How to be suggested on instagram

How To Appear on Someone's Instagram Suggestions

Instagram​Social Media

By Richard Hebert September 14, 2022September 14, 2022

Instagram is a social media that encourages you to meet new suggested friends. As a result, it has become a place where you can meet friends with a common goal. You can get a suggestion to follow users with the same interests as you and vice versa. But a baffling thing is how to make your profile show up in the suggestions of others.

Many things influence the kind of users Instagram will suggest for you. The same goes with the users that you’ll appear to as a suggestion. But one thing is that you’ll have a common interest for any user to show up as a suggested account. The common goals include hobbies, geolocation, familiar friends, shared contact, etc.

This article will discuss how to appear on someone’s Instagram suggestions. It’s for all users, even if you don’t have a large fan base, and you can grow your page with the tricks.

Table of Contents

  1. Step-by-Step Guide on How To Appear on Someone’s Instagram Suggestion
    • Step #1: Activate the Suggestion Feature
    • Step #2: Using the Search History
    • Step #3: Using Hashtags of Interest
    • Step #4: Using Geolocation Updates
  2. Conclusion

Step-by-Step Guide on How To Appear on Someone’s Instagram Suggestion

If you missed it, the current Instagram trend is to get a suggestion of who to follow. When you opt to follow someone on Instagram, it proposes friends, users, and followers. But how does Instagram recommend friends? How does Instagram recommend your profile to other users?

Most of the suggestion is not about you or your feed but other things. Think of your mutual friends, users with your phone number, friends on Facebook, etc. These factors are part of what you can control. Also, these factors determine users who get your account suggestion.

Either way, the other thing is up to Instagram to randomly put your account up. But instead of waiting for Instagram, you can force the algorithm to do that. Forcing the algorithm will hasten Instagram to put your account up as suggestions faster. So below are the simple steps to take to get your account ready for tips on others’ Instagram.

Step #1: Activate the Suggestion Feature

It’s important to have this active before you begin any other trick. You won’t be on anyone’s tip regardless of the routine or trick if you don’t have the function activated. This feature is always active by default, but you can enable it yourself if it is not. To do this:

  1. Open your web browser and go to the Instagram webpage.
  2. After that, click on your profile avatar and tap on Profile.
  3. Click on the Edit profile button beside your picture on your profile page.
  4. Scroll down to check the Similar account recommendation box.
  5. When you check this box, Instagram will suggest your account to people who may want to follow.

Step #2: Using the Search History

The Instagram algorithm checks your search history to bring suggestions for you. I recently needed to change my PC; then I saw an ad and clicked on it. After that, I saw another PC store suggestion. Then it became more than two, and more kept coming.

The same goes for suggesting you on someone else’s Instagram. Suppose you search for a user and keep engaging the account. Instagram will recommend your account to such a user and others with a common goal.

Step #3: Using Hashtags of Interest

Recall we said earlier that Instagram would suggest you to people with the same interest as you. Well, it aligns with this logic! You can create nice content and use the right hashtags. Instagram will suggest you to users with the same likes.

For example, you can like skating and upload tutorials about it with many hashtags. Using this trick increases your visibility among peers. So when other users follow people with the same content and hashtags, your account comes up.

Step #4: Using Geolocation Updates

Another way to make you appear on someone’s Instagram suggestion is geolocation. If you continuously tag your location to your post, you will appear on others with the same region tips. This is like Instagram suggesting you to mutual friends since you follow the same set of users.

You can even spice things up and add hashtags of that location to your post. This idea will surely make your account visible to users close to you. You’ll also appear as a suggestion for users who use the hashtags and those who follow that account.


With the steps above, Instagram will enlist you as a suggestion on someone’s account. This will happen even when you don’t have a personal affair with such a user. Another known way is linking your Facebook account with Instagram to get you suggested to your friends. Also, phone contacts are essential, but we didn’t discuss everything since you have an idea about that.

How to become Instagram suggested

Last night I put down my phone at 9:30pm. I had a call earlier that day with David Taylor, my productivity coach, and he helped me discover that being on my phone until late at night was one of the factors causing me anxiety and sleeping problems.

So no screens one hour before bed!

Before switching my phone off, I took a screenshot of my followers and growth metrics:

Then, next morning, I woke up at 8AM, feeling fully rested, and after my morning routine, I checked my phone. I was astonished to see this:

I thought this to be unreal! This meant that I grew 1,000 followers overnight, from 66,000 to 67,000, almost 100 followers per hour.

I've seen many people in my industry achieve that same spike of growth in the same period. Which means that this phenomena is not unique to me. We must be connected by the algorithm, and that boosts some of us to get more followers.

The only way this kind of linking can be possible is due to the "Suggested for you" feature.

You may have noticed that when you follow someone, a window drops down, suggesting you similar accounts.

To find out if you are suggested on other people's accounts, you need to look from a completely unbiased account. I have an account with 0 posts, 0 followers and 0 followings to check such things.

Turns out that I am being suggested on many big pages now:
@thechrisdo (297k) followers: I'm number 3.
@thefuturishere (218k) followers: I'm number 3.
@dainwalker (71.5k) followers: I'm number 1.
@tomrossmedia (31.1k) followers: I'm number 1.
@creators (351k) followers: I'm number 8.
@instagramforbusiness (1.7M followers): I'm number 52.

And I'm being shown on many many other accounts as well.

Funny thing is that you only see suggestions you don't follow yet. So if someone decides to follow @thechrisdo, but they already follow his #1 and #2 recommendation, then I will be shown on the #1 slot (instead of the original #3).

If you imagine this over a longer time period, what happens is when someone from outside of this "bubble" follows any one of us, sooner or later they will end up following all of us.

There are some dangers to this though. I see many people just following me without engaging with my content (no likes, comments, etc.).

They don't even find me through my content. If they don't regularly consume content like mine, I will have a hard time showing up on their feed, thus my engagement (likes, etc.) will not increase with this huge influx of followers.

This changes a few things about my Instagram strategy, and I will update you once I figure out the best way to increase engagement and story views coming from these followers. Because if they don't engage with anything and don't even see my content, this whole thing is pretty much worthless. ..

But let's talk about the first step for now. How to become a suggested account.

If you search for this on the internet, you will find all kinds of answers, and as Instagram is constantly changing the machine learning algorithm, it's hard to tell what the current situation is.

I'm going to keep this very simple, and only share things I have observed or things confirmed by Instagram.

What accounts get suggested?

  1. Accounts with similar audiences.
  2. Related accounts (friends on Facebook – if the account is linked).
  3. Accounts that engage with each other.
  4. Accounts in a similar niche (due to #1 – having similar audiences).

So, now the actionable part. How can you be a suggested account?

First, make sure this feature is turned on for you. It's turned on by default, but here's how you can check it:

  1. Log into your account ON DESKTOP.
  2. Click on Edit Profile.
  3. See if you have Similar Account Suggestions enabled (checkbox).

Be careful, if you turn this off, no account will show up on your end, but you won't show up on other accounts either.

It's like a button for scarcity vs. abundance mindset.

Once you have that, do these:

  1. Link your Facebook Profile with your Instagram account.
  2. Add the people you want to show up on as friends (hopefully they accept your request).
  3. Start engaging with the accounts you want to be suggested on.
  4. This will help IG understand the connection, and
  5. Maybe get a few new followers for you, thus build your audience of similar people. (See #1 on the first list.)
  6. Start promoting the accounts you want to show up on. Help them grow, send them your followers. Again, this helps Instagram understand the similarity between the two audiences.
  7. Use similar hashtags to what they're using.

This is a long process, but if you are consistent, you will see results like this one day:

Yup, that's 1,700 followers yesterday. What's more exciting is that I wrote this article first as an email to my newsletter subsribers on May 1st. And since then I grew 50k followers in 2 months, and the more consistent I am with posting, the more followers I get.

Whenever I stop posting for a few days, the follower influx starts to decrease a little bit, and I think it's because Instagram starts to slowly reduce how high I rank on other accounts (among other factors like not getting shared by others and not showing up on the Explore feed).

So one thing is to get there, the other is to stay there. Good for creators is you have to do the same thing to achieve both. Keep posting content for your audience on a regular basis. The more often and more relevant content you can share, the higher you will rank on other accounts.

How to get featured on Instagram - Web Center, blog

Even little-known brands, having flown into the recommendations, have a chance to hype and grab their piece of recognition. This way they get more reach and new subscribers.

If the task is to promote the brand and attract new customers in a short time, without investing anything but your time, then this article is for you.

Let's figure out what Instagram recommends and how to get to the TOP?


  1. What are Instagram recommendations?
  2. How are Instagram recommendations generated?
  3. How to get into Instagram recommendations?
  • General tips
  • Reels
  • Post in feed
  • Account
  • Instagram limits: don't get banned
  • Recap
  • What are Instagram recommendations?

    Instagram does not highlight recommendations in a special section. Recommendations are a collective concept that includes:

    • posts and reels in the search section:

    • recommended accounts when following another user:

    • stories that appear first in the feed:

    • recommended accounts in stories:

    How are Instagram recommendations generated?

    Recommendations are formed taking into account several factors:

    1. Your activity

      Smart Instagram algorithms analyze who you follow, what content you save, comment and like. What you see in recommended posts and reels directly depends on your behavior in the media space.

    2. Your contacts

      Instagram builds recommendations based on your interactions with other users. You will come across accounts of those with whom you have contacted, and those who, according to the algorithms of Instagram, are similar to such accounts.

    3. Publication Information

      The issuance of recommendations takes into account the popularity of the publication. And popularity is directly related to time, placement, and how other users interact with it.

    4. Account information

      It's about the engagement rating in the profile. It takes into account how often they subscribed to the profile, liked and commented on posts.

    How to get featured on Instagram

    General tips

    When creating content on Instagram, consider the factors that affect the attractiveness of the account and getting into the recommendations. Let's go over the basic tips.

    • Consider the needs of the target audience

      Any content can be recommended, but not every post or rills will bring targeted clicks and subscribers. But if the content of the post works with the pains and needs of the target audience, then it will interest the people you need.

    • Write the description correctly

      The Instagram algorithm carefully analyzes every word and, for example, if a post contains the words "bitrix" and "site management", then it will come across to people with similar interests.

    • Upload more videos

      The video format trend is only getting stronger. Based on our experience, accounts with a focus on stories and reels have higher engagement, and content is more likely to end up in the interesting section.

    • Track statistics

      Constantly check which posts get the most likes, reach, and views from non-followers. This way you will understand what kind of content the audience is interested in, and focus on it or abandon non-working formats in time.

    • Communicate with the audience

      Reply to comments, comment yourself, put likes and repost in stories. This increases the ER (engagement rate) in the profile, forms loyal subscribers and attracts new ones. Use a call to action in your posts, but only where appropriate.


    These are short videos in 9:16 format that are gaining more and more popularity. We talked about rils in detail in the article:

    Users like the format, and Instagram algorithms are softer, and it’s easier to hit the recommended with reels than with posts. What principles work with reels?

    • Repost to stories and feed

      This will help you get the first likes and views from a warm audience of subscribers. And the faster the rils gains views and likes at the beginning, the more interesting it is considered by the Instagram feed.

      Repost rils in stories of the Web Center

    • Reshoot trends and use popular sounds

      Look at what videos are popular in rails and Tik Tok and adapt them to your field. And if you also use trending music in your video, then even content that doesn’t make sense will collect a lot of views. But do not move away from the direction of your company, otherwise the non-target audience will go to the profile.

      Service for tracking trend sounds TokBoard

    • Make a catchy cover

      The cover will be seen in the feed or on the reels tab, so make it attractive so that you want to click and find out what's inside. The more often a video is clicked on, the higher it is in Instagram recommendations.

      Reels cover hits exactly the pain of the audience

    • Edit videos and add effects

      Every day a lot of content passes by the user, and it becomes more and more difficult to attract attention. Therefore, edit the video in special programs to make it more creative. Or create intrigue for the entire video, and at the end show the answer for a second. Or even leave the phrase "Look for the answer in the comments." And while users are scrolling through the comments, you will increase the video's viewability.

      Quick change of settings screenshots forces users to revise rils

    Feed post

    • Try to always be in trend

      A productive presence in social networks is a constant monitoring of the new. Look at competitors, adapt popular topics and post formats for yourself.

    • Add calls to sales posts

      Tell about promotions and offer to write to Direct, visit the profile or share with friends in stories. Make a draw only for subscribers and then people who see the post are more likely to subscribe to the profile.

    • Don't forget the hashtags

      It is important to add them on the topic of the post and not use high-frequency ones. Analyze competitor posts and see which hashtags they use more often.

    • Type Alt text

        Alt text is a short description of any image. The term comes from the phrase "alternative text". It is not displayed on the site and is not visible to visitors, it is a kind of metadata hidden from prying eyes.

      You will help the posts to break into the recommended if you write the words from the key queries on your topic in the Alt-text. Search engines are still bad at recognizing images and responding only to words. By adding such text to the picture, you make it "noticeable".

      To write Alt-text, open the post, click on 3 dots and select "Edit":

      Next, on the photo itself, click on the inscription "Change alt text":

      Enter words that describe the content of the image and save:


    The principles of recommending accounts are more complicated than other mechanics, but work in this direction brings more new subscribers than other methods. Let's deal with them.

    • Interaction with each other

      Have you seen how some influencers comment on accounts of others?
      Believe me, it's not because they adore each other. By commenting on an account with an audience similar to yours, you attract people and signal the Instagram algorithms.

    • Content similar in subject matter to competitor content

      Posts, related hashtags or competitor tags in posts and photos. Use everything together, and Instagram will add the account to the recommendation algorithms.

    • Subscriptions to accounts in a similar field

      If out of 80 of your subscriptions, 60 are related to the topic of fashion and the fashion industry, then the algorithms will consider that you will post something similar. It works the same way with other categories.

    • Link to Facebook

      If you link your account to Facebook, the Instagram algorithms will also start recommending your account to followers, likers and friends.

      Don't forget to turn on the account suggestion on Instagram mobile. This way, similar accounts will be recommended to you, but you will also be recommended to others.

      To do this, first go to the settings and select the account section:

      Then go to contacts synchronization:

      And include:

    Instagram limits: don't get banned

    Let's dispel one of the myths about Instagram: by winding up likes and followers, you won't miraculously end up in recommendations. Instagram considers such activity suspicious and sends the account to the shadowban.

    Nobody speaks openly about the restrictions, but we can build on the data that Instagram published in 2019:

    Limits for new accounts:

    Limits for accounts from 6 months:

    The figures in the tables are approximate. Officially, Instagram has stopped giving these statistics since 2019, but you can still focus on it.

    In addition to cheating, they get banned for:

    • copyright infringement, that is, the use of other people's materials without the permission and mark of the author,

    • spam with the same comments under the posts,

    • simultaneous login to Instagram from different devices or different places,

    • publication of nude photos, illegal materials and extremism.

    Read the current Instagram guide on the website.


    Getting to the top is easy: create useful content, follow trends and work with Instagram algorithms. So you will get not only great coverage, but also new customers.

    There is no magic recipe for getting into recommendations: there are too many factors involved. But we know from experience that it is not necessary to have a multi-million audience to get there. It is important to constantly try new things.

    Subscribe to our Telegram and newsletter to keep abreast of all marketing news and not miss our new materials.

      And if you need help in promoting your business on social networks from professionals, leave a request.

    How to get into interesting things on Instagram: TOP recommendations 2022

    For a blogger or a company, getting into interesting things is a great free opportunity to promote and build a sales funnel. Instagram algorithms themselves determine the target audience that will see your publications.

    Therefore, in the article I will tell you how to get into interesting things on Instagram, what affects it and answer the most common questions.

    Where to find interesting things

    Initially, Instagram recommendations were made up of the most popular posts. Only celebrity accounts and major brands were displayed there, and users with a smaller audience did not have a chance to get there. Now everything is different.

    To go to the interesting section on Instagram, click on the magnifying glass icon in the app or on the compass in the web version. The homepage offers a feed that is personally generated for you, which includes not only photo content, but also videos, stories, IGTV and products.

    You may have noticed that some posts are displayed larger - most often Instagram focuses on videos, gifs and stores.

    Above the feed there are buttons with top publications in IGTV (there are also live broadcasts), shops and popular posts in various categories from architecture to sports.

    In addition to a separate tab, recommendations are now displayed directly in the feed: when you scroll through it all (which is rare), Instagram will warn you that new posts from your subscriptions have ended, but you can see those that might interest you.

    If you are not interested in the recommendations, Instagram allows you to return to the publications you have already viewed.

    Formation algorithm

    Instagram analyzes the actions of each user and generates individual recommendations in accordance with his interests.

    Not everything gets into the interesting, but publications from relevant accounts. If Instagram decides that the account is questionable, contains spam, or contains material that violates the rules (for example, calls for violence), then its posts will not be included in the recommendations.

    First, the algorithm selects 500 potentially interesting records for the user, then filters them down to 150 relevant ones. Of these, 50 are selected, 25 of which fall into the interesting.

    If the user's interests change (or new ones are added), then the algorithm is rebuilt - this is a continuous process.

    By the way, when you open a post from recommendations in the app, the social network shows not the next post from the interesting feed, but similar ones (and, of course, randomly intersperses them with suitable advertising or products).

    As advertising

    - Reasons for the recommendation

    Now let's take a closer look at the algorithms, let's figure out how what the social network recommends is formed. Instagram usually directly tells what prompted her to show you this or that publication.

    1. Instagram Recommendations

    This category includes posts that the algorithms have found potentially interesting for you. They may be slightly different from the content you usually interact with and add variety to the feed.

    From the social network
    2. Based on the accounts you follow

    These are usually either accounts similar to your subscriptions or profiles that are followed by those you follow. Such publications are offered to a target audience similar to the target audience of the original blog - the coverage increases accordingly.

    By subscription accounts
    3. Based on the photos they liked

    Everything is simple here: the user likes funny photos with kittens, algorithms read his behavior and offer him new publications with kittens in the recommendations.

    Or, if we talk about business, a user, for example, likes the posts of a children's goods store and receives even more children's products from other stores in Interesting.

    Based on liked photos
    4. Based on saved posts

    Here is about the same principle as above with likes. The difference is that Instagram's algorithms value saves much more than likes. They say the latter are often set automatically when scrolling the feed, but the most useful and relevant content for the user gets into the favorites.

    By saved posts
    5. Based on interactions with similar posts

    Interactions in the understanding of Instagram include likes, comments, saves, reposts in stories, and even just browsing. This category has great potential to attract new audiences.

    On interaction with similar posts

    By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool


    There are no specific step-by-step instructions on how to get into recommendations, but I will list the key factors for getting there and give you tips and tools.

    1. High-quality and regular content

    When filtering, Instagram algorithms consider not so much individual posts as accounts as a whole. What does this mean? Profiles with questionable content or spam have a much lower chance of getting into Interesting than "respectable" ones.

    Inappropriate content includes: depiction or promotion of violence, self harm, bullying, nudity, sale or promotion of drugs and firearms. If none of this is on your page (I hope so), then there will be no problems.

    Also, publications must be in different formats: photos, videos, carousels, etc. But at the same time, do not spray on topics. This will make it easier for Instagram to understand which audience to offer your posts to.

    For example, if your blog is mainly about travel, but you want to do something else, carefully weave in the text a mention of the main topic. Let's say you wrote about going to the movies with your family, but you mentioned that you were in the city where the movie was filmed.

    Services for organizing a content plan and posting will help to simplify the maintenance of a profile.

    Service Cost (per month) Free period Functionality
    Live Dune From 400 ₽
    (promo code “INSCALE” - 30% discount + 7 days of access)
    7 days - Autoposting;
    - Account analytics;
    - Monitoring comments.
    SmmBox From 300 ₽ 14 days - Content search;
    - Content adaptation;
    - Creation of a content plan;
    - Image editor;
    - Delayed posting.
    SMMplanner From 450 ₽ 7 days - Postponed publications;
    - Image editor.
    Postmypost From 450 ₽ 3 days - Autoposting;
    - Account analytics;
    - Monitoring comments;
    - Delayed posting.

    2. Analytics

    Analyze your own profile. If you have a business account or an author account, you can do it right in the app's statistics. How to switch to this, and what goodies come from this, read the articles.

    Author account on Instagram: what is different + how to make a Business profile on Instagram: how to create + 15 screenshots

    Examine the data on your publications: which content gets the most response from the audience, which posts get more comments, and which ones get shares and saves. Look at the reach, and where they appear. So you will understand which type of posts has a high chance of getting into the recommendations.

    Also in the profile statistics you will get a basic idea of ​​your target audience and the time of its maximum activity. This will help you post on time. And the more actively they react to the post, the higher it will be displayed in the feed of subscribers. Accordingly, the engagement rate will increase, which means that there is a high probability that the post will be included in the recommendations to subscribers of subscribers.

    Study the target audience and focus on it. To draw up a more accurate portrait of the target audience, look at who else your followers subscribe to, whom they actively like and comment on, how often posts are posted on these blogs, etc.

    Analysis can be carried out not only manually, but also with the help of services, so I will leave the most popular ones below.

    3. Different ways of promotion , of course, the gray zone of promotion, which is not approved by the Instagram administration. But with careful use, the method will provide significant assistance in promoting your account. In the table below, I have collected reliable services for mass actions.

    Service Cost Free period Functionality
    Livedune From 300 ₽/month 7 days - Autoposting;
    - Account analytics;
    - Monitoring comments.
    Instahero From 99 ₽/analysis (“INSCALE” 30% discount) No - Account analytics;
    - Profile rating;
    - Monitoring and deleting subscribers;
    - Spam protection.
    Spam Guard From 99 ₽/analysis (“inscale” discount 20%) 1 check - Account analytics;
    - Profile rating;
    - Monitoring and deleting subscribers;
    - Spam protection.
    trendHERO From 742 ₽/month Free plan - Account Analytics;
    - Search and verification of bloggers;
    - Advertising monitoring.
    Adlover 1500 ₽/month Free tariff - Account Analytics;
    - Advertising monitoring.
    Service Cost (per month) Free period Promo code
    Zengram 1 490 ₽ 3 days "INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on all
    Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day -
    Instaplus. pro 299 ₽ 5 days INSCALE 20% discount
    - Cheat

    A method for which we do not drown and believe that it is applicable only at the start of an account, since it is difficult to immediately gain decent indicators. In the table I have collected popular services where you can wind up likes, subscriptions, reposts, comments, etc.

    By the way, some of them work like stock exchanges, that is, you can perform simple tasks, for example, put likes, earn on it, and spend points on your own promotion.

    Service Cost per action
    Likemania $0.15
    Prostospec $0.33
    TaskPay From 0.2 ₽
    SMMlaba From 0.8 ₽

    Comments on Instagram: from real people + how to wind up

    - Targeted advertising

    If you don’t know what this tool is at all, or you know it, but superficially, then we have a whole article about targeting, even a beginner will understand it. And of course, to help catch a list of services for using advertising.

    Service Cost (per month) Free period
    GetUniq Calculated individually No
    Aori From 5 000 ₽ No
    eLama 5 000 ₽ Yes

    Life hack. Instagram allows you to add alternative text to images, this will positively affect the display of your posts in keyword searches.

    4. Interaction with the audience

    Do you remember the importance of the engagement rate for blog promotion? The best recipe for increasing ER is to create engaging content.

    We already have a whole article on this topic, where you will find a bunch of ideas, life hacks and tips on how to engage your audience through publications.

    The easiest and most obvious way to interact with subscribers is to communicate with them in the comments. Also, your likes and comments on the posts of subscribers and bloggers with a target audience similar to yours will bring additional benefits.

    Also, people are very fond of live broadcasts, and in the recommendations they are highlighted in a separate category. Broadcasts with answers to questions, streams, joint live broadcasts with other bloggers - you know what to do. In the table I will leave services with tools to increase engagement.

    Service Cost (per month) Free period Functionality 990 ₽
    With the promo code "inscale" +5 additional days to use (after paying any of the tariffs)
    No - Chatbot;
    - Instagram games;
    - Advertising in stories.
    SUB.BY From 630 ₽ No - Gamification.
    Morecom From 150 ₽ 7 days - Monitoring of comments and mentions;
    - Holding draws.
    Instaways From 399 ₽ Free plan - Giveaway and contest tools.

    5. Geotags and hashtags

    Don't ignore geotags, even though at first glance they seem to be completely insignificant. Recommendations are formed, including by the location of the user, so for a local business or blogger, geotags are one of the key factors for getting into interesting places.

    Now to the hashtags. Do not use a large number, about 10 is enough. Before choosing, check its frequency - it makes no sense to use too general and abstract ones, because your publication will instantly be lost in thousands of others. It is better to add more specific tags that are close to your activity or subject. If you want more details and on the shelves, then go to the article.

    Hashtag on Instagram: instructions on how to reach the top

    I also compiled for you the top parsing services for Instagram, with which you can filter users by geolocation and hashtags.

    Service Cost (per month) Free period Promo code
    Zengram 1 490 ₽ 3 days "INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on all
    Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day - 299 ₽ 5 days INSCALE 20% discount

    6. Collaboration with brands and influencers

    The more you interact with other users, the more you will appear in the recommendations. This can be done both directly and indirectly.

    - Direct

    As I said above, subscribing to bloggers that your target audience subscribes to will work well - your account will be displayed in interesting as similar.

    Tag your brand in your posts: Brand SMMs check tags and may like it. And this means that your blog will appear in the recommendations of the brand's followers.

    The same principle applies to bloggers-influencers: Kim Kardashian, of course, will not like you back, but a local opinion leader or a blogger with a similar topic will do.

    - Indirect

    Now about cooperation by agreement. I will not tire of talking about the benefits of mutual PR (and I remind you that it is absolutely free). So you will be included in the recommendations to the subscribers of the partner blogger, and he will be in yours.

    And, of course, another option is to buy advertising from bloggers. Below is a table with the best exchanges where you can find partners.

    Mutual PR on Instagram: what is + how to conduct Advertising with bloggers: a complete guide Commission/Tariffs Number of bloggers Available information about bloggers EpicStars From 4 999 ₽ 500 000 - Number of subscribers;
    - Level of involvement;
    - Integration cost;
    - Advertising review cost;
    - Possibility of advertising for barter;
    - Extended blogger statistics. SocialTrade Blogger paying 1500 - Number of subscribers;
    - Advertising coverage;
    - Cost of advertising;
    - Blogger statistics. trendHERO There is a free plan 80+ million - Number of subscribers;
    - Blog theme;
    - Demographics of subscribers;
    - Daily statistics and CPM for 1,000 impressions;
    - Cost of advertising;
    - Extended blogger statistics (90+ metrics).

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Now I will answer questions that you may have, at the same time I will tell you about what, perhaps, I did not cover in the previous chapter.

    - How to turn off Interesting?

    You cannot turn it off completely, but you can adjust the content that the algorithm offers you. To do this, open the publication, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “not interested” in the menu.

    - Is it possible to get into recommendations by getting likes?

    Boosting likes will not work here: the Instagram algorithm will consider it as suspicious activity, and on the contrary, it will have a bad effect on your reputation and reduce the likelihood of your blog getting into interesting ones.

    The principle of its formation is the individual selection of content for each user based on his interactions and likes, and if they are cheated by bots and empty accounts, there is no sense in this.

    - How do I know if my post has been featured in Interesting?

    Firstly, if it gets into the recommendations, the activity on it increases significantly compared to the average. It partially affects other posts, but the main surge occurs on the one that goes viral.

    Secondly, if you have a business account, you can see the statistics for each publication: there is an “Impressions” section, it shows the number of impressions of a post from different sources.

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    - Can I force a specific post to be recommended?

    Unfortunately, it's not you who decides here, but artificial intelligence. Of course, posts with high activity in the first hour after publication are more likely to get featured in Interesting, but in general, the algorithm focuses not on individual, but on the entire account.

    - Does the text affect the hit in Interesting?

    Absolutely! Add keywords related to your blog topic to your post and write alt text to make it easier for Instagram algorithms to recognize your target audience.

    Briefly about the main thing

    Getting into recommendations is an effective way to show posts to friends of friends and, accordingly, increase coverage and gain followers on Instagram.

    Learn more