How to invite people on viber
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How To Invite Someone To Viber Through Mail
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Viber is an instant messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP) app for smartphones. It features a tab bar at the bottom giving easy access to messages, recent calls, contacts, and the keypad. Developed by Viber Media in the year December 2010, it was initially launched for iPhone only. An Android version was released in May 2011 but with restricted access to only 50,000 users. Later in July 2012 an unrestricted version was released. Viber is now also available on the Windows phone, as also the desktop.
- Download : Viber iPhone App
Here you can download the Viber AiPhone App and also you can see the user reviews. - Downloads : Viber Android App
Here you can download the Viber Android App and also you can see the user reviews. - Downloads : Viber Windows App
Here you can download Viber Windows App and also you can find the user reviews.
- Review By Laptop Mag : Viber App
Here you can find the reviews of Viber app and also you can find the specification. - Review By Voip About : Viber App
Here you can find the review of Viber app. - Review By PCmag : Viber App
Here you can find the review of Viber Android App.
- Blogs : Gsm Arena
Know here about the review for your Viber Android App. - Blogs : Skype
Know here about Viber update which brings mobile video calling. - Blogs : Pc-Freak
Know here how you can make viber calls without using your smartphone. - Blogs : GetVoip
Know here about the comparison for your WhatsApp and Viber Messenger. - Blogs : SafeUM
Know here about your security feature used in Viber App. - Blogs : App Freak Blog
Click here to know about can you use Viber abroad to call and text for free.
- Video : Install Viber App On Your Pc
Here you can find the video of how to install viber app on pc by Hadi Alnabris. - Video : Create Viber Account And Get Activation Code
Here you can find the video for creating viber account and getting activation code by GMtech. - Video : Free calls In iPhone
Here you can find the video of free calling from viber in iPhone by viberapp. - Video : Using Viber On iPhone
Here you can find the video of how to use viber app in iPhone by ArachaAD.
- User Guide : Viber Android App
Here you can find the user guide for Viber Android App. - User Guide : Viber Windows App
Here you can find the user guide for Viber Windows App guide.
- Articles : PcWorld
Know here about Rakuten who buys Viber Messenger App for $900 Million. - Articles : BloomBerg
Click here to know the rivalry between Skype and Viber.
- News : Cnet
Know here about Viber chat app which adds video calling to its Android and iOS. - News : BBC
Know here about warning over bug in Android Viber chat app. - News : Next Power Up
Update for Viber Android App which includes games.
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Learn How to Use Viber Messenger for Android | Video Review, Help Guide, User Manual for Viber Messenger for Android -
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Messenger for Android: How To Invite Friends To A Public Chat
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How To Invite Friends To A Public Chat
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Viber is an instant messaging and Voice over IP (VoIP) app for smartphones. It features a tab bar at the bottom giving easy access to messages, recent calls, contacts, and the keypad. Developed by Viber Media in the year December 2010, it was initially launched for iPhone only. An Android version was released in May 2011 but with restricted access to only 50,000 users. Later in July 2012 an unrestricted version was released. Viber is now also available on the Windows phone, as also the desktop.
- Download : Viber iPhone App
Here you can download the Viber AiPhone App and also you can see the user reviews. - Downloads : Viber Android App
Here you can download the Viber Android App and also you can see the user reviews. - Downloads : Viber Windows App
Here you can download Viber Windows App and also you can find the user reviews.
- Review By Laptop Mag : Viber App
Here you can find the reviews of Viber app and also you can find the specification. - Review By Voip About : Viber App
Here you can find the review of Viber app. - Review By PCmag : Viber App
Here you can find the review of Viber Android App.
- Blogs : Gsm Arena
Know here about the review for your Viber Android App. - Blogs : Skype
Know here about Viber update which brings mobile video calling. - Blogs : Pc-Freak
Know here how you can make viber calls without using your smartphone. - Blogs : GetVoip
Know here about the comparison for your WhatsApp and Viber Messenger. - Blogs : SafeUM
Know here about your security feature used in Viber App. - Blogs : App Freak Blog
Click here to know about can you use Viber abroad to call and text for free.
- Video : Install Viber App On Your Pc
Here you can find the video of how to install viber app on pc by Hadi Alnabris. - Video : Create Viber Account And Get Activation Code
Here you can find the video for creating viber account and getting activation code by GMtech. - Video : Free calls In iPhone
Here you can find the video of free calling from viber in iPhone by viberapp. - Video : Using Viber On iPhone
Here you can find the video of how to use viber app in iPhone by ArachaAD.
- User Guide : Viber Android App
Here you can find the user guide for Viber Android App. - User Guide : Viber Windows App
Here you can find the user guide for Viber Windows App guide.
- Articles : PcWorld
Know here about Rakuten who buys Viber Messenger App for $900 Million. - Articles : BloomBerg
Click here to know the rivalry between Skype and Viber.
- News : Cnet
Know here about Viber chat app which adds video calling to its Android and iOS. - News : BBC
Know here about warning over bug in Android Viber chat app. - News : Next Power Up
Update for Viber Android App which includes games.
Get accessories for Viber Messenger for Android
How to add people to the Viber community?
How can I add a person to the Viber messenger group
- 1 How can I add a person to the Viber messenger group
- 2 Adding a new correspondence member
- 3 How to create a chat on a computer version
- 4 How to add a new person to a group in viber?
- 5 How to add a member to a group in Viber if you are its administrator
- 6 How to invite a person in Viber to a group created by someone else?
- 7 Create your community in Viber!
- 7.
1 How to Create a Viber Community
- 7.2 Next Step: Become a Super Admin
- 7.3 More Community Features
- 7.4 And finally: invite friends
- 7.
- 8 Groups in viber: adding members, blocking, background
- 9 What groups are there in viber, how to communicate in them, rules, features, settings
- 10 How to create a group in viber step by step on a phone, pc, tablet
- 11 How to name and rename a group in viber - cool, for girls, boys and others
- 12 How to invite a person to a group in viber
- 12.1 How to add a person's contact to a group in viber
- 12.2 How to join a viber group, including a closed group
- 12.3 How to join a closed viber group
- in a viber group
Viber connects people, allowing them to communicate regardless of the geographic location of the interlocutor. Personal correspondence allows you to maintain confidentiality, and communication in mass correspondence allows you to solve important issues, informing everyone at the same time. If you have installed the messenger, learn how to add a person to a group in Viber. This will allow you to communicate without borders, joining communities of interest. nine0006
Adding a person to a group in Viber is quite simple
In the application, you can create groups of two types:
- standard - everyone can take part in them;
- public - created by admins of large companies, celebrities, online stores.
The second type of communities is practically inaccessible to ordinary users, although no one forbids applying for membership. However, the likelihood of its approval is negligible. nine0006
The number of members of a regular community can be no more than 200, this parameter does not affect the quality of communication. Chat does not slow down, all text messages appear in the field instantly.
Adding a new member of the correspondence
The first step is to create the group itself, you can do this as follows:
- go to the Menu and find the Dialogues item;
- find the icon with the image of several people at the bottom of the screen; nine0008 there is a “+” button next to it, click on it;
- the contact list will open on the display, study it carefully;
- next to the right person, check the box;
- in the upper right corner will be the position Done, click.
It is important not only to know how to add a contact to a group in Viber, but also how to remove it from there. This is necessary if you accidentally sent an invitation to an interlocutor whom you do not want to see in the community or he is not interested in the topic of conversation. nine0006
To do this, find the number of the interlocutor in the chat and touch it in the place where the photo should be, slightly “pulling” up.
Method for creating a chat on the computer version
The method described above works on smartphones and tablets. We will tell you how to add to the Viber group on the desktop version of the messenger. To do this, perform the following actions:
- enter into a dialogue with a certain interlocutor with whom you intend to create a group correspondence; nine0009
- at the top of the screen, find the icon that shows a person with a plus;
- click on it, in the window that opens, enter the name or mobile number of the desired user;
- then you need to sequentially press the buttons "Add" and "Done".
The desktop version of Viber is very popular all over the world
Done, you can start chatting.
How to add a new person to a viber group? nine0004
All communities in well-known messengers live and develop at the expense of their subscribers, so the question of how to add a person to a group in Viber is always relevant. Of course, nevertheless, the main indicator of the success of a community is not so much its size, but the active participation of users. But to promote some public chats, the quantitative composition is probably in the first place, since people are more willing to be added to those communities that already have a lot of people. This is a psychological moment. Man is a social being and feels more comfortable in a team. If you also feel the need to communicate with your own kind, then read here how to join the Viber group yourself and do not waste time in vain. nine0006
Let's take a closer look at how to add a contact to a group in Viber and who is allowed to do this.
In principle, anyone can do this: the admin himself or any chat participant without special verification and consent from the interlocutor. The developers here went to meet the users of the application and simplified this process, unlike other famous messengers. Although any freedom has its drawbacks: now it is much more difficult to track the composition of the community members in Viber. It may include people who are completely far from the subject of the chat. If suddenly you have been joined to someone else's community, then find out how to leave / exit the Viber group in our next article. nine0006
How to add a member to a group in Viber, if you are its administrator
So you created a new chat, included the main composition of the participants there, and you faced the task of how to add someone else to it. If you haven’t had time to do this yet, then be sure to click here and get acquainted with how to create a group chat in Viber.
We know 4 ways to increase membership:
- The simplest - directly from the chat with correspondence;
2. A special link is automatically generated for each chat. By clicking on it, a person becomes a member of the community. This is a very convenient and fast way to attract new interlocutors. To copy it, you need to go to your chat, go to the "Information" section and there you will see the line "Send a link". Click on it and you will see possible ways to distribute data. If by mistake you sent an invitation to an unwanted person, then select the “Disable link” option there and the current link will be automatically replaced with a new one. nine0006
3. From your contact list
- Group chat;
- Information;
- Add members;
- Done;
A very simple and unpretentious way, limited only by your sociability and knowledge of your friends' phone numbers.
4. Phone number of the interested participant; If you are not close to a person, but he wants to become a subscriber to your Viber chat, then you can turn him on by his mobile phone number. The algorithm is similar to the previous method, only when adding, choose not from the contact list, but simply enter the phone number. Please note that you can only add someone who already has Viber installed. nine0006
How to invite a person to a group created by someone else in Viber?
As we mentioned earlier, each chat participant has the right to add another interlocutor. Therefore, the methods described above are also applicable in this case, namely:
- By personal link;
- Through the contact list;
- By phone number.
Create your community in Viber!
We recently announced a new feature, Viber Communities, a group chat where a billion people can message and interact with each other. nine0006
Today we are pleased to announce that this feature is now available to everyone: every Viber user can create their own community!
By creating a community, you can interact with an unlimited number of members, use additional settings for administrators and new features for communication.
Whatever your passion, now you can open a community and discuss your interests with any number of interlocutors! How to do it? We will tell you about all the subtleties so that you become a real super-admin of the community. nine0006
How to create a community in Viber
To create a community in Viber, follow our instructions: open the chat screen, click on the “Add” button and select “Create a community”. Select the contacts you want to add to the community and enter their name.
Select an icon and enter a short description to help members understand the topic of discussion in your community. When you fill in the required information, click "Finish".
Next step: become a super admin
There are three types of members in communities. The creator of a community is a super admin (super admin for short) and has full control over the chat. Community administrators are its moderators, and all other members actively discuss the topic of the community in the chat.
- Give community members admin or super admin rights
- Add and remove community members
- Pin messages to start a discussion or draw attention to an issue
- Delete one or all messages from a specific member
- Post community links to attract new members
- Allow community members to share a link to it
- Allow/prohibit members and administrators to post to the community
- Edit icon, description and community name
As you can see, all power is in your hands!
Super admins create the community and have full control over its operation, while admins help manage the community and its members. nine0006
- Add and remove community members
- Pin messages to start a discussion or draw attention to an issue
- Delete one or all messages from a specific member
Members of the community do not have the ability to manage its activities, but their role is just as important as the role of super-admins and administrators. Members can:
- Send and reply to any type of message using text, GIFs, stickers, videos, and more. nine0009
- Mention other members of the community. To do this, you need to enter “@“ in the message line and select the participant you want to mention
- Mute notifications
Additional features of communities
Communities offer a number of additional features that regular group chats in Viber do not have! We are committed to protecting the safety and privacy of users, so each member's community number is hidden from other members. nine0006
The community not only allows an unlimited number of members to communicate freely, but also allows new members to see the entire history of the discussion in the community and understand the big picture.
Members can tag and reply to messages they like, and mention other members of the group. If the member you mentioned has turned on silent mode, they will still receive a notification of new messages.
When you post to a community, your Viber name will appear next to messages, but other members won't be able to text or call you if your contact isn't in their address book. nine0006
Finally, invite your friends
Now you know how to create your community. It's time to invite friends and choose administrators.
Create a community in Viber:
No more language barrier - translate messages directly in the chat
Edit messages - a new life hack from Viber
Hello viber groups: adding members, blocking, background
Welcome! Many users like to communicate with large companies of interest, discussing certain interesting points. When registering in Viber, they do not just write to their friends, but create a group, think about how beautiful to call it, put a background and an avatar, and then take everyone into a conversation. Nevertheless, discussing a novelty in the world of equestrian sports, for example, is much more interesting in a large and noisy company. nine0006
What groups are there in viber, how to communicate in them, rules, opportunities, settings
To begin with, let's talk about why a viber group is needed at all and what this term means. In fact, the community is the same dialogue, but more people participate in it. In this case, communication follows the same principle: you type a message in a special window, and it is displayed in the entire chat. To view the history of correspondence, just rewind up.
In the community you can:
- Chat with other people.
- Put "hearts" to evaluate certain statements.
- Moderate chat by deleting other people's statements (if you are an admin).
- Add and remove members.
Every group has its own rules. And if you do not comply with them, the administrator has every right to simply kick you - throw you out of the general dialogue - or stir up - forbid writing anything.
There are thousands of variations of the rules of conduct, because each owner may have his own ideas about good manners.
However, the general pattern usually looks like this:
- Don't swear.
- Do not insult other chat participants.
- Do not demand attention.
- Be polite and correct.
- Do not flood or spam.
The community itself can be configured: set administrators and moderators, avatar and background, configure privacy and even enable or disable notifications. How to do this, we will tell a little later in the following subheadings. nine0006
Finally, here is a list of the most interesting and popular communities for you:
- The place of aquarium fish lovers is fishes.
- Information about cultural events in Russia - cultrf.
- Reviews of the newest and most interesting films - kinomania.
- List of good vacancies for young professionals - antirabstvo.
- Simple and complex recipes for every taste - cooklike.
How to create a viber group step by step on phone, pc, tablet
If you want to create your own group chat, follow our instructions. If you are more comfortable with an interactive format for presenting information, then watch the video. It shows the same algorithm.
Do the following (on a smartphone or iPhone):
- Go to the dialogs.
- Click the Groups tab.
- Click on "create new".
- By clicking on the contacts below, add the necessary users to the community.
- Click on the "Finish" button. nine0009
On the computer, the algorithm is as follows:
- Start a dialogue with some person.
- Click "Add" in the top right corner.
- Throw other users there.
After that you can set up the community, give it a name or an avatar.
How to name and rename a group in viber - cool, for girls, boys and others
First of all, any chat needs to be given a name. Otherwise, you can easily get lost among all these "new 1-2-3" - the name that is given to the chat after creation. To do this is quite simple. Having entered the desired dialog, simply move the screen to the left. nine0006
Click on the current name and enter a new one. After that, save all changes.
If you don't know how to call a community cool, we have prepared some funny and interesting options for you.
- Cool friends.
- Crazy pranksters.
- Cool guys.
- Car enthusiasts.
- Travel and sports.
- Strength and power.
- Best news.
- Girls. nine0008 10 best tracks.
How to invite a person to a group in viber
If you do not have enough communication and want to subscribe your friends to the community, then just add them. Add a person to the chat can absolutely anyone who is a member of it.
Just click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen while in a group chat and click on "add". Select the people you want to send the link to from your contact list.
How to add a person's contact to a group in viber
Using the above method, you can connect anyone who is registered in the messenger and is in your contact list. However, sometimes you may need to organize a community of those who are not registered in the messenger.
Just send him a link to the chat through any other means of communication. How to do it, we will tell you a little later.
How to join a group in viber, including a closed one
If you found out that your friends have created their own chat, you probably already wanted to enter it. But in order for you to do so, they must send an invitation. Just click on it and you will be automatically added to the general chat. nine0006
There is another way to enter an existing community. Go to the messenger and go to "Public Accounts". Enter the name of the group in the search box at the top. After that, click on the plus sign opposite the desired chat.
How to join a closed group in viber
To join a closed community, you will have to use a slightly different algorithm. If we are talking about a regular, and not a public account, you will not be able to get there until you receive the above invitation. nine0006
But to get into the public community, use the algorithm described above. Find a chat in the search and apply to join. After that, wait a bit until you are approved. After that, you will receive a notification on your phone.
How to make a link to a group in viber, photos and pictures, background
If you don't want to add all the people manually, and your phone book is full of phone numbers, start using links. To get started, just create it - click on "Add" in the upper right corner of the chat and click on "Send Link". After that, select the people you want from the list. nine0006
To add an avatar picture to a conversation, simply move the screen to the left, as we already said. Click on the current image and select a new one on your device. In the same place, put a beautiful background for the chat.
How many people can be in a viber group
Many people are interested in what is the maximum number of people in a public. Such restrictions do not exist everywhere. In the same VKontakte, millions can be in one community.
But everything is different in the messenger. No more than 250 people can be added here at the same time. nine0006
How to turn off notifications in a group in viber
If you don't want to constantly read your family conversation, but it would be somehow not polite to leave it, then you can simply turn off notifications. That is, you do not have to read anything, the phone will not constantly beep, but at the same time, no one will ever know about it.
- Go to the community menu.
- Click on "Mute".
Then just close the program.
How to leave a group in Viber, including discreetly, remove a person from your community
If there are no friends left in the conference, the discussions are not on a given topic, then the best way out of this situation is to simply unsubscribe. In any case, you will not succeed in teaching others and trying to make them behave differently - you will simply be kicked out.
To leave the community, just go to its menu and click on the appropriate button. Of course, in the future you will be able to return here again, unless you get banned.
Alas, but it is impossible to do it imperceptibly. A message will appear on the screen for the rest of the chat participants stating that you have left. nine0006
On the other hand, if you don't want to leave yourself, but to remove the others, do the following:
- Go to the list of participants.
- Click on the desired person.
- Click on "delete".
How to forbid adding to a group in viber, close groups on your phone and PC
Alas, you cannot prohibit adding other users either on an android, or on an iPhone or computer. Therefore, if you do not want your chat to turn into a garbage dump, do not allow unreliable people to sit there and do not send out invitations left and right. nine0006
And you can't make a community hidden or closed either. If you decide to chat, remember that it will be public for all its participants. And this feature is also not available on any of the platforms.
How to change the administrator in your viber group
To change the administrator, you must be the direct owner of the group. Also go to the group menu and click on "Add" opposite the inscription "Admins".
To permanently change the old manager, click on its icon and remove it from the moderators group. If he abused his rights, was rude and cursed at everyone, then you can immediately remove him from the community. nine0006
How to become an administrator of a group in viber
If you yourself dream of becoming an administrator, then ask the creator of the conference about this opportunity. If we are talking about the dialogue of relatives, then you will certainly be allowed to become a local manager right there.
But with large public communities, things are not so simple. It is not customary to give such rights to just anyone. However, you can show yourself as an active and inquisitive user. Be polite, show your willingness to work for the benefit of people. And then maybe you'll be lucky! nine0006
How to restore a viber group after reinstallation or deletion
Many users are faced with the following problem: after you simply relinked the messenger to another device, you no longer have access to absolutely all groups. But - alas - it is no longer possible to return them and read the old correspondence.
To avoid disaster, always appoint additional admins and put your second pages there. Dialogue with technical support will not lead to anything. nine0006
How to unlock a group in viber
Since it is impossible to block a group in viber, it is also impossible to remove an impromptu lock from it. If someone asks you to open a group, say that it is already open to everyone.
The community can only be unavailable to those you choose to permanently block from your contact list. But at the same time, someone else can invite a banned person.
How to copy a group in viber, clear chat correspondence, transfer to a new phone
We have already talked about how to save your conversation. You can copy any correspondence history to cloud storage, to your iPhone or computer. But it doesn't work that way with communities.
As soon as you decide to rebind the device by transferring the program to another smartphone, you will lose access to absolutely all group dialogs.
Therefore, do not be afraid to delete them - the history will not be saved anyway. To do this, simply click on the three dots in the upper right corner and click on "Clear Chat". But the information will be deleted only from you. nine0006
How to pin a message in a viber group, see the number of participants, limits
To pin a message, just use our algorithm.
Do the following step by step:
- Hold your finger on the desired SMS.
- Wait until the desired menu appears.
- Click on "pin".
To view the list of members and make sure that your parents, for example, are not there, simply click on the name of the community at the very top. There you can see all the necessary information. nine0006
There are practically no restrictions on the creation and operation of a community - only on the number of people. You can create whatever you want.
How to increase and promote a group in viber, business community
If you want to become the owner of a popular public and gain a large audience, first invite all your friends and colleagues to it. Explain that you want to start leading your community.
After that, leave links to the chat in all thematic communities. But do not spam, but explain why it is really interesting to read you. And, if you succeed, you can make your own small business out of it! nine0006
Why can't I see messages in viber in a group
Sometimes, being in a dialogue, you don't see messages from other users. They can write a bunch of messages, but you won't even see it.
Unfortunately, this is a known bug with no solution. Just if you suspect that the group chat has stopped updating, just restart the application. This should help anyway!
Why groups disappeared after viber reinstallation
If you have a problem like “reinstalled the application and no other group works”, know that this is normal. Unfortunately, even official technical support does not recognize whether this is a bug or everything is so conceived. nine0006
As we already said, access to groups disappears after any new installation. This will have to be dealt with.
Other errors when creating a group in viber - an overview
If you are unable to create a community on a tablet or any other device, make sure you follow all the steps correctly and according to the algorithm. The error may mean that one person from the contact list forbade him to be added to the conference.
Also, you will not be able to invite a person if he added you to the blacklist. nine0006
If you want to chat with a large group of people at once, discussing many interesting points, then create a group. This is much more convenient than writing something for each separately.
- We can all talk together.
- This is a meeting of interests.
- Messenger provides great functionality.
- What you write there will be seen by everyone.
- An evil administrator can start kicking everyone.
- Next PostHow to send a video in Viber?
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how to enter new numbers and invite a person to communicate on the phone with android, iPhone and PC
By Juli To read 10 min Views 2k. Posted by
Just a couple of decades ago, many people had a notebook with phone numbers, postal addresses and other notes at hand. At the present time, instant messengers are successfully replacing their paper counterpart. The necessary information can be saved on any device on which the service is installed. There are many ways to record the data of the interlocutor, but you need to keep in mind some subtleties when using this function. nine0006
Just a couple of decades ago, many people had at hand a notebook with phone numbers, postal addresses and other notes. At the present time, instant messengers are successfully replacing their paper counterpart.
The necessary information can be saved on any device on which the service is installed. You can record the data of the interlocutor in different ways, but you need to keep in mind some subtleties when working with this function.
- How do I know if a user has Viber
- Add new contact
- on the phone with android
- Synchronization with a phone book
- through the Contact menu in the Messenger
- using QR scanner
- through Chat
- on the iPhone
- Synchronization with a phone book
- through Contacts menu in Viber
- Via QR scanner
- Via chat
- Computer
- Verification of a new user
- How to remove duplicates
- Returning a contact from the black list
- How to invite a person to a group
- If there are problems
How to find out if a user has Viber
You can find out about this in a personal meeting or through friends, search for data in social networks. However, there is another option - to use the address book of the messenger. You need to turn it on, go to the "Contacts" section, carefully look at the "All" tab.
Purple video camera and handset icons next to the name indicate that the person is already using the utility. If there are no icons, the subscriber has not installed the program yet. You can invite him to Viber by clicking on the corresponding word to the right of the name. The system will prompt you to send a message with an invitation to install the application. nine0006
Adding a new contact
A common case when the right person uses the messenger, but you don't have the number. Enter the contact in the Viber notebook and communicate directly.
Turn on the program, tap the "More" button, open your account profile. Pay attention to the symbol with a green man "Add contact". Clicking on it brings up a window with the ability to enter a phone number and save it.
On an Android phone
Smartphones on the Android platform are the most common on the Russian market. Installing and registering the application does not depend on the brand of your device: Lenovo, Meizu or Samsung. The main requirement is a working SIM card to which the account is linked.
Activation starts with identifying your country, entering the correct registration number and requesting the use of device data. After completing all the proposed steps, you can manage the program and add a contact to Viber. nine0006
Detailed instructions can be seen on the video:
Synchronization with the phone book
At the first start after installation, the service will ask for permission to access phone numbers. This is necessary for automatic synchronization between the device and the service.
If permission is accidentally denied, access to the address book is granted via the smartphone settings. Take any gadget based on Android (Lenovo, Honor, Samsung). You can debug the desired option through the system configuration: "Permissions" - "Contacts" - switching the slider to the on position. Or by selecting "All applications" - "Viber", then - in the same way. nine0006
Through the "Contacts" menu in the messenger
After opening the main screen, select the middle button "Calls" to go to the section with the address book and recently made voice and video calls. Please note that “All” is all the numbers that are on the smartphone, “Viber” is only those whose owners use the program.
Adding a new contact to Viber."Invite" - this button is needed to send an invite link or sms on your behalf with an offer to join Viber. nine0006
Allows you to add data and a dotted circle dialer. Clicking on it starts digital dialing. Enter numbers, match results will appear on top, ignore them.
The number must be dialed in full, click on the line that appears below it, select "Continue", then "Finish". You can change the details by going back to the last action.
Using a QR scanner
To add a number to Viber using this function, the physical presence of the respondent is required. nine0006
The code must be generated from the profile page. The icon with the corresponding picture is located at the top right above the photo. Touching it opens the scanning window, below will be the inscription "My QR code". After clicking on it, an image will appear on the screen. It should be scanned by the person you want to connect to the conversation from your running application.
The option is called in the same way, from the main menu, by pressing "More" and the scanner icon. Your barcode is placed in the center of the square, which is automatically read by the utility. nine0006
You have a tab with information about the added interlocutor.
Via chat
Add an unknown contact.When a call comes in or a message arrives from a number that is not in the address book, the system sends a notification about this.
"Add to contacts", "This is spam", "Block" - these three messages are at the top of the dialog. The data will be saved when the corresponding row is selected.
On iPhone
iPhone and iPad owners enjoy the same experience as on other platforms. This is not surprising, because the utility was originally written specifically for this operating system. nine0006
Synchronization with the phone book
This method involves the least number of manipulations. One of the advantages of Apple products is the automatic synchronization of contacts.
The service pulls up information immediately upon registration. When you launch it for the first time, you will see three icons. The middle one is intended for performing actions with the subscriber list.
Through the "Contacts" menu in Viber
The "Calls" section of the iPhone and iPad differs from similar versions of the client in that the symbols for creating a new entry and dialing a number are spaced at the top in opposite corners. nine0006
After clicking on the first icon, the function of adding a number will open, below there will be a scanner for barcode recognition.
Touch "Continue" and fill in the provided fields, save by tapping "Done" or the checkmarks at the top right.
Dialer is more commonly used to search for existing chats. It will help you add a contact in Viber and enter new information. Tap the icon and enter numbers using the on-screen keyboard. The line “+Add to contacts” will appear below, go to it and repeat the same steps as described above. nine0006
Using a QR scanner
In order to create a new entry, the other person must be near you.
The next steps are:
- Open your profile.
- Call the scanner by touching the icon.
- Click "My QR code".
- Your friend must run a scanner on his gadget in order to read the generated code to them.
- The received data will be displayed on your screen.
Via chat
If they call or write from an unknown number that is not in your book, then at the beginning of the dialogue you will see a warning. It will notify that the sender is not in the database and will display three lines on the screen. This notification hangs until you make an entry in the application book or block it. Click "Add to contacts", save the user.
On a computer
Computers and laptops do not have the ability to save contacts directly. All data is received from the main device after synchronization with it. A new respondent in the windows version will appear only after adding it on the mobile platform. nine0006
The digital dialing option will help you start a dialogue with a new subscriber or make calls, but you will not be able to record a number with it. The question may arise how to find a person in Viber by phone number.
See video for detailed instructions:
New user verification
End-to-end encryption protects data from leakage. Identity verification is another step to securely communicate with a real person, and not an invisible fake or bot. During verification, the cipher key is mutually compared. nine0006
Talk to the person and make sure it is the person you know.
For the confirmation process, do the following:
- Touch the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the chat, click "Information", open the menu tab (you can also do this by swiping from right to left).
- Launch "Verify contact in Viber".
- Make a free call, press the padlock button that appears. A pop-up window will show the secret key. nine0009
- Check the code against your respondent's numbers. If they match, confirm it, if not, cancel the action.
- Verification was successful - the padlock should glow green.
You should clear the protection along the path: "More" - "Settings" - "Privacy" - "Clear verified contacts".
How to remove double contact
Delete duplicated contacts.
The reason for double numbers appearing in the subscriber list is usually that they are stored in two places. nine0006
Contacts are often saved to both the SIM card and the gadget. Viber does not miss a single such entry and will transfer them all to its memory.
Data stored in the second messenger can also be doubled.
Troubleshooting Start with the phone book. Go to its settings and debug the display: only from the device ("Phone", "Tablet") or from the SIM.
Try deleting data from the SIM card, but don't forget to transfer everything you need to the device beforehand. The rest will not be duplicated and this may be enough for normal operation. nine0006
Manually deleting all duplicates is a longer way, but no less true in terms of the result.
Returning a contact from the black list
Sometimes cooling in a relationship or misunderstanding leads to the fact that all connections are deliberately cut off, and the data is hidden and sent to blocking. After some time, you can return communication to its previous course.
How then to deal with the blocked number?
Don't worry, you can get it back from hidden as follows:
- From the main screen, on the "More" tab, go to the profile settings.
- Further - in the section "Confidentiality".
- Select "Blocked Numbers".
- Find the contact in the suggested results and click Unblock.
After these actions, the respondent will have their rights restored and will again be able to write a message and call you.
How to invite a person to a group
Adding a contact to a general chat. nine0005 First, find out if you have the right to invite guests to the community. Often this is only allowed to administrators, sometimes this issue is put to a vote among group members.When there is no such restriction, it will not be difficult to call any person or send her an invitation.
Enter the desired group. The title string will contain several characters. You will need an average one, with the figure of a man and a plus. Click on it to open the list and click on the contact to add a new member to the community. nine0006
If the group is private, tapping the human figure icon will pop up a window asking you to send a link to the chat. Clicking on the address offers various options for sending: copy the hyperlink, forward it, share it on social networks or send it by email. The guest who received the invitation and followed the link in it will join the specified community.
Important: only an administrator or super-admin can make a vote in viber in a group or community. Ordinary users for this can be excluded from the chat and blacklisted. nine0006
If there are problems
You can change the user in viber on the computer if necessary and also synchronize contacts to see which of the contacts are also in viber. Sometimes messenger clients face some difficulties.