How to see sent request in facebook app

How to See Sent Friend Requests on Facebook (2022)

Categories Social Media by TalkBitz Content Team


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Facebook is the biggest social media platform and a great way to reach people and reconnect with old friends and family.

However, If you’ve sent too many Facebook requests, you might want to cancel those requests that are not been answered for a long time.

If you’re wondering how to see sent friend requests on Facebook, now you can simply view all of them from your Facebook App and Web.

Let’s find out how to do it in 2022!

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How to See Sent Friend Requests on the Facebook App

To view your sent Friend Requests using the Facebook Mobile app, make sure that you’ve installed the latest version of the Facebook App.

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap the Menu icon.
  2. Select “Friends” from the menu.
  3. Tap “See All” next to the Friend Requests.
  4. Tap “Triple dots” at the top of the Friend Requests.
  5. Tap “View Sent Friend Requests” and that’s it!

This process is similar for both iOS and Android devices. After you find the list you can cancel each sent friend request one by one.

Update for 2022: If you can’t find your sent friends requests with the above steps, you can use this link to view all sent requests from your mobile web browser:

How to See Sent Friend Requests on Facebook on Desktop

If you’re using Facebook on your desktop web browser, You already notice that Facebook has released a new user interface back a few months ago.

With this new one, some Facebook features and settings have been moved into some new sections. So we need a few minutes to figure out everything.

To see sent friend requests on Facebook, Go to Facebook and click “Friends” from the left sidebar.

After that, click “View Sent Request” from the left sidebar.

Wait for a few seconds and a popup will appear with your sent friend requests so you will be able to cancel one by one.

That’s it!

I hope you’ve found your all sent friend requests on Facebook. If this guide really helped you, don’t forget to hit the below social share buttons to help someone like you!


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How To View All Your Sent Friend Requests On The New Facebook UI

Facebook has been around for such a long time, that sometimes we forget who we have added to our Friends list. When you send a Friend Request on Facebook, you need to wait for the other person to accept it until you can view their profile and interact with them. 

While Facebook does notify you when someone accepts your request, there is no way of knowing if someone simply ignores it! In this article, we will cover how you can find all the friend request you have sent over the years!

What is a Friend Request on Facebook?

Facebook lets you customize the privacy of your account to a great deal. Not only can you customize who can view your profile, but also each post. When you want to connect with a person on Facebook, you need to send them a Friend Request. This sends a notification to the other user.

They can then decide whether they would like to accept it or not. If they do, you will be added to their Friends list and will be able to view all their content that is shared with the ‘Friends’ privacy setting.

How to view your sent Friend Requests on Facebook

We all know how to view Friend Requests from other users. But not many people know that you can view all the Friend Requests that you have ever sent that were not accepted. These requests are listed chronologically by the date they were sent. But Facebook has lately made it harder for you to find sent requests on the platform and if you are struggling with the same then follow one of the guides below. 

On iPhone and Android app

Make sure the Facebook app is installed on your device and visit the link given below. 

  • Facebook Sent Requests

Note: The link might fail to open the app on some devices depending on the current defaults set for the Facebook app. In such cases we simply use the mobile browser instead which should automatically open the desired web page on your device.

If prompted, choose to open the link in your Facebook app. Once opened, you should be able to see all your sent requests on Facebook. 

You can now tap and cancel any request that you wish. 

On Mobile Browser

If you use Facebook in your mobile browser instead then you can use the guide below. Make sure that you are already logged in to your account before proceeding with the guide. 

Visit the link given below and open it in your mobile browser. 

  • Facebook Sent Requests

As you are already logged in, you will now be directly taken to the sent requests page where you should be able to view all sent requests from the current Facebook account. 


PC users need to visit the same link to open the Sent Requests page. You can still access the sent requests page from the desktop version of Facebook. Use either of the guides below to get you started. 

Use the link

Visit the link given below in your desktop browser. Make sure that you are already logged in to your Facebook account before proceeding with the link below. 

  • Facebook Sent Requests

You will now have a list of all the sent requests from the current account on your screen. 

Use the desktop version

Click on ‘Find Friends’ on your left.


Now click on ‘Friend Requests’. 

Click on ‘View Sent Requests’. 

You will now have a list of all the sent requests from the current account on your screen.

Is there any way to view a sent request in the mobile app?

Yes, you can still visit the concerned profile to view your ‘Sent Request’. Tap on ‘Requsted’ and choose the desired option if you wish to cancel your sent request.  

Can you cancel a sent Friend Request?

Yes, you can! Facebook lets you cancel a Friend Request at any point if the user has not accepted it. Canceling a Friend Request will not notify the user in any way. However, if you recently sent the Friend Request and the person has seen the notification, then they may notice when the notification disappears.

You can easily cancel a Friend Request by using the guide above to locate your sent Friend Requests and then selecting ‘Cancel Request’ beside the name of the user.

How long do Friend Requests last?

Friend Requests do not have a date of expiry like your frozen burrito. They will remain on a Facebook account until you manually delete them or cancel the request. You can also view how old a sent Friend Request is on the Facebook mobile app by using the method above.

The date beside the user’s name indicates how long ago you sent the Friend Request. This is only visible on the mobile app.

How many times can you send a Friend Request?

Once you send a Friend Request on Facebook, you cannot send another one to the same person until you cancel the previous one. When you cancel a Friend Request, the person will not be notified. However, when you send them a new one they will receive a notification.

There is no limit to how many times you can cancel a Friend Request and send a new one to the same person. When you send a new Friend Request, your name will rise to the top of the list of their Friend Requests.

Why can’t I find Sent Requests in the mobile app or web browser directly?

This seems to be a limitation of the current app. Using the ‘All Requests’ option does sometimes show you your sent requests but you don’t get the entire list of sent requests. It is thus recommended that you use the link instead to view all your sent requests. 

I am unable to find a sent request in the list

There can be two reasons for this, firstly make sure that the request hasn’t already been accepted by the concerned user. If your request has been accepted then unfortunately you can not do much about it. You will need to unfriend the concerned user instead.  

Another reason could be Facebook itself. Sometimes the service fails to show all of your sent requests and in this case, you can visit the concerned Facebook profile itself. You can then easily cancel your request by clicking on the ‘Sent Request’ option. 

We hope this article helped. If you have any queries, feel free to reach out to us in the comments below.


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How to find out who didn't friend you on Facebook*

September 18, 2016 Technology

Some of your Facebook friend requests* may go unanswered. How to find out who did not add you as a friend, and how to send a second request - we tell in detail.

Facebook* is the most versatile social network. In it you can find a business contact, establish a connection with a stranger, indulge in nostalgia with people from the distant past. It turns out like LinkedIn, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki combined. Potential partners, current colleagues, childhood friends are all here, all under one roof. It remains only to formally confirm friendship.

And so you sent out offers, but no friends were added:

  • Someone decided that there was enough work for today and deleted all the notifications on the phone in one fell swoop.
  • Someone succumbed to the autumn blues, identified an introvert in himself and wanted to be alone.
  • Someone looked at the strange photograph and did not recognize the familiar features in it.

I agree, sounds a bit naive. Most likely, the person simply did not consider it necessary to reciprocate. Is it really? Send the offer again to understand for sure. And here you have to strain well, remembering all the people to whom you offered friendship. If you are not sure about your memory, follow the simple instructions.

How to find out who didn't want to be friends with you

Click on the "Friend Requests" icon in the top bar of Facebook*. Click on the "View All" link.

You will be directed to a profile page of people you may know. In addition to the recommendations themselves, an inconspicuous link "View submitted requests" is hidden here. It is something that interests us - let's move on.

The window that opens will introduce you to all the people who for some reason did not respond to your friend request. Hover over the "Request Sent" button to display a drop-down menu with the "Cancel Request" option.

Now you can resend the invitation and the person will see it in the notification bar.

Why can't you send a second request

And now the fun part. The instruction above applies only to cases where the contact received your friend offer, but missed it or ignored it. In doing so, he could delete the request and then mark the offer as spam.

Empirically established:

  • If a person deleted a request, then you can find out about it only by indirect evidence. Go to the profile of the contact you are interested in and note that there is simply no "Add to friends" button. You tried, but you were rejected. You can send a private message and resolve the misunderstanding in it.
  • If a person deletes a request and also marks it as unwanted, your options on Facebook* may be limited. More precisely, you will not be able to add friends: both the “complainer” himself, and anyone else at all. How many complaints should there be and how long the ban lasts - the certificate does not provide such information. I do not want to experiment in search of answers somehow. :)

In this case, in both cases, the contact will not be displayed in the "Sent friend requests" window and you will not be able to knock again. And probably not worth it. Red and triangular are not on the way.

*Activities of Meta Platforms Inc. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to view friend requests sent to Facebook ▷ ➡️ Parada Creativa ▷ ➡️

After registering with Facebook, you have synchronized your address book contacts with a well-known social network, but you cannot remember which people you actually sent a friend request to ? While browsing Facebook, have you stumbled upon the profile of the person you mistakenly sent a friend request to? Don't worry: these are two problems that can be easily solved with the features of the social network founded by Mark Zuckerberg.

If you want to learn how to view friend requests sent to Facebook and eventually cancel them, you just need to set aside five minutes of free time, carefully read the instructions that I am about to give you, and try to put them into practice. I assure you that after a short time you will be able to see a list of all the people you have sent a friend request to and, if necessary, cancel the contact requests in time.

Whether you prefer to act as a PC using the web version of Facebook, or from mobile phones and tablets using the official social network application available for Android e iOSBelow you will find all the necessary instructions. Happy reading and have fun!

  • View friend requests sent to Facebook from PC
  • View friend requests sent to Facebook from Android
  • View friend requests sent to Facebook from iPhone and iPad
  • View accepted friend requests on Facebook


  • 1 View friend requests sent to Facebook from PC
  • 2 View friend requests sent to Facebook from Android
  • 3 View friend requests sent to Facebook from iPhone and iPad
  • 4 View accepted friend requests on Facebook

View friend requests sent to Facebook from PC

PC open the browser that you regularly use to browse the Internet (eg Chrome o Safari ) connected to facebook. com and sign in to your account if necessary. If you don't remember your profile login credentials, follow the instructions in my guide on how to recover your Facebook password.

After you are logged in, click on the icon of two men located at the top right (in the blue Facebook bar) and you will be shown a list of the friend requests you have received. At this point, to see a list of the friend requests you've sent, click Show all is at the bottom of the friend requests you've received, look for the Reply to your xx friend requests box on the page that opens, and click link View of sent requests is placed on top of the last one.

If you're having trouble accessing the Facebook friend request list page, click here and it should open automatically.

At this point, you can view all the friend requests that you have sent to the social network, and if you wish, you can decide to cancel the ones you no longer consider valid or that you sent by mistake. How? I'll explain to you right away.

Find the name of the person you want to cancel the friend request for, hover your mouse over the button Friend request sent to and select the article Cancel request from the menu that appears. Then confirm by clicking the button Cancel Request which appears in the center of the page, and that's it.

If you don't want to see all friend requests sent to Facebook, but want to check if you sent a friend request to a specific person, do the following: enter username of your interest in search bar Facebook (top) and go SEND . On the page that opens, find the person you want to check if a friend request has been sent and click on that person. photo to view your profile.

Now all you need to do is look at the button to the right of the cover image of the selected profile: if it says Friend request sent , this means that you have already sent a friend request to the user and you can cancel it by placing the mouse cursor on the desired button and selecting the option Cancel friend request from the menu that opens.

If, on the other hand, the button text add to friends is , this means that you did not send a friend request to the user you selected, or that after receiving your request, they rejected it.

View friend requests sent to Facebook from Android

While posting This article, the official Facebook app for Android, prevents you from seeing sent friend requests. In any case, do not worry: if you have a mobile phone equipped with the operating system Like a green robot, you can easily remedy the situation by visiting Facebook through a browser.

Then open the browser you normally use to surf the web from your Android device (eg Chrome ) associated with and, if necessary, log in to your profile by entering your username and password. Once you are logged in, do you press the button? located at the top right, select Friends from the screen that opens and go to the Requests tab. Then, expand the 'Friend Request' drop-down menu located at the top, select the 'View Sent Requests' option of the latter, and you will be shown a page with all the friend requests you have sent on Facebook.

How is the truck navigation set up?

If you don't see the sent friend requests page, click on this link in your favorite browser and in a few seconds you will be at the top of the list of all the people you asked friends with on Facebook.

If you want to cancel a friend request that you previously sent to a person, press the button cancel which is next to their name.

If, on the contrary, you want to check if you sent a friend request to a specific person, open Facebook app on your Android device, tap in the field search located at the top and find the name of the user you are interested in.

On the screen that opens, tap the name of the person you want to check sending a friend request (to see the full profile) and tick the icon small person which is in the lower left corner.

The little man icon is blue and you can see the writing underneath. Cancel request ? Then this means that you have sent a friend request to the selected user and by clicking on the corresponding icon, you can withdraw it.

However, if the little man icon is white and below it is add as a friend , you have not yet sent a friend request to the selected user or the latter, having read your previous request, rejected it.

View friend requests sent to Facebook from iPhone and iPad

If you want to see friend requests sent to Facebook and use iOS device , know that you can do everything from the social network's official app. Then launch the official Facebook app on yours. iPhone or your iPad , click the icon? located in the lower right corner and select the item Friends from the screen that opens.

At this point, scroll down the menu at the top, tap tab SEND and it will show you the list of friend requests you have sent. If you want to cancel a pending friend request, enter the name of the person you want to cancel the request against, press the button cancel located next to the last one and that's it.

Do you want to know if you sent a friend request to a specific person? There is nothing easier. Launch the official Facebook app, tap search bar place on top and search for name of the person you are interested in.

In this step, find the username you want to check the friend request for in the search results, click on it to view its profile, and check the small person icon located in the bottom left corner.

If the little man icon is blue and underneath it says cancel , you have already sent the user a friend request and if you want, you can cancel it by clicking directly on it.

If, on the contrary, the icon of a little man is white and at the bottom it says add to friends , you have not yet asked the user for a friend, or the user has viewed and canceled your previous friend request.

View accepted friend requests on Facebook

Are you interested in not only seeing the friend requests you have sent on Facebook, but also the most recently accepted ones? No problem.

If you want to act from personal computer , connect to from your favorite browser and, if necessary, log in to your account. Then hit your photo is located in the upper right corner and select the card Friends on your profile page. At this point, click on Recently added and you will be shown a list of friends that you recently added to your contacts (that is, those who accepted your friend request or sent you a request that you then accepted).

De Android Instead, you can directly use the official Facebook app: all you have to do is launch it, press a button? located in the upper right corner and select item Friends in the menu that opens.

You will be shown a list of all your Facebook friends in the order they were added, then most recently added (or added) to least recently added (or added).

Unfortunately, the Facebook iOS app does not display your contact list in chronological order, so if you are using an iPhone or iPad, you should visit from a browser (e.g. Safari ) must be activated desktop mode through the icon share (square with an arrow inside), and you must follow the procedure described above for PC.

If you need to see a friend's recently added friends instead of yours, follow the instructions in my guide on this topic.

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