How to edit location on instagram post

How to Change the Location on an Instagram Post

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As an Instagram user, you will know that adding a location to your posts makes them more easily discoverable. Assigning a foreign location to a post helps boost engagement while creating a personalized location makes your business easy to find.

If you want to know how to change the location on your Instagram posts, you have come to the right place. In this article, we look at how to do just that on several different devices. Let’s take a look.

How to Change the Location of an Instagram Post on an iPhone

Editing the location on an Instagram post using your iPhone is straightforward. If you wanted to edit a post to add a location, these are the steps you would take:

  1. On your Instagram profile, find the post you want to add a location to and tap on it.
  2. Tap the icon with the three horizontal dots in the top right of the screen.
  3. Select “Edit.”
  4. Tap “Add Location.” This option appears under your username.
  5. You can now search to find a location of your choice or select one of the proposed locations provided by Instagram below the search bar.
  6. Once you have added your location, tap “Done” in the top right of the screen.

Your post will now save with the chosen location. If you want to change this location, these are the steps you should follow:

  1. Navigate to the post that you want to change the location for and tap on it.
  2. Press the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. Choose “Edit” from the menu.
  4. Tap on the location name that comes up beneath your username.
  5. You will be given two options “Change Location” or “Remove Location.” Choose “Change Location.”
  6. You can now search for the place you want to add in or select from one of the options Instagram provides.
  7. Once you are happy with your choice, confirm it by tapping “Done.”

How to Change the Location of an Instagram Post on an Android

If you use an Android device, changing the location on an Instagram post takes only a few quick steps. To add a location to an existing post, do this:

  1. On your Instagram app, navigate to your profile and select the post to which you want to add a location.
  2. Tap on the icon with the three vertical dots and select “Edit” from the menu that appears.
  3. Select the blue highlighted “Add Location” option that appears under your username.
  4. You can now either search for a location or choose one from the proposed locations provided by Instagram. (Usually, these suggested options are locations near to where you currently are.)
  5. When you are satisfied, click the blue check icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Your post now has a location added to it. If you later decide to change this to reflect someplace else, you would follow these steps:

  1. Head to your profile page and open the post you want to change the location for by tapping on it once.
  2. Select the icon in the top right corner of the screen that has three vertical dots.
  3. Choose “Edit.”
  4. Tap on the existing location that sits under your username (it will be displayed in blue.)
  5. Search for a location or select one of the locations suggested by Instagram in the menu below the search bar.
  6. Confirm your choice by tapping the blue check at the top of the screen.

How to Change the Location of an Instagram Post on a PC

Instagram on your PC offers limited interaction. You can view posts, like, and even comment on them. View people’s stories, send private messages, and even save those images you like the most. What the web version of Instagram won’t allow you to do is upload or edit posts.

Unfortunately, changing or adding a location to an Instagram post is part of the list of things you can’t do. If you want to amend the location of your post, you will need to do it via the mobile app.

Additional FAQs

Can I Create My Own Custom Location for Instagram?

Yes, you can. The location tag you create could be for anywhere, such as your business address. Or you could create a fictional place and create a tag for there too, for example, “My House.” To do this, you will need to use both Facebook and Instagram, as they are interlinked and owned by the same company. Creating a custom location on Instagram is simple and requires only a few steps:

1. Launch your Facebook app and sign in.

2. Create a post by tapping on “What’s on your mind.”

3. Select “Check In.”

4. In the search bar, type the name of the location you want to create. If a location with the same name already exists, you will need to change yours slightly to make yours unique.

5. Press “Search” or “Done.”

6. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and tap “Add [Name of your location].

7. Fill in the “Place name,” “Address,” and “City,” and then tap “Save Custom Place.”

8. You can now navigate out of Facebook.

The next step is to use this location in Instagram:

1. Open your Instagram app.

2. Navigate to the post you want to change the location on and tap on it to open it.

3. Click the three-dot icon at the top right of the screen and choose “Edit.”

4. Select the existing location under your username.

5. In the search bar, type in the name of the new location you have just created on Facebook.

6. When it comes up, tap it to select it.

7. Tap “Done.”

You have now added your custom location to your Instagram post.

Which Location Is Best for Engagement on Instagram?

Now that you know how to change the location of your Instagram posts, you may be considering which ones to use. If you want to increase the traffic to your posts, it is better to use locations that users frequently explore and have a high tag rate. Some of these include London, Italy, Paris, New York, California, Los Angeles, and France.

New Location Set

Changing the location on your Instagram posts becomes quick and easy once you know how. The benefits of doing this are numerous, especially if you are an influencer or run an Instagram business account.

By following the simple steps in this article, you will soon be changing locations like a pro. Now all you need to consider is which location to choose.

Have you changed the location of your Instagram posts before? Did you use a process similar to those provided in this guide? Or, did you use a different method? Let us know in the comments section below.

How to Create your Own Custom Location on Instagram (4 steps)

Alexandra | May 9, 2021

Let’s create your own unique, custom Instagram location!

As you know, you can now tag a location when you schedule your Instagram posts with Preview.

A lot of you asked:

“Can I create my own custom location tag for Instagram?”

Yes you can!

I’m going to show you how to do it.

The location can be anything:

  • The location of your business
  • Your website (it won’t link to your site, but it’s a clever way to get your link seen by more people – and it intrigues people)
  • An imaginary / fake location (like “Home Sweet Home”, “Coffee Time”)

Follow these 4 steps.

Click here to use it

Step 1. Go in your Facebook app and “Check in”

You need to set up your location tag on Facebook.

Facebook and Instagram are linked. As you may know, Instagram is owned by Facebook.

So you need to go through Facebook first to create your new location. 

  • Create a post (tap on “What’s on your mind”)
  • Tap on “Check in”
  • Make sure your “Location” permission is turned on in your phone settings for Facebook (you can turn it off again later)

Step 2. Type the name of your new location

Type a location name exactly as you want it to appear on Instagram. Pay attention to spaces, capital letters and punctuations.

Tap “Search“.

Chances are your new “location” does not exist. Or maybe some people have already registered a location with a similar name as you – which is fine.

If you’re not fine with that, here’s a quick tip.

Quick tip:

If someone has already taken the name of your location and you want to have a unique name, you can get very creative.

For example, if “Coffee” is taken, you can try “Coffee Official”, “The Official Coffee”, “This is Your Coffee”, “Where You Feel Alive”, “The London Coffee Shop”, etc…

Use your location name for marketing purposes.

If it’s something different, people will look at it and be intrigued! Take your time to brainstorm.

Step 3. Press on the “Add” button

Once you’re happy with the location name:

  • Scroll to the bottom of the screen
  • Press on the “+ Add [Location your just types]”

Step 4.

Go on Instagram or Preview to use your new custom location

Next time you post on Instagram or schedule a post in Preview, use your new location.

Congratulations! You’ve created your own unique custom Instagram location!

Did this trick work for you?

More tips:

  • The Best Instagram Strategies to Grow your Account
  • Core Instagram Content Ideas
  • How to Schedule Instagram Posts with Preview

Click here to use it

How to add a place to a post on Instagram

Published: Author: Artyom Cherny

The “add place” function allows you to show other users of the social network where the action of the moment captured in the photo or video takes place. It also allows you to make your posts more relevant and searchable based on geolocation. You can add both the exact location, down to the house number, or just the name of the country or locality. It is noteworthy that you can even add non-existent places to geolocation, but then it will be more difficult for other users to find your post.


  1. How to add a location to an Instagram post
  2. Option 1: Adding a location to an already published post
  3. Option 2: Adding a location to an already published post
  4. Option 3: Adding a location that does not exist

There are several options for adding a location tags for social media posts. Most often they are added for the following purposes:

  • Show the location where the photo/video was taken;
  • Sort posts by location;
  • To increase the reach of the post - if the photo was taken in a popular place, more people will see it.

It is noteworthy that you can add a geo-tag not only directly during the creation of a post, but also to an existing one, using the built-in editing tools. Consider all possible options.

Option 1: Adding during publication

The easiest and most common way to add a geo-tag to a publication. Implemented as follows:

  1. Go directly to the Add Post section using the “+” sign button in the bottom center of the screen.
  2. A list of available photos from the device's gallery is displayed. Select one or more photos and click the arrow button to continue.
  3. You will see a section with overlay and filter settings. Overlay the one you want and make additional overlay settings if necessary. You can skip this step if you are completely satisfied with the original image.
  4. Now, in the section where the description is added, pay attention to the “Add a place” block. Initially, you are offered several options depending on your current geolocation. To add a place, click on this block.
  5. Now in the search box, enter a request for the place that you want to link to the profile. Select it from the list.
  6. Finish editing the post and add it to your profile.

Now other users can find your post by entering the name of the given place. Also, the location you entered earlier will be displayed above the post.

Option 2: Add a location to an already published post

If you already have a published post that needs to be assigned a location, this can also be arranged using the standard social network functionality. An exception can only be with very old posts. There, as a rule, you can change the location only by re-uploading the post.

Let's look at the process of changing the location of an already published post using the "Edit" function:

  1. Go to the post you want to edit. In the upper right part of the interface, click on the ellipsis icon.
  2. Select the “Edit” item in the context menu.
  3. Under your nickname, use the links "Add a place".
  4. By analogy with the previous option, write down the name of the settlement and other data, if necessary.
    Save the result.

Option 3: Adding a non-existent location

You can add non-existent places to a post. However, there are limitations. For example, even if you add not places at all, old city names or something like that, they should still be recorded and saved by other users in the Instagram database. Otherwise, you simply will not be allowed to add the object to be entered.

See also:
Find out who watched the story on Instagram
Create an active link on Instagram
Find out who watched the video on Instagram
Adding music to video on Instagram

In general, the instructions do not differ much from the previously discussed methods:

  1. For example, we will move on to editing an already finished post. You can add a non-existent title for a completely new post.
  2. Go to site selection. Start typing in the name of this place. For example, let's write the name "Novonikolaevsk" (the old name of Novosibirsk). It is in the Instagram database, so you can add it without any problems.
  3. You don't have to search specifically for geographic features. It can be emotions, some random words, etc. (all of which can be added as a location). The main thing is that it should be included in Instagram itself.

We looked at ways to add a geolocation for posts on the Instagram social network. If you have any questions, then write about it in the comments.

how to create, configure, add or change

You can create a geolocation for Instagram through the Facebook mobile app and associated profiles. Before using the settings, you need to install both social networks and specify in the settings: " Connect ".


  • Creation of geolocation
    • Settings and adding
    • Change of geolocation
  • Popular and interesting geolocations
  • Search for geolocation or geolocation Creation

    In Instagram, you can add up to the reclotement. . Information is available when filling out the " Address " section in the business profile and photo description. In the future, the created point can be used by any Instagram members who entered the name.

    To specify geolocation, the smartphone owner must be sure that his phone supports this function. Location sharing is located in the notification bar on Android and in the privacy settings on iOS.

    How to make geolocation on Instagram :

    1. Check if geo-data transfer settings are enabled.
    2. Go to Facebook - create a new post.
    3. Select " Add " - Mark visit .
    4. Enter any fictitious name in the line - a list will appear.
    5. At the end, click " Add a place" - Set up .
    6. Post a post with the specified geolocation.

    If the Facebook account is linked to Instagram, the new location information will also appear in the second list. Geolocation may not work if the entry was added recently. There is also a problem - the point has been deleted. The user needs to wait about an hour for the information to be updated.

    Setting and adding

    Information about the new point is added to the general list, but binding to a specific place is based on data from the smartphone. That is, by specifying the place "Cafe" from where there was a connection to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet, regardless of the name, the place on the map will be indicated.

    When creating a geolocation via Facebook, the user can specify any name, information on added points is not moderated.

    Additional settings for geolocation :

    • recommended categories. What type of location is indicated?
    • city search and location. You can specify a fictitious geo-location;
    • address and photo. The main image that will only be displayed on Facebook and Google.

    To add a geolocation on Instagram :

    1. Log in - go to adding a post.
    2. Edit - Add Location .
    3. Specify recently added in the search bar.
    4. Share in feed. By clicking on the specified point, visitors to the page will be able to see the available geolocation.

    Change of geolocation

    Changes are made to the " Edit post " section on Facebook and Instagram. In the first case, the profile owner can create an unlimited number of places. In the case of Instagram, you can change the geolocation to any other.

    Instructions on how to set up geolocation on Instagram:

    1. Go to an already published photo or video.
    2. Click on the post - three dots on top - Edit .
    3. Click on the previously indicated place - set a new geolocation.
    4. Save changes.

    If the user did not add a geo when publishing, the following will appear above the post: Add location. By clicking on the section, an editing window will appear and the ability to select available geolocations. The list depends on the connection type: Wi-Fi or mobile data. Also, the correctness of the results is affected by VPN and other anonymous access services.

    You can set up geolocation on Instagram based on your current geographic location. That is, the first places in the list will be those places that are located next to the user.

    Popular and interesting geolocations

    Popular and unusual geolocations on Instagram are associated with major historical monuments.

    This list includes:

    • South Beach in Miami;
    • Central Park in New York;
    • Eiffel Tower in Paris.

    These places are considered the most visited by travelers and young people. Instagram users often use fictitious data to indicate their current location.

    The list of funny geolocations includes those that were invented by the authors of blogs and popular pages. Among them there are also real places, like the village Hamsters and Pots . Often indicate in the geo settlement " Cheerful life ", which is also located in Russia. The same hit: village Antibes from the Kemerovo region and Paris from the Chelyabinsk region.

    Search by geolocation

    A separate function that will help you find a settlement or a historical monument is search by geolocation.

    To find a city or institution:

    1. On Instagram, open the " Featured " section.
    2. Click on the line "Search" - Places .
    3. Enable location sharing on your smartphone.
    4. Enter the name in the input line.

    A map will appear on the page showing the approximate geographic location of the object. Below is a list of photos and videos that were taken at this location. Categories of publications are divided into two parts: TOP and recent. The first contains the posts that received the most likes. In the second - pictures that appeared less than an hour ago.

    Learn more