 10,000 followers


  • Must be a verified account

In addition to these criteria, Instagram has been testing allowing these stickers for other users since summer 2021. It’s not completely clear how accounts are selected for the test or if a complete rollout of link stickers for all users will occur.

How to add a link to your Instagram Story

If you have access to Instagram link stickers, start creating your Story and tap the sticker icon to access the tray of sticker options. You’ll see the link option as one of the stickers you can use.

Once you tap it, the window that allows you to add a link to your Story pops up. Add any link to your website, whether it’s a blog post, a landing page or a piece of curated content you’re sharing with your audience.

From here, you can finish up your Story with any other design details and publish as usual to include a link in your Instagram Story!

Ways to effectively use Instagram Story links

So you know, how you get access and add link stickers to your Instagram Stories.

Now let’s talk about various ways you can take advantage of this new feature to increase engagement from your Instagram account.

Get more tips on how to enhance your Instagram Stories with these guides:

  • Instagram Stories: Best practices and inspiration to engage your followers
  • Instagram Story ads: Rules and best practices for impressive results
  • How to Use Instagram Stories Analytics

Promote blog posts and content

Want to promote your recent blog post? Creating a graphic and sharing it on your Instagram Story is a great way to get even more social traction to your content! Just be sure you’re on top of Instagram’s Story dimensions when you create your visuals. Remember that not all mobile devices have the same dimensions, so it’s important to create graphics within the right guidelines.

When you create your graphics, be sure to include relevant visuals to your blog content and keep your imagery on brand. Here, America’s Test Kitchen highlights recent content with both a poll sticker and a link sticker to maximize engagement

Using similar fonts and colors to your overall brand helps with brand strength and recognition, especially when users are scrolling aimlessly through Instagram Stories.

You can keep track of your Story swipe ups in your Instagram insights.

Promote products

Another great way to use the Instagram link sticker feature is by promoting your products. After all, Instagram is a visual platform, so use it to share stunning, professional photos of your products with a direct link to their product page.

Take a look at how Equinox+ highlighted the link to their service prominently in their Stories with the new sticker option. Compared to swipe up, it’s easier to center the sticker and arrange design elements to highlight it visually.

Promote virtual events

If you’re putting on a virtual event and you’re trying to generate a larger turnout for it, use the swipe up feature to attract registrants. You probably already have promotional graphics for it, so share your graphics to your Stories and include a link to the registration landing page.

You can easily share your Instagram posts to your own story by tapping the share icon and selecting your Story. This can be a great way both to add links to Instagram posts and get people who are viewing your Story to click to your feed.

Promote landing pages

Whether you’re creating a sales or service page or an informational landing page, it’s incredibly important to get it in front of your potential customers’ eyes.

These types of webpages are transactional pages, meaning their purpose is to reel visitors in and get them to sign up or make a purchase.

Take a look at this Instagram story promoting and linking to an online course sales and landing page.

Creating Instagram Story graphics (or videos about a service, or even sharing videos of other users as social proof) to link to landing pages should be a big part of your Instagram Stories strategy.

And by the way, as we can see with this example, past Stories, such as those saved in highlights, may still refer to swipe up. Don’t worry too much about this – Instagram has preserved the ‘see more’ clickable link at the bottom of previous highlight Stories so your viewers can still access links the way you originally intended.

Promote videos

Whether you recently posted a new video to IGTV, YouTube, Facebook or directly to your website, you can easily increase views by sharing a link on your Instagram Story.

Here’s an example of a user sharing a thumbnail of her recent YouTube video on her Instagram Story. The Story links directly to the video so her Instagram followers can immediately watch it.

Once you unlock the Instagram Stories link sticker feature, you can bring your cross-platform promotional content and strategies to your Stories.

Simply create a graphic in Instagram story dimensions, upload it, add a link and publish. Voila! And now you’re able to send followers from Instagram to a video, another social network or your website.

Promote lead magnets

Trying to grow your email list? Promoting lead magnets and email list sign-ups is another great use of the Instagram Story link.

Or, invest in Instagram Story ads, like this example below, that adds an easy-to-use signup form, rather than a signup page that users have to navigate through.

How to get more traffic from Instagram Story links

Now that you’re getting ready to take full advantage of links in your Instagram Story, it’s important to note a few tips that can help you to increase Story clicks to your website and other promotions.

Include a call to action

First, you should include a call to action right in your Story. While the link sticker is more visible than swipe up, users might still be used to the swipe up action so it doesn’t hurt to draw more attention to your link with graphics and design choices.

Post Stories often

As with any platform, the more consistently you post, the more reach and engagement you’re going to receive. If users watch your Stories often, your brand will appear towards the beginning of their Stories feed.

But if you take a long hiatus from posting Stories, you could lose your place in their feed, losing dedicated viewers and potentially loyal customers.

Once you start working on an Instagram Stories strategy, try to keep up with it so you don’t lose that hard work and viewership.

Learn how to develop and implement your Instagram marketing strategy today.

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Start increasing clicks and conversions with Instagram Story links

Ready to start converting your Instagram followers? Learn even more about the benefits of using an Instagram Business Profile, and how its features can help you grow and promote your business.

How to swipe on Instagram in Stories, what it is and what it is for

In modern applications, you can switch functions using a swipe, to do this, you need to swipe up, down, left or right on the screen. Instagram is no exception, the social network has built-in options for a quick transition to Stories and Direct. Let's figure out how to make a swipe on Instagram, what is Swipe Up.


  1. What is swipe and how to use it
  2. Why Swipe Up is useful
  3. How to add a swipe on Instagram
  4. Who can Swipe Up
  5. Examples of using swipe on Instagram

What is a swipe and how to use it

The word Swipe is translated as swipe or swipe . The option is available in mobile devices with touch screens and allows:

  • to unlock the device;
  • print messages without taking your finger off the phone display;
  • zoom in and out photo;
  • quickly navigate to settings or application features.

Instagram swipe is built in by default. With it, you can open the Direct chat, launch the camera to shoot Stories, change the size of the sticker when editing a photo. The option does not need to be configured or enabled. To quickly navigate, just swipe the screen in the desired direction.

Why Swipe Up is useful

You can add a swipe by yourself. It is usually used in Stories to go to ads or to a site with their own products. To use Swipe Up, you need to launch ads in Stories or add a link to the Internet portal.

When viewing a story, a subscriber can swipe up from the bottom and follow a pre-assigned link. When setting up, you can add a picture with an arrow or a caption. Often, companies use an unusual trick: they add a drawn hair to the publication, when the user tries to brush it off, he instantly clicks on the link.

Important. Using ads in Stories is a paid option. You must have at least 10,000 followers to add links to your posts.

How to swipe on Instagram

How to swipe on Instagram in Stories? To do this, you will have to use third-party services, create a layout and place it in the publication. To create a design for free, you can use the free service Canva .

How to create a design for Stories on Instagram:

  1. Launch a browser on your computer and go to the service using the link.
  2. Create or sign in to an existing account. You can use account 9 to login0048 Facebook and Google .
  3. On the page that opens, select the appropriate option to use Canva .
  4. Click on the search bar and type: "Instagram Story" , click on the search result.
  5. Go to the Downloads tabs and download the photo you want to publish in Stories .
  6. Add promotional text, additional photo, music using the panel on the left.
  7. Download the finished image to your phone. To do this, click on the button with an arrow and select the option "Download" .

The resulting image can be used to attract customers or promotional publications. When adding a story, you need to add a link to the store, this is done using the button in the form of a chain on the panel at the top.

Who can swipe up

To swipe in Stories, you need to open the Story using the icons in the main Instagram window and swipe up from the bottom. After a few seconds, another publication or online store opens.

Users with more than 10,000 followers can create a swipe in Stories. Any member of the social network can follow the created link by swiping up from the bottom of the screen while viewing Stories.

Instagram swipe examples

How to use swipe on Instagram? To do this, you do not need to go to the settings and enable the option. Swipe is available by default and works on phones and tablets with touch screens.

How to use the swipe:

  1. To go to chat Direct swipe the display from right to left. In the window that opens, you can select an interlocutor, send him a text message, record a voice message, send a picture or a link to a publication.
  2. To quickly access Stories and open the camera, swipe the display from left to right. The smartphone will start the camera, using the buttons you can select the recording mode, apply effects, turn the flash on or off. To record a video, press and hold the shutter key, for a photo, click on it.
  3. Using a swipe, you can update the feed . To do this, swipe down on the display. A download icon will appear at the top, new posts will appear in a few seconds.

Instagram swipe is enabled by default. The option allows you to quickly navigate through ads in Stories, open Direct chat, launch the camera, or refresh the feed on the main window. The option does not require getting used to, to launch the desired option, it is enough to swipe the screen in the right direction.

How to swipe on Instagram and add a link in your story

February 8, 2022

2 minutes

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What is swipe by link

Swipe by link is a function of redirecting from stories to the account owner's website or any other services. To get to the site to which the link leads, you need to swipe up. Most often, you saw such swipes in Instagram ads between stories. This type of links is very convenient and is already loved by influencers.

If you add a swipe on Instagram, then your story will attract visitors to the site. Stories are now the most popular type of content, well ahead of regular posts and Reels. This is why swipes work so well. By regularly using links in your Instagram story, you can significantly increase sales.

A link is the best way to advertise a product, it is convenient and understandable for all users, even for beginners. Swipe on a link is a great call to action, simple and effective, requires just one swipe of your finger. Next, we’ll talk about who has access to this feature and what alternatives there are to attract an audience.

Who can add a swipe to stories

Opportunities at the end of 2021

At the moment, in 2021, accounts with 10,000 or more subscribers can add a swipe link to stories. Instagram introduced such a restriction to avoid the publication of malicious content from bots or people with unscrupulous goals. It is not yet known if the situation will ever change. Previously, the problem could be solved using IGTV, but by the end of 2021 it was removed, and therefore now you definitely won’t be able to make a swipe link in stories.

Possible alternative

What should people with a small number of subscribers do? Is there really no way to make a link? There is a solution! You can use an alternative that is available to absolutely everyone (even if you do not have subscribers). Many bloggers are already using this feature, so why not get started? Click on this inscription to learn how to promote your site with any number of subscribers.

How to create a swipe

Expert opinion

Evgeny Davydov

SMM specialist

The procedure for creating a swipe is the same for both iOS and Android phones. Only interface designs differ. Now we will take a step-by-step look at how to create a link in a story. Don't forget you need a business account to do this! Connect it in the settings and enjoy all the features of Instagram.

Creating stories and attaching a link


Create a story: To do this, open the Instagram app. You need to click on the profile icon, and then on the “+”. After you need to select the mode of creating history.


Create a photo or video right now or upload it from the gallery. If you want to attract as many subscribers as possible, then it is better to think over the concept of stories in advance, make a unique design, and write a selling text.


If you have more than 10,000 subscribers, then in the mode of creating and editing stories, you probably noticed the icon in the form of a link. Click on it. Add a link to the site you want to advertise.


Done! We attach the link to the story and rejoice. Now everyone can swipe. Follow the statistics and analyze your mistakes, if any. Experiment to understand the most effective ways to attract people.

Signature and design

If you don't understand how to design a sales story and make it effective, use the cheat sheet:


Don't forget to add a signature. It can be funny to evoke positive emotions in the reader. It can be informative so that the viewer immediately understands what is offered to him. Or it can be profitable so that a person wants to take advantage of a discount, promotion or promotional code. The caption should be short but engaging. You can come up with it yourself or use the services of copywriters.


Perhaps, only the design can be more important than the text. Be sure to think over the visual in advance, coordinate with the client (if you are an SMM specialist). A selling story should be made in your corporate style. Use bright colors if they suit you. Add finger pointing GIFs so people will immediately notice the link. In general, your task is to make it beautiful, understandable and interesting.

Reader's world

What motivates a person to follow a link? Only one thing: the product or service solves a problem from that person's world. Show users that you know their pain, you can solve it. Form a sentence so that people immediately think “Yes, this will help me!”. Do not use abstract expressions: more specifics! Give examples, simulate situations, show the buyer that he really needs the product.

Advantages of a swipe link

Looks simple, clear and beautiful

Guaranteed to attract users to your site

Done quickly in a couple of steps

Disadvantages of a swipe link

Only available from 10.000 3 other placement options

followers stories

Are you upset that you have less than ten thousand subscribers? In vain! Your problem can be solved with an external link in the form of a sticker. Until the end of 2021, only accounts over 10K could add a sticker link, but a miracle happened, and now anyone can add it.

This link may not look as good as a swipe, but it can be used to advertise your online store or service in the same way. You can add a link to your story in a couple of steps from your phone. Use the short instruction:

Open the story creation mode (swipe to the right while on the main page of Instagram).

Upload the necessary photos or videos, create an advertising creative. Add music and stickers if you need it.

Once you're done with the styling, swipe up to open the tool gallery. Find the link icon and click on it.

Paste the link from the clipboard. Adjust the scale and place in a visible part of the screen. Ready! Your link will now work for every viewer promoting your site.

The advantages of the link-sticker

can be placed in any part of the screen

can be scaled at


, it looks concise and attracts the view of


Available to all

Disadvantages of the 40003

link more mainstream than the

link-container as from using stories to attract the attention of new accounts? Your story can be twice as good if you add beautiful fonts and hashtags to promote it. But how to do it, especially if you do not want to waste time? We have created services for the selection of hashtags and beautiful fonts that can be added to all social networks. Services are absolutely free, they have a convenient and intuitive interface. Upgrade your blog for free!

You may find it useful

beautiful font

Choose a beautiful font in Russian and upgrade your profile

Hashtag selection

Social hashtag generator: collections by topic


Now you know how to add a swipe to Instagram stories and attract customers to your online store. If you want to upgrade your Instagram page, learn how to attract followers to your profile for free and learn how to create original, high-quality content, read our free articles: 10 life tips to attract customers, Instagram profile header: what it is and how to design it beautifully, Beautiful fonts for instagram in Russian and English: TOP-20.

Swipe by link is a function of redirecting from stories to the account owner’s website or any other services

Be sure to think over the visual in advance, agree with the client (if you are an SMM specialist) products are needed.

Learn more