How to make an instagram handle

What's an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

Did you know Instagram has over 1 billion active users? With so many on the platform, it can be challenging to find one particular person or business. Enter the Instagram handle.

You can think of a handle as the address to your Instagram page. It's also what people search to find you. An effective handle quickly identifies you while being memorable.

Here, we'll discuss how to find and change a handle, ideas for creating your own, and whether it deserves a spot on your business card.

What's an Instagram handle?

An Instagram handle is your username on Instagram. It's unique to you — meaning no other account can have the same handle.

It's easy to confuse an Instagram handle with your Instagram name. However, they both serve different functions. The biggest difference is that an Instagram handle is unique — once you choose it, no one else can claim it. An Instagram name, however, can be the same amongst multiple users.

An Instagram handle has several purposes — first, it's what people use to tag you in photos, videos, and stories. For example, HubSpot's handle on Instagram is @HubSpot, which users can type to mention the user in posts.

Second, it creates a link to your profile. If you change your handle, the URL to your profile also changes. Keep in mind that when you pick a new handle, you can't switch back to your old one until 14 days have passed.

How to Find an Instagram Handle

When you sign up for an Instagram account, you will be prompted to create a handle. While you can let your creativity take the wheel, there are some rules you need to follow:

  • Your handle can't exceed 30 characters
  • It can only contain letters, numbers, and periods
  • It can't contain symbols or punctuation marks
  • It needs to be unique

The hardest task is the last one — and may take some trial-and-error. To help, we've included four Instagram handle ideas to get you started.

Instagram Handle Ideas (+ Examples)

1. Keep it simple.

For businesses, a good rule is to keep it simple — usually by picking a handle with the name of your business. But if your business name is unavailable, you may need to do some finessing.

For instance, suppose you run a print shop, Mint Prints. The handle @MintPrints is the ideal option — but if it's already claimed, you can alter it without changing its meaning. For example, you could add your location (@MintPrintsBrooklyn) or a word that describes your business (@MintPrintsDesign).

Later, we'll discuss more variations to try if your first-choice handle is unavailable.

2. Relate the handle to your niche.

Whether you're into fitness, photography, travel, dance, or art, a great tip for creating a handle is to include words that relate to your niche. This also adds personality and interest to an otherwise static profile.

Check out the example below from food author Lizi Heaps:


Avoid using extra characters and symbols.

When a user performs an Instagram search, it pulls up a list of profiles with the most relevant handles. Therefore, adding extra characters or symbols to your username could make it harder for others to find your profile.

Although handles have a 30-character limit, keeping it short and concise is better. Long handles are difficult to remember and harder to discover via search. For instance, which handle below is easier to remember?

Option 1: @SophiasFoodBlog

Option 2: @SophiasFoodBlogNYC5746

4. Add "The" or "I'm" in front of your handle.

As we discussed above, sometimes your ideal Instagram handle has already been taken. Luckily there are different variations you can try to craft another one.

One variation is to add "The" in front of your handle. For example, Faire Plaisir, a vintage homeware company, uses the handle @TheFairePlaisir on Instagram. This minor modification allows the brand to still use its company name, which helps with discoverability.

Another variation is to add "Im" in the front of your handle. For example, actor Angela Bassett has the handle @im.angelabassett. This modification is better suited for individual or personal accounts than businesses ones.

How to Change an Instagram Handle

Before you pick a new Instagram handle, it's important to understand what does and doesn't change once you make the switch.

For one, your handle is a key part of your profile's URL. If someone bookmarks or saves a link to your profile with your old username, they will be redirected to a page that reads, “Sorry, this page isn't available." The same goes for every tagged post, comment, and "like" from your old username,

Also, if you link your Instagram handle in an email signature, blog post, website, or business card, it's essential to update this information — which can be a hassle.

If you're starting to get cold feet about changing your handle, fear not — Instagram gives you 14 days to change it back. That said, there are valid reasons for changing your handle, such as rebranding.

Here are four steps to change your handle:

  1. Navigate to your profile and click "Edit Profile."
  2. Click on your username.
  3. Delete your old handle and type a new one.
  4. Click "Done."

After you complete these steps, Instagram will automatically update your profile with your new handle.

Should I include my Instagram handle on my business card?

Image source

While social media was once a way to connect with friends and family, it now doubles as a networking tool. So much so, a number of professionals reserve a spot on their business card for their social media accounts.

But is this the best option for you or your brand? Let's consider the benefits:

  • It builds and expands your network. Building your brand often goes hand-in-hand with building your network. Putting your Instagram handle on your business card encourages prospects to find and engage with you.
  • It puts a face to the name. Providing your Instagram handle gives prospects a chance to know you beyond the surface-level details. Having an online presence is also important to gaining trust and credibility.
  • It provides an additional communication channel. Having social media info on your business card lets prospects know that you're open to communicating in different ways and contexts.

Of course, you also run the risk of crowding your business card with too much information — which is why I recommend linking Instagram only if it's a platform that you actively engage with.

Final Thoughts

Although picking an Instagram handle may feel like a minor detail, it's a key component of your digital brand. And with millions of users on Instagram, it's essential to pick one that's searchable, memorable, and relevant to you.

Topics: Instagram Marketing

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What's An Instagram Handle And How Do You Choose The Best One?


An Instagram handle, or “username,” is the identity you use on Instagram to connect with followers.

Your handle identifies and differentiates you in the social media landscape. With around a billion active users on Instagram, it’s crucial to stand out. An Instagram handle also gives you a key tool for building a memorable identity for your audience. Think of it like a catchy business name. The better your handle, the more likely people are to remember you.

Today, we’re going to walk you through the basics of choosing an Instagram handle designed to deliver more followers for Instagram.

Let’s get started.

Quick Links

What Is An Instagram Handle?

An Instagram handle is your username on Instagram. It’s unique to you and your account, and it conveys your personality (and identity) to followers.

Most people use a variation of their own personal name, the name of their company, or something related to what they’re going to share on Instagram, e.g., doglover20.

When you created your profile on Instagram, the service probably asked you to come up with a username straight away. Don’t worry if you already have an Instagram handle, you’re not happy with – you aren’t tied into this name. We’ll show you how to change it later.

Similar to a phone number or website URL, an Instagram handle is a link to your Instagram profile. You’re the only person with your handle. If someone else wants to find and follow you, they can type your handle into Instagram’s search bar to find you.

Why Is An Instagram Handle Important?

Your handle is how people find you on Instagram.

If you want to boost your chances of growing your following, you need a memorable, shareable handle. The right Instagram handle will help clients to track you down on Instagram, but it can also help to boost brand awareness, too. For instance, if your handle is your business name, your followers on Instagram will instantly know how to track you down elsewhere online.

A good handle will:

  • Differentiate and define you on Instagram
  • Make your content easier to find
  • Help people to @mention you for word-of-mouth marketing
  • Improve brand recognition and awareness
  • Provide information on who you are or what you do

For instance, Sony makes it quick and simple to find their content on Instagram by using the handle “Sony. ” Using the same brand name also helps customers to define the account as authentic:

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How To Choose The Best Instagram Handle

A good Instagram handle is a key component of your digital brand.

To begin, ask yourself what kind of Instagram account you’re running. Is it for:

Business: If so, the name of your company usually makes the most sense as your Instagram handle. This will show your customers your account is official and improve recognition.

Personal: If you’re building a personal brand, use your own name as your Instagram handle. You could also consider shortened versions like @GaryVee

Curation: If you’re curating and sharing specific content on Instagram, choose a handle that highlights what you’re going to share, like @PugLover

Here are some other tips to help you choose the right handle.

1. Keep It Simple

Like an URL or business name, an Instagram handle needs to be simple to be memorable.

Instagram has a thirty-character limit for handles, but you shouldn’t need anywhere near that many letters. The longer your handle is, the easier it is to misspell or forget. Choose something relevant, like your own name, or your business name, and:

  • Keep it short: Minimize the number of excess characters where you can, without making the spelling more confusing. Don’t add numbers and extra characters unless you have to.
  • Avoid complex spelling: If your name is difficult to spell, it might be easier to shorten it to something simpler, like @GaryVee.
  • Stay away from underscores: If you can, avoid any underscores or dashes. Your followers may forget where to place them.
2. Try Using Keywords

If you’re creating a curation account, or the name you would otherwise choose for your Instagram handle is taken, you can consider making a username based on a keyword. For instance, if you’re going to be posting about cars, you can type the word “car” into Google and see what comes up.

Remember, the keywords you choose should be relevant to your audience, and the content you’re going to share. For instance, if you’re sharing pictures of cute kittens online, then it makes sense to have an Instagram handle like @CuteKittens.

3. Make It Memorable

Making your Instagram handle memorable isn’t just about keeping things simple. A straightforward username will be easier for your followers to remember, but it’s worth adding some intrigue if you can too. For instance, when choosing an Instagram handle, OUAI haircare didn’t just go for “OUAI.”

To make the name more memorable, the company decided to play on how close the word “OUAI” is to “way” in terms of pronunciation. The handle “TheOUAI” is instantly more likely to stick in users’ minds, and it demonstrates the company’s personality.

4. Be Consistent

Chances are you’ll have more than one social media profile in today’s digital world. You might even have a website of your own where you share information about your brand, too. Wherever your customers find you online, they need to see consistency.

It’s no good having the handle “TheOuai” on Instagram and then having a completely different name, like “OUAI-Haircare” on Facebook. The more differences between your titles, the harder it will be for people to find you. Ensure your brand identity remains the same on every platform.

5. Don’t Restrict Yourself

Finally, remember that you’re likely to have this Instagram handle for quite a while. With that in mind, you don’t want to restrict yourself to a specific product or location. If you’ve started a business selling shoes, it might be tempting to use the name: business_shoes, but this won’t make much sense if you decide to sell other products later.

Similarly, adding a location like “NY” to your Instagram handle could make it harder to reach global audiences as your brand grows. Keep your long-term goals in mind.


Instagram Handle Ideas

Now you know how to start building your Instagram handle, let’s look at some examples for inspiration. Once you have the ultimate handle, you can start exploring marketing strategies from Instagram automation to Instagram themes. Here are some of the best Instagram handles.

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1.  @Girlwithnojob

Claudia Oshry chose the @Girlwithnojob handle as a fun way to highlight her playful and humorous nature. This is a great handle choice, because you instantly get an idea of the kind of content you’re going to be seeing on the platform – which is often things like quirky selfies and memes.

2.  @Pugloversclub

Another wonderfully descriptive Instagram handle, the @Pugloversclub Instagram account instantly tells you what you’re going to get from the account. Using the word “club” at the end of the handle also creates a sense of community, which draws followers in.

3.  @Apartmenttherapy

An Instagram account dedicated to providing beautiful pictures of interior design and apartments, @Apartmenttherapy uses its handle to describe the kind of relaxing images you’re going to see. The word “therapy” is a great choice, because the soft colors and themes of the account are highly comforting and laid back.

4.  @TheRealJimParsons

For personal accounts, particularly among influencers and celebrities, using the phrase “the real” before your name is quite common. There are many copycats out there, so @TheRealJimParsons used his Instagram handle to reassure followers they were in the right place.

5.  @LushCosmetics

Simple and memorable, @LushCosmetics is an excellent example of how companies can simply use a brand name and what they sell as a great Instagram handle. The use of the “cosmetics” term after the brand helps to differentiate this account from other Lush handles.

6.  @FashionInFlux

This creative Instagram handle example is perfect for a fashion influencer. Lydia Rose chose her @FashionInFlux handle to demonstrate her ever-changing relationship with fashion. She also has an alternative interior design account which follows similar branding: @InteriorsInFlux

7.  Bucketlisters

For a travel-focused Instagram profile, @Bucketlisters is a fantastic choice for a handle. This name instantly tells followers to expect images of places you definitely want to visit before you die. The name also matches the company’s website.

Instagram Handle Generator Tools

If you’re struggling with finding the right Instagram handle, don’t panic. There are a handful of “generator” tools out there which can help you come up with some ideas. All you need to do with these products is enter your nickname or name, and a few other details. Some great options include:

SpinXO: The SpinXO name generator can help you with creating Instagram names, usernames, gamertags, and YouTube names. You just enter your name or nickname, hobby information, things you like, and any important words to get some creative ideas to work with. Click the “spin” button after entering your details and you’ll get up to 30 names to choose from.

WeShare: A solution offering a range of helpful creativity tools, WeShare has its own dedicated Instagram name creator. To get ideas, all you need is to type a few relevant words into the search bar. You could mix things up with a keyword, your real name, a business name, and so on. When you’re ready, just click “Generate.”

Lingojam: One of the better-known Instagram name generators, Lingojam has a simple service that’s great for social media users. All you need to do is type a few words in the left panel, then you’ll get up to 300 random usernames on the right.

Jimpix: Jimpix is a random online username generator which can help you to find titles for just about any platform. Just type in a word or name, and select from one of the 31 available categories, or choose a random category. You can add extra terms into your search to make your handle even more unique.

IUG: The Insta Username Generator is a username generator specifically for your Instagram handles. You plug in your keywords and names, and the solution will either generate simple ideas for you, or offer an “advanced search” with more filters and AI functionality.

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How To Change Your Instagram Handle

Changing your Instagram handle is simple if you don’t like the one you already have.

Before you do anything, make sure you let your users know you will be changing your username. You don’t want to lose followers because they can’t find you. It’s also worth protecting your old username by creating an account with that title before you switch to the new handle. You can always make that profile private. Keeping your old username simply stops other people from taking it and trying to leverage your success.

To change your username, go to, or log into the app, and tap on your profile.

Next to your username, click on “Edit Profile”

If you’re using the app, the “Edit profile” option will be under your bio.

In the username section, you can simply remove your existing username, and add a new one.

Make sure the name you pick isn’t already taken. If you make a mistake during the process of switching your username, you can also convert back to your old handle for up to 14 days.

If you’re worried about your Instagram verified badge, you can contact the Instagram Help team and let them know you’ve got a new name, so they can ensure the verification gets transferred over.

What Happens If You Change Your Handle?

Changing your Instagram handle won’t automatically remove all your followers and pictures from your account. Instead, it simply changes the name attached to your profile. However, there are a few things you’ll need to be aware of:

  • @Mentions: Any @Mentions to your previous username will no longer work, so you may need to go and ask Influencers to update their posts.
  • Your Instagram URL: Your username is included in your Instagram URL. If you’re linking to your Instagram profile from anywhere else on the web, you’ll need to update this URL with your new username.
  • Your followers: Your followers may be a little confused about the new username at first. It’s best to let them know you’re changing your handle in advance.
  • Social media buttons: If you have any social media buttons on your email accounts or website, you’ll need to change where they link out to.
  • Consistency: If you’re trying to maintain the same image and brand name across multiple social media accounts, you’ll need to make some changes to other account handles.

If someone searches for your old username (provided someone else doesn’t take it), they’ll simply get the “User Not Found” screen on Instagram.

Improving Your Instagram Handle

Your Instagram handle is a huge part of your identity on Instagram, and therefore a massive branding tool in your arsenal. It’s important to choose the right name from day one, and make sure it has the right impact on your target audience. If you ever decide to change your username, be sure that you let your customers or followers know that you’re going to be updating your name in advance. 

how to take a photo without hands on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 4 min. Views 2 Posted by

Short answer

  1. There are several ways to take a picture on Instagram hands-free. nine0014
  2. One way is to use the camera feature in the Instagram app.
  3. Another way is to use the Instagram Direct feature.


  • h3>

    How to use the speakerphone on Instagram with a filter! (For beginners)

    Frequently asked questions about Yoast

    Why don't you use the speakerphone on Instagram? nine0003

    Donti works hands-free on Instagram because people can chat without taking their hands off the wheel.

    What is the Instagram play button?

    Instagram does not have a play button.

    How to take a video on Instagram without holding the button?

    To capture a video on Instagram without holding the button, you can use the Swipe to Capture Video feature. Just swipe left or right across the screen to switch between photos and videos. When you see the "Take Video" button, just click it to start recording. nine0003

    How to activate voice commands?

    There are several ways to enable voice commands on your phone.
    Open the Settings app and tap Language & input. From here, you can turn the Voice Control option on or off.
    Another way to activate voice commands is to say “OK Google” on the lock screen or in the Google Search app.

    Can I use my voice to take a picture?

    Yes, you can use your voice to take a photo with your iPhone or Android device. To do this, open the camera app and tap the microphone icon. Then speak into the microphone and press the shutter button to take a picture. nine0003

    How do I set up voice control on my camera?

    To set up voice control on the camera, you need to access the settings menu. From here, you will need to select “Voice Control”. After that, you will be able to set up voice commands for various functions of your camera.

    How to put on the coil without holding hands?

    There are several ways to do this. One way is to place your left hand on the reel and your right hand on the handle. Then lift the spool with your left hand and place it on the spindle with your right hand. Another way is to grab the handle and lift the coil with your hand. nine0003

    How do Instagram reels work?

    Instagram uses an algorithm called "coil" to show users the most interesting posts of their friends. This algorithm takes into account user interaction with publications and the frequency of viewing them.

    How do you do your Instagram countdown?

    There is no set countdown method on Instagram. Some people use a timer, others use an app.

    How to make an Instagram photo booth? nine0003

    There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the Instagram account and the photo booth features that account has. However, some methods that have worked for other users include: going to the account's official profile page; search for “photo booth” or “photo booth Instagram” in the app’s search bar; or browsing popular photo booth accounts.

    How do I set a timer on my Instagram stories?

    To set a timer for your Instagram stories, go to your profile's stories section and click on the three lines in the top left corner. From here you can select the “Timers” option and set the timer to 10 or 30 seconds.

    How to set a timer on the drum in Instagram?

    Instagram videos do not have a built-in timer. To calculate the time for a photo, you can use the Timeline app on your phone.

    How long does the speakerphone work on Instagram? nine0003

    Instagram lets you go hands-free for up to 30 minutes.

    Can my iPhone take a photo using voice command?

    Yes, your iPhone can take a photo with your voice. To do this, say “take a picture” and then say the command you want to use. For example, you could say, “Take a picture of me with my friends.”

    How can I take a picture without touching the phone?

    There are several ways to take a photo without touching the phone. One way is to use the camera app on your phone. Another way is to use the Photo Booth app on your phone. nine0003

  • 10 Useful Features of Instagram* Stories You Might Not Know About

    June 13, 2018 Technologies

    Fill your background, add music, add selfie stickers, and your Instagram stories* will become much more popular.

    1. Expanded color palette

    Colors can be changed for text and pictures in stories. The palette at the bottom of the screen contains 27 colors that you can scroll through with swipes. If your favorite is not among them, don't worry. nine0003

    To open an extended palette and choose absolutely any shade on the color scale, just hold your finger on the circle of one of the colors.

    2. Background fill

    The feature that users who post inspirational quotes in stories really lacks is actually there. If desired, the background can be filled with color or made translucent.

    To do this, you need to specify the desired color in edit mode, then select the Pen tool and hold your finger on the screen for about three seconds. If necessary, you can add a photo or picture to the story first. For a translucent fill, select the Marker tool. nine0003

    3. Adding background music

    For those who don't want to bother with third-party video editors to add simple background music, we have good news. By default, there is no function to import audio files, but you can still add music. This is done simply. Turn on your favorite track in the player on your smartphone, and then shoot the video as usual. An important point: the sound is recorded using a microphone, which means that all the surrounding noises will also fall into your story.

    4. Publication of old photos

    Instagram* only allows new photos and content from the last 24 hours to be posted to Stories, but this restriction can be easily bypassed. The trick is to select the desired photo in the gallery and take a screenshot. The screenshot will then become a new photo and can be selected in the Instagram File Browser*.

    5. One-hand zoom in video

    If you shoot video on the go and hold your smartphone with one hand, you should appreciate this useful but little-known feature. To zoom in or out while shooting, simply hold your finger on the shutter button and then slide it up or down. This feature also works in the "Free hands" mode. nine0003

    6. Selfie stickers

    In addition to the standard ones, stickers with your selfies can be attached to stories. The corresponding function is located in the stickers menu in the form of an icon with a camera.

    Click the icon and a blurred area will appear on the photo with the image from the front camera. Take a photo using the small button below, then move it to the desired location and zoom in. If you click on the sticker, a round frame around the selfie will turn on. Clicking again will remove it.

    7. Filters

    Filters in stories do not have separate buttons or previews, but the filters themselves are still there. To change the style, after taking a photo, swipe to the left and scroll until you find a suitable filter. To cancel, you will have to scroll through all the filters back.

    8. Saving stories

    The following function is useful in situations where you don't want to lose a particularly good shot that got into the story.

    Learn more