How to contact influencers on instagram

How to Contact Instagram Influencers: The Perfect Process for 2021 [Free Template]

As more and more brands begin working with influencers, it can be difficult for you to make your brand stand out and successfully connect with Instagram influencers for collaborations.

So what can you do to capture their attention?

Below, you’ll find a handy guide on how to contact Instagram influencers and get them to promote your business.

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Influencer outreach templates

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Table of Contents

What’s influencer outreach?

Influencer outreach is the process of finding and contacting influencers you want to work with.

You’ll need to nail your outreach strategy to convince influencers to work with you. If you’re unable to create messages that spark their interest, you may end up spending hours researching and sending emails — without ever receiving a reply.

How to contact Instagram influencers

Step 1: Know your campaign goals

Before contacting any influencers, you should first set marketing goals and objectives for your campaigns in your influencer marketing strategy. They can include raising brand awareness, creating content, or increasing sales.

Without marketing goals in place, it’ll be difficult for you to determine what type of influencer you should work with and how you’ll succeed with your influencer campaigns. You’ll also have no way of measuring your results!

With a poorly planned campaign, influencers won’t understand what you’re trying to achieve in your collaborations. It can limit their willingness to work with you and affect their ability to deliver a strong brand message with their sponsored posts.

Step 2: Research influencers for relevancy

Research, research, research! Your outreach strategy will see greater success if you reach out to influencers who are relevant to your business.

To maintain their authenticity, influencers want to partner up with brands who match their profiles and values. They’re also more likely to promote products that they already love. Influencers will ignore messages from random brands, especially when they notice you didn’t put in any effort to check them out before contacting them.

If you want to partner up with an influencer who is not in a category that would be typical for your brand, you’ll need to convince them why you want them in your campaign and how you think they can contribute. Sometimes, influencers are willing to take a risk by collaborating with brands who aren’t an obvious fit, and they’re able to come up with creative content.

Connecting with relevant influencers will not only increase your chances of receiving positive responses to your outreach messages. It’ll also increase the success of your influencer marketing campaigns overall. If your brand aligns with the influencers’ social media profiles, their sponsored posts will resonate with their audience. This will help you drive a positive ROI from your influencer marketing.

Before you start contacting influencers, be sure to ask yourself:

  • Do you want to work with micro-influencers or macro-influencers?
  • Does their profile category (ie: fitness, food & drink, etc.) fit what you’re trying to promote?
  • Does their content match your brand’s aesthetic and values?
  • Do they have good engagement and quality content?
  • Do they have a relevant audience for your brand?
  • What types of brands have they worked with before? Any competitors?
  • Do you think they’d promote your products?

Here are additional tips on how to find influencers that are relevant to your brand.

Step 3: Engage with influencers on social media

To make it easier to connect with an influencer, start following and engaging with them on Instagram around 2-3 weeks before you begin your outreach! You can do this on the influencers’ other social media channels if they’re available. This will show them that you’ve done your research and you’re interested in what they create.

When the time comes for you to contact an Instagram influencer, they may recognize your brand because you’ve already been engaging with them. This will make it easier for you to start a conversation and increase your chances of outreach success.

Step 4: Sort campaign logistics

Before reaching out, you should already have a clear idea of what you want the influencer to do, when you want them to complete collaborations by, and how much you’re willing to pay them. This will give you an idea of how early you need to start contacting influencers and anticipate any questions.

For an average campaign, you’ll have a list of approximately 20 influencer leads to contact. We recommend sending outreach messages at least 2 weeks before your campaign starts. If the campaign is larger, you should begin the process earlier.

By creating an influencer marketing brief outlining your campaign and marketing goals, you’ll have all the information you need to get influencers excited by the opportunity of working with you.

Without having the logistical aspects of your campaign sorted, your campaign brief and responses will be vague. It’ll make it impossible for the influencer to evaluate whether they’re interested in collaborating with you, or whether you’d be a reliable partner, which could result in them ignoring your messages.

Lastly, remember to create a timeline of your outreach process. Create a spreadsheet with:

  • The influencers’ names
  • Links to their Instagram profiles
  • Key Instagram metrics
  • Notes you want to remember
  • Date you intend to make contact
  • Date you actually made contact
  • Dates you intend to follow up
  • Dates you actually followed up

Jot down the dates you’ll begin your outreach and when you’ll follow up. Having a timeline in place will help you stay on top of your outreach and give you an idea of how long the process will take you.

Step 5: Choose a contact method

There are several ways you can approach influencers. The most common methods are Instagram direct messages (DMs) and email.

Instagram DMs

Instagram DMs are a casual, informal way to reach out to influencers.

If you use DMs for outreach, you need to keep them short and concise because you’ll have a 1,000 character limit. Keep in mind your DMs will also likely be read on mobile phones, so the shorter you can keep them, the easier they’ll be for influencers to go through!


Email is a more formal way of contacting influencers that Instagram. And can be more effective.  You can often find the influencers’ emails below their Instagram bios under ‘Contact’ or ‘Email.’


If an influencer has their email in their bio, you can be sure that they’re open to promoting businesses on their Instagram.

Because you don’t have a message limit, you can add more information in an email to get influencers excited about the potential collaborations. But they should still be kept short.

With emails, you’ll need to consider what subject lines to use. They need to intrigue the influencer and pique their curiosity, without being too vague about what the emails are about. To find subject lines that work for you, experiment with different ones, and don’t be afraid to get creative!

Step 6: Pitch your brand

Influencers receive dozens of collaboration offers every day, and they may be too busy to go through them all. So how do you draft a message that will grab their attention and make a good first impression?

Here is our suggested cold influencer outreach template.

Download our proven influencer outreach templates we use for clients including Nescafé, Subway, Warner Music, and many more.

Here are some best practices to follow:

Personalize your messages

When you reach out to influencers, ditch the generic templates and work on personalizing your outreach messages. Personalization will help you get a better response rate from influencers and show you’re genuinely interested in connecting with them. It’ll also help your brand stand out in their crowded inbox.

To tailor your outreach messages to specific influencers, you should:

  • Use the influencers’ names in your greeting
  • Explain why their content resonated with you – avoid any generic comments!
  • Introduce your brand and explain why you think they’d be a great fit
  • Lay out your expectations and how they’ll benefit from the collaborations
  • End the message with your name, so they know who you are

Keep the message brief

Because influencers are busy, you want to ensure the length of your outreach messages is short and on point. Avoid sending paragraphs of information about the collaboration and your brand. They’ll likely give up on reading the whole email if they don’t have an idea of what you want in a few sentences.

Instead, mention just enough information to excite them. Once you connect, you’ll have the opportunity to share more information or attach a brief outlining your brand and collaboration details.

Be clear and concise

For an influencer to get excited about potential collaboration opportunities, they need to understand what you’re asking for. If your messages are unclear, it’ll affect the likelihood of them responding to you.

Great outreach messages are well-structured, clear, and precise. It should be easy for influencers to scan your messages and decide whether they’re interested in working with you or not.

To write messages that are easy to understand, try keeping your sentences short and on point. Avoid using too many emojis and complicated vocabulary. Check your sentences for flow and, if you’re reaching out to influencers in other countries, try translating your messages to the local language.

Add a call-to-action (CTA)

Every outreach message you send to influencers should include a clear CTA, so they know what they should do next. Your CTA can be a question, or a push for a meeting or call.

Step 7: Follow up

After sending your first wave of outreach messages to influencers, update your spreadsheets or lists with the dates you contacted them. This will help you keep track of when you made your first contact. It’ll also be easier for you to know when to send follow up messages and give them a friendly nudge.

You should follow up with influencers for many reasons:

  • The influencer may not have seen your messages because their inbox was full
  • If the influencer doesn’t follow you on Instagram, they need to accept your DM request to see your messages
  • They may have seen your messages, but forgotten to respond to you
  • You’ll increase your chances of being seen

You can send up to 2 follow up messages before you risk being spammy. Our recommendation is to send follow up messages 2 days apart because it’ll help your brand stay top of mind. If you wait too long to send a follow up, the influencer may not remember your initial message.

Both your follow up messages should be kept short, but it should provide the influencers value that can convince them to work with you. Remember you are still marketing your business to them. You can offer to answer any questions they have or send a quick summary of your offer.

Step 8: Be professional

Throughout the outreach process, make sure you communicate with influencers in a respectful and professional way. After all, your outreach messages may be their first interaction with your company, so you’ll want to leave them with a good impression!

You can give influencers a great experience by responding to any questions promptly. This will help your business come off as a reliable partner.

Even if the influencer declines to work with you on a collaboration, be sure to thank them for taking the time to read your messages. This will help you maintain a healthy relationship with influencers who may be interested in collaborating with you in the future.

If influencers are interested in collaborating with you, you can send them a formal email with a campaign brief detailing the potential collaboration. You can also discuss the terms of your influencer agreement. To make this easy to track, and to provide more information to influencers, we recommend using your email.

Four Steps to Contact an Influencer on Instagram!

Great, you have finished your research to find the perfect influencers for your brand on Instagram😍! Now that you've established a list of influencers to contact on Instagram, the next question we should ask ourselves is: how can we contact them? Don't panic! Here are four steps to contact an influencer on Instagram and plan a new partnership! 🤝

1. Raise an Instagram influencer's attention

First of all, we must remember that influencers are over-solicited, so it will take time and patience to get answers.

Most of the time, when you receive an email from an unknown user, you don't open it. An influencer will do the same with your message, even on their professional email. That's why it's essential to establish a strong relationship with them beforehand. Knowing the person and understanding what they want to share with their community is the key to differentiating yourself from your competitors! 🙌

Of course, the first step that comes to mind is following their account. Yet, you can also :

  • Like and comment their posts / React to their stories → try to start a discussion
  • Share their posts when they are related to your activity
  • Mention them in articles or posts (tagging them to make sure they see it)
  • Ask them a question in dm and start talking about their content or on a subject that interests them (this works best if you contact them with your private account)

Of course, the goal is not to get into the spam section but simply to draw their attention regularly so that they can recognize your name or logo when you'll contact them later. 📲

Once you have established this first relationship with the influencer, you can now initiate an actual professional contact. 👨💼

2. Contact an influencer on Instagram
Direct solicitation :

🚨 Don't harass the influencer on every social network 🚨

Follow the influencer's preferences. If the influencer publicly shares his professional email, they prefer to be contacted through this channel. If the influencer asks to be contacted by Instagram DM in their bio, you can do so.

Solicitation by an intermediary :

Being introduced by a contact you have in common can be very effective because a trusted person introduces you to the influencer. An alternative to this option would be to quote the person you both know. 💬

3. Write a clear and personalized offer 📝

66% of influencers refuse partnerships, so take the time to write a relevant email!

  • Personalize your approach

As you would do for a cover letter, it is essential to be well informed about the activity of your interlocutor before offering a partnership. That is why mentioning the influencer's content, values, or background and explaining why you chose them will make the difference: it will show that you did not just send them a simple copy-paste message.

  • Work on a specific offer

Before you even contact them, you need to know what you expect from them and how they will benefit from the partnership. This offer should be clearly stated in your message.

  • Be clear and concise

Don't go into all details of the partnership. The objective isn't to drown them in information but to raise their curiosity and confirm their interest. Go straight to the point and suggest a quick phone or video call in which you can discuss and explain the project in more detail.

Here's an example of what not to do:

This message for example:

❌ Isn't personalised since it could be sent to almost any influencer

❌ Has no comment on the influencers content

❌ Lacks precision when explaining the campaign

❌ Doesn't present the brand's values

But here is an example of what to do!

Some important points to keep in mind:

👉 If the collab can become a long-term partnership, don't forget to mention it.

👉 It is possible that your email may have gone unnoticed. You can then restart, but you will have to slightly modify the content of your mail (change the angle of approach or the proposal). If you still don't get an answer, you will have to move on to the next influencer on your list.

👉 Don't pressure them: give the influencer time to get familiar with the product before deciding to collaborate with your brand.

👉 Do not comment on their publications! Informing them that you have contacted them elsewhere can be perceived as very intrusive!

If you are still unsure of how to write messages to influencers, you should check our templates to contact influencers.

4. Build a long term relationship 🤝

As we already know, it is harder to generate new customers than to retain existing ones. Following this logic, it is in your best interest to maintain the relationship with your influencers, especially if you enjoyed working with them!

First of all, don't forget to thank the influencer for their collaboration and keep them informed of their impact. 🙏

Keep this habit of liking/commenting here and there. It will be very much appreciated. You will then have a more particular link with the influencer and, therefore, a head start on your competitors! 😎

Don't hesitate to check our other article to know how to contact TikTok influencers.

How easy and simple it is to contact Instagram technical support?

Is the user experiencing any problems with their Instagram profile? Unable to log in to the service or received a ban? All these and other nuances are solved when contacting the technical support service. This guide will go into detail about communicating with technical support, regardless of the status and level of influence of the user.

It's really easy to get in touch with the Instagram experts, the real problem is getting a response. This situation leads to the fact that it is quite difficult to find a solution to the current situation. That is why you need to know all the available actions and tricks in order to disturb the peace of the technical support of the social network.


  • Instagram phone number and email address
  • Why is Instagram hard to contact?
  • How do I contact Instagram support (regular user)?
  • How to contact Instagram support (influencers and content creators)?
  • How do I reach Instagram through a Facebook ad account?
  • Where can I find up-to-date help with Instagram issues?
  • Account banned? And here is the magic link!

Instagram phone number and email address

Both hotline number and email address are public data. However, it is extremely unlikely that through these channels it will be possible to get an intelligible answer. If you want to try your luck, here is the information:

  • Phone number: +1 650 543 4800;
  • Email: [email protected]

Why is Instagram hard to reach?

The whole reason is the huge popularity of the service, today it has more than 1 billion registered users. It is hard to imagine how many requests are received by Instagram technical support every day. And yet it is known from unofficial sources that managers respond to influencers and content developers with tens of thousands of followers much faster and not always free of charge.

How do I contact Instagram support (regular user)?

An ordinary user needs to use the provided functionality to receive support. Receiving an answer is an unlikely reaction, but worth a try. The best option is to contact the official website of the service in accordance with the instructions.


  1. Go to office. Instagram website through a browser.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Support" button.
  3. Select "Privacy and Security" from the menu on the left.
  4. Click on "Report Abuse".
  5. Click on the actual type of problem, fill in the field and submit the application for consideration.

How do I contact Instagram support (influencers and content creators)?

Fame pursues influential people, but they additionally maintain interest in their own person through Instagram. There are many cases of hacker attacks on the profiles of famous personalities. Attackers are trying to take over the account for their own profit or to discredit the real owner of the profile.

The official position of Instagram is the absence of a priority scheme between users of different statuses. However, it is very likely that the reaction of social network employees will come much faster if the profile is important enough.

This delay in waiting for a response from official support has created a black market. Instagram employees offer account support services at an unofficial level for a fee. Usually the cost is several thousand dollars. The price depends on the influence of the person, the importance of the brand, the income received from the account, and the amount of work to attract the audience. Sometimes you have to splurge a lot.

For obvious reasons, the gamesqa administration cannot name channels for communication with "shadow" technical support.

How do I reach Instagram through my Facebook ad account?

If a user is constantly pouring money into advertising through Facebook and Instagram, he definitely has his own advertising account. You won't have to spend time waiting in line at the technical support service. The paying user gets significant priority over the average person. This is understandable, because fast service is clearly in the interests of Facebook. By making the user happy, they are more likely to want to spend money here again.

Where can I find up-to-date help on Instagram issues?

First of all, it is recommended to contact the official Instagram support at If you cannot find a solution to the problem in the indicated place, you can turn to other social networks with Instagram pages: Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.

Account banned? And here is the magic link!

Instagram recently warned all users about the possibility of blocking an account for violating the rules of the service. The ban occurs in the shortest possible time, and sometimes without a single reason. Is it possible to recover a banned account? If you remember that technical support will most likely not give any answer, you might think - "hardly". This is where the magic link comes to the rescue.

You just need to do a few things:

  1. Go here.
  2. Select the type of account: business, sale of products, services, or individual.
  3. Fill out the request form and provide all the required data.

Using the link provided, the Instagram team will respond to your request in approximately 3-7 days. Employees will offer to take a selfie with paper on which the code is written and send it via email. If everything goes well, the account will be unlocked soon.

Internet #Instagram

Step by step guide to interacting with influencers on Instagram

An influencer is someone who has influence over a large group of social media followers. When it comes to marketing, influencers can convince their followers to watch their videos, buy books, etc. "Through their authenticity and reach," Pixlee shared. Influencers are mostly celebrities.

Examples of influencers include Lily Singh (also known as Superwoman on YouTube), entrepreneur Lewis House and actress Madeleine Petch. The reason it's important to connect with them at the business level is because influencers can take your brand or business to a whole other level because they help you spread the word or promote. Since their followers love them, they are likely to buy/read/etc what they recommended.

Now that you know what an influencer is and how important it is to connect with them, let's talk about how you can connect with them, specifically through Instagram.

1. Follow them everywhere

You don't just want to follow the person you want to connect with on Instagram; you want to follow them everywhere. This means subscribing to their mailing list, YouTube channel (if they have one), and subscribing to their other social media accounts.

When you finally connect with this influencer via Instagram, you don't want them to know that you only like their photos, but you don't actually read their blog posts or watch their content. You want to show that you are a real fan.

It's a general rule: first you have to be a fan!

2. Like/comment on their photos.

Now that you've followed this influencer, it's time to like and comment on all of their photos - not their past photos, but the ones they upload from now on. If you don't want to miss a message, you can turn on the notification bell to get notified every time they upload a new image or video.

You want to like their posts and comment on each picture. You don't have to comment ten sentences, but comment something meaningful. If you comment on one word like "Yes!" or a smiley, they will just scroll through your comment. Write something that will get their attention and do it so often that one day they will know your name.

Check out their lives on Instagram too! Ask them questions, comment on what they say, and if they ask, live with them! I know the last option is intimidating, but it's already a huge leap in communication with them.

3. Share your stuff

People appreciate it when you share their content, products, and more. This is good! If you have someone who has shared your content that you didn't send them, it means you've done something worth posting about.

Share the article they wrote, make history by commenting on what their last post caption says, and always tag them. If you don't tag this person in your post or in your Instagram story, they won't see them because they don't follow you.

4. Write to them about how they helped you.

It's been a good month since you've followed this person, commented on their posts and shared their content now, and you might even be on the radar of this influencer. The next step is to DM them. You're not going to write to them (yet) about what you want from them, but you're going to tell them how much you appreciate them.

Here are some examples of what you can say to them:

“Hi [blank], I just wanted to let you know that I've been following you for a while now and you've really changed my life. I hope one day I can repay you for all the good things you've done! "

"Hi [blank]! Wanted to let you know that I really liked your latest [blank]. This helped me overcome [gap] by doing [gap]. I'm glad I found you and can't wait to see what else you posted. You have already inspired me so much! »

5. Write to them how you want to help them (and/or their readers).


Here's what you have to offer. It doesn't matter that you follow this influencer, liked all of their photos, and so on (well, it matters, but it's not the only thing that matters). Now that you have completed all of these steps, you must offer your services to them and provide them with value.

This means you send them another direct message saying something like this:

“Hi, [blank]. I love what you've been sharing with us lately. It's really inspiring to know that you believe in [gap] and [gap]. I have the same opinion as you, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to contact you.

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