How to check instagram followers activity

How to See Your Follower’s Activity on Instagram

Have you ever wondered what your followers do on Instagram?

You may want to know this out of basic curiosity. But it’s also an excellent way to discover new creative and useful profiles to follow. So, why not check out what the people who follow you like on this social media app?

If you think this is a great idea, you’re not alone – many users wonder how to do just that since the Activity tab in the Notifications section is no longer available.

Our article may help you clear up any doubts you may have. Keep reading and find out how to learn more about your followers.

How to Check Your Follower’s Activity on Instagram

Before, you could easily see what your friends and followers liked by tapping the Activity tab in your Notifications panel. But more than a year ago, Instagram removed this feature and made it harder to get a peek at the likes of our Insta friends.

Instagram’s explanation is that they wanted to make the app as simple as possible to use. They also said they removed this tab because, according to their data, not many people were actually using it. However, many users seem not to have liked this change. But there were also others who said they were happy to hear that their followers won’t be able to see what they liked and who they followed anymore.

While users do have the Explore section to find new exciting accounts to follow on Instagram, how can you see your followers’ activity now?

To see more than just specific parts of your followers’ activity, you’ll need additional “snooping support.”

1. How to See Someone’s Recent Posts

Recent posts are a part of someone’s activity on Instagram, so here’s how to see them. You may miss a user’s post on your feed, but it’s easy to make sure you’re up to date by visiting their profile.

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your device.
  2. Select the magnifying glass from the menu at the bottom.
  3. Type in the desired username in the search field at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap on the user’s name to open their account.
  5. Check out the latest posts by scrolling through their feed.

2. How to See Someone’s Followers

To see someone else’s followers and the list of people they’re following, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram on your smartphone.
  2. Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom.
  3. In the search field, type in the username of the person you want to track.
  4. When their profile opens, tap on the Followers or Following section.

You’ll be able to see people they interact with unless their profile is set to private. In that case, you can only see these lists if they approve your follow request.

3. How to See What Someone Else Likes

It used to be much easier to see what the users you follow liked on Instagram before the Activity tab was removed. You had everything in one place, and there was no need for much scrolling. It’s still possible to check who liked what, but the process may be a bit tedious.

Here’s what you should do.

  1. Open Instagram and go to your home page.
  2. Scroll through the feed and choose a post made by a person both you and the user you want to track follow.
  3. Tap on the likes below the post.
  4. Check the list of people who liked the post and find out which one of your friends liked it.

You can see what other people like if you follow the same people. When you stumble upon an image posted by your mutual follower, you can tap the likes to see who liked the post. Then you can see if the person you’re interested in liked the photo.

How to Get Your Followers’ Activity on Instagram With Third-Party Apps

Besides seeing this basic stuff, you can also track your followers’ activity by using third-party apps.

For example, you can use the Snoopreport app, originally created with marketing goals in mind. There’s a low-cost plan for this app, and it allows you to track up to 10 users. However, since it’s a paid app, you may want to think twice before you get it – is it worth paying for it for private purposes?

But if you’re interested in tracking your followers more closely for content marketing purposes, then it may pay off.

How to Hide Who You Follow on Instagram

If you want to keep the list of people you follow on Instagram hidden, you can set your profile to private. Follow the steps below.

  1. Open Instagram and open your profile by tapping your image in the lower right corner.
  2. Select the hamburger icon in the top right corner to see account settings.
  3. Select the gear icon from the bottom to open Settings.
  4. Tap on Privacy and navigate to the Account Privacy section.
  5. Switch the toggle next to Private Account to set your profile to Private.

Once you’ve done that, only your followers will be able to see who you’re following.

Additional FAQs

If we haven’t answered all your questions by now, you may want to check the FAQs section below to learn more.

How Do I Show My Activity on Instagram?

There’s only so much you can show on Instagram. Your followers have access to your posts, the list of your followers, and the people you follow. If you keep your profile set to public, even people who don’t follow you can see that information.

How Do You Remove a Follower on Instagram?

To remove someone from your list of followers, do the following:

• Launch Instagram and go to your profile.

• Select the Followers button at the top of the profile.

• Find the person you want to remove by scrolling or entering their username in the search field.

• Tap on Remove next to their name.

What Is the Point of Tracking Instagram Users?

As we’ve mentioned, some people track other users out of pure curiosity. Parents may also want to ensure that their children are safe while using Instagram. Other people use it for spying purposes. Marketers often use tracking apps to learn more about their followers and target audiences. They can find out a lot about their interests, behavior, and more and use this data to create better content for their audience.

What Are Your Followers Doing?

Are you disappointed by the disappearance of the Activity tab? Well, you still have some ways of tracking your followers’ activity. You can check out their recent posts, list of followers, and maybe see if they liked a photo posted by someone you both know. For more detailed “tracking,” there are a few apps that can help you, but try to limit your investigations with third-party apps and don’t turn into a Sherlock Holmes.

Did you know about the Activity tab, and if you did, do you miss it at all? Let us know in the comments section below.

How to See Someone’s Activity on Instagram | by Snoopreport

A person’s social media activity tells a lot about them — their interests, their friends, their dating life, you name it. It’s no surprise, then, that so many people turn to social media to get more insight into their significant others, friends, family members, and anyone else they’re trying to know a bit better.

Instagram, however, makes that difficult because they show very little information about other users’ activity, even users you’re following. What information are they missing and where can you find it?

In past years, Instagram had a “Following” tab on your “Activity” screen where it showed you the activity of those you were following, but it axed this tab in 2019. Since then, there are only small pieces of information readily available about your friends.

On the person’s profile, click on “following” at the top, where the profile shows the number of users this person is following. This brings you to the list of people they follow. Keep in mind that this page won’t show you when they started following these users, it just lists the users themselves.

Right next to that “following” number on the person’s profile, you’ll see “followers,” listing the number of followers they have. If you click it, you’ll go to a page that lists everyone who’s following them. As with the accounts they’re following, though, you can only see a broad list, not the dates when the users started following them.

The posts that a user publishes are easy to find on Instagram: simply go to their profile and scroll down. You can see who liked their posts, but you can’t see any of their activity on posts that other users have published.

You might be able to see a user’s posts, their followers, and who they’re following, but that’s all Instagram shows and it’s quite limiting. You can’t see who the person has been interacting with, what posts they’ve liked, what type of trends they follow, or anything else that could give you valuable insight.

Instagram might not show you a user’s activity, but there’s an easy way to find it without trying to hack into their phone: Snoopreport. It shows you the posts your friend liked, the trends their activity follows, and more.

Check out this Instagram activity report for the user @mirimeo for example. You can see the individual posts she’s liked, as well as whose posts she’s liked the most in the past week. You can also see the users she recently followed and when she followed them, not to mention the most common hashtags and topics for the posts she’s liked.

Without even knowing @mirimeo, we can tell that she appears to be Italian, she’s probably involved in the entertainment industry, she’s interested in health and beauty, and she has a keen fascination with great photography and art.

There are many reasons to want insight into a person’s Instagram activity, from getting to know a new person in your life to making sure your trust isn’t being betrayed. Snoopreport lets you do all this on the up and up. To learn more and start exploring for yourself, sign up for Snoopreport today.

Instagram followers statistics online

Instagram account analytics service - LiveDune provides in-depth statistics of your profiles

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  • 02

    Analysis of Instagram followers for any period

    Graphs help to understand how quickly followers are gained in the account: how many people were there a week ago, a month. And the “Subscribed / unsubscribed” graph helps to understand how much the audience has updated over a certain period. Usually, if there was a lot of influx of a new audience, it makes sense to adapt the content for beginners.

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  • 03

    Statistics of Instagram posts in your account or competitors' account

    In the LiveDune Instagram account analysis service, you can build top or anti-top posts using filters, sorting and combinations of indicators. Analyze content by ratings, categories, post type, likes, comments, saves, views, reach, engagement metrics (RR, ER, ERR), etc. This will help you understand what content to post and answer the question “How to increase statistics on Instagram?”.

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  • 04

    Check Instagram engagement statistics

    Check Instagram engagement using LiveDune can be assessed using two metrics: ER and ERR. The higher the engagement rate, the more active audience you have. We will not only calculate the engagement for you, but compare it with other accounts by the number of followers and in the same category.

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  • 05

    Audience analysis for Instagram account

    Detailed statistics of Instagram account subscribers with the ability to track changes over the analyzed period. For example, to see from which cities you have been subscribed more over the past month. Data can be viewed visually in graphs or uploaded to Excel.

    Try for free
  • 06

    Online users

    It makes no sense to focus on generally accepted peaks (9:00, 12:30, 17:00, 21:00) when publishing posts, as it was with the chronological feed. But focusing on the time at which the largest number of account subscribers is active is the most correct. In the table, we will show when your followers are online and recommend hours for posting.

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  • 07

    Instagram hashtag analysis

    You can see the TOP hashtags, using which the posts got the most reactions (likes, comments, saves). Or find out which hashtags your competitors use the most so you don't have to manually collect data. Hashtags are collected both from the text of the post and from the comments under the post.

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Need to download data?

On average, compiling an SMM report takes 8 hours. In the LiveDune Instagram statistics tracking service, you can set up a weekly and monthly report in several formats (PDF, email, Excel, Google Slides) in 5 minutes. Spend the saved time searching for hypotheses and insights to work out in the next period.

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Our products

Analyze the effectiveness of your content strategy and monitor competitors' performance.

  • Account statistics

    Hourly collection of statistics on your accounts or competitors' accounts for detailed analysis and search for growth points.


  • New

    Direct Instagram

    Operators, tags, notes, dialog statuses, statistics and other functions will help you optimize your work with Direct.


  • Monitoring

    Monitoring and processing of new comments, messages and mentions from social networks in one window, analysis of sentiment and response speed of managers.


  • New

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    Regular express audit of your Instagram account with clear conclusions and tips for promoting your account.


  • Reports

    Export reports to PDF, Google Slides and Excel . We will also send weekly and monthly reports to your email.


  • KPI

    Set KPIs for each account and track their progress in real time. You no longer need to calculate anything in Excel.


  • Autoposting

    Schedule posts to all your accounts a month in advance in 5 minutes in one place. And we will publish the content, collect new comments and statistics on them.


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Frequently asked questions

  • Why is Instagram post statistics not available?

    Post statistics, like other statistics, is available only on professional accounts: Business account or Author account. Read more about how to switch to a professional account in the article.

  • What do covered accounts mean in statistics?

    Reach is the number of people who have seen certain information in your account. It can be a post, stories, the blog itself or an advertisement. It only takes into account unique visitors, so repeated actions by the same person will not be counted. For example, if one person saw your post three times, that would count as 1 reach and 3 impressions. Impressions are always greater than reach.

  • How to view the statistics of someone else's Instagram profile?

    After registration, add someone else's account to the Dashboard and view the statistics. On other people's accounts, statistics of posts, engagement and growth of subscribers will be available. Instagram profile analysis is available only for a Business account or an Author account.

  • How to view Instagram page statistics?

    To view Instagram account statistics online, register in LiveDune and add the account to the Dashboard. The first 7 days are free. Statistics are available only on professional accounts: Business account or Author account.

  • What does engagement on Instagram mean in statistics?

    Engagement is the percentage of active audience from the total number of subscribers. You can get acquainted with all types of engagement indicators and the formulas by which they are calculated in the article.

  • How can I view story statistics?

    Sign up and add an Instagram account to the Dashboard. Next, open the Stories tab.
    Only available for own accounts.

  • How to view hashtag statistics?

    Sign up and add an Instagram account to the Dashboard. Next, open the Posts tab. At the end, you will find 3 graphs to analyze the performance of hashtags. Hashtag statistics analysis is only available for new posts.

  • Safety

    Your accounts are safe because we work with social networks officially and do not ask for passwords.

  • Clear graphics

    There is a description for each graph and each figure - you can easily understand what this or that metric means.

  • Teamwork

    Invite and set up access for colleagues to work on improving your accounts together.

  • Integrations

    Do you have your own internal systems? Great, you can pull data from us, from one place.

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People are talking about us

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How to view statistics on Instagram and what it means

How did followers come across your account? What posts do they most often save, which ones do they forward to friends, after which ones do they most often decide to call or write? What cities do they live in? How old are they? What days of the week and what time of day are they most active on Instagram?

Statistics Instagram allows you to find out this most valuable information and, thanks to it, work more accurately with your audience and increase sales.

First of all, statistics must be activated

To access statistics, you need to switch your account to a business profile. Click on the menu (horizontal stripes) in the upper right corner, select from the list "Settings" , then "Account" and "Switch to a professional account" .

More on this: "How to create a business account on Instagram."

Statistics will be collected from the moment you switched.

Post statistics

Now under each post we have a sentence "View statistics" . By clicking on it, we see several numbers.

We had information about the number of likes and comments before. But now we also have "airplane" - the number below it shows how many times your publication was sent to direct to other people. And also "flag" - it signals how many times your post has been saved.

"Profile visits - 9» . What do these words and numbers mean? The fact that 9 people who viewed the publication wanted to go to your profile.

Is it good or bad?

It may be different. This could mean that your subscriber thought:

“Wow, what a great post. I really wanted to buy from them. I’ll go see what kind of company this is, maybe I’ll ask them a couple of questions about the product.”

Or vice versa:

“Who wrote such nonsense? When did I manage to subscribe to this? What for? I’ll go look at their profile, maybe I’ll remember why I signed up, if this is not something promising in the future, I’ll unsubscribe as soon as possible.

What is reach on Instagram?

It shows how many people actually saw your post. For some, this figure may be shocking. Did you think that you have 10 thousand subscribers, and statistics show that each of your posts is seen by no more than 1 thousand people? Yes, it happens, and very often. Coverage from 30% to 60% is a good indicator for commercial accounts, 10% -15% is very common.

By "swiping up" (i.e. tapping the stats with your finger and dragging it up the screen), we see more stats.

What does it mean, for example, if you see such data in the "Interesting" section?

"Subscriptions - 2". This entry indicates that two people who saw your post decided to follow your account. That is, they were not subscribers before. How do you know how they came across your post? The answer may be further.

Coverage - 1026 . The post was seen by 1026 people, we have already talked about this. Curiously, more than half of these people (52%) were not our subscribers. How did they see our post? We will also look for the answer to this question in the following data.

Impressions - 1597 . This entry means that the post was shown 1597 times. And Reach showed that our post was seen by 1,021 people – a lot less. How can this be? Very simple. The number of impressions is almost always greater than the reach, which means that part of the subscribers saw your post two or more times.

"From the Main - 770" . That is, 770 people saw your post just in their feed. These are your followers.

"From hashtags - 582" . 582 people came across this post thanks to hashtags. Here is a possible answer to the question of how 52% of people who were not our subscribers found our post, and where these two new subscribers came from. All of them came to you by hashtag, and two of them became interested in the account and stayed. Unfortunately, this cannot be said for sure, we can only guess by comparing the data on hashtags, subscriptions and the number of people reached who were not subscribed to you before.

"From profile - 7" . These seven first came to the main page of your account, and from there they already went to the post. In what cases does this happen? For example, another Instagram account linked to you, people came to your main page, and from there they went to the post. Either the link to Instagram was on your website, or customers saw the name of your account in the office. There may be many options. The main thing is that people first went to the profile, and then they came to this particular publication.

"From Another - 240" . This line tells you the number of people who came to your post from other sources. For example, someone sent them a link to this post in Direct or shared it in another way (in an email, via messengers, on a website), or your post was saved, and then they looked at it again, and this re-view was counted in the line " From the Other."

This way we can see the statistics of any post that was published after switching to a business profile.

We also have the opportunity to find out the statistics of the account as a whole.

Account statistics

To see the account statistics, we again need to go to the menu (horizontal bars in the upper right corner) and click on the line "Statistics" .

Here we see tabs "Content" , "Actions" and "Audience" .

Content tab

In this tab, by default, we are shown our posts and stories sorted by reach. First, the most popular - that is, those who received the largest coverage, and then in descending order.

We are also told how many posts and stories we had in total in the last week (45) and how this compares to the previous week (5 more).

We can sort both posts and stories by different parameters and for different periods. By clicking on the button " All ", we get the opportunity to select posts with the most likes - to do this, select the line with the word "Like marks" . Or the one with the most comments. Or separate those posts, after viewing which readers started calling you - for this you need to select "Calls" . Or the ones that reposted the most.

You can also see the most successful posts by the sum of all these indicators - likes, comments, calls. To do this, select the first line - "Engagement" .

We can also make a selection for different periods - a maximum of 2 years, a minimum of 7 days. And see separately the comparative indicators of photo posts, video posts, carousels.

The same with stories. We can sort them by ostentatious indicators - "reach", "clicks to the site", "calls" and others, and also make a selection for different periods, but the maximum possible period in the case of stories is 14 days.

Action tab

In this tab, you can see how reach, impressions, and other important indicators have varied over the past week - the number of visits to the profile, clicks on the site, clicks on the "Getting Directed" button.


Explore shows our total reach and impressions for the last week.

We see that the coverage was 3854 people, and it is very much reduced compared to the previous week.

Total impressions - 17698 people, and also a noticeable decrease compared to the previous period.

Also on the graph, we can see which days the coverage was more or less.

And by pointing a finger at this graph, we see specific figures - one and a half thousand coverage on Monday and Wednesday, almost the same on Tuesday, on other days much less.


In the "Interaction" block, you can see how many visits to the profile, clicks on the site from the profile, clicks on the button "How to get there".

We are also shown a graph of the distribution of this activity during the week. We see that the most actions were on Wednesday - 57 pieces.

To see specific figures, touch this graph with your finger.

"Audience" tab

In this tab, we can see how the number of your subscribers has changed over the past week, in which cities and countries your subscribers live, how old they are, what time they are most active.


This tab gives us information about the number of subscribers. In particular, about how many people have unsubscribed from us, how many have subscribed, and what the result is an increase - it can be positive and negative, when after all the subscriptions-unsubscribes, the number of subscribers has decreased.

In our example, 12 unsubscribed, 16 subscribed, the final result is plus 4 subscribers this week.

Just below we see a graph of the number of subscribers. We see a failure on Saturday. We can press our finger on this failure, and we will be shown more detailed information about it. We see that on Saturday, December 7, three people unsubscribed from us and no one signed up.

And if we want to find out what kind of publications led to such a result, we can click on the button "View publications" and we will see just posts and stories for December 7-8 and statistics on them. In this way, you can understand which publications readers do not like. Although in our case the numbers are too small to speak of conclusions. Rather, they are within the bounds of statistical error.

Top locations

Below we can see information about the cities in which our subscribers live.

As expected, the Moscow children's center, whose account we are considering, has the majority of subscribers from Moscow.

And by clicking on the button "Countries" , we will find out from which countries in what proportion we have subscribers. Also, most are expected from Russia, but there are also from Kazakhstan, the USA, Ukraine and even Brazil.

Age range

In the next section, we can see what age men and women are in our account.

We see that our subscribers are dominated by people aged 25 to 34 years, slightly less women and older men - from 35 to 44 years old.

Interestingly, our account is also followed by schoolchildren under the age of 17 and older people over 65. Where Instagram has gone!


Here we are shown that 71% of our subscribers are women, only 29% are men.


This section is called “Followers” ​​for some reason, although it would be more correct to call it “Followers Activity”, because that is what it shows: at what time of the day and what days of the week your followers are most active on Instagram.

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