Viber app how does it work
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What is Viber
Viber is a free to download app that allows users to make free calls, send texts, pictures and video messages to other Viber users. It works on both mobile and computer and can be used to connect with people around the world. As of February 2015, the messaging app claims 236 million active monthly users. Similar to WhatsApp, popular features for young users include picture sharing, video and group messaging.
How does it work?
The app can be downloaded directly to your phone or computer, users simply need to enter their phone number to get started. Viber uses your mobile phone as your identity. To verify your account, Viber will send you a PIN via SMS to activate your account. Once activated, the app links to your contact list to find and connect with friends.
The main features of Viber are:
Free Messaging
Free Picture and Video Messaging
Free calls to other Viber users
Free Group Chats (up to 200 participants) – This is a very popular feature, and in many cases young users set up groups for their class, friends, sports team etc. Group chats are can be a great way to keep in touch, but there are risks also associated – for example potential for cyberbullying, viewing/sharing inappropriate content etc. Anyone can set up a group and invite their connections to join. Groups are only be deleted when all members leave the group. A group member can leave a group chat at anytime. It appears that administrators or group participants cannot remove a member from a group.
Public Chats – This feature allows Viber users to follow their favourite personalities and celebrities or join chats about their favourite topics. When a user follows a public chat, they can like any posts published within the chat, however they cannot contribute or comment unless they have been added as a participant by a group administrator. Only profiles of participants of public chats will be displayed in the public chat profile information, profiles of followers are not visible. Find out more about public chats here.
Stickers – A popular feature with younger users. Stickers can be downloaded via the app and inserted into messages. Please note, many stickers are free, however they can also be purchased. The average price for a set of stickers is around €1.99.
Viber stickers are a very popular feature with younger users
Viber Games – Users can chose from a range of games to download to their computer, tablet or phone.Games can be played on their own or users can play via the Viber app allowing them to play and connect with friends.
Viber also allows users to make calls to any phone number (even if they don’t have a Viber account) from anywhere in the world for a lower rate than traditional telephone calls.
What Parents Need to Know?
Users must be at least 13 years old and like many other social media platforms, this instant messaging app does bring risks of cyberbullying.UPDATE: The Digital Age of Consent in Ireland is set at 16 years of age. If you are under 16, you must have consent of a parent or guardian. To help minimise this risk, parents can speak to their kids on the risks of cyberbullying and what to do if they experience anything there are not comfortable with.
Blocking another user on Viber
There are a few ways to block a person on Viber.
- When receiving a message from an unknown contact. The conversation screen will display the message with two options. You can either add the unknown contact to your contact list or block them.
- Blocking a user from a group. You can block users that are participating in the same group as you through the group information screen. Enter the group > Swipe the screen left > Select the contact > Select the device menu > Select “Block”. Please note: The blocked contact will still be able to see your activity within the group and you will be able to see theirs. The block will only apply to one-on-one communications.
- Blocking a contact that is already in your contact list.
You can block them from within the conversation info screen by swiping the screen left > Select device menu > Select “Block”. Simply enter their number manually through the block list by entering Settings > Privacy > Block List > Block number. Remember to enter the number in the following format: + Country Code, for example, +353xxxxxxxxx.
Click here for more information on blocking users on Viber.
Inappropriate Content
Users should also be aware of the risks of sharing personal content with other users. It is a good idea for parents to address this issue and explain that, like all digital content, video, images and messages can easily be saved and shared.
Location Sharing
Viber allows users to share their locations with their connections, however this function is switched off by default. Again, it is a good idea for parents to talk to their kids about being careful about what information they share and who they share that with.
In order to be contacted by another person on Viber, you must either be already connected or know their telephone number. However, it is possible for any Viber user to view another users profile photo, to avoid this – simply disable the ‘show your photo option’. Please note, if a user is a participant or admin of a Public Chat, this option will be on by default with no option to disable i.e. their profile image will remain visible. Click here for more information on Viber privacy settings.
what it is, how to install on the phone
Viber or in Russian Viber is a program through which you can call and send messages for free. Including through it, you can transfer photos, documents and other files. Roughly speaking, this is the same Skype, but in a different package.
At first, this program was available only for "smart" phones - they are also called smartphones. That is, those who have some kind of operating system: Android, iOS or Windows. But then came the computer version. nine0003
Viber looks something like this on a phone:
And this is how it looks on a computer or tablet:
The program works via the Internet. That is, for its operation, the device must be connected to the network.
How to install Viber on the phone
The process is standard: we go to the application store, through the search we find and install the program. Let me show you the example of a phone with the Android system.
1. Open the Play Store 9 icon0003
2. In the search bar (above), type viber or viber and select the found application.
3. Install.
4. Open.
So, the program is installed, now it needs to be configured.
Click "Continue", after which the application asks you to enter your mobile number. The country code is already entered, so you only need to type the operator code and number.
If my phone in full format is like this +7 (905) 111 22 33, then I print it like this: 9051112233. I indicated this phone as an example. You need to use your real number, otherwise nothing will work.
An SMS message with a code will be sent to the specified phone, which we enter in the window and click "Finish".
Next, the application will ask you to type your name and add a photo, but you can not do this, just click "Continue". After that, the program will open and you can already start using it. nine0003
And an icon will appear on the phone screen:
Through it, you just need to launch Viber.
How to use Viber
During installation, the program is linked to your phone number. And this means that any person who has your number and also has Viber installed will be able to call you through it for free or send a message.
I'll show you with an example. The program has three tabs: chats, contacts and calls. If you just installed the application, then the chats will be empty. nine0003
We go to "Contacts" and the first thing we see is the inscription "No funds" and the "Top up" button. But it's not for us - just ignore it.
Every time my mother clicks on it, she starts to worry: “But I have it written there, “no funds”. What need to do?". And every time I explain to her that this is not written for her - you just need to ignore this message :)
Viber is a free program. There is nothing to fill up. This inscription is for those who use Viber Out (I will talk about this system in another article). nine0003
We go down to where the contacts begin. Here will be all the numbers that are added to your phone. That is, the program added all the numbers from the directory to this list.
Look, people who also have Viber installed are marked with a special icon. This means that they can call or send a message for free within the system.
They are of interest to us. Others, those who are NOT marked with such an icon, cannot call and send a message for free. nine0003
True, there is such a thing as Viber Out, but this is a separate story, which I will tell about some other time.
For example, I want to call my brother. I find it on the list. As you can see, it is marked with a program icon, which means that it can be contacted.
The first thing to pay attention to is whether the person is online. If yes, then he is connected to the Internet and if you call him, he will be able to answer the call. To do this, click the "Free call" button.
The call goes through and if the brother wants to, he will answer. I will talk to him in the same way as on the phone, putting the device to my ear. Or you can hold the phone in your hand and speak into its lower part.
You can also turn on video calling. But with this, I think, you will figure it out yourself;)
Correspondence in Viber
Correspondence is one of the most important functions of the program. Among users, it is even more popular than the calls themselves. After all, it’s not always convenient to talk and you don’t always want to, but sending a short message or a funny picture is just that. You can also send a photo or video. nine0003
Let's say I recently installed Viber and want to send a message to my friend. So, I open the program, go to the "Contacts" tab and select its number from the list. Turns out she's offline right now. But this is not so important, because when she connects to the Internet, she will immediately receive my message.
I press the "Free message" button.
Here's what opens:
I click on the bottom, where it says "Write a message ...". A keyboard appears through which I type text. When everything is ready, I click on the submit button. nine0003
The message is published. If there is no mark under it, it means that it has not yet been delivered to the addressee. This happens when a person is not online.
But when it is delivered, the corresponding inscription will appear under it.
This means that the message has arrived on the phone, but the person has not yet read it. When he reads it, the inscription will change to this:
If you need to send something else, for example, a photo, then you can do this through the bottom buttons. This button adds a photo from the gallery (when it is already in the phone's memory). And by this button you can take a new picture. There is also such a button - through it you can send a funny picture. nine0003
I won't explain in detail how it all works - just practice. There really is nothing complicated.
After you send someone a message, all your correspondence with this person will be in the program in the "Chats" tab. This is done for convenience, so that each time you do not look for the desired number in Contacts. That is, if you go to Chats, then there will be everyone to whom you sent messages.
You just need to click on the person's name and the previous correspondence with him will open. Here you can also send a new message. nine0003
Note. Pay attention to the button with a plus sign. Through it, you can quickly select someone with whom you have not yet had correspondence. Or add a new number - which is not in the phone directory.
List of received and missed calls
All calls you made through the program will be marked in a special log. It is shown in the Calls tab. The calls that you did not accept will also be marked here.
This is like a call log on your phone. But only those subscribers who called you through the Viber program are shown there. nine0003
Author: Ilya Krivosheev
What is Viber, how to use it? | Interesting facts
We live in a wonderful time - today it has become easier to get in touch with loved ones living on the other side of the world, and instantly get an answer - thanks to the Internet and the category of applications called messengers (from the English word messenge - message). They allow you to exchange text messages, photos and videos, like links, create group chats and make video calls from anywhere in the world. Perhaps the most popular messenger among Russians is an application called Viber (Viber). nine0003
Communication will be completely free, provided that the interlocutor also has Viber installed on his smartphone. The transmission of voice traffic will take place via the Internet on the phone (that is, you will need to pay for Internet traffic at the rate of your mobile operator). And if you have Wi-Fi, you won’t have to pay for traffic.
Key benefits of Viber
• High call quality and sound clarity;
• Possibility to make calls all over the world at no cost; nine0169 • Significant battery savings;
• Convenient and intuitive interface;
• No need for authorization;
• Ability to encrypt correspondence.
Audio calls in Viber can be free
The initial development of the Viber application took place in Minsk by two Israeli citizens. Introduced to the general public in 2010, the program has gained popularity, which is steadily increasing.
How to install Viber? nine0021
Viber can be installed from the application store in a mobile device, or from the official website of the application. After clicking the "Get viber" button, the application will start downloading and its installation will start. Viber is installed both on the phone and on the computer. On tablets and smartphones, the Viber program is presented in Russian, and on a PC - in English.
How to install Viber on your phone and how to use it?
How to use Viber
The interface of the program is so simple that anyone can figure it out in a few minutes. After that, you can start making calls using a Wi-Fi or 3G connection. Calls to regular phone numbers will be charged the same as Skype.
Viber on the phone. Installation of the Viber application is provided on smartphones based on Android, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian, Bada, Windows, OS X, Linux and even iPOD players. Messenger is not supported on Nokia smartphones based on Symbian OS and regular phones. nine0003
How to install Viber on a computer
Viber on a computer. In addition to a phone or tablet, the Viber application can be installed on a laptop or desktop PC. Unlike Skype, which provides modern and affordable video communication, Viber symbolizes voice communication. First, the application must be installed on a smartphone, and only then on a computer. You will need to enter your own number and activate it using the confirmation code that came to your smartphone. nine0003
Viber main menu
1. Contacts are automatically transferred from the phone to the application. Contacts of friends and acquaintances who have the program installed appear instantly.
2. Viber Chat has a wonderful visual design. You can change the background at your discretion and mood. With the help of stickers, funny images, emotions are more accurately conveyed, and the message becomes brighter. A very useful function in the form of an audio message. You can also send drawings. You can chat in a chat with several interlocutors at once. To do this, there is an icon of a little man with a “+” sign, which you should click on. nine0003
Viber is simple and convenient
3. Calls.
● audio calls in Viber should be divided into two types:
1. Free (the phone is connected to the Internet)
Made between Viber users connected to the Internet. Remarkable savings through free communication.
2. Paid (to phone numbers) - calls via Viber Out
If the above conditions are not available, then calls to phones (landline or mobile) will cost quite inexpensively. For this, a special Viber Out application is used, which requires replenishment of the account. nine0003
● Video calls. If it is very important not only to hear, but also to see your interlocutor, a video call will be the best way out. The quality of the picture will be at the level, even if the Internet is somewhat slow.