How to hack my old instagram account

Instagram Hacked? Here’s How to Recover Your Account

Instagram is crucial for designers, serving as a marketing and networking tool that’s key to landing new clients. So what should you do if you’ve had your Instagram hacked? First, don’t panic—you’re not alone. “I’d say it’s common for the average user to get hacked to some degree in their life,” says Matthew Krull, a social media strategist at design-focused communications agency Novità. “I hear more often than not from my friends and colleagues that they’ve experienced some suspicious activity on their account.” But if you’ve had your Instagram account hacked, it’s important to recover it as quickly as possible. Here are the steps for how to get your Instagram account back, as well as measures you can take to bolster your cybersecurity.

Can you get your Instagram back if it’s been hacked?

The short answer: It depends.

If you’ve had your Instagram hacked, it is possible to get it back, but you need to move fast, so that the hacker can’t compromise your account further. If you act quickly, you might be able to kick out the hacker while they’re in your account and before they’ve changed your info, deleted your photos, or posted to your profile. That way you can save yourself the trouble of having to recover your Instagram account through a Meta support request.

But if the hacker has already gone beyond logging in and potentially changing your password, Instagram account recovery becomes a lot more difficult. Depending on how much damage they’ve done, Instagram may be able to help you recover your account. But brace yourself: If your account has been deleted by a hacker, there might be nothing the Instagram support team can do to recover your account.

How do I get my Instagram account back?

There are two different levels of hacking: One that only changes your password, and another that changes your password and contact info. Here’s how to report a hacked Instagram account, and how to recover your Instagram account as soon as possible.

What to do if a hacker has changed your Instagram password

If you’ve found that your password no longer works, simply follow the steps for setting a new one, as prompted by the login page on the Instagram app. Hopefully, the login link will be sent to your email account or phone number, and you can use a security code to log back in to your account and change your password. This would be the best case scenario, as you can solve the problem yourself without having to contact Instagram. (That said, it’s not a bad idea to contact Instagram customer service anyway and let them know that your Instagram account has been hacked—the company may point out some helpful security tips to keep your account safe in the future.)

You’ve had your Instagram hacked, and the hacker changed your password and contact information. Now what?

Hitting a brick wall at the login screen? Yikes. If you’re locked out of your social media account, and you don’t receive a password reset link when you request one via the Forgot password button, a hacker may have changed your email and phone number. This is a more common type of hacking, as scammers know you will try to reset your password yourself, and they will want to keep control of the account for themselves. They may even hold your Instagram account for ransom, and request bitcoin or other plunder for you to get it back. If that’s the case, you’ll need to report the activity to Instagram by following the instructions here. They will ask you to verify your identity—you might even have to take a video selfie to prove you are who you say you are. This process likely won’t give you immediate access; it could take days or even weeks to recover your Instagram account.

Can you recover your Instagram account if it has been deleted?

In some cases, hackers might delete all your posts, or they might delete your account entirely. If they’ve deleted some but not all of your account, you might be able to retrieve posts by going into the Your Activity section of your Instagram account and selecting Recently deleted. There, you’ll find posts from the last 30 days as well as stories from the last 24 hours. You can then restore those images or videos.

But if your account has been totally deleted, you might be out of luck. Instagram itself says, “When you delete your account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes, and followers will be permanently removed.” You can create a new account with the same email address you used before, but you may not be able to get the same username.

That said, there is a window in which you can recover your Instagram account. “If someone has deleted your account, you technically have 30 days to contact Instagram to explain that you have been hacked and [ask them] to put your account back up. Instagram claims it stores your data for that long,” says digital marketer Jonathan Simon, director of marketing and communications at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa. “However, this is a long shot. Once your account is deleted, it is likely gone.”

Interior designer Kristen McGinnis, for instance, was not one of the lucky ones. Back in 2020, she found that she was logged out of her Instagram account due to suspicious activity—even though her two-factor authentication was enabled. “Instagram’s account retrieval process includes going through identity confirmation. I submitted this well over a dozen times within a month and received zero response,” McGinnis says. “Sadly, I never received any help, only headache and heartache.”

After a month, McGinnis gave up. She started a new Instagram account and used her inaugural post to explain what had happened to her former handle. She then started the arduous process of re-following her former connections, hoping they’d follow her back. Although many of them did, she needed to message others to reintroduce herself. The small silver lining was that her photos were auto-saved to her phone. Still, the mishap had a cost. “I lost a few thousand followers, many of whom I will never get back because I don’t know who to reach out to,” McGinnis says.

Even though no method of account protection is completely fail-safe, staying on top of security best practices can hopefully prevent you from having to rebuild your following. You can also download your data periodically in order to keep a record of your posts, your followers, and even your comments—that way, if you have your Instagram hacked and eventually need to rebuild your account, you have a head start.

What should you do if you’re locked out of your Instagram account?

For starters, remain calm. Sometimes getting locked out—especially for business accounts—is simply due to an oversight. “For instance, let’s say a social media manager moves on from the company,” says New York– and London-based digital content consultant Charlene C. Lam. “If a transition plan isn’t in place, it may be a while before the remaining team members realize they don’t know the Instagram password.”

To mitigate that risk, keep your Instagram account recovery codes stored in a secure place. These recovery codes will be used to reset two-factor authentication, which will help you get your Instagram account back. They can be found on the Security page of the Instagram app.

Unfortunately, there may be an instance where you’ve been locked out because you were genuinely been hacked by a scammer.

What should you do if you suspect someone is trying to hack your Instagram?

There are a few red flags that may indicate that someone may be trying to hack your Instagram account (or already has). Three big ones: receiving a changed-password email from Instagram that you didn’t trigger yourself, receiving an unprompted email-change request from [email protected], and seeing posts you didn’t make. Here’s how to get help.

What to do if Instagram noticed suspicious activity on your account

If someone attempts to reset your password, Instagram will send you an email informing you of the change. “I take immediate action as soon as I get a notification or email from Instagram letting me know there was suspicious activity on any of the accounts I manage,” Matthew Krull says.

If you receive an email that someone has requested to change your password, and it wasn’t you, someone may be trying to hack your Instagram account. Report the situation to Instagram via the link in that email, then immediately change your password.

If you received an email from [email protected] asking about changing the email address associated with your Instagram account, but didn’t make that request yourself, click the link in the message that says Secure My Account. If you are unable to get through the login page, the scammer may have changed your password. Don’t lose hope yet—you can still get help by requesting a login link or a security code.

But remain attentive when it comes to these Instagram emails: Some messages that appear to be from Instagram could be phishing attempts or scams from hackers. The good news is that Meta has developed a function to help protect you. If you enter the security section of the Instagram app, you can see what emails Instagram has sent you within the last two weeks. Reviewing that data should help you verify an email’s authenticity.

Keep in mind that other messages, like Instagram DMs and WhatsApp chats, can also contain phishing scams. Stay alert!

What to do if you noticed suspicious activity on your account

If you notice photos or stories you didn’t post yourself appearing on your page, but you’re still logged in, you’ve probably been hacked on Instagram. You should change your password immediately, as doing so will kick the hacker out of your account. You should also manually log out of any suspicious devices via your login activity page, as well as revoke access from any third-party apps that might have had a security breach and exposed your login information.

How to protect your Instagram account

Hacking isn’t limited to high-profile Instagrammers. “Any account can be a target, because if the hackers are successful, they can use the hacked account to try to get important information like credit card numbers, addresses, and PINs from other unsuspecting users,” Jonathan Simon says.

A strong password is an obvious place to start—and yes, those strings of letters and numbers suggested by Apple’s iOS are pretty safe. (If you’re concerned about remembering all of your logins, a digital password manager can help.) Still, there are a few additional steps you should take to thwart a potential hacking.

Turn on two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication requires users to enter a security code from an authentication app or your cell phone via text message (SMS) every time they log in to a new device—and it’s a solid deterrent to scammers. Meta offers this service, and you can set it up via the security page in the app.

Check your login activity

Keep an eye on your login activity, which can also be found under the security section of the app. There, you’ll see all the devices that your Instagram account is currently logged into, plus their geographic locations. If you see suspicious activity here, you can log out of those devices from your current one.

Check which third-party apps have access to your Instagram account

Granting third-party apps access to your account is an easy way to share content across different platforms, but it does come with some level of risk: Hackers can break into those apps and steal your Instagram login info. Head to your security settings, then click Apps and Websites to see what other apps have access to your Instagram account. Keep an eye out for any big data breaches that might affect those apps—if one happens, you’ll want to change your password immediately.

Enable auto-save

Though this measure won’t necessarily protect your account from hackers, it does give you a chance to save all your photos to your phone in the event you have your Instagram hacked and deleted. In the app, click on Settings, then Account, then Original Photos (iPhone) or Original Posts (Android), and make sure that Save is toggled on.

How to Recover a Hacked Instagram Account [2022 Update]

Are You Locked Out of Your Instagram Account? Don’t Panic!

There are few things as panic-inducing as discovering you've been locked out of your Instagram account. And I should know. 

Earlier this year, my good friend's Instagram account was hacked. Scammers locked him out, reset his password, and started running crypto scams on his followers. It was a nightmare that took weeks to resolve.

Unfortunately, Instagram hacks have increased every year since 2016. Last year alone, there were more than one million cases of social media account takeovers (ATO) — almost double the amount from the year before [*].

A hacked Instagram account is more than an annoyance. If scammers gain access to your account, they can harvest your personal information to use for identity theft, impersonate you and destroy your online reputation, or scam your friends and family — and that’s not even considering the financial losses that could accrue if your company, influencer, or business account is hacked. 

If you can’t log into your account or are seeing signs that it’s been hacked, act fast and follow these steps. 

Here’s How To Tell If Your Instagram Account Is Hacked

The most obvious sign that your Instagram account has been hacked is that your login and password no longer work. If this is happening to you, a hacker may have gained access to your account and locked you out. You’ll need to follow the steps below to get your Instagram account back. 

Sometimes scammers don’t want you to know that they’ve hacked your account. In these cases, there are some telltale signs indicating that someone else has access to your Instagram account:

You receive a password reset email that you didn’t request

If you receive a password reset email that you didn’t request, it means someone else is trying to get into your account. Even worse, it could mean that they’ve hacked your email account and are using it to gain access to your other accounts. 

Don’t ignore these emails. Instead, make sure all of your account passwords are updated and secure, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) with an authenticator app like Google Authenticator wherever possible.

Take action: If your Instagram account has been hacked, your bank account, email, and other online accounts could also be at risk. Try Aura’s identity theft protection free for 14 days to secure your identity against scammers.

Your account email has changed

If you get an email from Instagram saying that your email has been changed, your account is hacked. At this point, a scammer has already gained access to your account and is trying to prevent you from changing your Instagram password to get back in.

You’ll need to deny the change from the original email account associated with your Instagram account.

Pro tip: Make sure that the email change message isn’t a phishing scam. All official Instagram emails should come from [email protected]. Any email coming from a different account is a scam. 

You get a “suspicious login attempt” alert 

If scammers try to log into your account from a different location, Instagram will flag it as a suspicious login attempt. To check if someone else is using your Instagram account, log into the Instagram app, then go to Profile > Settings > Security > Login Activity.

Check your Instagram "Login Activity" to see if anyone else has accessed your account.

Your Login Activity will show you the last few locations from which your account was accessed. If you see anything unfamiliar, press “This Wasn’t Me” and Instagram will log out your account from that device.  

If you’re using Instagram on your desktop computer, you can check your Login Activity under Profile > Settings > Login Activity.

Friends and followers are getting strange messages from you

One of the reasons scammers don’t want you to know they’ve hacked your Instagram account is that they want to scam your friends. Instagram hackers will often send messages to your friends with the goal of  stealing their login information or getting them to invest in fraudulent crypto schemes. 

If your friends reach out and tell you that they’ve received weird messages from you, check your account activity immediately.

Your account is posting and commenting on its own

If you see strange notifications about posts or comments you don’t remember writing, your account is compromised. A scammer is making posts and comments pretending to be you — most likely with the hope of scamming more of your friends and followers. 

My Instagram Account Was Hacked! What Should I Do?

If you recognize any of the above warning signs, don’t panic. There are specific steps you can take to recover your account, secure it from hackers, and mitigate the damage done. 

But first: If your Instagram account has been hacked, the scammers could use your personal details to log into other services, including your email and online banking. 

If you’ve lost access to your Instagram account, make sure to:

  1. Update passwords on all of your accounts. Use secure and unique passwords for all of your accounts — especially if you have a habit of reusing passwords. Whenever possible, enable 2FA so hackers can’t get into your account, even if they have your passwords.
  2. Regularly check your credit report and bank statements. Scammers are almost always after your financial accounts. Check for the warning signs of identity theft — such as strange charges on your bank statement or accounts you don’t recognize. An identity theft protection service like Aura can monitor your credit and statements for you and alert you to any signs of fraud. 
  3. Consider signing up for identity theft protection. Aura’s top-rated identity theft protection monitors all of your most sensitive personal information, online accounts, and finances for signs of fraud. If an Instagram scammer tries to access your accounts or finances, Aura can help you take action before it’s too late. Try Aura’s 14-day free trial for immediate protection while you’re most vulnerable.

Now, here’s what to do if your Instagram account was hacked — whether you still have access to it or if a hacker has locked you out. 

How to secure a hacked instagram account that you still have access to

If you still have access to your Instagram account, you can usually flush out your attacker if you move fast.

Here are the essential steps to take:

  • Check the phone number and email address listed in your account settings. These are the key points of entry that will allow you to reset your password and recover your account. Before you try to change your passwords, go to Settings > Account > Personal information and make sure that a scammer hasn’t changed your email address or phone number.
  • Log out of all active Instagram sessions. Go to your Instagram Login Activity, and close all active sessions by selecting the three dots beside each session and choosing “Log out.” Repeat for each listed login session. This means that you’ll have to log back into Instagram on your phone, iPad/tablet, and computer — but it’s a small price to pay to boot hackers out of your account. 
  • Change your Instagram password. Next, you’ll want to reset your Instagram password under Profile > Settings > Security > Password. Choose a unique and strong password that is at least eight characters long and includes a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. 
  • Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA is an additional security measure that requires a special one-time-use code along with your password in order to log into your account. This means that even if hackers have your password, they can’t get into your account. For added security, use an authenticator app for 2FA rather than SMS — as scammers can hack or steal your phone and bypass this extra security measure. 
Enable 2FA on your account under Profile > Settings > Security > Two-factor authentication.
  • Check your Accounts Center. This is a Facebook setting that allows you to see all your accounts associated with Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. If you see a linked account or other suspicious activity that you don’t recognize, remove it.
  • Remove any third-party apps. Hackers may have been able to access your account via third-party apps. Look over the linked third-party apps under Settings > Security > Apps and websites, and remove any apps that you don’t recognize or use.

How to regain access to a hacked instagram account

If a hacker has locked you out of your Instagram account, it’s a much harder issue to resolve. But there are still ways that you can regain access. 

Here’s what to do if you’ve been locked out of your Instagram account:

Check your email for a message from Instagram

Instagram will email you if a scammer (or anyone) changes your password or email. If you didn’t ask for these changes, you can revert to your old password by clicking “revert this change” in the email.  

Search for any email sent from [email protected]. Be sure to check your junk and spam folders. 

Request a login link

A login link helps verify that you’re the account owner. It is a special link that is sent to your email or phone number. Here’s how to request a login link from Instagram:

  • On Android: Open Instagram and select “Get help logging in” and then follow the prompts. 
  • On iOS: Open Instagram and select “Forgot password?” and then follow the prompts. 

If the email associated with your account has been changed, you’ll want to send the login link to your phone. If both your email and phone number have been changed, you’ll have to follow one of the next steps instead. 

Request more support or a security link

If you’re locked out of your account, you’ll have to make a special support request to Meta (the parent company of Instagram and Facebook).  

Choose "Need more help" to request an Instagram security link.

Here’s how to request support from Instagram’s login page:

On Android: 

  • Tap “Get help logging in.”
  • Enter your username, email address, or phone number. 
  • Tap “Need more help?” and then follow the on-screen instructions. 
  • Select your preferred contact method, and then tap “Send security code.”
  • If you don’t receive the code, you’ll need to tap “I can’t access this email or phone number.”

On iOS:

  • Tap “Need more help?”
  • Select your preferred contact method, and then tap “Send security code.”
  • If you don’t receive the code, you’ll need to tap “I can’t access this email or phone number.”

Once you submit your request, you should receive an email from Instagram detailing the next steps to take.  

Pro tip: Make sure that you’re using a secure email account to receive login information. If your email account has been hacked, scammers can bypass all of these measures and retain access to your account. 

Verify your identity with Instagram

Eventually, you’ll need to verify that you are who you say you are. There are two ways that you can verify your identity to get your hacked Instagram account back. 

  1. If your account doesn’t have photos of you: Instagram will ask for details such as the email address, phone number, and device type (iPhone, iPad, Android, etc.) that you used when signing up for your account. 
  2. If your account does have photos of you: Instagram will ask you to send a video selfie (in which you turn your head at different angles) to confirm you’re a real person. Instagram claims the video is only for verification purposes and will be deleted from their servers within 30 days.  

Unfortunately, this entire process can take days, weeks, and sometimes even months. Much of it is automated, meaning you can’t directly contact Instagram if you’re hitting a snag. However, it’s still the best process by which to recover your hacked Instagram account. 

So even if it takes time, following these steps is far better than letting a hacker have total control over your account. 

Take action: If scammers gain access to your Instagram account, they could break into your online bank account. Try an identity theft protection service to monitor your finances and alert you to fraud.

How Hackers Hack Your Instagram Account (And How To Stop Them)

Once you’ve regained access to your hacked Instagram account, you want to make sure that scammers can’t get back in. 

So, how did they hack you in the first place? Here are the most common ways that scammers gain access to your Instagram account:

Phishing attacks that steal your login information

Phishing is a type of attack in which scammers impersonate a known or trusted organization (or person) and entice victims to click on dangerous links or download malicious attachments full of malware.  

Scammers may even pose as Instagram and send an email asking you to change your password, or log in to become verified (this is a popular scam). Their website, however, is completely fake and set up to steal your login information for an account takeover.

Beware of common Instagram phishing scams, such as:

  • Bitcoin investment “advice” and special crypto exchanges. 
  • Fake Instagram “support” accounts.
  • Accounts that claim they can help your account get “verified.” 

Related: The 10 Biggest Instagram Scams Happening Right Now

Using leaked passwords from data breaches 

Data breaches have leaked billions of usernames and passwords. Instagram, in particular, has had its users’ passwords leaked

Once a site like Instagram has been hacked, those emails and passwords end up for sale on the Dark Web, where the average price of a hacked Instagram account is just $45 [*].

Hackers don’t even need your Instagram password to get into your account. Because 65% of people reuse passwords [*], hackers will take leaked username/password combinations and try them on different accounts, including your Instagram account.

Pro tip: Sign up for identity theft protection with Dark Web scanning. Aura constantly monitors the Dark Web for your personal information, including logins, passwords, or even your Social Security number (SSN). If any of your accounts are compromised or if your personal information is leaked, you’ll be alerted so that you can shut down scammers before they can do too much damage. 

Malware that steals your username and password

If you click on a link in a spam email or scam text message, there’s a good chance that your device will get infected with malware.  

This malicious software has a range of abilities — from stealing your personal data to scanning your device for passwords to even spying on every word you type. If your phone has been hacked, scammers can get into your Instagram account.

Related: How Do Hackers Get Passwords? (And How To Stop Them)

Through third-party apps

Over the years, you may have connected multiple third-party apps with your Instagram profile or Facebook account — and then forgotten about them. Unfortunately, each third-party app poses a potential risk. If hackers attack a third-party app that has weak security, they can get into your Instagram account.

Related: How To Know if Your Phone Is Hacked

Through a Wi-Fi attack or on public devices

Hackers can intercept your Wi-Fi via a “Man In the Middle Attack” (MitM), which allows them to access details and information from your connected device. They may also be able to discover your password or access your account directly, compromising your Instagram account. This is particularly risky if you’re using public Wi-Fi in a café or airport.

You should also be cautious of logging into Instagram on unfamiliar devices. If you use a public computer or a friend’s phone — and forget to log out — someone else could change your account settings and lock you out. 

Related: What Is Cyber Hygiene? 10 Easy Habits That Will Protect Your Online Accounts

Here's What To Do If Your Instagram Account Gets Hacked

  • Update and upgrade your passwords. Change any outdated or reused passwords. Consider using a password manager that helps you create and store unique and complex passwords so that you don’t have to remember them.
  • Turn on two-factor authentication (2FA). This can help stop hackers from accessing your account even if they know your password. Any login attempt will need a second form of authentication, such as through your phone or email. 
  • Never give up your login or account details. Be wary if you get a direct message about an investment opportunity, a way to get verified, or tech support. Instagram will never ask you for your login information.
Example of a scam Instagram account that tries to steal login information.
  • Be cautious of “verification scams.” Hackers will pretend to be one of your friends who can’t access their account, and ask to send a 2FA code to your phone. But in reality, they’re trying to hack into your account. Never give out a 2FA code — no matter what the circumstances.
  • Don’t click on suspicious links. Many Instagram scams and hacks start via private or direct  messaging. A good rule of thumb is to never click on a DM link unless you’re certain it’s safe.
  • Use antivirus software to protect against malware. If hackers trick you into downloading malware, they can spy on everything you type — including your Instagram password.
  • Scan and remove third-party apps and other accounts. Removing third-party apps and accounts tied to your account limits the number of access points to your account. 
  • Be careful when entering your login details. Scammers will try and phish you by impersonating Instagram officials over email or DM, or linking to fake login sites. Before responding, always make sure any email comes from an official “” email address.
  • Call or video chat with someone who is contacting you via DM. If you suspect that someone is reaching out to you from a hacked account, initiate a video call to see if it’s really them. You can also reach out to them directly via other communication channels like text, WhatsApp, or Telegram.
  • Don’t trust account recovery services. If you’ve publicly posted about your Instagram account being hacked, bots can use that against you. They’ll reach out about a recovery service that will help you “reclaim” your account. Don’t fall for it.
  • Sign up for identity theft protection. Your Instagram account can be the gateway to identity theft or even financial fraud. Aura’s all-in-one identity theft and digital security solution keeps your accounts, credit, and finances safe from scammers. And if the worst should happen, you’re covered by a $1,000,000 insurance policy for eligible losses due to identity theft.

Take action: Protect yourself from the risks of identity theft and fraud with Aura’s $1,000,000 in identity theft insurance. Try Aura free for 14 days to see if it’s right for you.

The Bottom Line: Keep Instagram Scammers Out of Your Account

Instagram accounts are in high demand, and scammers are targeting the social media service at an increasing rate.  

Many of the cybersecurity steps we recommend to protect yourself can help protect more than just your Instagram account. Practicing online hygiene and basic security steps can help secure your data and prevent dangerous and damaging attacks. If you think you might be at risk, consider signing up for Aura.

Stop scammers in their tracks. Try Aura for free for 14 days.

How to restore instagram: simple instructions

If you deleted your instagram or your account was hacked, you can return it. The editors of tell you how to restore Instagram and when you have to do it.

5 most common reasons why a page is restored

Here are five cases when you have to restore your Instagram profile.

Temporary blocking

If a user has violated the rules for using Instagram, then his page can be temporarily blocked. Access to the page is restricted when a person publishes prohibited content, spam (makes a mass mailing of promotional messages. - Note ed.) , violates copyright and so on. Another page is blocked when a person exhausts the limit of actions - the number of likes, subscriptions and comments.

One action can be blocked, for example, the ability to like or comment. And they can prohibit the use of the entire page. This will be announced in the notification.


To find out what the restrictions are for, go to the Instagram settings on your phone. Select "Help" and then "Support Requests".


Select the Violations section. There you can see publications that violate the guidelines of the social network.

Temporary blocking lasts from a few hours to three weeks.


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If you get banned

Ban is also imposed for violations of the rules for using the social network, but it is not always possible to recover from it. If the user constantly violates the rules, then the page is blocked forever. It can also be affected by complaints from other users.


If the profile owner proves that the hacker did the prohibited actions, then the page can be restored.

When they forgot their password or email

78% of users forget their passwords after 90 days. In this case, Instagram has a button "Forgot password" or "Help with logging in". Along with passwords, users forget what email they used during registration.

If you still have access to Instagram, then go to settings, select the "Security" section and change your password. An email will be sent to you to change your password. This way you will find the correct address.

Access can be restored through a Facebook profile if it is linked to an Instagram page. Next, we will tell you in more detail how to do this.

If you have lost access or forgotten your email password, please contact the technical support of the mail service. When the Instagram and Facebook profiles are not connected, and there is no access to mail or a phone number, then the page cannot be restored.

Other problems with instagram login can be found here.

If you were hacked

Instagram page can be hacked by ill-wishers or scammers. Accounts are stolen in order to: carry out financial fraud, steal personal data, view correspondence, send mailings and spam.

If the owner noticed that his page was hacked, then he needs to immediately change the password or contact the technical support of the site. If the moderators of the social network notice this, then they will change all the data. More such pages can be blocked.

If the page was deleted

An Instagram page can be deleted temporarily or permanently. In the first case, the profile becomes inaccessible to all users. But you can return it at any time. And an account that has been permanently deleted cannot be restored. Technical support and other methods will not help. You will have to create a new page.

How to restore the page through the phone and computer

Through the login page

1. Log in to the application from your phone and enter your username and password.

2. If you don't remember your password, click the Forgot Password or Login Help button. If you have the data, then go directly to step 6.


3. Enter your username, email, or phone number. Click next.

4. A link to reset your password will be sent to the specified address or contact. Follow it.

5. Update the password.

6. You will be prompted to restore your account. Press the confirmation button.

Via Facebook

If you don't remember your password, you can recover your account through Facebook.

1. Log in to the application from your phone and click on the "log in with Facebook" button.


2. If Facebook asks, enter your login information.

3. You will receive a link to reset your password by email. Follow it.

4. Reset your password and create a new one.

Important! You can use this method if your Instagram and Facebook profiles are linked.


1. Log in to the Instagram website using a computer browser and enter your username and password. If you have the data, then immediately go to step 6.

2. If you do not remember the password, then click the "Forgot password" button.

3. Enter your username, email, or phone.

4. You will receive a password reset link by email or phone. Follow it.

5. Reset your password and create a new one.

6. You will be prompted to restore your account. Press the confirmation button.

How to recover an account that has been hacked and the login information has been changed

If your page has been hacked, try to restore access using the "Forgot Password" or "Help Login" button. Follow the same path when you recover your password. If you gain access to the page, then immediately change the password.

If you have not received access, you can go the other way:

1. Go to Instagram on your phone and click the "Forgot your password" or "Help signing in" button.

2. Enter your username, email or phone number and click on the Need More Help button. On the next page, click next.

4. Follow the instructions on the screen. Enter your personal information and other email.

5. An email will be sent to the post office asking you to verify your identity. They may ask:

  • to be photographed with a passport;
  • take a picture with the security code;
  • give information about the phone model from which you previously logged into your account;
  • indicate the email of the hacked account;
  • send photos that were posted in the account.

Important! If there were your personal photos in the account, where your face is clearly visible, then the page recovery will be without problems.

Restoring a hacked page can be difficult: technical support does not always respond quickly, sometimes the answer comes after a few weeks.

How to recover your account if it has been banned

If your account has been banned, you will be notified by email. The letter writes the reason for the blocking and the number of the error. For a reason, it will become clear how you can restore Instagram.

For example, if the account was banned for copyright infringement, then the email will include the contact details of the content author. You can contact him. If you manage to agree with the author, then ask him to report this in support of Instagram. He needs to send a letter with the error number and his consent.


Sometimes, in a letter, Instagram support immediately makes it clear that it will not work to restore the account.


If at the end of the letter there is a link "let us know", then the page can be restored. Follow this link. There you will find detailed information about the bathhouse and instructions for unlocking it.

Some users find a way out even in this situation: they pretend that the page has been hacked, and all prohibited actions were done by hackers. So you can go through the path of recovering a hacked page, which we described above, and return your account.

9 tips to protect your Instagram page from being hacked

Here are nine rules to prevent your account from being hacked and data stolen:

  1. Synchronize Instagram with Facebook . Link your email and phone number to your profile. Use an empty SIM card and mail that is not linked anywhere else. They are not hacked, as they are practically inactive.
  2. Create a strong password for each account separately. This will reduce the chances that scammers will gain access to your profile if the page is hacked on another site. Write down the password so you don't forget.
  3. Save photos and videos you share on Instagram to your phone, computer or cloud. This way you can prove that the page is yours.
  4. Post at least twice a year personal photos that clearly show your face. So the owner's identity is confirmed faster.
  5. Post only your own content. If you decide to use someone else's, then agree on this with the author. Screenshot the message with consent, mark it on the publication.
  6. Do not install suspicious applications on your phone. Such applications may request access to a social network. Fraudsters often use this to gain access to data. Read the service description and reviews.
  7. Do not access your profile from third-party gadgets. They may contain dangerous virus files and applications.
  8. Update the software version in time and check your smartphone for viruses.
  9. Find out more instagram rules so as not to violate them.

How to hack an Instagram account: proven methods

To hack an Instagram account, you must use spyware (pre-installed on your computer or phone), guess the password ou use brute force programs to access the profile you have chosen.

It is important to note that breaking is a crime therefore, you must be very careful with the methods you use, as you may have legal problems that can be severely punished in many countries around the world.

There are many reasons why you want to hack Instagram account , either to enter personal information, to control the content that your children see through this social network, to recover a lost account, among other things.

With this in mind, in this article you will see methods that can be used to achieve this goal effectively and quickly. Also, some processes will be rejected not to waste time.

Through downloadable programs

Forest « Keyloggers are access keys to a specific account. They were created for to track activities on a specific device and save it in a document record or send it directly to the program administrator. Next, you will see how to hack an Instagram account using keyloggers.


FlexiSPY is another program that is great for spying or hacking your Instagram account. Its keylogging feature is is one of the most attractive features of which improves its service and offers advanced features that you can use in other applications. It can be installed on computers, Android and iOS mobile phones.

In addition to full phone recording, will give you access to device location tracking, phone call recording, Internet usage management and more. Like other apps, you will need to install FlexiSPY on the device you want to hack . To access your web portal

You can try the FlexiSPY program from the link


This program is available on for Android and iOS phones and is among the favorite spy or Instagram account hacks. In fact, you can have access to all mobile phone activities, be it browsing history, messaging, photo gallery and more.

However, if you want utiliser spy to hack instagram then you must unsubscribe which varies between 15 or 20 euros in the year . Similarly, you will need to have access to the phone number of the account you want to hack and allow it to be downloaded to the device.

Once installed, it will not be easy to detect with the naked eye. You will even have to factory reset your phone to erase mSpy. to get this program.

You can try the mSpy program from the link


Spyzie is the most complete program to hack Instagram and other social networks like Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp and others. It works for both Android devices and iOS phones and the like. mSpy, you must have direct access to the mobile phone that you want to hack to properly configure and install the program.

After installation Spyzie will remain completely hidden . You will have a record of all activities performed on this phone, whether browsing, posting content on networks, call log, etc.

Access password recovery

Instagram , you can hack the profile by clicking on the option recover password ie. by resetting the new password . So you will get a message telling you what to do to add a new password.

After resetting your password, you will be able to access your Instagram account without any inconvenience. However, as mentioned earlier, this method is not practical. It is important that you have an email password associated with your Instagram profile. . Otherwise, this option will not work.

Through InstaRipper

With this software you will be able to crack a password by force, that is, using thousands of possible password combinations in the shortest possible time. From InstaRipper you will be able to access account and more you pourrez change your IP address after 3 failed attempts so you won't get banned and tracked.

However, the counterproductive part of this tool is that it you have to be very nimble and fast because if a person turned on the login notification, he will quickly change the access password.

Trying to guess password

This is a somewhat unorthodox method that you can always try. This consists of guessing the account password by knowing certain personal details of the person . Previously, this method would have been one of the first to be used because passwords were simpler. Now, this is a little tricky due to the great creativity that users have in assigning their keys.

Even if you don't have enough information about the person whose Instagram account you want to hack, it's not recommended to use this process. As a result, Instagram automatically locks the account after repeated unsuccessful attempts enter the password. Basically, it sends a direct email notification so that you can unblock it without any problems.

Using apps

It should be noted that this is not a free app or website that can hack Instagram account. In fact, the following list will mention some of the suspicious or scam apps that trick users into offering hacking services, but in reality they are not:

  • Xploitz - It's ne fact that is promoting other apps that claim to do hack work, but this is more of a reality check.
  • InstaRipper: This is a app that can be downloaded on Android, iOS, Windows or macOS systems. However, since this is not from an official store, you can use at your own risk and take responsibility for .
  • Instagram: once you have login that person's username, it tells you that the account has been successfully hacked and that you need to upload a file containing data for that profile. It is not right. File with account details not loaded .
  • Ighak and InstaHak : Works the same as "InstaLeak". You must write the username you want to hack, but you must also add an email address. Once the page claims the account has been hacked, it asks to install two programs and run them for 30 seconds.

Note must underline that it is not possible to hack Instagram account or another social network in using the phone number or IMEI code of the phone . If any web page or application asks you for this information, it will most certainly be done with malicious intent.

How to avoid being hacked

Faced with possible cyberattacks by certain hackers, we need to fortify ourselves and know avoid account being hacked, whether on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and other social networks. This will leave a list with a number of tips and tricks that you need to follow to achieve your goal: