How to gain followers on instagram photography

How to Increase Instagram Followers for Photographers

Despite the rise of TikTok, Instagram still remains the go-to platform for browsing photographer portfolios and connecting potential clients with artists. For our studio, Lin & Jirsa, we try our best to track the source of leads. More and more, our leads are coming directly from Instagram, with about 15 leads (of the 300+ booked on average each year) being traced directly to the social media giant. Of course, there are also the untraced leads that may have originated from IG in addition to the leads that IG may have assisted in convincing and converting. So how does a photographer start building a following? Here are 10 tips on how to increase Instagram followers for photographers.

In this article, we’re going to cover the following tips:

  1. Start with Your Immediate Network
  2. Interact with Your Target Audience
  3. Schedule Your Posts
  4. Post High-Quality Content
  5. Post Consistent Content
  6. Use Your Account Sparingly for Marketing Sales and Products
  7. Don’t Focus All Success on Numbers
  8. Find the Best Times to Post
  9. Integrate with Facebook
  10. Learn How to Use Hashtags, Tagging, and Locations

Note: This article was originally written in 2018, with an update in 2021.

1. Start with Your Immediate Network

Nobody likes to drink at an empty bar. While you never want to be “that annoying friend” that continually markets his business to his friends, a subtle follow request from your business account is absolutely acceptable and establishes a foundation to build upon. Most of your family and friends will jump at the opportunity to support your business.

2. Interact with Your Target Audience

Really, this tip on how to increase Instagram followers for photographers deserves a longer explanation, but we’ll keep it concise for the sake of this article.  In short, participate on Instagram with your target audience, following them, commenting on their posts, and liking their posts rather than only interacting with your current network.  This involves strategies like following the followers of your fellow industry professionals and even competitors.

For example, If you know that a lot of your South Asian Wedding audience follows an account like Maharani Weddings, then interacting with posts from these accounts can lead to more exposure within that niche.

3. Schedule Your Posts for Consistency

Posting consistently can be difficult and time-consuming. The great news is that Facebook has added the scheduling feature to their Creator Studio, so you no longer have to pay for a scheduling service like Schedugram or

4. Post High-Quality Content

When it comes to content creation, consider these 7 ways to ensure you’re posting high-quality content.  We use the Acronym CHAIRED, which stands for the following:

C | Concise or Short

H | Humorous or Cute – e.g. Pet photos, flower girls, baby photos

A | Amazing – e.g. “Wowzer” sunset photos, impressive floral setups

I | Intimate e.g. Deeply personal posts about life

R | Relevant e.g. Tips for your target audience

E | Engaging – Including questions with your photos

D | Diverse – e.g. Posting photos and videos

While every post does not have to include every aspect of CHAIRED, the more aspects it does include the higher the likelihood for success as measured by engagement.

Bonus: Watch out for “Llliteracy” – spelling mistakes and other errors drop you in the eyes of readers. Even an expert post turns into spam if it’s full of grammar and punctuation errors. Learn to write competently. If you’re not good at it, have the text proofread by a specialized company like writemyessays or similar services. You might even consider finding a copywriter on Upwork or another service. Lastly, another option would be AI writing software such as Jasper, which we discuss in this article.

Below is our all-time most successful post as measured by engagement (featuring the beautiful newborn of our former studio manager). Notice how it fits qualities of “Cute, Intimate, and Relevant.”

Our studio manager Jackie & associate photographer Ryan gave birth to a handsome baby boy a week ago and our team couldn’t wait to share the news! Meet Jake, our newest team member & the most precious cargo you will find ??? #jakemaddoxhanson

A photo posted by Lin & Jirsa Photography (@linandjirsa) on

The following was also a very successful post. It fits the qualities of “Amazing” because of the unique location and the photography tricks applied. But it’s also relevant and intimate since it’s actually from my very own engagement session.

Could this BE any more enchanting?! Chris & Vy’s Bonneville Salt Flats engagement session is seriously out of this world! #linandjirsa Producer & Styling | @jenne_chanthaboury Makeup & Hair | @Haileeday_ Tux | @friartux

A photo posted by Lin & Jirsa Photography (@linandjirsa) on

5. Post Consistent Content

What do you want your Instagram feed to be known for?   If someone said “Check out this account!  It has great ___________,” what would you want that blank to be for your account?

Caroline Tran, a renowned photographer and educator, often stresses the importance of curating your photos and showing a consistent style.  Below is a screenshot of her account, which clearly illustrates how she walks the walk.

Clients tend to book what they see, so maintaining a specific style lets them know what to expect and gives you a clear plan of what to deliver.

Of course, the degree to which you make your feed consistent is a business choice that should depend on your style, niche, and audience.  You can get some inspiration from the best social media campaigns of 2021 here.

At Lin and Jirsa, for example, we have decided to show more diversity in shooting, lighting, and post production styles simply because we know that our clientele is so diverse in their style preferences, and we do our best to accommodate.

6. Use Your Account Sparingly for Marketing Sales and Products

Sometimes people use their accounts to over-market themselves.  “Yes, we know you have mini-sessions going on!  We don’t need a reminder post every two hours!” But more often than not, photographers underutilize Instagram for marketing.   Don’t be afraid to announce a mini-session or subtly showcase/market your new albums or canvases.

At times, these posts may not get as many likes and comments as regular content, but if it helps you convert actual sales and add to your revenue, then it’s well worth it.  After all, what’s the point in putting so much time and effort into your social media if you can’t use it to generate income every now and then?  Let’s discuss further below.

7. Don’t Focus All Success on Numbers

Related to the last point, some posts will do better than others and THAT’S OKAY!  You don’t have to aim for hundreds or thousands of likes with every post.  If your post on your new albums only receives 1/4 of the engagement as your regular posts, it doesn’t mean you should stop posting them, especially if they are leading to sales.  Just use your judgement by using the numbers to help you make decisions, without being a slave to them.

Example screenshot from 2016

8. Find the Best Times to Post

You can use Account Insights within Instagram or consider paid services like Iconosquare to track pertinent stats, including the best times to post, engagement, and follower growth over time. However, you can also use your intuition and think about when your users are most likely to be engaged with your content. For our Instagram account, it happens to be 8AM, 12PM, 5PM and 8PM. You can also use best practices based on mass data like this.

9. Integrate with Facebook

We can’t stress enough the importance of developing time-saving workflows.  If you’re posting manually from your mobile device to Instagram, you should also consider linking your Facebook account so that images post directly to your timeline as well.  Besides, the Facebook algorithm loves Instagram posts.

10. Learn How to Use Hashtags, Tagging and Locations

Of all the tips on how to increase Instagram followers for photographers, this may seem the most obvious, but we still see many photographers not using or misusing all three.

  • Hashtags – Get into the conversation by finding popular and unique hashtags that cater to your specific audience.  What hashtags are being used by your target audience and future clients?

Tip: Put a list of 30 maximum hashtags in your first comment rather than cluttering your caption space. Having a paragraph as a caption takes away attention from the image.

  • Tagging – Be sure to tag your clients, models, and all vendors involved in the shoot!
  • Locations – Be sure to add a location to your image so that anyone searching that location will see your work!

[Related Reading: Answers To Why Your Instagram Is Stuck At Low Engagement]

Conclusion | Bonus Tip – Don’t Overthink It!

The last bit of advice is to remember that every business is different, including yours. So make sure you don’t do something just because you hear of others doing it, including the advice given in this article. With any social network, being genuine and being yourself is important to attracting and retaining engaged followers. So have fun, develop your own voice, and come up with your own strategy. You can find more in-depth information on building your photography business in our Photography Business Training System. In it, we share ALL of our strategies, templates, and workflows that we’ve used over the past decade, to build one of the most profitable photography studios in the world.

Did we miss anything? What works for you? We’d love to know in the comments.

How I Grew My Instagram Account to Over 300,000 Followers

Guest post from Featured Pro Bryce Lafoon of Bryce Lafoon Photography:



So you want to be “Insta-famous?”  Have you ever heard the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for?”  Read on to find out how this applies to my personal experience, and how it could apply to you, too.



My name is Bryce Lafoon. I am a wedding photographer from southeastern North Carolina. I started my personal account, @lightshifter, about 5 years ago.  Today, my followers have grown to nearly 310K. Here are some of the steps I took to get there:



  1. Engage with intention.



I have found that the best way to gain new followers and interactions is to ENGAGE, ENGAGE, and ENGAGE some more. One thing that has been beneficial for me is to provide as much value to your Instagram account as possible. Having a great photo is one thing, but valuable content with a great photo is even better. My favorite Instagram accounts offer helpful tips, words of wisdom, and inspiring people just being themselves.



It’s important to me to get to know the people I follow and to learn more about their lives.  Anyone can “like” someone’s photo but truly the best way to engage and to get to know someone is by leaving a meaningful comment. On average, I comment on up to 50 photos a day in addition to “liking” the majority of photos in my feed. I search for hashtags that interest me and then I go through and “like” the photos in each thread.





For example, I’m really into music festivals.  So I search hashtags for Coachella, Moogfest, Iceland Airwaves, Austin City Limits and South by Southwest.  Others who have posted using the hashtag will more than likely click on your name and begin to follow your account after you “like” their photo.   As a wedding photographer, I also search hashtags pertaining to my local wedding market and engage with other vendors in the industry.



I know what you’re thinking:  “liking” and commenting on photos takes a lot of time. I admit that it does take time and commitment, but I have found the key to accomplish this is by safely multitasking. I work on my account (by “liking” photos and making comments) while I’m at the gym or while I’m walking my dogs.



You will find that your significant other will not appreciate your eyes on your phone at all hours, so using your time wisely during the day allows for quality Instagram-free time with your family.  And, of course, this should be a given, but I will say it just in case you might be guilty: Please never, ever work on your account while you’re driving.





2. Seek out opportunities to be re-posted.



Another way that can greatly increase your number of followers is to have an account with a bigger following to re-post one of your photos.  I have been lucky to have this happen to me a few times.  With one of these larger account shares, I gained almost 50K followers. This is where the saying, “be careful what you wish for” comes into play.



I now have a huge following of teenagers from a country that doesn’t speak my language. Re-posts are most helpful when coming from accounts that have an audience that you actually want to have.  As a wedding photographer, shares from wedding magazine accounts or major wedding blogs are definitely more ideal for my account.



3. Explore the newest features.



With one of the recent app updates, you now have the ability to go LIVE.  This is a great opportunity to get your audience engaged with and interested in both your account and your life.





Another new feature that allows for excellent account engagement is to form Instagram Pods with others on the online messenger. When a member of the pod makes a post to his/her account, he/she goes to the pod and types something like “NEW POST. ”  The others in the group see it and know to comment on the post with some encouragement or give feedback on the image. I have found this to be a great way to attract new followers, as well as to help develop friendships with other users. The pods are also great way to learn from each other and to help one another grow.



4. Post regularly.



To gain the most followers and keep your audience engaged, I have found that you should make at least 1 post per day.  It’s also a really good idea to vary the time of day that you make your posts in order to reach different audiences. Many folks check their account and make posts at times that are convenient for them during the day, and this time may fall around the same time every day.  So, it’s important to not get into the routine of being online at the same time all the time.



Also, it’s probably not a great idea to post too many photos in a short period of time, unless you want to annoy your audience!  Thankfully, you now have the ability to post a series of photos in one post which is a great way to tell a story with images.





With the right plan in place, you can absolutely grow your Instagram following beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t be afraid to comment on other accounts.  Give words of encouragement and truly engage with your audience. I have met some wonderful friends through Instagram, and many of these friendships started with small lines of encouragement.



To prove my points and to share with you an easy example of how this really does work, I started a new Instagram business page for my brand, Bryce Lafoon Photography.  @brycelafoonphotography.  I did not want to get a “false” head start by alerting my followers of my new page, since I have quite a large Instagram following on my personal page. In other words, I wanted to start a new Instagram page from the ground up.



After just one week, I had close to 500 followers.   I believe this was all achieved by sharing really valuable content, engaging with other accounts, exploring hashtags, and using Instagram pods.





Overall, my goal is to have the best audience that I can, made up of folks who are generally interested in my work. Having a lot of followers doesn’t mean anything unless your followers engage with your account.



At the end of the day, it’s not necessarily about the numbers (although I must admit that I am really proud to have all of my followers), but it’s more about the quality of your interactions and the positive feelings that you are able to take away from this incredible social network.



Have a question about using Instagram to grow your photography business? Post your inquiry for Bryce in the comments below!



5 Ways to Keep Photography Clients Coming Back

How to Master the Art of Storytelling with Your Photography

5 ways to get followers on Instagram that won't get you banned

ComputerPhoto: Rudy and Peter from pixabay

Despite the emergence of new interesting projects in the field of social networks and content platforms (Pinterest, Tik Tok and others), Facebook still remains a monopolist and dictates its own rules. One of them reads something like this: pay. Without paying for advertising, the posts of commercial pages get into the feeds of only 17% of Facebook users who are subscribers to these pages. The picture is about the same on Instagram. Cheating subscribers with the help of special software is not something that is not welcome here, it is generally completely prohibited. So it turns out that anyone who wants to turn their account into a popular blog has to either pay or look for ways around. Let's talk about what options exist.

Targeted advertising

The only official type of promotion on Instagram is advertising through Ads Manager, which is located on the Facebook platform. It's paid and not cheap if you don't know how to target. In addition, you cannot attract subscribers with the help of advertising, you can only acquaint users of the social network with the information that you offer. Subscribe or not, they decide for themselves.

To save on advertising, use the following settings:

  • Choose an audience of people far from big cities, there are fewer advertising offers, which means that the auction CPC will be cheaper.
  • Use clear and understandable creatives to attract subscribers, encourage them to subscribe to you by broadcasting the values ​​of the blog.
  • If your blog is thematic, look for an audience of those who will like it, and they are more likely to subscribe to it.

In general, this is not the most budget option to get real followers on Instagram, for example, but you will not get banned for it.

Activity chats and like-times

Among shareware promotion methods, activity chats are especially popular. They are started in Instagram itself and beyond, for example, in Telegram. What are these chats? As a rule, they are created by users who want to promote their blogs. To do this, they are looking for aspiring bloggers with the same goal. The task is to help each other with promotion.

It's simple. You join such an activity chat and constantly receive tasks - who to like, who to comment on the post, who to subscribe to. In exchange, you can ask them to do the same for your blog.

Like-times is an activity that allows you to get likes in order to go to the "Interesting" tab and get subscribers indirectly, through content promotion. The mechanics are the same: you like others, in exchange they like you. It is worth remembering that this is not a cheat on Instagram subscribers for money, so unsubscribing cannot be avoided. How to make sure that the cheat was without unsubscribes?

Partnerships with bloggers as a way to get followers on Instagram

By joining chats for support, you can find like-minded bloggers with whom you intersect audience. For example, you have an Instagram blog about life in Iceland, and the chat consists of authors of blogs about life in New Zealand, Argentina and Japan. You can team up with them and promote a whole network of “our” bloggers abroad in such a way as to exchange subscribers who are interested in the topic of living in other countries. The big plus of this method is that it's free.

Giveaways and contests on Instagram

Together with friends found through partnerships with bloggers and support chats, you can launch a giveaway - a general contest with valuable prizes, according to which everyone who wants to participate in the draw must subscribe to all the organizers of the giveaway. As a rule, in giveaways, big prizes provided by sponsors are raffled among the participants, whose main task is to subscribe.

You can attract followers in a more interesting way: to conduct a draw on your own behalf. This is a cheaper way than a giveaway to get followers on Instagram. Then the prize may not be particularly valuable, but in the conditions - the task is to subscribe only to your profile, and no one else.

Cheat on Instagram through applications and websites

Here is another way for which you will not get banned. However, it is important to choose the right one who will really help, and for this you need to order promotion only by live users, and not by bots. All promotion actions on Instagram using this method are carried out using a link that you place as a task on a resource where performers and customers of promotion in social networks by native methods meet. In real time, Instagram users subscribed to platform tasks for promotion will go to your profile and quickly perform the required actions.

What Instagram promotion methods do you use?

As an advertisement

How to get followers on Instagram (all methods + program)

Instagram has become a serious marketing tool for sales and attracting the target audience for brands and bloggers. However, due to high competition and complex algorithms, achieving popularity on Instagram is not as easy as it was a year or two ago. Now, if you really want to stand out and be popular, you need to be a lot more creative and work harder. To make the task easier, we will talk about how you can get followers on Instagram without investing a lot of money and without engaging in dubious activities.

Contents of the page

Is it worth getting subscribers?

The number of followers is one of the main indicators of success and popularity in social networks. In addition, Instagram is growing up and improving by leaps and bounds. Its new "smart" algorithms analyze the actions of other users on your page. The more visitors, views, likes and comments you have, the higher your posts rank and the larger audience they cover.

True, all this is true only if there are “live” subscribers. “Dead” souls or “live”, but useless subscribers, are more likely to destroy your account than help it become popular. In pursuit of quantity, many forget about the quality of the audience. As a result, engagement rates in the account decrease, Instagram algorithms consider the profile uninteresting, and no one sees it at all.

Instagram has evolved a long time ago and now its algorithms give preference to users with interesting content and a high-quality audience that waits for posts and often interacts with them.

Today it is much better to spend a week and attract 100 "live" subscribers than to wind up 10,000 useless bots in an hour.

Of course, this is much more laborious and time consuming, but only “live” followers will benefit in the long run, become real admirers of your talent or clients. A “dead” audience can only become a brake on development. Therefore, summing up and answering the question, it’s worth saying that it’s definitely worth getting subscribers, but you need to choose the right methods for this.

Types of wrapping

Conventionally, all methods of attracting subscribers can be divided into two broad categories - useless and effective. The first category includes cheats that are made using special software or services. Recently, they literally filled the Internet.

All useless cheat services work on similar principles. As a rule, for a small fee, a client can buy himself n-th number of subscribers. Basically, these are bots, which are then banned and deleted. Some services also provide an opportunity to buy bots for special points that can be earned by completing simple tasks on the service (subscriptions, reposts, likes, commenting).

Important! You should be very careful when using such services. Among them, there are a huge number of fraudulent sites that, under the guise of fake authorization, steal user login data from users.

Using such services is a quick and easy way to attract mass, but what's the point of empty numbers? Moreover, there are much more effective ways to cheat subscribers - mass following, mass liking, mass looking, hashtags, geolocations and many others. They can be used both manually and with the help of the Instaplus service, which automates these actions.

Instaplus is a safe way to attract live and interested followers to your Instagram account. You just need to spend a little time setting up - the service will do the rest for you.

Try Instaplus for free

What is the difference between Instaplus and bot cheat services? Using mass liking, mass following and other methods of cheating subscribers, you attract active users related to your target audience to your account. These users are willing to interact with your content and genuinely interested in it. This is a sure sign that in the future they can become not just dry account statistics, but also loyal customers.

Methods to cheat live subscribers

High-quality promotion of followers on Instagram is a rather long and laborious process. But if you are determined to attract only a live, active audience to your account, you want to take care of the promotion of your brand and expand its influence, these are the only effective ways to cheat.


Mass liking is the mass affixing of likes to posts and comments of the right users to attract their attention. It works like this:

  1. The target audience is selected.
  2. Lists of users or "donors" with the target audience you are interested in are uploaded to Instaplus.
  3. Limits and parameters are set for automatic likes.
  4. A service or program to buy subscribers is launched.

Then everything is simple. The user sees your like and from interest goes to the profile. If the user is close to his subject and design, he subscribes.

In general, even if with the help of mass liking you can only get a reciprocal like, this is also very good. The Instagram algorithm will continue to promote your posts to him in the “Recommended” ones.

The conversion of this method of promotion is not so big - only about 3%. But this is purely your target audience.

Mass following

If you want to be followed, then you need to follow others. This is a simple reciprocity rule that has proven to be very effective as a way to get subscribers.

The essence of the method lies in the mass subscription to users selected according to certain criteria and matching the description of your target audience.

You follow a user, he sees it in notifications and goes to his profile to see who has followed him. If the account is interesting to him, he signs in response.

The effectiveness of mass following depends on many factors - the selection of a user base, profile design, and much more. A few years ago, mass subscription gave amazing results. Today, users are already very sophisticated, but mass following still remains a stable way to get “live” subscribers.


Masslooking is a relatively new way to get subscribers. The essence of the method lies in the mass viewing of the Stories of target audience users. The logic of masslooking is similar to the two previous methods.

Many users rightfully want to know how many people are viewing their stories, as well as who exactly is watching them. As a result, many look at the statistics and view the list of their viewers. Seeing new faces there, the user has a completely natural desire to look into the profile.

This method has several advantages. First, it is a relative novelty. Far from everyone is still familiar with masslooking and perceive views sincerely. Secondly, you can view a huge number of Stories every day, and if at least 1% of users become your subscribers, this is more than enough for productive promotion.

Purchase of advertising

Like in other social networks, you can get followers on Instagram with the help of advertising. Instagram administration offers a variety of targeting ad formats - carousel, photo selection, ads in Stories and "Recommended". Among the proposed options, everyone can find what he needs to attract his audience.

However, targeted advertising can only be used by owners of business profiles and it works through Facebook. Instagram offers quite flexible display settings. Users can be filtered by age, geolocation, languages ​​used, area of ​​work, study, analysis of behavior in social networks and many other parameters.

The cost of advertising is determined by means of an auction and depends on the niche chosen for impressions. The more brands with you want to show their ads to the selected category of users, the higher the cost of each impression.

The second way to advertise on Instagram is through influencers. Unlike targeted advertising, it is much more difficult to predict the effectiveness of such PR. Whether the advertising of a particular blogger was effective can only be understood at the output. With official advertising, everything is quite simple - you immediately see its cost, and if the results are not satisfactory, you simply turn off the campaign.

At the same time, placing an advertising post or Stories with a blogger can bring more targeted actions at a much lower cost. It also has a positive effect on trust and brand loyalty. A blogger does not just advertise a product or service, he recommends them to his subscribers, who respect and listen to his opinion.

The advertising market for bloggers is quite chaotic. There are no generally accepted rules by which the cost is formed, all the nuances need to be discussed personally, and choosing a good blogger with a live audience is a whole art.

Exchange with other users

Interaction with other Instagram users is the main criterion for promoting a page and attracting “live” subscribers to it. Many users understand this, so they are ready to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms, or, as they say, “by barter”.

Barter is the exchange of goods and services. Let's say you ask another user to recommend your brand, and in return you offer them a similar service or a free copy of your product.

Both experienced Instagram users and start-up brands and bloggers are ready to cooperate on barter. The main difficulties arise with the selection of a suitable page for advertising, because there are a lot of bloggers and commercial brands with a “dead” audience on Instagram. Such an exchange will not bring anything useful.

In order for the winding up of subscribers using this method to be effective, you need to carefully consider the choice of an advertising platform. It is recommended to choose pages of related brands and carefully analyze their account statistics before inviting for cooperation.


Collaborations are another interactive way to get followers for commercial accounts and personalities. In the standard sense, a collaboration on Instagram is usually called the interaction of brands and opinion leaders within the framework of a project.

For example, opinion leaders enter into cooperation with a product manufacturer, on the terms of which they advertise products or use them in their work, work, and so on. Subscribers see that their idol is loyal to the brand and they themselves begin to trust and become interested in him, or, in the desire to become closer to the blogger, they purchase goods and services.

The effectiveness of collaborations is due to the phenomenon of social proof.

When we see that someone speaks well of the product, uses it with pleasure, then we ourselves begin to treat the product more loyally, even if we ourselves have never used it.

Regular posting

It is impossible to get followers on Instagram if you have nothing to offer them in your profile. Instagram really doesn't like silence, so you need to post regularly, choosing different formats and the best time for posting.

Users who already follow you want to see new content. In addition, regular posting is needed to increase audience coverage. Posting regularly is a guarantee that your content will be seen by a large number of people, you will collect more likes and comments, which will make the Instagram algorithms promote your page even more actively.

It is recommended to publish at least 2-3 posts per day on various topics, as well as be active in Stories and IGTV.

How to get live followers on Instagram through Instaplus

Massliking, -following, -looking are called so precisely because of their mass character. If you put down a few likes a day and watch a couple of Stories, there may be an effect, but it obviously cannot be called a cheat on subscribers. When it comes to 700-1000 subscriptions per day, even more likes and views, then you can’t do without the use of helper services that automate actions.

The Instaplus automated promotion service independently performs all types of actions aimed at attracting subscribers. The only thing that is needed from the user is to correctly configure the operation parameters. To do this, you should set user filtering so that actions are performed only on the selected active audience related to your target audience. At the same time, you need to cut off bots, inactive accounts and stores.

Instaplus offers flexible customization with a variety of filters:

  • The number of subscribers and subscriptions - helps to cut off commercial and dead pages. It is recommended to set this parameter between 30 and 1000.
  • The number of posts is a parameter that reflects the user's activity. Active Instagrammers have at least 15 posts.
  • Date of the last publication - a filter that allows you to cut off inactive accounts. It is recommended to set a time frame between 7 and 30 days.
  • Presence of an avatar — all “live” Instagram users have an avatar. If it is not there, most likely you have a bot page in front of you.

The service also offers to specify a list of “Stop words”, if they are found in the account description, actions to attract will not be performed. Using this list, you can easily cut off all unnecessary accounts. It is recommended to include the following words in this list: delivery, opening hours, order, schedule, online store and others like them.

Equally useful is the list of "White words". It should include all words that may indicate that the page belongs to a user from your target audience. This will allow you to get exactly to the target audience and not waste time and resources on cheating other subscribers.

Then the matter remains small. You just need to select the type of task, set limits and start it up.

How to get followers on Instagram for free

All services that allow you to automate actions and facilitate cheating quite rightly charge a certain fee for their services. If you are not ready to pay yet, then almost all of the above actions can be done manually in the old fashioned way. True, in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that cheating followers will be more time-consuming and painfully routine.

To manually attract users to your page, first of all, you need to create a user base for the target audience. You can select it by hashtags, geolocation, lists of subscribers of direct competitors and related pages. Otherwise, if you subscribe and like everyone in a row, the conversion will be very low.

When users are selected, you can move on to attracting their attention. To do this, just go to the profile, subscribe, like, view Stories or leave a comment. Moreover, in each profile it is recommended to perform from one to several actions, but not to abuse them, so as not to scare the user away with their obsession.

When using the manual method of attracting subscribers, just as with the automated one, you need to adhere to the limits of the social network in order not to get banned. True, it is much more difficult to calculate them in this case.

Another way to cheat for free is to use services that work on the principle of exchange. Examples of such services are Bosslike, Ad-Social, Freelikes, Followers BOOM. You can earn coins on them by performing simple actions, and then use them to pay for cheating subscribers for yourself.

Do not forget also that most of the services that allow you to automate the acquisition of followers on Instagram have a free trial period, thanks to which users can evaluate the effectiveness of promotion without wasting their advertising budget. For example, Instaplus offers a free trial period.

Advantages and disadvantages of wrapping

The main advantage of cheating is obvious - the more popular your account, the more users are subscribed to it - the more likely it is that someone else will be interested in your offer. In addition, new subscribers are always:

  • increase in customer base;
  • increase in sales;
  • increase brand loyalty;
  • positive changes in account statistics;
  • more active promotion of your posts with smart Instagram algorithms.

There is only one disadvantage of cheating - with the wrong choice of methods or incorrect settings, there is a high risk of attracting bots or a non-target audience to your account. This can negatively affect the percentage of engagement and become a brake on account promotion.

Tips and tricks

Cheating live followers on Instagram is a mystically subtle process, located somewhere on the verge of shamanism and clear mathematical calculations. Each brand and each blogger needs to look for their own way of interacting with users from the target audience, which works personally for them. There are, of course, general requirements for all.

In particular, none of the cheat methods will work if your account is boring, uninteresting, or incorrectly filled out. As you can see, all methods of cheating “live” subscribers are aimed at drawing their attention to your account. Then the user himself decides whether he wants to subscribe to the page or not. Therefore, if you are serious about promoting your profile, first make sure that: