How to find girls on instagram

6 Simple Steps To Find And Meet Single Girls On Instagram

Did you ever wonder how could you use Instagram to find and meet single girls?

There are thousands of extremely attractive women on Instagram that you can meet and date.

Almost every single woman has an Instagram account from teen girls in high school to famous models.

Just think about the number of girls you could date if you figured out how to use Instagram to contact women you like and then ask them on a date.

Although Instagram is not designed to be a dating platform like some conventional dating sites, you can still use it to meet women near you.

Many guys avoid using Instagram to meet women and the ones who do use it have no clue what they are doing and often come off as creeps.

This means that you will have an advantage over all those guys if you follow the steps that we will cover today in this post.

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To get started you will need to have an Instagram account and decide for yourself what kind of girls you want to meet.

There are many ways to find girls on Instagram.

Some examples of tools that you can use are geotags, hashtags, and locations.

If you are ready to take your dating life to the next level, let’s take a look at what it takes to start meeting hot girls on Instagram.

Don’t Miss: Should I Try Online Dating? 8 Reasons to Give It a Try!

How to Find And Meet Single Girls On Instagram?

1. Finding Single Girls Near You on Instagram

There are many methods you can use when trying to find single girls on Instagram.

Instagram Locations

Log into your Instagram account, click on the search icon at the top right, then on the right side you will see ‘places’ where you can type in your current location (maybe your home address) or the location where you want to meet girls.

After you’ve done that, you will be able to see all the posts taken at your target location.

From there you can pick the girls you are interested in.

Instagram Geotags

You can also use hashtags (#) by searching the posts with the hashtag of your target location.

From there you will see the tabs for the most recent and top posts. 

The top tab shows the most popular posts in your location while the recent tab has the latest posts.

Instagram Hashtags Like #single, #dating,#singlemom or #singlelife

Another method is to search for hashtags that start with #single to find available girls.

Learn More: Examples of Flirty Text Messages to Send to a Girl

2. Create a Good Instagram Profile

Your bio should be short and simple. You don’t want it to look like your resume.

When you message women on Instagram, they will likely check your profile before deciding whether to reply back to you or not and that’s why it’s important to leave them with a good first impression.

Try your best to make your Instagram page look pleasing to the eyes.

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to take good Instagram pictures.

Your Instagram page should convey that you are a trustworthy, cool, and friendly guy.

Having a dozen photos of yourself shirtless in the bathroom will not help you in getting girls’ attention.

Instead upload photos of yourself doing fun activities such as traveling, playing sports, hiking, etc.

Also, make sure you have some photos with other people so that the girls know that you are not a social outcast.

Photos of nature, sunsets, and the ocean work great as well.

It also helps to have some likes and discussions going on in the comments to show that you have social proof.

Your profile shouldn’t be empty because there are a lot of fake accounts on Instagram and you might appear like one if you don’t have enough posts and followers.

3. Engage With Her Posts

This is very important if you plan on messaging her later.

The first time you come across her profile, you should follow her and like at least 5 or 6 of her pictures.

This will make her curious and she may decide to check out your profile as well to find out who you are.

There is a high chance of your messages getting ignored if you send a direct message (DM) to a random girl on Instagram without engaging with her posts.

10 Examples of How to Comment on Girls’ Instagram Photos
  • I love the colors
  • Like your hair
  • This hike looks awesome!
  • I need to add this to my bucket list
  • This is so refreshing
  • Like your smile
  • This looks exotic
  • Awesome
  • This is so cute
  • You are adorable

Don’t miss: 101 Examples of Best Compliments For a Girl on Her Photos

4. Send Her a DM

Now that the girl knows who you are you can send her a message.

You may feel a bit scared messaging a girl on Instagram for the first time but there is nothing really for you to lose.

In the worst case, she will ignore your DM and in the most likely case she will get back to you and you will have a chance to chat and connect with her.

When messaging a girl on Instagram, try to be more creative than “Hi,” “Hello,” or “What’s good babe?” because she will have tons of similar messages from other guys in her delete folder and you don’t want to join them.

How Can You Introduce Yourself to a Girl on Instagram?

Start with a little introduction; make it short and simple and avoid telling her your entire life story.

Just give some details that will let her get a glimpse of who you are and why she should chat with you.

You can tell her your name, your college (if you are still in school), and a little more details on where you live.

You can also reply to some of the stories she posts on Instagram.

This is another great way to get in her DM box without having to appear out of the blue.

Another safe way to get replies is to first message the girls by commenting or asking them a question about something they posted.

From time to time, she may also post an “ask me” story so take this opportunity to get on her radar.

10 Instagram DM Examples

  • I really like your last photo. Where was it taken?
  • Hi! I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your work.
  • I love your Instagram. Your captions always make me smile.
  • I love the way you take photos. Where do you get your inspiration?
  • Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I really love all your content.
  • Hi, I’m a big fan of your IG stories.
  • Hi, I think you are so funny. Your posts always make me smile!
  • I just wanted to say that I think you are one of the most authentic girls on Instagram.
  • I love all your travel photos! Have you ever been to Vietnam? I’m going there this winter.
  • Hi, your photos are really cute. I really like the ones from your last Mexico trip.

Need more ideas? 140 Examples of How to DM a Girl on Instagram

5. Spend Some Time Chatting with Her

This is where most guys seem to mess up.

Either they get too boring or they suddenly lose interest.

Talk to her regularly to make her feel comfortable chatting with you.

When the girl is comfortable she will respond quickly and will ask you a lot of questions. She may even be the first to message you.

The next step is to ask for her number so that you can start texting her.

This not only makes chatting easier, but you get to take out some of the competition you may have on Instagram by talking to her outside of this platform.  

However, don’t try to rush things, just let everything happen naturally.

If she doesn’t want to give you her number, don’t force it because it will only make you look desperate and creepy.

Learn More: What To Text A Girl After You Get Her Number?

6. Call and Ask for a Date

If you followed the steps that we discussed and you got a girl’s number, now it is a good time to ask her out.

Don’t be in a hurry to meet up if you’re not getting enough response from her. It can fail miserably.

Set a time and place during the day so she can feel comfortable.

Don’t ask her to go on an official date and instead ask her to hang out, go for a hike, or go for a coffee.

If you put too much pressure, she might not accept your invite so make it easy for her to say yes.


There are lots of single girls around you; you just need to be confident and patient to meet them.

Social media has made it easier for us to find lost friends, make new friends, and even find a partner.

Unfortunately, there are always will be people who will tell you that it is creepy to pick up girls on sites such as Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram but you should just ignore them.

Those are the same people who think that it is creepy to approach girls on a street or talk to strangers because most likely they just lack the confidence to do it.

Lastly, it is important to keep your expectation in check.

Not every girl on Instagram will reply to your DMs so don’t take it personally.

You will see a much higher reply rate if you message girls with less than 500 followers versus someone with 100,000 followers.

Good luck!

Read next: Is Online Dating the Only Way to Meet Someone?

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How To Get Girls on Instagram: The Step-by-Step Guide

You might have met her before in real life…

Or you’ve never met her, and want to flirt with an unknown girl via Instagram.

Today I will give you a complete guide.

In this article you will learn:

  • The #1 way to get her to always text you back
  • How to make her text YOU after a night out
  • The fool proof way to always make her say yes when you ask her out
  • The Instagram pickup method to make her addicted to you (beware for stalkers)
  • How to turn her on WITHOUT texting her
  • How my student picked up an IG supermodel in 3 easy steps
  • And a lot of juicy screenshot examples
  • How you slide in her DMs

Important: I know you're sometimes unsure what to text. So I've put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What works BETTER than asking her number

Today I am going to tell you how to use your Instagram to the fullest. And…

If you don’t have Instagram yet, why it’s THE next app to download.

I know there’s a possibility that you’re a man who doesn’t have a lot of time for all kinds of apps and prefers to just meet women in real life.

I fully understand.

And this article is especially of value to you. The lessons I am going to teach here are much more than just some Instagram tips.

Buckle up!

Recently I got an e-mail from Tim:

“Hi Louis […] Everything was super chill, we had a fun night and we exchanged numbers. We’re texting now and the vibe isn’t as fun as back then… What can I do to get her on a date?”

Good one.

The situation in which Tim finds himself can be really f#&@ing frustrating. You’re close and yet if you make one wrong move you have lost her forever.

Oh well…

You’ve come to the right guy. I’ve got some golden tips to keep you far away from these kinds of situations.

There are multiple ways to fix this situation, bro. You may have heard about the first one.

#1: What you text her after a night out

when you text her after a night out, you only have one goal.

Get her out on a date.

Sometimes you can do this immediately, just because it was going so well that it’s impossible to screw up. But if this were the case I wouldn’t be receiving all those e-mails similar to that of Tim.

So what are you going to do as soon as possible?

Remind her of the vibe you two had when you met. Whether it was in the club, street, bar or the moon doesn’t matter.

Most dudes will text something like

hey this is Tim from yesterday 🙂

Sure. Could work.

But only when she’s extremely into you or when you’re just lucky.

You are better off leaving nothing to chance and giving her something that makes her feel things.

If she talked about the time she ran over a rabbit… you text her about it.

Or you talked about how you went night swimming in Spain and she totally loved it?

Text her about that.

Hey Sarah, your crush from yesterday here. Where you more kind to the rabbits on the way home this time? Tim


Hey Kim, did you get a glow-in-the-dark bikini yet for the next nightly swimming session? Tim

With these kind of texts she will feel again what she felt yesterday. When you two were vibing.

When she reads this kind of text she not only gets reminded of the feelings she had during your first conversation.

She also doesn’t have to try to remember who ‘Tim’ was. And trust me, after a night out, chances are she already has enough on her plate.

You’ll increase your response rate by about 69%.

But it can get even better…

The BEST way to get her on a date

What if I told you there was an even more powerful way?

A way where you don’t have to try your best when texting her? Everything just goes as planned.

And surprisingly enough you never see a dating coach mention it…

I’m talking about Instagram.

For many it comes as a surprise that this app is some kind of cheat code to pick up girls.

Someone who IS aware of the value of this secret, is my bro Yo Gotti

I seen your girl post her BM (W)
So I hit her in her DM
All eyes, yeah I see ‘em
Yeah, that’s your man? I’d hate to be him (whoop)
It goes down in the DM (It go down)
It go down in the DM (It go down, it go down)

In the chorus he proudly raps about how he picked up a girl through Instagram by sliding in her DMs. Her DMs are her “Direct Messages” or in other words: her inbox.

And, he sings, it’s going down. In other words, Yo Gotti has mastered his Instagram game and hooks one woman after another.

How does Instagram work?

Already downloaded the app? Then you can skip this part.

Instagram is a social media app like Facebook. The thing is that you can only post pictures and show off your daily activities via photos and videos.

Other than that you can comment on people’s posts, or send them a message. Right into her DMs.

Lastly you can create “stories”. These are pictures or videos that only last for 24 hours for everyone to see.

After that they seem like they’re gone forever. Although Instagram saves them for you in private to enjoy them again, and you can feature your flirty stories on your profile.

These stories are essential for getting girls on Instagram.

We’ll talk about this later.

Here you see an example of my previous Instagram profile.

On top you see a thumbnail with his followers and the people he follows next to it.

You can follow me on my current TextGod Instagram, where I’ll be posting juicy stories that hook girls regularly.

#2: Do this to stand out from the peasants

You can’t do a whole lot on Instagram. And this is exactly what makes this app so powerful.

It’s not AND pictures AND calling AND playing games AND who knows what else.

You post pictures and videos and that’s it.

But, there’s one very important detail to get girls on Instagram. And that’s the captions you put underneath.

It’s not that easy to make someone feel all kinds of emotions with just a picture. Especially not when you also want to look good on them.

That’s why I obligate you to always put a caption underneath your pictures. Use your brain and be a bit more creative than everyone else. You’ll notice that most people use lyrics from some kind of song. Or they put an emoji of a cocktail or beer glass when they are drinking something in the photo. If it’s a picture of them traveling, you can be sure it will be some kind of wanderlust quote.

And as always you want to be different from the peasants, bro.

A caption of mine that got very good reactions is this one:

A personal rework of the classic quote by Audrey Hepburn.

To each their own, right, Audrey?

Another example?

Well ok, one more.

Meet my German bro Julius, whom you might know if you read my Tinder Tips article.

In this picture, Julius is acting out a typical Mary Poppins scene. In the caption he gives it a funny twist.

In the hashtag he turns it up a notch by changing Mary’s famous “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” into “supercalifragisendnudes”.

You may notice that both Julius’ and my caption are fairly sexual. That isn’t necessary, as long as you entice her. And you can do that in many more ways other than making a perverted joke.

Do things your way brother!

#3: How to get her number on Instagram

I already told you the right way to text her after getting her number.

And this method works…

… but personally, I do something else.

When I get her number, I tell her something along the lines of:

“Put your number in my phone. And also put in your Instagram so I can stalk your pictures”

Captain Obvious: You only say this when the vibe is right of course. If there’s even the slightest chance that you’d come across as creepy, then a sentence like this one will be the death of you.


Now you not only have her number but also her Instagram. And this makes a big difference.

Just think with me for a second, bro.

Over text you actively have to remind her of the connection.

You probably have encountered it yourself. You thought everything was perfect and yet there was no date.

If she follows your Instagram, she passively gets reminded of the connection…

You can do two things now:

You immediately like one of her pictures so she sees your Instagram straight away.

Or you wait a day and then like one.

Holy Tip:

Whenever you’re DMing a girl, you sometimes get stuck.

You KNOW you need to send here something, but your mind goes blank.

This is where some copypasta lines come in handy.

I have tons of ’em. But luckily for you I created a free download containing The 10 Texts That Always Work.

Someones told me I should ask money for them, but I hand these out for free.

#4: Getting girls on Instagram in one click

That picture you’re going to like, that’s your new secret weapon.

You can do this while you’re still standing next to her.

The upside of this is that she immediately sees your profile with you next to her. That way she gets a better view of who you are and what you do right away.

And the bigger the first impression, the easier the rest will be.

Of course she can’t just go full stalker mode on your Instagram with you still next to her.

That’s why sometimes you wait until the next day to like a picture. That way you’re sure that she’s sober and her brain is fully functional again. Only when you like a picture of her, she will know your Instagram name.

This is what her notifications will look like. Now she can easily click your name and go onto your profile.

From now on she knows your Instagram and thus comes the first enormous advantage.

She can now dig through your Instagram like a police dog on speed.

And bro, I’m telling you, girls LOVE trying to get to know everything about someone.

I can’t even keep count of how many girls know everything about another girl that they never even met. Or about some dude they never talked to.

Once they have your IG (Instagram) they become a female Sherlock.

Up to you to make your Instagram interesting enough for her to change her from Sherlock to Shercock.

Not only my girls do this, all girls do this.

How do I know?

I was on a date with a m’lady when I told her a story from a few years ago.

I noticed from her body language and facial expressions that she already knew parts of it. Things she couldn’t possible know…

…unless she dug very deep into my IG feed…

#5: How to make her feel as if she has known you for years

If you’re trying to get a girl on a date but she rejects you every time… Chances are that she doesn’t feel comfortable enough around you, yet.

No woman wants to go on a date with a guy of whom she doesn’t know whether he will take her to a nice coffee bar or stab her in a dark alley.

Now you can chat all day long with her until she has built up enough comfort…

(or until you don’t know what to say and screw up)

… or you can let Instagram do the work for you.

Because she has access to your profile, she can dig through your pictures as if it’s Christmas. Now I know she won’t check your profile everyday if you guys aren’t speaking. She probably doesn’t want to see the same pictures 69 times either.

And this, my dear, is where Instagram stories come into play.

Instagram stories are temporary pictures and videos that disappear after a period of 24 hours. If people comment on them you’ll receive a message in your DMs, only for you to see.

Here’s the profile of National Geographic:

At the top you see a yellow-red circle around the thumbnail.

This means they have a story active.

Wen you click the thumbnail, the story automatically loads:

This is what you got to see.

In the top left you see it has been posted 4 hours ago. So within 20 hours it will be gone forever. You also see 5 gray blocks at the top. This means that they have posted 5 stories. The next one starts playing as soon as you leave this one. Until you have had them all, then you will end up back on their profile.

Of course National Geographic posts completely different stories than what you are aiming for. Unless you’re a biologist or something like that.

One of my stories I have at the moment of writing is this:

A bit less educational. A bit more humorous and polarizing.

By watching someone’s story you know what that person is up to at that moment.

Imagine being a woman and you just gave your number to a guy. After texting back and forth for a bit, he asks you out. But you’re not entirely convinced. And the last thing you want is an awkward date where you have to make excuses to get away.

Now, what if you already had the chance to watch his IG (or maybe Snapchat or Facebook). Now you have a completely different image of who he is and how he acts.

And if he played it smart, you’d be addicted to his Instagram stories by now…

#6: How to get her addicted to your life

When you post interesting stories you’ll notice a lot of people start to watch them…

(you can see who watched your story)

It’s as if they’re following a tv-show of which they don’t want to miss a single episode… But your story has no fixed air time. It could be uploaded at any moment. Extra exciting.

Each time you add something to your story, she gets an emotional spike because you trigger her curiosity.

If then you also manage to make her laugh, feel sad, or experience any other emotion, you have doubled the effect.

Warning: it’s better to post fewer and better stories than more but lower quality stuff. Once they label your stories as boring she won’t watch them anymore.

You’ll also notice pretty fast that you’re keen to watch some people’s stories every time again. While you just click away the other people’s (boring) stories.

The best thing about this is that you don’t actively invest in her. Whereas each text you send her on WhatsApp is a bit of your attention that is meant solely for her…

She does all the work here. She clicks your story and watches it. You might not even be thinking about her.

Of course you’ll need stories that are interesting. Stories that trigger her emotions.

Stories that stand out. Which is  good news again,  because all the other people have sucky stories:

  • The 82th selfie in front of that same IKEA mirror to show off their outfit
  • A picture of a table with a few beers on it
  • One of many pictures in the gym. That no one cares about.

A good way to stand out is to find your own theme.

Personally I always make my stories a bit more edgy and polarizing. Humor will almost always be included. Back in the day I went completely over the top and posted the most f**ked up stories.

Stories that would make you think that no one would ever want to date me after seeing those. But the opposite was true.

Stories of friends and I climbing the fire escape onto a building, completely naked. Dancing on that fire escape with our dongs out and swinging. I put it all in my story.

A good friend of mine, and fellow dating coach, makes sure that every post contains one or more of following ingredients:

  • Humor
  • His cat
  • Memes

One of my assistants mainly posts stories about how he is working hard.

Some sort of combination of motivational speech, work tips, and random daily life updates.

Lame as f#@k according to some. But he claims he gets dates with it.

Whatever you do, make it your own.

#7: How to get your dream girl (via Instagram)

Alrighty, Instagram can increase trust and attraction in the women whom you’ve exchanged contact info with.

But what if you have a crush on someone you DON’T know yet?

Instagram is still the answer.

And today I got super juicy extra spicy deluxe screenshots for you.

A student of mine is starting to do pretty well for himself in the dating scene.

But recently we accomplished something for him that every guy dreams of…

He encountered a girl on Tinder that you would normally only encounter in your dreams.

He swiped her right and… SURPRISE… no match.

Just like almost any other model on Tinder, she had her Instagram linked to her Tinder profile.

Something you should also do by the way.

When you compare their Instagrams it becomes painfully obvious:

Him: a regular dude. No supermodel looks. No millions. No fame.

Her: an angel on earth. Supernatural looks. No millions but does earn a ton of money doing modeling. Legions of followers.

It’s the kind of girl of which you think you have no shot at.

And still it’s possible.

First of all, you go to her Instagram.

Next you have to make the first move.

What you definitely SHOULDN’T do is go straight to her DMs and compliment her or ask her out on a date.

“Marry me”

This tempting offer is something she gets in her DMs a few times a week.

As you can see, these 2 examples have been sent with 1 day in between.

These guys think that they have a chance by acting all romantic and saying they want to spend the rest of their lives with her. Probably they are hoping to get something back such as:

o m g. You’re crazy!! That’s so sweet of you. I’d LOVE to get married to a gentleman like you!

Keep dreaming boys.

You want to be a bit more subtle.

I’ll show you how to be a bit hard to get. But then you’ll have to do it the right way.  And not like these VeRy cOoL GuYs:

Hahaha, I want to thank the first guy for making me laugh like crazy.

“I found your profile on tinder but I chose not to contact you there because it’s so predictable.’

Nice try. Of course, you can’t text her on Tinder if she doesn’t like you back, sneaky bro.

The second guy also tries to be super cool. He’s even too cool for Tinder, but somehow he accidentally got onto it.

“A friend of mine got me into using Tinder, which I honestly thought was stupid but I gave it a try and I saw you.”

Then I saw you and… Uh yeah well… It wasn’t a match so uhh… I guess I’m gonna try again here with some lame excuse?

These are only two out of 666 weekly messages my girlfriend gets. 99% of those messages are just like these.

You want to play it a bit more tactical.

I actually made a video with my girlfriend. We were reacting to the Instagram account ‘Tinder Nightmares’.

Watch the video so you don’t have to make the same messaging mistakes those guys make.

Now let’s get into some practical steps to get girls to respond to you on Instagram!

Step 1: Take a look at her recent pictures and her stories

Take your time.

Wait until you see something that’s relevant to you.

This was a post in her story at that moment. Blurred out of respect for her privacy of course.

(this is something that people do on Instagram. When they post a new picture, they take a screenshot of their profile and show that they have added something new. You can see she has drawn a green circle around the new post, on the top left. She adds:


(Slytherin is one of the four houses in the Harry Potter books)

Is this relevant to me? Hell yes!

And a lot more to my student. He’s an ENORMOUS Harry Potter nerd.

Perfect to comment on.

Step 2: Comment

You always want to comment something that stands out. If you’re the 8th person to comment with “nice pic” or “cool outfit”, then you’re better off not commenting at all.

Preferably you want to challenge her a bit.

Holy Tip:

If you don’t see any picture or story on which you can comment something interesting, just wait it out.

If you try to force something there’s a big chance that you’ll screw up.

Anyway, everything related to Harry Potter is relevant to us so we took a look at her new picture.

When you upload a picture, you can caption it.

A small amount of text that says something about your pic.

She uploaded a picture of herself in a dark outfit that reminded her of Slytherin. She captioned it:

“on the ability to be whoever I desire”

To which my student commented:

“Except a wizard”

And then you wait and hope she responds.

Uh oh, I feel something pulling…


“watch me”

Great news. An answer. And it’s a pretty playful one at that.

Now you don’t respond back. You don’t keep a conversation in the comments.

Step 3: Slide into the DMs

Or in this case: Slytherin the DMs.

It’s time for step 3, in which we move the conversation to her inbox.

Can you ask her out on a date now? Or tell her she’s breathtakingly beautiful?

No, you can not.

You keep it original and playful. And preferably teasing. Challenge her, bro.

Challenge her.

How did my nerdy student handle this?

He beats her with a REAL “slytherin starter pack”

A picture of his Slytherin scarf with a text saying “real slytherin starter pack” and then some kind of gay ass star that lightens up every conversation.

And so the conversation has started.

And this, my friend, is how you pick up a 10 using Instagram.

So, hopefully, you learned something and chuckled a couple times in the process.

Use your newfound knowledge well, and I’ll see you soon in a new article or YouTube video!

Be sure to check out the TextGod Toolkit down below. It gets you all sorts of goodies like free lines, the best opener, and ways to get better pictures.

Good luck!

Louis Farfields

And don't forget your download below ;)

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How to find a girl on Instagram knowing the name

The first solution you can implement to find a girl Instagram if you know his name it's obvious that he is Finder are integrated into the famous photographic social network.

To get started, start Instagram that you downloaded in Android (For Play Store or alternative store) or iOS (from App Store) or, again, connect to the official website of the social network from a PC and log in your account. Now if you are behaving like a mobile phone, Click the magnifying glass icon located below and write username person of your interest in the search engine you can see above.

use Instagram instead, on the web, go to the search text box that you can find at the top of the main screen of the social network, and write in it: the username of of the person you are interested in.

At this point, in both cases, you only need to identify the profile of the person matching your search among the results you see: if you find it, click on it nominative so you can see their profile. In addition, if you wish, press the button follow to follow the girl you are interested in Instagram and so show me Enviar y el Stories posted it on Instagram.

Also, if you know the username in question, you can look up her profile. Instagram even doing a search on Google directly. In this case, to do this, enter username of the person in question followed by the word "Instagram" (e.g. "Maria Rossi's Instagram" ).

Then find the matching search result shown to you - the link you need to click on is marked with the URL icon instagram. com/username.

How to find a girl on Instagram without knowing her name

Do you want to find a girl you can follow Instagram but you don't know her name? In that case, don't worry, as I'm going to explain to you how to try to identify your profile with some of the tools that the well-known photographic social network provides you. nine0005

Via Instagram , for example, you can find people with the same interests as you using the Explorar section which, thanks to an algorithm, shows the most popular posts of users posting content similar to the one you regularly interact with.

To "play this card", launch the Instagram app and log into your account. Then, acting as a mobile phone, press magnifying glass icon is located below, so section Explore. Identifica, en este último, por tanto, las publicaciones más acordes con las que sean de tu interés y pulsa sobre ellas para visualizarlas.

If you find a post posted by a girl you're interested in, you can see her profile by tapping her profile. Username. Finalmente, para comenzar a seguirlo, presione el botón follow.

Another tool you can use is search with hashtag , which also allows you to search for people with similar interests. To use this feature, click on the magnifying glass icon located in the Instagram app, or use the text field located at the top of the web version of the social network.

Then write keyword related to your topic of interest (e.g. #technology ) and go SUBMIT , so that all Posts and Stories are posted by users who have included the relevant hashtag in their content. nine0005

At this point, if you have identified content that matches your interests, you can start following the profile of the user who posted it by clicking on the name from it and then on the follow button.

In addition, if you trade through Instagram for mobile phones: after searching for the hashtag you are interested in, you can follow it by pressing the button follow - In this way, all posts and stories published by the corresponding keyword will be showing you at Feed from social network.

How to meet a girl on Instagram

Following the advice I gave you in this tutorial, you found a girl profile on Instagram and now you would like to meet her. However, due to their shyness, you are wondering what they are phrases for dating a girl on Instagram how you would like to approach her correctly. Well, in that case, don't worry, follow the advice I'll give you below and you'll see that you can make a good first impression in your conversations. nine0005

  • Engage with the content you post: The best way to get to know a girl on Instagram is to "break the ice" by chatting with her from Enviar or Stories that publishes. You can interact with posts by leaving a comment (by clicking the cartoon icon ) and you can interact with stories by replying to them (using the text field that is displayed when you see them). If you want to send him a private message, use chat de Instagram , which can be found by clicking on the aircraft icon, is located in the upper right corner of the main screen of the social network.
  • Betting on originality : Even if there are no "correct" phrases to say to a girl to get her attention, originality is always rewarded. So when you're chatting with her, don't use clichés and start the conversation in an innovative way, like trying to ask her smart questions and pique her curiosity by varying the topics (eg movies, literature, politics). nine0030
  • Pay attention to spelling and grammar. : it is often said that the first impression is the most important; Therefore, in a text message, it is also important to take care of the shape as well as the background. In this sense, I suggest that you avoid using SMS abbreviations and languages, and for greater clarity of the written text. Also, if you want to make a good impression, be careful with spelling and avoid grammatical errors.
  • Be patient and polite : In addition to the advice I have given you so far, I want to give you one more suggestion: remember that education and, above all, patience always comes first. If the girl you're texting with doesn't reply to your messages or responds late, please respect her privacy and don't disturb her - respect her space or you may disturb her.

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How to meet a girl on Instagram

Dating sites are losing ground. Now, in order to start a dialogue with the girl you like, it is not at all necessary to fill out a detailed questionnaire, indicating gender, age and intentions only for a serious relationship. If on dating sites beautiful girls are forced to “fend off” a crowd of annoying fans looking for one-night stands, dating on Instagram is perceived differently. That is why your chances of inviting a stranger you like for a walk around the city or to a cozy cafe are much higher. nine0005

Instagram is one of the most popular platforms where you can meet the girl you like, whether it's a cute blonde or a curvaceous brunette. Almost all of the fair sex have an active account on this social network. However, it is not always possible to get access to the profile: after all, it can simply be closed and available only to friends. Find out how to meet a girl on Instagram: we have collected proven tips especially for you.

How to get acquainted on Instagram: important rules

1. Profile photos that work for you

people for theirs. Of course, bright pictures taken in a professional studio cannot but attract attention. Passing off another person as yourself, you run the risk of “losing”: if communication with a girl reaches the point that she wants to see her in real life, “expectation-reality” can greatly upset her. nine0005

Even if you are not a professional model or sportsman, you prefer front-facing shots rather than working with a photographer, try to choose normal photos. A categorical “no” - pictures with a naked torso (you risk immediately demonstrating all the “seriousness” of your intentions), with friends, memes and movie characters on the “avatar”.

Your main task is to attract attention, so make sure that the quality of the photos is appropriate, and not the same as if they were taken with an old soap camera. nine0005

And that's not all. If your Instagram profile has pictures confirming how much you love to relax with friends after work in a pub (especially when drunk), what conditions you live in (now we are talking about elementary order, and not about the fact that photos should be taken exclusively in the cottage). You shouldn't post a "selfie" every 2 hours - it's better to post fewer posts that will interest the girl you like, demonstrate your status and character, than a bunch of posts of the same type. nine0005

2. Posts are your visiting card

Before liking the photo of the girl you like, see if your profile contains information that will be of interest to the chosen one. Instagram is not only a photo platform. Here you can add posts, talk about interesting topics (preferably not just another fishing trip with friends).

What to write about? Everything is individual: if you are engaged in investments, tell your subscribers about your successes or share profitable strategies. Do you like literature and cinema? Great: post a few posts about paintings and books you like. The main thing is not to “replay” and alternate entertaining content with useful content. nine0005

Instagram has an interesting format called stories. These are short videos that you can post unlimited. However, they only last 24 hours. "Flight of fantasy" is not limited - tell us about yourself, hobbies, interests, share your favorite tracks. So you can not only “declare” yourself more, but also impress the girl you like with openness and sociability.

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Another important point: profile description. Remember: no philosophical quotes that look more like posts from Vkontakte publics. Enter your name, age, city, interests, or education. Ideally, if you post a “hook phrase” in your account, so that the chosen one can start a dialogue with you herself. Do not forget to attach links to social networks: the girl will make sure that in front of her is not a fake. nine0005

3. Remember: no lies

It's no secret that most girls would prefer to see next to them a purposeful guy with a beautiful figure and a high income. But there is one “but”: ideals simply do not exist. What we see in the picture on the Internet may turn out to be just a “dummy” in real life.

In order to get the attention of the lady you like, you should not start with a lie. This is a losing strategy. Believe me: there are enough "millionaires" and "masters of sports in boxing", who concurrently live in 3 countries, in social networks. This will immediately alert the girl. nine0005

Talk about your accomplishments, but don't exaggerate them. And if you don’t like the current state of affairs yourself, before you start dating Instagram, work on yourself. Believe me: it’s easy to get rid of extra pounds by attending workouts and adhering to proper nutrition, if you wish, you can change your unloved job for a profitable hobby. Everything else is just excuses.

4. Forget the formulaic phrases

Classic tricks like: “Hello, beautiful, will we have some time tonight?” long out of fashion. Any girl will perceive such a message negatively: believe me, they are forced to read such SMS almost daily. If you are aimed at adequate communication and an interesting dialogue, it is better to refuse hackneyed phrases. nine0005

But there is another side of the “coin” – when a guy wants to get a girl's attention so much that he comes up with an original message. In the "move" are pictures with bouquets or hearts from emoticons. And this is the worst option, some guys just lose the edge of reason.

You can always find a clue in a girl's profile. You see a lot of pictures from the ski resort and you yourself are an ardent fan of skiing? Great: you already have a reason to start a dialogue.

5. “She is so alone”

When meeting a girl on Instagram, it is important to show that you are only interested in her person and are not ready to consider other options (even if this is not the case). It is very important to find an individual approach in order to show the chosen one that "she is so alone."

It is not at all necessary to open a search engine and try to “google” biographical facts. Everything is much simpler than you think: carefully look at the photos and read the posts. In personal communication, hint at her exceptional features that you could not find in any other person. nine0005

Remember the "golden" rule and do not allow "pussies", "babies" and "bunnies" in the dialogue. “Zoo” has not been relevant for a long time: such communication characterizes you as a “stupid pick-up artist” who could not come up with anything better than cliched phrases. Personalization is very important here - it greatly facilitates communication. Try to call her by her first name (unless, of course, it is known). The girl will be pleased that you address her by name. This will help create a warm and trusting relationship between you.

Keep in mind that each of us loves an individual approach. If you just compose a universal message for dating on Instagram, you risk being left with nothing. nine0005

6. A photo is your "everything"

Nothing can characterize a girl like her pictures on Instagram. Pay attention to the profile: there are a lot of photos from the beach - in front of you is a lover of traveling to warm countries, from the gym - the chosen one clearly takes care of her body, monitors her diet and is definitely not on her way with a lover of fast food and beer restaurants.

Look at the photo - it will help you come up with a topic for conversation. If your hobbies are the same - you hit the "bull's eye". nine0005

7. First message

The most difficult thing is to write the first message and get the girl interested. Do not "line" long "tirades" praising the beauty of the girl. Here you have two options - come up with a "message" yourself and show originality, or follow the standard scheme.

Some guys are embarrassed to write first and are afraid that the direct message will go unanswered. It is important that an attempt to get acquainted does not look like a tackle. The original option is to respond to the stories of the chosen one, comment on her post from the point of view of an expert (for example, she wants to go in for sports, but does not know where to start, and you are a coach in a sports club). nine0005

You can also use the classic scheme. From the banal "Hello!" better to refuse. After reading such a message, three natural questions will appear in the girl's head:

  • Who are you?
  • Why did you write to her?
  • Why are you interested in her?

These three questions will help you compose your message. But remember that it should not be too stretched. Do not forget to say hello and introduce yourself (but not by the name "Vitek", as friends often call you, use "Victor"). The desire to communicate is a normal excuse to start a dialogue. However, you should not “intimidate” the girl and say that you are aiming for marriage or creating a family: you know too little. nine0005

We have already said that the photo in the profile of the chosen one will help to get to know her better. If you noticed a recent photo from your favorite concert on the girl's Instagram, feel free to ask questions. Most importantly, show that she is not just another lady to whom you send a pre-compiled text, but a unique one.

Successful examples

Nice compliment

– Anya, good evening! I stumbled across your Instagram page by accident and was fascinated by your charming smile. How do you look at starting communication outside the Internet? nine0005

- Hello, thanks, but no, I don't trust people I meet.

- Anya, you can go to my profile, there is quite a lot of interesting information about me and what I do. You won't be able to learn so much about a guy you don't know who comes up to meet you on the street :).

– I'm sorry. I thought you were just another pickup artist. I see that you also have a dog, and we live not far :). How do you feel about taking a walk in the park together tomorrow afternoon?

- Excellent. My number is “…”, write your phone number.

Common hobbies

– Marina, good evening! I accidentally stumbled upon your profile on Instagram, looking for beautiful pictures using the hashtag "France". I saw that you are also from St. Petersburg and were in Paris this summer. To be honest, I love this country very much. Can I ask you a few questions about the trip? I run my own blog, I publish stories of travelers (you can go to my page). By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Vadim. nine0005

– Vadim, hello, nice to meet you!!! I'm glad my photos are of interest to you. Ask, I'll try to answer.

– How do you feel about meeting in the cafe “…” and personally sharing your impressions, getting to know each other? I could tell you some interesting itineraries in France.

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