How to post on instagram with pc

Von einem PC aus auf Instagram posten: Schritt für Schritt

Die Anleitung zeigt, wie du Fotos und Videos von deinem PC aus auf Instagram posten kannst, und du findest Tipps zur optimalen Nutzung von Unternehmensprofilen auf Instagram.

Wir sind heutzutage alle sehr vertraut damit, wie man Bilder auf Instagram postet. Du lädst deine Bilder entweder aus einem Fotoalbum von deinem Smartphone hoch oder machst deine Fotos direkt in der App. Es gibt jedoch Fälle, in denen du von deinem Computer aus posten musst. Zum Beispiel, wenn du im Büro bist oder gerade dein Smartphone nicht zur Hand hast.

Instagram hat kürzlich die Möglichkeit hinzugefügt, Fotos und Videos direkt von deinem PC aus zu erstellen und zu posten. Viele Leute greifen von ihren Computern aus auf Instagram zu, insbesondere mit geschäftlichen Instagram-Accounts. Daher ist es sehr hilfreich, von deinem Computer aus Bilder posten zu können. In diesem Leitfaden findest du einen Überblick und eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie du Bilder und Videos von einem PC aus auf Instagram posten kannst.

Um mehr darüber zu erfahren, wie du von einem PC aus einen Beitrag auf Instagram erstellst, lies diesen Artikel weiter.

So postest du von einem PC aus auf Instagram: Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung

Wenn du jemals in der Situation bist, dass du etwas auf Instagram posten möchtest, aber dein Smartphone gerade nicht dabei hast, ist es hilfreich zu wissen, wie du Bilder von einem PC aus auf Instagram posten kannst. Befolge dafür einfach die folgende Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.

1. Gehe zu

Das Wichtigste zuerst: Um von deinem Computer aus auf Instagram posten zu können, musst du zunächst aufrufen und dich bei deinem Account anmelden.

2. Klicke auf das Plus-Symbol

Sobald du dich auf deinem Computer bei deinem Instagram-Account angemeldet hast und bereit bist zu posten, klicke auf das Plus-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke. Das Plus-Symbol findest du zwischen den Meldungen und den Kompasssymbolen.

3. Klicke auf “vom Computer auswählen”

Nachdem du auf das Plus-Symbol geklickt hast, öffnet sich ein neuer Bildschirm. Nun klickst du auf die Schaltfläche “Von Computer auswählen”, wo du dann Fotos vom Desktop deines Computers, Dokumente oder Downloads auswählen können.

4. Bearbeite dein Foto

Sobald du ein Foto von deinem Computer ausgewählt hast, das du posten möchtest, kannst du das Foto bearbeiten. Du kannst verschiedene Filter hinzufügen und dein Bild zuschneiden. Du kannst es aber auch unbearbeitet lassen.

5. Füge Text und Tags hinzu

Nachdem du das Foto bearbeitet hast, kannst du eine Bildunterschrift oder einen Standort für das Foto hinzufügen und/oder Personen im Beitrag markieren.

6. Aktualisiere die Einstellungen nach Bedarf

Du kannst die Einstellungen für deinen Beitrag nach Bedarf aktualisieren. Du kannst beispielsweise entscheiden, wo es geteilt wird, Kommentarfunktionen anpassen und vieles mehr. Ebenso kannst du die Beschriftung oder den Ort ändern und weitere Tags hinzufügen.

7. Klicke auf Freigeben

Sobald das Foto erfolgreich hochgeladen und bearbeitet wurde und du mit den Ergebnissen zufrieden bist, kannst du den Beitrag für alle deine Follower freigeben.

Wenn du fertig bist, kannst du mit deinem Smartphone jederzeit überprüfen, wie deine über den PC geposteten Bilder auf Mobilgeräten aussehen.

So postest du von einem PC aus Videos auf Instagram

Nachdem du nun weißt, wie du von einem PC aus Bilder auf Instagram posten kannst, sehen wir uns an, wie von einem PC aus Videos auf Instagram postest. Das Posten von Videos auf Instagram von einem Computer aus ist dem Posten von Bildern ziemlich ähnlich. Aber hier ist die genaue Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen, die du dafür befolgen solltest:

1. Gehe zu

Um Videos von deinem PC auf Instagram zu posten, musst du auf deinem Computer zunächst die Instagram-Website aufrufen und dich bei deinem Kunden-Account anmelden.

2. Klicke auf das Plus-Symbol

Sobald du dich auf deinem Computer bei deinem Instagram-Account angemeldet hast und bereit bist, dein Video zu posten, klicke auf das Plus-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke. Das Plus-Symbol befindet sich zwischen den Meldungen und den Kompasssymbolen.

3. Klicke auf “vom Computer auswählen”

Nachdem du auf das Plus-Symbol geklickt hast, sollte eine neue Seite mit der Schaltfläche “Vom Computer auswählen” angezeigt werden. Klicke auf diese Schaltfläche und du kannst auf die Videos auf deinem Computer zugreifen und eines davon zum Posten auswählen.

4. Bereite das Video vor

Sobald du ein Video zum Posten auf Instagram ausgewählt hast, kannst du das Video vorbereiten. Du kannst das Video kürzen, einen Filter hinzufügen oder andere Bearbeitungen vornehmen, wenn du dies für erforderlich hältst.

Um dein Video ansprechender zu gestalten, kannst du aus der auf Instagram verfügbaren Auswahl Musik über Spotify hinzufügen. Du kannst auch ein Titelbild auswählen. Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Ästhetik deines Feeds zu erhalten, und ermöglicht es dir, einen informativen Titel oder eine Zusammenfassung hinzuzufügen. So werden deine Videos von zukünftigen Besuchern deines Profils mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit mehr Klicks erhalten.

5. Füge Text und Tags hinzu

Nachdem du das Video nach deinen Wünschen vorbereitet und bearbeitet hast, kannst du eine Bildunterschrift und einen Standort hinzufügen und Personen im Beitrag markieren. Wenn du möchtest, kannst du die Kommentarfunktion auch deaktivieren.

6. Aktualisiere die Einstellungen nach Bedarf

Du kannst alle anderen Einstellungen nach Bedarf aktualisieren und Änderungen am Beitrag vornehmen. Du kannst die Beschriftung oder den Ort ändern und weitere Tags hinzufügen.

7. Klicke auf Teilen

Sobald du das Video vorbereitet und bearbeitet hast, musst du nur noch auf Teilen klicken und fertig! Das ist alles, was du dafür benötigst, um von deinem Computer erfolgreich ein Video auf Instagram zu posten.

So postest du von einem PC aus auf Instagram: Verwende die Erweiterung

Eine andere Möglichkeit, von einem Computer aus auf Instagram zu posten, ist die Verwendung der entsprechenden Chrome-Erweiterung. Hier erfährst du, wie das geht:


Lade die entsprechende Chrome-Erweiterung herunter

Zunächst musst du die Chrome-Erweiterung für Instagram auf deinen Laptop oder PC herunterladen. Öffne den Chrome Web Store, suche nach der “Erweiterung für Instagram” und klicke dann auf “Zu Chrome hinzufügen”. Mit dieser Erweiterung kannst du Fotos hochladen sowie Fotos und Videos herunterladen.

2. Klicke auf die Erweiterung und melde dich an

Sobald die Chrome-Erweiterung für Instagram auf deinen Computer heruntergeladen wurde, klicke auf die Erweiterung in der Leiste oben in deinem Browser und melde dich bei deinem Instagram-Account an.

3. Klicke auf das Plus-Symbol

Nachdem du dich bei deinem Instagram-Account angemeldet hast, klicke auf das Plus-Symbol in der oberen rechten Ecke der Seite. Das Plus-Symbol befindet sich zwischen den Meldungen und den Kompasssymbolen. Du kannst dann das Bild auswählen, das du von deinem Computer hochladen möchtest.

4. Bearbeite dein Foto

Sobald du ein Foto von deinem Computer ausgewählt hast, das du posten möchtest, kannst du das Foto bearbeiten. Du kannst dem Beitrag auch eine Bildunterschrift und einen Standort hinzufügen und Personen markieren. In den erweiterten Einstellungen kannst du die Kommentarfunktion auch deaktivieren.

5. Teilen

Nachdem du dein Foto bearbeitet und eine Bildunterschrift erstellt hast, kannst du deinen Beitrag in deinem Instagram-Feed teilen.

Andere Möglichkeiten, von einem PC aus auf Instagram zu posten

Du kannst Instagram-Fotos und -Videos von einem PC aus posten, aber du kannst keine Instagram-Storys, Instagram-Anzeigen, IGTV-Posts oder Reels von einem Computer aus teilen. Du kannst auch kein Live-Video von einem PC aus starten. In der Desktop-Version von Instagram bist du daher auf das Posten von Fotos und Videos beschränkt. Damit kannst du jedoch viele der Instagram-Aufgaben deines Unternehmens problemlos von deinem Schreibtisch aus erledigen.

Keiner weiß aktuell, wie wir von einem PC aus eine Instagram-Story posten können, aber man weiß nie, was die Zukunft bringt.

Neben dem Posten auf Instagram über einen Webbrowser oder die Verwendung der Chrome-Erweiterung gibt es noch einige andere Möglichkeiten, wie du von einem PC auf Instagram posten kannst, wie z. B. die Verwendung einer Planungssoftware. Du kannst eine Planungssoftware wie Mailchimp verwenden, um deine Instagram-Posts im Voraus zu planen. Eine Planungssoftware kann sehr hilfreich sein, wenn es darum geht, deine Inhalte für die sozialen Netzwerke zu verwalten und sicherzustellen, dass deine Beiträge immer zur richtigen Zeit hochgeladen werden.

Wenn du ein Unternehmen besitzt, ist es wichtig, in den sozialen Medien präsent zu sein. Aber nur in den sozialen Medien präsent zu sein reicht nicht aus. Du musst darüber hinaus auch regelmäßig auf den von dir ausgewählten Socia-Media-Plattformen posten und mit deinen Followern interagieren.

Wir verstehen, dass dies für Geschäftsinhaber mit begrenzter Zeit und begrenzten Ressourcen eine Herausforderung sein kann. Hier kann die Verwendung einer Terminplanungssoftware von großem Vorteil sein. Eine Planungssoftware kann dir bei allem helfen – von der Erstellung organischer Social-Media-Beiträge bis hin zu zielgerichteten Anzeigen, sodass du alle deine Kanäle in den sozialen Medien an einem Ort verwalten kannst.

Egal, ob du ein etabliertes Unternehmen oder ein Startup hast: es ist immer sehr hilfreich zu wissen, wie man von einem PC aus auf Instagram postet. Das Posten auf Instagram von einem Computer aus ist einfach, sobald die dafür notwendigen Schritte kennst und dich mit den Unterschieden zwischen PC und Mobilgeräten vertraut gemacht hast.

Wenn du dich von all den Verwaltungsaufgaben für deine Social-Media-Beiträge überfordert fühlst, ziehe die Verwendung von Mailchimp in Betracht. Du kannst Mailchimp für dein Social-Media-Marketing nutzen sowie als Planungstool für das automatische Hochladen von Social-Media-Beiträgen zu bestimmten Zeiten.

Außerdem kannst du mit der Planungssoftware von Mailchimp einen Einblick in deine Daten gewinnen, sodass du herausfinden kannst, was auf jedem deiner Kanäle funktioniert und was nicht. Du hast Zugriff auf eine Vielzahl hilfreicher Tools, mit denen du Social-Media-Kampagnen erstellen, Anzeigen entwerfen und Inhalte für alle deine sozialen Plattformen erstellen kannst. Fang noch heute damit an und überzeuge dich selbst, welchen Unterschied die Verwendung von Mailchimp machen kann.

How to Post on Instagram from a PC or Mac (3 Methods)

Tired of posting on Instagram from your phone? Wondering how to post on Instagram from your PC or Mac instead?

You’ve come to the right place. Posting on Instagram from your desktop can save you time and offer more flexibility in what you can upload (such as edited videos and images).

And you can do it without having to upload them onto your phone first.

Below we’ve outlined three different ways to post on Instagram from your computer.

How to post on Instagram from your computer

Method 1: How to post on Instagram from your computer using Hootsuite

Method 2: How to post on Instagram from a PC or Mac

Method 3: How to post on Instagram from your computer using Creator Studio

How to post an Instagram Story from desktop

How to post an Instagram carousel post from desktop

How to edit an Instagram post from desktop

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

How to post on Instagram from your computer

Below, you’ll find ways to post on Instagram from your PC or Mac. We’ll also show you how to post via Hootsuite which works on either operating system.

If you’re more of a visual learner, watch this video from our pals at Hootsuite Labs to see how easy it can be:

Method 1: How to post on Instagram from your computer using Hootsuite

You can schedule feed posts, Stories, carousel posts, and Instagram ads with Hootsuite.

The instructions below will walk you through the process of posting to your Instagram feed. We cover Instagram Stories and carousels a little further down in this article.

To post on Instagram from a PC or Mac using Hootsuite, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Hootsuite dashboard. If you don’t have an account yet, create one here for free.
  2. From your dashboard, click on the green New Post button at the top.
  3. The New Post window will appear. Under Post to, select the Instagram account where you want to post your content. If you haven’t added an account yet, you can do that by clicking +Add a social network in the box and following the directions.
  4. Drop the image or video you want to post to Instagram in the Media section. Enhance your image and/or video with the photo editor.
  5. Once you’re done, add your caption in the Text section as well as any hashtags you want to use. You also have the option to add a location at the bottom.
  6. When you’ve crafted your post, review it for any errors. Once you’re sure everything is good to post, click the Post Now button at the bottom. Alternatively, you can also Schedule for later if you want it to post at a different time.

For a quick summary of how to post on Instagram from Hootsuite, watch this video:

Voila! Posting photos and videos to Instagram from PC or Mac is that easy.

Method 2: How to post on Instagram from a PC or Mac

As of October 2021, all Instagram users can create and publish feed posts from the browser version of the app. 

To post on Instagram from your desktop computer (PC or Mac), follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Instagram website ( and sign in to your account.
  2. Click the plus symbol in the top right corner of the screen (it’s the same button you would use to create a post in the mobile app). A Create new post window will pop up.
  3. Drag photo or video files into the popup window, or click Select from computer to browse and pick files from your PC or Mac. If you want to create a carousel post, you can select up to 10 files.
  4. Click the frame icon in the bottom left corner of the popup to change the ratio of your image or video. You can also use the zoom feature (looking glass icon in the bottom left) and drag your file to edit your frame. When you’re done, click Next in the top right corner.
  5. Edit your image. You can select one of 12 preset effects in the Filters tab or go to the Adjustments tab and manually adjust specs such as brightness, contrast and fade. Click Next.
  6. Write your caption. Click on the smiley face icon to browse and pick emojis. You can also type in a location in the Add location bar, restrict commenting in Advanced settings and add alt text to your files in the Accessibility section.
  7. Click Share.

And that’s it! 

At the moment, only feed posts can be created and published directly from Instagram on desktop. Keep reading to find out how to post Instagram Stories from a PC or Mac computer.

Method 3: How to post on Instagram from your computer using Creator Studio

If Instagram is your social network of choice and you don’t mind not having all your social networks in one dashboard, Creator Studio could be a good option for you.

Note that when using Creator Studio, you can post and schedule all types of posts other than Instagram Stories.

How to post on Instagram using Creator Studio:

  1. Make sure you are connected to Instagram in Creator Studio.
  2. Navigate to the Instagram section.
  3. Click Create Post.
  4. Click Instagram Feed.
  5. Choose the account you want to post to (if you have more than one Instagram account connected).
  6. Add a caption and a location (optional).
  7. Click Add Content to add photos or videos.
  8. Next, choose between these 2 options:
    • Click From File Upload to upload new content.
    • Click From Facebook Page to post content that you’ve already shared on your Facebook.
  9. (Optional) If you want to simultaneously post this content to the Facebook Page connected to your Instagram account, check the box next to your Page under Post to Facebook. You can add additional details to your Facebook post after you publish to Instagram.
  10. Click Publish.

How to post an Instagram Story from desktop

You can post an Instagram Story from your computer using a third-party social media management tool like Hootsuite. Just follow the steps outlined in this short video:

Or, read our step-by-step article on how to post an Instagram Story from your computer.

If you don’t have Hootsuite, you can post an Instagram Story from your PC or Mac through the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to developer mode on either Safari or Google Chrome (see Mac and PC sections above for detailed steps).
  3. Click on the camera in the top left.
  4. Choose an image or video you’d like to add to your story. Edit it with text, stickers, filters, gifs, or whatever else.
  5. Tap Add to your story at the bottom.

You’re done! It’s practically the same steps as if you were using the Instagram app on a mobile device.

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How to post an Instagram carousel post from desktop

With Hootsuite, you can also create and easily publish carousel posts (with up to 10 images or videos) directly to Instagram. Here’s how.

1. Go to Planner and tap New post to launch Compose.

2. Select the Instagram account you want to publish to.

3. Include your caption in the Text box.

4. Go to Media and tap Select files to upload. Select all the images you want to include in your carousel. All selected images should appear under Media.

5. Use the yellow Schedule button to select a date and time to publish your post.

6. Tap Schedule. The post will show up in your Planner at the time you have scheduled it for.

That’s it! Your post will go live on the date and time you selected.

How to edit an Instagram post from desktop

Hootsuite Compose allows you to edit any image directly on your dashboard before you post it. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to edit the image once it’s posted.

Follow these steps to edit:

  1. Log into your Hootsuite dashboard. If you don’t have an account yet, get your free 30-day trial here (no pressure to pay, you can cancel anytime).
  2. From your dashboard, click on the green New Post button at the top.
  3. The New Post window will appear. Under Post to, select the Instagram account where you want to post your content. If you haven’t added an account yet, you can do that by clicking +Add a social network in the box and following the directions.
  4. Drop the images and/or videos you want to post to Instagram in the Media section
  5. To edit, click on Edit Image below the Media section. This brings up Hootsuite Composer’s edit tool. It allows you to customize the aspect ratio of your image to fit practically any social media platform’s image metrics. From the sidebar, you also have the ability to add filters, adjust lighting and focus, add text and stickers, and use the brush too.
  6. Once you’re finished click Save.
  7. Add your caption, hashtags, and location. Then click Post Now. 

Voila! You just edited your image from your desktop.

Post to Instagram from your PC or Mac using Hootsuite. Save time, grow your audience, and measure your performance alongside all your other social channels. Try it free today.

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Easily publish and schedule Instagram posts from your computer with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

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How to add a photo or video to Instagram* from a computer

June 12, 2020 Likbez Technology

Social network desktop site does not allow posting. But there are workarounds.

1. How to add a photo or video to Instagram* from a computer using a desktop browser

You can open the mobile version of the Instagram* website on your computer and create stories and posts there, just like in the official app. How to do this - we show on the example of Chrome, but in most other browsers the steps will be similar.

Go to the Instagram* website and log in to your account.

Open developer tools. To do this, press Shift + Ctrl + I or right-click on the page and select View Code (or a line with a similar name).

On the toolbar that opens, find the icon with a schematic representation of multiple monitors or mobile devices and click on it. If you can't find it, press Shift + Ctrl + M. One way or another, the browser should launch the site in mobile mode.

Customize the size of the Instagram* interface that is convenient for you using the buttons above the site window.

Refresh the page. After that, a publish button will appear and you can use the social network on a PC in the same way as on a smartphone.

2. How to upload a photo or video to Instagram* from a computer using Facebook* Creator Studio

Last year, Facebook* launched a dedicated Creator Studio section. It allows you to publish and even schedule posts on Instagram*. You can't create stories yet.

To work with Creator Studio, you need to switch your Instagram* account to a professional one (creator profile or business account). To do this, go to the settings of the Instagram* mobile app, select "Account" → "Switch to a professional account" and follow the prompts. The procedure will take you a couple of minutes. If you don’t like something, you can return to the usual account type at any time.

In addition, you must link your profile to a Facebook page*. To do this, click the Edit (iOS) or Edit Profile (Android) button on your account page in the Instagram* app. Select "Page" and connect your new Facebook* page using system prompts.

Now open Creator Studio on your computer browser, select the Instagram* icon at the top and log in with your account.

To make a post, on the left panel, click the Create a post button and select Instagram* Feed. Add a photo or video using the Add Content button.

Click the arrow next to Publish and select the appropriate option: Publish Now (publish now) or Plan (schedule). In the second case, you can specify the time at which the service will publish the post automatically.

3. How to add a photo or video to Instagram* from a computer using the Android emulator for PC

Emulators are special programs that allow you to run any Android application directly on your computer. By launching the official Instagram* mobile client this way, you can easily publish Stories and posts. You don't need an Android device for this.

Install any free emulator from Lifehacker's selection for Windows, Linux and macOS. In the screenshot example, you can see a window with the NoxPlayer interface.

Launch the emulator and enter the Google Play app store through it by clicking on the corresponding icon. Connect your old or create a new Google account to be able to download Android apps.

Download Instagram* from Google Play directly in the emulator and log into your profile. After that, you can publish videos and pictures from your computer as if you were using the social network on your smartphone.

See also

  • 20 must-have apps for Instagram users*
  • How to view a private Instagram profile*
  • How to restore or access your VKontakte page
  • 17 Instagram tricks* you might not know about
  • You can now create your own digital avatar on Facebook*. Here's how to do it

*Meta Platforms Inc. activity. and its social networks Facebook and Instagram are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.

How to add a photo to Instagram from a computer in 2021 - detailed instructions

Anyone who has ever tried to upload a photo to Instagram* from a web page through a browser knows that it cannot be done just like that. This is done using:

  • available browser tools (using four programs as an example);
  • extensions for Chrome (on the example of two);
  • deferred posting services;
  • Creator Studio via Facebook*;
  • Instagram promotion services*;
  • Android and iOS emulators for PC;
  • online services;
  • applications from the Microsoft website (using two as an example).

Below we will analyze each of them.

With the help of available browser tools

This method is suitable for those who want to download rarely and little.

How to add a photo to Instagram* via Google Chrome

To start uploading a photo:

  • Log in to Instagram* via Google Chrome or its extended version of Cent Browser on your computer.
  • Press F12 (or Shift+Ctrl+I, or right-click anywhere on the page, then View Code).
  • In the developer window that appears on the right, click the phone icon.
The icon is called Toggle device toolbar
  • Refresh the page.
Do not close the developer window!
  • Use.
The plus sign that appears will allow you to publish a photo on Instagram*

How to upload a photo to Instagram* using Mozilla Firefox

  • Access your Instagram page* through Mozilla Firefox on your computer.
  • Press F12 (or Shift+Ctrl+I, or right-click anywhere on the page, then "Inspect Element").
  • In the developer window that appears, click the phone icon.
Unlike other browsers, the developer window in Mozilla initially opens at the bottom of the page, and not on the right. Unlike other browsers, Mozilla will not produce the desired result without selecting a model
  • Refresh the page.
Do not close the developer window when updating!
  • Done! Post your new photos on Instagram*.
Upload a photo using the usual plus sign
  • If ​​you don't like the developer window at the bottom of the page, move it on the screen to the right.
Click the three dots next to the phones icon, and select "Pin to Right" from the menu that appears

How to upload a photo to Instagram* via Opera

To post a photo:

  • Access your Instagram profile* via the Opera browser on your computer.
  • Press F12 (or Shift+Ctrl+I, or right-click anywhere on the page, then View Element Code).
  • In the window that appears, click the phone icon.
After clicking, you will see how the view of the displayed Instagram* page will change.
  • Refresh the page.
Do not close the developer window when updating!
  • Start uploading photos.
Click on the plus sign, select the desired photo from your computer to publish it

How to upload a photo to Instagram* through Yandex.Browser

To start uploading a photo:

  • Log in to Instagram* through a browser on your computer.
  • Press F12 (or Shift+Ctrl+I, or right-click anywhere on the page, then "Inspect Element").
  • In the window that appears, click the phone icon.
The icon is called Toggle device toolbar
  • Refresh the page.
Do not close the window on the right side!
  • Use.
Click the plus sign and upload your photo

Using Chrome extensions

If you have Chrome browser in your arsenal, you can use the extensions designed for posting photos on Instagram*. There are many of them, but most of them work crookedly, or do not work at all.

Consider installing and working with extensions using Upload Photo to Instagram* as an example.

After downloading, go to Extensions and turn on the download.

You can go to Extensions in Settings via Additional tools, or click on the Extensions panel icon in the form of a mosaic piece Find the desired Extension and enable it by clicking on the Button lines

Clicking on the extension icon will open a new browser tab with the main page of Instagram*. If you have logged in to your Instagram profile * in the browser, then it will open.

The icon for adding a new photo to the Feed will appear near the Settings on your Profile page By clicking on it, the window for adding a new post to the Feed will open right here

Of course, with this method of loading content, we are not talking about filters and some complicated settings. You can only add an image, make a caption and tag people in the photo if necessary.

Another extension is App Phone for Instagram* or [App Instagram*].(

Install it in the same way as above.

Add it to the Extensions panel After clicking on the extension icon, a new tab will open with the image of a smartphone. Add a photo from your computer as if you are using a smartphone

Using the delayed posting service

The delayed posting service is designed to facilitate the management of Instagram accounts*. You plan today, and see the result tomorrow (and even a year later).

SMMplanner allows you to add and remove photos and videos for a minimum amount, publish them to the Feed, Stories and IGTV.

Convenient and intuitive interface

You can apply all sorts of filters and settings to the content, edit the general appearance of the page and, of course, make many posts at once and set the time of their publication.

Read more about the service in the article "How to upload photos to Instagram* from a computer" on the SMMplanner blog.

But back to the topic of the article: exactly how to publish a photo on Instagram* through SMMplanner.

After registering with the service, in the Accounts tab, select "Connect account".

Please note that through the service you can post photos not only on Instagram * Enter the data from your profile on the social network and click "Connect" Go to the Posts tab and click "Schedule a post"

You will see a window for planning a new post post. Everything is simple here and there are hints everywhere, no dancing with a tambourine.

Add a photo via the "Photo/Video" button, write text and publish

Despite the fact that the service is paid, you can use it for free.

The guys from SMMplanner provide two free plans, you just have to choose

With Creator Studio

The official service from Facebook*. All work takes place in the browser, after authorization in Creator Studio, you can add and delete photos, set up delayed posting and see page statistics.

After logging into Creator Studio and creating a Page, link your Instagram account* to your Facebook page* by clicking on the Instagram icon*

Following the instructions, enter the Login and Password for the desired Instagram account*, and confirm the link to Facebook* from your smartphone. Subsequently, you can switch between Instagram * and Facebook * through these two icons on top.

In the window that opens, add a picture using the Create Publication button, add text and publish

Features of the service:

  • you will have to authorize via Facebook*, create a page and link Instagram* and Facebook* accounts to each other;
  • works only with business and Author accounts;
  • Stories cannot be published;
  • there are additional restrictions due to Instagram* permissions.

You can switch to the Author account in the following way. Go to Instagram Settings* on your smartphone, select "Account" and then "Switch to Professional Account".

Select the post category that best suits your content, then select "Author"

Using the promotion service

Instaplus is an automated online promotion service on Instagram*. It can automatically like, subscribe and unsubscribe, watch Stories, and much more.

We are interested in the ability to upload photos from a computer to Instagram* using Instaplus. On the main page, through the "Try for free" button, register, and then link your Instagram account *.
You can add a photo via Instaplus as follows:

Go to the Autoposting tab, select an account and add a photo or photo gallery from your computer

Then you can edit the photo, add a description and a geotag.

Using the Android and iOS emulator

Using the Android application emulator would be more popular, if not for one "but", about which a little later. The essence of the emulator is as follows: by installing the program on your computer, you will work with applications on the monitor as if you were sitting on your phone.

Consider BlueStacks.

After installing the application, log in to your Google Play account In the search, enter the word "Instagram *" and install the application You can enter Instagram* by clicking on the Notifications icon ... ... section My games

To upload images to Instagram*, you first need to add these photos to the emulator library.

Enter Media Manager, yellow icon in My Games Click "Import from Windows" and select the desired photos You will see them in the imported files here Now go to the Instagram emulator* and upload photos in the same way as you would on your phone: a plus sign at the bottom in the center of the screen , and the Gallery will already have the necessary photos

There is another way. When you launch Instagram* through the emulator, and press the familiar plus sign at the bottom of the screen to create a new post, open the Gallery.

Select "Others" and expand the list as shown in screenshot Click Select from Windows and mark the desired photos on your computer Now they are stored in the SharedFolder section You can find this section in the Gallery list when creating a post. After choosing an image, continue to create a post by pressing the blue arrow at the top of the screen

Now that "but" - the moment about the performance of your computer. If you have 4 GB. RAM and less, then each process in the emulator will take you 5 minutes or more; in other words, everything will slow down, and the program may refuse to work at all.

With the help of online services

Here the situation is the same as with browser extensions - there are many online services, but few of them work. Consider the principle on the example of instap. ru.

The service was created specifically for working with Instagram accounts*. Please register before using the service for the first time.

To add a photo from your computer, enter your Instagram Login and Password* in the required window and click "Add". Next "Download from PC" After selecting the desired image, you will be able to access the settings window

Through the service, you can add a description, mark users, publish photos both in the Feed and in Stories. But such free services have bugs. This will upset that after applying filters to a photo, it is published without them.

Disadvantages of the service: no more than three posts per day without a premium plan, you can't create a photo gallery and apply settings from Stories to photos when posting there.

Using applications from the Microsoft website

Until recently, by installing the official Instagram* application from Microsoft, you could upload photos and videos from your computer to Instagram*. The creators have updated it, and now there is no such possibility left. Despite the outrage in the product reviews, no one is going to return the ability to upload photos. But this method cannot be discounted yet. As they say, what if?

It's worth noting that you can also download other apps from the Microsoft Store that allow you to upload photos to Instagram* from your computer.

App for Instagram*: View, Upload Photo, which should allow you to upload images. By the way, this is the only function of this application, in addition to viewing the Feed and Profile.

Should I pay $10 for a simple photo upload?

Winsta is an unofficial Instagram client* for Windows 10.

The application is paid, but you can use the free trial period of 7 days

In the application, you can add an image, edit its size and make a description for the post.

Winsta has only an English-language interface, adding a new photo via the Feed button

Let's summarize

There are many ways to upload photos to Instagram* from a computer, for clarity, we will collect them in a single table and compare the possibilities of the methods with the functionality of the Instagram* application on a smartphone.

on smartphone



creator studio

via browser


upload photo

app phone

app for Instagram*


upload photo from computer











resize (square / rectangle)











make gallery











improve photo (contrast, brightness)











apply filters











add description











add geotag











add people to the photo











share on Facebook* and so on.











turn off comments











alternative text











add photo to story











edit photos for stories (poll, tag, etc.

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