How to get facebook page followers for free

18 Ways to Increase Facebook Followers and Likes in 2022

Early in 2020, I decided to jump into Facebook in full force and increase my follower count. 

And guess what: my most successful online store grew to 54,000 Facebook followers. 

On top of the assurance that my team and I were nailing it – not to mention the huge ego boost – all those likes served another powerful purpose. They allowed us to build an engaged community of people who loved our niche and, more importantly, our products. Which fueled the beautiful cycle that led to more sales.

But enough about me. How can you make this happen for your own store?

I’m going to break down the tried and true tactics that have helped me, master, how to get followers on Facebook, and how to increase Facebook likes.

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Post Contents

  • How to Get Facebook Followers
    • 1. Run Facebook Ads
    • 2. Invite People to Like Your Page
    • 3. Create Viral Content
    • 4. Host a Giveaway
    • 5. Post Attention Grabbing Content
    • 6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
    • 7. Try Out Facebook Live
    • 8. Partner with an Influencer
    • 9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
    • 10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
    • 11. Add a Facebook Like Widget
    • 12. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
    • 13. Email Your List
    • 14. Create More Video Content
    • 15. Engage with Your Community
    • 16. Hashtag It Up
    • 17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
    • 18. Get Tagged by Customers
  • Conclusion
    • Want to Learn More?

How to Get Facebook Followers

From Facebook ads for beginners to influencer marketing, there are a number of ways to get Facebook followers for your business. Here are 18 ways that I found useful:

1. Run Facebook Ads

If you’re trying to figure out how to get Facebook followers, the most obvious solution is Facebook ads. 

You can run “Engagement” ads, which help you increase the visibility of your brand on Facebook. 

Although, to be frank, any ad you create will likely bring an increase in followers, even “Conversion” ads. 

If Facebook users like the ad content, they’ll likely engage with the post and potentially like or follow your Facebook page. 

So, if your main goal is to get store sales, you can run a conversion ad and still increase Facebook likes to your page. To learn more about Facebook advertising, check out this Facebook ads questions video.

2. Invite People to Like Your Page

The easiest way to increase Facebook followers is by inviting people to like your page. The lowest-hanging fruit here is to invite your friends and family

Once you start running ads for your store, Facebook will occasionally send you notifications asking you to invite people to like your page.  

I found that typically if I ran engagement ads, I’d get a higher number of people that I could invite to like the page. 

However, even though I manually invited people, I eventually got temporarily blocked by Facebook. So you need to pace the number of people you invite at a time. 

Also, if you do get temporarily blocked, Facebook might still send notifications telling you to invite people. But you still won’t be able to invite anyone. Wait a day or two before trying to invite more people. 

You can also invite friends and family to like your page. However, keep in mind that it’s better to have a small, targeted audience than to have a big, broad one, as it could limit the effectiveness of your future ads.

3. Create Viral Content

On my most popular store’s Facebook page, I’d share memes, funny videos, and relatable quotes. 

People would tag their friends in the post, which usually helps increase social media engagement but also helped increase social reach.

Chubbies is another online retailer who creates viral-type content. They regularly create funny content using their products. In this video, they promote their shorts with a silly video about the problems that pants give people.

Since the scenarios are pretty dramatized, it results in funny content which helps boost social shares. About 290 liked the video and 128 people shared it. 

If you don’t have the artistic chops to create your own viral content, you can always share viral niche content with your audience. But be sure to always give credit to the creator.

4. Host a Giveaway

Giveaways are a great way to increase Facebook likes. 

You can host a giveaway on your website using a tool like Rafflecopter. 

Share your giveaway to niche Facebook groups or forums, giveaway websites, and of course on your Facebook page. 

By making one of the ways to enter “visit Facebook page”, you’ll be more likely to increase the number of Facebook followers you have.  

Below is an example of a giveaway that CatLadyBox shared on their Facebook page. They used emojis to draw emphasis on the giveaway keyword. 

Since they shared it on their own page, it’s likely their Facebook followers will see it. They may share the giveaway post with their friends, which can also help increase Facebook followers. 

Once you have it all set up, don’t limit yourself to Facebook. Share this baby on every social and marketing channel you have

5. Post Attention Grabbing Content

If you’re trying to determine how to get Facebook likes, you might want to make sure your content stands out in feeds. 

Now, you’ll need to have an audience following you already for this to work. But let’s take a quick look at Taco Bell’s gif post which got 2.5k Facebook likes in two hours and has had 549 shares in that same period. 

The gif changes the background color of the post in a diagonal shape to capture your attention switching back and forth every couple of seconds. While scrolling through the feed, your eyes catch it which makes you more likely to notice it and engage. 

Posting such content helps you get Facebook followers because of its uniqueness and appeal.

6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up

Some online stores ask for emails upon exit intent. 

However, if your main objective is to increase Facebook likes instead of subscribers, you can create a Facebook like pop-up instead. 

OptinMonster is a popular pop-up tool that allows you to gain new leads, and can be repurposed to fuel Facebook likes, as well. 

You can also choose to set a timer so that after a person has been on your website for a certain number of seconds, the pop-up appears.  

Avoid adding too many pop-ups to your website, as they can be overwhelming on mobile devices and cause people to exit faster. 

So if you add a Facebook like pop-up to your website, make sure it’s the only one.

7. Try Out Facebook Live

Some of the most viral videos have been Facebook Live videos. 

If you’re building a niche store, your Facebook Live might be more about general niche tips. 

However, if you’ve just added new items to your store and have ordered samples, you can offer a first look at the products on Facebook Live. 

You can increase Facebook followers by telling your customers and followers that you do a livestream every Tuesday, for example. 

All Facebook Live videos get shown on the Facebook Live Map, so the more viewers on your livestream the higher you’ll show up on the feed.

Boom. More Facebook likes.

8. Partner with an Influencer

If you want to know how to get Facebook followers, the secret sometimes lies in influencer partnerships.  

The best influencers I’ve ever partnered with weren’t really influencers at all. In fact, most of them were niche fan pages. 

You know, those pages for a niche that just share cool products or cool articles about a niche. They’re all over Facebook. And they usually amass really big audiences. And they’re usually cheaper than an influencer. 

That strategy works well if you’re on a super tight budget. But if you want to partner with an actual influencer, you can find influencers in your niche as well. 

The easiest way to do that is to look up “[niche] blogger” in Google. You might look up fashion bloggers, for example. Then you look through their fan pages and reach out to them to find out their rates. 

If potential influencers are up for collaborating, you’ll send them a sample product to model. When they share the post on Facebook, ask them to tag your Facebook page in the post. That way, people who are interested in your product will be more likely to follow you.

To learn more, read our guide, The Complete Guide to Getting Started With Influencer Marketing.

9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages

Getting organic shoutouts from bigger Facebook pages can help you get more Facebook followers. 

To get a shout out, look for brands who regularly feature their customers or other non-competing businesses on social media sites. 

Then pick the brands that have a similar audience to you or one that’s at least somewhat related. 

For instance, if you sell watches, you might post a picture with your watch with another brand’s sunglasses, tagging the brand in the picture. This could coax them into sharing your post with their audience. 

Here’s an example of Samsung sharing a picture taken on their phone that a customer posted on their Facebook page.

10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity

Marketing automation can help you get Facebook followers. 

How? Well, you’re not going to increase Facebook likes if you never post on Facebook. And running a store can get busy. So sometimes things like posting on Facebook fall by the wayside. 

Only have 20 minutes a week total for your social media marketing? Use an automation tool to set up a series of posts over the next several days in advance. 

You can add product pictures to your post with a link to the page, a piece of content you’ve written, or even a funny video or picture you find online (with proper credit, of course). 

If you know that every Friday at 5pm you need to schedule posts for the following week, it allows you to spend the following week working on higher impact projects. 

The more you post on Facebook, the more chances you’ll have of getting more Facebook followers.

11. Add a Facebook Like Widget

If you want to increase Facebook likes, the easiest way to do that on your ecommerce website is to add a Facebook Like Widget by Widgetic. 

The free Shopify app adds a like icon to certain pages of your store, such as product pages.  

It can also show shoppers who else likes your page to give you a bit of social proof to get more Facebook followers. 

If you’re just starting to figure out how to increase followers on Facebook, this free tool keeps growing a Facebook following simple for you.

You’d be surprised by how many new store owners forget to add their social media links to their website. 

Depending on your theme, your social icons might be in the header, footer, or in a sidebar menu.

 If you want to emphasize their placement, you can contact a Shopify Expert or use Hey Carson to get some minor development work done.

13. Email Your List

If you want to know how to increase followers on Facebook, try using your existing email list. 

You can either choose to include social media icons (including Facebook) in all of your emails, or you can directly email your list and tell them to follow your Facebook page. 

If you haven’t been building an email list but have customers who’ve agreed to receive email marketing, you can email those people to increase Facebook likes.  

You’ll find that email list in your Shopify dashboard under Customers > Email Subscribers.

14. Create More Video Content

Want to know how to get Facebook likes? Try video marketing. 

Video content on Facebook usually gets higher levels of engagement than pictures or text-based posts. As a result, more people will view your content. 

The more viewers and Facebook likes you get, the higher the chance that your content will get found by potential new Facebook followers. 

The secret to getting new followers isn’t always about building an audience but also about building your brand. And creating great content regularly in a popular format can help you build a stronger following. 

So if you want to increase Facebook likes, you’re going to need to step up your video content strategy.

Some of the biggest ecommerce brands don’t engage with their customers. That gives even the smallest retailer a huge competitive advantage.  

But engaging with your community isn’t only about customer service like responding to questions about delivery times. It’s also about building relationships. And there’s no better way to do that than to be a bit playful or respond in a way where the customer feels like they’re chatting with their buddies. 

Netflix is a great example of a brand on Facebook that regularly engages with customers. Their comments are almost always hilarious which makes you want to engage with the brand.

 By engaging with your followers, their friends might end up following you as a result.

Pro tip: Besides engaging with people commenting on your Facebook business page, you can join relevant Facebook groups and contribute to the discussions around interesting topics.

16. Hashtag It Up

While “hashtag” makes most people think about Twitter or Instagram, you can also increase followers on Facebook by using hashtags in your Facebook posts.  

When it comes to hashtags, there are two key approaches. You can either use a literal hashtag like #fashion for a fashion post, or you can use an audience-focused hashtag like Sephora does. 

This Sephora post isn’t about #fitspo (fitness inspiration) at all. But they likely used the hashtag to attract users who are interested in fitness inspiration to their brand. 

In this case, the hashtag helps Sephora reach a new audience with their post – an audience that could potentially become Facebook followers.

17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page

The whole point of getting Facebook followers is to get sales. With the Facebook Likes Popup app, you can offer customers a coupon if they like your page. 

So not only do you get a potential new audience member, but the customer can redeem the coupon to get a discount on their purchase. 

This exit intent app is perfect for those who are looking to gain social proof on their Facebook page and maybe score a couple sales too.

18. Get Tagged by Customers

After a product has been delivered to your customer, send an email (if they accepted marketing) and ask them to tag you when they post their photos. 

People often share their products on social media and getting tagged by customers can help you get more Facebook followers… and more sales. 

The audience pull will be smaller, but this word of mouth marketing is more impactful since it’s authentic.


Now you have the lowdown on how to increase followers on Facebook. 

There have been a lot of big changes happening at Facebook over the past few months, but that doesn’t make Facebook any less of a powerhouse. 

It’s still the most popular social platform. And their 2.60 billion monthly active users is no joke. 

All these users can translate into huge growth opportunities if you play your cards right.

Hopefully, some of these tips help you increase the number of Facebook followers you have  so you can keep smashing your business goals.

Here's a summary of how to gain Facebook followers

How do you get followers on Facebook?
  1. Run Facebook Ads
  2. Invite People to Like Your Page
  3. Create Viral Content
  4. Host a Giveaway
  5. Post Attention Grabbing Content
  6. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
  7. Try Out Facebook Live
  8. Partner with an Influencer
  9. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
  10. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
  11. Add a Facebook Like Widget
  12. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
  13. Email Your List
  14. Create More Video Content
  15. Engage with Your Community
  16. Hashtag It Up
  17. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
  18. Get Tagged by Customers

How to organically increase Facebook likes?
  1. Post Attention Grabbing Content
  2. Try Out Facebook Live
  3. Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity
  4. Add a Facebook Like Widget
  5. Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website
  6. Email Your List
  7. Create More Video Content
  8. Engage with Your Community

How to boost Facebook likes fast?
  1. Run Facebook Ads
  2. Create Viral Content
  3. Host a Giveaway
  4. Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up
  5. Partner with an Influencer
  6. Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages
  7. Engage with Your Community
  8. Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page
  9. Get Tagged by Customers

How many Facebook followers do you have? Comment below!

Want to Learn More?
  • 10 Facebook Trends That You Need To Know [Infographic]
  • How to Get More Followers on Instagram
  • How to Set Up a Facebook Shop
  • 10 Things You Can’t Advertise on Facebook

5 Best Places To Get Free Facebook Followers in 2021

Table of Contents

  1. What We Did to Find the Best
  2. Top 5 Services to Get Free FB Followers in 2021
  3. Providers Comparison Table (Key Features)
  4. Pros and Cons
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. The Final Word

What We Did to Find the Best

Finding the best tools to get Facebook followers fast free is not easy. There are many tools that promise to give excellent marketing service for likes or fans. But finding a business who truly does so is difficult. Fortunately, we are experts in the field of social media and have examined the top tools. First, we looked for what previous users post. There are many who write fake reviews for money. But we did not consider them. Then, we analyzed the tools using standard metrics.

Metrics We Calculated:

  • Features Score (functions, supported platforms, etc.) – 0-10 score
  • Ease of Use Score (user-friendliness) – 0-10
  • Price Score (affordability) – 0-10
  • Support Score (means, attentiveness) – 0-10
  • Trust Score (quality, delivery, retention, and safety metrics) – 0-10

This info allowed us to get an impression of the good and bad aspects of each tool. We averaged the score and gave each tool a final mark. The one that got 50 points received 5 stars. And so, it was ranked first. The second best one was the second, and so on. We share our impressions on each service below.

Being on Facebook is key for any social media campaign. Our aim is helping marketers do this wisely and effectively. For that, they will need to increase the number of followers and likes on their page. To learn which are the top places to get facebook followers free, read on.

1. Like4like: Exchange Interactions

Rating 4.6/5

This is one of the top companies to grow the number of fans. This network helps persons who share similar interests, like pets, to get in contact. In this way, they can follow each other and get a free facebook follower. Of course, all of this is done respecting the 2021 terms of use and policies. So, people should not be afraid of getting banned. All the traffic is organic, as no bots are used for this.


  • Completely free
  • Many users like it
  • They also offer likes
  • Show relevant media
  • Very safe


  • Slow delivery
  • Not good for big companies

This is also one of the safest Facebook marketing services out there. They assure clients that their data will be totally safe in their databases. It is not going to be sold to anyone. The fact that this company does not ask for usernames or passwords also helps with this. The procedure is simple. One only has to register and start getting in contact with others. All previous clients like this network and claim it to work very well.


2. KingdomLikes: Boost Your Popularity

Rating 4.3/5

This business focuses on the exchange of fans at no cost. This started first with a like system known as like4like to login. And now it is also available for fans. This company has a reward mechanism. First, one has to contact and follow many accounts they could find interesting. In this way, clients earn points. These can be exchanged for the right to post one’s page on the site. This means that no bots will take part in the process.


  • Matches people based on what they post
  • The service is free
  • Many clients want it
  • The team gives a good guide
  • Organic traffic


  • Many users did not review it
  • Slow customer service

This tool for free Instagram followers is a no-brainer, and if people like that tool, they can opt for purchasing more real followers from the website. There are several different packages available, so there’s a price to meet any budget. Another great benefit to Famoid is that they’re not just on IG. They work on the major networks so businesses can create accounts on Facebook and Twitter, too. This could lead to even greater growth and a smarter online presence.


3. Wefbee: Get Others to Know You

Rating 4.2/5

This tool allows getting an unlimited number of fans in a safe way. Their algorithm was updated recently. And they did it from scratch. In this way, the developers could revamp the code to make it safer than ever. The people at Wefbee also assure their clients that their data will not be used for any other purpose than the one stated in their policies. Not even for spam, which is a great relief.


  • Safe code
  • Protects info
  • No spam
  • No need to pay
  • Fast delivery


  • Slow customer service
  • Not many opinions from previous users

Wefbee also takes pride in its speed of delivery. They are one of the fastest services in the field to login. And all of this is total without charge for life. The only aspect this provider should work on is the efficiency of its team. It takes quite long reply to messages. And on top of that, the customer care sometimes gives only generic answers. Yet, there are many reasons why this tool should be considered.

4. Facebook Social Toolkit: Match with Others

Rating 4.2/5

This extension for Chrome allows automatizing the following of sites. Have in mind that this is not the usual type of bot. It is not related to fake accounts. Rather, they work by liking many pages at once. Many of these will probably want to do the same in return. This means that the account runs no risk. As this does not go against Facebook’s 2021 policies, there is no risk of getting banned.


  • Free for everyone
  • Many users like it
  • Also gives likes
  • Scheduled delivery
  • One can follow the profiles they want


  • The team does not guide much
  • Works best only in English

One of the best features is that it allows delaying the delivery. In this way, no one could suspect that the Facebook account is getting help to increase followers. One can also customize the type of pages they want to follow and share. Clients can either state the name or only the niche. This increases the probabilities of getting more fans. Yet, to work well, this tool needs to be set up in English. So it might not be the top choice for some international clients.

5. GiveMeFollowers: Get Higher Numbers

Rating 3.6/5

GiveMeFollowers is a social media tool to get free facebook followers. This vendor shine for their speed of delivery. It is possible to increase the number of fans in less than one week. The good part is that these are not fake accounts. They are real users interested in the niche. What is more, most of them come from rich countries, like the USA. So their purchasing power is very high.


  • Previous clients review it as good
  • Filters unrelated users
  • Totally free
  • Allows getting rich fans
  • They give likes


  • Delivery could be faster
  • Not suited for small brands

This tool has some very nice reviews from previous clients. They all like its customer care. The team does its best to guide all clients to solve their problems. It is also nice to know that this provider does not use bots. All the traffic is organic and relevant. In other words, it helps to attract the followers that the brand is looking for. So, if one needs fans from a specific country or who share specific interests, there will be no problem.

5 Best Places to Get Free Facebook Followers (Key Features)

Recommended Sites


From 0-5




Rate, %


Rate (0-5)


Rate (0-5)


Rate (0-5)
1. Like4like 4.6/5 Free 92% 5/5 5/5 5/5
2. KingdomLikes 4.3/5 Free 86% 4/5 5/5 5/5
3. Wefbee 4.2/5 Free 84% 4/5 5/5 4/5
4. Facebook Social Toolkit 4.1/5 Free 86% 4/5 4/5 4/5
5. GiveMeFollowers 3.9/5 Free 88% 3/5 3/5 4/5

Pros & Cons of Getting Free Facebook Followers

Getting free Facebook followers and likes with these tools is a great option for many campaigns. Though, of course, it also has some drawbacks. So, those who plan on hiring these services should consider every possible aspect. In this way, they will know if this the appropriate course of action for them.


  • Become more reliable. Users check how many followers one page has before liking it to see if they can trust it.
  • Learn from others. As these tools link similar pages, it is possible to know more about the field to improve one’s techniques.
  • Protect your budget. All these tools are completely free, so there is nothing to lose.
  • Increase organic traffic. There are no bots or fake accounts involved here; all followers are real.
  • Comply with Facebook’s 2021 policies. There are no rules saying anything against these services.


  • Slow delivery. It may take some time to increase the number of followers with some tools.
  • Poor support. Some services do not guide users.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Free FB Fans Reliable to Use?

Yes. These tools work by connecting real persons. There are no bots involved. So, there is no risk of getting banned by Facebook. It is just two persons interested in each other’s business. It does not go against any policy of 2021. Also, as these people match because they find the niche interesting, there is not much risk of losing followers. On the contrary, these users might even become long term clients. What is more, as all of them are free, there are no chances of getting scammed.

Are Free Facebook Fans Good for Small Businesses?

Yes, they are. Businesses that are just getting started need to grow. And being active in social networks is key for this. As Facebook is one of the top platforms, marketers need to get fans there. Yet, this may be difficult for beginners. Users only trust pages with many interactions, as this shows that the content is of high quality. Here is where getting free followers comes into play. Having many of them will lead people to believe that the content of the page is interesting.

How to See Who Likes Your Page on Facebook?

This is very easy to do. First, one has to go to their Facebook profile page. There, click on the “friends” button, right under the cover photo. Then, select more, and go to the “followers” section. To allow people to follow the page, one has to go to settings. Go to the left bar of the site, and click on public posts. If one selects “public”, then all posts will be available for those who are interested.

Is It Better to Buy Facebook Fans or Use Free Ones?

This will depend on the needs and resources of each brand. Getting free followers might require a bit more time. These tools work by connecting people who post similar things. So one has to follow other pages for them to do the same. This may be more time consuming, but it is also more budget friendly. When paying for this, on the other hand, everything is usually automated. This means that one can set it and forget about it. But this could be pricey for many marketers.

Will Free FB Fans Be Dropped with Time?

This depends, but probably not. The reason why this is not likely to happen is how the system works. When using these services, one gets organic followers. Most apps couple users that are in the same niche. In this way, there is a high chance of them being interested in each other’s post. So, if the content is engaging, these persons have no motive to stop liking the site. Actually, they may even recommend it to their contacts in the field and gain more fans over time.

The Final Word

Social media is a key part of any marketing campaign. Yet, using effectively is not easy. To grow a profile, marketers need to get Facebook followers for free. This is because users only see the content of pages with many fans. So, it is a cycle. Without a high number of them, it is hard to increase it. And that is the reason why so many brands want to hire these tools.

Published: September 01, 2019Updated: January 18, 2021

Matt Robinson

Matt is an experienced technical writer and translator skilled in writing targeted texts for a variety of audiences. He has a diversified background, including social media management of various products. He is a data-driven strategist and a passionate story-teller. He posts about all social innovations and delivers high-quality research and content to our readers.

100 Facebook followers for free +500 likes

Is it possible to increase the number of Facebook followers for free? Well, of course. It's simple? Yes, it's relatively simple. But harder than a few years ago. Do you want to know what to do so that subscribers love your page and work actively? In the article you will find detailed information on how to get followers on Facebook in 2021. Free or for a small fee.

I. How to get Facebook followers for free

The process of increasing the number of friends on the page should be consistent with the broader strategy of operations on Facebook. It is based on a well-thought-out algorithm for the operation of this social platform, but that's not about that now.

A subscriber is a person who has subscribed to receive interesting information. In other words, a subscriber is a person who is interested in someone and has allowed them to regularly send themselves some new useful information. As soon as he no longer likes the source of information, he has the opportunity to unsubscribe, in which case he will never receive these messages again.

So, who needs subscribers? They are needed primarily by people running a business. For them, a subscriber is a potential client from whom they will make a buyer of their goods or services. There is a struggle for a subscriber.

1. Free Ways to Get Followers

There are many techniques that will allow a Facebook page author to achieve their goal of getting more followers. However, it is worth remembering that it doesn’t really matter how many subscribers you have, but how active they are. Or in other words: how seriously they are interested in receiving and sharing information on pages on a social network.

The basic rules, of course, are the same as everywhere on social platforms:

• actively manage your page, the more posts, the more likes and comments;
• create content for people. The better the information, the larger your audience will be, which will ultimately lead to an increase in the number of subscribers.
That's all the banal truth.

2. Like a post - the beginning of gaining a subscriber

An invitation to like a page is the main technological method of gaining subscribers. To begin with, you can ask friends and acquaintances to like the message, but moderately and not all, but those who, one way or another, are interested in the topic of the post.

3. Using communities and groups

It's as old as the world, like Facebook groups. The method consists in the fact that the author of the page joins a group related to his subject and begins to share his posts there. It is best to join the group from the interested page by clicking on the "Join Group" button. Then it will be possible to invite everyone who reacts to the publication to like it.

After joining the group, we publish posts that are not promotional. Our goal is only to get people to like the post, not to immediately advertise our products.

4. How to find groups where you can share related information

The easiest way is to enter a related keyword into the Facebook search engine and manually view the results. There is no way to tell exactly which size groups will work best. Sometimes small groups have such a committed community that they produce great results. You must check this yourself. Fortunately, the tests won't cost us too much. Just a few minutes of work.

As soon as we find a group where we can share our messages, we check other pages that are published in the group. Usually their owners are not limited to one group and this way you can find a lot of cool groups and create your own base. In the future, it will help to collect subscribers to your page.

5. Pay attention to the activity of the group

Firstly, you cannot join a new group from your page (administrators of this group can disable this option). You can not repost for each group from your page. To do this, you need to go to the group. You should familiarize yourself with the rules of this group in advance or just check how users work there.

Group moderators check the content. For this reason, it should not be overtly promotional. Share something interesting, funny or useful - then there will be more chances to pass moderation.

Be sure to check the activity of the group members. Sometimes the author of the group collects it by paid methods to create a solid visibility. There can be several hundred users, but there is no activity. If the members of the group were bought, then they simply earn money on this and will never enter the group again. Such a group is dead and there is no benefit from it.

If the group is small and not growing, it is of little use either, as there is very little activity. People will react less and less to each subsequent post, since there are few new users in the group. Therefore, you need to have many groups and use them in turn.

6. Commenting on posts on the pages of sites

Another free way to get subscribers in FB is commenting on posts on the pages of similar sites. But to be honest, this is entertainment for really persistent people.

Active commenting does something, but it's so tiring that you usually don't want to waste time just to get a few people involved. Of course, there are times when you just want to comment on a topic.

Then it's better to do it on a Facebook page because there is more chance that someone will visit your page. On the other hand, comments build relationships with site owners. This may pave the way for cooperation in the future. For example, the site administrator will mark information about your Facebook page with hashtags.

In any case, this is a weak method that you can rely on when promoting your Facebook page.

Commenting on websites that have the Facebook comment plugin is slightly more efficient. Because such a comment will hang for a long time, which increases the chance that someone will go to the author's Facebook page.

II. Paid methods for gaining active subscribers

And thus we have exhausted the possibilities of free acquisition of subscribers. But don't worry: you can always reach into your wallet and simplify the whole process. So, is it worth it or not? To answer this question, you need to divide the authors of the Facebook pages into people using the social platform for communication and people using it for business.

Businessmen have been holding tight to Facebook lately. They buy up old accounts with subscribers, rent accounts for their activities. If earlier people invested money only for the sake of their image, now for the sake of profit.

1. We buy subscribers on advertising exchanges.

Most Facebook users still use it to communicate. Therefore, they try to increase the performance of their page: likes on posts, subscription to the page, comments. They do this for several reasons.

Image problems. Everyone wants to look presentable in the eyes of other people. And, a celebrity or just a serious person with 6 subscribers and 71 likes on the pages does not look solid.

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In addition, psychologists have proven that people are more inclined to trust the opinions of famous people, therefore, when there are high numbers of subscriptions and likes on the pages of local stars, they themselves subscribe and put likes.

1. Paid advertising likes, subscriptions and comments

Many marketers believe that paid advertising for page development does not make sense. And it's really hard to deny their point of view. Paying to get subscribers that will only count seems like a pointless idea. However, many ordinary people do not think so, probably because they are not marketers.

In fact, to keep up the spirit and motivation to be active in your Facebook account, especially at the beginning, it is worth using paid advertising to build your subscriber base. It should be relatively cheap advertising. This technology will allow you to quickly go through the most difficult stage, when the page has few subscribers, and people do not have confidence in the project.

Buying page metrics is the easiest thing to do today. When there is demand, supply immediately appears. There are many advertising exchanges on the Internet, where by paying money you can get a service related to cheating subscribers on the Facebook social network.

And so, we find an advertising exchange, register, replenish the account, order the service. For example, subscribers. The exchange guarantees that all subscribers will be real people. The way it is. Work performers are people who are paid for work performed. The customer only needs to specify the number of digits that he wants to receive for his page.

For example, 340 followers and 760 likes. Having paid a little money, he sees the result within a day.

In reality, the indicators of the page have grown and warm the soul. But here it should be noted that these indicators are fake, since none of the people who liked or subscribed read the information on the page. The list of subscribers will even include foreigners who do not speak Russian.

However, this does not matter to the author of the page. He is less interested in users, he cares about his rating and authority, which provide him with numbers on the page.

2. Paid advertising to get active subscribers

Today the role of social networks has changed dramatically, business has entered here. Where there are businessmen, there is money. And, money makes sales, and the more money, the higher the income. Sales require buyers. That's what infobusinessmen are trying to buy into their subscription base.

Gathering a permanent audience and reorienting it to business is very important. How to do it? Firstly, you need to understand that now it is almost impossible to collect a permanent subscription base in any social network without investing funds.

Facebook is no exception. Therefore, in order to collect a subscription base, at least a few thousand people who are interested in the topic, subscribe to the page and become active users, then you need to invest in advertising.

The easiest way to do this is to set up an advertising campaign in your Facebook ad account and set the engagement goal there. That is, this is exactly the goal that is needed to engage people as subscribers to your page. After the ad is launched, likes and comments will go to the advertised post.

To check the result, click on the number of likes option and here we see the people who put on this post. Opposite the name of each person there is an invite button. One has only to click on this button, these people become subscribers. This is a life hack that not everyone knows, but it allows you to quickly collect an audience of regular subscribers.

3. News that made businessmen happy

More recently, Facebook has undergone changes that give businessmen the opportunity to gain unlimited followers. Before that, subscribers could have no more than five thousand. What has changed on the page? A button to allow subscription appeared on the interface. We follow our friends automatically.

But now people who are not friends can subscribe to the post. What does it give? Each user who becomes a friend automatically becomes a subscriber. And those people who are not friends can subscribe, thanks to the button to allow the subscription to be activated.

In fact, with every ad, whether it's a remarketing campaign or a traffic-driven campaign, attract new people. It's worth developing the habit of inviting everyone who has responded to your post. It really works.


As you can see, getting Facebook followers is very easy, both free and paid.

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Subscribers 1000 subscribers on YouTube free 9000 there is a group on facebook, it is extremely important that there is an opportunity to attract new customers to the page quickly and, preferably, for free.

A facebook group is, as a rule, not only and not so much stories about goods or services, but a direct conversation with participants, which motivates them much more than advertising brochures. This is the only way to convince a person of the merits of a product in our difficult time, when people believe more in the thinness of their wallet than in the beautiful speeches of marketers. A group whose promotion is so adapted will be able to stay on the market.

How to get followers on Facebook using the program for free?

If a twitter page can only spread information, a Facebook group can help company representatives send private messages. This is the beauty of such a method as cheating likes, reposts on Facebook. Cheat is carried out with the help of programs. The twist is indirect. The Brobot app sends a private message. A friend or subscriber reads this message and, if interested, subscribes to the group. He will like posts. This is the indirect twist. It is much more efficient than direct.

The Brobot application does not yet fully support facebook. Cheating is carried out only in a special experimental mode. It's easy to turn it on. Getting likes and reposts with the help of Brobot is easy. It's absolutely free, and most importantly, it's easy. What to do if you have a facebook group that you would like to promote?

  • close Brobot if active
  • navigate to the folder where the application files are stored
  • then go to data folder
  • open file with parameters
  • add the line "experimental=true" there
  • close and save file
  • restart Brobot
  • Select the "Facebook" option from the corresponding menu.

What are the advantages of page wrapping with Brobot?

By connecting Brobot to your page, you can easily set up the page so that every friend or visitor likes your posts. The program will produce a certain activity and expect reciprocity.

Why does it work? Reciprocity is a very popular principle on the Internet. Wrapping in this way is effective. According to statistics, more than half of all users who receive a personalized request with a first and last name, interests, etc., showing that the group admin is allegedly interested in the client, will subscribe to the group and track its further fate.

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