How to gain recognition on instagram

How To Get Noticed On Instagram

Instagram is one of the biggest social networks. But why, as a business, do you need to join and start posting to “the grid”?

For starters, it’s one of the most personal social media networks. Those little square images can convey quite a bit about your brand, making you seem real and trustworthy.

Plus, Instagram is continually growing. Their growth is five times faster than any other social media platform, according to Social Media Today. Over 400 million people use Instagram daily, and over 600 million use it monthly.

It’s a vibrant place to be, and you can and should tap into its popularity and potential. Here are some ideas for how to do it.

Instagram (IG) is a powerful medium to expand your reach – but only if you use it the right way to get noticed.

1. Post Consistently, But Not Too Much

Brands that get noticed on the platform are consistent posters. At the same time, they don’t spam their followers with too many photos.

You need to post regularly if you expect to grow your followers and your reach. After all, nobody will be able to discover your account organically unless you put some content out there.

A good rule of thumb to follow for posting is one photo a day, max.

Post any more frequently, and you’ll get annoying. Any less, and you won’t be taking full advantage of your social media presence.

2. Don’t Pay for Engagement

IG’s algorithm can tell the difference between real users and bots.

“Bots” are automated services that many business accounts use to like posts, follow users, and even comment. It’s easy to see why people crunched for time take advantage, but it’s not a good practice.

For one, it builds inauthenticity, since you’re not actually engaging on a human level. For another, it violates IG’s terms of use, and you’ll get penalized for it. In particular, you’ll get “shadow banned,” which will directly hurt your engagement: Your content will pop up less on user feeds and discovery pages.

Just avoid paying for illegitimate engagement. Instead, work on getting it organically or through platform-based advertising for best results.

3. Post at the Right Times

Posting once a day isn’t the only important factor for getting noticed. You also need to post strategically, at the right times.

To get the highest amount of initial engagement, post when your target audience is most active. This time will vary depending on the demographics of your followers.

However, there are tools you can use to track when people are engaging and when you should post, like Owlmetrics.

This initial spurt of engagement from posting at the right time can help boost your post. This means it will show up higher in people’s feeds, getting more exposure and even more notice.

4. Post Content That’s Significant for Your Target Audience

When thinking about post content, tailor it for your audience. What do they want to see? Give it to them and watch the likes and comments roll in.

Inc. recommends using cultural triggers in your photos to appeal to your specific audience. For instance, if your targets are mostly millennials, you could give a nod to millennial nostalgia and post about a ‘90s trend or touchstone.

Inc. says this immediately forges an emotional connection between you and your followers, and that’s huge for engagement.

5. Include CTAs in Your Captions for Social Media Marketing

Yep, using calls-to-action (CTAs) is a great strategy for IG, too. A good CTA can be inspiring or encouraging enough that your followers will want to comment and like your posts.

For instance, asking questions encourages a flurry of activity in the comments. It can be as simple as inquiring what your followers are up to, or asking for their opinion about a certain topic.

You can also take an impromptu “poll” of your audience – make a relevant statement, then tell them to “like” your post if they agree with you.

6. Host an Instagram Contest

Hosting a contest is a great way to encourage engagement and get noticed on IG.

To start one, usually, you just need some swag. To announce the contest/giveaway, post a photo of it on your account and describe what the goods are.

For lots of engagement, require entrants to complete a number of tasks. They can like the photo, follow your account, and leave a comment, or tag a few friends in the comments. They can even repost the photo. Each task counts as an entry and increases their chances of winning.

For maximum impact, team up with another business account on the contest so you can share followers and engagement.

7. Use a Consistent Filter on Photos

Unsurprisingly, the IG accounts that get the most engagement and notice are consistent in every way. They:

  • Post consistently
  • Post consistent, relevant, interesting photos
  • Use consistent photo filters for a unified look

Yes, even your photo filters can contribute to the notice you get. For a unified brand look, stick to the same one or two filters to improve the look of your photos.

Don’t use a random array of photo edits – when people visit your feed to see what you’re about, your grid will look random, too.

In short, to draw them in, keep things consistent and unified, right down to the look of your photos.

Use Instagram to boost your Social Media Marketing

If you can get noticed on Instagram, you could boost your overall social media marketing results by leaps and bounds.

Cultivating your social presence, however, takes time and effort. You can’t use the easy way out, and you have to be consistent, above all.

IG is huge right now, and if you’re not yet taking advantage, what are you waiting for? There are hundreds of millions of people on the platform right now, and plenty would be ready and willing to follow your brand.

Get noticed the right way, and you could draw followers and grab engagement. Plus, more importantly, you’ll win conversions and customers.

Social media marketing can be easier with Thrive Internet Marketing Agency. We have the skills to set you apart from the pack. Give us a holler and find out what we can do for your social media presence and bottom line!

These 10 Tips Will Help You Get Noticed on Instagram

By Rob Nightingale


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If you only have a handful of followers on Instagram and aren't receiving the likes or comments that you want, these tips will definitely help.

Have you been using Instagram for a while with only have a handful of followers to show for it? Do you rarely receive likes and comments on your photos, despite your best efforts?

If so, these tips should help you make a splash and give you a better idea of how to get your Instagram profile noticed.

1. Upload Only Your Best Photos

Take a look at the people that you follow on Instagram. Unless they're friends, celebrities, or more practical Instagram accounts, you're likely following them because you love their photos. Put yourself in your followers' shoes. One way to get noticed on Instagram is to learn from their example and to only share photos with them that you, yourself, love.

When people land on your Instagram account, you'll want them to be blown away with your smartphone photography skills. This will not happen unless you're only posting your best shots to your public profile.

This doesn't mean you must stop posting all those impromptu selfies and less-polished photos. For these photos, you could always create a finsta account or just send them to your Close friends list.

When you post a shot to your Close friends list, it does not appear on your public profile so you don't need to worry about it tainting the rest of your Instagram portfolio.

2. Pick a Niche

If you're trying to get Instagram followers, it's likely you're looking for a certain kind of follower. If you travel a lot, you'll want to appeal to other travelers. If you're a foodie, you want other foodies to tag along on your food adventures. Taking Instagram seriously means always keeping this in mind.

Make sure that each photo you upload will be interesting to your "ideal follower". One of the main reasons people unfollow accounts on Instagram is because the photos being shared simply don't resonate with them, so be careful not to fall into that trap.

3. Have Your Own Aesthetic

People also follow Instagram accounts because they love the aesthetic of that account. They love the style of the photos being uploaded. You can't have this appeal if you're constantly changing the filters that you use, hopping between color and black and white, or playing around with different styles day in, day out.

Spend some time figuring out your own aesthetic. Accidentally Wes Anderson focuses largely on symmetry and pastel colors. Foodstories sticks to beautifully shadowy food and interior styling.

This doesn't mean you're locked into this style forever. You're free to evolve. When it comes to getting people to follow you on Instagram, having a recognizable, largely consistent style can be very helpful.

4. Use Hashtags Wisely

Using hashtags is one of the best ways to get more people to see your photos and videos; Instagram limits the number of hashtags you can use in each post to 30. While there is some debate over how many hashtags you should actually be using, there's no right answer. Using all 30 doesn't appear to bring with it any negative effects, so knock yourself out.

When it comes to picking which hashtags to use, avoid super-popular ones like #love or #instagood. They're too broad. You'll just get lost in the shuffle.

Instead, keep your chosen hashtags highly relevant to your interests. To do this, start typing a hashtag into your caption, and Instagram will suggest alternatives that could perform well for that topic. Don't fall into the trap of using the same hashtags all the time, though. Customize them to the subjects of your photos. You'll reach many more people.

5. Don't Post Too Often

When you don't have any followers, you don't to worry about annoying people by constantly posting too many photos. As soon as your following starts to grow, try not to bother them with too many posts per day. We recommend not posting more than four photos or videos in a 24-hour period.

Read more: What Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram?

Space them out. Don't upload all your photos at once. You can save posts ready to publish as drafts within Instagram. Preview app is one advanced way to do this and is available on both iOS and Android.

Alternatively, you could use a service such as Buffer to schedule Instagram posts in advance.

Remember, Instagram is a social network, not just a publishing platform. To really succeed, you need to integrate yourself into your Instagram community.

At the very least, this means replying to comments that you receive on your posts, and tagging people and places who are in, or relevant, to your photos. In return, they will receive a notification and might even tag you back. If you're still trying to figure out how to take your Instagram seriously, this is one great place to start.

A simple way to do this is to follow Instagram hashtags that are relevant to your niche. Some photos that are tagged with these hashtags will then appear in your feed. Spend some time leaving valuable comments on these posts and following profiles you admire. This will put you on the radar of other people in your niche.

If you have the time, consider trying out Gary Vaynerchuk's $1.80 strategy. This is where you leave your two cents (Without spamming people!) on the top nine posts of 10 relevant hashtags each day. Before long, you'll become a contributing member of your community. You can learn more about this strategy in the video below.

7. Use Instagram Stories to Get Your Photos Seen

Instagram Stories have quickly become a key part of the platform and can be a great way to build loyalty and engagement in your community. We recommend these tips to make your Instagram Stories more engaging. Don't forget about apps that will make your Stories more awesome!

The thing to note here is that Stories are a great way to share more dynamic, unpolished content that can offer a "behind-the-scenes" look at whatever you're sharing on your main profile.

An additional benefit is that individual Stories can contain links to your website. This is something you really can't do on your main Instagram posts, making it one of the only ways to drive your Instagram followers elsewhere.

8. Post Multiple Images at Once

If you shot a bunch of photos during a shoot, you might want to publish these as a multi-image post rather than as lots of individual posts. Multi-image posts can contain up to 10 images, all sharing a single caption. Users can swipe through them from left to right before continuing to scroll through their feed.

The benefit to this is that you can tell a more comprehensive story within a single post. This could be showing behind-the-scenes snippets to your main image, or several angles to a single location or subject.

This is far better than pepper-spraying your profile with lots of shots that might all look very similar.

9. Include Calls to Action

If you really want more interaction on Instagram, don't be afraid to ask for it. Ask a question in the caption, like adventurer Alastair Humphreys has done in the post below.

Ask people to like the photo if they do, in fact, like it. Start a conversation. Request recommendations. This method works for getting more interaction on blog posts, as well as for Facebook and Twitter interactions, and it works just as well on Instagram.

10. Take Your Editing to the Next Level

If you want to stand out even more, another great way to do so is to edit your photos using a different photo-editing app. Instagram's editing features are all well and good, but there are many better options out there right now.

We've included many of these in our lists of the best photo editing apps for Android and the best photo editing apps for iPhone.

How to Get Attention on Instagram: Become an Instagram Maestro

By implementing some or all of the tips listed here, you'll not only create a far more attractive profile, but you'll also become a real part of your own community on Instagram and could even find yourself making money.

Keep up with all of this, and you'll gradually see your brand solidify and your followers and interaction increase. You'll be able to reach a far greater number of people. Who knows? Maybe you'll even get verified one day.

Instagram Photos Not Looking Sharp? Try These Tips

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About The Author

Rob Nightingale (269 Articles Published)

Rob Nightingale has a degree in Philosophy from the University of York, UK. He has worked as a social media manager and consultant for over eight years, while giving workshops in several countries. After working primarily as a technology writer from 2014 to 2018, Rob now serves as MakeUseOf's Social Media Manager and Newsletter Editor. You'll usually find him traveling the world, and experimenting with photography.

More From Rob Nightingale


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How to make your Instagram popular*: tips, life hacks, secrets

* The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory Russian Federation.

Instagram (The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) is a fashionable social network, a means of self-expression, advertising and promotion. Today, a rare person does not have his own account, and even the largest companies in the world maintain their pages and delight customers with up-to-date information and vivid photographs. How to become more popular on Instagram (the social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) so that the number of likes and followers has finally begun to grow?

Kristina Gudikhina



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Really cool photos

The most important and, in a good way, the only commandment for an Instagrammer. If you travel often, share beautiful locations with your friends, and if you love standing at the stove and often pamper your family with delicious and beautiful dishes, this is also a sure step towards wild popularity on Instagram (The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation ).

In addition, Instagram (a social network recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) is an ideal place for creative people when there is no time or opportunity to exhibit their work somewhere in order to interest potential partners or just tell about yourself and your hobbies . But even here you can cheat and get your share of fame and recognition if you know a few interesting details that the Curalate platform analysts told about:

If the main color of the photo is blue, then interest in the picture immediately increases by 24% orange tones.

Take really good shots! Do not forget about the fact that emotions, the "liveness" of the picture, its brightness are valued in the pictures.

Popular hashtags

Why do we need hashtags? Oh well, likes, likes and more likes! Of course, you can come up with funny hashtags on your own, but, most likely, no one will find your photos under the caption #oymamashikadam. The photo will sink into oblivion, and your chances of popularity and a huge number of active followers will disappear.

To prevent this from happening, use only the right tags that are actually viewed by interested people. For complete convenience, here are the lists of the most popular tags. Copy, paste and enjoy.

  • Russians

night #morning #beauty #evening #girls #rain #beautiful #house #city, #summer #photonog #food #cat #cat #kote

Interesting location

If you often visit interesting and new places, be sure to put the location above the photo. This may be of great interest to the residents of your city and they will follow your updates, skipping the next poster. And if you give a couple of valuable tips or observations, you will not be priceless!

Another advantage of the location is other visitors to this place - guests who post frames from the same location as you will be able to see your pictures.

Posting pictures at the right time

If you post photos just because there is nothing to do, then you can achieve nothing. When, in a fit of insomnia, you decided to pamper your followers with a couple of beautiful photos, they may simply not see it when they wake up - your pictures will go down and remain without attention.

Analysts at revealed to us that the best time to post pictures is Monday around 5 pm. The second most popular time is the middle of the week - Wednesday and Thursday, around three in the afternoon.

46.15% of comments are in the first hour after posting the picture, and 69.23% of comments are in the first 3 hours.

Linking accounts in social networks

If you use other social networks besides Instagram (a social network recognized as extremist and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation), we have great news! - you can expand your potential audience by sharing your photos on VKontakte or Facebook (The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation). To do this, just go to the settings and make sure that all your accounts are connected to each other.


If you like to share videos (and even better - edit something yourself), don't pass by the new Instagram chip (The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) - Reels. These are short videos on the principle of TikTok. Publish your videos through this platform, dub to the feed and thereby double the audience. If your video seems interesting to users, it will get into trends, and you are a star.

Photo: Getty Images

No likes! How do you get recognition on Instagram now?

Cherished hearts on Instagram will soon disappear. How to upgrade your social network in new conditions? The expert speaks.

"We want your friends to focus on the photos and videos you share, not the number of likes," Instagram wrote on its account in late July and released an update after installing which users stopped seeing the number of hearts under posts .

First, Instagram was tested without likes in Canada, then Australia, Brazil, Japan and several other countries joined. When the new Instagram will come to us is still unknown, however, not only influencers, but also ordinary users began to worry. What will Instagram be like without likes and how to develop your account now? Dmitry Kudryashov, author of the best-selling book "Instagram Administrator", believes that there is no reason to worry: if you have never been engaged in artificial cheating likes, you will not feel any changes at all.

Let's figure out why the social network refuses such a seemingly important indicator of popularity and how to be now those who want to make their account more visible.

Why do they remove likes?

Instagram has good intentions: to protect ordinary users from the harmful effects of social networks and the pursuit of likes, which upset the already shaky psyche of citizens. It turns out that many people confuse the number of likes with the value of the person himself: by the number of hearts they begin to judge how good, smart or handsome he is.

Interestingly, even Justin Rosenstein, the Facebook programmer who created it, opposed the "cool" button. Rosenstein believes that social networks influence people too much. The like system itself is built in such a way that users would like to receive more and more virtual approval.

Many users who have already tried the updated Instagram say that it is better without likes: friends began to read posts more attentively and pay more attention to photos.

How to live without likes

Everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance. In fact, likes do not leave Instagram for good: you will definitely find out who liked your new selfie. But no one else will see this information except you. In fact, the counter of hearts under the posts will disappear.

Immediately below the published photo, you can see the avatars of a couple of followers who liked you, and the rest are hidden under the inscription "and others". Clicking on it will open a list of those who still like your post (in the photo, this list is visible on the right). You can view such statistics only for your posts. Well, no one forbids liking other people's posts, you just won't see the number of hearts under them.

So don't worry, every Instagram user will still get their dose of hearts. But at the same time, the moment of competition will disappear: suspicious people will stop monitoring how many likes their post got in comparison with other popular users.

How can you promote a blog if no one knows how many people like your posts?

To promote your account, the number of likes has not been a determining tool before, Dmitry Kudryashov explains. Now bloggers have an additional motivation to pay more attention to content: take better photos and write texts, communicate in comments and increase the number of subscribers in other ways. Here are some tips for those who want to make their Instagram account a little more popular.

Texts are now important too

Photo captions should definitely be paid attention to: the social network has been moving towards longer captions for some time now. It is believed that with the disappearance of the likes counter, users will read the text under the photos more carefully. It is better to type it in a separate application, for example, in notes on your phone, and only then, after checking the spelling, transfer it to the post field. Add emoji and be sure to put separators: no one reads a long canvas without paragraphs. A secret space that wraps text on a new line can be found on the Internet.

Use Stories

This tool helps to seriously promote your account, so don't neglect it. Many users admit that they watch Stories more often than the main feed, and this is where the main Instagram life is now in full swing. Record short videos about your day, share your thoughts or post dozens of travel photos. In Stories, it is also worth duplicating the link to new posts so that those who read the feed less often do not miss anything.

Leave the intrigue

Don't post everything. You can make serial posts: break the topic into several parts, stopping at an interesting place and promising to continue tomorrow.

Another option is not to reveal the topic 100% in the post. Leave people the opportunity to ask clarifying questions in the comments.

Run a giveaway

A great way to attract readers is to give them something. Make your own small prize draw, for example, something related to your account or souvenirs from a trip. There are several mechanics: you can ask to repost or mention in Stories, tag one or more friends in the comments, or briefly write why this particular reader should receive a prize. The simpler the mechanics, the more likely it is that many will participate in the competition.

Chat in comments

It's not enough to just post and leave: readers want to chat. Answer questions, support discussions, and moderate discussions. Now, when the number of likes ceases to be decisive, the only number under the post will show the number of comments. And your active involvement will help increase this number.

Follow like-minded people

Many users look at the profiles of new followers, and if your account attracts their attention, they will follow in response.

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