How to get a celebrity attention on instagram

How to Get a Celebrity to Notice Your DM

Do you want to see your favorite superstar respond to your DM but having trouble finding out how to get a celebrity to notice your DM?

Then you’re reading the right blog.

Getting your favorite celebrity or any of them, in general, to notice your DM can be pretty challenging.

And it’s obvious why; most celebrities have hundreds of thousands of followers and are flooded with lots of direct messages every day.

Even if their accounts are run mainly by several social media managers, which is the case in most scenarios, they still wouldn’t respond to each and every DM.

Not to mention that celebrities’ primary focus is reaching out to sponsors and potential business partners. Which makes it even more difficult for ordinary people to get their attention.

So the idea of getting a celebrity to notice your DM and reply to it is a bit unlikely to happen.

But hold on a moment; we didn’t write this blog to feed you some bad news and discourage you.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite; in this article, we’re going to hell you on how to get a celebrity to notice your DM.

Now let’s hit you with the good news.

However hard it might be, getting a famous public figure to notice your DM is actually possible.

In general, there are some tips you should follow to get a celebrity to notice your DM:

  1. Make sure your IG account looks legit
  2. Arouse his/her curiosity
  3. Use your sense of humor
  4. DM consistently

So let’s get started and explain each tip in detail.


  • 1 4 Tips on How to Get a Celebrity to Notice Your DM
    • 1.1 1. Make Sure Your IG Account Looks Legit
    • 1.2 2. Arouse His/Her Curiosity
    • 1.3 3. Use Your Sense of Humor
    • 1.4 4. DM Consistently
  • 2 In Summary

4 Tips on How to Get a Celebrity to Notice Your DM

If you carefully follow the tips below, then you’re likely to get your favorite celebrity to engage with you.

None of them are rocket science and pretty easy to understand.

But indeed helpful to get you closer to what you want.

Implement them carefully, and you’ll experience that feeling of excitement in your guts when the notification from a celebrity pops up on your cell phone’s screen.


Make Sure Your IG Account Looks Legit

The first thing you want to do is to set up your Instagram account in a way that’s aesthetically appealing and a public one.

Now you’re wondering how is having a well-defined profile can help you get a celebrity to notice your DM?

The main reason for this is if the celebrity decides to respond to your DM, they’re assured that your account isn’t fake.

With the advent of Instagram bots, lots of fake accounts are out there on the platform.

And really nobody, not just celebrities, want to even glance at a fake profile, let alone engaging with it.

So get started with setting up your IG account.

You can do this by:

  • Taking a picture of yourself and use it as a profile image
  • Writing a bio and describe yourself a bit
  • Sharing posts and stories consistently
  • Increasing your followers and connecting with others
  • Get help from a local social media marketing agency


Arouse His/Her Curiosity

The second thing you should do is capture the celebrity’s attention by asking a question or mentioning something valuable.

You really shouldn’t try to treat this process like a normal, everyday conversation you’d have with a friend.

Just get straight to the point by stating something interesting.

Avoid typing sentences like “How’s your day going?” or “I hope I’m not bothering you.” Never begin the conversation with such words.

You’re not writing a formal letter; you’re trying to get a celebrity to notice your DM.

Remember, it’s a whole different story when it comes to chatting on social media platforms and Instagram in this case.

Formality and structure don’t count here; friendliness and preciseness are what matters.

So be precise and concise when direct messaging them.

3. Use Your Sense of Humor

Besides being on the button in your direct message, you need to mix it up with humor.

Expressing your sense of humor when sending DM to your favorite public figure could further help you get their attention.

Let’s get help from a stand-up comedian to understand the importance of humor, not just in messaging but in our lives.

In a TED show, Andrew Tarvin tells us that humor is both a necessity and a skill.

Think about it, do you know anybody who doesn’t like to laugh? Could such a person really exist? That’s awfully hard to imagine.

We live in a world full of stress. We’re typically stressed out because of workload, studies, thoughts, and many other things.

Now imagine how celebrities feel. The weight of everything feels heavier for them.

So don’t you believe using an appropriate sense of humor could help you with getting them to notice your DM? It definitely could.


DM Consistently

Third, you should DM the celebrity regularly.

Be honest with yourself. You can’t succeed in getting a reply from your favorite superstar in one try.

As you might’ve already imagined, a celebrity’s number of DM’s is usually +99.

Even if they wanted to, they still wouldn’t have been able to respond to all of them.

Think of it as a game of chance where you’re sort of competing with others.

Besides being to the point and humorous, you should constantly be sending DMs to your favorite celebrity.

Pay attention; this differs from being spammy. Don’t go overboard with sending DMs, because there are limitations to the number of Instagram DMs you can send per day.

It’s enough to just send a single direct message or two per day.

As we said, it’s a game of chance, and you must do your best in regularly trying your luck.

In Summary

Much of our discussion so far focused around on how to get a celebrity to notice your DM.

But let’s sum it up with the benefits of getting noticed by them.

Getting a public figure to notice your DM and respond to it can help you:

  • Gain authenticity and fame
  • Grow your followers
  • Stand out among other accounts

Getting a celebrity’s attention is a tough challenge, but it’s definitely worth trying.

We hope you can use what we discussed to get positive results.

Feel free to leave a comment and let us know what we might’ve missed so we can include it/them in future updates.

Five Ways To Get Noticed By A Celebrity On Instagram


The Golden Rule: Be as obnoxious as possible.

by Estelle Tang  1 July 2014

Want more Junkee in your life? Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us.

When I started my Instagram account, I duly followed all of my friends. Check out that weird thing Phoebe did in Japan! Mim is having a picnic in Geelong or whatever! Ron put a pig in a tub, what a guy! You know, keeping up. But I also added a bunch of celebrities to ensure I had enough life-draining jealousy going on.

Very quickly, I realised the comments people leave on famous people’s Instagram posts are way more entertaining than the photos themselves. Aside from the utterly anodyne statements — any model’s Insta comments are guaranteed to be littered with “wow”, “beautiful”, or the heart-eyes emoji — I quickly started noticing other, more interesting trends. Let me take you through my favourite ways people try to get noticed on Instagram.

#1: State The Bloody Obvious

Below is a cute snap of The Mindy Project’s Mindy Kaling in front of her computer: pink shirt, smiling, natural make-up, informative caption. All cool. Was it so interesting that it moved me to comment? No, although maybe I wanna buy a pink shirt now and also a swivel chair. Also a house. Goddammit Mindy.

Below is a sampling of the comments she received.

They range from well-meaning girl-boosting (“Lookin like a bad bitch Mindy!”) to spammy (“Visiting NY?”), but my favourite here is “Great makeup”. I mean, you’re one of 9865 (and counting) commenters here; try harder, or don’t not bother.

“That’s your colour”. Really? Is this comment so important that you want the world to know you wrote it? Do you think Mindy Kaling is going to look at it and want to be friends? I just don’t know what the purpose of this communication is. I don’t even comment on my friends’ make-up if I think it looks nice. Does that make me a bad person?

#2: Actually Talk To The Celebrity As If He Or She Is Reading

Celebrities receive many, many comments on each of their photos. One of Kim Kardashian’s wedding photos, for instance, hit 51,000 — more than this incredible shot of her wedding dress, which scored a measly 10,000. I think it’s safe to say that she isn’t reading all of them; I think it’s even safe to say her assistant isn’t reading all (or any) of them.

So it amuses me no end when commenters address their comments to the celebrity personally. Let’s head back to Mindy Kaling:

Please see the final comment in the list above.  “Wish i needed a jacket today”. This is great. Did wearing a jacket become a thing overnight? What is so good about wearing a jacket? I actually hate wearing jackets. You have to take them off when you’re inside and then carry them around. “Whew! Hot hotness!”

Did the commenter just want to connect with Mindy Kaling on a personal level? If so, this is some super-arbitrary and not very fascinating conversation-starting. Why not: “OMG you have a face I have a face too!”, or “All made up of atoms today AMIRITE????”

Here, meanwhile, is a man who really wants to meet Kate Upton.

And hey super famous person, when is the next episode of your extremely popular show coming out in my unspecified country on a channel I don’t know the name of?

#3. Offer Ungrammatical Declarations Of Sexual Interest

I’m not actually a huge fan of people who call people out on typos and grammatical issues generally, but I feel my mirth is justified when LOLing at the comments left by dudes from around the world on photos of women they want. There is something about the expression of lust in a second language (or third, or fourth — I’m well aware these people are probably more linguistically skilled than I am) that’s just really funny.

One example of this, which I screenshotted a while back, comes from “belfie” (that’s “butt selfie” to you) star Jen Selter.

I just love these top two comments. The first is kind of touchingly poignant: “She is sexy, is she ?”. With additional space before the question mark and uncertain syntax, it reminds me of the Key and Peele sketch where an alien is trying to work out how to talk to chicks with other dudes.

The second one should be printed on a square of Sexy Monopoly or something.

#4. Be Insulting In A Fairly Weird Way  

Some people are straight-up horrible to celebrities on Instagram, but I don’t want to deal with trolls here. More interesting are the weirder insults, the kinds that sound like they come from your passive-aggressive and least-favourite co-worker. I noticed this little gem on Poh’s account the other day.


#5: Just Be As Completely Tone-Deaf As Possible

In the below post, Lena Dunham’s caption indicates that she had a pretty bad day, and is eating pizza to make herself feel better. It’s a fairly specific message — yet catfairy28 managed to completely circumvent it, to compliment the Girls star on her skin.

A classic conversational move worthy of my great-aunt Jenny, who thankfully does not exist.

“Aunt Jenny, I am depressed and can’t get a job.”

“Estelle, you can do such a great impression of an elk!”

Oh, Aunt Jenny.

Thus concludes my rundown of the types of Instagram comments I enjoy the most. Please alert me to any types I may have missed. Until then, Godspeed, and go to making love forever.

Estelle Tang is a writer and editor living in New York. She tweets from @waouwwaouw.

Want more Junkee in your life? Sign up to our newsletter, and follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook so you always know where to find us.

tagsInstagram Kim Kardashian Mindy Kaling


How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram. Your favorite actor has finally followed Instagram Would you like to let him know that you admire and respect him? Have you followed an influencer on Instagram and would like to be noticed? If so, don't worry, I'm here to give you advice on this.

If you are wondering how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram, In the following chapters of this guide, you will find some useful tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram using the tools that the famous photographic social network provides you.

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  • 1 How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram
    • 1.1 Follow the profile
    • 1.2 Reply to stories
    • 1.3 Comment on posts
    • 1.4 Send18 a private message


    • 2 More tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram

    How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram


    Follow the profile of

    The first thing you can do to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram is without a doubt follow him to show him that you are his follower.

    To get started, start Instagram that you downloaded in Android (For Play Store or alternative stores) and iPhone (from the App Store) to log into your account. Or you can log in to Instagram from a PC by connecting to the web version of the social network.

    In this step, identify the person you are interested in using Finder from instagram magnifying glass icon located at the bottom of the social network application or at the top in its web version), writing your own username in the text box and clicking the corresponding search result.

    Now to follow this person on Instagram, you just have to press the button to follow . From now on, you will see all the contents of the new person.

    Reply to Stories

    As I just said, the first solution you can implement to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to interact with the content you post. For example, you can start with History.

    You can see the Instagram stories of the users you follow both through the social networking application and from your computer through the official Instagram website.

    In any case, all you have to do is log into your account and go to the section dedicated to Stories of located in the main menu of the social network, which is characterized by round icons showing profile pictures of users on which you signed.

    Then tap (or click) these icons to view all the stories you follow that are posted by users and they will be tracked automatically. To see, in particular, the story posted by the user you are interested in, I suggest you go to his profile.

    Then write your username in the Instagram search engine and on your account screen tap your avatar : New stories will appear every time your profile thumbnail shows red edge .

    So, I suggest you interact with stories if there are interaction elements such as questions or polls. The user posting the stories will actually know who is interacting with them and this can definitely be a way to get noticed.

    You can also reply to stories with message regardless of whether there are questions or surveys. In this case, touch the text field Send message is located below the history and click SEND send it.

    Comment on

    posts Another tip I want to give you to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to comment on their posts. In fact, celebrities tend to get a lot of messages and find it difficult to reply to everything.

    However, commenting on their posts is easier to get noticed because fewer people interact with them. Also, if your comment is really interesting, it may get a few likes and therefore be seen by the VIP on duty.

    If you don't know how to comment on a post on Instagram, please log into your account through the social network application or through its official website, find the profile and post posted by the user you are interested in, and then click the button from cartoon icon . to see all comments. Now write your comment in the text box shown below and click the SEND button to send it.

    Send a private message

    After meeting a famous person you are interested in, you can try to get his attention by sending him a private message (although, as already mentioned, it is difficult to get attention in this way). However, if you have previously contacted the user, you may be more likely to receive a response.

    Therefore, firstly, log in to Instagram through the mobile phone application or through its official website, then click The Airplane icon is located in the upper right corner. Then, in the menu that appears, tap pencil and paper icon and enter the name of the user you want to contact in the next text box.

    Then refer to the text box below to write your message text and click the SEND button to send it.

    A Few More Tips for Getting the Famous Person's Attention on Instagram

    After following all the tips I've covered in the previous chapters, would you like other useful tips to be noticed by the famous person on Instagram?

    • Don't be pushy and be patient : If you contact a very famous person on Instagram, it will be difficult for him to reply to you, or at least to do it in a short time. Therefore, I advise you to be patient and not insist. Don't keep posting his other messages if he doesn't reply to you right away: otherwise, you may get the opposite effect of what you want, and in fact, in the worst case, you may even be blocked.

    • Be nice and polite : One of the general pieces of advice I want to give you is to always be kind and polite to people, whether in private or in public. Good manners always come first and are the foundation of any relationship and communication.

    • Don't make grammatical mistakes or use abbreviations : A good grammar and spelling domain is definitely a great calling card. So, pay attention to the form of the messages you send, otherwise your attempts to get attention may lead to mindfulness, but from a negative rather than a positive point of view.

    How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

    How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram. Your favorite actor has finally followed Instagram Would you like to let him know that you admire and respect him? Have you followed an influencer on Instagram and would like to be noticed? If so, don't worry, I'm here to give you advice on this.

    If you are interested, how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram, In the following chapters of this guide, you will find some useful tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram using the tools that the famous photographic social network provides you.


    • 1 How to get famous person's attention on Instagram
      • 1.1 Follow profile
      • 1.2 Reply to stories
      • 1.3 Comment on posts
      • 1.4 Send a private message
    • 2 Some more tips on how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram

    How to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram

    If you are wondering how to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram , let me give you Here are some tips that I hope are helpful.

    Follow the profile of

    The first thing you can do to get the attention of a famous person on Instagram is without a doubt follow him to show him that you are his follower.

    To get started, start Instagram that you downloaded in Android (For Play Store or alternative stores) and iPhone (from the App Store) to log into your account. Or you can log in to Instagram from a PC by connecting to the web version of the social network.

    In this step, identify the person you are interested in using Finder from instagram magnifying glass icon located at the bottom of the social network application or at the top in its web version), writing your own username in the text box and clicking the corresponding search result.

    Now to follow this person on Instagram, you just have to press the button to follow . From now on, you will see all the contents of the new person.

    Reply to Stories

    As I just said, the first solution you can implement to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to interact with the content you post. For example, you can start with History.

    You can see the Instagram stories of the users you follow both through the social networking application and from your computer through the official Instagram website.

    In any case, all you have to do is log into your account and go to the section dedicated to Stories of located in the main menu of the social network, which is characterized by round icons showing profile pictures of users on which you signed.

    Then tap (or click) these icons to view all the stories you follow that are posted by users and they will be tracked automatically. To see, in particular, the story posted by the user you are interested in, I suggest you go to his profile.

    Then write your username in the Instagram search engine and on your account screen tap your avatar : New stories will appear every time your profile thumbnail shows red edge .

    So, I suggest you interact with stories if there are interaction elements such as questions or polls. The user posting the stories will actually know who is interacting with them and this can definitely be a way to get noticed.

    You can also reply to stories with message regardless of whether there are questions or surveys. In this case, touch the text field Send message is located below the history and click SEND send it.

    Comment on

    posts Another tip I want to give you to get a famous person to notice you on Instagram is to comment on their posts. In fact, celebrities tend to get a lot of messages and find it difficult to reply to everything.

    However, commenting on their posts is easier to get noticed because fewer people interact with them. Also, if your comment is really interesting, it may get a few likes and therefore be seen by the VIP on duty.

    If you don't know how to comment on a post on Instagram, please log into your account through the social network application or through its official website, find the profile and post posted by the user you are interested in, and then click the button from cartoon icon . to see all comments. Now write your comment in the text box shown below and click the SEND button to send it.

    Send a private message

    After meeting a famous person you are interested in, you can try to get his attention by sending him a private message (although, as already mentioned, it is difficult to get attention in this way). However, if you have previously contacted the user, you may be more likely to receive a response.

    Therefore, firstly, log in to Instagram through the mobile phone application or through its official website, then click The Airplane icon is located in the upper right corner. Then, in the menu that appears, tap pencil and paper icon and enter the name of the user you want to contact in the next text box.

    Then refer to the text box below to write your message text and click the SEND button to send it.

    A Few More Tips for Getting the Famous Person's Attention on Instagram

    After following all the tips I've covered in the previous chapters, would you like other useful tips to be noticed by the famous person on Instagram?