How to extract emails from instagram

How to Collect Emails From Your Instagram Followers?

Knowing that Instagram is the most popular source of user-generated content in the world, turning Instagram followers into potential customers is probably the first idea that comes to your mind. Businesses often get stuck in driving sales through your Instagram account, even if there are over 1 billion monthly active users.

Reaching out to your target audience and turning them into new subscribers and customers is quite challenging in terms of placing new products in front of your followers or announcing a special offer.

One of the most successful ways is to use their emails and promote your products and services directly in the inbox by skipping the tricky Instagram rules. You can use your Instagram bio page or Instagram stories to place external links to lead generation forms and collect your followers’ emails.

In this blog post, you will find different valuable practices on how to get an email from Instagram followers and skyrocket sales using your email list of subscribers.

Table Of Contents


  • Benefits of collecting emails from your Instagram followers
  • How can you use these emails to boost sales?
  • Ideas on how to collect emails with your Instagram account
  • Ways to collect emails with EmbedForms
  • Key Takeaways

Collecting email addresses from Instagram followers is essential for reaching out to them directly and promoting your products or services.

Building an email list from the target audience can be beneficial for your business, so let’s see why you should focus on this practice:

Get messages in person

You probably know that the Instagram algorithm will not show your Instagram posts to all users, and just a tiny percentage of them will see your content.

There is a ton of content from different businesses, so it’s most likely that some of your followers will miss a product update, special offer, webinar invites, etc. That’s where the email list comes into play.

Sending genuine emails is more in-person action and way more effective in getting your message in front of your potential customers. Also, your email will stand in their mail forever, so they can open it anytime and see the update you sent to them.

Return your customers back

Maybe it sounds scary, but it’s the fact that most of your Instagram followers will step into your website, eCommerce store, and sales page and will never get back again. Collecting emails from your audience will be a crucial solution to get them in return.

You can still send them personal messages in their inbox related to your brand, invite them to read your new blog post, announce limited-time offers, etc.

You control your email list

Your Instagram profile belongs to Instagram, and without this social media platform, you will not be in touch with your audience here. When it comes to your email list, it’s just yours, and you decide what to do with it.

Collecting emails from your Instagram followers means that you can reach out to the outside of Instagram totally independently. So, if one day Instagram crushes down, you can still be in touch with your audience and drive sales regularly.

Strong customer relationships

When you send an email to your potential customers, you establish a private communication, and no one except them can see your messages.

This can make them feel more comfortable with your business because it’s not the same feeling if they see the same message on your Instagram feed, story, reel, and similar. This kind of private conversation will build trust and strong customer relationships and increase brand awareness with lightning speed.

Earn more money

Isn’t it evident that people are interested in your niche if they step into your Instagram page and engage with your content constantly?

They are more likely to be your customers if you follow up with them correctly. Instagram users who subscribe to your email list are a step closer to becoming your customers because they take action on the subscription form related to your offers.

Sending email campaigns with your offerings, retargeting campaigns, product updates, and others can boost your sales and constantly keep subscribers in touch with your Instagram business profile.

Let’s imagine that you built a solid email list. Now you are ready to launch your marketing campaign or send emails for marketing and selling purposes, with or without email marketing software.

You can send different email types because different types of email subscribers can join your email list. Maybe your Instagram followers will subscribe to your email list from the sales page, newsletter form, and landing page, which means they left their emails with different intentions. Here are some ideas on how to use the collected emails to boost your sales:

Send sales emails

The first email type you can send to drive sales is a sales-related email. In this email, it’s important to personalize your message by putting their first name at the beginning.

That’s how people will feel the message in person and probably take action to see what’s included for them. This is generally better for all types of emails.

Even if we talk about sales emails, you don’t need to be too pushy because it can sound scammy. Be clear at the beginning with your offer, and always add a call-to-action at the end.

You can send special offers in order to retarget your leads with emails when they step into your website, online store, blog, or similar, leave their emails but don’t take buying action further.

To re-contact and convince them to take action, you can use retargeting ads to reach them again, give more information about your products or services they checked, and ask them to take action.

One relevant example is to upload your email list to the Google ads manager and target the leads with display and YouTube ads.

Additionally, you can create a lookalike audience for Facebook and Instagram advertising. Retargeting is one of the most powerful weapons to return visitors to your ground again, convert them into customers, and boost your sales.

Implement newsletter form

The newsletter form is an evergreen method to collect emails from Instagram users and keep them in touch with your business.

Sending newsletter emails will help in building trust with your email subscribers and a consistent relationship with them.

People buy from sources they trust, so send newsletter emails to educate/help them with different blog posts, case studies, and guides where links to your products or services are included.

Also, there is an option to automate your newsletter form with different automation tools, so the email process could be a passive income stream for your business.

Send emails to announce special offers

Announcing your Instagram followers who joined your email list related to your products or services is one of the best methods to drive sales. Placing special offers for your target audience, discounts, last-minute offers, and similar can warm up the buying momentum for a certain product or service.

That’s how people will feel like they are in the right moment for buying and will not want to miss it, so it would be beneficial for boosting your sales drastically.

You can send emails with a discount code or special coupons people can use to buy certain products for a lower price. Be aware not to overdo it because your potential customers will wait only for such special offers emails to take buying action, not in normal conditions.

Convincing your Instagram followers to leave their emails is not a straightforward action.

You can’t jump into everyone’s DM and ask to give their email addresses because it doesn’t make sense.

You should make people feel free to leave their emails voluntarily, but how can you achieve it?

Well, there are many different ways to get emails from Instagram users and build your email list; just check the following ideas below:

Find email addresses directly in the Instagram bio

One of the easiest ways to find your followers’ email addresses is to check their Instagram profiles or pages.

Maybe it requires decent manual work, but why not collect the emails if they are available.

Some of the users don’t add the email in their bio (like the example above), but they use their profile display option to show an email button on their profile.

To find an email with this option, open up any Instagram profile you think is relevant to your business, and you can see an Email button below the bio section.

If you click on this button, you will be redirected to your chosen email platform (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), where you can see their email and write it on your list. Keep in mind that this option is available only for business accounts, not for private Instagram accounts.

Do giveaways

Another simple idea of how to get emails on Instagram is organizing giveaways and interesting games of chance.

Everyone wants to get something for free or to try their luck, so giving products or services for free will increase followers’ interest in your brand and build trust.

You can announce your Instagram audience for the giveaway you plan to do with a requirement to leave their emails for participation in the comments or DM. Or, you can create a registration form and place the link in your bio where your followers can register for the giveaway.

This is a simple strategy of getting their emails in exchange for some products or services you provide.

Here is an example from HubSpot, inspired by the influencer @alifedotowsky

Challenge your audience

Challenging your Instagram followers to get products or services you provide for free can be beneficial for collecting their emails. For example, you can post a challenge where your followers will be required to take exciting quizzes, and the ones with the best results will get your product or service for free. Inside that quiz, you can put a contact info field to collect the participant’s email.

Also, you can offer them to book out a challenge and achieve something with your assistance. Imagine that you are a fitness trainer and want to make a 14-days weight loss challenge.

Tell your followers to book that challenge by clicking the link in the bio where you can put your registration form.

That way, you will directly get their emails when they book out, so send them different meal plans and video exercises they should try for 2 weeks. Below is a concrete example of how to set up your Instagram challenge inspired by @kelseywells:

Lead magnet landing pages

Another way to convince your Instagram followers to leave their emails voluntarily is by providing free value to them. You can create a lead magnet and use it to attract your Instagram followers to leave their emails and get free value from your brand.

The best example of a lead magnet is a short eBook with tips or best practices related to your niche, a cheat sheet document, a video tutorial, and other info products. In other words, you need a helpful resource for your audience and give it for free in exchange for their emails.

Let’s say you have a marketing consulting business and want to build your email list on Instagram. You can create a simple landing page, offering a free cheat sheet (a word document, PDF, Google docs, or Google sheet link) with useful marketing tips and tricks in exchange for email addresses. To place this landing page in front of your followers, you can use Instagram ads to target the most relevant audience with specific interests in your niche.

Another simple example is if you are an eCommerce company you can create a popup form to collect emails by offering discounts. Here is an example by Public Desire:

Use your link in the bio section as well to put the landing page link so that the interested followers can click on the link from your page.

Also, you can put the link on your IG story using the Instagram stories link sticker, announcing your audience for a free resource.

Create surveys

A good old survey is still one of the most used methods when it comes to collecting emails. Creating interesting surveys related to your niche will motivate people to interact with your brand and express their opinions.

Inside your survey, always put a required field for your Instagram followers to leave their emails for submitting the answers successfully.

To do it, just sign up for an account on any survey building tool, create your survey, and put the link where your Instagram users can click it (whether it is your link in bio or a story link feature)

Use an Instagram email finder tool

You can look for a list of email finders in Google Search such as Hunter, FindThatLead, and Voila Norbert. You can use email lookup tools to search for the user’s name and see if you find a match. Below I will show you how to do the search in

  1. Open the Instagram profile and look for their name
  2. See if you can find their companuser’s3: Open the Finder tool in Hunter – it is the second tab in the top menu
  3. Еnter the user’s name and look for the company in the company. com filed.

Here is an example of how we found Ryan Raynolds email:

EmbedForms is a powerful form builder to create online forms with a couple of clicks.

Each of your forms has a unique link, so you can use this link in various ways on your Instagram to collect emails.

EmbedForms come with industry-related templates to achieve a clear customer experience, no matter if you implement feedback forms, lead generation forms, survey forms, and others. In this section, we will give you some examples of how to collect emails from your Instagram followers using EmbedForms right below:


As you read above, surveys are an evergreen method to collect emails from users and build your email list. Surveys allow your audience to express their opinions on a specific niche or any product or service. There are different survey types, like embedded surveys in your blog post, online store, website, etc.

No matter what kind you prefer, keep in mind to always ask for the survey participant’s email at the beginning of the end of the survey and build your email list.

After that, you can send emails to the participants relevant to the survey topic, promote your solutions in that niche or offer your products.

Popover widget

In simple words, EmbedForms provides more types of feedback widgets and one of them is a Popover Widget.

You can use any form or survey you create in EmbedForms and make a Popover widget that will appear in a fixed bottom position.

It is effective especially if you want to get web visitors’ attention and use it in a more subtle format than intrusive popups.

Feedback banners are another way to collect emails from users.

You can implement different banners or feedback buttons in your blog posts, website, online store, or page products, so your customers can leave feedback about certain products or services.

You can construct these banners to open short surveys as well, so your Instagram followers can leave their emails together with the feedback when they click on the form.

Tip: Add a link in your bio to email forms.

You can use your link and add it in your link in bio on Instagram in order to navigate your Instagram followers to submit their information for a giveaway, newsletter, or ebook directly to the forms you build with EmbedForms.

To add a link to your Instagram bio, tap on Edit profile, and in the Website input file paste the form link. Tap Done and this link will appear on your profile.

Key Takeaways

The popularity of Instagram can bring you millions of potential customers who can increase your sales drastically if you reach out to them appropriately. Collecting their emails for launching your email marketing campaigns outside of Instagram is a crucial step for personal communication with your potential customers, managing your online reputation, and building trust.

People buy from someone they trust, so convincing them to subscribe to your email list voluntarily means you are a step closer to driving sales for your business.

There are many different ways and practices to get emails from your Instagram followers. You can organize giveaways and have fun with your followers or give them a problem-solving resource or products for free in exchange for their emails. This is called a lead magnet, and there are different lead magnets you can use for collecting emails.

To drive sales, most marketers prefer to send different types of emails consistently, but be aware not to bother your email subscribers.

You can send newsletter emails to inform the users about your new blog post or a special offer you have for a limited time.

Also, you can send sales emails with your offers, redirecting the email subscribers to your online store, product page, or similar.

To sum up, collecting emails is one of the best practices you can implement for your business and reach out to your Instagram audience outside of Instagram, in person, and directly.

Instagram Email Scraper | 100% Targeted & Verified Emails

#1 Instagram Email Scraper

Share your target audience and we’ll scrape, clean, filter, and deliver a ready-to-use email database with 30+ data points.  

Want To Test Our Scraping Tool?

Get a free data sample of 20 followers from any Instagram profile

We help B2C brands & creator companies grow

Scrape Emails From Fans of Any Instagram Page

We can get emails from the followers of any Instagram profile. 

All you have to do is share your competitors, a relevant influencer, or any other page your target audience follows.


Get Access to Our Database & Find Your Ideal Buyer

You can also find emails from our database of 200M scraped Instagram profiles & search users by keywords in their bio.

Not Just Emails!

28+ Other Data Points

With every Instagram email you get 28 additional attributes that will help you better understand your buyer & personalize your outreach.


  • Gender
  • Location
  • Niche
  • Engagement Rate
  • Link in Bio
  • Interests
  • 22+ more

Our Data Brings Hard-To-Believe ROI

We helped Matteo and the Ribbon team target 30 different niches for their platform by scoping their exact targeting persona based on 10 of our unique data points.

They ended up getting over 1500+ paying customers!

Kaleb is a growth marketer that’s currently running his second founded marketing agency.

After trying every scraping tool, he used our emails connecting his e-commerce client with over 100k models.

Currently, Kaleb uses our data for 4 other clients which operate in totally different industries.

Ashleigh has made over 50$ million managing high profile influencers and celebrities like Jake Paul, David Dobrik, and The Try Guys on Facebook.

Now she’s a an email marketer (all thanks to us!).

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you scrape emails from anyone's followers?

Our Instagram scraper tool can get publicly available data from the followers of any Instagram page or user. Most brands want to target the followers of their biggest competitors.

Other than the Instagram email, what other data can you get for one person?

With every contact we deliver comes their verified email. There are also 30+ different data points like age, gender, geolocation, follower count, interests, ethnicity, engagement rate, Instagram bio, and even the type of link they have in their bio, just to name a few.

Can I use your data in Facebook Ads?

We’ve had hundreds of clients that scraped their competitors fans and targeted them in Facebook Ads. 

How do you make sure the scraped emails from Instagram are targeted?

There’s always a margin of error but our data scientists make sure that every order is based on the specific needs of the client. Even if that means extra manual work for us. 

What are your pricing options?

To see the pricing table click here

What is your average delivery time?

Depending on the size of the order, it can take 2 to 5 work days. 

Is there a limit on how many emails you can scrape from Instagram?

We can basically deliver on any scraping order no matter its size.

What does the final product look like?

Click here to view our sample data.

Do I get the emails in a CSV file?

The email list will be delivered to you via a CSV file.

Is this legal?

Automated scraping is against Instagram’s ToS, and we’d never recommend it. However, we do things a bit differently. Take a look at our process here.

Scrape Emails From Targeted IG Users

We know the ins and outs of scraping emails from Instagram and how to use them right. Let’s talk 👇

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: how to download all data to a computer

RBC Trends explain how to download all important information from Dropbox, Apple Notes and Facebook services in the face of their possible blocking

In recent days, Roskomnadzor has partially restricted access to Facebook, and Twitter was experiencing crashes. Other services where Russians store valuable information were also under threat. RBC Trends tells you how to save your data when blocking popular applications.


  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Dropbox
  • Apple Notes
  • Trello
  • Notion


WhatsApp chats can be configured to be automatically copied daily and saved to your smartphone. If the user decides to uninstall WhatsApp, they will need to manually back up their chats. To do this, open WhatsApp, click "More Options", select "Settings" → "Chats" → "Backup Chats" → "Backup".

The export function can be used for both individual and group chats. To do this, open the chat, click "More options" → "More" → "Export chat".

Find the option "Export chat" in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the chat

In this case, the user must choose whether he will export media files. After that, he will receive an email with an attachment in the form of a document in TXT format containing the history of correspondence.


To receive a copy of all materials, you must send a download request in JSON format. To do this, you will need to enter your Instagram account password. The user must go to their profile, click on the icon in the upper right corner, select "Your activities", click "Download information". Then you will need to enter the email address to which Instagram will send the download link and click "Request File".

Instagram asks for an email to send the archive

When saving data, the user can choose what content he wants to download, as well as set the date range for downloading.


To download all data from Facebook, you need:

  • click the account icon in the upper right corner of the Facebook window,
  • select "Settings and privacy" and then "Settings",
  • select "Your information" on the left,
  • next to the item "Download information" click "View",
  • to add or remove data categories for download, check or uncheck the boxes on the right,
  • configure other parameters: download file format, quality of photos, videos and other materials, date range (by default, information is downloaded for all time),
  • Click "Create File" to confirm the download request. The download request will then have a status of "Pending" and will appear under "Available Copies of Your Download Information Tool"


Facebook allows you to select the format, quality and time range for saved files, as well as their categories

It may take up to several days for Facebook to prepare the archive. Then the user will receive a notification from the social network.

To download a copy of the requested data, you need:

  • go to the section "Available copies of the information download tool",
  • click "Download" and enter the password.

User can choose HTML or JSON file format to download files.

The latter is more convenient for transferring data to another service.


To submit a request to upload an archive of tweets, the user needs to click the "More" icon in the navigation bar to go to the account settings. Then you need to select the item "Your account" in the menu, click "Upload an archive of your data", enter the password in the section "Upload an archive of your data" and click "Confirm".

The user will then receive a code to the account's stored phone number or email address. After confirming your identity, you need to click the "Request data" button. Twitter will send an email or push notification when the download is complete if the app is installed on the smartphone. After that, in the settings in the "Download data" section, you can click the "Download data" button. The archive is uploaded in ZIP, HTML, JSON formats. It may take several days to prepare.

Upload Your Data Archive button in the Twitter account dashboard demographic information, advertisement information, and so on.


You can transfer files and folders from your Dropbox account to your computer. To do this, you need to sign in to your account on, hover over the file or folder you want to download, then click "..." (ellipsis) and select "Download".

Download a folder with photos from Dropbox

This way you can download folders up to 20 GB in size, the number of files in which does not exceed 10,000. All folders are downloaded as ZIP archive files.

Dropbox Paper docs must be converted to one of the following formats to download to PC: DOCX, MD, or PDF. To do this, click "..." (ellipsis) in the document, select "Export", select the file format to download and click "Download".

The DOCX format will only be compatible with Microsoft Word, not Google Docs or OpenOffice.

Apple Notes

Most users sync their notes with iCloud accounts. To upload notes from iCloud on Mac, you need to:

  • click on the Apple logo in the upper left corner,
  • select "System settings",
  • choose iCloud,
  • tick Notes,
  • select the note or notes to be uploaded,
  • click on "File" on the top and select the option "Export as PDF",
  • name the file and specify its location on a Mac,
  • click "Save".

Windows users must first install the iCloud app on their computer and then sync their notes with Outlook. In the iCloud app, you need to:

  • check "Mail, contacts, calendars and tasks",
  • click "Apply" at the bottom,
  • Run Microsoft Outlook on your computer,
  • go to "File" → "Options" → "Advanced",
  • click "Export".

Selecting notes to download in Backup Explorer (Photo:

All iCloud notes will be available in the selected folder on the computer.


The export function can be found in the Board menu → More → Print and Export. The information is downloaded in JSON format. It is currently not possible to import the archive back to re-create a Trello board.

Export board from Trello

Trello Premium allows you to export all boards in your workspace in CSV and JSON formats. Also the user can include all their attachments as a ZIP file in their own format. To do this, go to the Premium Workspace page and select the Export tab.


To create an archive, you need to go to "Settings and members" at the top of the left sidebar, select "Settings" in the sidebar of this window, scroll down and click "Export all workspace content" (Export all workspace ). The user will then receive an email from Notion with a link to download the files. The link will expire after 7 days.

Export workspace from Notion

For Enterprise members, this option can be disabled at the administrator's discretion to keep documents available for internal use only. Enterprise plan users can export their workspace as PDF files.

You can upload individual images, HTML, Markdown, PDF and CSV tables on the service. To do this, click in the upper right menu "...", then - Export, and select the desired format.

How to delete, edit or delete emails from my Instagram account

Social networks

0 3. 239 3 minutes to read

We always ask ourselves: Do you know how to delete, edit or remove an email from my Instagram account? If you have asked yourself the same question, then this article is for you, because we will provide you with all the answers you need.

This information will be very useful, because often we do not have access to the email with which we registered on Instagram. It may also happen that you no longer use this email address, or it has been hacked, in which case you want to link a new address.

In short, there are countless reasons why you would like to delete the email you have on Android. So pay attention to the information we provide you and you will find that it is very easy Change email address.

Steps to edit or delete my Instagram account email

Having a associated Instagram email address is extremely important because it is the only way to access your account. In addition, if for some reason something happens to your Instagram, the information will be delivered to you exactly on the letter that you wrote there.

However, as we mentioned on some occasions, we stopped using the Instagram email we signed up with for various reasons. Therefore, you must change or remove it , you can make this change through the application on your mobile phone or directly on the website of your computer.

Knowing this information, you just need to follow the following steps before the letter, and you will see how quickly you edit or delete this letter:

  • Log into your Instagram on the mobile app or on your computer.
  • Once inside, type "profile", in the case of the application you will find it in the lower right corner and on your computer in the upper right corner.
  • At the entrance, you must click on "edit profile".
  • A series of options will appear and you will need to enter some "profile information" and edit the email address you have on your account.
  • Once you have posted a new email that you want to customize, you need to click on the "approval" that appears at the top right.
  • A tab will open where they indicate that the message was emailed to you.
  • Enter an email address so you can set up the new address you just entered and that's it.

Once set up, all you have to do is verify your new email address which we will show you below.

How to verify your Instagram email address

Now if you have already changed your Instagram email address with the steps we mentioned above, it is time to confirm is . To do this, simply follow the instructions we provide below: